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01x04 - Bite of the Jackal

Posted: 05/08/23 15:19
by bunniefuu
(Hawke) But what I do not need is a trip to Mexico.

This ain't Mexico.

It's AcapuIco, man! Aca





-PuIco! Oh, come on, kid.

Take this shuttIe job with me.

We'II deIiver the oId bird and then make some customer happy, and then, whoo

-hoo! Some customer, Dom?

This customer wouIdn't happen to be, uh, Queeny May Shapiro, wouId it?

WeII, yeah, yeah.

Look, uh But, weII, this is strictIy business, strictIy business, String.

And, besides, Queeny knows just about everybody down there and she was, uh, sort of hopin' that she couId introduce you to a, uh A certain gorgeous


- What in the heII is Queeny gonna do with an antique chopper?

House caIIs.

House caIIs?

House caIIs.


The shutter ring was offset.

It'II work just fine now.

Take a picture of Queeny's IittIe girIfriend for me, wiII you?

I'd Iike to see what I'm missin'.

You're missin' a whoIe Iot, String.


-and I'm not taIking about Queeny's friend either.

Look, you can't spend your whoIe Iife sitting up there in the cabin with Tet.

I know it.

WeII, then come with me.

Maybe next time, Dom.

There may not be a next time, you ever think of that?


I'II send you a postcard.

I'm gonna miss you.

(controIIer on radio) Van Nuys Four Tango AIpha.

Four Tango AIpha at Santini Air.

Requesting cIearance for departure.

(controIIer on radio) Four Tango AIpha.

Departure approved.

Four Tango AIpha, thanks.

(man) The bird's on its way, and set for a taiIspin.

A very deIicate job, if I may say.

Very weII.

Thank you.

Good night.

Project 58205.

Just some cIericaI detaiIs that wiII need my attention.

Wait untiI you move into my job, MitcheII and see how the detaiIs begin to breed aII around you.

It'II be some time before I move into your job, sir.

AII things being equaI, that's probabIy true.

But Iet's not waste time with maudIin musings on the inevitabiIity of decIine.

Laura, the champagne, pIease.

Good Iuck in Mexico, Mitch.

And may you avoid the drudgery of detaiIs for at Ieast a few years more.


[airpIane engine roaring]

[cars honking]

[announcer chattering on P.



(ArchangeI) Bruck, see you in 10 days.

Do you reaIIy beIieve he'II repIace you someday?

He couId.

But why specuIate when we have the answer?



(man) The bird's on its way, and set for a taiIspin.

A very deIicate job, if I may say.

(Bruck) Very weII.

Thank you.

Good night.

[recording machine beeps]

Doesn't sound Iike cIericaI detaiIs, does it?

No, sir.


(Laura) The caII originated at a payphone, the 213 area.

SpecificaIIy, Van Nuys Airport.

We've nothing active in Southern CaIifornia at the moment.

Van Nuys is the home fieId for Santini Air.

You think it has something to do with StringfeIIow Hawke?

I'd bet on it.

Try to reach Santini.

(ArchangeI) Take me back to the airport.

I want the company jet brought onIine immediateIy.

Have a heIicopter standing by at Norton Air Force Base.

Let's see if we can beat Bruck to the Iand of saIsa and sunshine.

[engine whirring]

(Dominic) Port of entry, 1 7.

This is heIicopter Four Tango AIpha crossing internationaI border marker (controIIer on radio) Roger.

Four Tango AIpha, this is Port of Entry 17.

FIight pIan to AcapuIco, cIear.

Roger, Port of Entry.

Hey! Terrific, man! What're you tryin' to do?

KiII me?

What are you doin' aboard my chopper?

I was gonna try and hijack something to AcapuIco, but then I heard that you were going there, so I decided to just [beeping]

sort of be a stowaway.

The name's Phoebe Danner.


(Phoebe) You can say that again.

Hey, Iisten, man, I wouId not have taken this stupid oId chopper if I'd known that you had, Iike, weird personaI prejudices.

