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04x08 - Jennifer and the Will

Posted: 05/07/23 10:42
by bunniefuu

Who's that bum?


Ah, green peppercorns.

- Exactement!
- Oh!

- (French) why, of
course, they're green.



I promise to remember.

Oh, I don't think so. Look.

It's 9:30. Past the
colonel's bedtime.

In fact, the little
devil is napping now.

You know, he often
takes a little snooze

Between dessert and coffee.

Helps build up his strength
for the long walk to the car.

Oh, no, thank you,
andre. Just the check.

The mere presence of an
outrageously overinflated bill

Always arouses him.

Merci beaucoups.

We enjoyed it. Very soothing.

c'est une "whopper."




Bonsoir, mademoiselle.

Oh, dear.

♪ Baby, if you've
ever wondered ♪

♪ Wondered whatever
became of me ♪

♪ I'm livin' on the
air in cincinnati ♪

♪ Cincinnati, wkrp ♪

♪ Got kind of tired of
packin' and unpackin' ♪

♪ Town to town, up
and down the dial ♪

♪ Maybe you and me
were never meant to be ♪

♪ Just maybe think
of me once in a while ♪

♪ I'm at wkrp in cincinnati ♪

Good morning, andy.

Oh, hey, good morning.

Uh, look, jennifer, you
didn't have to come in today.

- It's no problem.
- I'm sorry to hear
about the colonel.

Thank you, andy.

Oh, there you are, jennifer.

- Yes.
- Uh, I'm sorry, jennifer.

I'm truly sorry.

You shouldn't
have come in today.

- Why don't you go home?
- Sure.

Please, really, I
need to keep busy.

Thank you for your
concern, but I am just fine.

Fine. Yeah, sure. Yeah.

- Jennifer, I don't
know what to say.
- Neither do i.

Do what I do... Put your
fist through the wall.

I said the wrong thing. I
said the wrong thing there.

The colonel always called
me a good little soldier,

And that is exactly
what I'm going to be.

Sure. Hey, look at the positive
side of things. He was a nice man.

He was a wonderful man

Who lived 80 very full years,

But his last years
were his happiest.

Why was that?

Uh, i-i see. Yeah.

And he did a
wonderful thing for me.

He left you a million dollars.

Wrong thing. I said
the wrong thing again.

One night... Well,

One night, right in the
middle of parcheesi,

The colonel's eyes
opened, and he said,

"Jennifer, I want you to be

The executrix of my
estate," just like that.



He doesn't trust
any of his family,

And I'm going to see that his
wishes are carried out to the letter.

What would you guess
was involved here?

Maybe a couple hundred thousand?

(Chuckles) millions, for sure.

Perhaps even billions.
There's so much to count.

- Tough job.
- I don't mind.

The colonel knew I
was getting restless.

I'd mastered seven languages,
just about finished the lobby here.

He knew I needed
another project.

Boy, he was a darned
thoughtful man, wasn't he?

So I've been thinking
about jennifer

And what she's going through,

And I think she ought to
get out and do something.

- That sounds right.
- Problem is, what do you
do with jennifer?

- You know what I mean.
- Oh, yeah. Yeah.

We live in two different worlds.

That's what I mean.

It's like, I like to go to

Police auctions
and stuff like that.

I know. Why don't you take
her where you took me?

You know, that store
that has every last issue

Of captain marvel comics.

- Yeah, that would
cheer her up.
- Well, I'll think of something.

Hiya, west.


Time for half-hour update.

Card inserted?


Noise about to end?

Record's almost over.

Then let's go to work.

- (Upbeat theme plays)
- ♪ les nessman ♪

♪ Cincinnati and the world ♪

Time for the half-hour
news update with les nessman.

Top of the day. Death watch.

Ask not for whom the bell tolls,

It tolls for
colonel h. Buchanan,

One of the
wealthiest men in ohio.

He died last evening
at a local restaurant.

The colonel was a decorated
veteran of both world wars,

Beloved by his men of
the fighting 42nd division,

Who called him "old iron head."

In peace, colonel buchanan
returned to cincinnati,

Where he amassed his great
fortune through real estate,

High finance, and
women's nylons.

Later, he turned his
attention to a political career,

Highlighted by a
1968 shoving match

With then-vice
president "spy-ro" agnew.


At the time of his
untimely death,

The 80-year-old colonel
was in the company

Of a young, blonde woman.

The buchanan family claims
not to know her identity

But say the colonel
had recently developed

An interest in gold-diggers
and blonde floosies.

Um... The, um...

The colonel will
be buried, I suppose.



Oh, hello, bailey.

- What are you doing?
- Thinking.

About what?

Well, this morning, it was
the nature of existence.

Around noon, I began to
embrace the philosophy of camus.

Existentialism is
perhaps the answer.

Oh. Is this the evening paper?

- Uh-huh.
- May I see it?


Read what it says
in the article there

About the blonde floozy.

