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05x08 - I'll Take All the Blame

Posted: 05/07/23 19:59
by bunniefuu
GAEL: I'm co-parenting Lyric
with Jazmin and her husband.

YURI: I still own the
lease on this place

for another three months.

You are a talented artist.

Do your own work.

WOMAN: Our daughter, Madison,

lived on the farm with Silas for a year.

Maybe you could help us find Maddie.

- MARIANA: Evan!

Just hang on, Evan, please, please.

Just don't go to sleep, okay?

I'm responsible for him lying in there

and fighting for his life.

JEROME: Evan made you his proxy.

STEF: This burden shouldn't be yours.

MARIANA: But it has to be mine.

Who are you?

MARIANA: I read Dylan's emails,

and he is definitely aligned
with the board members

that are trying to oust Evan.

So anything to report at Speckulate?


Nothing to report.

Everything's running smoothly.




STEF: You need help
processing this, Mariana,

whether you realize it or not.

MALIKA: How are you holding up?

CALLIE: You need to stop
feeling guilty for everything.

LENA: Promise us you will see someone.

JOAQUIN: You're taking on a lot.

Have you found somebody to talk to

about the sh**ting and everything?

STEF: The sooner you
get help, the better.



MARIANA: So the Speckulate
board of directors

is planning on borrowing
million dollars

as a pre-IPO loan,

and using the money
to dilute Evan's shares

- and take control of the company.
- Does Evan know about this?

No, but...

I can't drop this b*mb on
him when he's getting better.

It could set him back.

Can you raise $ million
by yourself to fight it?

No. Of course not.

Evan needs to know he's
about to lose his company.

And if you don't tell him, I will.


- Good morning.
- Oh, morning.

Do you have something to say to me?

Yeah, um, hand me those pecans.

Morty, Morrie, and Murray
are comin' to work here today

and if I don't hide everyone's food,

they're gonna eat it.

Why here?

Apparently, the office had
a pipe burst or something,

and everything's flooded.

But, Starfish, today is our anniversary.

I thought we could celebrate.

Today's our old anniversary.

And... The very first time we kissed.

But then we broke up for two years,

where there was zero kissing at all,

and now we have a new anniversary.

Uh... But I thought it would be cute...

Sumi, I love you so much,
but I don't have time.

The guys are gonna be here,
and I have to hide these stat.

Hey, you wanna take a look at this?

Oh, yeah.


Why is there a non-binary
option for an infant?

Um, well, this place is also
for older kids and families,

so it's probably meant for them.

We have to stop giving
kids so many options.

It's confusing them and us.

I hope my son never tells me

he thinks he's trans or non-binary.

Why can't boys be boys
and girls be girls?


So chopping is all
about safety over speed.

You wanna hold your
hand in a claw position

and use your knuckle as the guide.

You're actually slicing,

and the knife should
never leave the board.

That'll prevent any
accidental amputations.

Wow, you just saved
every fingertip I have.


It's true. I am a hero.

So am I.

I use the power of dance...

To take out the trash.

Wow! Okay.

My power's way cooler.

But you did save me some time,

so... Thank you.


You little piece of shit!
Where's my bucks?


- I know it was you.
- No, man, listen,

I do not know what you're talkin'...

- Don't give me that shit!
- RANJIT: Hey!

What the hell is goin' on here?


I was just leavin'.

Tomorrow, : a.M., th and Olive.

Bring my money.

And I know where you live.

In the Coterie.

RANJIT: What the hell was that about?

I used to be unhoused.

And he... he...

he att*cks people for
living on the streets.

Anyways, a while ago,
he... he jumped me,

he dropped his wallet

and I... I took bucks out of it.

[SIGHS] Pay him off.

Oh, uh, no, no, no, please.

I... I cannot take that.

I... I don't know when I'd
be able to pay you back.

I don't need you to pay me back.

I don't want him around here.

Go on, take it.


I'm just protecting my investment.


♪ Los pollitos dicen ♪
♪ Pio, pio, pio ♪

♪ Cuando tienen hambre ♪
♪ Cuando tienen frío ♪

How's the painting going?

I, uh...

You know, it's just hard to create

when the only thing I'm
passionate about right now

is... Lyric.


