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03x16 - Love Hurts

Posted: 05/08/23 07:46
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Equalizer...


You are Colton Fisk.

Fisk? You mean the guy that got
all those agents k*lled

the last time you worked with him?

Yeah, that's him.



- MEL: What happened?
- Fisk happened.

You think I, uh, carry a flamethrower

around with me just in case?

Nothing you do would surprise me.

You may be happy playing those games...

...but I'm not.







FISK: Mall Cop.

Bring coffee for me?

You call me Mall Cop again,
you gonna be wearing this.

Don't be like that.

I got a job for you.

Imagine my excitement.

I think you'll find this
worthy of your time.

What do you want, Fisk?

I need you to make contact
with an ex-MI agent.

Rick Dawson?

As you know, he's been
underground the past few years

after going rogue
and k*lling a potential asset.

Yeah, Diego Alcazar.

Well, how am I supposed to find him?

From what I hear, this guy's a ghost.

He surfaced once, about
six months ago in Brussels.

Got into a street brawl and
almost k*lled four civilians.

That doesn't sound like the Rick I knew.

We have information
that leads us to believe

that Dawson is heading to Paris.

- What's in Paris?
- An ex-MI agent,

Charles Batley.
He was recently m*rder*d there.

Batley was one of
Dawson's closest friends.

Okay, so you think

Rick is gonna want answers
and poke his head out.

Wet work was not in our deal.

We don't want you to k*ll him.
Batley had a file containing

the location of
enriched plutonium rings.

They were stolen out of Russia
and never recovered.

So you think Rick knows
where the file is?

If Dawson does turn up in Paris,

your mission is to enlist
his aid to retrieve that file.

What makes you think
he would agree to help?

Because you're gonna let him know,

if he helps retrieve the file,

the CIA and MI

are prepared to forgive
his past indiscretion.

He can come in from the cold.

One last question.

Why me?

I think we both know the answer to that.


so where you going?

'Cause that face is beat! (LAUGHS)


I'm, uh, I'm trying some new looks

for my final interview tomorrow
at Chevaux Sauvages boutique

for the intern position.

I know how much you want that.

Oh, my gosh, who wouldn't?

I mean, it'll look great on college

Plus, I'll learn a ton about business,

working in the fashion space, marketing.

Employee discount

doesn't hurt, either.
Ooh, you already know.


Um, by the way, Mom called
on her way to the airport.

Apparently, she's...

Going out of town.

Not just out of town, overseas.

Did she tell you what for?

No. Only that it's classified.

I got the same thing.


Listen, there's nothing to worry about.

She'll be back before we know it.

Right now, your job is to concentrate

on landing that internship.



Wish me luck?

You don't need no luck. Slay.


No way.

Is that our...

Dream Connecticut farmhouse,

aka "the one that got away"? Yes, it is.

And it's back on the market.

Oh, my God.

Remember how badly we wanted it?

We were gonna grow old there. (GROANS)

And I had to go screw it all up
by faking my death.

Oh, we didn't need that
very, very large deposit anyway.


I'm joking. You were gonna
go to prison for life.

Yeah, I know, but, geez, come on,

- look at those views.
- Mm.

I don't know,
you want to go take a look?

Maybe second time's the charm.

- Is it really back on the market?
- Mm-hmm.

Okay, yeah. (LAUGHS)


Hey, Rob. I got your text.

Yeah, looks like we're chasing a ghost.

So did, uh, Fisk give you any leads

on how you're supposed to track

- this Rick Dawson guy down?
- None.

When did you first
meet this guy, anyway?

Uh, several years back.

We were both undercover in Panama.

What was the mission?

We were both trying to recruit an asset,

international arms dealer Diego Alcazar.

Oh, that sounds like
a treasure trove of intel

- for whatever agency bagged this guy.
- MEL: Wait a minute,

did you and Rick know you
were working the same guy?

I made Rick as MI pretty quickly,

but I don't think
he ever caught on I was CIA.

But someone did.

One morning, I was recalled

before I could get to Diego.

You don't know what happened?

Not really.

Just that, when I left,

Rick k*lled Diego.

He k*lled the guy
he was supposed to recruit?

MI couldn't have been happy about that.

They disavowed him, and
he's been a ghost ever since.

Paris is a big town.
Where should we start?

Well, shouldn't be too
hard to lure him out.

Every man has needs, babe.


I love how you can reduce all
guys to, like, their "needs,"

like we're some sort of
primitive, single-celled...

