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01x01 - Out the App

Posted: 05/08/23 05:48
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

I get so nervous getting up
in front of people.

It feels good to have a friend
to support me through this.

Hey. No problem, Sadie.

You know me. I'm your ride or die.

Aw, thanks, Jeremy,

but I was talking to my
positive affirmation app.

Totally get it.

I don't think I can do this, Lay Lay.

Don't worry, Sadie.

It's just freshmen class elections.

Tell them why you're
the best person for the job.

You got this.

You're the avatar from
my positive affirmation app.

You have to say that.

You're right. I do have to say that.

Don't worry, Sadie. You got this.

I need to figure out a way
to stand out around here.

I know how you can stand out:

a catchy dance routine like this.

[upbeat music]

I'm not dancing in public.

The last time I did that,
I fell and ended up a meme

that's still viral in Bangladesh.

Now it's time to hear from the candidates

for freshmen class environmental officer.

Did I say candidates? I meant candidate.

There's only one person
that cares about this.

Sadie, you're up.

If I'm elected
environmental officer, I will

commit to an environmentally
friendly campus,

and that starts with
educating the student body

about the proper ways to recycle.


Uh, this can should actually be…


…recycled! Ahh!

Guys, if you're ever confused
about where to put trash,

just ask me, okay?

You can call me the trash lady.


Banana peel… [laughs]

…while hurtful and inappropriate,

goes into compost.




And that's the end
of Sadie's presentation.

Uh, actually, Ms. Calloway,

I wasn't done.

Trust me, Sadie, you're done.

[upbeat music]

Twist, then kick, then spin and freeze.

Ooh. [panting]

Can I unfreeze now?

Yeah, thaw on out.

I think the freezing
was the only part that I got down.

Well, I'm beat.

I've gotta get to bed, Lay Lay.

Goodnight, superstar.


Lay Lay, it would be so cool
if you were here.

I wish you were real.

[shimmering tone]

-[electricity zapping]

Fire protocol! Fire protocol!

Follow the plan, Sadie. Follow the plan!


[mysterious music]

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ Hey, now I'm out the app ♪

♪ And we're here no cap
And I'm out the app ♪

♪ And we doin' it no cap ♪

♪ And, uh, my name is Lay Lay
And I came to play play ♪

♪ Play sh**t' star, we spittin' bars ♪

♪ All day, all day and I'm really here ♪

♪ You ain't going crazy, Sadie ♪

♪ Out da app, and I'll show you
How to do it, baby ♪

♪ Twist, then kick
Then spin, then freeze ♪

♪ It's a breeze, snap my fingers ♪

♪ It's easy as the ABCs ♪

♪ Lay Lay-luh-Lay luh-Lay
Luh-Lay Lay Lay ♪

♪ All day day, that girl Lay Lay ♪

♪ Hello ♪

I've gotta stop reading sci-fi novels.

Did a person just come out of my phone?

Not just a person. It's your girl Lay Lay.

How did this happen?

You made a wish on a sh**ting star.

That really works?

I guess so, because I'm here,

and I can't wait to see what it's like

to be a real teenager!

Hey, want to make friendship bracelets?

Make pizza bagels?

Challenge crosstown rivals
to a double Dutch contest?

Your list is very specific.

And long! Let me continue.

I want to prank call a convent.

I want to play dress-up.

I want to eat cheese out of a can.

Hey, how old do you have to be
to work a bulldozer?

♪ I'm Sadie's affirmation app ♪

♪ And so no matter
What happens, I got her back ♪

♪ 'Cause, see, my homey Sadie
Wished on a star ♪

♪ She said, "I wish you were real" ♪

♪ Now I'm as real as you are ♪

♪ And now who's coming out the app? ♪

♪ That girl Lay Lay ♪

♪ Whose avatar power is to freeze? ♪

-♪ That girl Lay Lay ♪
-♪ All day, all day ♪

♪ It's your girl ♪

♪ That girl, that girl, that girl ♪

♪ That girl Lay Lay ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

-[knock on door]
-[Marky] Sadie, you awake?

No, I'm sleeping!

It's my brother, Marky.

No one can see you until I
figure out how to explain you.


Good morning, sis. It's a beautiful day.

Today's weather report
is sunny with a chance of money.

He-hey, what's up, Marky?