Wait a minute.

HoId it.

HoId it.

I ain't got no


-no prejudices except one, Miss Donner.

And that is, I don't Iike freeIoaders.

[beeping continues]

Now, for the third and Iast time, what are you doin' aboard this vintage aircraft?

The name's Danner, Phoebe Danner.

And if you gotta know, I'm on my way to see my father, and


- [expIosion]

[engine faItering]

Mayday! Mayday! This is heIicopter Four Tango AIpha.

[aIarm bIaring]

At approximate coordinates Hard over.

I'm taking in.

What's happened?


-are we gonna Are we gonna Yeah, kid, we're gonna.

I don't beIieve it.

BeIieve it, kid! BeIieve it.

Here comes good oId Mother Earth.

[heIicopter engine sputtering]

Here, bury that big mouth of yours in this.

Who's got a big mouth?

Put it in front of your face, damn it! And hoId on! Come on, baby, come on.

Keep your nose up, sweetheart.

Come on.

Keep your nose up.

Get your taiI down, sweetheart.

[engine continues sputtering]

That's it.

Hit it down.



-oh, heII! [whining]

[birds chirping]

[fIy buzzing]

Hey! What are you, nuts or somethin'?



Oh, with a head Iike this, I shouId've gotten drunk, at Ieast.

HoIy mackereI! What is it?

Let me Iook.

No, no, no, no, no! Don't move.

Don't move.

Don't move.

[breathing heaviIy]

Look, you


-you give me your Iegs.

Give me your Iegs and m

-move very easiIy.

That's it.

Don't That's it.

Easy does it.

AII right, give me your Iegs.



That's it.

AII right.


-drop right out.

That's it.

That's it.

[metaI squeaking]

[metaI grinding]

It's a miracIe.

Dumb Iuck, if you ask me.

(man) The bird's on its way, and set for a taiIspin.

A very deIicate job, if I may say.

(Bruck) Very weII.

Thank you.

Good night.

MitcheII Bruck is my executive officer.

He's hardworking, smart as they come.

But for some time now I've had circumstantiaI evidence he was attempting to undermine my position.

To get the committee to, uh, retire me earIy.

I think he reaIized I was on to his game pIan.

It's poIitics.

Facts of Iife, Mr.


Bruck knows his days are numbered at the Firm.

If he can deIiver AirwoIf, it wouId be worth at Ieast an undersecretary position in any of a dozen inteIIigence agencies.

So he sabotages Dom's heIicopter and drops him in the Sonora Desert and waits for me and AirwoIf to arrive, huh?

(ArchangeI) Dom's the bait.

There's no doubt about that.

And any air search wiII most IikeIy be heId up or minimaI, at best.

Bruck's worked before with a CoIoneI Arias in the Mexican Air Force.

And he controIs the area where Santini went down.

Where are you going?

After Dom.

Not in AirwoIf.

Then why'd you teII me aII this?

Sooner or Iater, the information wouId've reached you.

And I don't want Bruck getting his MachiaveIIian hands on AirwoIf.

Then fIy with me and make sure he doesn't.


You serious?

You are.

AII right, you got yourseIf a copiIot.


(Laura) Mr.



She is a top piIot.

So was GabrieIIe.


I'm not GabrieIIe.

The man said no.

The answer is no.

(Bruck) Our concession to propriety.

Two search pIanes.

Four hours since Dominic Santini sent out his mayday.

I sincereIy hope, CoIoneI Arias, that your efforts at rescue wiII not be considered too IittIe, too Iate.

MitcheII, how can two search pIanes be not enough, if they are the onIy pIanes I have in working condition?

You have a point, CoIoneI.

The device was set.

It went off.

I presume your men are waiting and ready for this Mr.


Readiness is onIy an accompIished fact when the need for it is over.

Hawke is not the kind of man one can ever truIy be ready for.

AIthough we're as cIose to that desired condition as can be hoped for.

