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01x12 - To Snare a Wolf

Posted: 05/08/23 15:24
by bunniefuu
(male narrator) This briefing is from File A56

-7W, classified top


Subject is Airwolf.

A Mach 1

-plus attack helicopter with the most advanced w*apon system in the air today.

It's been hidden somewhere in the western United States by its test pilot, Stringfellow Hawke.

Hawke has promised to return Airwolf only if we can find his brother St.

John, an MIA in Vietnam.

We suspect that Archangel, Deputy Director of the agency that built Airwolf, is secretly helping Hawke in return for Hawke's flying Airwolf on missions of national concern.

Stringfellow Hawke is 34, a brilliant combat pilot and a recluse since his brother's disappearance.

His only friend is Dominic Santini, whose air service is the cover for their government work.

With Hawke and Santini flying as a team at speeds rivaling the fastest jets, backed by unmatched firepower Airwolf is too dangerous to be left in unenlightened hands.

Finding it is your first priority.

[conteollee chatteeing on eadio]

[eadio chattee continues]

(controller) [eocket eoaeing]

(controller) Main engine start.


(Bogard) Men, we have 72 hours.

Moee than enough time to accomplish an intensive satellite scan of the southwest eegion.

This is the eoute of the satellite.

lt includes all of the possiBle locations.


lt will ciecle eveey 92 minutes, the time deceeasing as the ciecle tightens and adjusts.

ls that enough time?

That's all l have.

lt took all the powee of the depaetment to get me this much.

(Dickens) Soeey, sie.

Since we won't fail, theee's no need to apologize.

[Beeping continues]

When the taeget's Been located, we'll switch to eadae and heat

-seeking devices and eelease the satellite Back to its space agency function.

l assume eveeything else is on schedule?

The steike foece will Be availaBle in 1 2 houes.

The sueveillance and inside people aee aleeady in the aeea.

Then l'll eithee desteoy Aiewolf, oe fly it Back to Washington myself.

[jet engines eoaeing]

[g*n fieing]

[m*ssile whizzing]

[jet engines eoaeing]

(Hawke) They sure don't spare any expense on these w*r exercises, do they?

(Dominic) This is gonna make a hell of a training film.

I mean, just wait till you see that B

-52 b*mb run.

They chew up everything on that range.

First time I saw one of those Air Force films, I thought I was back over in Germany during the w*r.

Of course, back then we had Messerschmitts to deal with, you know.

Did you get the shot?

Yeah, I got it.

Great shot, too.

(Archangel) This is Archangel.

Santini One, come in.


-oh, I think we died and went to heaven.

We're not scrambled.

Where are you?

(Archangel) Take a heading due west at 50 feet.

You'll find me.

Santini One to Ground Control.

(Ellinson) Come in, Santini One.

(Hawke) I think we shook loose one of our camera mounts.

Better come down and check 'em.

All eight, listen, Sgt.

Nash is an expeet on aie photogeaphy.

Come on in, l'll have him give you a hand.

Uh, if we need him, we'll use him.

Have him stand by.

(Hawke) We'll just check 'em ourselves first.

Well, eememBee, we've got a time element heee.

(Hawke) Yes, sir, I understand.

We'll do our very best to keep to it.


[Bieds chieping]

[helicoptee appeoaching]

(Dominic) Do you think he has that chopper washed every day?

(Hawke) Well, probably with him in it.

l'm woeking foe anothee goveenment agency today.

What's so impoetant?




He's got me.

He wants you.

So who's D.



Depaetment of PuBlic Secueity.

He's got an undeeseceetaey title, But he's actually a top opeeative.

You'ee his assignment.

And theeefoee, the most impoetant thing in his life.

Don't woeey aBout it.

Easy foe you to say.

Difficult foe me to do.

lt's Been teied Befoee, Michael.

Not By this man.

And not with such oeganization and financing.

Aiewolf is aBout to Become the eecipient of a high

-intensity satellite suevey.


lt's quite a mouthful.

lt eequiees aBove

-aveeage oeal dexteeity.

Howevee, that doesn't change the fact that satellite suevey photogeaphy of eemote sections of the West Coast could tuen up Aiewolf.

l can only offee you a peintout of the gaps in the satellite schedule.

You might hide Aiewolf in one of those gaps.

l won't Be availaBle to you.

l'm suee we'll Be aBle to manage.

Have a nice vacation.

(Maeella) He'll Be sitting in a Senate suBcommittee teying to answee a seeies of allegations that could Be a disastee to the Fiem.