Jennifer, where do
they get this stuff?

From the family.

I'm the executrix of
the colonel's will,

And so they're trying to get me,

And they're also trying
to contest the will.

(Yawns) well, I guess I'll go.

Uh, listen, you
gonna be all right?

- Sure.
- Oh, good. Good.

Boy, your hair sure is
beautiful today, jennifer.

Spun gold.

I love it like that.

Yes, sir.

Are you gonna fight 'em?

I guess I'm gonna have to.

Your-your hair's
nice too, bailey.

Thank you.

R-right, yeah.

Well, do you
think the colonel...

- Well, uh...
- Left me a lot of money?


I don't know. I
asked him not to.

And if he does, it'll make
him look like an old coot

With the hots for
a younger woman,

Which is, of
course, what he was.

But in an utterly charming way.

Oh, I'm gonna miss the coot.

Oh, jennifer, it will
get better with time.

I know.

It's just that I'm not looking
forward to the next couple of days.

I have to go to the funeral, and I
have to go to the lawyer's office.

I just wish the colonel
had left me out of this.

Jennifer, come on. I'll
walk you to your car.

- Oh, thank you.
- There you go.

- Here.
- Thanks.


What is an executrix?

I don't know. High heels
and a whole lot of leather.

Something like that.

All right, here's one
from the great marvin gaye,

The original all-time classic,

"I heard it through
the grapevine."

You heard it on the radio
from another all-time classic,

The mighty krp in cincinnati.

This is the
doctor, and it's 9:47.

("I heard it through
the grapevine" plays)

- Good morning, johnny.
- Hi, jennifer.

How are you feeling today?

I'm fine.


You ought to get
out and do things,

You know?

Kind of take your
mind off... Things.

You ever been to night court?


- Night court.
- No, I haven't.

Oh, ho, ho!

Boy, I hang out down
there a lot, you know?

Last week they caught this guy.

They had him in there
with 106 television sets.


Yeah. (Chuckles)

So, uh,

If you're ever, uh,
free in the evening,

Feel like stepping
out, give me a call.

Thank you, johnny.

- I-i will.
- Okay.

Oh, jennifer!

How are you?

I'm just fine, les.

(Door opens, closes)

Boy, people really don't know
what to say when someone's died.

Well, you know, it-it's, uh...

Well, you know,

At least with most
people, it's like, well...

It's... You know,
it... Sometimes...

- The funeral's tomorrow.
- Good.

No, no, not good!

No, I mean that it is tomorrow.
Th-that's the thing, of course.

I'm sorry I've made everyone
feel so uncomfortable.

Oh, no, jennifer.
Not "uncomfortable."

Sort of sorry and sad.

Sorry for a friend.

I guess there's
nothing else to be said.

I guess not.

I'm gonna take these
albums to the booth.



- Goodbye.
- (Herb whistling tune)

Uh, jenny, I didn't get a chance
to tell you how sorry I am

That that colonel
guy bought the farm.

Hey, he had a long
life, lot of dough,

Got to go out with you.

Caught the big bus while he was
eating in the best joint in town.

Not bad, if you ask me.

Sometimes I like you, herb.

You really have
a way with words.

Hey, I'm in sales.

- (Knock at door)
- come in.

- How's jennifer?
- Oh, much better, I think.

She got quite a little
write-up in today's paper.

- May I come in?
- Oh, yes, of course.

Have you seen this?

Yes, I guess you have. Well, the colonel's
relatives have really gone too far.

"It is not known if
the industrialist's

Woman companion is employed."

Oh, look, jennifer, I'm not so
sure you should go to this funeral

With this kind
of publicity here.

I'm not even sure if I'll
be allowed. But I am going.

Mr. Carlson, will you take me?

You bet. I'll handle everything.

And, travis, I think you ought to call the
newspaper and straighten those people out.

- I agree.
- Oh, no, no, don't do that.

Then they'll just know who I
am, and I'll never get any peace.

I just want to be left alone.

Oh, I'm tired.

I'm really just tired.


Well, look, jennifer,
just stay here.

Nothing ever goes on in
here. It's a nice place to be.

Okay. Thank you
very much. Bye-bye.

- Are they back yet?
- Not yet.

- Oh, hey. How'd it go?
- I never saw anything like it.

- Where's jennifer?
- I took her home.

- What happened?
- It was like
a three-ring circus.

The press was there... Television
cameras, newspaper photographers...

People running all over the
place, trampling on the flowers.

- No respect at all!
- Well, why?

Because they were all fighting to get
a picture of the blonde mystery woman.

When they saw how pretty she
really was, all heck broke loose.

- Now, that was a funeral.
- Oh, mr. Carlson, why don't you
just sit down here?

Then one reporter shouts, "hey,
look! She's with another old coot!"

I'm not exactly a kid anymore,
but I'm not a cootster either.

I just about taught that
young man some respect.