I don't think people would
wanna buy paintings of her.

What? I would buy all of them.

Oh, I know you would.

Hey, so, I...

We didn't really talk about
what that lady said today.

Yeah, well, it's not like
I haven't heard it before.

Yeah, but I didn't...

I didn't know whether
or not to say something.

And I'm... I'm sorry.

JAZMIN: It's okay.

And I didn't either.

I mean, people usually assume

that I'm a cisgender woman.

I'm always having to decide
whether or not to out myself.

And... Since we're gonna be in
class with those parents for a while,

I didn't wanna deal with their judgments

or have them looking at me curiously.

This all just happened so fast.

I haven't really had the time

to think about all that
being a trans-parent means.

I'm just trying to raise a healthy baby

and not get too sleep-deprived!

Oh, my God, I know.

You know, when Isabella was pregnant,

I didn't really think about

what it would mean for me
to be a q*eer parent either.

I didn't think about what it
would be like for Lyric, you know?




This is the Coterie.

- MORRIE: Whoa!
- MURRAY: Hippy-dippy.

This is nice!

Wow. Are you sure you
don't belong to a cult?


I don't know what she told you,
but this isn't a retirement community.

Although I have always wanted
to learn how to play bridge.

Kelly, these are my co-writers

- on America's Funniest Ferrets...
- And Friends!

Oh, my God. Oh, my God!

[GUSHING] I'm your biggest
fan! I really am. Oh, my God!

Okay, my favorite episodes,
"Frank Ferret Gets a Floozy,"

um, "His Girlferret Friday,"

um, um, and anything...

anything with Ferret Fawcett.

- Ah!

'Cause she's my favorite!

- Thank you. I came up with the Ferret Fawcett...
- You did?

Not true. That was me.

I worked on Charlie's
Angels back in the day.

- Yeah, yeah. One freelance script!
- It was a very good script.

All right, ignore them. Most people do.

- I'm Morty.
- Hi, Morty.

- Yeah.
- KELLY [LAUGHS]: Oh, my God!

Well, let me know

if the collective genius
needs anything, okay?

Yeah, yeah, okay.

Anything at all.

Did you see that? She winked at me.

MURRAY: No, that wink
was clearly for me.

I'm pretty sure there
was something in her eye.

- It's dusty in here.
- Wait, there's another one.



- How are you?
- SUMI: Good!

- How are you?
- MURRAY: I'm good.

Morty, Murray, and Morrie, this is Sumi.

- Hi!
- Hi.

My girlfriend.

- Oh!
- Oh!

Uh, lesbian girlfriend
or friend girlfriend?

These days, you never know. [CHUCKLES]

Lesbian. And it's so nice
to finally meet you all.

[STAMMERS] What do you
think of that Drake song?

Where he sings he's a lesbian too?

Do you think that's appropriation?

Sumi, what do you do?

Oh, well, in addition to managing Alice,

I'm also a dental hygienist.

- Oh!
- Ah.

- A real job!
- SUMI: Mm-hmm!

She's a keeper.

You know, I have a
crown that's a little...

- Morrie, Morrie.
- Don't... Don't do this.

- She's not sterilized.
- It's loose.

JOAQUIN: Is there anything else
you can remember hearing about Madison?

Why she left the farm?
Rumors about her missing?

No, the other girls just
said she disconnected.


From the source.

What's the source?

Silas is the source.

He... Connected us to God,

and it was through him
that... God healed us.

Anyone who left became
disconnected from the light.

He would say that...

They became possessed by their demons.


The guy is a master manipulator, okay?

He's no more connected to
God than anybody else is.

Remember what he did to you.

Locked you up.

- You said he abused you.
- I know.

JOAQUIN: And he may be
responsible for a girl's disappearance.

- Well, you don't know that.
- That's why I wanna talk to him.

I wanna look him in the eye.
I wanna see if he's hiding anything.

Maybe I should just go back to the farm.

What? N... No, you can't go back there!

Please, Joaquin,

look for Madison,
but... Leave Silas alone.




I've never wanted to
take the company public.

Why did I change my mind?

Well, you found a way to do it

and still keep control of the company.

