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Sx08 - 3D2Y: Overcoming Ace's Death! Luffy's Pledge to his Friends

Posted: 05/07/23 07:27
by bunniefuu
Listen, Luffy.

We have to live without leaving any regrets.


We gotta go out to sea someday...

...and live as we like.

Freer than anyone else.

Ace, we're coming to rescue you!


Activate the encircling walls!

What is that?!

--We're enclosed!

--What the hell is this?!

Hey, what's wrong?!

It should be fully activated!

The wall can't lift the giant body of Oars!

We can't close it, but do it, Akainu!

Meteor Volcano!

Now let's move on to...

...the execution of Portgas D. Ace immediately!


--Straw Boy!

--Honestly! You're too reckless!

I need you to do me a favor!

Little Oars Jr.!


He's still alive?!

I'm gonna get Ace back!!

You're not good enough

to reach this stage yet.


...Stamp Gatling!

You're too slow!

I don't remember saying

that was all of our ships!

Another coated ship is entering the bay!

Sink it!

No! Not the boat!

sh**t at Oars!

Get ready, everybody!

--He pulled the boat out of the water!

--They broke the encircling walls!

Whitebeard has descended to the plaza!


Guys! Rescue Ace and...

...destroy the Navy!!



Ace! I'll be there soon!

--You just run straight!

--All right!


--Okay, Ivan-san.



Luffy-kun, go ahead!

Inazuma of the Revolutionary army!


I'm here, Ace!


I consider you my enemy!



Luffy! You...


You can't get away from me!

What is that?!

Three! Why are you here?!


...Giant Balloon!

Candle Wall!

I'll make the key! Uncuff him right away!

All right!


--Blow them away!

Captain Buggy! There's Brother !


You've always been like this! Luffy!

You've never even listened to me...

...and always done such crazy things!



I'm sorry, Luffy...

Ace, you need to get treated right away!

I couldn't make it all the way. I'm sorry.

What are you saying? Don't be ridiculous!

How could we let that happen?!

I couldn't have more regret about it!

How annoying!

Hurry! Give him first aid now!

It's no use.

I can tell that my life is ending.

So listen to me, Luffy.


Listen to what I'm about to say.

Could you tell it to everybody afterwards?



And you, Luffy.

Thank you...

...for loving someone like me

who is good for nothing and who has

such bad blood in his veins...

...up to today.

Thank you!

Did you have a bad dream?

You're all sweaty.

Drink this. line:%

"The th Anniversary Special Episode" line:%

"The th Anniversary Special Episode"

"One Piece 'DY': Overcoming Ace's Death!

Luffy's Pledge to His Friends"

After losing his brother Ace during

the w*r of the Best in Marineford,

Monkey D. Luffy was deeply wounded

both mentally and physically.

Don't just think about the ones you've lost!

You can't get back what you've lost!

What is it that you still have?!

I have a suggestion for you.

Of course it's up to you... take it or not. line:%

"A desert island northwest of the maiden island


Accepting Rayleigh's suggestion,

he came to Luscaina.

It's the power to feel the

presence of others more strongly.

It's called Observation Haki!

Next, the Armament Haki.

This power is the same

as wearing invisible armor.

And watch this.

That was the power to intimidate your enemy!

Conqueror's Haki!

To obtain the power called Haki, the only

effective countermove against Devil Fruit eaters,

Luffy is now undertaking

a two-year training course.

The pirate Straw Hat Luffy will be...

...on hiatus for a while.

Are you okay now?


I wonder what they're doing.

Your friends?


Think about it! What is it that you still have?!

I still have my friends!


I have an ambition.

To be the world's greatest swordsman!

I will...

...not be defeated ever again!

Until the day I defeat him and

become a master swordsman...

...I'll never... be defeated!

Got any problems with that,

King of the Pirates?!



I'm captain of the Usopp Pirates...

...and a brave warrior of the sea!

I won't let you lay a finger on the village!

--Get on already.


We're friends now, aren't we?


I get to be captain, right?!



Help me...

Of course I will!



You're my friend!



Say... do you know the All Blue?

I'll come along on your journey

to become "King of the Pirates"!

We both have foolish dreams.

In order to achieve my goal,

I'll be the cook for your ship.

Owner Zeff!!

Thank you for all the damn things

you've done for me over all these years!!


Even if I don't have friends, I can still fight!

You do have friends!

I am your friend!

It's true... that I wanna be a pirate, but...

...I can't become your friend!

Shut up!

Let's go!


Let me stay on this ship.

The pirates waged w*r

on the World Government!


Say that you wanna live!!


...wanna live!!


If you want these shorts back,

you'll have to join us!

Don't be so cocky.

I feel sorry for the ship when it's this great

but has no real shipwright on the crew.

I suppose I can take care of

it for you. I, Franky, will...

...take on the role of the

shipwright for your crew!

I'm taking off for a while!


I'm so happy to hear that Laboon

is well and still waiting.

My shadow is back.

We're out of the demonic sea.

It was tough every day.

Truthfully, I didn't even see a glimpse of hope.

But Luffy-san...

...I'm so happy to be alive!

Can I join your crew?

Yes, you can.


So easily...

He joined!

I want to become stronger...

...and protect them.

I wanna be the man who

can protect their dreams.

I guess your friends are thinking the same thing

and biding their time now.


The sun will rise soon.

Get some sleep.

It's gonna be another hard training day.

Yeah, I'm going back to sleep.

You bastard!



There's Haki!

Where did the gorilla go?

Gotta take care of this one first. Second...




Nailed it?!

A rabbit?!

Ow, ow, ow!

You damn rabbit!

It got you!

