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01x03 - You-Go-Girl-Kart

Posted: 05/08/23 05:50
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

Okay, Lay Lay,
today is a super important day.

Graduation already?

Man, I'm going to miss these people.

No, we still have four more years to go.

Four more years?

Man, I'm tired of these people.

Today is club fair day.

It's the day where we decide
what type of high schoolers we'll be.

There's so many clubs.

I could learn how to knit a sweater

or play the cello.

Either way, I'm coming out classy.

See? School puts the fun in fundamentals.

[gasps] Is there a club for cool people
that came out of a phone?

Shh! Shh, shh, shh!

There is no club for that because…

[loudly] No one came out of a phone,

We need to keep pretending that you're
an exchange student from Houston.

If we want to keep our secret safe,
you need to keep a low profile.

I'm ' ".

How much lower can my profile get?

Trust me, Lay Lay,

if you want to get through
high school with me,

this is the best way.

That and avoiding Fish Fridays
in the cafeteria.

I don't know what it is,
but it is not fish.

[sighs] Is it time
to sign up for clubs, again?

Or is it picture day for people
who don't have personal stylists?


A pillow-making club!

I'm so joining.


I knew I wasn't the only one
who valued optimal neck support.

Ah, there it is.

The best club at school.

[gasps] Michelle Obama Appreciation club?

Oh, I was talking about Robotics.

Now all I can think about
is a robotic Michelle Obama.

Eat healthier lunches.

Get up and move.

What do they do in Robotics club?

Ooh, they pay really close
attention to their robots

and not to people who may have
popped out of a phone, eh?

It's the perfect place to lay low.

I'm Lay Lay. Not Lay Low.

[engine revving]

Whoa, what's that noise?

It sounds like it's coming
from that hallway.

Well, it's loud and it's calling my name.

Don't worry, Lay Lay is on her way way.

Whoa! What is that?

It's a go-kart.

Hey, I'm Lay Lay.

I'm Lugnut. And this is Auto club.

Your name is Lugnut? That's weird.

My name's weird?

Your name is your name twice.


Okay, Lay Lay, this club's going to draw
way too much attention.

Let's go join Robotics like I said, huh?

Yeah, makes sense.

You strike me as
the safety goggles wearin' type.

Oh, I'll be wearing goggles
when I'm in my go-kart.

I'm signing up for Auto club.

I'm going to be a real teenager
and drive a real car.

Or at least a go-kart.

Uh, you think you can handle it?

Oh, I can handle it.

Are you sure about this?

This club looks really loud and crazy.

Loud and crazy is what I do!

But we just talked about you
flying under the radar.

You talked about that.

I'm out here trying to live my best life.

I'll see you in Auto club, Lugnut.

Chh-chh, chh-chh.

[imitates wheels screeching]


Hi, Sadie. Bye, Sadie.

Whoa. You're just going to rush by?

I mean, I'm used to you running
in and out of our house.

But the robot arm I made
in Robotics club is sensitive.

You're right, where are my manners?

-His name is Bro-bot.

Hi, Bro-bot.

Gotta go.

Marky needs to talk to me
and he said that it's urgently urgent.

Marky can wait. I need to talk too.

It's urgently urgent-er.

Mm, that sounds more important.

Well, I tried to get Lay Lay
to join Robotics club with me,

but instead she signed up for Auto club.

[gasps] Oh no, that's horrible.

Why's that horrible?

Very funny.

If I'm not there to keep a lid on her,
she might do something crazy.

And now she has access
to power tools and electricity.

Come on, Sadie.

You act like she's never been
in school before.

Whoa! Hey. Of course she's been to school.

I mean, what human teenager hasn't,
you know?

I just don't want people
thinking she's too…extra.

The girl bedazzles her toothbrush.

It's a little late for that.

But I like extra.

Extra sauce, extra innings, extra credit.

It must be nice living in your head.

Oh yeah. In here, I'm a king.

Ah, you must be my five o’clock.

Marky Alexander. Business Man.

Jeremy? Your neighbor?

