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02x20 - Sleeping Knights

Posted: 05/07/23 10:05
by bunniefuu
Ms. Asuna!

Let me introduce you!

These are my comrades from my guild,

the Sleeping Knights!

I'm Jun. Nice to meet you, Ms. Asuna!

A-And I... uh... My name is Talken.

I-I-I look forward to-- Ouch!

It's about time you got over

that stage fright, Tal.

You always get like that

the second you're in a girl's presence!

I'm Nori! I'm really glad

to meet you, Ms. Asuna!

Nice to meet you! I'm Siune!

Thank you so much for coming!

My name is Tecchi.

Pleasure to meet you.


I'm more or less the guild leader, Yuuki!

Ms. Asuna! You see, we want to defeat

the Boss monster on this floor...

With only our members!

I've been walking in the light all this time

I've been following footprints

that didn't exist until yesterday

Although I've been in a maze with no goal,

with a map drenched in rain

I have no regrets at all

If I cry out

I'm sure my voice will reach you

The sound of the bell in the beginning of the story

Will connect us during our journey

The future world that you envisioned

Will lead you to a sky of that day

And will make our dream come true

and even go beyond miracles

The future world that you envisioned

Exists somewhere even now

Let's add layers of our dream

and reach the true pure light

Ah on give for my way

"The Sleeping Knights"

But boss raids are normally taken on by parties

of people, a -person raid... aren't they?

So no matter how skilled you might be,

just seven people...

...would be a bit unrealistic,

if you ask me.

Yeah, it was beyond unrealistic!

You see, we tried to take on

the th and th Floor bosses as well...

J-Just the six of you?


Personally, I think we put up

a pretty good fight,

but while we were adjusting our strategy,

a huge guild beat us to the punch.

Why would you be so reckless?

We met in the online community

of a certain game...

We really hit it off

and became friends.

But unfortunately, we can only go on

these journeys together until next spring, probably.

All of us will be busy then

for our respective reasons, so...

We decided that,

before disbanding our team,

we'd create the one memory

that we'd never forget, no matter what.

And that would be this boss raid?

Yes, if we defeat a Boss monster, then our names

will be recorded on the Monument of Swordsmen...

The one in the Black Iron Palace,

in the Town of Beginnings on the First Floor, right?

We know it's all about self-satisfaction,

but we want to get our names

inscribed on that monument, no matter what.

But there's one problem...

If a boss is defeated by a single party,

then all of its members' names get inscribed.

But in the case of multiple parties,

they only record the names of the party leaders.

In other words, to leave inscriptions of the names

of all the Sleeping Knights on that monument...

We must take on the boss

as a single party.

And so we talked it over

and arrived at this consensus.

The maximum is seven players to a party...

So we would search for someone either as strong,

or even stronger than Yuuki, our most powerful player...

And see if we could ask them

to join our party...

So that's why you were dueling...

What do you think?

Will you accept this proposition?

We may not be able

to compensate you sufficiently, but...

Oh... no, no!

These boss raids cost a fortune as it is, so...

You should use what money you have

to cover those expenses.

If you want to reward me,

you can give me something the boss drops.

So that means you'll accept?

This isn't the old Aincrad I knew.

And yet here I am,

still bound by odds and safety margins...

Safe raids...

Pre-determined victories...

There's more to enjoying a game than that.

I'm sure. Yuuki and the others

already know this...

Way more than I do...

Why don't we see how far we can go?

This time, I'm going to forget about

success rates and all--

Thank you, Ms. Asuna!

Y-You can just call me Asuna!

Okay, then you can call me Yuuki!

Come to think of it...

Ms. Yuu... Yuuki, you've been dueling

to find somebody strong, haven't you?

Yes, that's right.

Then there must've been

a lot of strong players before me.

Especially a Spriggan dressed all in black,

wielding a one-handed sword...

Do you remember him?


Yeah, I remember him.

True, he was really powerful, too.

Then... Why didn't you ask him

to help you out?

He just wasn't the right person.

Why not?

Because he found out

what my secret is...


What do you say we meet in these lodgings

tomorrow at one?



Let's do our best, okay?


"We'll talk when I get back."

Wh-What are you doing, Mother?

Last month, when you were late for dinner,

I warned you, didn't I?

That the next time you were late

because you were using this game, I'd turn it off...

Losing track of the time...

That was my fault.

But you didn't have to pull the plug on me!

If you shake me, or shout into my ear,

then I'd receive an alert in-game--

When I did that before,

it took you five minutes to wake up.

That's because... I had to travel...

Or I had to say my goodbyes and all--

Say your goodbyes, indeed!

Or do you prioritize what happens inside

that ridiculous game more than your promises?

Do you?

I'm sorry...

Next time... I'll be more careful.

There won't be a next time.

If you ever shirk your responsibilities again

because of this, I'm confiscating the device.

Well, I just don't understand it.

You wasted two whole precious years of your life

because of that bizarre device.

You're not the least bit repulsed

by the sight of it?

This... isn't like the NerveGear...

We'll be having dinner now.

Get yourself changed and come downstairs.

I don't want any today.

Do as you wish.


"Rika Shinozaki"

"Kazuto Kirigaya"


"Rika Shinozaki"

"Kazuto Kirigaya"

Does that work for you?




Uh... Um...

Yuuki, Jun, and Tecchi are in the vanguard.

Talken and Nori are in the mid-range.

Sinune is our backup... is that right?

In other words, it looks like

I should fight in the rearguard.

Sorry, Asuna.

When you're so great with the sword...

No, no, I wouldn't

make a good t*nk, anyway.

But this means that Jun and Tecchi will be in

for a real beatdown, so brace yourselves!