I've got a new investment opportunity

you can't afford to pass on.

The last time I invested in
one of your ideas,

it cost me bucks.

Oh, yeah!

The unsupervised lemonade stand.

That was innovative.

They stole the stand
and left the lemonade.

Now leave.

-[Lay Lay sneezes]
-What was that?

Uh… the sound of me
considering your offer.

Let's go have breakfast.

♪ ♪

Why are you acting so weird?

And what's going on in your room?

Nothing's going on in my room.

But, uh, what's going on here?

If you guys keep doing that,

one of you is going to pass out.

[laughs] No one's gonna pass--


Your dad and I got hired to write a jingle

for Stan's Bakery,
but we're having a hard time

coming up with a good song
for the commercial.

Your mom and I got hired
to write a jingle--

Oh, covered that
during your blackout, honey.

So we're trying some new
things to stimulate our brains

and spark great ideas, hence headstands.

Brings me back to my, uh,
breakdancing days.

That's how he got
that flat spot on his head.

It's true.

You're a great dancer to me, Dad.

We're not investing in another one

of your business ventures, Marky.

Then I'm out.

This family doesn't want me to be great.

But financial independence will be mine!

That is the same kid

that lost one shoe at school last week.



Mom, Dad, why'd you stop laughing?

-They can't hear you.

I thought I told you to stay in my room.

That was before I knew
I could freeze time.

I had to show somebody.

-You did this?

Must be an avatar power I have.

That's so cool! What else can you do?

Fly? Talk to animals?
Squirt jelly out of your fingertips?

Even better! Watch this.



That's not a power. That's gross.


Hey, can I go to school with you?

I want to see what it's like.

I guess you have to,

because my parents can't know you're here.

Well, we better go,

because my freeze only lasts seconds,

-and it's over in five, four--
-Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!

We still haven't found that shoe, have we?

Sadie? Sadie?

Looks like we've been ditched again.

Wow, this place is great!

Hey, everybody! It's my first day!

Come on.

This is my locker.

Stay close.


What's up, Sadie?

-Who's your friend?
-Oh, hey, Jeremy.

This is my very human friend Lay Lay.

What's crackin', Jeremy?

Well, I just found out
that my friend has a new friend

and didn't think to introduce
her old friend.

Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind

-with this election coming up.
-Me too.

Turns out you're polling low
with the jocks,

so I did this.

Dang, Sadie!

You didn't tell me you could d-d-d-d-dunk!

I c-c-c-c-can't.

Did you put my face
on a professional ballplayer's body?

Just say thank you.

Hey, can you put me
on a poster with Cardi B?

-We gotta go, Jeremy. Bye.

Okay, we have to figure out
a way for you to blend in.

Relax, no one will notice I'm here.

Hey, obviously new girl.

I'm Tiffany. This is Bria.

Uh, this is Lay Lay.

-She's my…
-…cousin from Houston.

Texas? Howdy, partner.

Tiffany's going to be
our new class president.

Yeah we're totally gonna win.

I mean, she's gonna win.

I get to stand next to her.

What makes you think you'll win?

Oh, honey, I'm running unopposed.

Unless someone runs against you.

Are you even a student here?

-[Lay Lay] Yeah.
-[Sadie] No.

Uh, Lay Lay just transferred here.


Principal Willingham,

did you know we had
a new transfer student?

Transfer student?

I've heard nothing about this,

and I know everything
that goes on around here.

I run a tight ship. I see it all.

I'm sure my parents sent you an email.

I'll check

using my cutting-edge mobile technology.

Seven, seven, star, pound, pound, pound.


I'm sure this is on the up-and-up.

What kid would try to sneak
into school anyway?

Welcome to East Packer High,

but remember,

I see everything.

Ooh, sorry, I didn't see you.

Do I have your vote, Houston,
or do we have a problem?

Actually, I'm voting
for the better candidate.

What are you doing?

Can I have everyone's attention?

I'm Lay Lay, and I'd like to announce

Sadie Alexander is running
for freshman class president.


Are you kidding me right now?

Yeah, I never thought
I'd agree with Tiffany,

but are you kidding me right now?

I can't beat her.

Then we'll do it together, Sadie.

Guess what.

I'm running as Sadie's vice president.

So who's gonna vote for Sadie and Lay Lay?

