01x01 - Shadow of the Hawke Pt. 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Airwolf". Aired: January 22, 1984 – August 7, 1987.*
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As part of a deal with an intelligence agency to look for his missing brother, a renegade pilot goes on missions with an advanced battle helicopter.
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01x01 - Shadow of the Hawke Pt. 1

Post by bunniefuu »

[wind whistling]

[wind continues whistling]

[panel beeps]

[engine whirring]

[panel beeping]

(engineer #1) Turbos one and two.

(engineer #2) In the green.

(engineer #1) Main rotor torque.

(engineer #2) In the green.

[engineers chattering]

l don't believe you people.

You haul my butt out of bed at midnight.

You fly me off to only God knows where to see some lousy helicopter, and there's not even any cream cheese.

lt's not a lousy helicopter, Senator.

lt's Airwolf.

Well, whatever esoteric name you hang on it, it's still an overgrown beanie with a propeller, eating its way through somebody's budget.

l hate bagels without cream cheese.

[radio chattering]

(Senator Dietz) lt's a mean

-looking bird, l'll give you that.

Who designed it?

The pilot.





l know that name.

Your cream cheese, Senator.

The damn stuff is pink.

lt's, uh, salmon


Only in California.

(Moffet) Red Star ControI.


AII systems are go.

Airwolf, Red Star Control.

You may clear the defense area.


(Dietz) How fast is that bird?

(Archangel) We don't know yet.

So far, it's only slightly exceeded the speed of sound.

(Dietz) No helicopter can fly faster than sound.

(Marella) Airwolf can.

Basically, Airwolf is an aerodynamic lifting body with a twin turbine

-driven rotor system capable of propelling it to 300 knots.

(Dietz) In other words, it's a fast, twin

-engine jet chopper.

(MareIIa) One can express it in those terms except this jet chopper can disengage its rotor system and ignite these two additional turbines.

Airwolf can exceed Mach 1 from sea level to 65,000 feet.

(Marella) The crew consists of an in

-flight systems specialist in the eIectronic data command center to monitor turbine temperatures, fueI and Iubricant pressure, rotor synchronization, all onboard flight systems.

(MareIIa) The second crewman is a counter measure speciaIist.

His primary M.



is to suppress, neutraIize, or destroy any weapons threatening the integrity of AirwoIf.


He also has a duplicate flight system control in case the aircraft commander becomes incapacitated.

(Marella) And finally, the Aircraft Commander, who's responsibIe for positive fIight controI, target acquisition, and w*apon system seIection.

(Marella) The latter offers him ranging from 30mm cannons to nuclear

-tip Shrike missiles.

ln other words, Senator, Airwolf is a Mach 1

-plus chopper that can kick butt.

lf Airwolf can ''kick butt'' like she says it can, you've developed yourself a tactical w*apon.

But that's not the Firm's mission.

No, sir, it's not.

But when the project started after the Bay of Pigs, the Firm's priorities were a little different.

Then as the years went by


- The project grew.

Now you've got Topsy, what are you gonna do with her?

You can only keep the lid on testing and development for so long.

And if the Firm puts Airwolf in the field, it'll leak to Congress in a week.

And they won't take kindly to the Firm's developing secret tactical weapons.

That's why the Firm would like to turn this prototype over to the Department of Defense and let them take credit for it.

ln exchange for what?

Reimbursement of development costs and the first five Airwolfs off the production line.

Talk to me in dollars and cents.

$1 billion, Senator.

Give or take a few cents.

[keys clicking]

[computer beeps]

(woman) Red Star to ground leader, stand down.

To demonstrate Airwolf's tactical capabilities it will penetrate a typical Soviet defense zone, the type used around their l.




sites, their military command posts and communication installations.

(Dietz) Simulation has a way of always making the test vehicle look good.

(Archangel) That defense zone is filled with Soviet equipment and manned by personnel who know how to use it.

This isn't a simulation, Senator.

(Marella) Those g*ns out there are loaded.


Red Star Control.

You have a go.

[computer beeping]

(Dietz) He's gone.

Dropped below the radar.

He'll use the mountain range to block our defense radar until he can exceed Mach 1 .

(MareIIa) After that, he can penetrate the defense zone from any point on the compass.

[computer buzzing]


Holy (controIIer) We have a visuaI sighting.

(controIIer) Grid Whiskey Lima five.

(controIIer) Penetration track indicated.

(controller) Speed, Mach 1 plus.