R-Right! We got this!

All right, then why don't we

take a peek at the boss room?



I wonder... if they really need me?

Who would've thought that

we'd clear the Labyrinth District this easily?

You're all seriously powerful, huh?

That's the boss room over there!

Yuuki, wait!

S-Stop! Stop!

We're not here to fight!

In that case, sheathe your swords!

If they make any move to draw their swords again,

cast an Aqua Bind spell on them right away.


This is our first PvP in ALO!

Makes your heart pound, doesn't it?

If you're not PK-ers,

then why were you hiding?

It's a rendezvous!

It'd be a pain to get targeted by a mob

before our friends get here. So we were hiding.

All right, then.

We're here to take on the boss,

but if you aren't ready yet,

you don't mind if we go first, do you?

No... Of course not.

We'll be...

...waiting for our comrades here, so...

Well, good luck to you guys.

See ya!

Let's forget about those guys and get going!

For now, let's go see what it's like inside,

as we planned.


Instead of just scouting,

let's trash this boss sight unseen, guys!

Well, that would be ideal, but...

But don't trouble yourselves

to use expensive items to recover.

Fight as hard as you want, as long as it's within

Siune and my ability to heal you. You got that?

Yes, teacher!

Hey now!

Even if you die,

don't go right back to the city, okay?

Keep an eye on the boss's attack patterns,

then when we're wiped out, let's all go back

to the save point in Lombard, all right?

Roger that!

Let's go!


We lost, big time!

What kind of attack was that?

That's gotta be against the rules!

His defenses were rock-solid, too...

Do you think those defensive moves

could've been random?

After we fought so hard...

Hey... Asuna?

The rest of you, too,

gather round here!

We can't afford to slack around.

You remember those three

standing in front of the boss room, right?

Yes, we do.

That was a scouting unit

from a guild specializing in boss raids.

They're surveilling any players

from outside their alliance who raid the boss.

Most likely, on the previous floor, and the one before, too,

I'm sure you were seen entering the boss rooms.

We had no idea...

Their objective probably isn't to thwart the raid,

but to gather information.

Using the attempt made by a small-scale guild

like the Sleeping Knights,

they're figuring out the boss's

attack patterns and his vulnerabilities.

B-But the door did shut as soon

as we went into the boss room.

Even if they were gathering information,

surely they never got to see the battles themselves?

That was an oversight on my part...

It wasn't till the battle's final stage that I noticed

a tiny gray lizard scampering around near Jun's feet.

That was a Dark Spell called Peeping.

A curse which attaches a familiar to another player

and steals their sight...

In other words, does that mean...

The boss getting defeated right after

we got wiped out on the th and th floors...

That wasn't a coincidence, then?

There's no question about it.

You six gave it everything you had

and exposed all of the boss's moves.

That's how they were able

to launch their raids.

So... In other words, this time we were duped

into being their stepping stones again?




We still don't know that for sure!

What do you mean, Asuna?

Right now, in the real world, it's : PM.

At this time, it won't be easy to round up that many people

on such short notice, even for a large alliance.

At the very least, it should take an hour.

So we're taking our shot before that!

We're going to end this meeting

in another five minutes

and go back to that boss room

in the next thirty!


All right!

All right! We're almost there!

Hey now! Come back here!

Not happening!

Wh... What's going on here?

Don't worry, there's still

only about people.

That probably gives us enough time

for one more attempt.

For real?

Excuse me.

We'd like to take on the boss.

Could you let us through?

Sorry. Right now, this is a dead end.

A dead end? What do you mean?

Seeing as our guild

will be taking on the boss soon...

Right now, we're getting ready.

So if you'll wait over there for a bit...

A bit? How long is that going to be?


An hour or so, should I say?

We don't have time

to wait around that long!

If you were about to go in there now,

it would be a different story,

but if you can't, then let us go first!

Don't look at me.

My hands are tied, all right?

Since it's an order from the higher-ups.

If you have a complaint, go to Guild Headquarters

and talk it over with them.

It's in Ygg City, so--

If we were to travel all that way,

it would definitely take an hour!

Listen, you.

In other words, no matter

how much more we ask,

you have no intention

of stepping out of the way, right?

Well, to put it bluntly,

that's exactly what I'm saying.

I see. Then I guess we have no choice.

Why don't we fight?

Y-Yuuki... But that's...


There are things that you can't communicate

unless you clash.

For example... just how deadly serious you are...

Stuff like that.

Well, that's the long and short of it!

You guys...

I'm sure these guys blocking us

are just as resolute.

Like, “Even if I'm the last one standing,

I'm going to defend this place.”

Hey, isn't that right? You there!

Uh... W-We're all...

Come on... Draw your sword!

Wh-What a cheap shot...

you sucker punched me!

There are things that you can't communicate

unless you clash.

I see...

That is true.

Oh crap!

If only I hadn't been so indecisive...

I'm sorry, Asuna.

Dragging you into my temper tantrum...

But I have no regrets!

Because, just now, Asuna... that was

the best smile I've seen from you since we met!

No, I'm sorry for being so useless!

We might not get to take this floor...

But the next boss, no matter what...

let's take him out together!

Huh! Some people just

don't know when to quit!


This is...

...a dead end!

The street lights cast a glow on cheerful

laughter and footprints in the back-alley

I wonder how much you understood of the

feelings I've always wanted to convey to you

I always turn around to you and make sure

Because no matter how I am, I believe you'd

always chase after me without any hesitation

When I gazed at your eyes,

I saw the proof that I've lived

Whenever my heartbeat was about to stop,

you made it ring out very, very loudly

I want to go far beyond today

Next time: "The Monument of Swordsmen."