♪ ♪

I can't believe this. This is crazy.

I know! I can't believe this either.

What are we talking about?

I'm talking about running
for class president.

Why did you sign me up?

Because if you don't run,
Tiffany is going to win,

and I'm not about to let you lose

to a girl who wear press-ons.

But what if she beats us?
We'll look like fools.


You're smart, and you're funny.

And me? I'm Lay Lay.

Together, there's nothing we can't do,

as long as you believe.

I believe! Let's change the world.


When you go, you go hard.

♪ ♪

So remember, a vote for Sadie and Lay Lay

is a vote for the skater community.

And to prove this,

Sadie will now skateboard
down the school stairs.

[scattered cheers]

I'm starting to think this is a bad idea.

Okay, that's a lie.

I was thinking it since you suggested it,

but I was just worked up
the courage to say something.

Good, 'cause courage
is what you need right now.

No! [screaming]

I know you're up to something.

[Sadie screaming]

Nothing gets past me.

[Lay Lay panting]

I see everything.

[loud crash]

But I am afraid of loud noises. Gotta go.

Good news.

I think the skaters will vote for us,

and I can't see any bones
poking through your skin.

Bad news.

You're still gonna lose
the election tomorrow.

Look, Tiffany.
We don't have to do anything.

She's beating herself.

Although that was a really cool stunt.

She'll need more than that to beat me.

I have something special planned

for the performance part of the debate.

What performance?

This year, Tiffany requested a performance

from the presidential candidates
rather than debate.

Because there's no way
Sadie's gonna perform

in front of the entire class.

Well, you messed up, Tiffany,

because "performer"
is Sadie's middle name.

Actually, my middle name is Penelope.

I did not know that. Super cute.

-Brace yourself,

because Sadie Penelope Performer Alexander

is coming for you.

Oh, no, she didn't. Girl.

[upbeat music]

I can't perform in front of the class.

Sure, you can.

Just do that dance
I showed you on the phone.

I'm not dancing in front of those people.

I'm rhythmically challenged.

You can't be afraid to take chances.

That's what life's all about… I think.

I don't really know. I'm new to this.

Oh, hey, Mom and Dad.

Hey, there, Sadie.

Who's your friend…

with her feet on my couch?

Sorry. I'm Lay Lay.

Ah, this must be your running mate

for class president.

How did you know about that?

You have a ten-year-old brother

that hears and shares everything.

I'm not proud that he's a snitch,

but it comes in handy.

So, uh, I guess you know

that she's an exchange student
from Houston.

Ah, Houston.

♪ The city with no limits ♪

That's their slogan.

We wrote a jingle for them.

That's what we do for a living.

Listen to what we've been working on.

[clears throat]

[both] ♪ Stan's Bakery is so fly ♪

♪ He makes the best pastries
And cherry pies ♪

♪ If you ask him he'll tell you why ♪

♪ That Stan's Bakery is so fly ♪

♪ Boysenberry, apple, peaches and cream ♪

♪ There's nothing Stan can't do it seems ♪

♪ Bring a friend and drop on in ♪

♪ Let Stan's Bakery do it again ♪

[all] ♪ Let Stan's Bakery do it again ♪

♪ Let Stan's Bakery do it again ♪

♪ Let Stan's Bakery do it again ♪

♪ Let Stan's Bakery do it again ♪


I think we have a new jingle.

Way to jump in, Sadie.

I was just having fun.

It's easy when you're around family.

Lay Lay, you were great,

but keep your feet off my couch.

-Yes, ma'am.

[upbeat music]

Okay, before we start,

whoever put the smoke b*mb
in the cafeteria,

we have you on camera, okay?

You have one hour to clean it up,

or you'll be suspended.


I can't believe that worked.

I was bluffing.

-You ready for this?

I think this is gonna hurt worse

than falling down the stairs.

Now each of our
vice presidential candidates

will address the student body.

First, Lay Lay… from Houston.

-We really need to find out her last name.


I've only been going
to this school for a day,

but I've seen enough to know
that the classes are boring,

and the food is trash.

That's right; I said it.


But if Sadie and I are elected,

we will fix all of that
with the power of friendship.

The most powerful power there is.

And lastly, being here

is like being in a brand-new world,

and I'm still getting used to everything,

but you've made me feel like family.

Thank you.