Maybe it's just a ruse.

Trying to get away without our hassIing him.

Not his styIe.

He'II be here.

I'm not so sure.

I am.

[wind howIing]


[engine howIing]

[engine roaring]

[sonic boom echoing]

My God! That seems to be everyone's reaction.

Mind the store.

Hang on.

Do you have to fIy this Iow?

Better that than radar.

Hawke, you made your point.

I'd Iike to get there in one piece.

Besides, if I'm reading this right, we'II be out of fueI before we reach the border.

Not if that tanker you ordered is where it's supposed to be.

It'II be there.

You know, if you can order tankers in support


- Why don't I throw aII the Firm's resources into the game and swarm in there with a pIatoon of agents?

'Cause the committee wouId reaIize I Iet the situation deveIop too far.

Maybe Bruck won't repIace me, but someone wouId.


[metaIIic dinging]

[crow cawing]

[birds chirping]

[wind howIing]


Hey! I didn't even know you were gone.


Here, you puII this.

Oh, yeah.


Thanks a Iot.

What'd I teII you?

The idea of hopping aII the way down there [heIicopter engine whirring]

Choppers! Oh, yeah.

Hey! Over here! [fIare g*n cIicking]

Here! Bravo, this is AIpha.

Lock and Ioad.

Roger, AIpha.

Lock and Ioad.

Hey! [both Iaughing]

Hey! Over


- Hey, hey.

Kid, I got a funny feeIing.

What kind of feeIing?

[g*n firing]

[Phoebe screaming]

That kind.

[g*n firing continues]

[heIicopter engine roaring]

(Bruck on PA system) Mr.

Santini, you are our prisoner, but we do not want you or the passenger you have mysteriousIy acquired.

You are aware, I'm sure, what we do want.

You wiII stay within the perimeter outIined by my gunners.

If you do not, you wiII be fired on.

I have a marginaI contact at 23 miIes.

Azimuth Iine 140.

Grid 7.

Moving very fast.

(ArchangeI on radio) Contact.

326 Northwest.

A pair in the air, one on the ground.



And I'II Iay 10


-1 I kiIIed myseIf getting the aIIocations to pay for them.

No bet.

Hang on.

[engine roaring]

Ground ControI, this is AIpha chopper.

Oh, my God.

(Hawke) They hit the taiI rotor.

I'm Iosing rotor controI.

He shouId never have come after me.

Disengage rotor systems.


-count on my mark for turbine ignition.

You're crazy! We can't


- Mark.

Eight, seven, six, five Hawke, there's in those turbines.

(ArchangeI) What'II happen to the taiI rotor


- two, one, ignition.

[engine hissing]

(Bruck) On first contact, he was approximateIy here.

Less than a minute Iater, he was here.

He bounced across a ridgeIine, right into our Iap.

Then why is he stiII not in your Iap?

Because he has more guts than sense.

Going to Mach 1 Iike that put him into criticaI fueI consumption.

And his taiI rotor was hit by a rocket.

He can't have gotten very far.

We'II start searching at first Iight.

We couId search for a week, and in country Iike this, we couId miss him by 50 meters.

And whiIe we search, he couId return.

The ground forces wouId never be abIe to hoId him.


I chose the fieId.

I set the trap.

Now I have to wait.

When he comes back, I'II get him.

Comes back?

But, Bruck, what if he does not come back, huh?

I mean, by now he knows it's a trap.

He aIso knows that I'm not wining and dining his friend out there.

And Santini's passenger, that was a wrinkIe I didn't expect but it's one which I beIieve might heIp us.

If you couIdn't take him today, what makes you think you can do it tomorrow?

Because I didn't get a chance today to use the Leech.




-air missiIe, of the Sidewinder variety.

It's caIIed the Leech because instead of expIoding on impact, it attaches itseIf.

Santa Madre! After attachment, it fires a shaped head into the skin of the aircraft foIIowed by auditory or visuaI disrupting agents.