[computer beeps]

No sh*ts fired.

l'll be damned! He busted right through the Russkie's front door without a scratch.

Not quite.

The computers have Airwolf's point of penetration into the defense zone.

They can interpolate his most likely approach to the target area and deploy TU

-36 helicopters to block the canyons.

(Dietz) He'll have to climb out of the canyon.

That would put him on S.




He has no choice.

[m*ssile firing]


-piIot) I have a heat

-seeker on our six.


-piIot) I.


suppressor on.


-piIot) StiII cIosing.

Popping a sunburst.

(Dietz) He got past them.

He's not on radar.

(Dietz) He's done it.

lt's not over yet.

Unless your Dr.

Moffet's a fool, all he has to do is stay in those canyons until he reaches the target.

A passive defense mechanism might force him up.

What the hell is that?

(Moffet) Wires! We have radar contact.

Stand by to launch missiles.

[computer beeps]

Damn it.


-piIot) We're being radar


[controls beeping]


Launching missiles.


-piIot) I have four incoming radar

-controIIed missiIes.


-piIot) Three are off target.


-piIot) One is on our track at 10 miIes and cIosing.


-piIot) MissiIe impact, 12 seconds.

(Moffet) HoId heading and depIoy the A.




(engineer) A.



pod undepIoyabIe above 300 knots.

(Moffet) Reverse thruster engines.

Stand by to reengage rotors.

(engineer) Thrusters reversed.

Speed, 700 knots.


-piIot) MissiIe impact in seven seconds.

(engineer) Rotor reengaging.

Speed, 400 knots.


-piIot) MissiIe impact in five seconds.

(engineer) (co

-piIot) Four seconds.

(engineer) (co

-piIot) Three seconds, two seconds


- (engineer) Pod depIoying.

My God, they've blown him away.

Not quite, Senator.

[Airwolf engine roaring]

(Dietz) Dr.

Moffet, this is Sen.


l want to congratulate you on the most spectacular weapons demo l have ever seen.

l'd like to shake your hand.

You aIready have, Senator, on Project Proteus.


(Dietz) That was at White Sands in the '70s.

(Moffet) I trust the Senator remembers me.

[radio buzzes]

Well, it was a lt was a long time ago.


The Firm has shown great confidence in my abiIity to, uh, to change.


(Dietz) I'm sure that trust is weII


Not reaIIy.


¢Ü¢Ü[cello playing]


¢Ü¢Ü[cello continues playing]


[engine droning]


lt's perfect.

(Archangel) Nothing is perfect.

Not even this.

Well, l don't know what can be wrong with this.

We're here.

¢Ü¢Ü[music pIaying]

¢Ü¢Ü[music continues pIaying]

(Archangel) Stringfellow Hawke.



Where's Marella?

[liquid pouring]

Oh, uh, sick leave.


This is a nice wine.

lt's a Montrachet, isn't it?


lt's been a long time.

Two years.

l have a job for you.


Oh, l didn't know that '78 was still


- l already have a job.

This one pays $1 million.

(Archangel) Half now, half on delivery.

Of what?


Moffet stole it five weeks ago.

You blew it.


Hindsight is a wonderful gift, Mr.


¢Ü¢Ü[music continues pIaying]

You scared the eagle.

l what?

Flying in, you downdrafted an eagle.

l'm sorry.

Tell that to the eagle.

l wasn't expecting company.

l'll get another trout.

God, he's infuriating.

Only because he likes you.

[wind whistling]

[birds calling]

[fire crackling]

(Archangel) Moffet probably flew it south through Central America then jumped from Brazil across the Atlantic to North Africa.

(Archangel) Same route we used to ferry planes in World w*r ll.

(Archangel) lt took two weeks of concentrated satellite surveillance to confirm Airwolf's location.

(Archangel) lt's in Libya.

(Archangel) Khadafy's got it.

[fire continues crackling]

(Hawke) Great.

That means so do the Russians.

Not yet.

So far, he hasn't even let them take a look at it.

Khadafy's keeping it for himself.

Why don't you just blow it up instead of stealing it?


Moffet's erased the Airwolf program from the Firm's computers.

(Gabrielle) And it's gonna take a new development team, even working with the old subcontractors, an estimated 5.

3 years to build a new prototype.

This reproduction, it's really excellent.

l saw the original in Paris at the


-at the lmpressionist Museum.

No, you didn't.

(Hawke) What's the Firm's position on Moffet and the crew?

lf you can, bring him out with you.