That was a Toughness Rabbit.

They can withstand blows.

Dammit! That jerk!

Now you can use the Armament Haki

as you like at a percent chance.

With your Observation Haki, you should

sense not only your enemy's presence

but also how strong they are.

You have good eyes, so you

can't help relying on them.


All right.

I can't see!

Leave it on like that for a while.

I can't see anything!

Like I told you, you have

to strain all your senses.

You have to feel it.

No matter how good your eyes are,

you can't see things that move

at the speed of sound or light.

But once you obtain the Observation Haki,

you can tell where they are.

All right! I'll do it!

It's coming!

Byojack, how many minutes have

passed since we started attacking?

Um... eight minutes.

So slow! It shouldn't take that long

to sink three warships and a liner!

B-But it took so much trouble for us to recruit

those crew members while you were gone!

Building up the number is not good enough!

Nightin, Gairam, Sebastian.

Show them how you do it.

I'll give you one minute!


I've been itching to fight!

Let's go already!

Who are they?! They're sliding on the water!


How do they do that?!

They all look nice and young!

But I'm gonna kick their asses anyway!

Screw you!

Kampo Kenpo: Antidote Granule!

I always thought these Navy ships were ugly.

Let me renovate it for you!

Cube Break!

Don't take too long!

I knew they could do it.

I'll take care of the rest.


--In seconds!



--Byrnndi World!

Let me borrow these!

More-More Hundredfold g*n!

How could you do that to

my comrades?! Go to hell!


Look up!

More-More Hundredfold Chop!

That's my World!

His strength hasn't faded at all!

That's for sure.

--Overwhelmingly strong!

--He's crazy!

He even blew up his own people!

--What's my time?

--E-Exactly seconds.

Newcomers! Just remember this!

If you fail to follow my orders,

that's what happens to you!

They were all fighting hard

following your orders!

They were taking too much time!

When I ask you to do something

by a certain time, you can't be late!

If you can't do it,

I'll k*ll you with my own hands!

I don't need you here if you're

not ready to fight and die for me!

Just go away!


He's insane!

By the way, I'll also k*ll the ones who...

...try to get away!

World... line:%

"Several days later in Amazon Lily" line:%

"Kuja Castle"

Severe winter is coming to Luscaina next week!

It's gonna be extremely cold. Almost below

degrees! He needs some warm clothing!

A sweater, a scarf, gloves, and earmuffs!

Oh, yeah, long underwear, too!

"Long underwear."

And he's just eating wild beast meat--

that's not healthy!

He needs some seafood,

vegetables, fruit, rice, and bread!

Does he like pasta?

It seemed like he liked Penne

Gorgonzola with Sea King meat.

Cook a big potful of it, then!

Cook it on the ship and deliver

it to him while it's hot!

"A big potful... while it's hot." Okay.

What else?


Snake Princess-sama! I thought

you made a promise with Rayleigh!

Luffy is in the middle of training!

It's not good for him if you spoil him!

Repress your desire to see him and keep

wishing for his success in your heart!

That's what a good woman does!

Speaking from my numerous

experiences with men,

they don't like a meddlesome woman like you!

You're a w*rlord! Stop being

crazy about a guy--

I know!

That's why I'm sending someone--

so I don't bother Luffy!

Stop getting on my back like that!

Princess-sama is so mad!

After a week of severe winter,

spring will come along!

Get some spring outfits that suit Luffy!

"Spring outfits with lace frills."

Let's set off as soon as you've got it all!

Yes, ma'am!

How could you do that to an elderly person?!

Is it a Carrier Bat?

It's from the World Government.


I-It's a big deal, Snake Princess!

The World Government is

summoning the Seven Warlords!

Are you listening, Snake Princess?!

Oh, Luffy!

It feels like my heart's gonna

explode when I think of you!

I'm gonna send my love

to you soon! My dear Luffy!

I can't believe you really built it, Gairam!

--No way!

--With just a single shot,

it destroyed the island!

Well, it was nothing!

I'd been trusting that

you'd return for years!

So did we!

Sebastian and I put all our efforts into

getting materials to build the ship!

Don't try to take all the credit!

She's right!

What did you say?!

Stop fighting.

Thank you all!

The ship that we were

dreaming about years ago.

We finally got it!

And this giant cannon.

The barrel is already pretty big,

but with my More-More power,

I can make balls times bigger!

With this, we can even blow up Marie Jois,

capital of the World Government, in an instant!

It's all set!

Now, it's showtime!

World, I don't think we can

carry out the plan so easily.


Because of what we did the other day,

the World Government now knows the

former great pirate Byrnndi World is back.

I wanted to let them know that.

It's not a big deal.

But they're looking out for our attack and...

...they summoned the Seven Warlords.

Is that true?!

The Seven Warlords? What the hell is that?

Oh, yeah!

You've been locked up in Impel Down for

years, so you don't know about it.

The Seven Warlords are the group of pirates

who are sanctioned and granted

amnesty by the Government.

In return for that, they can be summoned when

an emergency arises, as "Government dogs."

But they're not just "dogs"--

their strength is unquestionable.


I'm good at collecting information.

They were summoned this morning,

so they're gonna come to the

Government HQ within a few days.

I don't think your plan's gonna work out...

Wait a minute.

Did you say they were summoned this morning?

Yes. Is that important?

Then, let's take advantage of this.

What do you mean?

Which Government dog lives closest to here?

Damn! That gorilla and

that alligator and that lion!

I'm gonna do it again after I eat!

Going back into the forest?

Yeah! I kept getting beaten by them!

I'm gonna kick their asses this time!

I see.

Don't die.


