01x02 - Shadow of the Hawke Pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Airwolf". Aired: January 22, 1984 – August 7, 1987.*
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As part of a deal with an intelligence agency to look for his missing brother, a renegade pilot goes on missions with an advanced battle helicopter.
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01x02 - Shadow of the Hawke Pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »

That was lovely.

You know, it's obvious you studied with culture.

You seem to know everything about me.

No, l don't.

l knew you played the cello well.

l didn't know you serenaded eagles.

l'm trying to get her to trust me.

To make her understand l won't hurt her if she gets close.

[helicopter whirring]


(Dominic) String, if you don't teach that mutt to keep out of my way, so help me, l'm gonna land on him! [panting]

You know, l wouldn't want to tell anyone where to land.

And you could've given me a hand.

He's not big on helping hands.

But l am.

Hey, let me take one of those.

No, no, no, no, no.



- l don't believe in women's lib.

Excuse me?



- l like, uh, l like the sexes the way God intended them.

The way God intended them?

l wouldn't press him, Gabrielle.

You won't like the answers.

Well, l guess l'm old

-fashioned, but, uh, that's my privilege, right?


So long as you've got some red meat in there.

Oh, l got steaks, and chops, and burgers, and all of it.


Well, Tet and l end up eating most of them, but, uh, we keep hopin'.

Bless your heart.

l haven't had anything but vegetables for six days.

Six days?


Wow! l was beginning to feel like a carrot.

You could have been a beautiful fish.


Hey, Dom, l think l found a canyon deep enough to do that crop duster chase.


For Bellisario's film.


lt will only take an hour or so.

You wanna fix dinner?


How do you like your steak?

Oh, no, no, no.

Count me out.

l'm headin' for the field just as soon as we get back.

Just put on two.


Yeah, one for Tet and one for you.

Oh, yeah, and, uh, and catch me a trout.

Ha! Nice meeting you, Gabrielle.

Yeah, you, too, Mr.



[door closes]

Well, how do you like your steak, Tet?


[helicopter whirring]

(Dominic) I Iike her, String.

A IittIe SkinnY maYbe, but I Iike her.

(Hawke) Yeah, She'II be thriIIed to hear that.

Yeah, but don't teII her the SkinnY part.

Did you get in touch with Tony Boswick?

Get in touch?

He kept me on the phone for over an hour.

From England, yet.

And with me payin'.

He remembered the time that he and your dad and l got drunk in Towbridge after the Schweinfurt raid, and we stole a pig from a nunnery.

[Dominic laughing]

We took him back to the field, fed him eight boxes of prunes, and locked him in Gen.

Baxter's office, [laughing]


Well, the next morning, that office was [laughing]

[Dominic stops laughing]

l guess you had to be there.

When does Boswick's charter fly to Libya?

Every Friday.

He's gonna have his engineer call in sick at the last second and l'll replace him.

(Dominic) But he can only pull it off once.

More than that, the Libyans will get suspicious.

(Hawke) Once is all we'll need.

l'll fly to Tripoli a week from Wednesday.

lf you come in the Friday after that, it will give me two days to set things up.

l'll meet you in a club called the Red Castle.

The Red Castle.


How long till we get there?

About an hour.

(Dominic) ThiS iS it.

VaIIeY of the GodS.

Even the IndianS don't come up here.

Can you blame 'em?

lt's cold.


There's always a little snow up here, even in summer.

Sure would be a bad place to go down.

They'd never find you.

That's just what l'm looking for.

Some place to get lost.

Well, l've got that.

How far down does it go?

l don't know.

l never hovered into it before.

Thanks, Dom.

lt's perfect.

Anytime, String, anytime.

(Hawke) Hey, Tet.

You tell her how you want your steak?

That smells so good, l'm almost tempted to Hope you don't mind.

Since you don't eat meat, l didn't want it to go to waste.

Where's Gabrielle?

l sent her ahead.

We're moving up the timetable.

Four hours ago, one of our destroyers went down in the Gulf of Sirte.

The press is being told that a m*ssile went off in the magazine.

That it was an accident.

lt was Airwolf.

Damn it.

The President used slightly stronger language.

We've got 48 hours to recover Airwolf or they're sending in the Marines.

(Archangel) The Russians have a m*ssile task force shadowing our carrier group in the Med.

lf we invade Libya, chances are it'll mean World w*r Three.


Damn, that was a good steak.

There's our ride.

l've got 10 hours to get you to Paris to catch a flight to Libya.

l'll have someone stay here to watch the place, take care of your dog.

Tet takes care of himself.

Why'd you leave Gabrielle here last week?

To brief you.

What about my art collection?


l'm sorry about that, Hawke.

l told the committee it was the wrong thing to do.

l might have taken it out on her.

You didn't, did you?


[cutlery crashing]

l saved it for you.

[airplane approaching]

[man chattering on P.


SYStem in French]

Stringfellow Hawke?


Strip out of your clothes, please.

(Faye) Your flight suit, take it off.

We only have 16 minutes.

Your name is Michael Derrick.

l was briefed as Dr.

Ted Burger.