The other two aren't important.

And if l can't?

(Archangel) Use extreme prejudice.

l saw the original in Paris one month ago.

No, you saw a copy.

Are you trying to tell me this is the original?

So how do l go in?

(Archangel) As a petroleum engineer from Mirabelle Oil.

lt's a French firm, but most of the technicians are Americans.

Once you land in Tripoli, our operative there will help you.

The carrier Enterprise will be standing by in the Gulf of Sirte.

You probably won't have to fly more than 200 miles to get there.

(Hawke) Yeah, through Khadafy's army, navy, and air force.

At least it's not the Russians.

lt's their equipment.

(Archangel) But the Russians aren't manning it.

(Hawke) You don't know that.

(Archangel) We have people in there, Hawke, and they've reported the equipment is being manned by the Libyans.

(Archangel) Besides, you're being paid $1 million.

Hell, how much did Moffet get?

Probably $5 million.

And l get $1 million?

One usually has to pay traitors more than patriots.

Moffet didn't do it for the money.

Neither will l.

l want Saint John.

You're not serious?

[fire crackling]

God, you are.

(Archangel) Hawke, he's been an MlA for 1 4 years.

The odds your brother's alive are 10,000


-1 .

Well, if he is dead at least bring his body back.

l got a job flying in the morning.

(Hawke) You'll find blankets in the window boxes.

lt gets kind of cold around dawn.

Good night.

l don't think he'll pull this off.

He can.

The question is, can we?

[wind whistling]

[Archangel grunts]

[fire crackling]

(Gabrielle) Stringfellow.


You startled me.

l couldn't sleep.

l was looking at your collection.

lt's incredible.

l thought l heard you moving around up here and just wanted to talk.

Just about the art.

How anyone could have put together a collection like that.

lt's fantastic.

l'm sorry.

l guess it's none of my business.

You didn't come up here to talk about art.

Yes, l did.


This is what you came here for.



Archangel's worried l won't take the assignment.

You're here to sweeten the deal.

You're wrong.

Well, you're a liar.

You didn't come here to talk about art.

Yes, l did.

Maybe not totally, but l didn't come here for Archangel.

A liar's a liar.

And a whore's a whore.

Damn you.

You're too late.

God already has.

(Hawke) Gabrielle.

My grandfather collected the art for my grandmother.


(Archangel) The money is unimportant to him.


That's right.

Good morning.

(Archangel) No.

He won't accept that.

He'll demand hard data.

We'll have to inform the President.


Oh, no.

Coffee, please.

Absolutely not.

[chair creaking]

ls he up yet?

Left a couple of hours ago.

lf the committee has a better idea, l'm listening.

l'll be on blue channel till 08:00.

[hanging up phone]

The committee is going to blow this one.

l can feel it.

l don't think Hawke's going to do it.

What makes you say that?

l talked to him last night after you went to sleep.

Come on.

lt's too early in the morning for incriminating looks from the boss.

Gabrielle, don't get interested in Stringfellow Hawke.

There's no future in it for you or any woman.

Why not?


When he was 1 2, he and his parents were in a boating accident on the lake.

They drowned.

Just before he shipped out to Vietnam, he and his girlfriend were in a car crash.

She died.

ln Nam, he and his brother went down in the same mission.

He got picked up.

Saint John didn't.

Stringfellow is afraid that anyone he loves, or might love, will die.

That's why when he was so cold to you yesterday l knew he liked you.

How's that for some paperback psychology?

Makes sense.

Everyone he loved can't have died.

There is one who's survived.

Up to now, anyway.

[police siren wailing]

[tires squealing]

And cut! [bell ringing]

(Dominic) l am not going to let that stupid jackass k*ll himself with my equipment.

He can't talk to me like that.

l'm the star.

Blaze is right, Santini.

He's the star.

lf he wants to k*ll himself, he can.

Well, fine! Then let him use one of your cars, not my helicopter.

l thought we already had this worked out, Mitch.

Listen, now.

Maybe Santini's right, Blaze.

Uh, l mean, we are talking about life and limb here.

Now, wait a


- wait a minute.

You guys listen to me.

Mona Kahn heard that l was doing my own flying in this flick.

(Blaze) She's here to film me for her T.



Well, l wonder how she heard that.

She heard it because l did it before.

(Blaze) l mean, l flew a hang glider in




-in Winds of Oahu.

l flew a Navy jet in Wings of GoId.

You had a Navy pilot with you.

