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03x04 - I'm ... Home

Posted: 05/07/23 07:47
by bunniefuu

Here we are.

I'll leave water for you.


Tell me, do you

know what this is?



That's right. You wouldn't.


What is it? What's inside?




Yes, absolutely!

My husband and I are thrilled

to have a baby girl.

So is Hiro, of course.

Hinata is doted on constantly.

Should I be letting

you get back to her?


Oh, no, it's fine.

Hiro's got things well in hand.

He's taken to being

a big brother so naturally.

She'll grow up wanting

to be just like him!


So... any word on when Isuzu

will be released

from the hospital?



[SATSUKI] Seems like an

especially long stay this time.

I was hoping to

introduce her to Hinata.

But apparently, she didn't even

get to go to her graduation.


Really? That's troubling.



Rin, she's back in the hospital?

Which one? How is she?

I'd like to know.

Why now?

[YUKI] I only just found out

from Miss Honda. She's worried.


Worried? About Rin?

Oh, yeah, they've gotten

pretty close lately.

Rin, you made

yourself a friend.


Anyway, like I was saying,

Miss Honda's very concerned.

Like she has a bad

feeling about it.


I see.

Afraid I can't help you, though.

Wait, so you don't know, either?



Far as I can tell, seems

nobody knows any details.

And the plot thickens.

Hey, this isn't some

mystery novel. Uh.

Haru... are you okay?


I'm okay.


Eh. Yeah.

I guess normally I'd

be in panic mode.

Maybe there's something

wrong with me.

Maybe something's

always been wrong.



If I learn anything,

I'll tell you.

When you see Honda,

thank her for me.

And if it all goes bad,

be there for her.


Huh? Hiro-chan!

Huh? Kisa? You've

been home already?



Got changed and now I'm

on my way to your house.

What about you, though?

You're still in your

uniform and everything.

Yeah, I stopped by Kagura's

place on the way home.

You know, to see

if Rin was back yet.

And... I'm guessing she's not?

Mhm. They haven't seen

or heard from her.

So, you're coming

to visit Hinata?




She's too young to experience

all the same emotions we do.

But I hope she'll

start smiling soon.

And by then, you'll be

an even better big brother

that you already are.


We'll see.

But... yeah. I wanna be.

When I look at my sister,

I realize what a

self-absorbed idiot I am.

I mean, here's this tiny person

who doesn't even know

good from bad yet.

She just is the way she is.

And then there's me. Insecure.

Wrapped up in my

vanity and fear.

I'm so small and stupid.

I wanna be stronger.

Someone who can protect her.

I've been thinking about

that a lot lately.

So... Well, it's not

the only reason why,

but there's something

I wanted to tell you.


Kisa, I'm so sorry--

Oh. Whoops.

Ugh, seriously?

If you're going to loom

over people like that,

at least be a little more

aware of your surroundings.


Something's changed.

You got taller.

Hands off.


Be careful on your walk.

You be careful!

And if you're looking

for Rin, she's not back.

Sorry. Maybe that's

none of my business.

What you said, a while ago,

about Rin...

and how she was sad...

...did she seem hurt?

What? Like, after the play?

Look, that stuff I told you,

it was wrong, okay?

I was only projecting

my own guilt.

But, um, I do know that

she was suffering.

Haru, Akito pushed Rin

off the second-floor balcony.

Those injuries, they weren't

the result of some accident.

Akito found out that you

were together, and then...

And then...

What are you doing out here?

[SERVANT B gasps]

Oh, Kureno. I should

ask you the same.

This place is off-limits.

Exactly, so... why would you

be delivering a tray of food?

This cottage, it's for the

Cat, and the Cat alone.

No one else can go inside,

and normally no one wants to.

So who's in there now?

Please. Don't ask. I can't.


You'll get in trouble? With who?

I can't say!

You don't understand.

My father, he's indebted to...

If I do something wrong...

If... If I fall out

of favor, then...



When Akito...




When Akito hit you... and you

wound up in the hospital...

...that was my fault.


[HIRO] It's true. And I've

always wanted to apologize.

I'm sorry.

To you, too, Haru.

Both Akito and Rin

said to keep quiet.

If you're mad,

I understand, but...

You should know.

Rin's trying to break the curse!

She's doing everything she can.

Everything to free you from

Akito--and from herself.

That's why... she left you.

Give me the key.

You can say I overpowered you.

