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Posted: 05/07/23 09:08
by bunniefuu

Yeah, I'm at the scene now.

The suspect took all of the

cash from the guy's wallet.

But that's not all.

They also took the

victim's internal organs.

Damn it, Lantern.

No matter what it takes,

we will catch you.

I swear, on the

CCG's reputation.




This is a drag.

[OGATA] In this case,

you'd take the values

from this formula and

then plug them in here.


How nice of you

to join us today.

Let me guess, Aki Sasada

is absent again?

How the hell should I know?

She's probably skipping.


To solve this equation,

we can't rely on

factorization, in fact,

it should be

avoided if possible.

We've already figured out that

six plus sigma k equals one...


Hey, Taishi!

I saw you on the

baseball field the other day.

You should stick with it,

you're a great player.

Damn it, Aki.


[ARIMA] Take it.

You need it more than I do.



Thanks. Arima, was it?

Aren't you gonna

need it eventually?

Not likely.

I have all the

formulas memorized.

It's all yours.


I don't want it.


Why not?

I don't mean to be rude,

but you hardly come to school.

And when you are here,

it's clear you're

not the studying type.

So maybe you should

take the textbook.

What did you just say to me?



Get out! There are students in

this class who want to learn.

[FURA] I wasn't cut out for

this high school crap, anyway.

[metal bat clang]


Head for home! Hurry!

[FURA] If only I'd

stuck to playin' baseball.

I wonder if things would've

worked out differently.


You on the bikes! Pull over!

Yeah right, screw you!


Careful. Hold on tight.



What're they doin'?

Those guys should know better

than to ride like that.

[PUNKS laugh]

[PUNK A] How about we go

for another run after this?

Ryo, Aki.

You want anything?

A soda.

Two peas in a pod.

Cool. Last one there pays!

Huh? No fair, man! Wait up!

[AKI laughs]

Aki. You got any

idea what Taishi

has been up to these days?

No clue.

Although I've heard he's

actually been going to school.

Huh. I wonder why,

I mean, he hardly went

after he gave up baseball.

I dunno, maybe he's fallen

for one of his classmates.

That loser never

sticks with anything.

He quit playing baseball,

formed our little crew,

and then he bailed on us.

It's a shame, the guy

had so much talent.


He still does!

I miss the old days,

back when the three of us

hung out all the time.

You think that we'll

ever be able to go back

to the way things were again?

That'd be nice, but, I doubt it.


Yeah, you're right.

Well, this is awkward.

[PUNK B] I've got plenty

of loose change, man.


Thanks. What's up?


Uh. It's nothin'.

Huh? You seein' things?


My hand!

I just asked for a soda,

what's taking them so long?

There you are!

Finally. Sure took your time.

What in the hell.

Who're you?

[AKI screams]

Hey, what's wrong?


Run! Hurry!

Let's go! C'mon!

Huh? Don't tell me the

cops are after you again!

No! Something much worse!

Huh? Ahh!



Who are you?

What's with the mask?

Little early for a

Halloween costume, ain't it?


Pumpkin bastard!

You'll regret messing with me!

Leave him alone, Taishi!


Let's just get outta here!



What is that? Holy crap.

--[AKI screams]



--[FURA] Shit!

--[RYO] C'mon!

Dammit. Ryo!

Hey. Taishi.

Maybe, you should have

just kept--playing baseball.


--[RYO] Listen, I...

I'm sorry, man.



You bastard!


Don't do it.

You'll be k*lled.



Stay back!

He's gone now.

I could never catch up.

[sirens approaching]


Get her to the nearest hospital!


Pardon me, young man.

May I have a word with you?


He's with the CCG?


Poor Arima.

I feel bad for him, witnessing

such a gruesome sight.

Well, goodnight, Fura.

I'll see you at school tomorrow.


The hell?

He's acting as if

nothing happened.

Like he wasn't even fazed by it.



[AKI giggles]


I won't let that monster

get away with this.

