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Sx10 - One Piece: Adventure of Nebulandia

Posted: 05/07/23 07:29
by bunniefuu
What's with this island?

Oh, no! They started sh**ting already!


Oh, crap!

I have a plan!

Which will k*ll Straw Hat Luffy!

And which will exterminate the Straw Hats!

I think you all remember the day

Straw Hat rampaged through the Navy HQ.

That was certainly an incident

that symbolized the Great Pirate Era.

Once again, make sure to engrave

the faces of the enemies

that disturb our peace into your minds!

The swordsman, "Pirate Hunter" Zoro!

The navigator, "Cat Burglar" Nami!

The sn*per, "King of sn*pers" Sogeking!

The cook, "Black Foot" Sanji!

Whoa! You surprised me!

I just felt somebody laughing at me!

The archeologist, "Devil's Child" Nico Robin!

The shipwright, "Cyborg" Franky!

The musician, "Humming" Brook!

The ship doctor,

"Cotton Candy Lover" Chopper!

Lastly, although he's a pirate,

he's Vice Admiral Garp's grandson!

The Revolutionary Dragon's son!

The captain, "Straw Hat" Luffy!

Those nine are our enemies!

I have a plan! I see a chance for victory!

"Straw Hat Destruction Maneuver."


Yes, sir! line:%

"Adventure of Nebulandia"

I'm hungry!

Sanji! Food!

♪ Meat! Meat! No vegetables! ♪

You're so damn annoying! Wait a minute!

♪ Hungry! Hungry! I'm hungry! ♪

Found one! I found a coconut!

Let me see.

How did you find it?!

It's a nice distance.

All right!

Usopp-san won!


Damn! I won't lose the next one!


Oh, no...


Franky! You've lost three in a row!

Shut up!

Why are you two betting

without asking?! Urgh!

Oh, an empty bottle this time!

Great! I'll get it again!

That's my line!

Where is it?

It's in the direction of

that odd-shaped island. Oh?

What's wrong?

I see something blinking. A signal?

What's the matter?

A signal?

That's an SOS.

Huh? What?

Seems like there's a

distress signal from the island.

What's with the island?!

There are a bunch of mushrooms!

Can I eat them?

You're so quick!

Does it mean somebody's there? Who is it?

Wait a sec.

There's a ship. It's stranded.

A crowd on the beach...

They're all women!



Sanji! Weren't you cooking meat?

Here you go.

Anyway, what should we do?

What should we do? Of course, we... decent humans, can't turn our backs!

Sanji! You're bleeding from your nose.

So we're gonna stop by the island?

Well, we have no choice.

Wait, wait!

How could you decide it without asking us?!

What if it messes up the Log Pose?

I can just repair their ship quickly

before it gathers too many logs.

All right. It's fine, then. But make sure

to charge them for the repair.


--That's my Nami!

What do you say, Captain?

No problem! The island looks delicious.

Nami-san! Starboard helm and full speed!

All right, all right.

Ladies, wait there! Your knight is on his way!

I'm the one who'll repair the ship!

I hope I can eat some mushrooms.

It's a beautiful island!

It's normally deserted.

Nature remains untouched here.

Hey, are you all right?

We received your SOS signal!

I'm a shipwright! I'll repair

your ship, so hold on!

It's a big mushroom! Yum-yum!

Don't eat it! Until I find out

if it's edible or not.

I'm practically immune to poison!

I said don't! There are some poisons

that'll cause changes to your body!

They really are all women!

Is anybody hurt? I'm a doctor!

That ship... I think I remember

it from somewhere...

And the memories are bad...

You're in good hands now, girls!

My nouvelle cuisine will help you!

Ugh. I'll leave them behind if the

Log Pose starts to get affected.

Some of those people ain't women!

Huh? Looks like they're all women to me!

Only the ones up front are women!

Behind them are--

That's what I'd expect from

Black Foot, the woman chaser!

Who are you?!

It's been a while, Straw Hats!

I wanted to see you guys,

so I looked and looked and...

...looked all over for you!

What's with that big-headed woman?



Why is he here in the New World?!

Yes, it's me! The captain of the Foxy Pirates,

"Silver Fox" Foxy-sama!


Everyone, remove your make-up!

We came to get revenge

for the humiliation you gave us!

Can't speak from astonishment?

Wait, who are you?

He doesn't remember me...


Oh, no, Boss, cheer up! How dare you

pretend that you don't remember!

No, I really don't know.

Hey, Hamburg! It's not funny!

Do you know him?

Ah, he's from that thing.

The Davy Back Fight. Remember?

Davy... Oh!

We did the pirate game

before we got to Water Seven!

Now you remember?! You dullard!

Yeah, I remember!

If I'm correct, your name is...

...Split-Head Fox-taro!

Okay! You got it all wrong!

It's been a long time! I'm glad

that you're doing fine... Um...

I'm Foxy! Don't forget!

We fought so fiercely!

This time we're being treated to

a captain-versus-captain battle!

Silver Fox Foxy!

Straw Hat Luffy!

I'm... the real deal!

It's dragging me away!

Dear me! Whatever's the matter?

That's already settled!

Yeah, you're right! Damn right!

But I can't just let it go since you

stopped my undefeated streak!

We're totally different from

the Foxy Pirates we used to be!

Your head got split even more?

Uh-huh... No way!


Screw you! You fooled me

with crap like that?!

We learned about your personality

inside and out in the last battle.

We thought it'd be a piece of cake

with our beautiful ladies.

It's called...

..."Beautiful Lady

Manipulation Maneuver"!

Because you're an idiot,

it went exactly as we planned.

Shut up!

I see! It was an incredible plan!

Hey, Usopp, you fool!


All right! It's my bad!

But was it worth wrecking your ship?

I already told you. We're different

from the way we used to be.


--Okay, Boss!

The all-new Foxy Pirates! Show them

the brand-new Foxy that suits us!

Got it!

It's completely transformed!

The Sexy Foxy!

What exactly did you do to change it like that?!

Cool! Cool!

Isn't it?

Listen to me!

So stupid!

It's been a long time since the

last time we saw that Jolly Roger.

That drawing stinks!

You drew it!

I've never forgotten about it,

even for a day or a second!

I jumped into this New World

using the frustration

from losing to you as a springboard!

Scraped together some

very powerful crew members!

Through Davy Back Fights?

That's right! I just got an

incredible guy the other day!

Let me introduce him! He's a shipwright

who rebuilt the ship beautifully!

A true artisan! "Mechanical" Dojaku!

Hmmm, I kind of like your work.