He told me l flew it! He


-he said l was a natural, he said that l hardly had to touch the stick.

And besides, Hawke has been letting me fly for three months.

l've been backing you.

What does he mean by that?

He means he's been on the controls correcting Blaze's mistakes.

(Blaze) But l've been up there doing it for the cameras, and l'm gonna do it for Mona! Either that or you can use your


-your choppers to haul tourists around Disneyland.

Oh, yeah?


Now you listen to me, Mr.

Movie Star.

(Hawke) Dominic.

(Dominic) What?

lf the man says he can fly, let him.

l'll ride shotgun to make it legal.

But if you do that, Mona will think that you're flying.

l won't touch the controls.

lf you do [people chattering]

You've got my word on it, Blaze.

[turbine starting]

(Mona) To tell you the truth, Mitch, l thought your star had finally put it in the fire.


Come on, he's a straight guy.

You know that.

(Mona) Oh, yeah.

(Mona) So what's the other guy doing in the chopper?

(Mitch) Hawke?

Strictly for insurance purposes.

(Mitch) We could never get coverage on Blaze for something like this.

(Mitch) See, Hawke's hands and feet are off the controls.

[Mitch laughs]


You're the pilot.

[Blaze laughs]


(BIaze) What's wrong?

Not enough left pedal.

That's too much left pedal.

(Mona) What's that stunt called?

Well, it


-it doesn't have a name.

(Dominic) You don't normally see that unless you've lost a tail rotor.

There he is.

(Blaze) Hawke, l'm gonna land now.

You're the pilot.

You can back me a little if you want, Hawke.

Where is he?

[engine roaring]

There! Hawke! What is that?

(Dominic) A hammerhead stall.

(Mona) ls it safe?

l don't know.

l've never seen a helicopter do one.

[engine roaring]

[people laughing]

l always did say you had a lot of guts, Blaze.

[all continue laughing]

[g*n fires]


-pilot) Moffet, don't do this.


-pilot) Leave him alone.

[g*n fires]

Stop it! This is perverted.

There's nothing wrong with a little perversion, Mark, just so long as you don't hurt yourself.

[g*n fires]

[man screams]

[water splashing]

Look, two out of three isn't bad.

[men chattering]

[g*n clicking]

(Kamal) Dr.

Moffet, you are looking more and more like an Arab with each passing day.

Actually, l am getting more and more bored.

l think l would like to go to Tripoli tonight.

Whatever you desire, Doctor.

Perhaps you could do us a favor first.

Our beleaguered freedom fighters in Chad are being assaulted by the most brutal and barbaric weapons in the imperialistic French arsenal.

Their reputation for life


- What exactly is it that your leader would like me to do?

To remove a French Mirage or two from the sky.

Oh, really?

ls that all?

For now, Doctor.

Very well.

At least it will relieve the boredom.

Excellent, Doctor, excellent.

l am curious.

What would happen if a b*llet were to enter the intakes?


l deliberately designed them with armored mesh shields.

And the windshield is bulletproof, and the body armor


What is your point, Major?

My point, Doctor, is that in the desert we have a saying: A lion can be k*lled by the jackal if the jackal knows where to bite.

Where does a jackal bite a wolf?

Come here.

Just here.

This is the, uh, mid

-air refueling intake.

Now, one b*llet up there, and the whole thing would blow up.

But not, l guess, today.

(Kamal) You are insane, Doctor.

Actually, no.

l'm just quite bored.

[g*n firing]


-piIot) I have a target bearing 052 reIative.


-piIot) AngeIs five.

Speed, 400 knots.

Is your radar searching?


-piIot) Stand by, one.


-piIot) Negative radar search.

(Moffet) What type aircraft?


-piIot) Scanning.


-piIot) Got it.

It's a Mirage.

(Moffet) Bring the attack computer onIine and stand by for turbo ignition.


-piIot) Target at seven miIes, bearing 050 reIative.


-piIot) StiII at AngeIs five.


-piIot) He doesn't see us.

(Moffet) DepIoy the A.





-piIot) DepIoyed.

(Moffet) Now hoId it right there.

(Moffet) Thank you.

(Moffet) And that, gentIemen, is another victory for Khadafy's revoIutionary forces in Chad.

[Moffet Iaughing]

(Hawke) I'm sorry about that, Dominic.

(Dominic) For what?

Losing that job?

(Dominic) HeII, I ain't had so much fun since your dad took oId Purdy up in his P



We were ferrying them, see, over the hump to ChennauIt.

