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01x03 - Assignment One: Part 3

Posted: 05/08/23 09:55
by bunniefuu
Just kneel down by the door,
just outside the door.

Come along, Rob,
kneel down by the door.

It's easy enough to open the door,
easy enough to let us out.

- How? - You just put your
face close to the door.

Come along, Rob, you can do it!

That's right. That's fine.

Now then, all you have to do
is to say a rhyme.

A nursery rhyme, an old one.

Any one, providing it's old.

Well, can't you remember one?

Then just say it, Rob, just say it!

Say it!

- I can't!
- Say it!

I'm too old to say nursery rhymes!

Well then,
let's call it history.

- Now you're old enough for history,
aren't you Rob? - Yes.

And a lot of nursery rhymes
are a part of history,

I've always taught you that,
haven't I, Rob?

- No! - So say the one
that's in your head.

- Which one? - The one that's
in there now! Don't lose it, Rob!

- Think of the soldiers.
- Soldiers...

Climbing the stairs,
swords in their hands,

searching for people!

- Goosey goosey gander!
- That's the one!

- Where shall I...
- Where shall I...

- Whither shall I wander?
- That's it!

Upstairs and downstairs...

In my...

Assignment One
Escape through a Crack in Time
Episode 3

All irregularities will be handled by the
forces controlling each dimension.

Transuranic heavy elements
may not be used where there is life.

Medium atomic weights are available.

Gold, Lead,


Jet, Diamond, Radium,

Sapphire, Silver and Steel.

Sapphire and Steel
have been assigned.

No! Sapphire! Steel!


- It could not have been your mother.
- But it called to me!

- Called your name?
- Yes, it called!

"Rob!" Like that.

I thought it was my mother,
it was her voice.

Just like it. Except it got a few
things wrong, it made mistakes.

I wasn't fighting her
this time, honest!

The voice called me.
I had to go, didn't I?

- Have they all stopped again?
- Yes.

I mean, I did as I was told,

I wouldn't've gone up there if
the voice hadn't've called out to me.

I believe you... this time.

- Did the soldiers come out of the room?
- No, they came up the stairs.

Well, not all the way up,

they just kind of appeared
on the top staircase.

Something could have been let loose during
the breakthrough. A visual refraction.

Visual refraction?

Yes, you'd probably call them...
what would he call them?

- Ghosts.
- Ghosts?!

- Did anything come
out of that room? - No!

And the door's not
nailed up any more.

- No?
- No, it's a different door.

- Another refraction?
- Probably.

Look, I saw it!

I mean, you can't have
a ghost door as well, can you?


- But those soldiers looked solid enough.
- They would.

They kicked the door open.

What is it?

Something. I'm not sure,
just something.

- Is it still going?
- Yes. But it's lost seven minutes.

- Since we came up the stairs?
- Yes.

- My dad's had that clock for years.
- Has it been reliable?

I don't really know.

This is where the soldiers
first appeared.

Are you sure nothing
came out of that room?

No, I told you!

Anyway, it'll be open now,
the different door.

- Look, I'll show you!
- Wait.

You see?

It's back as it was.

And so is the clock.

So those seven minutes
were lost down there on that landing.

Keep still!

And that's what you saw?

No variation,
they didn't seem different?

The clock's working perfectly,
it didn't stop, it didn't lose time.

They didn't affect it.

Something did.

When the voice called to you,

which rhyme did you say?
Which one did you choose?

Well, I didn't exactly choose it.
I was more or less told to say it.

- Told to say it?
- Yes.

It was kinda put into my head.
So that I was thinking it.

Which one?
Don't say it out loud.

Look at me.

Look at me and remember
exactly what you said.

Say it in your mind.

'- Goosey goosey gander!
- That's the one!'

'- Where shall I...
- Where shall I...'

'- Whither shall I wander?
- That's it!'

'Upstairs and downstairs. '

And you only said
those three lines out loud?

- Yes.
- And then the soldiers appeared?


Upstairs and downstairs,
Upstairs and downstairs...

upstairs and downstairs...

- Sapphire?
- Upstairs and downstairs...

- Upstairs and downstairs...
- Yes, Steel.

Do it again.
Walk up the stairs again.


So what do we do,
blame the clock?

The first nursery rhyme derives
from the time of the plague

and the second one which Rob was made to say, also has historical relevance.

It refers to the Parliamentary wars.

Parliamentary wars?

When Cromwell's troops searched houses
looking for people who wouldn't pray.

Wouldn't pray?

- Unbelievers.
- Ah.

Don't you know your history?

I know mine, yes.

But you must have heard of Cromwell?

How many lines of that second
rhyme did you say?

Three. I wouldn't say it all.
I fought it.

So the danger is still contained
in that room.

And the visual refractions, those
soldiers we saw, they're harmless.

The room's full of them.
They're just things let loose.

- Does she mean let loose by
the breakthrough? - Yes.

You mean not part of the plan?

They must be harmless,
those soldiers are an anachronism.

They must have lived and died a good hundred
years before this house was even built.

You know, most of this is
history gone wrong.

We've never had that before.

Then again, maybe it is
part of the plan.


The...the confusion,
it's a way of diverting us.

From what?

I don't know, but they know it's us.

They're not likely to use tricks
we already know, are they?

'Steel! '

Sapphire? Sapphire?

'Yes, Steel. '

Speak to me.

'I'm in a room, in a tiny room. '

- How are you standing?
- 'Facing a wall. '

You haven't changed your position?