What an honor to be praised by you, Franky.

Well, you know, I'm a genius, so...

In addition,

let me introduce our military tactician,

who worked out the plan to bring you here!

He's a super strategist!

All you Straw Hats! Nice to meet you!

I'm Komei from the Foxy Pirates!

People call me "White Feather" Komei!

I'm pleased to make your acquaintance!

He doesn't look like a military tactician.

But his humor definitely

matches Foxy's people.

Believe it or not,

Komei used to be in the Navy!

The Navy?

How is that possible?! Why did

a Navy man become a pirate?!

Because I defeated him

in a Davy Back Fight!

Well, but still...

Rules are meant to be followed.

I was in the Navy, but I've always been

a man of the sea at the same time.

When you accept a challenge and lose,

you must join the other

crew with good grace.

Is that something to say proudly? So stupid!

We still have more and more incredible guys,

so look forward to meeting them!

Now, there's only one reason I lured you here!

You know what it is, don't you?

A rematch of a Davy Back Fight!

Of course, you'll accept it, won't you?!

Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

It's getting interesting.

You've got to be kidding!

Luffy, don't accept it!

That's impossible.

A man can't turn his back

in a situation like this.

Urgh! Why are pirates

such a bunch of idiots?!

But it sounds like fun.

Well, we know what kind of tricks they use,

so I don't think we'll lose any this time. line:%


Keep going! Keep going!

Can I get pieces of okonomiyaki?


Here! Here! Would you

like some frankfurters?

L-O-V-E Boss!

Would you like to have more? Free refill!

Oh, thanks.

They're totally having a good time already.

The vibe is awesome! I love it!

By the way, what's that Davy thing?

You don't know? It's an old game

between two pirate crews.

The winner can pick out a crew

member from the loser's crew.

Chopper was freaking out because

he was forced to join them once.

But you guys won it, didn't you?


Did you take somebody from their crew?

No, what we took was their

Jolly Roger. Their symbol.

To make up for it, Luffy drew that...




This sucks...!

I feel sorry for them.

Hm? What's wrong?

Davy Back is a pirate game, right?

Why would a Navy man

accept such a thing?

You're right...

I have a bad feeling.

Want some? These are the special-edition

souvenirs from the Davy Back!

Oh, nice! I want some!

Hey! Don't buy crap like that!

Cool! He's really a robot!

Robot? No, cyborg.

Cool! A robot language!


You, too! What are you doing?!

Okay! As always, it's time for the pledge

to follow these three rules about losing!

First, the only way to take back

anything you lose in a Davy Back Fight

is through another Davy Back Fight.

Second, anyone taken by the winner

must swear loyalty to that ship's captain.

Third, if your Jolly Roger is taken,

you can't ever display it again!

If you break these rules,

you'll be considered dishonorable

pirates and sent to Davy Jones' Locker!

Do you swear to uphold these rules?

I swear.

I shwear.

Okay! Then, I hereby announce this Three-Coin

Game to be played by standard rules!

All right! It finally begins!

The Foxy Pirates' revenge match!

A Davy Back Fight!

Our boss lost his first battle

after straight victories

to this redoubtable man, Straw Hat Luffy!

However, after that, he has

been winning battle after battle!

I'm sure it's gonna be a good match again!

Now, the much-anticipated first round!

The eating contest! The food is

mushrooms harvested from this island!

Oh, couldn't be luckier! I get to eat!

Never seen those... Is it okay?

I guess. I'm practically immune to poison.

Maybe they'll blow up when you eat them.

Don't eat them! I can't find

that mushroom anywhere!

Hey! Is it really safe?

It is. Right?

It's a new type of mushroom which was

discovered recently, but it's not poisonous.

Don't worry.

Okay! Let me introduce

the members of both teams!

First, the Straw Hat team!

The captain, Luffy! The cook, Sanji!

The musician, Brook!

So stupid.

If I win, Nami-san,

--let me see your panties...

--I won't, you idiot!

The contender--

the Foxy team's members are...

..."Four-Footed Dash Freak" Hamburg!

Count on me!

The genius shipwright, Dojaku!

And the only girl competing in this round,

our idol, Porche-chan!

Ooh! Thank you for your support!

Now, I'll explain the rules.

It's quite simple.

Three members on each team.

Which one can eat more mushrooms?

It's a three-minute match.

Both teams have the same amount--

we measured properly.

Will you be okay, Big Sis?

Oh, please! I'm a big eater

even though I don't look like it.

Hmmm, they're grilled beautifully.

I can eat all of them even on my own!

You can count on me, too. My stomach

is actually like a bottomless pit.

Having said that, I don't really

have a stomach now, though!

You got me there!



The Straw Hat team's selection

of members isn't fair.

Huh? What? You have an objection

about the decision, you ex-Navy?

That's right!

Since it's an eating contest,

the competitors must have a stomach!

Brook the musician, I think

I must blow my whistle on you!

Oh, you're right!

Oh, you're right!

Wait, you agree to it?! They have

to do it just the two of them, then!

I can do it on my own!

Idiot! Anything could happen! Did you

forget what happened last time?!

We almost lost Chopper to them!

Hey! It hasn't started yet!

We'll accept his complaint,

so allow us to change a member!

Don't be ridiculous! "No change allowed

in competitors" is in the rules, fool!

Well, it's okay. Let's allow it.

They'll accept the complaint,

so let's make an exception.

Who will fill his shoes?!

Why is that newcomer

going over our boss' head?!


I don't know what the

other games will be like,

but the only one among us

who eats as much as Luffy is him!

Zoro! Can you do it?!

I have no choice. Damn!

Let's just do it already!

I'm sorry.

No problem at all. I was just

getting tired of drinking.

Usopp subbed in a useless lump!

We don't need the moss ball pickled in saké.

I bet he became anxious because our

pervert cook keeps having nosebleeds.

Cut it out, you two!

Okay! We have all members from

both teams again! It'll finally start!

Oh, what is it?

Oops. Seems like we forgot

to mention one more rule.

It says "No one except for the competitors

is allowed to climb up on the stage.

If someone does it, that team

forfeits at that moment!"

Was there such a rule?

Whatever! Just start already!

All right! The first round starts now!

It began! The fateful revenge match!

Who will win this thing?!

Oh, by the way, I,

Itomimizu, am your host...

Oh, the Straw Hat team

is in top gear already!

Seems like they're swallowing

down the mushrooms!

Can't believe how they eat!

Now, the opponent, the Foxy team is...

Oh? Huh?!

Dojaku isn't doing anything!

What is he doing?!