Where did they go? Sleeping?

Hey! Gorilla! Alligator! Lion!

Fight me openly and squarely!

What's this smell?

It smells so good!

What is it?

Th-This must be food!

I thought so!

Can I eat this?!

Let's eat!

Luffy's here.

Yeah, he looks fine.

Oh, Luffy's there?!

Look at that reaction,

just from hearing about him.

She would've had a heart attack

if she had landed with them.


He still has a big appetite!

He even ate the spring outfits with frills!

Big Sis, Luffy even ate the...

What did he eat?

Where is the Empress of Amazon Lily?

Who are you?!

My name is Byrnndi World!

I'm here to kidnap the World Government's dog,

the w*rlord Boa Hancock!

B-Byrnndi World?!

You know who that is?!

How many times do I have to tell you?!

The letter of request from the World

Government that you tore up and threw away

listed the name of the man who was the

reason that they summoned the Warlords.

And that was Byrnndi World!


Kidnap Princess-sama?!

Snake Princess-sama is not here!


--W-Well, I didn't say, "She's here"!

I saw the Kuja pirate ship

on the shore, so I said, "Maybe."

All I said was, "Maybe she's here."

What a waste of time.


I can't just let someone who came

to kidnap Big Sis walk away...

...because I'm her sister!

Her sister?

Sonia! Mari!

What's going on there?

You hear me?! Say something!

I see! The Empress is on

the other side of the Snail!

Well, then...

More-More Tenfold Shotgun!

How dare you do that to Marigold-sama?!


Oh, you girls! Did you bring

all this food for me?!

Luffy, run!

What's wrong?! Did you get

att*cked by the beasts?!

Who is he?

Who are you?

I have no business with you all.

Go to hell!

Don't do it!

Ouch. What do you think you're doing?

Drop dead! More-More Hundredfold g*n!

It's not gonna...



You're the Empress of Amazon Lily, aren't you?

How's Luffy?! Is he okay?!

She must be talking about that kid.

Come and see yourself!

I'll leave a Vivre Card here.

Pirate Empress! If you want your sisters back,

track me down with the Card before the

break of dawn the day after tomorrow!

--What are you...?


I've heard of a kid named Luffy somewhere...

Luffy, are you all right?


Why are you two here?

I'm glad that you woke up, finally!

Ow, ow, ow...

Don't try to get up. Stay still.

Oh, yeah! What about those girls?!

Margaret and the others

got treated and are sleeping.

Sonia and Mari are...

They got taken away, didn't they?


Damn, that bastard!

I think the World guy wants something from me.

Are you gonna go take them back?

Of course!

But if he's really the notorious World,

even as strong as you are, it's too--

I'll go with her!

Hancock! You have to take me with you!


Luffy, have you forgotten that you promised

me you were gonna train here for two years?

No, I remember that!

And you haven't mastered the Haki

completely yet. You're gonna die if you go!

I'm not gonna lose this time!

What have you been training yourself for?

If you go, you may not be able

to see your friends again!

But they came here to deliver food to me!

And they were kidnapped!

I can't just sit still doing nothing!


Rayleigh, please let me take him with me!

I won't let them k*ll him!

No matter what I say,

I can't change your mind, can I?

Come back alive at any price!

I will!

But you have to be careful.

As you may know, people are

looking all over for you right now.

Don't cause any trouble in a place

where you may attract public attention.

I got it! line:%

"The Destroyer of the World

Byrnndi World Appeared?!"

This guy is like a mad dog.

The World Nobles, pirates, the Navy...

He's k*lling everyone that he sees.

Did he do this, too?

That's what the Government thinks.

They made a decision to summon the Warlords

quickly after the World Noble case.

They've already sent out

Carrier Bats three days ago.

Without even telling us!

It's necessary.


By summoning the Warlords, they wanted

not only to prepare for World's attack

but also to keep the Warlords close at hand to

prevent any of them from allying with World.

I think that's how you should look at it.

Until that day years ago, he had been

feared as the "Destroyer of the World."

The Government did what they did

because they see him as a threat.

"Destroyer of the World"?

Uh-huh. World would take

out everything that he saw.

He was dangerous not only for everyday

people but also for other pirates.

So years ago, the Government secretly

assembled people with a grudge against him

and ex*cuted a plan to take World

down in collaboration with the Navy.

That was when you guys were still rookies.

Do you remember it?

Yeah, I think so.

The allied forces of the Navy

and the pirates were cornered

and they almost had to retreat after

an intensive battle against World.

But things turned around thanks to the spies

that the Government had sent in,

besides our efforts.

The World Pirates were taken down.

Why has he returned now, then?

I have no idea.

I heard a rumor once that he had been locked

up at Impel Down, frozen and sleeping.

Sengoku-san told me that there were some

prisoners who snuck out of Impel Down...

...besides the four prisoners that

Blackbeard took away from Level .

And World was on that list.

He's the last person you

want to be out of prison.

On top of that, we're relocating the Navy HQ

and making the transition to the new system.

It's the worst possible time.

He's a More-More Fruit eater.

He can make things times bigger and

faster and channel that into an attack.

People don't call him the

"Destroyer of the World" for nothing.

Based on information

about his campaign of terror,

he's hanging around this area for sure.

Get some warships ready!

There you are.


Do you really want to go to Marineford?

Worried? There is nothing to be worried about.

That's why we need the Empress.

She's been summoned by the Government

and if we can hold her as a hostage,

we can get to Marineford easily.

And once we get there,

we can fire the giant cannon

right at Marie Jois, the capital

of the World Government!

Picture it in your mind. Marie Jois blowing up.