Yours are vintage guitars

and Japanese denim

and sexy, badass bar owners.

Okay, all right. Look,
we're not, uh, looking for me.

We're looking for this, uh,
Rick Dawson fellow, right?

All right. Any recollection on
what Rick liked to eat, drink,

any hobbies, meds?

He was very fond of caviar,

aged whiskey, and Kobe steaks.

Add those to my list.

You know, actually,

he would go out of his way

to get these cigars. Um...

Premio De Leon.

- Okay. That sounds pretty rare.

Might work.

Yeah. Only one place in Paris

stocks them. Le Fumoir Parisien.

Okay. We'll start there.




Premio De Leon.


Good to see you, Rick.

"Good" wasn't the first word
that jumped to mind.

You know, from day one,

I thought the real
estate was beneath you.

It took me a minute, but
I finally put together

you were CIA.

I take it you knew I was MI ?

I did.


Still, I'm a little surprised

that they sent you, of all people,

to k*ll me.

I'm not here to k*ll you. (CHUCKLES)

That's not why I'm here at all.

Those guys that came after me
in Brussels...

They're CIA, too?

I was told they were civilians.


Well, then someone lied.

Like I told you,
that's not why I'm here.

Then why are you here?

I need your help.

There's a file
that contains the location

of a hidden cache of plutonium rings.

Charles Batley has that file.

And because Charles and I were friends,

you think I have it?

Or know where to find it.

Why should I help you?

Because I have a deal that
you definitely can't refuse.

You help me find that file,

all will be forgiven
with the CIA and MI .

You can go home.

In my experience,

when something sounds
too good to be true,

it normally is.




You believe me now?

You know, when you vanished
without a word that morning,

I feared the worst.

I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have taken off like that,

but my cover was blown.
I was called back to Langley.

There was just no time to say goodbye.


will you help me?

Because I know you.

Deep down, you're a patriot.

And those plutonium rings
in the wrong hands

means a global disaster.

I'll help you...

but I don't know where the file is.

Never even heard about it till now.

I just got to town a couple of hours ago

to look into Charles's m*rder.

Went to his place,
it was already being picked over

by police and God knows who else.

Would Charles keep something
that valuable

in his place anyway?

Charles kept a secret apartment

under the name of one of his aliases.

I was heading there next.


♪ I'm going crazy... ♪

Seriously, Dee, you k*lled it.

You gave strong interviews,
your GPA is fire,

and you have an amazing
personality to boot.

(CHUCKLES) Thanks. Impressive.

There were a lot of candidates,

- but you stood out.
- Does that mean...?

You've got the internship.

Oh! (GIGGLES) Oh, my gosh.
I-I'm so excited.

- Thank you. (CHUCKLES)
- I started as an intern

here, too, and I can tell you

it made all the difference
when I applied

to the Fashion Merchandising
Program at Parsons.

Wow, so you work here and study there?

It's tough, but % worth it.

Again, thank you so much
for the opportunity.

Sit tight. I'm just going
to grab your handbook

and run everything by our owner, Rowena.



♪ ♪


Just a few forms for you to complete.

Plan on being here tomorrow
at : a.m. sharp.

You'll be working in the stockroom.



But I thought the internship
was a sales position.

Even possible styling.

Is that something that
I have to work up to?

There's so much
to learn back there. Uh...

Inventory, organizing...

No disrespect, but

is there something
you're not telling me?

Why am I really being relegated
to the back?

Someone's inside.

Would Charles have rented out
this apartment to anyone else?

It's possible. I haven't spoken
to Charles since I went ghost.

- I didn't want to risk it.
- No. Wait, wait, wait.

Let me handle this.



Bonjour. Parlez-vous anglais?

Yes. May I help you?

Sorry about the intrusion,

but I was just walking by,
and I was telling my boyfriend

that my grandmother grew up
in this apartment.

How sweet. You want to look around?

Would you mind?

They say a good life

is but a collection of memories, no?

Couldn't agree with you more.

Thank you...

- Cosette.
- Cosette.

So, how long have you
lived in this place?

Oh, not long, the apartment
just came on the market.

I moved in yesterday.

As you can see, I am still unpacking.

Uh, just one more request?

- Could I use the loo?
- Mm.


This is actually a nice
distraction from unpacking.

Would you like a coffee?

Would love one. Thank you.


And you wonder why Americans
have a bad rep here.