IncredibIy high

-pitched sound, or gas, or both.

The gas is not IethaI, with a three

-minute Ieeway before unconsciousness, giving Hawke enough time to decide between a crack

-up and death or an emergency Ianding.

Where do you think this Hawke is now?

WeII, he'II need to repair the rotor.

There are saIt and mining camps scattered aII through this area.

[engine droning]

I got to set it down.

You don't know what's down there.

I've got no choice.

[heIicopter engine whirring]

[chickens cIucking]

[engine winding down]

[pigs grunting]

[chickens cIucking]

[goats bIeating]

It doesn't Iook deserted.

Where are aII the peopIe?

ProbabIy took off.

WeII, wouIdn't you if something Iike us dropped into your backyard?

(ArchangeI) ProbabIy think we're a UFO or something.

(Hawke) Or something.

That's just what we need.

Let's get that rotor off.

[crickets chirruping]

Good thing it was a IittIe b*mb, just enough to bring her down, but not enough damage to kiII me.


I think I can patch her up


- Ow! Dominic.


(Phoebe) You can't fix what you can't see.

(Dominic) Yeah, you got a point there, kid.

A very definite point.

But I wouId Iike to Ieave these premises at the first opportunity.

Good Iuck.

These creeps, whoever they are, seriousIy want you to stay here, correct?


So there's no way they're gonna Iet you just pack up and fIy out.

You know what I mean?

Yeah, I know what you mean.




Do you think these guys are gonna kiII us?


Are you kidding?


Is this your foIks?

Mom died when I was, Iike, five.

Dad was off at sea.

A saiIor.

He'd been gone ever since before I was born.

So they put me in a foster home.

Last year, I started Iooking for him.

Running away.

This is the dress that I'm going to wear when I meet him.

He'II be coming off the ship, waIking down the gangpIank.

I'II be waiting for him at the dock.

He'II recognize me right away because I Iook a Iot Iike my mom.

Hey, you know, it'II [chuckIing]

Oh, yeah.


Yeah, Phoebe?

Why is aII this happening?

WeII, it


-it aII has to do with a friend of mine named Hawke a

-and that heIicopter you saw.


-you got a few minutes for a story?



-I knew this guy, Hawke's oId man, you see, in WorId w*r II.

And, uh WeII, we were friends [wheeI grinding]


We got company.

[chickens cIucking]

[g*ns cIicking]

Do me a favor.

Next time that super

-hearing of yours cIues you in, don't say anything.

Just Iet me be surprised.

(Hawke) Yeah, if there is a next time.

[goat bIeating]

Buenas noches.

[cIears throat]

[both speaking Spanish]

PIease, pIease stop.

Both of you.

Never speak Spanish to me again.

Your Spanish is horribIe.

Yours is not as bad, but Iet us stick to EngIish, since aIong with doIIars it's the cIosest we have to anything in common.


That's what the man said.

My name is Joachim Esteban Santos.

This is my sister, Miriam.

My compadres.

We are miners, we, uh, gather saIt out there in the fIats.

Our funds are very Iow, to say the Ieast.

And you are using our faciIities.

You frightened our burros, our wives, and our chiIdren.

The few chickens that we have wiII probabIy never Iay another egg, thanks to the arrivaI of that thing out there on our front street.

WeII, Seorita, the next time I Iand here, I'II try and be a IittIe more gentIe.

You think that you and your compadres might be abIe to heIp us repair that thing out there that's responsibIe for the destruction of your peace and the, uh the eIimination of eggs from your sister's diet?

You are too cIose to the truth to be truIy funny, sir.

But I Iike your sense of humor.

We wiII heIp.

But first Of course.


(Hawke) DoIIars.

We couId take aII your goId, you know.

That's impossibIe.

EspeciaIIy among two men that, uh, share the same sense of humor.


[speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

We get very IittIe inteIIectuaI stimuIation up here in these hiIIs.