Hey, why aren't you eating?!

I have a plan.

I'll make it up all at once later. Just wait.


Whoa... What's wrong

with you suddenly?! Hey!

Wh-What is going on?

The Straw Hat team, too!

All of them stopped eating!

Luffy! Zoro! Sanji!

Is it poison?!

Hamburg! Stay with me!

What happened to you?

Hey... Say something...

I can't believe it! Everybody who

was eating the mushrooms collapsed!

Chopper! Meds!

No! If I can't figure out what kind

of poison it is, I can't neutralize it!

Damn! Let's go closer to them!


No, wait!


If you climb up on the stage,

you people lose.

Hey! This is not the time to argue about it!

It's an emergency!

The rule is the rule.

Is he nuts?!

Boss! Let's call off the Davy Back Fight!


Oh? Do you want to call off the

fight that's already been started?

Shut up! Your crewmates are suffering!

In the first place, you came up

with the eating contest!

How will you take responsibility for it?!

I told you they're not poisonous.

They won't die.

Then, how do you explain

what's going on on that stage?!

Well, just watch what happens. Dojaku!




Oh! The two from the Foxy

team are getting up!

All of the Straw Hat team

are already sitting up, too!



Are they all right?

Luffy! Zoro! Sanji! Are you conscious?!

Feeling numb somewhere in your body?!

Feeling nauseous?!

I feel sick...

Feeling sick?! What else?!

At least you're up! This'll do!

What are you trying to make someone

who got food poisoning eat?!

Eat this and perk up!

Don't want it.


What did he just say?

Oh? What? Straw Hat doesn't look good.

It's not just my imagination, is it?

I don't wanna move.

I'll stay still.

Huh?! They don't look good either!

Oh, no...

Neither do our big sh*ts! What's going on?!

What happened?!

It doesn't look like them.

Is it because of those mushrooms?!

That's right!

Komei, you...

Oh? He's gone.

I'm up here.

When did you get there?!

Soldiers value speed above quality.

How was it? What an

amazing tactic! It's called...


Immobilization Maneuver"!

What?! Why did you do as you like,

without my permission?!

Because I didn't need your permission.



What, what? Whaaat?!

What's that?!

Is it a cage?!

Did he cage them along

with his own crewmates?!


What?! Was there such a rule?!

You fool, what are you doing?!

What will you do to my subordinates

as well as the others?!

I have no interest in those two!

They were just in the way!


My target is the Straw Hats!

My biggest goal is to capture all of them!


That jerk! I thought there

was something behind this!

Enough already! You lost the Davy Back

and became my subordinate!

You can't do as you like!

Be quiet!

There's no way I would become a

subordinate of someone like you!

I lost to you so I could

accomplish my own plan!

I wanted to draw the Straw Hats

into the game in order

to put them off their guard!

What, what...?

It was for my plan, but still, it was

so humiliating to serve under you!

--Your plan?


"Straw Hat Eradication Maneuver"!

Split-Head! What's going on here?!

I-I don't quite know, either...

I'm done talking to you!

Oh, no! He's gonna take them

along with the cage!

Good job.

Whoa-whoa! Where are you taking

our captain and the others?

So solid!

You bastard! What have you done?!

I already told you.

Weren't you listening--?

I'm asking you what you made them eat!

It was the Drowsy Mushroom that

grows naturally only on this island.

Those who eat it will lose all

of their fighting spirit, they say.

That's why you quibbled about me.

To make us switch!

That's right!

I knew Pirate Hunter would

be called in to fill your shoes!

Chopper! It's a Drowsy Mushroom!


How is it?! Is it there?!

It's no use!

It was discovered recently.

There's no way it's in the book!

So far, there is only one way to free someone

from the effects of a Drowsy Mushroom.

Eat a Rebound Mushroom which

also grows naturally on this island.

I see. So that's it.


I'm back!



Well done, Robin!

Oh, damn you! Straw Hat is...

That's okay.

Let's pull the cage in.


Oh, no! Luffy!


What a fool! I can't even bend them...

Is this for real?!

Hey, Zoro! Sanji! Let's get out! Hey!

Luffy, behind you!

Zoro! Sanji!

Now, my subordinates! Show yourselves!

Ship-bottom squad here! We're all ready!

Great. We'll withdraw!

No! The ship is leaving!

Bastard! You can't go anywhere!


Gum-Gum Rocket...


He's standing on the sand so...

Damn! Give back my friends!

Right. I knew that's what you'd do.


--Oh, no! He fell into the sea!

It deflects pursuers with a

slick coating. It's called...

..."Slipping Oil Slick Maneuver"!

You just put the oil there...



Even if you can roar,

there's nothing you can do.

Straw Hats!

I'm sure it's frustrating and that

you want to save your friends.

I won't run or hide! Come see me!


An Eternal Pose?

I'll be expecting you!

Don't underestimate me!

I have an ace in the hole!

Slow-Slow Beam!

That beam, huh?!

What the--?!

I knew you'd do that.

And I had a countermeasure.

We thought this would happen,

so I created something.

It's an interception

for the Slow-Slow Beam!

"Specular Reflection Maneuver"!


Now, struggle with my maneuvers!

Straw Hat Luffy! Your friends'

lives are in my hands!

Pirate Hunter and Black Foot

can't even move now.

But the key one, Straw Hat, is...

I saw it coming.

I knew they'd rip off the Rebound Mushroom

and cure Straw Hat first, as well.

Oh, you did?

We'll now move on to the

second plan. Tell everyone!

Yes, sir!

We're back!

What's that Slow-Slow crap?

Foxy's a Devil Fruit eater, too.

He ate the Slow-Slow Fruit

and became a slow human.

When someone or something is

exposed to his Slow-Slow Beam,

it will become slow for seconds.

It was longer than

I expected. Thirty seconds.

But the eater himself became

slow-slow, too. How hopeless he is?

Zoro... Sanji...

They could've captured us if they

wanted to. Why'd they leave?

The fact that he told us about the

Rebound Mushroom is illogical, too.

You're right.

In addition, he invited us with this.

It's a trap, isn't it?


That vice admiral seemed

like quite a tactician.

Let's go!

That's right! Even if it's a trap,

we gotta do it!

Let's save Zoro-san and Sanji-san!

We must bring them to their senses!

We gotta find the Rebound Mushroom first!

I'll look for it!

Is this enough of a lead for you?

Do you still smell any Rebound Mushrooms?

Uh-huh! I'll search for their scent!

I'll come with you.

If I separate my body and soul,

there is no limit to my field of search!