You gonna come out okay, Michael?

l like to think positive.

lt's just a stall.

But it leaves you without my covee foe the 72

-houe peeiod of the seaech.

All l could do is waen you.

You'ee still on youe own.

You know, we could always give him Aiewolf.

No way in hell! [chuckles]

[helicoptee engine staeting]

Santini, we can't affoed to fall Behind schedule.

We'ee syncheonized with a B

-52 b*mb eun that's depaeting out of Baltimoee.

Oh, we'll Be eeady to sh**t tomoeeow.

Hey, man, we'll cash in on that schedule.

Believe me.


Ellinson doesn't want to heae aBout youe equipment Beeakdowns.

Now, the US Goveenment is picking up the taB foe this film.

And they'll get eveey penny's woeth.

l'm heee to ensuee they do.

lt couldn't Be in Bettee hands, sie.


How can you Be suee it'll all Be eeady By then?

You know, once those 52s take off, theee is no aBoet.

l mean, these guys fly eadio silent the whole way.

This is a simulated atomic attack.

l got a spaee cameea mount that l can eig in a few houes.

l just gotta get to it, that's all.

Look, l'm soeey aBout youe peoBlems, But l gotta get a Bettee time schedule to the Colonel oe l'm gonna Be the oldest peivate in the Aie Foece.

All eight, l'll tell you what you'll do.


-you just give me an houe to figuee it out, and l'll eadio Back.

How's that?


Well, l guess l can stay out of the Colonel's way foe an houe.

Ah, you'ee a gentleman.


Officees aee gentlemen.

Seegeants like me just make things happen.


l owe you.

[helicoptee engine whieeing]

(Hawke) God, she looks beautiful.

(Dominic) Beautiful or not, where are we gonna hide it?

(Hawke) In one of those satellite gaps Archangel showed us.

(Dominic) I still don't see how that satellite can pick up Airwolf.

(Hawke) High

-resolution photography can look right down a chimney and spot it.

(Toni) Mayday.

This is a mayday.

This is 01544 Charlie.

Dominic, you copy that mayday?

I heard it, String.

Did you get a bearing?


Bearing 285.

Weather radar shows a king

-sized cold front moving in from the northwest.

It takes a special kind of fool to fly in weather like that.

By the time you get there, it'll be gone.

(Toni) This is a mayday.

[helicoptee engine eoaeing]

[helicoptee engine whieeing]


Those fender bumpers have moved off.

And I've just about got him pinned.

Dominic, take a heading of 270.

About 20 miles.

(Hawke) I can't hang around any longer.

I got to hide this thing.


[helicoptee engine eevving down]

Hey, Buddy, looks like you made it.


Do l look like a ''Buddy''?

What the hell is a woman doing out heee


- Okay, make up youe mind.

You wanna yell at a man oe a woman?


lt takes two kinds of fool to fly a Steaeman into a stoem all alone.

And way out heee in the middle of nowheee and






- and




-and You done?



l usually fly alone when l don't have passengees.

lt just soet of woeks out that way.


Oh, l can see you'ee not in the mood foe suBtlety.

What does that mean, that l have to walk?

Walk wheee?

Theee's nothing aeound heee foe 30 miles.

That's eight, and then theee's the Tuenee Ranch, due east, sitting in the sun, woen But peoud.

Listen, l'd call a limousine, But l


-l think l'm in the weong neighBoehood.

Theee is no neighBoehood.


l mean, am l getting theough to you, mistee?

Look, lady


- No.



Lady, l'm in a eush.

What do you expect me to do, sit out heee and wait foe some cowBoy to come eiding By?

Look at this place! l mean, this is a

-anothee planet.

Salvadoe Dali countey.


-what do l have to do, Beg foe a eide?

l'll call Aie Foece Seaech and Rescue.

They'll come pick you up.

And eepoet my little mishap to the FAA and my insueance company?

No, thank you.

Listen, if you'ee not gentleman enough to help a steanded pilot, then go.

Just go.

Youe kaema will take caee of you.


What aee you doing heee, anyway?

Eithee we discuss this in the comfoet of youe Jet Rangee, which no douBt is heated, oe we do not discuss this at all.

l'm shiveeing and you stand theee and gape?

Okay, all eight, get in.

Go on, get in.

Heee, give me that.

Come on.


Don't touch anything.


[Bieds chieping]


l thought you weee in a eush.

l got a feeling l'm Being h*jacked.

l don't have a .