And now if I can't raise
$ million, I will lose control.

Why would I put myself in this position?

MARIANA: You didn't.

They're taking advantage
of the fact that you were...

That... That you're recovering.


How am I gonna raise so much capital

that quickly?

I have to get back at the helm.


- You're not well enough...
- Don't touch me!


W... What can I do to help?

EVAN: Nothing.

There's nothing you can do.


Okay, they're husband and wife.

And the hubby turns and says...

"What did I do wrong?"

"You came home drunk again

and parked the Buick
halfway outta the garage.

And then you closed the garage door,
and it came down on the trunk

and cost us $ , in damages!"

That's oddly specific.

Insurance covered most of it.

You got any deli meat?

No, Morty!

You can't eat other people's food!

I thought that was the whole point

of living in a commune.

This isn't a commune.

first-kiss anniversary

is important. Why are you
refusing to celebrate it?"

we broke up for two years,

so now our old anniversary
doesn't count anymore!"

Talk about specific.

Agreed, the old
anniversary doesn't count.

Yeah, the breakup nullifies

- everything that came before.
- Thank you!

I don't know. A first
kiss is a first kiss.

Who remembers the date of a first kiss?

- Lesbians.
- SUMI: Lesbians.

May I have a word with you, Alice?


I think they have a doghouse here too.

It's not good.

Why are you sharing our personal life

with your co-workers?

That's what we do in writers' rooms.

We share personal experiences.

It helps us create relatable characters.

You are writing for ferrets!

Ferrets are people too. Sort of.

Alice, I don't want you airing
our dirty laundry at work, okay?

Especially not when we're
in the middle of an argument!


But the consensus seemed to be:
old anniversaries don't count.

And... Wait, we're in
the middle of an argument?


It doesn't count. Are you happy now?



Guess you heard all that.

It's not your fault.

My new hearing aid.
It picks up everything.

I don't know what to do.

I... I'm trying to help Evan,

but he keeps pushing me away.

Mariana, Speckulate is
not your responsibility.

And if Evan's pushing you away...

You should come back to Bulk Beauty.

- We miss you.
- RACHEL: A ton!

[GROANS] I miss you too.

I wanna come back.

I miss Bulk Beauty. But...

I can't leave Evan when he's
about to lose his company.

I have to try to protect him.

We're just worried about you.

You're under a lotta stress.

Maybe you can focus on
other things besides work.

Like... Talking to a therapist.

I... I will.

I'm just...

I'm trying to plug all of the holes
that keep erupting, you know?

You can always come home.

Whenever you're ready, we'll be here.

And Bulk Beauty will be here.

Don't forget that.

Thank you.

I won't.



Oh. Hi.

What happened with Evan and Speckulate?

Well, I... I had to

tell him about the board.
And he got pretty upset.

Uh... But you know,
I... I've been thinking

about Madison, and...

Maybe we should go back
to the farmer's market,

try to talk to the women about
the last time that they saw her

to establish exactly when
Madison left the farm.

If she left the farm.

Look, um, I've thought about this,

and... I don't want you
gettin' involved, okay?

Silas is too much of a wild card.

It's too dangerous.

You already have to run Speckulate.

You don't need to add to the stress

- that you're already under.
- I... I'm fine.

Uh... I want to help with this.

I... I need to help with this.

And Silas can't just get
away with hurting people.

I... I know you wanna
avenge Evan. I get it.

What's wrong with that?

You're doing this to avenge Jenna!

And there's a girl that is missing.

Her parents are suffering.

We're a good team.
We found your sister together.

I... I know that together,
we can find Madison too.

- I know we can!
- I'm sorry.

I'm not putting you in
harm's way again, okay?

I got this one. I don't
need your help, Mariana.






It... It's Jenna.

Hello, Jenna.

How are you?

[VOICE BREAKING] Not so well.

I, uh, I think I made a
mistake leaving the farm.

And you.


Can we meet?

Of course.

Yeah, just say when and where.



Hi! Haven't seen the baby in a while.

Oh, she's so cute!

How's parenting going?

- It's good.
- SPENCER: Yeah, we're havin' fun.

It takes a village,
and we definitely have one.