So if Sadie and I are elected,

we will make sure
every student feels welcome,

because we are West Packer High!

We are East Packer High!

And now you're other
VP candidate, Bria Hawkins.


Whoever votes for us

gets a new cell phone from my dad's store,

for free!

[cheers and applause]

Now it's time for
the presidential performances.

Not sure why this is part of the election,

but I guess this
is the "Tik-a-Tok" generation.

Why not?

First up, Tiffany Highlander,
who will be doing a cheer.

I wouldn't worry about her.

How good can she be?

Go Packer!

We are Packer, we will win!

Ask anyone, they'll tell you again!


Lay Lay, why'd you freeze time?

She is way better at this than I thought.

We've got seconds to get out of here.

-Come on.
-No, no, no.

If you can come out of my phone
and face a whole new world,

then I can come out of my shell
and face the freshmen class.

For real?

For real, for real.

Like I said, it's easy
to have fun in front of family.

And that's you now.

Now, uh, do the thing
so I can do my thing.


Go Packer!

[cheers and applause]

Thank you, Tiffany.

Next up is Sadie Alexander.

Sadie, it doesn't say
what you'll be doing.

I'll be dancing, Ms. Calloway.


Like I said before,
when you go, you go hard.

Give it up for Sadie Alexander.


[singer] ♪ 'Cause I-I-I'm
In the stars tonight ♪

♪ So watch me bring the fire
And set the night alight ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Shoes on, get up in the morn' ♪

♪ Cup of milk, let's rock and roll ♪

♪ King Kong, kick the drum ♪

♪ Rolling on like a Rolling Stone ♪

♪ Sing song when I'm walking home ♪

♪ Jump up to the top, LeBron ♪

♪ Ding dong, call me on my phone ♪

♪ Ice tea and a game of ping pong, huh ♪

♪ This is getting heavy ♪

♪ Can you hear the bass boom, I'm ready ♪

♪ Whoo-hoo, life is sweet as honey ♪

♪ Yeah, this beat
Cha-ching like money, huh ♪

♪ Disco overload, I'm into that ♪

Come on, Lay Lay. Dance with me.

[singer] ♪ I'm diamond
You know I glow up ♪

♪ Hey, so let's go ♪

♪ 'Cause I-I-I'm in the stars tonight ♪

♪ So watch me bring the fire
And set the night alight ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ Shining through the city ♪

♪ With a little funk and soul ♪

♪ So I'ma light it up
Like dynamite, whoa ♪

Come on, East Packer,
show us what you've got!

[cheers and applause]

I think I pulled a hamstring,

but I wanna get in on this.

♪ ♪

[singer] ♪ Day or night the sky's alight ♪

♪ So we dance to the break of dawn ♪

I'm the greatest campaign manager alive!

[singer] ♪ This is getting heavy
Can you hear the bass boom ♪

♪ I'm ready, whoo-hoo ♪

♪ Life is sweet as honey, yeah ♪

♪ This beat cha-ching like money ♪

Sorry, Tiff, the beat is calling my name.

♪ ♪

I really want to hate this, but…

[singer] ♪ 'Cause I-I-I'm
In the stars tonight ♪

♪ So watch me bring the fire ♪


[singer] ♪ Set the night alight ♪

♪ Shining through the city
With a little funk and soul ♪

♪ So I'ma light it up like dynamite whoa ♪

[cheers and applause]

Let's hear it for the new
freshman class president

and vice president of East Packer High,

Sadie and Lay Lay!

[cheers and applause]

♪ ♪

That's two whole pies.

If I could eat like this,
I'd be here every day.

Lay Lay, you're welcome here anytime.

Yeah, but to be clear,

you can't eat like this every day.

Mom, Dad…

I was wondering if we could be
Lay Lay's host family.

Yeah, we're okay with that if Lay Lay is.

For real?

What do you say? You wanna stay?

It would be like a wish come true.

Rent's due on the th.

That's right, I hear everything.

I'm out.

We've got some work to do.

You girls have a good night.

Thanks, Mom and Dad.

I'm so glad you wished on that star.

I'm glad you got me to try something new.

That is really good to hear,

because there's a guy
coming over at : a.m.

to teach us how to drive a bulldozer.

-You did what?

I'm gonna go to bed.

Lay Lay, come on. No bulldozer!

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