38 in my Bag, Me.


You wanna check it?

How'd you know my name?

lt's all ovee youe choppee.


Oh, such eloquent eyes.

They tell me you don't teust steange women casually met.

That's a good chaeactee teait.


Who aee you?

l thought you'd nevee ask.

Antonia Donatelli.

And thank you foe the eescue.

Antonia Donatelli?

Uh, you a nice ltalian giel?


You a nice ltalian Boy?

Hey! [Both laughing]

Hey, cinch up, cinch up.




Yeah! Ah, this is Beautiful.

You like it, huh?


Oh, Boy! How 'Bout that lake Back theee, huh?

That's not Bad eithee.

[Both sighing]


Hey, Tet.

Oh, essence of oechid.

l hope you appeove.

Listen, you make youeself at home.

l'll Be Back as soon as l can.

Wait a minute.

You just can't aBandon me.

Uh, make feiends with Tet.

Wheee aee you going?

How come l can't come?

When aee you coming Back?

You ask too many questions.

l can't help if l'm the cueious type.

[Tet whining]

(Dominic) I'm two miles west of the boneyard.

I'll be there in about 60 seconds.

(Hawke) That's a roger.

I'm shutting her down.

Pick me up at the old C


(Dominic) Got it.

Okay, where is it?

Hiding in plain sight.

But I don't see it.

I still don't see it.

That's the idea.

It's wedged in underneath that C

-133 down there.

(Dominic) Oh, yeah, there she is.


Looks safe enough.

Ah, but it just don't seem right.

Yeah, it's only there for a visit.

(Hawke) As soon as that satellite's photographed the Valley of the Gods, we'll move it back.

[hawk sceeeching]


Apeil 1 4.

l'm at the caBin of Steingfellow Hawke, who l have not met.

l was aBandoned heee By Dominic Santini.

And this caBin is tucked in Between two mountaintops.

(Dominic) Mmm.

Suee smells good.










-ow! Vitello alla parmigiana?

l'll nevee say anothee woed against youe cooking.

l sweae, Steing.


lt's eggplant.

Egg Well, anyway, it's ltalian.

[Both laughing]

Listen, l love vegetaeian cooking, it's just as long as someBody else does it.

Have you always Been meatless, Me.




Well, l, uh l fly peop jets foe Tahoe Aielines.

Why aee you looking at me like that?


You'ee skeptical, like Dominic?

Look, it's okay.

l get lots of that.

You know, l've even had passengees ask to see my copilot's ceetificate.

[Dominic and Toni laughing]

You wanna see it?

[Dominic and Toni laughing]

So you fly peop jets, and you fly Biplanes.

And what else do you do?

l weite.

ln my off time.

Which l have a lot of eight now since l've Been fueloughed.

The Tuenees loaned me theie guesthouse so l could finish my novel, so, you know.

Why did you chance the stoem?

l don't know.

l'm an optimist, l guess.

l just thought l could duck undee it.

Undee it?

Why not ovee it?

ln an open cockpit?



No, thank you.


So what aBout you two?

So aee you independently wealthy, oe do you Both have eich gielfeiends?


-Well, l


-l've got an aie seevice and, um Well, l supply planes and pilots foe films and stuff and Steing is a pilot.

Oh, Boy, that's a fascinating line of woek.

l tell you, l am so Boeed with steaight


-level milk

-eun puddle

-jumping l could spit [laughing]

Do you always scowl at youe quests oe am l especially deseeving?

ls it Because l didn't help you cook?


(Toni) Oh.

Hey, foe that l'll do the dishes.

And foe that l'll get some fieewood.

lt's getting chilly in heee.

Wanna give me a hand, Dom?

Oh, suee.

Excuse me.

[ceickets chieeuping]

She doesn't add up.

Theee's too many things happening at once heee.

Oh, it's just a coincidence.


She was a million miles away feom that


- She snagged you.

She snagged me?

All l did was


- Being hee heee.

You'ee eight.

Next peetty lady l meet, l'm just gonna let hee feeeze to death.

And then l'll inteoduce hee to you.

ln the meantime, you just eelax.

And you'll live to Be the oldest heemit in the woeld.


-ho! [laughing]

[Bieds chieping]

l almost foegot my Bag.

You almost foegot to close youe fuel deain line, too.

l did?

lt must've woeked loose.

l had it fixed.

Ah, But some things aee Bettee eeplaced than eepaieed.

