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04x21 - To Err Is Human

Posted: 05/07/23 10:59
by bunniefuu
Herb is a dead man.

- I mean it. I want his head.
- Jennifer...

Not his heart, his head.
Okay, and his heart too.

And while you're
at it, I want his belt.

When herb comes in, tell him
mr. Carlson would like to see him.


Good morning. I'm
here to see mr. Carlson.

Oh, I'm sorry.
Mr. Carlson isn't here.

I'm a very dear friend
of his... Since birth.

Not here.

Look, I owe him a
large sum of money,

And I'm here to pay him back.

You can give it to me.

Say, uh, haven't we
met somewhere before,

Or am I getting you confused

With some gorgeous movie star?

- Where was it?
- Youngstown?

- Yep. Youngstown, ohio.
- I've never been to youngstown.

You're tough. I
like that in a broad.

A what?

"Lady." No, "woman."

Which is in now?

Herb, mr. Carlson
would like to see you.

Not that mr. Carlson.

- Oh, yeah? What for?
- He didn't say.

- Oh. Sound important?
- Very.

Well, I'm due for
a raise, you know.

I'm in trouble, aren't i?

He wants your heart, herb.

- Really?
- And your belt.

I think I left
something in the car.

Ah, herbert. Get in here.

Right now. In here.

Oh, no.

Well, herb, what do you think?

What we have here
is a commercial

For soul suds shampoo,

Shampoo that's
exclusively marketed

To the hip, black
customer, am I correct?

Yes, sir.

Yeah. Then why are
we looking at a picture

Of this really
idiotic-looking white man?

Mr. Carlson, this is a mistake.

"Mistake"? Andy, it's a mistake.

It's a $5,000 mistake.

What happened, herb?

Well, it's supposed to be venus.

We know that, but
how did it happen?

Come on, tell us before you die.

I'm not sure. Let's see. Uh...

Didn't you pay a
professional photographer

$150 To take venus's picture?

- Well, yes and no.
- Hmm?

Well, yes, I paid the
photographer $150.

No, he wasn't a professional.

Who was he?

- Me.
- Both: you?!

- Yeah.
- You!

Well, I take a pretty
darn good picture.

- Do you call this
a darn good picture of venus?
- No, sir.

What happened here, herb? Now,
just really try and think, huh?

Well... Well, this
picture of me was on

The same roll I took of venus.

I guess I told them to
print the wrong number.

Certainly you proofed the photo.

Certainly you stopped by the printer's.
Certainly you were on top of things.

Certainly you were not
barbecuing when all this went down.

Certainly you know there's one of
these in every supermarket in town,

And we can't even tell
how good the shampoo

Works on you, herb,
because you've got a hat on!

♪ Baby, if you've
ever wondered ♪

♪ Wondered whatever
became of me ♪

♪ I'm livin' on the
air in cincinnati ♪

♪ Cincinnati, wkrp ♪

♪ Got kind of tired of
packin' and unpackin' ♪

♪ Town to town, up
and down the dial ♪

♪ Maybe you and me
were never meant to be ♪

♪ Just maybe think
of me once in a while ♪

♪ I'm at wkrp in cincinnati ♪


All right, that's huey
lewis and the news...

"Do you believe
in love" at 9:37.

You got the doctor
on the mighty krp.

From 1965,

It's junior walker and
the all stars' "shotgun,"

Kicking off another 20
commercial-free minutes

Of rock and roll,
right after this.

Hi. This is venus flytrap,

And I want all my brothers
and sisters out there

To know that I use soul
suds scented shampoo.

So be hip. Do as I do.

My hair is laid
back, and so am i.

That's because I put
the brakes on the flakes

While conditioning too.

So look for the
life-sized poster of me

Wherever they sell soul suds,

And get a look at how great venus
flytrap looks after just one use

Of soul suds shampoo.


You've got to stop using
this stuff right away.

I go out this morning
to buy some shampoo,

And I see this statue
in my supermarket, man.

We've got to get rid of these
signs, at least in my neighborhood.

Is this, uh, herb's fault?

Of course it's herb's fault.

"Kiss the cook"?

What does that mean,
"kiss the cook," man?

I don't know how
to say this, brother.

I guess you know you're...

Washed up as a black man.

What am I gonna do, man?

Country and western.

Beautiful music. Uh...

You could apply for a position
in the reagan administration.

There are a lot
of options, venus.

You guys call
yourselves printers?

There were 50 photos
of a black guy in a tuxedo

Holding a bottle of shampoo

And one photo of a
white guy barbecuing,

And you used the white guy!

I don't care which
photo I marked.

I made the mistake, and you
people were supposed to catch it.

That's what I pay you for.

Don't you remember?
I screw up everything.

You should know that if it
comes from me. It's wrong.

Now, wise up!

What's wrong with
you guys, anyway?

Can't you get anything right?