I swear!

[door opens]


I want you to tell me

everything you know

about him, Arima.

Seriously! Start talkin'!


His name is Lantern.

He's a ghoul.


What is that?

Aberrations that look

like regular humans.

They blend into the crowds

and feed on people.

They are humanity's

natural enemy.

Those who consume our kind.

They're known as ghouls.


If you're plannin' on goin'

after that pumpkin-head,

then I wanna lend you a hand.


That's okay.

You'd probably

just slow me down.


Why you!


Sorry, it's just that...

[FURA] I'm pissed at myself

for not bein' able

to do anything to save them!

I've already made the choice,

to avenge my friends.

I'll do it with or without you,

but if I die my

blood's on your hands!

Okay, fine.

[FURA] How we gonna

locate this Lantern creep?

[ARIMA] We'll have

to smoke the ghouls out,

one at a time,

until we find him.

[FURA] Are there seriously

that many of 'em?


Yes, there are.

Especially here

in the th Ward.

You're all work, no play!

[KATO] It's about time

for my next meal.

That's dangerous

this time of night.

Walking down an alleyway alone.

It's like you're practically

begging me to eat you up.

Snip, snip, snip, snip!

Snip, snip, snip!

How is she?

She looks okay. Just sleeping.

No, she's not, dumbass,

she got knocked out!

Be careful.

Don't let your guard down.

This one's different.

It's a bit stronger

than the last.

Snip, snip, snip,

snip, snip, snip...

Watch for projectiles.

I ain't gonna just sit here,

let me at that bastard--

What'd you do that for?

Which would you prefer:

me kicking you in the face,

or his kagune piercing

through your intestines?

Normal weapons

don't work on ghouls.


If that's the case.

Then how do you

go up against one?

Yukimura should

have enough reach.


Is that...?

How does this kid have one?

What is a kid like you

doing with that w*apon?

Those belong to

ghoul investigators!


There's a simple explanation.

You see, I am a

ghoul investigator.

Why'd they hire a kid?

That makes no sense. Impossible.


You okay?



And I'd say this one

was definitely stronger.

Nice pitch, by the way.


Arima, what were you thinking?

I know I told you to do

an undercover investigation,

but that doesn't give you

permission to act on your own.


However, I did dispatch

another ghoul, Mr. Marude.

Look, I've had enough of

your ex post facto reasoning!

It's going to get you k*lled,

you were lucky today!

What's worse.

You've just revealed

your identity to a civilian.

And not just one, but two.

Two, sir?

It's over now.

You know what happens next.


Yes, sir.


So, what's up?

You wanted to talk?


I have to drop out of school.


Now that you and Minami

know my true identity.

My undercover

investigation's pointless.

I don't get it.

Whatcha mean?

In my line of work,

I have to move around a lot

in order to catch ghouls.

So it's been a while

since I've had the

chance to talk this much

with somebody my own age.

I enjoyed my time in school.

I felt normal, for once.

Thank you.

Then why leave?

You should stick around.

Do you wanna go

back to that life?

C'mon! You're good as long as

no one finds out who you are,

and I ain't tellin' nobody!

You should be able to live

a normal life for a while!

Okay. I'll ask my superiors

if I can stay longer.

Whoa, seriously?

Why not? Might as well.

Besides, we've got

something to finish.



He's the one that

I'm after in the first place.

I'd like to help you

avenge your friends.

How about we shake on it?

You with me?


You know it!

I think you're going

to make perfect ghoul bait.

Jeez, you just had to

keep on talkin', didn't ya?


Me, too!

I'd like to help,

if you'll let me!


Hey, Aki.


What're you doing here again?

You don't want me visiting?

It's not that, but if the staff

sees a delinquent

like you here all the time,

they're gonna

think I'm one, too.


You are one, ya dummy!


So, what have you been up to?

[AKI] I've just been

looking at the view outside.


It's not bad.


But you know what sucks?