Well, clearly,

she wasn't here for the old-world views.

RICK: Anything point
to who she's working for?

- Nothing.
- RICK: Well, whoever she is,

it's a good bet that she's after
the same thing we are,

Charles's file.

ROBYN: Well,
maybe she was part of that group

- who came after you in Brussels.
- RICK: Hmm.

The CIA can't possibly be
the only players

who think you can
lead them to that file.

All I know is we need to find it
before someone else shows up.

Well, you knew Charles
better than anyone.

Where should we look?

Okay, there was this one time

that he recovered
a crown jewel in Russia,

and he hid it inside of a wall
to keep it safe

until he was extracted.

Maybe old habits die hard.

This wall has been patched over.

It's a claim ticket.

There's no shop name or address.

Well, if it was in his go-bag,
it must be important.

There's a couple sets
of prints on there.

One is probably Charles, and...

Probably whoever gave him the ticket.

RICK: Well, there's no way
she's the second set of prints.

But if we can ID her,

maybe we can figure out who else
is looking for the file.


Rob, what's up?

Harry, I'm sending you
two sets of prints.

I need you to run them.


Nothing so far on the g*n.
I'll keep running them, though,

against, uh, international databases.

Hey, Rob, watch your back
with this Dawson guy.

I wouldn't take my eyes
off him, if I were you.

That won't be a problem.

(GROANS) No, not this guy.


ROBYN: You got a
hit on the other prints?

HARRY: (SIGHS) Unfortunately, yes.
Freddie Walker.

Who's that?

He's this grey hat hacker I used to have

a fair amount of respect for,

until he got famous
making a Trojan horse virus

that he made by ripping off my code.

Do I hear the little green-eyed monster?

I'm not jealous. I'm a victim.

Freddie Walker mean anything to you?

Sure. He used to work for
Charles. Was his go-to hacker.


Freddie Walker was to Charles
what you are to me.

- You see how he copies me?
- Oh.

Freddie works out of
a computer repair shop

not too far from here.

Lead the way.

You clock the bogey?

Top coat, grey beard.
yards back. Yeah.

RICK: Technically, it's a waistcoat.

- You want to engage?
- No. Don't need the heat.

I got him.

Okay. He's gone.

- Do you recognize him?
- Nope.

Probably one of the people
looking for that file.

Or maybe for me.

Come on. We're almost there.


Someone beat us to it.

ROBYN: The marks on his wrists,

color of his face, his hair,
I'd say Freddie

was waterboarded before he was shot.

. caliber.

Police report said
that Charles was k*lled

with a . caliber b*llet.

I think we can assume
Charles didn't cooperate,

since they hit Freddie next.

Well, one thing's for sure...

whoever else knows about this file,

they're willing to k*ll for it.

Do you think Freddie gave up the file?

One way to find out.

We still have the claim ticket.



Yep, yep. Okay.


RICK: There's no way that Charles

would keep this file on
a laptop. It's just too obvious.

But he went to the trouble of hiding it,

which tells me there's
something important on it.

HARRY: Oh, my God.

- I mean, and that finished basement?
- Yeah. Oh...

I mean, it just screams "man cave."

Or "woman cave."

- Well, all right.
- Aka "armory."

Are you kidding?
With three acres in the back,

- we could build you a sh**ting range.

Babe, drinks on the porch in our s...

You looking as beautiful as ever,

me having not lost a single hair.

Okay, maybe a single hair,
but, like, kind of in the back

where you can't really see it. (LAUGHS)

Sounds good.

- It does, it does, it does.



JEN (OVER PHONE): Hi, there. It's Jen.

You seemed to connect with the property,

so I wanted to let you know that

there were four offers.

F... What? Already?

Yeah. The good news is

the owner is emotionally
invested in who they sell to,

and you were the only couple
who didn't mention

tearing down walls, so,

if you want it,
I'm confident it's yours.

- Let's do it.
- Okay, I'll send you the paperwork.

Just sign it and get it back to me.

Okay, okay, will do, thanks. (WHOOPS)


We have never shaken hands

- like that before.
- No, I kind of dug it.

Oh, yeah, me, too.

It's new. (LAUGHS)

We should, uh, practice
shaking hands like that

in every room of our new house.


- Oh, hey. (CLEARS THROAT)

Hey, Rob.

Harry, I need you to tap
into Charles's laptop.

I take it, uh,
Freddie is not cooperating?

Let's just say you don't have
to ever worry about Freddie

stealing from you again.