You should fire them, herb.

I am. Tomorrow I am
getting a new printer.

Business is business.

And how about yourself? Do
you think you should be fired?


As a matter of fact, I do.

What do you think about that?

I mean, they won't do it.

Carlson's a marshmallow.

Andy's too nice for the job.

- I would fire you.
- No, you wouldn't.

You couldn't come in
here every day and...

Stare at this empty desk.

Am I right?

- Well, uh... I...
- Fire him, bailey.

Stay out of this, les.

Do it!

- Oh, les, I can't...
- Hey. Hey.

Nobody gets fired around here.

They get assaulted now and then,

But nobody gets fired.

Thank you. Yeah. Goodbye.


Well, if we pay for the signs

And get 'em out of the stores,
he will not pull his commercials.

What does that mean to us?

It's a total washout, but
we won't lose any money.

But we could've made $5,000.

Listen, this guy sherman
is letting us off the hook.

I understand that
he is tough as nails.

Let's talk about herb
tarlek for a minute.


How much longer are we gonna
let this sort of thing go on?

I'll talk with him.

I'm not talking about, uh,

A scolding, andy.

I'm talking change.

You think about it
for a while, all right?

Yeah, I will.


Yeah, will you come in
here for a minute, please?

You know about this
sherman soul suds mess?

Yes, I do.


What would a prudent
businessman do?

Give him another chance.


Well, I think you've really made
an impression on him this time.

I think you'll see
some improvement.

Big guy, here's the deal.

I just fired the printers.
Dropped them like a hot rock.

You sit in that lobby
for a little bit, herb.

I want to see you in a minute.

Okay, but make it
snappy, all right?

He really doesn't help
himself much, does he?


Jennifer, this is it.

Just give me couple of
seconds before you send him in.

Yes, sir.

Herb, get over to hester sherman products
right away and straighten everything out.

- Big guy wants to see me.
- No, no, he doesn't. Go over there now.

- I thought I'd call first.
- Go, go.

- I don't even know sherman.
- Just go over and fix it.

- I hear he's tough as nails.
- Go, go!

Les! Les,

Mr. Carlson would like
to see you right away.

- What about?
- The metric system.

I don't know anything
about the metric system.

That's the problem,
les. Now, get in there.

Jennifer, do I have an
appointment with les nessman?

Let me see.

Les nessman, les...

Yes, yes, the metric system,

10:45 To 12:15.


Hi, honey. Look, I don't
have an appointment...

- "Honey"?
- But I'd like to
see mr. Sherman.

- It's kind of important.
- I'm sorry. It's impossible.

Oh, come on. Give him a buzz.


If we want a used car,
we'll come to the lot.

That's good. That's great.

Look, I'm not trying
to sell anything.

I just want to talk.

Wait a minute.

You're the one on the
soul suds poster, right?

Yeah. Yeah, that's me.

Oh, I think mr. Sherman
would like to speak with you.

Wait here one second.

Come right in, mr. Tarlek.

Thank you. I hear he's tough.

Good dog. Good dog. Down.

There. That's a girl.

Dogs don't like me much.

I do well with birds, though.

We had a couple
parakeets for a while.

Sit down, tarlek.

Thank you.

Well, you really

Messed this one up, didn't you?

Well, yes, sir,

I guess in a way
you could say that,

But, uh, let's just
ask ourselves,

How much trouble
am i... Am I really in?

I mean, uh, how bad

Do you think that
poster really is?

Very bad.

Well, mr. Sherman,

You know, I don't think
it's as bad as you think.

Oh, really?

In fact, um,

I have a couple of letters here

From some very,

Very happy supermarket
managers, yes, sir.

Even though the posters just
went into the markets today?

Actually, these are telegrams.

Can I see them?


These are telegrams?

They're photocopies
of telegrams.

- Uh-huh.
- Uh-huh.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

You know, I called your station,

And I already made an
arrangement with them,

But after meeting you,

I'm gonna have to call
them and change all that.

Well, good.

I'm so delighted
you came down here.

It was... My pleasure.

I'll call them right away.

Oh, well, thank you,
mr. Sherman, and, uh,

Let's do that lunch thing, okay?

You bet.

Well, uh... So long.


All right, all right, all right.

Here's how it works.

We go into the
supermarket, you dig?

You create a ruckus
in the produce section,

You grab the sign, fold it
up, put it into your jacket,

We're out the door.

- What kind of ruckus?
- I don't know.

- Something with mangoes.
- "Mangoes"?

Venus, don't worry about the signs.
They'll be out of the stores by tomorrow.

- Thank goodness.
- Oh, too bad.

I was just getting a mental
picture of me and those mangoes.


- Andy?
- Yeah?

Excuse me.

- Mr. Sherman just called.
- Yeah?

Well, he didn't really
want to speak to anyone.

He just said that he wants all
of his commercials off the air,

And he doesn't want to do
business with us ever again.