Ha. This guy.

I have a great idea
for a revolutionary product

that will rake in big bucks.

Can I have a chip?

That depends on where
this conversation goes.

You have my attention,
because I like chips.

I need a tech guy to get things done.

So in other words,

you have an idea and you
want me to do all the work.

You do the science while I do the sales.

That's where the magic happens.

Who's the magic man, Jeremy?

You are?

Way to keep up. Chip?



The idea is birthday candles
that blow themselves out.


No more embarrassing party pictures
where people look like blowfish.

That's actually not a bad idea.

Each candle could have a built-in tiny fan
to blow them out.

Check you out, Bill Nye.

I am a science guy. Ha. I'm on board.

Now you've earned a chip.

-So how are you going to sell it?
-Social media.

I've set up a meeting with a influencer
at your school named Tiffany.

-Do you know her?
-Oh, yeah.

Everyone knows Tiffany.

She posted a video of me fighting
with a squirrel over my notebook.

By the end of the day, everyone knew
squirrels were tougher than me.


'Squirrel vs Nerd' T-shirts
are still top sellers on her website.

I know!
I didn't make a penny off those shirts,

and that squirrel retired to Palm Beach.

But if we can get her
to promote our candles

on her website,
they'll be the top sellers.

And I'll be the guy who invented them.

And that's something that squirrel
can't take away from me.

I like your enthusiasm, Squirrel Boy.
Let's do this.

Okay, I guess this is where
we go our separate ways.


Don't be late on your first day, okay?

That'll be hard if I'm trapped
in this bear hug!

I put a snack in your backpack
in case you get hungry.

-And remember.

-I'm right down the hall if you need me.
-Got it.

Oop, you got a little something
on your face.

Ooh! Okay.

This has gone far enough.


Just follow the teacher's instructions
and don't get too crazy.

Now, when have I ever gotten too crazy?

I'm coming for you, Auto club!

Making pillows? [scoffs]

Yeah, right.

[drill whirring]

Psst. Lay Lay.

Psst. Lay Lay.


Sadie, what are you doing here?

I just wanted to check up on you.

But it looks like my little tadpole's
swimming along just fine.

All right, future gas station attendants.

Gather round for this semester's project.

Great, there's a grown-up here
and not just a bunch of kids

playing with tools
that could take out an eye.

This semester, you will all
be building classic go-kart.

Oh, mama. Look at that baby.

This is okay.

But I want to build a car that says,

"Hey, hey, it's Lay Lay."

Uh, excuse me, Miss Lay Lay.

But this is a classic go-kart.

Yeah, there's a reason

they haven't changed the design
since .

I can build a better go-kart
than that hunk of junk.

Cool your jets
with the disparaging remarks.

My jets will be cool
when my go-kart blasts out fire.

Actually, that doesn't sound safe.

What's not safe about fire?

Well, there's a lot of things
wrong with fire.

For one, there's a--
and she's holding fire.

Okay, maybe I should stick around

and keep an eye on my tadpole
for a little while.

Nobody needs to keep an eye on me.

[cans clattering]

Again, the opposite
of flying under the radar.

♪ I'm Sadie's affirmation app ♪

♪ And so no matter what happens
I got her back ♪

♪ 'Cause, see, my homey Sadie
wished on a star ♪

♪ She said, "I wish you were real" ♪

♪ Now I'm as real as you are ♪

-♪ And now who's coming out the app? ♪
-♪ That girl Lay Lay ♪

-♪ Whose avatar power is to freeze? ♪
-♪ That girl Lay Lay ♪

♪ All day, all day, it's your girl ♪

♪ That girl, that girl, that girl
that girl Lay Lay ♪

Fire, am I right?

I did such a good job
putting this together

that I even have screws leftover!

Oh, wow. Um, just wow.

How did you get all these accessories?

Your brother, Marky,
has an impressive contact list

in the bedazzle district.

He even got me that
cool microphone hood ornament.

Okay, I'm just gonna say this.

Your go-kart looks amazing,

but don't you think this is a lot of bling

for such a small go-kart frame to support?