'No, I'm as I was when I was
last in the house with you. '

You're still in this house, Sapphire.

- Yes. - Keep remembering
that and don't move.

Don't change your position, don't
make yourself a part of that room!


'We walked right into it,
didn't we?'

'I walked right into it. '

Don't think that, you're still
in this house with us, right?


'Yes, I heard that. '

Good. Now, describe the room to me.

'It's part of a cottage.

'Probably the scullery
in an old cottage. '

- Day or night?
- 'Day. '

Well it's not, it's night.

- 'Keep remembering that it's night
and that you're here with us.' - Yes.

Think of that room as a picture,
nothing else,

- you're looking at a picture.
- It was a picture.

- Yes? - 'It was a picture of a cottage
at the top of the stairs.'

- 'Can you see it?'
- Yes, I can see it.

'It was waiting for us.
It got into the picture.

'It wants me to think I'm
in the room in that cottage. '

- Well, you're not.
- No.

It's cold here.

'You're not in that room,
Sapphire. '

It's very cold here.

- Something happened in this
room, once. - 'That room? '

'Something terrible.

'It knows that.
It wants me to know it.

'It wants me to sense it. '

It wants me...

to be a part of this room.

To be a part of what happened.


'Sapphire! '

It's all right,
I'm in control of it.

- 'Good.' - I won't think
what it wants me to think.

'Now, when I tell you,
I want you to do something for me.

'I want you to look
over your right shoulder.

'Do it very quickly and then back.

'Uh... Can you hear me? '


'I want to know
if you can still see the picture.

'Very quickly, then back.


'Sapphire? '

It's all right.
The picture's not there but...

- 'Don't tell me! Are you facing
the way you were? ' - Yes.

Good, then stay like that.
Don't move.

Can't we get the picture?
Wouldn't that stop it?

'If you tried to get the picture, you'd
end up in this room with me.'

'What was that? '

Couldn't we smash the picture?

It wouldn't smash
what's hiding inside it.

'Apart from which,
you might smash me. '

Sapphire... could you try
to take time back?

I could try, yes.

- And even ten minutes would do it.
- 'I'll try. Will you help me? '


Now, concentrate.

- Rob?
- Shh. Go to sleep, Helen.

No, I want Sapphire.
Where is she?

- Keep her down there.
- Is she upstairs?

Now Sapphire, take it back.

- 'Yes, Steel. '
- Take it back!

- 'Yes Steel...'
- I can hear her!

- I know!
- But I can't see her, where is she?

- Helen, please, be quiet!
- Where are you, Sapphire?

- 'It's all right Helen. Just do as
Rob says.' - Yes, Sapphire.

You've got to do it now, Sapphire,
before it's too late!

That's it!

'- Don't you know your history?
- I know mine, yes.'

'But you must have heard of Cromwell?'

That's me!

'How many lines of that second
rhyme did you say?'

'Three, I wouldn't say it all.
I fought them.'

Don't lose it. Don't lose it!

'So the danger is still contained
in that room.'

'And the visual refractions, those soldiers
we saw, well they're harmless.'

The room's swarming with them.

I mean, we saw them.
They're just things let loose.

'- Does she mean let loose by
the breakthrough? - Yes. '

'You mean, they're not
part of the plan?'

'They must be harmless.
Those soldiers are an anachronism.'

'They must have lived and died...

'a good hundred years before this house was even built.'

'I mean most of this is
history gone wrong.

'We've never had that before.'

Keep it going. Keep it going...

- You can do it, Sapphire.
- I can't.

- 'You can! '
- I can't!

- You can!
- Please, Steel, it's no good!

It's in here with me.

'Sapphire! '

'It's fighting, and it's winning.

'I'm not strong enough!
I can't win! '

You don't have to win, Sapphire,

can you hold it for... for two minutes?
Can you give me two minutes?


'Steel, be careful. '

What are you going to do?

I'm going to your father's
workshop for a moment.

Till I come back,
you keep Helen here.

- Try to keep Sapphire talking.
- Right.

- Sapphire, Steel said...
- Yes, I heard.

- Is this like the ship?
- 'The what? '

The job you had to do,
on a ship.

Um, yes, only this is
slightly more difficult.

Sorry. Only, I'm supposed
to keep you talking.

'You're doing fine, Rob. '

- Sapphire...
- 'Hello, Helen. '

- I want to see you, Sapphire.
- Soon, Helen, soon.

- Just be patient, hm?
- 'Yes. '

- I'll tell you one thing, Rob...
- Yes?

- 'I'm glad of the rhyme you chose. '
- What?

You could've settled for
Oranges And Lemons.

Then again if round-hood soldiers belong
anywhere they belong in this hellhole.

Rob, do you hear that?

Hear what?

Rob, will you fetch Steel?

Rob, quickly, please!

'Something terrible happened here!

'Oh, please! Help me! '


- Steel!
- Don't come in!

Please, help me.

Quickly, please!

Open the door
and stand clear.

Don't touch me.

- You're freezing.
- Don't come near me.

Get the child.


Come on, Helen.

- But Sapphire's upstairs...
- Come on!

Get her away from me.

- It's cold!
- Come on!

Someone was k*lled
in this room, a young girl.

And it wants me to be her,
it wants it to happen all over again!

Steel, don't!

The girl's K*llers are here!
They've broken down the door!



It's gone, the room's gone!

But they haven't!