The Navy soldiers will be freaked out!

It's gonna be great!

I'm opposed to this plan!


I thought that we wanted that cannon

and this ship so we could be free!

That's why we're gonna use it

against the Government!

Because they are taking away people's freedom!

Maybe, but...

All you guys have to do is

just shut up and do as I say!

You must follow my order!

Even if you're my big brother,

I'm not gonna go easy on you

if you disobey me!

Captain! It's the Kuja ship!

It's coming towards us!

Here they come!

Let's do it, Big Bro!

This is where the Card was leading us, but...

I don't see a thing.

What's this noise?

What the hell?!

Is that an island?!

It's coming out of the water!

It's big!

Thank you for coming all this way,

Empress of Amazon Lily!

Your sisters are here!

Big Sis!

Big Sis, I'm sorry!

--Sonia! Mari!

--We'll get you out soon!

That kid is here, too.

He's quite tough. That's for sure.

If you want them back, come on board!

You're always welcome!

Yeah, right! Evasive maneuvers!

Hancock! Get closer already!

I know!

Do they think they can get away?

I'll take care of it!

Gum-Gum Balloon!

He is a Devil Fruit eater, isn't he?

Give me some b*ll*ts!

More-More Fiftyfold Cannon!

Armament Haki!



Let go of me! I won't let him die!


You have to calm down, Snake Princess!

You're a Devil Fruit eater, too!

If you dive into the water, you'll drown as well!


Empress! If you don't wanna die,

give yourself up and come with them!

How dare you do that to my beloved

man and talk to me like that?!

Guys, you can just k*ll her!

Wait, World! I thought we were

gonna hold her as a hostage!

We can just nail her dead body on a pole

and head to Marineford. k*ll her!

Love-Love Mellow!


That's the Kuja power to turn people to stone!


Oh, I'm glad that you're okay!

Yeah, sorry! I dropped my guard!

I know that kid from somewhere. The name

"Luffy" reminds me of straw hats, but...

--Great! I guess she wants to be k*lled by me.

--Ring, ring, ring... Clank.

Don't bother. I'll take care of them.

Sebastian. Can you do it in five minutes?

Two minutes is enough for me.

You ready?


Luffy! Let's get inside from there!

Great Water Shot!

You wanna go see our captain, don't you?

Let me lead you... to hell!

Get out of our way!

Just turn to stone!

Love-Love Mellow!

Why is it not working against him?!

Am I not attractive to him?!

I'm sorry! I'm blind, so your

attractiveness means nothing to me!

What about this?!


...Jet p*stol!

Not bad!

He's quite tough!

Let me return the favor!

Hey, that's an island, isn't it?

Hold on... No, that's a big ship!

No way! And something's going crazy!

Is it a Giant?

It's a Fish-Giant, a species which is a

crossbreed of a Giant and a Fishman.

--Oh, it's a fight!

--Let me see!

Get out of my way! Somebody's fighting?

Today's the special day that I, Buggy-sama,

will make my debut as a w*rlord!

Who's fighting?!

That Jolly Roger is...

I-I-It's no good!

It's the World Pirates! They're the reason

that the Warlords were summoned!


N-No way! That's too much

to be a coincidence...

What a coincidence!

On top of that, the Fish-Giant

is fighting against...

...Straw Hat Luffy and the

Pirate Empress Boa Hancock!

Straw Hat?

Why is he here?!

--Captain Buggy!

--This is your chance!

Since our jailbreaking friend

from Impel Down, Straw Hat,

and your fellow w*rlord,

the Snake Princess, are here,

we can bring down World here

and take him as a present!

Yeah, if you can take out World, the Navy

and the Government will think highly of you!

You're gonna be a star!

--A star?

--It's not gonna be that easy.

Wait. I don't know why Straw Hat

is fighting against World,

but the Navy is looking for him!

Even if he takes down World,

he can't stay here for long.

What about letting them take down World

and we take all the credit for that?

It's a big chance!

Wait a sec! We don't know

if those two are gonna win!

That's right!

Guys! Let the Navy know that we Buggy Pirates

are fighting against the World Pirates now!

Oh! Captain Buggy is going for it!

What are you up to?

Okay, listen.

Once they know that the "Destroyer of the

World" and I, a w*rlord, are fighting here,

people like the admirals will come!

I see! If things go wrong, we can just

run away, leaving the rest to the Navy!

Right! Luckily, it's not too far from Marineford.

They're gonna be here right away!

Then, we can just sit back and watch.

Straw Hat! Good luck fighting for my credit!

--Did he run?!


Great Shark Arrows!


You bastard!

Perfume Femur!

Camouflage Air!


Whoa, whoa! Straw Hat's gonna

lose soon if nothing is done!

That's not good!


I'm fine!

Well done spotting me while I was

camouflaging myself! But this is it!

Go to hell!

Spin Tornado!

Third Gear!


...Giant p*stol!

Sebastian, you disappoint me!


Let's go, Hancock!

O-Okay, honey!

You've got to be kidding!

Gairam. Lead me to them.

Roger that.

Why don't you keep an eye on the hostages?


Wait! I can't let you walk away!

You're kind of cute!

Why don't you work under me?

Negative Extra Big Hollow!

I-I wish I'd been born a cross

between an amoeba and a water flea...

You're gross. Don't want you.



--No! Straw Hat!

--Wh-Who is she? Do you know her?!

Um... I don't remember who she is...

But thank you for helping us!

Y-You have no reason to thank me!

It was just a coincidence.

He said he was gonna go somewhere,

so I just came along to k*ll time.

So I wasn't thinking about helping you...

Where did they go?

That girl called him "Straw Hat."