Burger was to go to work next Wednesday.

The Firm had to pick another man on this flight.

As near as we can tell, Michael Derrick has never gone to school or worked with any of the other passengers.

As near as you can tell?

Ten hours is rather short notice, Mr.


Follow me, please.

He's been working in a remote section of Argentina for five years and went to college in Australia.

l don't think you'll run into anybody who knows him.

l've had his background capsulized in story form.

Chapter 10.

Try to read it before you speak to anyone on the plane.

Latin LoverS?

l told you, l only had 10 hours.

You've 40,000 francs, a driver's license, girlfriend's photo, love letter from her and 10 minutes to catch your flight.

Thank you.

l was able to get clothing in your sizes.

Of course, it's used.

Even the underwear, l'm afraid.

l never wear underwear.

[men speaking French]

You're on Air Libya, Flight 2.

One more thing.

Angela is dead.


We don't know.

Her family simply received a wire notifying them of her death.

We're hoping it was an accident.


lf the Libyans made her and she talked, they'll know l'm coming.

We don't think they do.

You don't think?

There was no time to check.

All we could do was to send in another operative who was familiar with the situation.

What other operative?

[muSic pIaYing]

ls this one a spy, too?


She was supplied by the same theatrical agency as Angela.

(Moffet) Angela was very fragile.

This one appears to be a little more substantial.

Are you going to be questioning her?


Perhaps l could be of help.


You all right?

Yeah, l'm fine.

What the hell are you doin' here?

My job.

lt was Angela's job, too.

l know.

The girls said they found her in the desert.

He tortured and k*lled her, the same as he did to those other girls at White Sands.

You were right about Moffet.

lt wasn't the money.

He stole Airwolf so he could come here and do exactly what he wanted with women.


lf l see him, l'm gonna k*ll him.


Where's Airwolf?

lt's at Kafir.

That's Khadafy's summer palace on the coast.

Mirabelle has an oil pumping station next to it.

Angela arranged papers and a truck for the two of you to get in.

Here's the address.

There are g*ns under the seat.

l'll meet you there by 2:00.

How do l get from the pumping station into the palace?

Along the beach.

What do you mean ''l''?

We're in this together.

You're on the next Air Force flight out of here.

The hell l am.

l can fly Airwolf, you can't.

Either you're on that flight, or l am.

You're not serious?

Stringfellow, l'm not like the others.

l'm not going to die on you.

l'm gonna live to be an old woman


- l won't die, l promise.

Damn you.

Oh, l didn't mean that.

l know.

l know.


l'll go.

lf you don't come back, l don't know l always come back, Gabrielle.

That's the problem.

[people chattering in Arabic]

Hey, mister.

Wait a minute.

Hey, hey, hey, it's me.

You weren't supposed to be here till Friday.


Then l'll go back.



[poIice radio chattering]



Hold it.


[dog barking]

[poIice radio chattering]

[speaking Arabic]

(Dominic) Well, l caught the news about that destroyer.

l figured Airwolf might be behind it, so l flew out to the cabin and found Tet makin' eyes at some cute little thing in white who said she was housesittin' for you.

Didn't take a genius to figure out what happened, you know.

How long have you been here?

Oh, a couple of hours.

l hung around in the club for a while, but too many guys started asking too many questions.

So l decided to stay out in the alley.

You always did like to take the back way out of bars.

lt's nice to see you, too, Dom.

You think you can get this thing started?

Hey, piece of cake.

You sure are confident.

The keys are in it.

And you know something, String?

l could've sworn one of those dancing girls was Gabrielle.

lt was.


She going out with us?

Ahead of us.


You know, girls didn't move like that when l was young.

Dom [laughing]


Of course, there was this one that we met in Brazil in '43, your old man and l.

Ooh, she could vibrate like a jackhammer.

And she was as cute as a bug in a rug.

Your old man thought that


- Dom, just start the car.


Oh, sure, sure.

[engine starts]

Like l was sayin', your old man thought she was the greatest thing since peanut butter.

[Dominic laughing]

(Dominic) Of course, he hadn't met your mom yet.

Anyway, we had 48 hours before jumpin' off for Africa in a couple of B

-1 7 s we were ferryin' to Rabat, when all hell broke loose.

[door opens]

(Kamal) Drop your hand.

l can't see a thing.


You have my passport.


Gabrielle Ademaur.



l don't believe this.

Just answer my question.

l'm a hoofer.

A hoofer?

Yeah, it's a dancer.


lf that is your real name You're damn right it's my real name.

We know you are a spy for the Firm.

Oh, God.

You people, you are really paranoid.

Just because l'm American doesn't mean l'm a spy, okay?

l'm a dancer.

l'm under contract to Mirabelle Oil.

l'd like to see someone from the American Embassy now.

There is no American Embassy in Tripoli.

Then l'd like to see someone who'll listen to reason.

Perhaps l can be of some help.

(radar) Background EagIeS airborne.

AItitude eStabIiShed 4,500, heading 040.

Angels 10, heading 1 70.

(Archangel) Straight at the Libyan coast.

You trying to egg them out?