How's jennifer taking all this?

She was pretty
shaken up, of course.

Flashbulbs going off in her
face, people asking questions like,

"Hey, lady, you and
this guy live together?"

Maybe I should just go over to her
house and stay with her for a while.

That's a good idea.

And tell her to forget about
mystery floosies and wills.

I want her to start on her
vacation, starting right now.

- Yes, sir.
- The front door's
this way, young lady.

Yes, but my purse is back here.

As you wish. Travis.

Hold on a minute, boss.

Me. Why me?

I looked up "executrix."

It has nothing to do with
high heels and leather.

The meeting was
called for 3:00 p.m.

It's 10 past now.

I just wanted to make
sure everyone was here.

- Everybody is here.
- (Knock at door)


Mr. Kennington, I'm
jennifer marlowe.

How do you do?

As you can see, I've
changed my mind.

Good. I was hoping you'd come.

(Clearing throat)

Uh... Well, I guess

I should introduce everyone.

Starting on my left,
cedric buchanan,

Brother of the deceased;

Cloris buchanan, sister;

Chester, another brother;

And skip buchanan, nephew.

And this is miss
jennifer marlowe,

A friend of the deceased
and executrix of the will.

I resent her presence.

I don't like having
an outsider here.

- She's not family.
- She's good-looking, though.

Miss marlowe has every
legal right to be here.

Uh, gentlemen?

Oh, why don't we begin?

This may be out of the ordinary,

But it's all perfectly legal.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you'd
all care to watch the screen.

Good afternoon, everyone.

Cedric, cloris,
chester, oh, skip...

All the greedy relatives
here. Oh, that's good.

Oh, I like this little scene.

By the way, I've got me
some executrix, huh?

That's jennifer.

Say hello, jennifer.


She's sweet, isn't she?
You're damn right, she is.

One woman I can count on.

- How are you holding up, honey?
- Fine.

Good. I knew you'd
come through for me.

Well, now, wait. Wait.

Before I start, I'd
like to say something.

Remember those times
I used to fall asleep?

Well, I wasn't asleep.

I heard every damn thing

That each one of
you said about me.

All right. Now that
that's all taken care of,

Let's begin.

To my brother cedric,
I leave... Nothing.

Because he's always been an
all-or-nothing type of fellow,

And since he can't have
it all, he gets nothing.

I've paid his bills
for the last 40 years,

And that free ride on
the buchanan gravy train

Is over.

- Did you save
anything, cedric?
- No.


No, I didn't think so.

To my sister, cloris,
I leave nothing.

Same reason.

To my brother chester,

I'd like to leave
less than nothing,

But that dumb lawyer of mine,

He can't figure
out how to do that.

And to my
nephew... (Sighs) skip,

Who's always
bragging about his van,

To him I leave some advice:

Get a car people can see
around on the highway!

You're blocking
everyone's vision, you...

And now, to jennifer marlowe,

To her, I leave
exactly one dollar.

She asked me not to
leave her anything, but...

This happens to
be the first dollar

I ever earned,

So there is a
sentimental attachment.

I love you, darling.

You're a good soldier.

And now, all the
rest of my estate,

Every damn cent of it,
goes to the hare krishnas.

That is, if they promise to
stay out of the airports.

Oh, no, i... I'm only kidding.

Actually, the
balance of my estate

Is to be spent on a parade.

A parade.

I want a parade honoring
the veterans of my old unit,

The fighting 42nd.

Round 'em up, jennifer.
Round 'em up and bring 'em here

And give 'em a parade.

And when it's over, well,
divide the rest of the money.

Give it to the men of the
42nd, and if they're deceased,

Give it to their families.

Now, look, dear, don't you
try and do all this yourself.

No, no. That's too difficult.

You hire a staff to do that.

I think my brother
cedric's looking for a job.

Well, that's it, folks.

Nice knowing you.

Now I suggest you
go to your corners

And come out fighting.

Mr. Kennington,
this is not a will.

What we have here
are the ramblings

Of a senile old man who has
fallen under the spell of a...

I don't think we'll have
any trouble convincing

A judge that my
brother was incompetent.

I'm not so sure a
judge would find that

Going out with miss marlowe
here was all that incompetent.

Just might prove his
mind was clear as a bell.

But a parade? I mean, really.

It's insane. It's-it's
frivolous. It's...

Going to start around 2:00,
probably last until around 7:00.

I'm going to pick a
nice summer's day,

When all the kids
are out of school.


I can see we're going to
have a fight on our hands.

Just as big as
you'd like to make it.

Come on, cloris. There's
no point in staying.

None whatsoever.

I always thought he was asleep.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

I guess I have a
lot of work to do.

Oh, miss marlowe,

Have you got one of these
tape machines at home?

I have several.

Ah. Well, there's another tape.

I guess the colonel wanted
you to watch it when you're alone.

Thank you.



(Man singing rock, indistinct)