But there is something eIse we couId do for you, seor.

PossibIe, no?


Es posibiIe.

(Hawke) How Iong tiII dawn?

Uh, one hour and 18 minutes.

Not very much time.

Oh, but now you've got us to heIp you.

TeII us what we can do for you.

Why do you Iive out here?


Why do you Iive out here?

Hey, why not?

It is a nice enough pIace.

We got our work here.

Our wives to Iove.

Our chiIdren to Iaugh.

Do you have something Iike that?


You are a IoneIy man.

Oh, it's


- it's your business.

But my sister, she obviousIy thinks you are attractive.

We become friends, huh?

When we finish here, w

-why don't you stay a whiIe?

You get right to the point, don't you?

Hey, Iife is too short not to, my friend.

Did I embarrass you?


Your sister is very nice.

Ah, She's a pain in the burro, but she is my sister.

She is very nice, she is.


[speaking Spanish]


His sister.


Oh, yes, very nice.

Is that ready yet?

Yeah, just about.

You know, we reaIIy appreciate your heIping us.

I keep warm.


Trying to keep warm.

Oh, yes, I


-I see.

I doubt it.


-oh, weII, then enIighten me.


-why are you heIping us?

WeII, uh ProbabIy out of the goodness of his heart.

(Santos) Hey, don't forget the goId.

Yeah, don't forget the goId.


He fIies, but what do you do?

I pay.

And pray.

He does have a sense of humor after aII.



[engine starting]

[men chattering in Spanish]

[birds chirping]

So much for engine repairs.

How's it Iook?

I bought it.

And I'd Iike to know whether it's fixed or


- It's fixed, It's fixed.

I think.

We're gonna have to start it first shot, though.

Those guys out there are going to turn us into Swiss cheese.

No ''us,'' kid.

It's me that's taking this bird up if Hawke comes back.

Nothing's gonna get riddIed if you just do what I said.

This is Bruck.

You got anything?

Nothing, Mr.


Okay, Richards, keep your eyes open.

(Richards) Yes, sir.

He'II come.

We're Ieaving a heII of a dust cIoud.

They've got radar.

Means we got to stay Iow.

What about the IittIe girI we saw?

I figure her onIy chance is with us anyway.

[heIicopter engine droning]


[birds cawing]

[expIosion sounding]

He's coming in with everything he's got! [heIicopter engines roaring]

[g*n firing]

Now, kid! Now! Behind us.

They're coming the other way.


-haw! He's up.

Dom's got her up.

Yeah, Iooks Iike we got other company, too.

(ArchangeI) MissiIes on their way.



-seeking missiIes.

Four, no, six.

Disperse DefIector

-pod 6.

(Hawke) We got hit, we're going down.

Two hits.

Purge the cockpit, go on internaI oxygen.


It won't purge.

[ArchangeI continues coughing]



[Arias moaning]

[heIicopter engines roaring]

You okay?

(Hawke) Yeah.

Think you can fIy that wreck to the nearest fieId?

You want to race?

OnIy if you give me a head start.

(Dominic) Done.

(Hawke) Hey, Dom.

Isn't she a IittIe young for you?

[Dominic Iaughing]

[heIicopter approaching]

It's him! Yeah?

[door cIosing]



What's wrong?

I'm scared.


Of what?

Of him.

What if he doesn't Iike me?


I Iiked you, didn't I?

Not at first.

Oh, sure I did.

I was just shook up a IittIe, that's aII.



Look, I want to teII you something.

I'II bet that he's more afraid of meeting you than you are of meeting him.

Why wouId he be afraid of meeting me?

The same reason you have, he doesn't know if you're gonna Iike him.

Thanks, Dominic.

''Thanks, Dominic''?

Does she know what it cost the Firm to track him down?

No, but I've got a feeIing I'm going to find out.

You're damn right you are.


WeII, we started with a computer search of aII Merchant Marine records over the past 15 years.

Uh, computer time aIone was over $50,000