Okay, listen,

take your phone and the computer
and connect it to Wi-Fi.

A thorough search
could take hours, but I'll

let you know if I find anything.

ROBYN: Okay, just make sure
you wipe it when you're done.

(SIGHS) This is gonna take a beat.

We can't hang around here.
I know a place.



How'd it go?

I, uh, I got the job.
First day is tomorrow.

Really? That's wonderful.

Hold on.

What's wrong?

I just have a lot on my mind.

Oh, girl, you cannot get away with that.

Come on, now. Spill it.


They're making me work in the stockroom

because of my braids.

Excuse me?

Mm-hmm. The owner says
they're "too ethnic"

and not a good fit with
the Chevaux Sauvages culture.

Let me guess,
if you want to be out front,

you're gonna have to wear
your hair straight?

Well, my darling, that is not only

a flagrant act of racism,

it also happens to be against the law.

I thought so, too, so I looked it up.

The CROWN Act, passed in ,
prohibits this exact kind

- of discrimination based on hair.
- What are you gonna do?

My first thought was to tell them off,

but... (SIGHS)

...interning at Chevaux Sauvages
is a huge opportunity.

The owner's plugged into the boards

of all these prestigious colleges.



But Chevaux Sauvages's internship

is not the only one with cachet.


But I need an internship

to graduate next year,
and it might be too late

to find anything else
for the summer. Plus...

...I really wanted this.

I know.

I'm sorry.

I know it hurts.

What do you think I should do?

Only you can make that decision,

but, whatever you choose, make sure

it sits right with you.

You're the one who's gonna
have to live with it.

RICK: It's okay.

This place is safe.

Yeah, for now.

I'm gonna call my connect
at the CIA about Cosette.

Maybe he can give us some answers about

the other players looking for this file.


McCall. Got the picture
you sent of that woman.

- And?
- And nothing.

I sent it to my best guy,
he did a deep dive, and nada.

Whoever she's working for
has enough means

and knowhow to scrub her
from the face of the Earth.

What about the laptop?

Nothing yet,
but I'll let you know if anything pops.

McCall, find that file,
and find it fast.

The wolves are at the door.

RICK: There's Grey Beard again.

He's definitely tracking us.

It's okay. Hey.

You want a drink?

Let me guess,

Aikawa ?


You remembered.

ROBYN: Remember that
time we were in Panama,

and we were at the San Blas Islands

at the bed-and-breakfast and
the DVD got stuck in the player?


It was one of those, uh,

old black and white PI movies.

We must've watched that
damn movie a dozen times.

Wait, remember how the PI
gets the bad guy in the end?

Oh, right, um...

He sh**t his girlfriend in the
shoulder in order to k*ll him.

- And then he says...

BOTH: "Love hurts, eh?"


- We had some fun, right?
- Ah, we did.




What really happened with Diego?

Why k*ll the person
you were sent to recruit?

I did it for you.

For me?


We had, um,

just spent the night at your hotel.

And I wanted to surprise you

with breakfast in bed.

When I got back,
the hotel door was ajar,

and inside there was a man
with a g*n. It was Diego.


RICK: I figured he got onto my cover

and followed me
to your hotel to k*ll me.

I wasn't thinking clearly.

I just knew that I had to

keep you from being collateral damage.

I knew sh**ting Diego

was a violation of my orders,
but I didn't care.

The only thing that
mattered to me was you.

But, when I went
to check on you... (SIGHS) were gone.

Rick, um...

You k*lled Diego to protect me?

You're CIA, right?

Diego was probably there
to k*ll you, not me.

But even then,
I didn't regret k*lling him,

because it meant you were safe.

- Rick.
- Look,

I may not have known your real name,

but I knew you, and those feelings...

...they were real.

But, um...

that was a long time ago.


It might have been
a long time ago, but...

that doesn't mean
those feelings are gone.



ROBYN: Hey, any luck?

Yeah, so, after scrubbing

Charles's, uh, laptop
and coming up empty,

I noticed his interesting choice
in wallpaper.

It's sheet music.

Only, it's, uh, not very musical.

It's just a bunch
of random notes on a scale.

So it's a code hiding in plain sight.

Yeah, exactly.

So, while there are eight letter notes

that repeat in
a traditional Western scale,

if you assign them numbers,
that gives you

numerical values
across a three-octave range.

And when you converted the music?

Yeah, so, it appears to be coordinates.