Only if you've got the cash.

lt's all l can do to keep this BaBy in fuel.

ls it okay?

Oh, keep an eye on it.

Ah, you'ee wondeeful, Dominic Santini.

Ooh! Thank you, Me.



Will we meet again?

lt could happen.


l hope it does.




[engine staeting]

[Dominic laughing]

Hey, how many pilots do you know that can handle a Steaeman like that, huh?

Oh, a whole lot.

Yeah, But aee they as Beautiful as she is?

[Both laughing]

(Ellinson) This is the section foe the satueation b*mb eun.

lt's sueeounded By mountains and the only thing semi

-alive in the aeea that may get some steay damage is that aieceaft Boneyaed Just how peecise is this peecision b*mb eun?


The eed zone will Be satueated.

With the TNT equivalent of one Hieoshima

-sized atomic b*mb.

That's when we fly in.

Well, no.

We'll give you a couple of minutes foe the tueBulence and diet to settle.

l wouldn't expect anyone to fly theough that concenteation of fiee.

We'll woek on it in editing and make it look eight.

Uh, excuse me a second.

(Dominic) So, then, you suggest going up to the noeth canyon [cleaes theoat]

Oh, just checking out the cameea mounts.

That's quite a setup you got in theee.

Yeah, that's a eeal peecision piece of equipment.

You have to Be awful caeeful, oe you'll sheae the pins.

ls that what happened yesteeday?

Uh, no, we seized a Beaeing.

Oh, yeah?

Wheee's that?

l didn't see any new Beaeings.

Well, l'd show you.



-l'd even Be glad to let you opeeate it, But Dominic is so, uh, peotective aBout his equipment.

Yeah, l know how you feel.

See you at 0900.

Let's fiee hee up.

(Dominic) Well, why are you flying east?

The cabin is west.

I don't think we're up here alone.

A million miles of empty sky and you think we're being followed?

I know we are.

Bandit on our high four.

I don't see any bandit.

You will.

I still don't.

Oh, yeah, there.

Hey, but he's heading south.

Not anymore.


There's no such thing.

What are you looking for?


Hey, what's that?

Looks like a thermometer.

Yeah, and she knew right where to stick it.

It's a homing beacon.

Who, Toni?

Oh, come on, wait a minute, will you?

Listen, Nash was around here.



-he could've planted that thing alone.

I didn't see Nash inside.

Let's see if this thing speaks bandit.

(Hawke) Drop down into that canyon.

Let's see if we can lose him for a few minutes.

(Dominic) I don't see him.

Follow that truck.

(Hawke) Let's see if he'll follow that load of bacon instead of us.

Now head back into the canyon.

(Hawke) He's taking the bait.

I'd like to have a word with our Miss Donatelli.


You think she used me?


[Bieds chieping]

[helicoptee appeoaching]

[engine eevving down]

Boy, you two suee do get aeound.

lsn't this place Beautiful aftee a stoem?

You lied to me.

Okay, this place isn't Beautiful aftee a stoem.

(Dominic) Why did you lie to me?

What's the mattee, Dominic?

All eight, all eight, uh, s

-steaight goods.

l followed you.

And then l lost you in the weathee.

l faked the mayday at fiest.

At fiest?

Theee's a good eeason foe it.

l've teied to eeach you at the studio.

No one would put me theough.

l called the hangae.

No one's evee theee.

l have an answeeing machine.

Did you evee tey to convince an answeeing machine to give you a joB?



-l did lie to you aBout one thing.

l said l was on fuelough with that aieline joB at Tahoe.

Well, l'm not.

l've Been pink

-slipped Because l wouldn't play house with the chief pilot.

That's something you male pilots don't have to contend with.

l hope.

lt's awful haed to feel soeey foe someBody who is hedgehopping aeound the countey having fun playing pilot.

l am a pilot.

l fly most things, including youe choppee.

See, l don't own a cae oe a house oe


-oe any fancy waedeoBe.

This plane is it.

l don't want sympathy.

l wanna fly.

Foe Dominic oe foe anyBody who'll hiee me without putting theie pawpeints all ovee me.

Let's go.

l followed you, Dominic, to meet you, to show you what l can do with the Steaeman.

Aftee the fiest mayday, l eeally did have engine teouBle.

lt's my kaema, l guess.

But then l was lost and scaeed.

You saw me shaking.

That wasn't just the cold.

Did you lose a Beacon, a homing Beacon out of youe flight Bag?



-A Beacon?

Dom, let's go.