- GAEL: Oh, yeah.

Hey, we were talking about
Lyric having q*eer parents

and how that might affect her.

Do you mind if we ask you

what it was like for
you, having two moms?

Of course.

Um, having lesbian moms,

did you ever feel unsafe?

In what way?

Like, did people ever
say hurtful things to you

or your siblings?

Make fun of you or anything?

I mean, there was an
occasional intrusive comment.

And some people would
ask, "Where's your dad?"

But... We were really lucky.

We grew up in a really
progressive community

and went to progressive schools.

Well, someone said
something transphobic to me

at the family resource center.

Oh. I'm sorry.

That's why we wanted to talk to you.

When you were younger, did
your moms ever prepare you,

you know, in case someone
said something hateful?

They did.

They told us that

some people in the world
wouldn't approve of our family.

But they also taught us that

love is nothing to be ashamed of.

I think what was really
important was that

they didn't hide who they were,

or make us feel like we
needed to hide anything.

I think if they weren't out and proud,

it would've sent us a message

that there was something
wrong with our family.

That's really beautiful.

Well, thank you for
talking to us, Mariana.

- Yeah, thank you.
- Thank you.

Of course.

- Good to see you.
- JAZMIN: Good to see ya.



We're done.

And I never wanna see your face again.


Yeah, okay.

We're good.

"Why do I always get the worst job?

"They get to rob a bank,

and I get stuck being the lookout!"


I'm gonna get some cheese.


No, no, no, I'm serious!
I need some cheese.

- MORTY: But that was funny.
- MURRAY: Yeah.

Write that down.


- Oh, excuse me.
- SUMI: Thank you.

Are you two still fighting?


And I'm starting to get concerned

'cause we never fought
the first time we dated.


"Oooh" what?

You can't be in a
relationship with someone

without there being a
certain amount of conflict.

But... You gotta learn
how to fight fair with your partner.

You see what I did there?

I was gonna say lesbian girlfriend,

but I used the appropriate term instead.

But I used appropriation first.

All right, congratulations,
you're both really woke.

Look, arguing with your partner,

it... it takes trust and honesty.

It... It's necessary
for a solid relationship.

Yeah, I'm... I'm glad I
learned that with Helen,

my second and fifth wife.

I mean, we fought constantly
the second time around:

uh, who snored the loudest,
how to... how to poach an egg,

what's the best Beatles album.

But eventually, I learned

you put a little vinegar in the water

- before you drop the egg.
- Oh!

And she learned Abbey Road
is the best Beatles album.

Uh, it's Sergeant Pepper's.

You're both wrong, it's the White Album.

Is Helen still your wife?

Uh, no. Uh...

Sadly, she passed.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

It's all right.

I'm just glad we got it
right the second time.

Yeah, see, that's the point.

Now you and Sumi have a second chance,

but you gotta fight fair.

Yeah, you did shut her
down and let her storm away

- before you finished the argument.
- Yeah, I mean, look at us.

Yeah, we bicker in the writers' room,

but we never leave angry.

Uh, speak for yourself.

Now, look, we... we
may bicker all the time,

but we love each other.

And you know it.

And I hope we work together forever.

MURRAY: Ah, come on.

You're my best friends.

- You're verklempt!
- Stop!

All right, go.

Finish that argument right now.



I got cheese for us.

- MORTY: Malika?
- Oh.

- Is that Hawaiian?
- I don't know.


I thought we could start today

by going around the circle

and having everyone
introduce themselves,

and tell us a little about their family.

Any volunteers to go first?

- Yes.

Um, my name is Jazmin.

I'm Lyric's mother.

And I'm a transgender woman.

My pronouns are she/her.

Hi, uh, my name is Spencer.

Uh, my pronouns are he/him.

And I am very lucky and
proud to be Jazmin's husband.

And my name is Gael. He/Him.

I'm Jazmin's brother, and I'm q*eer.

And together, the three of
us are co-parenting Lyric.

JAZMIN: And we're excited to be here

and learn how to raise
Lyric to be a happy baby.

And grow to be a confident
and self-assured person.

Wonderful. Welcome to the group.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

INSTRUCTOR: Who's next?

