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01x21 - Kidnapped, Part 3

Posted: 05/08/23 14:17
by bunniefuu
Ohh Ohh Look right down any crowded hall You see there's a beauty standing Is she really everywhere Or a reflection?

One always calls out to you The other's shy and quiet Could there be two different girls Who look the same at Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High?

Meet you at Sweet Valley High Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High Meet you at Sweet Valley High Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High Meet you at Sweet Valley High Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High And now the host of Frankly Speaking, Jeremy Franks.

Tonight's story a deranged loner who mistook kindness for love.

With us is Elizabeth Wakefield, a candy striper who was abducted by a disturbed hospital orderly.

This is an incredible story, Elizabeth.

You were shot, you were tied up, yet you still managed to escape.


Well, Jeremy, I found a piece of broken glass, and I hid it until Peter left the cabin.

Then I sawed my way through the ropes and escaped.

When we come back, more of Elizabeth's amazing story.

Stay with us.

And we're clear.

Aren't you excited, Liz?

You're so lucky you're on TV.

I don't feel so lucky.

What about me?

Jeremy promised that I'd be his new co


It's not as easy as it looks.

I'm a nervous wreck.

Just remember keep your chin up and tilt your head to the left.

It's always been your best side.

Come on, Jess.

That's not what I'm worried about.

It's really hard to relive what I went through.

- Excuse me, miss.

- You'll have to clear the stage.

And in 5, 4, 3, 2 And we're back with Elizabeth Wakefield.

During the commercial break, I got word that Peter Carpenter, the man who abducted Elizabeth, escaped while undergoing psychiatric evaluation.

What's going through your head right now?

How could you police let that maniac escape?

We're doing everything we can to make sure you're safe.

Well, I hope so.

I mean, he att*cked me with a scalpel.

What's the next step?

Every cop in the state is looking for this guy.

My partner and I have been assigned to you girls for protection.

How much danger are we in?

This is a very unstable individual we're dealing with.

We don't know what he's capable of.

You mean he might come back?

You want to taste it first?

I'm just doing my job.

Well, I wish you weren't so good at it.

Jessica, are you coming to the opening of Grooveteria tonight?

My uncle got us VIP passes.


I can't wait.

I've been cooped up with Deputy Dork for the past two weeks.

Well, we're meeting there at nine.

See you later.

See you.

I'll save you a dance.


I hope you're not wearing that to the Grooveteria.

It's a club, not an old

-age home.

I'm afraid you can't go.

It's just too much of a security risk.

What's going on, Jim?

How's it going?

Oh, good.

You brought your little friend.

Why don't you two go play cops and robbers together?

I can't stand this anymore.

I'm a prisoner in my own life.

Come on, Jess.

It's not that bad.

Yeah, I've never had my own personal goon.

But you've dated some.

You know, Jess, it's for our safety, both of ours.

Give me a break.

He's been gone, what, two weeks?

He's probably in Brazil by now.

Hey, Nicholas.

- Hey, you guys.

- Hi, Nicholas.

Hey, I hope you can all make it to the club opening tonight.

I haven't seen you around for a while, Elizabeth.

I think Todd and I are just gonna stay home and watch a video.


I feel like we're in hibernation.

Well, the club just won't be the same without you guys.

I'll see you later.

This is the last straw.


You've completely destroyed my social life.

Do you mind?

I prefer going to the ladies' room myself.


Now I'll never make the club opening.

Hey! Help! Thank God.

I can't believe this is happening to me.

Thank you.

I really appreciate you stopping for Thanks, anyway.

That was Patty.

She's back from the club, and Jessica never showed up.

I'm going to look for her.


We have a search party working on that right now.


I just got a call from the station.

They found the Jeep.

What about Jessica?

There were signs of a struggle.

- We just don't know what happened to her.

- What?

Oh, my God.

Peter has Jessica.

You shouldn't have run away from me.

You know I love you.

We love each other.

I told you I didn't want to hurt you, Liz.

Don't you understand?

You're insane.

You're insane! You make me sick.

Let me go.

You're not Elizabeth.

That's right, you moron.

Now untie me! Do you hear me?

You're gonna be locked up forever if you touch me.

You're not like your sister.

Yes, I am.

I hate you, and so does she.

No, she doesn't! She loves me! Liz would never love a sicko like you.

Yes, she does! You're not very nice.

Today, we're coming to you with a desperate plea.

The last time Elizabeth Wakefield was on our show, she found out that her kidnapper, Peter Carpenter, had escaped.

Now he's struck again, this time taking her twin sister Jessica.