Specifically, to an old church
just outside of Paris.


Okay, I'm pretty sure I saw
that spotter back on the road.

So we better hustle.

This place is huge.

How the hell are we gonna
find this damn thing?

(SIGHS) Room by room.

Hold up.

As long as I've known Charles,

he's always worn a neck charm
of Saint Michael.

This has been repaired.

Another patch job?

Let's find out.

(LAUGHS) This is it.

Rick Dawson.


Diego Alcazar.

You're alive.

And here to collect my debt.

Starting with this.

Recognize this?

Your gift to me three years ago.

Well, it wouldn't be a party
without souvenirs.


I hope you thanked him, Señora,

but when the b*llet didn't k*ll me,

I damn sure thought the fall would.

But when I washed up
a few miles down shore,

a local family took me in
and nursed me back to health.

And I'm sure you repaid
their hospitality.

Believe me, I took
no pleasure k*lling them.

But I couldn't risk
anyone knowing I survived.

I needed time to recover,


make all the moves that
allowed me to come back stronger.

So, I thank you for that, Rick.

A fruit basket would have sufficed.

(LAUGHS SOFTLY) Better yet,

a b*llet of your own.

You, too, Señora.

Three years overdue.

Well, I'm partial to the fruit option.

Both of you, on your knees.

Take care of them.

Hey, I have a tricky knee.

You mind terribly
if we die standing today?


ROBYN: (GRUNTS) Fall back.

MAN: Get down, McCall!

ROBYN: It's Grey Beard.

You with Fisk?

Yeah, get out of here. I'll cover you.


Leave him. He's gone.

We gotta go.



What you waiting for, Mall Cop?

Get in.

You knew Diego was alive.

I wasn't sure until today.

I've been tracking recent spikes
in arms trading

among several of Diego's
old contacts, but yeah,

I had my suspicions.

And you thought you'd use me
to draw Rick out of hiding,

knowing Diego was gonna
make a play for him.

Getting that file back was
and is priority number one.

But if you could grab Diego
in the process,

why not get the twofer?

Just business, Mall Cop. Not personal.

For me, anyway.

You could've got her k*lled.


Mall Cop can handle herself.

Plus, I thought my agent
would grab Diego

before he could get to either of you.

Yeah, well, he didn't, did he?

And why does he keep
calling you Mall Cop?

Because he's an ass.

You lied, and you used
my history with Rick

to leverage this whole operation.

Welcome to the wonderful world
of espionage.

Be mad later.

Right now, we need to get
that file back from Diego.

All right, there he is.



Bulletproof glass. Worth every penny.

Is it m*ssile-proof?

Buckle up!


You know how to fly a drone, Mall Cop?

Drone? Is it armed with anything?


I'm starting to warm up to you.

We need him alive.

I take that back.





♪ ♪

- (g*nsh*t)

♪ ♪



DIEGO: (GRUNTS) Señora McCall!

Let me leave with the file

and I release your boyfriend unharmed.

FISK: McCall?

The file is the mission.

DIEGO: What's it going to be?

The file or his life?

Choice is yours.

Do what you have to do, McCall.

After all... hurts.


- (PANTING) You okay?
- (GROANS) Ah!



I could use one of those
Premio De Leons right about now.

Those things will k*ll you. (LAUGHS)

I got you. Come on.


Hey, Delilah. Clock in
and I'll get you started.

Oh, actually, I'm not
taking the internship.

I just wanted to tell you in person.

Seriously? After all
the interviews and applications?

I thought you wanted this.

Yeah, I thought I did, too.

But, uh, I know what I'm giving up.

And this internship, it means nothing

if I have to compromise my identity.

It doesn't sit right
with my heart, and frankly,

it shouldn't with yours, either.

I mean, honestly, Stacey,

I'm surprised that you can stomach

working for Rowena yourself.

Thing is, is I don't have a choice.

This job, along with student loans,

is how I pay for school.

There have got to be
other jobs out there

where you don't have
to sacrifice your dignity.

It's more than that.

Rowena's flexible enough with my shifts

that I'm able to attend classes
and still work.

It's exactly what I need.

I don't like it, but...

I try and tell myself, "This
is how I'm paying my dues."

I hope it all works out for you.

Good luck, with everything.

ROWENA: What are you doing out here?

I thought we said stockroom.

Don't worry, you won't see me anymore.

I decided to look for an environment

that aligns with my values.

What's this girl talking about?