It's not right.

You know it isn't.


Sh-She... She hasn't eaten.

She hasn't had anything

for days now,

and at this rate,

she's going to die.

Please save her.

You need to tell her

she can stop now.

At this rate, she's going

to lose everything.

She'll just suffer

alone forever!



[KISA crying]

[KISA] Hiro-chan,

all along, you've felt guilty

because I got hurt?

Even when I was smiling...

...and having a good time...

inside, you were hurting.

I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!

I can't believe

how selfish I am.

I never noticed

something was wrong!

Wait, why are you

apologizing to me?

That's not right!

I'm the one who...




It was my fault.


You can stop now.

It's okay. Really.

[KISA] Hey, Hiro-chan,

Isuzu's been gone a long time.

Where do you think she is?


I don't know, but...

[HIRO] ...I hope she comes

back in one piece.


What's this about?

Uh! Hatsuharu, stop!

You have no right.

Even if you are a zodiac member.

Shut up, hag.

Get the hell outta here.

Uh! How dare you

order me ar--


It's fine.

Clearly Hatsuharu here

has something important

he'd like to discuss with me.

Very well.

Now, what did you need?

I wanna know why you pushed her.

Why did you push Rin?


What are you talking about?

I pushed her? Really?

That's news to me.

Where did you hear

that, I wonder?


An oracle.


Heh. You say such

ridiculous things. Ha!

What a simple boy you are.


Stop laughing.

Tell me why you did it.

Were you trying to k*ll her?



So you believe in oracles,

but you don't believe

in me, your god.

I'm curious, why

would you get so angry

about whatever

happened to Isuzu?

You always have been

awfully nice to the girl.

Is it out of pity? Compassion?

Or some other reason?

Because I love her!

But you've known that

for a long time now,

so obviously you're just

trying to piss me off!

Tell me, where's Rin?

Nobody else seems to know,

but I'd bet anything

that you do.


What a worthless conversation.

Where did you get

an idea like that?

With Rin, you've always

been so cold. So harsh.

It's not just her, either.

You treat all girls that way.

All the cruel things

you do, the insults,

is that how God's supposed

to be? Is it?!

You knew how I felt, and yet you

still came storming in here,

declaring your love for her.

You knew I hated Isuzu.

You knew, and you

said it anyway.


Where is she?

Where is Rin right now?

I don't know, so stop asking.

Where the hell did you put her?!

I said I don't

know where she is!

Why is it I'm always--?

Isuzu's at the hospital.


With Hatori. He drove her.

She wasn't fully conscious,

but please, don't worry.

I'm told her life

is not in danger.

Akito, you mustn't

do these things.

No matter who you are

or how you feel,

there are some things that

just shouldn't be done.

So... where was she?


The Cat's place.

She was locked away in

the room meant for the Cat.

But why?

Tell me, Kureno, why would

you betray me like this?

No, Akito, listen...


You're cruel!

Enough of your bullshit!

You lie and lie and lie,

and he's the one who's cruel?

Were you trying

to k*ll her again?


So what if I was?

It's your fault for choosing

that girl over your god.

You might as well have

dug her grave yourself.


No, stop!



Hey, what happened?

Were you having

another nightmare?


Yeah, but I'll be okay now.

You're here,

so it'll all be okay.


That's right.

And I knew... all along.

I knew that our love might

be digging Rin's grave.

That she would be the target

for Akito's wrath, not me.

Deep down, I realized...

But I wanted her.

Wanted to make her mine.

The simple truth is, even more

than I wanted to protect her,

I wanted to keep her to myself.

[ISUZU] You're here,

so it'll all be okay.


It's not okay. None of it.

I'm no different than the adults

who always put themselves first.

Me being with her

didn't make it okay.

If Rin got hurt because of me,

because of what I

pretended not to know,

then it doesn't matter how

much I thought I loved her.

Because that love...

is worthless.


--[HATSUHARU] Don't talk.

Or I might snap...

k*ll you, then myself.


No. Hatsuharu.

Wait. Don't go.

Don't go, Hatsuharu!



Hatsuharu. Hatsuharu!

You should go,

and don't come back.

Go to Isuzu. She needs you.

When we found her

in that room...

...the first word she

said was your name.


Haru. Haru.





Why does everyone betray me?


They don't want to betray you,

but, eventually, everyone--


You, too!

Why do you betray me?!