What? Why? What happened?

Herb went to see him.


Because I sent him there.

Oh, jennifer, I had this
whole thing straightened out.

I didn't know. I'm sorry. Please
don't tell mr. Carlson about this.

I've got to.

Just give me an hour.
Where is sherman's office?

What can you do?

All right. He's in the haste
building right down the street.

Thank you. Just give me
a moment to freshen up,

And I'll be on my way.

Hello. I'd like to see
mr. Sherman, please.

- Do you have an appointment?
- No, but he'll want to see me.

I don't think so.

I have urgent business.


If he doesn't see me
now, he'll see me in court.

The welfare of a
young child is at stake.


I've heard them all before.

Well, I owe him some money,

And I'd like to pay him back.

You're not getting in.

Well, all right.
Then I'll just wait.

- You again.
- Yes.

- Go right in.
- Thanks.

Where do you think you're going?

- She said I could go right in.
- Well, you can't.

- Well, hello.
- Who is it?

Uh, i-i'm, uh... Uh... Uh...

Oh, mr. Sherman, I'm so sorry.

This person got past me.

- I'm, uh...
- You'll have to leave now.

Mr. Sherman, I'm sorry.
Please forgive me.

I'm sorry too.
It's not her fault.

Oh, that's sweet. Get out.

Mr. Sherman, can you see at all?

No, I can't.

Not even shadows or forms?

No, no. Nothing.

Well, then I guess
I'd better go.

This way, please.

That... That perfume
you're wearing,

It's french, right?

- Very subtle.
- Why, yes. It's a special blend.

That'll be all, beiler.

- Is she gone?
- Why, yes.


She closes the door and
stands there. She's tricky.

- You're kidding.
- No, no, no.

She really doesn't think
I know. Sit down, please.

Thank you.

Now, how are things
at the old radio station?

How did you know?

We've talked on the phone.

I may not be so hot at faces,

But voices, I never
forget them, miss...

Jennifer marlowe.

And they sent you down
here to change my mind, right?

No, I came here
of my own accord.


Mr. Sherman,

Wkrp is a very
unusual radio station.

We hire some people
that otherwise

Couldn't get jobs at
another radio station.

Like that tarlek fellow, right?

Exactly like that tarlek fellow.

I don't think I'd be
spreading tales

If I were to tell you that

He probably couldn't
get another job in the city,

Let alone the state,
and, well, I like him.

It's crazy, but I like him.

And I'm the one who
sent him over here,

And I don't want
him to get fired.

So you took it upon yourself

To come down here and
change my mind, right?

- Yes.
- I can't help you.

You're very
self-assured. I like that.

Thank you.

I also like a little compassion.

I'm a perfectionist.

When you're handicapped,
you're always trying

To show the world you
can be a little better.

- I know all about that.
- You do?

Mm-hmm. I'm a pretty blonde,

So when people meet me,
they naturally think I'm dumb.

- No, I didn't think so.
- Well, that's because you can
see through all that.

And I'm sure you
can see through me.

I came down here
because I thought

A pretty face could help
you change your mind.

- I'm not that kind of guy.
- I know.


It was your voice
that changed my mind.

I've always been a voice man.

I hope this doesn't
sound forward

Or dumb or anything, but, um,

Could I feel your face?

Is this some sort of
sightless come-on?

You're absolutely right.
I'll settle for a handshake.

Oh, fine. All right.

Now, go quietly.

All right.

And don't let me
even hear the door.

Oh, okay.

I knew it! I knew she was there!

Man: wkrp in cincinnati

Will be back after this.

Look, andy, she
can't do everything.

The guy is blind, totally blind.

I mean, you've got to see jennifer to
get in the game, you know what I mean?

Thank you, bailey.
I'll take over now.

- Sure.
- Hey, well?

Delightful man. No problem.

- So he's not gonna
pull his ads?
- No.


Amazing. Just amazing.

What's amazing?

Well, don't you
get it? He's blind.

He's not blind.

Well, then he-he's

Pulling off one hell of an act.

It's not an act. He
can see, believe me.

- How well?
- Perfectly.

What did you do, wave your
hand in front of his face?

Oh, herb, come on,
give me a little credit.

I'm not an idiot.

Does mr. Carlson
still want to see him?

Good point. I'll
get him out of here.

- Okay.
- Good job. Herbert!

We should do everything
else in celsius from now on.

Oh, absolutely. Yeah.

Get back to me
on that, will you?

Yes, sir.

I still want to see herb.
And I mean that, jennifer.

Yes, sir. Right away.


You owe me.

I know I do, and I'm sorry.

- Well?
- What is it exactly
that you sell?

A super new staple
remover we're quite proud of.

Perfect. Go right in.


The sizzle, not the steak.
The sizzle, not the steak.

Super new staple removers?

Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes.

You had them from 4:15 to 6:00.