I thought so!

What's wrong with this ship?!

The floor crumbled!

Luffy, who was that girl?

That flying girl!

Oh! She is... um... I think I met her before,

but what was her name?

He's trying to fool me!

I-Is this what they call "cheating"?!

Which way should we go?

Who's that girl? Where did she come from--?


Hey, hey! What is he doing here?!

How do I know?

Maybe he was summoned by

the World Government, too!

Maybe he's out to get the credit for taking down

Byrnndi World before anybody else, like us!

That means he's gonna ruin all of our plans!

Well, he's a very faithful guy,

so I'm sure that's what he's here for!

That stupid shithead! Why does he

wanna do such an unnecessary thing?!

Then, we have to leave our traces

somewhere at any cost!



Oh, yeah!

Guys! Now we've got some

strong backup! It's time to fight!

Let's charge!


Hey, Straw Hat was there. What's going on?

I have no idea.

What the hell?! It's like a maze!

Oh, it's an open space!

But what is this place?

We don't know which way to go anyway.

Luffy, let's go this way!



What happened?!

Are you okay, Luffy?!

I almost k*lled the Empress.

Hancock, you can just go ahead!


--Just go!

Okay. Please be careful, Luffy!

Yeah, I got it!

World, be careful!

You better not underestimate that kid!

He's the pirate who raised havoc

by making a raid on Marineford to

rescue his brother Portgas D. Ace!

He is Monkey D. Luffy!

Monkey D.?

Don't you remember? He's a grandson

of Garp who works for the Navy!

That old man with the fists?!

But the Navy Headquarters fell into

confusion because of a brat like this?

And... did you get to save your brother?

I thought so! You're not strong

enough to save anybody--

Shut up!

Gum-Gum Gatling!



Jet Gatling!

You're not dead yet?


He is World, isn't he?

This is the w*apon storage.

I'll give you a chance.


Spears, g*ns, batons... Use whatever you want.

Maybe you can beat me, then.

I don't need them!

What stupid pride.

I don't need...

...any w*apon!

Jet p*stol!


Don't push your luck!

You can't even control your Haki!

You couldn't even save your own

brother because you're too weak!

I'm gonna teach you that you can

never keep up with my speed!

More-More Tenfold Speed!

I don't know why you came

along with the Empress, but...

...let me tell you something.

You're not strong enough to save anybody!

Next, that Empress.

Straw Hat!

He got beaten so easily!

What should we do?!

Since he lost so easily, I don't

think my plan's gonna work out...

Idiots! What are you doing?!

Heal him as much as you can

and get him back on track!

You care about your friend so much!

Captain Buggy, I'm gonna

follow you for the rest of my life!

You guys! For real?

Garp's grandson, huh?

Garp! Sengoku!

Why are you guys doing this?!

I'm disappointed in you two!

That fool! We shouldn't have let him talk!

Maybe he's right.

World, what's going on?

They joined hands with the pirate

alliance to bring us down!


I'm sure that the World

Government is behind it!

What're we gonna do, World?

The same as usual! We take out

everyone who stands in our way!

Right, Sebastian?!


It's not gonna be as easy as we expected.

We're taking so much damage.

Let me go! I'm gonna kick

his ass in a one-on-one fight!

No need for that.

What is Cipher Pol doing here?

There will be a sudden change soon.

What's going on? Why...

Why did they stop sh**ting?!



What do you think you're doing?!

You can't fight the World Government.

It's impossible to win!

We can't follow you anymore!

Th-They told us they wouldn't charge us if

we turned you over to them and surrendered!

Who told you that?!

You've been bought off by the Government?!

N-Not just us! You have, too!

Don't tell me you fell for it!


It has started.

Launch an all-out attack!

I thought you guys were my friends.

You're very strong, Captain.

Don't tell me you guys are Cipher Pol!

What the hell is that?

It's an intelligence agency of the Government!

You are right. We have spent time

with you as your crew members,

but it was our mission. And it's over.



--Stop! Don't let him get away!

--Nightin, Gairam, everybody, run!

Byojack... What are you saying?

--What about Captain?!

--I know.

But we're all gonna die for nothing if we stay!

This is an order as sub-captain!


What is he saying?

All right! I'm sorry, Captain!


--Sebastian! Please!

They've gotten away!

They're wounded. They're not gonna live long.

They've betrayed me.

I'm not gonna go through that again!

Where is the Empress now?

--She'll get to Nightin soon.


What's that? Don't you trust me?

Okay! Then, I will take her down

at any price and bring her to you!

Hey, how is he?!

He stopped bleeding, but...

He's saying something!

I don't wanna... let them go through that again!

I never wanna go through that again!

I don't know what you're talking about,

but if you don't wanna go through it...

...pull yourself together, Straw Hat!

Wake up! Why don't you wake up already?!

Shit Hat!

You can just go ahead!

He risked his life to... me!

I'm so ashamed of myself for

suspecting him of cheating!

I have to keep going for him and my sisters!

What's this place?

What's this smell?

Welcome, Pirate Empress.

How disrespectful are you not to give me your

name and talk to me with your back to me?

I can't believe they made an

immature girl like you a w*rlord!

The World Government made a poor judgment!

I'm Nightin, ship doctor of the

World Pirates and Kampo Kenpo master.

I need to go on. Show me the way to my sisters.

I know a lot about you.

Byojack gave me information.

I have a strategy to ward off

your Love-Love power!

I'm not interested in listening to your nonsense.

Kampo Kenpo Secret Medicine!

Fishwort Hell!

Love-Love Mellow!

It's so bitter!!

Your power didn't work on me!