I'm whispering 'cause Morrie
has a bionic hearing aid.

Don't bother. They obviously know more

about our relationship than I do.

I never share anything really personal.

I'm sorry.

I haven't been fighting fair.


I'm really sorry for
dismissing your feelings

about our first-kiss anniversary.

We're just such different people now,

and I don't wanna celebrate
who we were in the past.

I don't love those two people.

I especially don't love who I was.

I always kept my feelings inside

and I didn't know how
to stand up for myself.

I want our anniversary
to be new and fresh, okay?

Like we are.

Well, I'm glad

you're sharing your feelings with me.

And I get it.

We have new firsts to celebrate.

Like our first resolved argument.

And your first orgasm
with another person. Me.

Sumi! Bionic hearing aid.


Then let me express my
feelings nonverbally.


MAN: Here's your bucks.

RANJIT: I hope you beat
the crap outta that dude.

Stealing from homeless
people, what a piece of shit.

Well, he's feelin' the
pain. But don't worry,

I followed him for a few
hours before I jumped him

just so he wouldn't
trace it back to the kid.

RANJIT: Nice. Here's your cut.

Good work.



I owe you an apology for
what I said yesterday.

I have nothing against
transgender people.

I'm sorry.

I didn't realize.

If you really don't have anything
against transgender people,

maybe you should look at
why you felt comfortable

saying something like that

when you didn't realize
a trans person was around.

You okay?



How'd it go with the thug?

Um, fine.

What are you doin'?

Havin' a little party at my place.

Dennis doesn't need to know.

I mean, it's my money anyway.

And he doesn't need to know
about your situation either.


I am out bucks, so you owe me.

Party time.

You okay?

Uh, yeah, I'm... I'm fine.

Do you work for Ranjit on the side?

What would make you think that?

I saw him give you money yesterday.

Oh, no, that... that was a loan.

No, I... I had a debt to pay.

But I'm... I'm gonna pay him back.

Oh. Okay.

Hey, but I am so ready for
our next cooking lesson.

Yeah, um, I thought
today, I could teach you

how to julienne cut.

Sounds good. After you.

WAITRESS: Here you go.

- Thank you.
- WAITRESS: Mm-hmm.

Joaquin. What a surprise.

made a mistake leaving the farm.

And you.

Can we meet?

SILAS [OVER PHONE]: Of course.

Yeah, just say, uh,
just say where and when.


I assume Jenna's not coming.

You assume right.

That's interesting that you
accuse me of controlling Jenna,

when in fact, you're
manipulating her actions now.

No, actually, this was her idea.

Well, the two of you succeeded.

I'm here. What can I do for you?

Perhaps you're searching
for some peace of mind?

I'm searching for Madison McClain.

And what do you have to do with Madison?

Running a story on her
disappearance, want to get a quote.

A quote?


Well, as I'm sure you already know,

she left the farm over two years ago.

I haven't heard from her since.

Why'd she leave?

SILAS: You'd have to ask her that.

I only know why she came.

She was so lost.

She was so damaged by...
The brutal upbringing.

Her parents were...

Emotionally and physically abusive.

And she was doing great.

She, uh, gained a sense
of purpose and peace.

And then one day, she
said she was leaving.

I was sorry to see her go.

I wished her well,

and she left.

She disconnected...

From the source.

You must've been pretty
upset that she left.

Did you try to convince her to stay?

Maybe things got a little ugly?

Everyone is free to come and
go as they please at the farm.

Is that why you locked
my sister up at night?

Sometimes, people aren't missing.

Sometimes, they just
don't wanna be found.

Give Jenna my love.


What are you doing here?

MARIANA: Oh, hey.

Uh, is Joaquin around?

Uh, no, no, he's not.

What's wrong? Where is he?

Jenna was worried about you.

You shouldn't meet with
Silas without backup.

You said it yourself, he's a wild card.

What if he is capable of m*rder?

Which is why I didn't go to the farm.

He's not gonna do anything in public.

Yeah, but now he knows

that you're looking into
Madison's disappearance.

Yeah, that was my plan.

I don't have much to go on.

I was hoping he would
react in an incriminating way.


He played it cool.

Like usual.