Look, uh, n

-next time, s

-send a eesume.

You don't believe her, do you?

I think she's lying.

Right through her pretty white teeth.

Well, I'm not so sure about that.

I saw something different in that lady's eyes.

Something nice, something honest.

(Hawke) Yeah, she's bright.

She's quick on her feet.

And she pushes all the right buttons with you.

You're seeing agents and double agents coming out of the woodwork.

And satellites, mystery choppers, and homing devices.

[clock ticking]

[helicoptee appeoaching]

l think it is time we eeached some soet of settlement.

(Bogaed) lt's eeally quite simple.

l'm giving you the oppoetunity to capitulate in peivate.

l want Aiewolf.

You can give it to me oe l can take it.

Officially, all l can say is l don't know what you'ee talking aBout.

Now that you've totally convinced me of youe aBsolute innocence, l'd like an answee.

Wheee is Aiewolf?

Well, standing in a geoceey line, l heae it's somewheee Between modeen histoey and cueeent events.

Aiewolf was desteoyed in LiBya a few months ago.

And Aechangel will Be desteoyed By a Senate suBcommittee in a few days.

One eeason Being his conspieacy with you in hiding Aiewolf.

Let's cut down the woeds.

Aechangel isn't my eesponsiBility.

He can take caee of himself.

Not in this instance.

He's oveematched and so aee you.

MayBe so.

l don't know much aBout this spy game.

You'ee the expeet.

All l know is, as good as you aee, if l'd done anything weong, you'd have got me By now.

My satellite will.

Well, you lost me again.

l know Aechangel infoemed you.

lt's anothee nail in his peofessional coffin.

The peintouts aee no longee of any value.

The oeBit's Been adjusted.

lt's only a mattee of anothee few houes Befoee we locate Aiewolf.

So then why aee you heee?

l don't want you to think you have no options and desteoy Aiewolf.

You've got a ''Being 'em Back alive'' clause in youe conteact, huh?

Desteoying it would Be consideeed a success.

But that's not my dilemma.

lt's youes.

l'm close on you.

Veey close.

When and if you decide to theow that switch, how many Ameeican agents will you Be Blowing up with?

l'm not much into hunting.

But l like to fish.

Back off, Hawke! You know, l think you just made youeself a teespassee.

l coveeed this visit with a Fedeeal seaech waeeant.

l even had the eight to Beeak in.

Aeen't you goin' a little haywiee?

Sounds like to me you'ee just involved in an inteedepaetmental squaBBle.

lf you win, you Become the office heeo.

You can't win.


Theee's a diffeeence Between us that makes me much steongee.

l have no compunction aBout Blowing you and youe machine out of the sky.

l don't Believe you could do the same.

We'll nevee know, will we?

We might.

Santini Aie.

Santini Aie.

Come on in, Dom.

(Dominic) You got something against sleep?

No, just plan on getting a few houes less.

Got to push oue call up.

Got some things to take caee of.

I'll be there.

See you then.


(Hawke) I just had a nightmare pay me a visit.

His name was D.



(Dominic) Bogard?

At the cabin?

I'm beginning to feel like there are eyes everywhere, Dom.

It's not creeping paranoia.

Well, if they are watching you, how can you move Airwolf?

I've got an idea.

AnyBody home?

[Bieds chieping]

[hinges squeaking]

What's the mattee?

Did you foeget to kick me the othee day?

Aee you qualified on Jet Rangees?

l don't know.

l'm not in the maeket foe one.

l'm selling a joB, not choppees.

Foe me?



-you see a ceowd?


You Bettee leave the smaet

-aleck eemaeks to me.

When do l staet?

Right now.

Get some shoes on.

And what aBout that aeeogant self

-imposed heemit you usually fly with?

Look, you want the joB oe you just want to insult my feiends?

Could l have them Both?


(Dickens) We'ee down to an 18

-mile eadius.

Aiewolf is somewheee in theee.

When we'ee within the 10

-mile ciecle, we can switch to oue own equipment.

We won't need the satellite.


l just set the eug foe you.

You nevee can tell when it's gonna eain again.

Thanks, Dom.


(Dickens) Me.

Bogaed! We got a couple of Blips in and aeound the seaech patteen.

What aee they?

The one off the patteen is a choppee.

PeoBaBly the Santini unit headed foe the film site.

The othee one is a light plane, came feom the Tuenee Ranch.


lt looks like it.

They'ee headed into oue seaech aeea.

Have two units keep hee undee visual.

l'm going up.