Straw Hat, you got an awesome guy

as your crew member!

Brook is living a super long life!

I don't think you call it a long life...

I'm sorry.

I'm the only one who got to eat

the Rebound Mushroom.

Right back at you.

I kind of set you guys up. I'm sorry.

Luffy! You go ahead! I'll catch up

with you after I find it.

Got it!

Chopper, use it.

Thank you.

Then, take these.


I'll hand them over to him at any cost!

Both of you! I'm counting on you!



Straw Hat!

You're not the only one who

got your crew members taken!

They took our ship, too!

I know I have no right

to ask something like this.

But I wanna save my friends, too!


Take me with you.



Come on board!


You called me Split-Head again...


Say something back! Say something back!

Don't let it bother you!

It's no time for feeling down, guys!


I'm in debt to you, Straw Hat!

Cut the crap and get on board already!


Okay! Everyone, get on board!


No, we can't have all of them!

It's obvious that it'll be overloaded!

Think about the size of the ship!

Wait! Wait! Wait!

I appreciate your commitment!

But I'm responsible for this!

Will you leave it in my hands?

I will rescue Porche and

Hamburg no matter what!

Excuse me, Boss!

Kansho, what is it?

I really want you to take me with you!

I've just joined your crew,

so I wanna help somehow!



Me? Senpai?

Your sniping skill was as amazing

as they say. I'm impressed!

That's really consummate skill!

Well, that's too much to say...!

The Navy guy is our enemy! I know

he'll use projectile weapons, too!

g*n for g*n!

I'm sure I can help you!

Okay, you get on board, too! Gonzo!

My name is Kansho...


Refueling completed!

We're ready, Luffy!

All right!

Sunny! Let's go!

We gotta go, too!

Yes, let's go!

Hey, you two!

We'll help you!

It's better to have more

people for the search!

Thank you!

The Davy Back Fight... I wish

I could've played some new games...

I can't believe I'm working with you.

We have the same goal, so it's okay!

It's been terrible since I lost to you.



That Jolly Roger became a symbol of losing.

No matter how many

Davy Back Fights I won,

as long as we had that Jolly Roger,

the label "the man who got defeated

by Straw Hat" stuck with me.

But Komei didn't laugh at me.

As long as you're tied to your past,

it's the same as time standing still.

That was also a part of his plan, though.

Well, this doesn't sound like me, does it?!

Nope! It doesn't!

You always say things straight out,

every single time!

Because it really doesn't sound like you!

You didn't need to tell me again...

Zoro was my first crew member.

My first crew members

were Porche and Hamburg.

No matter how many crew members have

come and gone through Davy Back Fights,

they've always been with me.

When I become the King of the Pirates,

none of them can be left behind.

It shouldn't be without them.

They're my friends!

As a token of our friendship,

I'll give you this!

Thank you!

While I'm at it, here's a big treat!

All of you Straw Hats can have one!

Don't want it.

Why don't you guys put them on, too?

It's embarrassing as a human being!

I'll pass on it...

What?! But they're cool...

It's so hot!

Two opposing groups joining hands

to challenge a formidable enemy!

Senpai, have one!

No, I really don't want it.

Eat it! In return for the pin-badge!

Straw Hat!

Let's energize ourselves and cause trouble!


Wait for me! Fan Guy!

Should we leave them like this?

I have no interest in the Foxy Pirates,

but since they're pirates,

we can't let them free.

We'll execute them

along with the Straw Hats!

No problems here. They're still quiet.

How pitiable you are,

for such notorious fiends.

I'll throw the rest of your crew in here soon!

Wait for it!

This isn't it...

Not it, either!

How about this?

This isn't it, either!

Well, we have to just keep

looking patiently!

Wow! I thought my heart

was gonna explode!

Although I don't have a heart.

It's because of this mushroom.

Let's call it a Sneeze Mushroom.

Hey! What the...?

Did something happen to you?

No! Stay away!

--We said...

--..."Stay away."

What a huge steel trap!

Don't tell me you guys set it up.

No way! Look!

"Approved by Komei"

At this!

"Approved by Komei"

What an easy-to-understand

person Komei is...


Shh! The situation has changed.

I can feel it in my bones--literally.

We're surrounded.


Is that the island?

No mistake!

The needle is pointing towards it!

I see a pirate ship in the west.

It's the Straw Hats' Jolly Roger!

Here they come.

Prepare to ambush!

Take the crane-wing formation

and surround them!

Yes, sir!

They were lying in wait as I thought!

They'll attack us from both sides.

This is not good.

If they're not in front of us,

we can't even use the Gaon Cannon!

I did research. I also know that

they don't have enough gunners.

Oh, no! They started sh**ting already!

What about the Coup de Burst?

No! It's too late!

Leave it to me!




Slower! Slower!


Slower! Slower! Slower!

Slower! Slower! Slower!

Wow! They stopped!

What?! It's awesome!

It's not completely stopped,

but when I use Slower-Slower,

this is what happens.


How long will it last?

Thirty seconds, of course.

Thirty seconds, again?!

That's not so great.

Shut up! You don't know

how tough it was to master it!

There was a tear-jerking story!

You wanna hear it?


Too quick!

Almost seconds already.

Oh, yeah! Franky!

It's ready thanks to that!

Hold on really tight!

Coup de Burst!

Oh! The Navy ships are...

Boss, you did it!

Six ships got wrecked!

See that?! That's the power

of the Slower-Slower!

I like it! Slower-Slower!

It's useful depending on how you use it.

Well, it's a pain if the user is our enemy.

A-All ships have been wrecked! The Straw

Hats broke through the ambush fleet!

Confirming seven from the pirate

ship landed on the island!

They're climbing the outer rim of the crater!

I got a report that two Devil Fruit eaters

have remained on the Mushroom Island.

That's good.

That's the point of giving them

information about the Rebound Mushroom.

Hey, Split-Head, you're behind.

Shut up!

Boss, you can do it!

I can go Slow-Slow,

but I don't like to hustle!

What's with this island?

What do you call it? A caldera?

There is something that looks

like a volcanic vent in the basin.

But that looks like water vapor

instead of volcanic smoke.

But it's definitely a Navy base.

I see building-like things

everywhere on the rock towers.

They seem to say, "We're not gonna

let you get away no matter what!"

There are more warships.

I see some human figures

on the outer rim.

One, two... There are seven.

I assume they're the Straw Hats.

Report to the vice admiral!

Okay. Put the second plan in motion.

Welcome, people of the Straw Hats!

I'm a special operation advisor from

the Strategies/Tactics Research

and Development Division of the Navy--

Vice Admiral Komei!