I rock a lot of bling,
and my small frame supports it.

Don't worry, girl,
I haven't forgotten about you.

I've got a "my bestie
is an honor roll student

at East Packer High"
bumper sticker ready to go.

Aww. Thanks, Lay Lay.

Now, give me a drum roll.

Behold, the Lay Lay Lowrider.

This is no go-kart.

This is lip gloss on wheels.

Don't hate because I kicked it up a notch.

Check it. Flames blast out the back.

[engine revs]

Ha. Ha ha! Sorry.

That was me.


That wasn't me.

Okay, Tiffany's going to be here
any minute,

and we need this meeting to go well.

You couldn't dress up
for the pitch meeting?

This is my second favorite shirt.

Why didn't you wear your favorite?

The squirrel took it.

[doorbell rings]

-Out of my way.

I can't have my followers seeing me

hang out with Boss Baby and Squirrel Boy.

Marky Alexander.

Thank you for coming by, Tiffany, and…

I'm Bria. I'm her ride or die.

People call us Briffany.

I have an idea for a product
that I think you'll really love.

Hit me with it.
I've got a toe massage in an hour.

Feast your eyes on this.

That's your product, kid?

Someone already invented cake.

It's not the cake.

It's state of the art technology
that no one has seen before.

Candles that blow themselves out.

Less talking, more demonstration.

[beep beep]

Wow, I think that was--

wait, what do I think, Tiffany?

That oddly wasn't a waste of my time.

I agree. Because that's what I do.

My birthday party is tonight
at BoomBox Burger.

-I want these candles.

Every good party
has a social media moment,

and this will be mine.

-So you love what I've done.
-Whoa. Whoa.

They aren't a yawn,

but they definitely aren't a yay, either.

Make everything bigger and better
before my party tonight.

I can do that.

If bigger is what you want,
bigger is what you'll get.

And don't forget the better.

Is that safe?

It's a little risky,
but I'd rather go viral

for making bigger and better candles

than getting beat up by a possum.

I thought you said it was a squirrel.

I've tangled with a lot of animals.

Well, that didn't go as planned.

Looks like my go-kart was a go-fart.

It was just a little too much bling,
but it was a good effort.

Maybe we should switch to Robotics.

Oh, you're leaving? Just what I thought.

You're all sparkle and no spackle.

You know, you don't have
to be a jerk about it.

Just take your bling and beat it.

Girls don't belong here.

Oh, he just woke up the beast.

Yes. I've never met the beast before.

That's because this is the first time
you've been around me

when someone suggests
boys and girls are not equal.

So Lugnut being a butt knuckle
woke up the beast?


And now that butt knuckle
is going to feel her wrath.

Aren't we supposed to be
flying under the radar?

When the beast roars,
the beast roars loud.

Ooh. [clears throat]

The beast don't play.

We're not going anywhere, Lugnut.

Lay Lay and I are going
to rebuild her go-kart

and then we're gonna
drive it down your throat.

Oh, yeah? Well, I have
an extremely petite esophagus,

so I'd like to see you try.

How 'bout we see whose go-kart
can produce the most RPMs?

You're on.

And when we win, you have
to switch to Pillow-Making club.

You're on, but when I win,

you have to perform
a two-person hallway parade

wearing "I lost to Lugnut" T-shirts.

And I'll tell you right now.
They're not very flattering.

That's not going to happen.

Also, I look good in anything.

Get ready, Lugnut,
'cause your go-kart has nothing on our


[upbeat music]

Working with my best friend
to take down someone who did us dirty?

This is what brings me joy.

That and tater tots.

Your design was dope,

but with my knowledge
of mechanical engineering,

I can reinforce the frame
and boost the horsepower.

I don't know what any of that means,

but as long as we beat Lugnut.

[door clattering]

It's open, Jeremy.

Thanks for answering on the first knock.

There was a chipmunk out there
giving me the side-eye.

Oh, what's up?
Are you still playing inventor with Marky?

You don't know my life.

But yes.