There's no need for that, sir.

lf your boys don't get that chopper in four hours, our boys go in and blow it away.

Our ''boys,'' Captain, include women, one of whom has already given her life on this mission.

l'm sorry, ma'am.

lt's just a figure of speech.

(radar) Eagle patrol at angels 40.

EagIe, 180 video.

lt's funny, isn't it?

All this


-this hot sand and yet you can


-you can see the blue waters of the Mediterranean just a few miles away.


Would you like a little?

Yes, l'd like a little.

A little you shall have.

[man chattering on radio]

Hey, what the hell is it?

(Hawke) A TU

-36 Dodger.

lt's Russian


You see those air


-air missiles?


You know, String, in the past two hours we've seen tanks, anti

-aircraft g*ns, sand m*ssile sites, and now a gunship.

You wanna chicken out?


So do l.


(Hawke) Try French.

Buon giorno.

That's ltalian.

l don't speak French.

[speaking ltalian]

[speaking ltalian]


[speaking ltalian]

The papers are for next Saturday.

[Dominic speaking ltalian]

[Dominic continues to speak ltalian]


[speaking ltalian]


Grazie moIto.

MoIto gentiIe.

See, everybody speaks ltalian.

Yeah, except me.

lf you and Saint John had only studied ltalian like l asked you But, no, you got a hard head.



(Moffet) You are very beautiful.

Well, perhaps not at the moment, but you can be again.

The water is so blue, so cool.

Would you like me to take you to it?

We could


- we could be there in 10 minutes.

But that would be cruel.

The Mediterranean is very salty.

Where's Gordon?


-pilot) Come on, Chuck.

You can't just swim, eat grapes, and play around all the time.

What's the matter with you?


l just talked to Capt.

Ben Mofta.

He said Moffet has, uh, has that dancer from the Red Castle staked out to a sand dune somewhere, torturing her.

So what?

She's nothin' to us.

(Hawke) Well, she is to me.

Of course, there is still time for me to save you, Gabrielle.

l mean, you may scar a little, but isn't that better than dying?

Would you like me to save you, Gabrielle?


[horn honks]

[speaking Arabic]


(Hawke) He's inside.

You were told to stand down.

(Hawke) Check flight.

Just a minute.

Start the engines.


Charles, why do you have your helmet on in this heat?

Lift your visor.

''Start it,'' he says.

Lift your visor.

Ah! [g*ns firing]

[speaking Arabic]

Give me the chain g*ns for the A.




(Hawke) OffenSive weaponS paneI.

Right rear! g*ns one and two.



God in heavenS! Yeah.

See anYthing?

Uh, nothin'.

(Dominic) But I ain't Sure I'm workin' it right, either.

(Hawke) TrackS.

HeY, String.

Ha, ha, I got it workin'.

Yeah, I can See reaI good.

Ha, ha.

HeY, I


- I can See Oh, mY God.

(Hawke) Bring the canteen in the port storage bin.


Oh, easy, baby, it's over.


lt's okay.

lt's gonna be all right.


[trying to talk]

l was going to call.

But Moffet l know.

l understand.

l wanted to see the eagle.

You will.

l remember you and the eagle all the time.

All the time.




She promised me, damn it! She promised me.

String, it'S done.

(Archangel) l'm afraid we've lost him.

He definitely cleared Libyan airspace.

Two F

-1 4s from the EnterpriSe were escorting him back when he disappeared.

l don't give a damn what the committee thinks.

This time we're gonna do it my way or you can kiss Airwolf goodbye permanently.

[slams phone]

Could we borrow one of your F

-1 4s?



(Archangel) The committee finally saw it my way.

Where did you hide it, Hawke?

ln the mountains?

The desert?

At that junkyard Santini calls an airfield?

l know he was with you in Libya.

lt'll be our little secret.

But you've got to return it or they'll throw you in a hole so deep, it'll take sunlight a month to reach you.

lt's wired.

lf l don't make a phone call every 24 hours, it's a goner.

l told the committee you'd do something like that.

And l told you l want Saint John.


(Archangel) The President is very upset to say nothing of the joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretary of Defense, the FBl, the National Security Council Hell, probably the Boy Scouts.

But the only one not upset is me.

We built it, lost it, recovered it.

Well, sort of.

You were working for us.

And now we've lost it again.

Hell, even if you were to give it back, there's no way the President would ever let the Firm use it.

l'm not giving it back.

At least, not for this.

l know.

But, Hawke, as long as you've got Airwolf, Uncle Sam's minions have to keep looking for your brother.

They also have to try to get it back from you.

That's just the way the game's played.



The Firm can help you, let you know what the other agencies are doing to entrap you, supply you with funds, lots of things.

ln exchange for using Airwolf on official business.

Well, it's the only way we're gonna get to use it.

And probably the only way you won't get caught.

Here's your ride.


l always said you had better ears than a snooper mike.

Well, think about it.

Then give me a call.

Did she suffer?


What difference does it make?

Damn it! l sent her out there, l want to know.


No, she didn't suffer.

Thank God for that.

[ceIIo pIaYing]

[eagle screeching]

[eagle screeching]
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