In this "Fishwort Hell," I blended

hundreds of bitter medical herbs!

So it's the bitterest kampo

medicine in the world!

It cleared wicked desire out of my heart.

That's why your Love-Love power didn't work!

Next, it's this one!

Kampo Poison Mist!

What's going on?

You must be embarrassed, and you can't move!

And now...

Kampo Kenpo...

...Secret Medicine!


Oh, yes!



Ginseng Newcomer!

I'm years old, but with a

rejuvenating kampo, I can look like this!

Get ready! Kampo Kenpo Technique:

Kakkon Toe... Toe...

Toe, Toe, Toe... Toe-kick!

Cordyceps Soul Shot!

How do you like it?

This is the power of Kampo Kenpo,

which consists of Kampo and Kenpo!

sl*ve Arrow!

Kampo Dome!

How about this, then?

p*stol Kiss!

No, no! It's no use!

People used to call me the

"Queen of Kampo Kenpo"!

I'm as strong and attractive as you!

Could you do me a favor?

Please shut your bloody mouth.

It's bitter! So damn bitter!

She's like a goddess or something!

What a femme fatale!


No matter how many times you try,

your power won't work on me!

Cordyceps Soul Shot...


Th-That's not fair!


Oh, no! Oh, no!

You look pale.

It's only natural to be fascinated

by me and become tense.

You can't resist.

The whole world is gonna

celebrate if you die here.

Because I'm that...


She's looking down on me so much

that she's actually looking up!

I'm not interested in women

at all in the first place!

I really love men!

Go to hell, Hancock!

I'm scared!

How sexy!

No, no, no, no!


S-She's so beautiful!

Love-Love Mellow!

You were wrong.

There's nothing in this world

that can block out my beauty.



Why don't you wake up already, Straw Hat?!

You fool!

If you go, you may not be able

to see your friends again!









Come back alive at any price!

You're not strong enough to save anybody!

Hey! I thought you wanted to

take down World! Wake up now!

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Whether or not I can save anybody...

I'll never know until I try!

Where did he go?!

H-He went that way!

I'm gonna kick his ass at any cost!

Where are you, World?!

Are you okay?

I-It worked out as I planned.

It's obvious he's lying.

This way?


How is it possible?

That kid... He's still alive.

Byojack! Can I take care of him?


He's already in the trap

that I made. Count on me!

Taking advantage of this mess,

the new w*rlord Buggy the Clown

and his clan snuck onto the ship, too!

Be very careful!

I'll finish them all!


Cube Break!

Wh-What's going on?!

Damn! This way, maybe?

Cube Break!

My name is Gairam. I ate the

Cube-Cube Fruit and I am a cube human!

I can cut anything into a cube!

For example...

Straw Hat! I'm not gonna

let you get to Captain World!



Cube Booster!

That was easy. Stay crushed

for the rest of your life.

I guess it's about time for

Shit Hat to finish off World!


What are you guys doing on our ship?

We didn't permit you to get on board.

He doesn't look so friendly!

I'm gonna k*ll you all!

Cube Booster!

He's a Devil Fruit eater!

It's obvious!

I thought I was gonna die!

--Straw Hat!

--What is he still doing here?!

I'm so surprised! Why are you still alive?!

Because I'm a rubber man!

Hey, why are you still wandering around here?!

It couldn't be helped!

I didn't know which way to go!

Aren't you the one who was blustering at me?!

Stop whining and just go fight World already!

Or my plan will be ruined!

--That's my Captain!


He treated him and encouraged him,

and he's now saying,

"I'll take this one, so you go ahead"!

--You're a pirate with a heart of gold!


How could they interpret it like that?

Captain Buggy! I'm so happy

to be part of your group!

We'll commit ourselves to

making your dream come true!

Buggy! Buggy!

--Hey, what should we do?

--Let's just go with the flow.

Buggy! Buggy!

Wh-What are you gonna do?!

Yeah! When I come to think of it,

I guess he has a point!

Their bounties were higher than mine

when we were in Impel Down.

But now, they're all working under me.

That means I'm one of the great pirates now!

I'm not gonna be defeated

by a small fry like this guy!

Straw Hat!

Leave this guy up to me and go beat World!

You don't have to worry at all!

Since I'm a legendary pirate now,

I'm not gonna tell everyone...

...that I saved your ass!

Thank me for the rest of your life!

Is it okay?

Are you trying to make a fool of me?!

I said go ahead, Shit Hat!

Okay! Thank you, Buggy!

Hey! The situation hasn't changed a bit!

How are you gonna settle this?!

What? Really?

Are they even strong?

Oh, well! I gotta clear out

you intruders anyway!

I'll show you the true power of the cube human!

Air Cube!


--He compressed air?!

Air Cube Booster!

Candle Wall!

Just run!

I'll be counting on you!

That's nothing!

He was just a big talker.

--Captain, which way should we go?!

--It's a dead end, huh?

You have nowhere to run!

Cube Break!



It's over!

Ha, ha! Is that all you got?!

You're unbelievable, Captain! You never

give up even after you're compressed!

How about this?!

Cube Booster!

You idiot! It's no use!

You think so?

Totem Cube!

Wh-What are you gonna do?!

What do you think?!

That's what I was gonna do. How do

you like being tormented to death?!

All right, one more!

Still more to go!

There you are now!

This is it!

Chop-Chop Quick Escape!

I'm decompressed!

He's also a Devil Fruit eater?

Come together! My body parts!

What are you doing?!

I figured this is what I'd have to do!

What are you gonna do?!

Relax. I still have it up my sleeve.


Yes. I swore that I'd never use it again.

Because it has the power to

blow up several towns at once!