And actually, Lay Lay called me.

You got the stuff?

Hey, stuff? What stuff?

I want to beat Lugnut,
but I'm not going to jail.

Relax. It's just a turbo power booster.

It's only used by professional racers.

So it's sure to be exactly
what a couple of teenage kids need.

How did you get it?

Let's just say Tiffany's birthday candles
are going to be bigger and better.

Is it safe?

As long as you only use a capful.

It's super powerful stuff.

Ah, someone should hold on to that.

I vote me. All in favor? Me, it is.

Thank you, guys,
for all of the birthday wishes.

If you aren't cool enough
to be at my party,

at least your internet's
fast enough to stream it.

Yes. Finally, my first high school party.

Thirty years too late, but I'm here.

Oh, hey, what are you doing here,
Principal Willingham?

Hey, Jeremy.

I've been following Tiffany
on social media for years.

I still have my Squirrel Boy T-shirt.

That squirrel really give you
a run for your money, huh?

Happy Birthday, Tiff.

I made you this pillow.

It's like a sleepover all the time!


I kinda hate that I love this so much!

Now that we're actually doing this,
I'm nervous, Marky.

We may have overdone it
with the power levels.

Tiffany wanted bigger and better,
so that's what she's gonna get.

Before you sing your praises to me,

feast your eyes upon
the state-of-the-art candles

topping my cake.

And never forget I had them first.

[beep beep]

Wow. High school parties are awesome!

Let's do this.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday… ♪

You blew the candles out too soon.

Uh, that, that wasn't me.

The candles blew out on their own.

-[cake sputtering]


That was bigger. That was not better.

Well, this will definitely go viral.

And it'll look pretty good on a T-shirt.

Mmm, buttercream, my favorite.

Why are you wearing your helmets?
We're just revving our engines.

Because we don't want
to just beat you, Lugnut.

We want to look good doing it.

I thought they were for safety,
but what she said sounded better.

Okay, class.
Let's get this contest over with.

I'm reading a book about
a princess and her diary

and I'd like to get back to it.

So start your engines.

[engines revving]

I'm crushing you.

If we were on the track,
you'd be looking at my keister.

At least I wouldn't have
to look at your face.

How do you trash-talk
even when you're losing?

I've got skills.

We can't get our RPMs past Lugnut's.

Oh, this is not looking good.

Hey, I'm gonna love seeing you in those
"I lost to Lugnut" T-shirts.

Sorry, they don't come in pink.

Lugnut's being a jerk again.
We've got to do something.

Don't worry.

The beast is about
to turn this up a notch.

Did you just pour
the whole bottle in there?

Jeremy said to only use a capful.

The beast said to use it all.

I like the beast, but she scares me.

-Whoa, that doesn't look good.
-[engine grinding]

Or sound good.

Or feel good.

I'm from Houston and we have a problem!

k*ll the throttle!

What's the throttle?

Here. Let me do it.


Great. Another lawsuit.


Fellow pillow-makers,

all your hard work has finally paid off.

Now we'll take turns diving into
this pile of handmade pillows.

Who'd like to go first? After me.

[both coughing]

Are you girls okay?

Are you kidding me?

That was great!

I was talking to the pillows.

I didn't know you had it in you, Sadie.

Yeah, that was a dangerous
and really dumb idea.

And I loved it.

There they are.

I got something I wanna say to you two.


What's happening?

Greatness is being recognized.

Well, you know what they say.

When life hands you
a pile of loose feathers, you make…

A full body duck suit!

Well, the obvious answer was pillows,
but your enthusiasm is refreshing.

Let's go, Pillow People.

You've advanced my understanding
of the human experience.

Girls can do anything.

Thank you.

But you're still going to Pillow club.

What an ignominious turn of events.

All right, back to the grease pit.

Auto club has now become Wall Repair club.


Now I get why it's fun
to go a little crazy sometimes.

But I never want to do it again.

I get that.

Hey! We should join Robotics club.

I bet there's plenty
we can blow up over there.

Lay Lay, wait.

Remember, low profile!