Nothing. Just another entitled intern

who's apparently too good for the job.

Not too good, too proud.

Rowena here feels that my hair
is unfit for the showroom floor.

Which is not only r*cist,
but a violation of the law.

Rowena, is this true?

Of course not.

This girl is lying.

See? I have no problem
with Stacey at the floor.

Isn't that right, Stacey?

Um, Rowena's right.

I don't know what she's talking about.




♪ ♪

♪ You must remember this ♪

♪ A kiss is still a kiss... ♪


I heard MI reached out.

Got your life back.

I do.

But there's something missing.

Come to England.

We could give this thing
between us a real chance.

Two spies...

riding off into the sunset?

Yeah. Why not?

Because people
with a mountain of secrets

don't live happily ever after.

With me, you wouldn't have
to keep secrets.

You could tell me as much,
or as little as you want,

and I would always understand.

As tempting as that is,

it's more than that.

I have a situation at home that
I really need to figure out.

He's a lucky man.

It's good to see you, Rick.

I'm glad to know you're okay.

If, um...

...if the wind ever changes.


I know where to find you.

♪ As time ♪

♪ Goes ♪

♪ By. ♪


- All right.
- All right.

I guess we should send it in, huh?

Yeah, guess we should.

Okay. Clean air, here we come.

(SIGHS) Sprawling lawn.

- Beautiful view of the lake.
- Yeah.


- Harry, I hate it.
- Wow.

- What?
- I'm...

I'm sorry, I-I can't live there.


I know. Are you mad?

No. I hate it, too.

No, I was only pretending to like it

because of how much you loved it
back in the day.

Well, I was only pretending
to like it because you seemed

so that sad that we missed out.

Like, that life
that we wanted slipped away.

It did. Well, then, we got another life.

And I like this life better.

- Me, too. And you know what?

This house, it ain't all that.

No, are you kid...
butcher-block countertops?

What is this, the s?

Yeah, and all that grass?

My hay fever's going crazy
just thinking about it.

- And the commute?
- Oh, forget about it.

Two hours back and forth to the sanctum?

- No, thanks.
- No. You know what?

k*ll it.


- Whew.

- Come on.
- Aw.


- That's a relief.
- Yeah.

Hey. Can I tell you something?

- Mm.
- Home, for me,

is any place you are.

- Aw, that's sweet.
- Yeah.

- Aw.
- Just, you know,

can w-we still practice that
n-new handshake of ours?

What room would you like
to practice in first?


Diego's in stable condition

and en route to the black site
as we speak.

There's only one problem.

The SIM card we got
from Diego was blank.

You wouldn't happen to know
anything about that, would you?

You got Diego.

- Take the win.
- Take the win?

The mission was getting
those plutonium rings.

And making sure they were
disposed of for good.

So that no one

could get their hands on them.

That's not exactly something
you bury in your backyard.

If I didn't know any better,
I'd say you were

purposely disregarding
your mission objective.

You give me imperfect intel,
you get imperfect results.

You almost got me k*lled.

It wasn't personal, McCall.

This is the job.

Not the way I do it.

I'm tired of you manipulating me, Fisk.

Until you're ready to start
dealing with me openly

and honestly, this thing, me and you,

it doesn't work.

Are you trying to blackmail me?

Call it "enticement."

Well played, Mall Cop.

Well played.

Hey. I didn't hear you
come in last night.

I didn't want to wake you up.

Oh, hey, babe.

- I'm glad you're home.
- Ah. Me, too.

There's no place else I'd rather be.

I told your mom what went down
at the boutique.



I'm really proud of you.

You spoke truth to power
and made a difference.


I got it.

Hey, Delilah.

Nice hairdo.

Must be your day off.

I deserve that.

What are you doing here?

I came to apologize

for what happened
at the store yesterday.

You needed someone

to have your back, and I couldn't.

Couldn't or wouldn't?

Truth? Maybe a little bit of both?

I need this job.

I have a mountain of student debt,

and Rowena gives me the schedule
I need to make my classes.

And in return, you enable
all her r*cist impulses?

I'm just doing
what I have to do to survive.

Yeah. Maybe.

But at what cost?

STACEY: Again...

...I just wanted to say sorry.

Well, I appreciate that.

But maybe you should save it

for the next girl of color you let down.


Well done, Dee.

Well done indeed.

Seriously, I'm proud of you.

Standing up for yourself,
sticking to your g*ns.

- Thank you.