Why? Why?!

I'm special. I was

born to be loved!

By you. You were

all waiting for me.

He told me.

So it's true. It has to be.


Father, please. Help me.


Help me. I can't find it.

I'm coming in.



A place to call home.


Why would you do such a thing?

Carrying her off without

permission like that?

Surely you realized your actions

would constitute a

betrayal of Akito.

So what, then?

You're saying that I should've

just left her there?

If that's what Akito wishes,

then yes, you should have.

No, you're wrong.

How could you suggest that?


in the wrong here is you.

The members of the zodiac were

born to live for Akito's sake,

yet you commit this treachery!

Tell me whose side

you're really on.

Because it's starting

to seem like

you think that woman should win.

How could you support someone

as wanton and filthy as her?

Stop this foolishness and

remember your place.

You and the other

members of the zodiac

should live and

die for your god.

Don't forget for a moment

that without Akito,

all of you are monsters--

no better than the vile Cat!



That's right.

That's how it started.

I came to see him.

She was crying,

and it pissed me off,

so I decided to

grill him about it.

I was going to grab him by

the collar and punch him

till he gave me

answers, but then...

[ISUZU gasps]

Hello, Izuzu. You naughty girl.

Skulking around like

a thief in the night.

Tell the truth.

You've been searching quite

hard for something,

haven't you, dear?

Would you like my help

with your little problem?

The Soma curse, I'm looking

for a way to break it.

Do you know one?



If you grant my wish,

then I will grant yours.

I'll tell you what

you need to know.

Simply fetch something for me.

Something that should

rightfully be mine.

You'll find it in Akito's room.

I can't get anywhere near there,

but perhaps you could.

If you're careful.

Akito would be too insecure to

keep it very far from reach.

It'll be hidden by nothing

more complicated than a door.

This thing you want...

what is it?


A precious treasure.


Just give her this,

and I'll learn what

I need to know.

Haru, I can finally

set him free.


Oh... right.

I get it now.

[ISUZU] Akito reminds me

of Mama when Mama got mad.


I don't want to see your face,

or any other part

of you ever again.


So I'll give you a choice:

You stay in exile,

or Hatsuharu loses his sight.

Want to test me,

see if I'm bluffing?


No. You don't need to do that.

I'll stay here.

I'll stay until I die.

Haru, I'm sorry.

I was close. I almost

learned the secret.

But I'm no good. Just worthless.

I can't do a single thing right.

[ISUZU] It's no wonder

they didn't want me.

Oh, my. So that's what

happened to Isuzu.

How unfortunate.

Although I suppose

it does explain

why there hasn't been any sign

of my wish being granted.


But, ma'am,

what you told her about

breaking the zodiac curse,

do you really know of

a way it can be done?

[REN laughs]

How on earth would I know

something like that?

Don't be silly.

Thought as much.


I've always disliked that girl.


That said, I did hope

she would prove to be

at least marginally useful.

But what worth could

a worthless child have?


I'm still here after all.

Was I dreaming that whole time?

I just wish my last dream

could be of Haru.

Of being held by him, comforted

by his warmth and kindness.

Can I have that much,

if I'm dying?





It's Haru. I got my wish.

I'm dreaming of him!

I'm sorry... I couldn't do it.

I tried, but I failed.

I couldn't find the key

to your freedom.

To your happiness.

I'm sorry!

So it's over?

Your journey is over,

right, Rin?



Then... welcome home.

If your journey is over,

I need you to come back

home to me, or else...

...I'll be lonely, okay?


Haru is kind.

All right. I guess I had

better come home, then.

[ISUZU] If I can go home to

Haru, then I'm glad, truly.

This is...

...the best dream.


It's not a dream.



I've been looking for you.

Everyone's worried.

I'm impressed you

made it this far

in the condition you're in.

Hey, stop. Please, I can walk.

Sorry, I'm still a dumb kid.

I thought I was worthless

for not seeing how much

pain you were in,

and maybe that was true, but...

[ISUZU gasps]

[HATSUHARU] ...I've grown

up a little since then.

Enough that I can carry you

when you need me to, at least.

I'm not giving up on you, Rin.

So, walk on your

own when you can.

And when you can't,

let me carry you.

I like carrying you.

You're not a burden.

You never have been. I promise.


The end... of a long journey.


Um... Haru?








I'm home.


Welcome home.


"I mean... you know, right?"