I can't see anything

with my right eye.

It's weird. I can't even tell

which direction it's pointing.

You know,

I can't help but wonder

if I'm being punished,

for goofing off and

doing whatever I want.

Instead of doing what's right.

I just keep thinking.

Maybe that's why I lost

my right eye and Ryo.

That's why they were

both taken away from me.

God must be punishing me.


After that, I was determined.

So me, Arima, and Minami

started working together.

We began hunting

down and dispatching

the ghouls of the

th Ward, one by one.

The information Minami

brought in was always accurate.


I would act as the bait.

And then Arima

would finish 'em off.

[FURA] As the days went by,

we started to become a team.

And a pretty good one, at that.


We still hadn't found

who we wanted to k*ll most.




There you are!

[MINAMI] I thought I'd try

asking around here at school.

And whaddya know,

I actually found some folks

with stories about ghouls.


I jotted down the info and

then made a list of them all.

Wow. That's awesome.

Only an honor student

could pull this off.

There were multiple

reports of a suspicious person

seen in a prefab shed

at a construction site,

and those seem to be

the most credible.

There were a few other

stories that I thought

might be worth looking into.

They're all

included in the list.

That's great! Thanks a lot!

Let's go!

We've gotta check out that shed

I was just telling you about!

Thank you for the information.

Taishi and I will take it

from here, you can stay back.

We don't need you.

Whoa! Arima!

Don't be so blunt!

He didn't mean it.

You sure I can't help?

I hate sitting on the sidelines,

I'd rather lend you a hand.

I'm afraid not.

There's too much risk involved

for us to bring you along.

Listen, Taishi.

Be ready to head

towards the prefab shed

as soon as school's out.



Hey Minami, just so you know,

your information's

always helpful.

--[MINAMI] Really?

--Yeah, really!

Glad to hear it.

Between you and me.

Arima's a character.

He's kind of odd, huh?

Yeah, that's putting it nicely.

If ya think about it,

even his name's weird.

"Kishio Arima."


He's like a valiant knight.

Not just 'cause of his name,

but whenever you're

in a tight spot,

he's always there to help.

[school bell tolls]

[FURA] Oh! Guess we should

start heading back to class.

You go.

I'm gonna stay a little longer.


You all right?


[FURA] Okay, well,

thanks for the notes.

I'll get them back to you.

I suppose that it's time.


Minami was right once again.

A ghoul was livin' out

in this shed.

Hey, we need to have a chat.

You need to ease up on Minami,

you were kinda rude to her.

No, I don't think so.



[ARIMA] There's no need

to worry about her.


This is unexpected.

Never thought you'd be

the one to call me out.

You decide to hand

the th Ward over to me?

Well, Pumpkin-head?

[LANTERN] You know,

there's a ghoul hunt happening

as we speak.

[YAMORI] Hmm...

It was only a matter of time

until your excessive

eating attracted the doves.


It's not the doves.

It's a team of

three high school students.


Oh, give me a break.


They're not ordinary kids.

Underestimate them,

and they're bound

to trip you up, too.


Let 'em try.

They're nothing

more than children,

playing with their toys.


That may be true,

but children are better

at playing with toys.

[YAMORI] Is this why

you called me out here?

To warn me about

some stupid kids?


A mutual enemy has appeared.

What do you say we call

a temporary truce?


You gotta be kidding me.


Minami! Hey!

Hey, Fura!

[FURA] Your info was right

on the money yet again.

That's good to hear.

Glad I could be of help,

even though I can't go with you.



I'm sorry that

Arima was so harsh.


--Somethin' wrong?


That man!

[MINAMI gasps]

It's him!


He's a ghoul?

[MINAMI] I'm not positive,

but he might be.


I gotta call Arima.

Let's follow him!

Hey, wait!

You can call while you run!


[ARIMA] You saw him

go into this building?



How do you think

we should do this?

[ARIMA] Taishi,

you take the first floor.