Peter, if you're listening, please give yourself up.

The police have promised not to hurt you.

They'll see to it that you'll get help.

Don't hurt Jessica.

I'll do anything if you She's gone off copy.

Cut her off.

Let her go and take me in her place.

Alcohol should do it.

I hardly think this is the time for spring cleaning.

I think that Liz is trying to trick me.

Like that's the ultimate challenge.

You making fun of me?



What are you doing?


A little fire to ignite the steel

-wool fuse.

Hits these rags, and everything burns to the ground.

So you know a little science experiment.

Now I cover the battery and scale.

This'll give us a couple of hours.

Once the sand hits the scale and the battery wires touch the fuse then fsst, extra crispy.

What's the hole in the floor for?





That's where you go.


Meet me behind Jackman Canning in an hour.

Leave the police at home.

Just you, or your sister dies.

Wait! Was that him?

What did he say?

He wants to meet me.

Don't worry.

We're gonna put a wire tap on you and monitor every move you make.

Are you crazy?

You can't let her do this.

Todd, I have to.

Or he'll k*ll Jess.

There she is.

Are you sure we should be doing this?



That kid is fearless.

Peter, where are you?

I missed you.

Where's Jessica?

Come with me, and I'll show you.

Oh, let's go.

But I don't see Jess.

Tell me where she is first.

Let's just say that she's under the weather.

You don't have much time.

Come on, dirt bag, tell us where she is.

Come on, I'm not gonna let him hurt Liz.

The cops'll know when to move in.

I'm not gonna take that chance.

- Todd, no!

- Get away from her!

- Police! Freeze!

- You're dead! I said freeze! Stop! You got nowhere to go.



Got you.

There's no sign of her.

We combed every inch of that cannery.


Please, Peter.

If I mean anything at all to you, tell me where she is.

She'll be dead in an hour.

When Peter had you prisoner, did he say where he was gonna take you, what he I don't know.

I Think, Liz.

Nobody around for years.


Peter said he was gonna take me where there was nobody around for years.

I think you mean miles.


He definitely said years.

An abandoned mine.

Maybe an old cemetery.


We were gonna live there.


It's been deserted for years.

But there's a whole town, and there's only three of us.

I'll take care of that.

You guys, thanks for coming out to help me.

This place is so big.

So where do you think we should start?

I don't know if it helps, but Peter said, "she's under the weather.

" Well, maybe she's sick.


He meant something by it.

It's the way he said it.

Under the "Wether.

" Wether and Sons.

He's got her in the stables.

That's it.

Let's go.

Come on.


The Wether Saloon.

No, wait.

Over there.

Listen, we're wasting time.

Check everywhere.


Come on.

Let's go.

Come on, Patty.

Come on, Todd, let's go this way.

I'm not in Singapore I'm not in France I'm not in Italy Not a chance I didn't take a trip Round the globe Not sitting in the sun Mexico 'Cause I am Living underground Yes, I am Living underground To find me You should just look down Well, there's nothing upstairs.

What's this doing here?


These $300 shoes are not made for search and rescue.

Do you hear something?


- Jess?

- Jess, can you hear me?

It's just Liz.

Come on, let's keep looking.

- Well, we didn't have any luck.

- What about you guys?


Nothing, Liz.

Manny and I didn't find anything, either.

We looked everywhere.

Same with Enid and me.

Well, we can't give up.

This whole place is under the "Wether.

" Look.

It's on fire! That's it.

The weather vane.

She's gotta be in there.

Liz, you can't.

I've gotta help her! The place is gonna go up any second.

Jess! Jess! Stop, Liz! Jess?

Where are you?

! Liz! Where are you?

I can't see a thing.

Todd! Todd.

She's in here.

Help me.

Todd, hurry.

They're coming out now.

She's passed out, she's unconscious.

We need an ambulance here as quickly as possible.

Please, hurry up.

Thank you.



Can you hear me?

I called the ambulance.

They're on the way.

Please wake up.

But the terror he waged on the Wakefield twins won't be soon forgotten.

Kidnapper assailant Peter Carpenter is now back in police custody.

More on that story when we come back.

I've been waiting for this for so long.

I wouldn't be here without you, Liz.

You saved my life.

Jess your mascara's gonna run.

And now I am pleased to announce my brand

-new co


Would you please give a warm welcome to a very brave young woman Jessica Wakefield.

And remember, Jess.

Tilt your head to the left.

We both have the same good side.

Look right down any crowded hall You see there's a beauty standing Is she really everywhere Or a reflection?

Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High Meet you at Sweet Valley High Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High