Too long...

Where are you, Fan Guy?!

Do you think I'll tell

you guys that honestly?

Well, I'll just say somewhere

on one of those rock towers.

Your friends are there, too.

He's using echoes quite effectively.

I can't tell where he's speaking from.

One of those rock towers?

There are tons of those!

Do you think it's true?

It's -. I can't deny the chance

that he's telling the truth.

Don't make it so frustrating!

I thought your target was me!

It's all of you.

I suggest that you try your best to find them.

Hmmm, let me think.

I'll give you plenty of time.

How about until the break of day tomorrow?

If you can rescue them before the sun

rises above the horizon, you win.

If you fail, you guys will fall

into my clutches on this island.

All of us are his target, he said.

What an obvious provocation.

There are obviously traps everywhere.


Oh, my chronic disease of... um...

Enough with that!


But we're going, aren't we?

Yes, we are!

I thought so.

It can't be helped that

the Navy will come after us.

But whatever your target is...

...I'll find and save

my friends at any cost!


He's so cool!

That's what I expect from

the man that I think highly of.

"Try to find them"?

I don't wanna take it slow like that!

I'll destroy them all at once!

What?! But your friends

are in one of the towers!

We can't stop him now.

Well, I'm sure they'll be fine.

Is it like that?

Ho-hum. We have no choice

but to go along as I thought.



...Hawk Gatling!

What? What's the matter?

My strength...

What?! What?! What did they do to you?!

It feels like...


--You, too?! What happened?!

I don't know! I felt

something grab me and... I'm losing my strength!

Is it Sea Prism Stone?

A bit different!

It's coiling around my hands...

Or like some plant

creeping around my hands...

What's that?!


Are you getting pulled by

your own stretching force?!

Really?! What is that plant?!

What do you think has happened?!

I don't know. Straw Hat and the

other one lost it all of a sudden.

Watch out!

Star Shield!



Far from it!

Oh? Where's Robin?

That plant again...

Robin?! Hey, Robin?!

Where are you?! Answer me!

Are you there?

What the hell is wrong with this plant?

It's coiling around my hands!


Where's Robin?!

I don't know! I really don't know!


What is this plant?! It doesn't

look like it's moving or anything...

Strong smell of the sea!

Don't tell me it's...

You have quite quick wits.

That plant is indigenous to the island

and obtains seawater to grow.

For some reason, it reacts to Devil Fruit

eaters and coils around them.

The mechanism of it is unexplained,

but it's proven that it has

the same effect as Sea Prism Stone.

It's a very useful plant for

a normal person like me.

Seems like you're looking for Nico Robin,

but I've just been told that we caught her.


You Devil Fruit eaters, especially the

ones that are running wild as pirates,

tend to be overconfident

about your own power.

You don't pay much attention

to things around you.

It's a great strategy that seizes

upon that weak point. It's called...

..."Anathematic Sea

Wholesale as*ault Maneuver"!

There are many more

eye-popping secrets to this island!

Amazing secrets that will leave

Devil Fruit eaters utterly powerless!

The Worst Generation?

Those who are entirely

dependent on their abilities

are no match for cleverly calculated plans!

I'll catch all of you well before dawn!

On the island that the god of the sea has

given to us, which kills the Devil Fruit eaters!

The island of fog: Nebulandia!

Hey, Straw Hat...

Oh, my Fear-of-unknown-islands-osis

is acting up!


The island of fog?

I can't believe it... I found myself

getting emotional talking to them.

It's not like me.

It's understandable.

We finally get to execute your plan.

Yes, that's right.

There were no other suitable islands.

This one is exactly what I've sought after.

I've always been thinking.

How can we ordinary people capture pirates

whose powers let them run amok?

A plan wasn't enough. We needed

a geographical advantage, too.


The island itself exercises

"Ability Nullification Maneuver"!

I chose this place as the field of

the decisive battle against them.

And they have been lured here

exactly as I designed.

Why the sea?

We Devil Fruit eaters got our powers

by eating Devil Fruits,

but also gained the sea's ire in doing so.


They say Devil Fruits are the

incarnations of the Sea Devil, so...

...they can't move even a bit

under the influence of seawater.

That's why once they sink into it,

they'll never be able to come up.

The whole island is like Sea Prism Stone.

Sea Prism Stone?

It is said to be a stone formed

by the substance of seawater.

What?! Then...

For example, the handcuffs that

the Navy has are made of it.

Since they have the same effect as seawater,

they nullify Devil Fruit eaters' powers.

What?! That means this

island is very dangerous!

He didn't k*ll Luffy

in the Davy Back Fight

because he wanted to take down

all of us without fail.

Locking up Zoro and Sanji,

and disempowering the Devil Fruit eaters

gave him the advantage.

Really, Navy?!

So what?

Fan Guy!

I won't leave this island

until I take back everybody!




You stay still!

That bastard!

The more you move,

the more you get hurt...

This is the worst island ever!


Senpai! This is exactly

when sniping is needed!


I'm gonna super show it off!

Hey! Are you ready?!




Coup de Vent!


Damn! There are more and more of them!

How about this?! Clima Takt!

Black Ball!

A lightning rod?!

Not gonna let you blast the towers, huh?!

Judging from the situation here,

Chopper and Brook are probably...

I guess.

They got caught covering for us...

Chuchun! Take these two and get away!


Leave them to us and find the

Rebound Mushroom, whatever it takes!

Count on us!

I gotta go back to save them!

Look at that.

Sea Prism Stone handcuffs?

When we get bound by those,

we can't use our abilities.

That's why we have to prioritize

the Rebound Mushroom for now!


Wait for us! We'll definitely

be back to save you later!

Vice Admiral Komei. You've got a call

from Vice Admiral Tsuru from HQ.

Why, hello, Great Advisor.

How is everything going?

"Clean Justice"

I know you. You must be

having a great time, I guess.

Don't be silly.

The operation is going well,

as I initially planned.

It should be. Since I left so

many troops in your hands.

The sun will set soon. The decisive

moment will be after sunset.

I'll bring you the nine heads

of the Straw Hats, without fail.


We have to respond to

Great Advisor's expectations.

Don't be a fool.

Expectations or praise... I have

no interest in those flimsy things.

Let's hunt down the remaining six.

Without a single mistake.

I see...

You jerk!

We can go down underground

from where we blasted through.

Underground? Can we get to

Zoro and Sanji like that?

I don't know about that. There are

a whole bunch of machines down there.

I'm saying maybe we can destroy the system

of those towers that use that machinery.