Well, I have something
that might help too.

Under one of Madison's Instagram photos,

a user calls her Mad&McClain .

I ran that name through
a program that I designed.

And it turns out,

there's a user on a mobile game
Word Saga who goes by that name.

And they've been active
over the last month.

I'm % sure that
that's Madison's account.

Okay, so she could still
be out there somewhere.


And this is exactly
why you need my help.


Look, I... I need to feel
like I can do something right.

Okay. Okay?

But we're gonna make a pact
that we don't go rogue, right?

If we're doing this together,
that means we stay together.


- Oh. I should answer that.
- Yeah.

- Hello?
- EVAN [OVER PHONE]: I need to see you.

I know what I have to
do to save my company.

And I need your help.


Please come as soon as you can.

I need you.

What's goin' on?

Did you talk to Silas?

I did, yeah. But he
didn't give anything up.

Why's your bag packed?

I have to leave, Joaquin.

Oh, oh, ok... okay. I know that

calling Silas was... was
hard for you and I'm sorry.

- I probably shouldn't have let you do that.
- No, no, it's... it's not just that.

I know looking for Madison is important.

But I can't be a part of it.

Okay, that's... that's fine.
Then I'll just stop. I'll drop it.

No. No, I... I think
you should keep going.

Her family deserves that.


I don't... I mean, I don't...

I don't want you to leave.

I don't wanna leave you either.

But my therapist recommended

this counseling center in Palo Alto

for... Survivors of cults.

I appreciate everything
that you've done for me,

but I need to be around people who...

Understand what I've been through.

Can you understand that?

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, yeah, of course
I can. I just, uh...

Promise me we... we won't lose touch.

I need my sister. I need my sister.

JENNA: I will not
disappear from your life

ever again.

You never gave up on me,

and I will never give up on you.

I love you.

I love you too.

Well, that was a productive day.

Yeah, it will be after I
have a bowel movement.

Gotta have a little coffee. That helps.




I got somethin' to tell you.

The writers' room was not flooded.

I got word from the network

that Ferrets & Friends
is getting canceled.

- What?

I thought that the boys
would find out at the office.

I just haven't had the
heart to tell them. Or you.

But you have...

You've got so much more
going for you in your life.

Ferrets & Friends
is... is all they have.

It's all we have.

I... I...

I don't know how I'm
gonna tell 'em it's all over.

All right, boys. Let's eat.

- Come on.
- Let's get Chinese.

- Yeah?
- Did you press the button?




This a list of all my private
investments in small tech start-ups.

I need to liquidate my positions.

The money from those sales
combined with my personal assets,

as well as a loan that I can secure,

I will have raised the
million that I need

to battle this attempted
coup by the board.

But... But Bulk Beauty's on this list.

I know that's your company.

We'll have to sell Bulk Beauty
so you can get your money back.

I'm sorry.

There is no other way.

[ECHOING] There is no other way.

JEROME: Evan needs to know
he's about to lose his company.

EVAN: If I can't raise
$ million, I will...

- MARIANA: You're not well enough yet.
- EVAN: Don't touch me!

MARIANA: I want to help with
this. I need to help with this.

EVAN: There's nothing you can do.

There's nothing you can do.



♪ Nobody listened ♪

♪ So she screamed out loud ♪

♪ She broke the dishes ♪

♪ When he tried to put his hand on her ♪

♪ She took the car keys
Went to the police ♪

♪ Now he's sitting in a jail for life ♪

♪ 'Cause somebody listened ♪

♪ Somebody listened ♪

♪ ... Snakehead ♪
♪ We call that the industry ♪

♪ I've been praying, smoking ♪
♪ Tryna guard my energy ♪

♪ Remaining hopeful ♪

♪ I'm just tryna maintain innocence ♪

♪ Maintain sanity ♪

♪ While I'm setting a
table up for my lineage ♪

♪ And they can tell the
greatest story that was ever told ♪

♪ 'Bout how the fortune
favors the bold, yeah ♪

♪ Fortune favors the bold ♪

♪ The one who's not looking for gold ♪

♪ Ain't afraid of the night ♪
♪ Never runs from a fight ♪

♪ Takes the longest road ♪