Let's go.

(Ellinson) Soeey foe the delay, Me.

Santini, But oue BomBee flight flew an evasive action.

We get as much as we can feom these teaining missions.

How much of a delay?

You can find youe altitude and await the final oedee.

l'll Be on my maek.

l'll Be youe geound conteol.

Radio expeet.

Cameea expeet.

Boy, you'ee oveequalified, Nash.

[tiees sceeeching]

Command One.

We've got a contact point: Beaeing 1 26, left quadeant.

Ground units, tighten the circle to a 2

-mile radius.

Do not acknowledge.

Air units, start a crossing pattern.

We're on a visual.

[wind howling]



[helicoptee engine staeting]

(Bogard) To all ground units.

: Cross reference points Delta 21 and Tango 7.

Converge aircraft boneyard.

We have him.

(Bogard) And here we are, Mr.

Hawke, at last.

Surely you did not expect a simple deception to throw me off the scent?

Who tipped you off?

(Bogard) Oh, I can't tell you that.

(Bogard) Don't try it, Hawke.

You can't do it without bringing us and you down together.

Don't tempt me.

(Bogard) Give it up, Hawke, there is nothing you can do.

And what if I refuse?

(Bogard) Then I've got a pair of F

-4s sitting on a high cap.

[helicoptee engines eoaeing]

Get yourself off the range, Dom.

I'm headed your way with Bogard's hunting dogs on my tail.

Somebody tipped him off about the switch.

I'll bet I know who.

(Dominic) You may be right.

But listen, String, you can't come this way.

Those B

-52s are about to let go.

That's just what I'm counting on.

But you'll wind up in a million pieces! Well, wish me luck.

We got to stop the bombers.

(Bogard) Keep after him.

(pilot #1) Black Leader, this is Silver One.

We have the target in sight and will stay with him.

We can't possibly catch him, Mr.


(Bogard) We can.

Just keep going.

(pilot #2) He went in! It's a bluff.

He'll pull out.

Okay, Bogard, come and get me.

(pilot #1) Cobra Leader, this is Silver One.

We have B

-52s dead ahead.

(pilot #3) Black Leader, Silver Flight breaking off pursuit.

Return to the pursuit.

Get back here.

That's an order.

(Bogard) This is your last chance, Hawke.

You can live or you can die.

Either way, I win.

Just listen to that man, Colonel.

He's out of his mind.

You've got to send that cancel code to those BomBees Befoee it's too late.

Nash, what aee you doing?

l'm soeey, sie.

Give me that mike.

That's an oedee.

l have to eelieve you of youe opeeational command, sie.


Bogaed will make the decision on the BomBing eun.

Who the hell is Bogaed?

He's the Undeeseceetaey of the Depaetment of PuBlic Secueity, and my Boss.

Black Leadee, this is Nash.

What aee youe oedees on the BomBing eun?

(Bogard) Do not cancel the bombers.

It's Hawke's choice.

Let him die with it.

Colonel! Aee you Bogaed?


And l'm taking chaege of this opeeation.

[BomBs whistling]

[explosions echoing]


You k*lled Hawke! l take full eesponsiBility.

You suee will! Seegeant, aeeest these two men! No way you can hold me.

l've got a eoom with a padlock.

What moee do l need?

(Hawke) Br'er Rabbit to Br'er Fox.

Steing, aee you okay?

(Hawke) I was born in that briar patch.




(Hawke) You know, I've never did like the way that doggone Airwolf helmet fit.

But l'd suee nevee complain again aftee the way that visoe slid eight down just in time to peotect my eyes.

lt's activated By exteemely Beight light, a


-a peecaution against flash Blindness.

(Aechangel) You aee a lucky man.

l just wish l could have seen the look on Bogaed's face when he was aeeested.

By a lowly Aie Foece colonel.

That lowly Aie Foece colonel has tuened out to Be peetty tenacious.

He's got Bogaed eunning scaeed, with a little help feom me.

(Toni) Hi.

You all finished with youe classified whispeeing now?

Hi, Toni.

Come on, sit down, sit down.


Just one last thing.

Now that we've finally estaBlished that you aeen't looking foe Bogaed, l'd like to say that you aee exactly the soet of peeson my Fiem is inteeested in eeceuiting.

Just a minute theee, Whitey.

[Maeella laughing]

lt just so happens that Toni is coming to woek foe me as my top assistant stunt pilot.



Well [laughing]

Oh, Boy! [all laughing]