All right! I'm going!

It's filled with seawater.

Seems like seawater is flowing

into the ground of this island.

Oh, crap! This island is really

unfavorable for Devil Fruit eaters.

We have no choice!

The two of us should do it!

Count me in!

Why don't you stay with your boss?

What?! Just you two are going?!

Somebody capable must remain.

Otherwise, there'll be too much trouble.

I got it!

Sorry. Could you hold these?


So heavy!

Wait for us, Luffy!

We'll find out where they are as well.


All right!

Hm? Is it fog?

It's because the temperature

dropped after the sun set.

That's more like a geyser than a volcano.

That's why it's humid here.

Chunchun-san... I mean,

Chuchun-san! Wake up!

What's that? The mountain is wriggling!

Chuchun, descend!

It'll eat us and we'll be reduced to bones!

But I'm already just bones...

The moving mountain was actually...


Brook, music! Make him

relax so we can help him!

But, if I play, it's like telling

the Navy that we're here!

I can't leave him like that!

I understand.

Okay then, listen to this.

A healing melody.

Weight Boost!

Don't worry! I'll save you at any cost!

You can relax.

Chopper-san is a good doctor.

It's gonna hurt a little, but bear it!

What's the matter?

This smell!

The Rebound Mushroom?!

There they are! The color and

the shape match the image!

Please be careful!

I have a good idea!

I name him Kinokonda!


It has both the strangeness of mushrooms

and the dangerousness of giant creatures.

It's a good name.

Oh, no!

I thought so! My music

has brought the Navy here!

Isn't it getting sort of sticky?

Am I imagining it? The smell

of the sea is getting stronger.

The smell of the sea?

I see! This fog formed because the

seawater underground got heated up!

Seawater fog?

Whatever it is, it's favorable for us.

We can hide ourselves.


What? But then, is it the same

as soaking in the sea?

Luffy, are you okay?

Oh, no...

I'm totally losing my strength...

Boss! Stay with me!

How pathetic... If I get

att*cked now, I'm finished.

Don't say that.

Straw Hat Luffy.

How do you feel?

I think you're suffering

like you're in the sea now.

This is my second plan!

"Nighttime Fog Maneuver"!

Cut the maneuver crap!

Nipple Light!

That's gross! I don't like it!

Intruders underground.

Two people detected.

Mm-hm. I knew they'd do that.

Where are they now?

They're close to this operation room.


--Vice Admiral.

I just got a call from the detachment

force on the Mushroom Island.

He said they took custody of the ship doctor

and the musician from the Straw Hats,

and many from the Foxy Pirates successfully.

It's all going as planned!

Make an announcement to all soldiers!

We're moving on to the third plan!

We're entering the final phase at last!

--Yes, sir!


Oh, crap!


What's that?! Why is it glowing there?

You've gotta to be kidding! Hey! Franky!

Komei, you bastard!

Not even a cyborg could withstand that.

Now... can't keep hanging there forever!

Straw Hat Luffy!

I've taken Cyborg Franky and Sogeking!

I've captured the reindeer

and skeleton as well!

Chopper and... Brook?

You literally can't do anything, can you?

Cat Burglar there is the

only friend you have left.

It appears you are now greatly outmatched.

Thus, I'll change the rules a little bit.

Change them? I don't like

the way you talk down to us!

It's still before sunrise, but I'll take

all of your captured friends outside.

In exchange for that, I want you

to come get them on your own!

What?! Are you playing

a game or something?!

Are you in or not?! Just state it clearly!

Hey! What about Porche and Hamburg?!

If you can make it before

the sun rises above the horizon,

you can trade yourself for your friends.

I said, what about my friends?!

If you can't make it, your friends will

be sent to Impel Down as arranged!

Are you in?


I'm not gonna let you have my friends!


Good. Then, let's begin!

He ignored me...


Split-Head! I'll bring

your friends back, too!


I'm okay! I'll go by myself!


Straw Hat...

I can't believe this.

The formidable Straw Hats

have been brought down this easily...

Boss! We can't let Straw Hat go alone!


I don't think that dirty Komei

will fight him so straightforwardly!

Wait a sec!

It's our turn to help Straw Hat,

who brought us here!


Gonzo is right!

It's Kansho!

Split-Head! Try your best

and pay back your debt!

Still calling me that?!








L-Luffy! It's a trap!

Don't come closer...

I'll save you now!

Are you on your own?

Where's Nami?! And the others?!


S-Stay away...

I'm sure it's a trap!

I know...



Sorry that I'm late.

Let's get off of this annoying island already

and go on an adventure again, all nine of us!

Hang on!

I'll save you right now!

What an idiot...


Yeah, that's right! Just save us already!


That was close...

Luffy! Don't fall!


Hey! Luffy!

I feel weaker than before...


A hidden pitfall is my most favorite trap.

Although it's the simplest trap

that mankind has ever invented,

it's very effective.

It's called...

..."Crewmate Pitfall Maneuver"!

Your deep care for your friends

will be your undoing!

There is seawater down there.

Oh, that's why...

It's quite simple, but there

is a thick darkness of fear.

You jerk...

Are you terrified?

When I was a child,

I experienced greater terror.

The ones who terrified me so

were none other than pirates!

They rampaged through my hometown.

It was a hideous tragedy that

I couldn't stand to witness!

Pirates are evil!

You see?!

I joined the Navy to fight

against evil and eradicate it! But...

...I couldn't believe it!

Both the World Government and the Navy

tolerate pirates for the maintenance of order!

The people at the top can't see how

ordinary people are living under threat of...

...the v*olence of pirates!

The era of v*olence will never end like this!

Because they're trying to

counter v*olence with v*olence!

Does it mean powerless

people can't do anything?!

Nay! There is a w*apon to fight back!

A w*apon called wisdom!

With my wisdom, I'll bring an end

to this era of cyclical v*olence!

That will give hope to powerless people!

To accomplish that,

I'll even reform the Navy!

You people are sacrifices

for the ray of hope!


You knew something like

this would happen to you!

Then, why would you

wanna become a pirate?

I don't understand what

you people are thinking.

It's your loss!

That you don't know the

adventures we're having!

So what?

Pirates can seek adventures freely!

Across the wide open seas!

I now understand...

...that it's impossible to understand you.


The way you hang on to your life!

I admire that.

Oh... Oh, no!



H-He's dancing!

Armament Haki!

With that spirit of mine...

...I apply power to my fan!

Is that for real?!


Out of respect for your tenacity,

I'll finish you off myself.