Minami, you'll go to

the second floor with me.

Whatever you do,

don't leave my side.



Um, Arima.


I just wanted to tell you.

I think you're amazing.

I really admire your


and how determined you

are to achieve your goals.

I think it's inspiring.

So, anyway.

This might be a

weird thing for me to say.

Especially at a time like this.

Here we go.

I knew it was coming.







You knew I was

a ghoul all along!

Aren't you smart?

It's a shame you had

to ruin my surprise.

But I've got

another one for you.

I invited a friend

along with me today.

Which means, if you don't hurry

and go save poor Fura,

he'll end up a dead man.

[YAMORI] How'd I get stuck

takin' on a kid like you?

You're not even

worth the trouble.

How do you want me

to start eatin'?

Top to bottom, or bottom to top?

Make a choice, kid!


If you wanna save Fura,

you'll have to get

through me first!

Oh wow, I just scratched you!

You do care about

your friends, don't you?

You're goin'

easy on me, aren't ya?

Don't underestimate me!



[MINAMI gasping]

[FURA gasps]


Why? Explain yourself, Arima!

What did you do?

Minami's a ghoul.

She's Lantern.



No way. Are you serious?

You're lying! No!

No. Why?

I just wanted to see what

it's like to be human,

and live my life

as a regular girl.

I wanted to go to school.

Have a little fun.

And maybe even

make some friends.

Then why'd you k*ll Ryo?

And the others?

I had to 'cause

I hate people like them.

They take life for granted.

They don't realize

how good they've got it.

They risk it all, like idiots.

They have everything.

But they don't appreciate it,

they just bitch and moan.

That's no reason to k*ll them.

People who act

like that disgust me!

I put them out of their misery.

They were too stupid

to see what they had.

So I took it from them!

I'll be the first to admit

they weren't the smartest.

They were delinquents who

went around causin' trouble.

Most folks thought

they were total scum,

the lowest of the low.

Maybe they were.

But still...

They were my friends,

and they were important to me!

I don't care how much

you wanna be human,

you'd never cut it!

You don't have the heart!

You brag about

k*lling my friends,

there's not one shred

of humanity in you!

Jeez, get off your high horse.

You don't know! Don't judge me!

Uh-oh. What'd you do?

It serves you right.

Now you're a k*ller, too.


Exams are coming up.

And I spent

so much time studying.

Doesn't matter now.


When it was all said and done.

Minami's body was sent

to CCG headquarters.

They never notified our

school about the situation.

Prob'ly cause they

wanted to avoid any fuss.

They decided it'd be best

for Arima to transfer.

I heard he's in

charge of a rough case

that's gotten a lot of other

skilled investigators k*lled.

When I asked about it he said,

"This next mission might

be the one that kills me."

Like he wasn't even bothered it.


Hey, Arima.

I can't stop thinking

about what Minami said.

Do you think all

ghouls wanna be human?

You know, like she did?

Dunno. I haven't

talked to many ghouls

so I really can't say.

It must be tough to

want something so badly,

especially when you know

that it's never gonna happen.

I just can't imagine.

It makes me feel

kinda bad for Minami.


Can you throw it back?


Thanks a lot!

So listen, Arima.

There are things in

this world I wanna protect,

and I wanna do it myself.

What I'm about to

say might sound stupid,

but just go with me, okay?

I wanna...

Mr. Fura!

It would appear that our

suspect is finally on the move!

Good. Contact Iida

and the others.

Tell 'em to continue

their surveillance.


Right away, sir!


Hey, Boss.

Does it ever upset

Aki that you spend

more time chasing ghouls

than you do with her?

Don't give me shit.

And no talking about my wife

while we're working, got it?


Apologies, sir.

Investigator Arima.

We have received an update, sir.


What's with him?

I heard Arima packs a punch,

but he's just so weird.

I swear, that idiot

is never gonna change.



All right, let's get to work!

We need to wrap this up,

so I can put

in some family time.