You guys may get hurt, too.

--Oh, you still have that kind of thing?!

--That's our Captain Buggy!

--Are you talking about Buggy Ball?

--Captain, isn't he right?

Don't give it away!

Oh, isn't that the thing you used for

the prison-guard beasts in Impel Down?

That's Muggy Ball. It's completely different.

But that's what I was gonna use.

Anyway, I'll use it and take

back my torso and we'll run!

Enough chitchatting!

Air Cube!

Hit or miss! Blow away!

Special Muggy Ball!


I got it!

Damn! I can't see a thing!

You should not do that on my ship!

Perfume Femur!

Where did Luffy go?!

That way, ma'am.


He's down on the floor!

Captain Buggy did it!

No, I don't think it was him...

Forget it. Let's just leave it like that.


Yeah, long live Captain Buggy!

Banzai! Banzai! Banzai!

All right, guys! Let's take down World next!

Let's make this flashy!


How much longer are you

gonna be able to go on like this?

I can't believe this!


How's everything going?

How is this happening?

They got beaten. Nightin and Gairam.

Who let Gairam fight?

What are you guys doing behind my back?!

Wait a minute! They fought very hard...

...for you!

For me?

Straw Hat wasn't dead!

But we didn't wanna give you any more trouble!

But they were so useless after all!

What were you thinking?!


...the Empress is on her way here, isn't she?

She is. But...

Then I'll take care of the rest.

World, I'm sorry!

What are you apologizing for?


This is not what we've ever wanted!

What we've dreamed about was...

Look, World! This sea is connected

to so many islands and countries

that we've never seen before!

Isn't it cool?

Yeah, it is. We gotta set out to...

Are you okay, Big Bro?

Yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry.

Big Bro...

World, you gotta set out to the sea someday.

There must be adventures beyond our

imagination waiting for you out there.

You're not gonna come with me?

I've been like this...

...ever since I was a little kid,

so it's impossible.

Don't say that!

Do you wanna stay on this small island forever?

Travel far and learn about the world

and live big for me!

Big Bro...

I... I wanna set out with you!


To travel around the world...

Are you gonna come with me?!

But I'm...

It's gonna be okay! I'll protect you!

Let's sail out together!


Don't cry! We're brothers, right?

Several years later, we left the island.

It was supposed to be an adventurous

journey around the world.

World, that's enough! You're gonna k*ll them!

We're the Byrnndi brothers!

You better watch out next time!

Captain! Vice Captain Byojack got...


Anyone who stands in our way,

whoever it is, we'll kick his ass!

We were supposed to be searching for freedom.

But we were merely pirates to everyone else.

The Navy and Government placed you on the

wanted list eventually, and before we knew it,

people started calling you "Destroyer of

the World" and being afraid of you.

A submarine?

Yes. If we can travel underwater

unless there is a need to surface,

we can avoid unnecessary battles.

Since we have so many crew members,

we need a bigger ship.

What about weapons?

I want a big cannon! A very big one!

Why do we need such a thing? If we avoid

unnecessary battles, we don't need...

Big Bro, you got it backwards.

If we put on an insanely big cannon to show off,

the people who know about my

More-More power will stay away.

So we don't have to fight.

All right! Count on me!

Our dream ship, huh?

Which means it symbolizes our freedom!

It's just a ship.

We had that idea years ago.

And we were gonna build this ship,

Groseade, to pursue it!

The reason we built this ship and waited

for you wasn't to take down the Government!

Big Bro, are you still

talking about crap like that?

You can just sit there and watch, to the end.

Because you're annoying!

I'm not gonna be fooled like that again.

I'm not the same person I used to be!

World! I told you, it's a misunderstanding!

I know!

But I don't care anymore.


I still do care!


Are you two okay?!

Wait there! I'm gonna get you out!

You're such an undisciplined brat!

Why can't you stay out of it?


They took good care of me once.

So I'll save them!


I can't protect my friends if I allow

myself to lose to a weakling like you!


Protect your friends?

What are you talking about?

You couldn't even save your own brother!

But you think you can protect your friends?

What a joke!

I'm gonna finish you off in seconds!

You can't beat me this time!


...Tenfold Shotgun!

Second Gear!


Oops, I miscalculated.

I only needed ten seconds.

What are you doing?

Even if you can move ten or more times faster,

it doesn't matter if I get hold of you!

I see.


More-More Thirtyfold Speed!

Jet p*stol!

What's wrong? Can't you hit me?!

Brat, you should realize

that overwhelming speed...

...can generate overwhelming power!

Fiftyfold Speed!

Furious Hammer!


It's not working!

Because I'm a rubber man!

Oh, yeah.

Third Gear!

Giant p*stol!

It's not working!

Then, what about... this?!

Jet p*stol!

Even if... can use the Armament Haki...

Jet Gatling!

It doesn't mean anything...

...if you can't hit a target!



You can't protect anybody like that!

Captain Buggy, this is...

Oh, yeah! We finally got out of there!

I can say goodbye to this gloomy ship now!

--You're giving away what you're really thinking.

--Oh, no!


I was gonna take down World with my

own hands, but I went the wrong way!

Captain Buggy, put that aside and look!

I-It's a fleet of Navy ships!

What are they all doing here?!

Because you told us to call them!

Oh, I did, didn't I?

Hey! I'm here!

The new w*rlord Buggy-sama,

who is now fighting

against "Destroyer of the World"

Byrnndi World, is here!

Somebody's waving his hands

towards us from the deck.

Who cares? All ships, start firing!

All ships, start firing!



This is no good! The Navy is gonna find Luffy!