I will push you with this sword and... you sink down to

your end with my own two eyes!

Don't do it!


Heat Egg!

Oh, Nami-san!

Ow, ow, ow, ow...

The fog is clearing!

Everybody! Oh!

--You came!


Where's Luffy?!

In the seawater in the pitfall right there!


Look up!


I'm counting on you, Nami! Save Luffy--




If you move even a bit,

I'll blow your head off.

Good job, you!


Be careful! He uses Haki!

When the fog is clear,

we have the upper hand.

Get away from the hole. Slowly.

Don't do anything foolish.

Yeah, good boy!

Where are my friends?!

Look for them yourself.

Kansho, hold this.


Hey! Help Nami!


Hold on to it tight!

Pull me up!


--Ow, ow!

Is Luffy okay?!

He isn't breathing!



Oh, damn!

Hey! Wake up!

Hey! Hey!

Wake up!

Straw Hat!


Wake up!


Wake up! Wake up!

Hey! Just wake up already, Straw Hat!

You said you're gonna become

the King of the Pirates!




Thank goodness...

You scared me!



Let's get off of this island!



Together with Split-Head's friends!

Straw Hat!


No... Luffy...


H-He is...


Did you... Did you sh**t him?!

It's called...

..."Two-Sided Backstab Maneuver"!

When someone turns his back on his ally,

it's the best chance to attack!

He lowered his guard for a while

when he got out of the pitfall safely.

That moment was what I was

looking for to take a sure shot!

Boss. Senpai.

I'm sorry! But this is my job! line:%


You bastard!

Wake up, Luffy!

b*ll*ts don't harm you! Right?! Hey!

Wake up, Luffy!

It's unforgivable...

Screw you!

Thunder Lance Tempo!

Arrest them!

Yes, sir!



--Don't move!

I-I'm losing my strength...

Victory is mine!

Behold! The man with

a -million-Berry bounty

who heads the list of the Worst Generation,

Straw Hat, and all of his crew

are in our custody!

It's our complete victory!

You did it, Vice Admiral Komei.

The capture of the Straw Hats!

This is truly the beginning

of the end of the Pirate Era!

That's right!

The formidable Vice Admiral Komei!

His name resounds all over the great sea!

The formidable Vice Admiral Komei!

His name resounds all over the great sea!

The formidable Vice Admiral Komei!

His name resounds all over the great sea!

I will have your skills!


--Yes, sir!

We'll take all seven of them

to the Navy Headquarters!

Make preparations now!

Got it!


Look at that, you damn pirates!

I, Dojaku the genius, made...

...the greatest machine of my life!

A mushroom?! A snake?!



You guys...

I thought we captured them!

What a relief!

I'm here!

You're okay!

How annoying!


Everybody, help me!


Kung Fu Point!


Sorry to keep you waiting.

All of you, charge!

Take this! The powder

of the Sneeze Mushroom!

Yeah, yeah!

M-My greatest machine!

I couldn't even unveil it!

I'm free!

--Here you go!

--Thank you!

You're not hurt, are you?

Thank you! You're kind.


Take care of Franky, too.

My pleasure!



Hey, I thought you got captured.

That was a lie!

I was the one who called them.

If I told him that, he'd lower

his guard, I thought!

And Kinokonda is a good boy!

After I made medicine out of the

Rebound Mushrooms, he carried us here!

Drink this. It's a component

of the Rebound Mushroom.

Here, drink it.

Somebody uncuff me, too.


Here's the key!

I'm back!

These are the ampules

for Porche and Hamburg.

Oh, great!

I feel like I was having a nightmare.

--He's back!



Now I'm free!

--He's back!



All right. Let's do it!

I gotta create some havoc.

Pirate Hunter, take these!

Thank you, Split-Head!

You call me that even now?

You need these, don't you?!

Super big comeback!


He got shot by Kansho!


You're made of rubber so that doesn't

harm you, right?! Wake up! Luffy!

Is this for real?

Oh, if we could've gotten

here a little sooner...

What a pity. It's too late.

You couldn't turn it around.

This is fate.

That bastard!

It's my voice?!


Oh, I surprised myself!

You surprised us!

What?! I know I didn't miss!

H-He has the devil's luck!

Split-Head, sorry. It's broken...

I really liked it...

You really liked it?!


That's impressive!

No way!

You traitor!

Nine-tails Rush!

You're next!



Stay still!


You okay?!

Don't push yourself.

Thank you, Big Sis... I mean, lady.

Don't mention it. I was simply

paying back the favor.


Never mind.

Guys! Let's get off of this island!


Hey, Split-Head Fox-taro!


Your friends are in there.

That tower, huh?! Thanks, great cook!

Let's go!


Pickles! Big Pan!

You take care of stuff here!


Oni... Giri!

You have such amazing survival power

and the devil's luck. I'm impressed.

I thought I was being cautious enough,

but your friends totally

got the better of me.

But this isn't over yet!

You're still in my hands!

I won't let you escape!

You can't get out of here alive--

Heat Egg!

How do you like it?

It's called "Flare Maneuver"!

Your taste is nowhere near mine!

Forget it! I'm not good at those things!

I won't forgive evil!

So that people can get

serenity and everlasting peace!

Oh, no!

The outer rim is...!

This basin is below sea level.

I didn't want to use this last

strategy, but I had no choice.

He gave up the Navy base!

--Nami, take everybody!


Bang! Bang! Bang!

The seawater keeps pouring in!

Tsk! He won't stop

targeting Devil Fruit eaters!

It's here!

I'm gonna create more and more havoc!

Haven't had enough

for the humiliation I bore!

Both of you, wrap it up.

We'll leave the rest to Luffy!

It's so spectacular!

Fan Guy! This is a Navy base, isn't it?

They'll get mad at you, won't they?

They will. But that's none of your concern.

I'll take any punishment!

If I can capture the Straw Hats,

I can't ask for more!

Seems like I really can't get out

of here without taking you down.

Let's make a dash for the Sunny!

Already here?!

You're quite off, aren't you?

Not as bad as your pervy eyebrows.

Hurry up!

Beam! Beam!

Beam! Beam!

Slow-Slow Beam! Slower! Slower!

Slow-Slow Beam!

Porche! Hamburg!

Are you okay?!


Sorry to keep you waiting!

I'm here to save you!

He came all this way?


Oh, I'm sorry that you

had to go through this.

We don't have time!

You're right.

You guys, drink this. Here.

Ooh! I'm back!

--There they are!

--Catch them!

Slow-Slow Beam!


Oh, he moves!

You bastards!

Shut up!