The Firm's got a job for me.

I thought you quit fIying for them.

They're going to go after Saint John.

Don't do this to yourseIf, String.

You don't Iove your brother any more than I do.

If I thought it'd heIp, I'd go to Nam and hunt for him myseIf.

But it won't.

He's gone and you've got to Iet him go.

Like I did.

(Hawke) Dom, I need your heIp.

(Dominic) Doing what?

(Hawke) WeII, for starters, you've got to get to Libya.

Oh, sure, I'II just, uh Libya?

Hey, that's Khadafy's sand piIe.

He doesn't Iike us, String.

We don't Iike him, either.

WiII you do it?

WeII, Iet's see.

(Dominic) Tony Boswick's got a charter fIying oiI rigs to Libya from EngIand.

I couId probabIy fIy co

-piIot on one of his fIights.

Sure, I can do it.

Hey, but why can't I go with you?

I don't want the Firm to know you're backing me.

I am Iiking this Iess and Iess.

What're we gonna do?

Kidnap Khadafy?

Nothing that simpIe.

[blades whirring]

(Gabrielle) Archangel wouldn't let them take it.

He didn't want the Firm to take your art, but the committee overruled him.


You turned down $1 million.

That made them nervous.

ln exchange for Saint John.

Well, that frightened them even more.

They're not even going to try, are they?

(Gabrielle) The Firm will do all it can to find your brother.

They're concerned you won't take the mission till they have something tangible.

(Gabrielle) They can't wait.

You're the only man besides Moffet who's flown Airwolf.

You're the only one who has a chance to get it back.

Why didn't Archangel stay to tell me himself?

He was called back to Washington.

Besides, l was always the one who was going to brief you.


Maybe he knew l'd take him apart.

[Tet whimpers]


Did Tet put up a fight?


Smart dog.

¢Ü¢Ü[music pIaying]

¢Ü¢Ü[music continues pIaying]

[men laughing]

l don't understand what you Westerners see in women with such skinny bodies.

ln the desert, a body like this would wither and die in a matter of hours.

After a few hours with such a body, what would it matter?

¢Ü¢Ü[music pIaying]

l want her.

That will be difficult.

We believe she is an American spy.

Perhaps l can question her for you.

l could do that.

Of course, Brother Khadafy was most pleased with your exploits this afternoon against the French on behalf of our beleaguered freedom fighters in Chad.

Your destruction of two French Mirage fighters will be told about in the camps of our people until the desert sand turns to water.

But it's still not enough to pay for her.

There are many women here who are just


- What is?

An American destroyer.



(GabrieIIe) Her name is AngeIa.

She is a dancer at the Red CastIe.

(Gabrielle) You're not listening, Stringfellow.

She's our contact in Tripoli.

Where does Archangel get them?

He found me when l was 15.

That was a rhetorical question.

According to Angela, Airwolf's located along the coast west of Tripoli.

We have reason to believe it's been used against the French in Chad.

A Mirage fighter was shot down yesterday over the desert there.

[fishing rod creaks]

Sit down! Hand me that net.

Ha! lt's beautiful! Yeah?

About three pounds.

Um, now put it back.

lt's beau l couldn't eat that.

lt's beautiful.

You can't k*ll it.

Put it back, okay?


(Gabrielle) You're eating the poor thing just to spite me.

l suppose you think l'm being stupid.


l know people eat fish.

l eat fish.

lt's just that trout was very beautiful.

Yeah, l think l understand.

Do you?

Well, you just like to eat ugly fish.

l don't know.

Maybe that's it.

You know, like sole.

You know, sole has two eyes on one side of his head.

That is an ugly fish.

Yeah, l like sole.

And pig.

That's not one of God's most beautiful creatures, but l bet you like pork.

Yeah, pork's okay.

And lamb?


l love lamb.

Cute, cuddly, woolly little lambs.



You know, anyone who would teach a dog to Ugh! (engineer) Another fishing boat.


-piIot) We are being radar scanned.

AbIe to absorb It's American navaI frequencies.


The radar is emanating from a Knox

-cIass destroyer.

Bring a BuIIpup on the Iine.

It's an American destroyer, Moffet.

Bring a BuIIpup on the Iine.


-piIot) For God's sake, Moffet, they're Americans.

[alarm sounding]

(engineer) MissiIe is five miIes from target.

Four miIes.




The missiIe is detonated.


œ[cello playing]

[eagle screeching]
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