Bring us around to the back now!

Roger that.

What's going on?!

We have a problem, World!

A fleet of Navy ships is here!

The Navy?!

Hey, don't you think the Navy's

trying to sink the ship?

Shouldn't we just leave?



I didn't expect the Navy would come to us!

Hey, Byojack! Let's fire it

and destroy the Navy ships!

Prepare the cannon!

That's ridiculous!

If you fire it at that short distance,

this ship's gonna sink from the impact!

I don't care! Hurry up!

I thought it was...

A "symbol of our freedom"?

What bullshit!

The ship and the cannon are just tools!

I don't know what you guys were thinking,

but my mind was already made up

when I broke out of Impel Down.

Then you guys came to

pick me up with this ship.

So I decided to use this ship

to carry out my own purpose!

It's pretty logical, isn't it?

And that purpose is to get revenge

against the World Government?!

I couldn't care less about what will

happen to this ship, let alone you guys!

Gairam, Nightin, and Sebastian

are our friends, aren't they?!


I've never trusted them

nor you from the beginning!

I don't need any friends!

You're lying! You're not that kind of person...

You guys are the same as the ship...

Just tools to me!


If you can't follow my orders,

I don't need you!

Did you say friends are tools?

You don't need any friends?!

Damn you!

Screw you!!


Hancock! Take your sisters!

The Pirate Empress?

I'm gonna beat the hell out of this guy!

Mari! Sonia! Are you okay?!

Big Sis!

Luffy! Come back to the ship at any cost!

I will!

I don't need the w*rlord as a hostage anymore.

I'm gonna fight you as you wish!

Praying to God won't help you to defeat me!

No, it will!

Why are you so sure of that?!

I'm not gonna get beaten by a guy...

...who sees his friends as tools!

What's wrong with abandoning

someone who is useless?!

You abandoned your brother, too, didn't you?!

What a pain in the ass!

You can't protect anybody after all!

Your brother nor your friends nor anybody!

You're right.

I couldn't... Ace's life!

But I still have...

...friends who are waiting for me!

Enough already!

To protect my friends!

To become the King of the Pirates!


I've got to beat you up!

He's getting stronger while we're fighting!


...Jet Gatling!

More-More Hundredfold Speed!


...Red Hawk!

It's Ace's flare!

I made a promise to Rayleigh and Hancock.

I can't die here!

It's not like the Navy didn't know

that we were there, right?!

In any case, we need to

get away as far as we can!

Guys, keep swimming!

And you right there! Don't get my legs wet!

Aye aye, sir!

It's a strategic withdrawal! Let's go!


Luffy! Hurry up and get out!

What are you gonna do?!

I haven't lost yet.

Our friends are beaten

and our ship is destroyed.

And you're wounded all over.

What more can you do?!

I'm not gonna be satisfied unless

I fire it at them at least once.

You're really gonna use it?!

I was gonna use it anyway.

I'm sorry that I was lying to you guys.

But you guys betrayed me once, too.

So we're even.

You're still holding a grudge,

as I thought! But that was--

I had been sleeping in the ice!

It seems like only yesterday to me!

I'll never forget.

How can I forget about it?


Where is the exit?

A giant cannon emerged from the bow!

Meteor Volcano!

Now what?!

The least I can do now is... one hit against them!

More-More Hundredfold Cannon!

Get out of my way!

I am Byrnndi World!



Luffy! He hasn't come out yet?!

Big Sis! Please calm down!


This ship is gonna sink in no time.

We have lost.

Let's start over, just the two of us.

Let's go, World.

Across the sea.



Oh, no! He's gonna fall into the water!




Luffy! I'm glad that you're alive!

What's so funny?

I don't know.

You're weird.

What did you want to do after all? line:%

"Navy Topples Byrnndi World!" line:%

"Victory Credited to Master Clown Buggy,

w*rlord of the Sea!!!"

I taught you all the basics of Haki.

There is nothing more for me to teach you.


I'm thinking about going back to Sabaody.

What are you gonna do?

I sent out the message one and a half years ago.


It means "two years later instead

of three days later," doesn't it?

We needed to get stronger

to carry on with the journey.

I'm sure they know it, too.

You still have six more months.

Yeah! I can't wait to see how

they changed after two years,

and I have to become

stronger just like they did.

I'm gonna stay here and keep

training for six more months.

I see. Then, keep improving your Haki power

until you can control it as you like.

I got it!

I'm looking forward to seeing you again.

Thank you, Rayleigh! line:%

"Six months later"

It's been two years already.

All right!

Let's go!

Sunny! Sorry to keep you waiting for two years.

What an attractive woman before me!

You're our super archaeologist...

...Robin, aren't you?!

You haven't changed, Franky!

I wanna go to sea. I wanna fish.

No way, you bastard!

Everybody's coming soon,

so just walk to the ship with me!


Oh, man, you got so big! Doing okay?

He's right! You're much softer than before!

It's been a long time, Chopper!



Thank you! The timing was perfect!

You guys!

I've got a lot of things that I want

to share with you, but in any case,

thank you for going along with

my selfish decision for two years!

That wasn't the first time.

He's right! You've always been selfish!

Set sail!!


You don't have to say anything

because I know, it's okay

Somebody is waiting for me

like that, that's why I...

I thought I got to somewhere

when I reached this place

But I needed something more,

that's why we...

To the next

Go to the next

Let's move on to the next

Go to the next, now

To the unknown world, unlock yourself

Whatever will be there

Repeat the present moment,

unlock your heart

Even if tomorrow brings you down

The end of the sleepless night,

the end of the endless road

If something lies ahead of it

Now we'll go to the next step stage