What's going on out there?

They took the three of them somewhere...

Straw Hat is fighting outside!

They're wreaking havoc together!

Now, we gotta get out of here!

Boss, you can go ahead.

There's something we want

to take back at any price!

What is it?!

We'll catch up to you in a bit.

Hey! I took the trouble to save you...

You guys can go ahead and run!

I'll look after them...

What are you talking about?

We're friends! We'll stay with you

even to the nethermost hell!

You guys...

Now you can't exercise

all your power again.

It's better for you to get

caught without resistance.

I'll get out of here

after I get my friends back.

Don't make me repeat myself!

Enough with your lip!



Double shot!


That was close!

How tenacious.

But you're obviously moving slow.

I'll never come back to an island like this!

Your time is up, literally.

The water has stopped rising?

Oh, Choppy!

You two made it out, too.

Hey, let's get out of here quick!

Hey, Straw Hats!

What in the world is going on here?

Oh, no!

Oh! Wait, I've got a good--

I mean, a bad idea!

Hey, Cyborg! Carry me on your shoulder!

Yo! I found a good place to stand!

Quit life as a pirate and go join a circus!

Slow-Slow Beam!



Slow-Slow Beam!

How did you like it, you fool?!

Hey! Hit the cannonball all you want!

Even though the seawater weakened you,

if you go "more-more" like me,

you can be very powerful!

Your head is split, but you're smart!


All right, is it good now?

Let's go to the ship!

More! More, more, more, more!

More, more, more, more!

More, more, more!


More, more, more, more,

more, more, more!

Thirty seconds!

It's hot!

The water's draining!

He did it!

Gum-Gum Pitfall!


You love pitfalls, don't you?

You've been taking Split-Head

for a fool, haven't you?

How does it feel to be

brought down by such a guy?

The seawater's gone now! Here I go!

Don't underestimate me,

a Navy HQ vice admiral!

Drop dead!

You're indeed tough. But you're

far from being in top condition.

I'll bury you with my Haki!

I don't mind that you hate pirates.

You belong to the Navy after all.

But I won't let you touch my friends!

I'm gonna continue

the adventure with them!

I'm tired of having a fruitless conversation.

Let's settle this!



...Red Hawk!

He did it!

Hey, let's get to the ship!


--Hurry up!


Boss! Run!




Hey, we left Straw Hat behind.

Don't worry! He'll be here any minute.

The problem is the warships on standby.

It's best if we can get away

by the Coup de Burst, but...

We already used it on our way here.

Oh, then, there is no problem!


We brought them from the base!

When did you get here?

All we gotta do is wait for Luffy...

He's here.

All right, set sail!

I see.

What about Komei and the others?

We brought all of them on board

the warship that was on standby.

The vice admiral, too.

Okay. Thank you for your trouble.

Yes, ma'am.


He pushed them quite far. What a shame.

Your grandson always gets in our way.

Even in this era of the contest of strength,

if you have ingenuity, you can compete.

Komei said he wants to prove it

to all the people in the world.

Oh, it's him! I remember thinking,

"He's so spindly. Will he be okay?"

I'm newly assigned! I'm Corporal Komei!

His belief in not wanting

to depend on Devil Fruits.

I sort of like it.

Don't worry! He won't break down because

he lost this time! He's not that wimpy!

Stop laughing without a care in the world.

It's all rebuilt. What will you

do about the ship?

We'll sail it, even though

they messed with it.

That Dojaku guy didn't cut corners, at least.

Yeah? Well, that ship is cool, so that's good.

The most important thing to me is them.

We took back the next

most important thing, too.

Oh, the Jolly Roger that I drew!


Oh, the Jolly Roger that I drew!


I didn't even wanna look at

this annoying symbol, but...


...I'm starting to feel this isn't so bad.

Feels like we can't call ourselves

the Foxy Pirates without it.

I see! I feel happy when

someone appreciates what I did.

Thank you for fighting with me.

But the temporary cease-fire ends now!

From this moment on,

we're each other's enemy again!

Slow-Slow Beam!

It doesn't work.

Because I'm made of rubber.

Just kidding!

Nice try!

I thought that's what you'd do.

I know you.





You're so stupid! That's funny!

See you, Straw Hat!

You were as awesome as always!

Let's have a Davy Back Fight

next time for sure!

What?! I don't want that!

I'm interested.


I wanna have one

for the first time in decades.

You guys can say that because you

didn't experience all that nonsense.

Kinokonda! Bye-bye!

Saying goodbye to an animal

always cuts me to the bone.

See you! Split-Head!

That jerk... He called me that

at the very last moment!


I'll find and save

my friends at any cost!

Come on board!


It's nothing.

I'm so glad to have you two back, too!


We've been through a lot,

but let's rebuild the Foxy Pirates!


We're pirates. We're free to seek

whatever adventure we want.

I'll go my own way!


He's trying to decide on something...

I'll talk to you about stuff later.

But for now...!

You guys!

We aren't gonna stop yet!

Let's go merrily and greedily!


Let's have a banquet

celebrating our comeback!

Good! Only Sanji can cook like this!

Well, I did cause you all trouble. Eat up!

You did! You don't know how hard

it was to find the Rebound Mushrooms!

--I'm so sorry...

--Honestly, now!

--I'm so sorry...

You're a hopeless letch!

Oh! Robin-chan, you look wonderful

even when you're being so harsh!

What's so funny, you drowsy moss ball?!

Don't try to pick a fight with me just

because she hit you with the truth!

Cut it out, you two!


That drowsy look on you two was so funny!

That vice admiral...

You think he'll come back?

Hmmm... I think he'll want a rematch.

I'll accept his challenge

as many times as I have to!

If it weren't for that mushroom!

I'm glad that it only grows on that island.

Zoro, there's something

in your belly-warmer...

--Oh, that time, it...

--Don't come near! Go away!

--Zoro, pass!

--Stop it! Pass!

--No! Toss!


This is fun!

I can't stand still, I can't stop

Daybreak hasn't come yet and I can't wait

One, two, Sunshine four... WE GO!

Fly the flag, Break of Romance Dawn

Make waves, jump from your sleep

If you want to go to the unbelievable world,

your toughness, that's what it takes

Being brazen, is it a crime?

Wanted means Winner :D

Freedom is our only rule

It's not our way to worry

At any cost, One Piece, I'll be the first

My dreaming heart is huge

It's important not to wake up

I can't stand still, I can't stop

Daybreak hasn't come yet and I can't wait

One, two, Sunshine

One, two, Sunshine

One, two, Sunshine four... WE GO!