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01x25 - First Contact

Posted: 05/07/23 06:45
by bunniefuu
Please present your ID and invitation.

"Eden College Social Gathering"
"Warning: This is a high-security area"

Mr. Hamilton? Please go on through.
"Eden College Social Gathering"
"Warning: This is a high-security area"

"Eden College Social Gathering"
"Warning: This is a high-security area"

The Eden College Social Gathering.

This semi-annual meeting of current and
former Imperial Scholars and their parents

features leading figures in business,
science, technology, art, and sports.

The security's as intimidating as ever.

It would be, with the number
of celebrities we have.

When I think of Public Safety
lurking around here,

it sends a chill down my spine.

They're as alert as they were
at the ministerial conference.

I expected as much, but when
I see the sheer scale of it,

infiltrating the site is unrealistic.

If you could get in without
being an Imperial Scholar,

the rest would be a cakewalk,

but if things were that easy,

Operation Strix would never have
been proposed to begin with.

Western intelligence agents have tried to
get in a number of times, but all attempts fail.

I can't afford to do the same and make
security even more alert for next time.

All of Wisdom Tower's windows are
fixed, so there's only one way in.

The roof is covered by a garden, but an
aerial insertion would be too conspicuous.

I haven't been able to find any
promising underground routes.

The only entrance has rigorous
identity checks and body searches,

as well as cutting-edge detectors.

It would be difficult to get in with a
disguise or plant a listening device on someone.

There are no taller buildings in the area,

so remote lip reading
isn't an option, either.

What about sneaking in a few days in advance?

No, that's still too risky.

There's no way to infiltrate the site.

Maybe with a certain amount of v*olence,

I could get in once.

If my objective was to assassinate
Desmond, for example,

I might well be able to pull it off.

However, Operation Strix's objective
is ongoing contact with him.

I must earn his trust in
order to extract information.

If I were to achieve my goal by
approaching him in disguise...

Good to see you again.

But we haven't met before.

Celebrities are easy to keep track of,

and it's even worse if they
have a child tagging along.

You're not acting like yourself today, Papa.

At the same time, if I disguise myself
as a member of staff, or a waiter,

he simply won't talk to me.

Any plan that invites suspicion is no good.

There's a risk that Desmond,
paranoid as he is, will never attend again.

My best option is to meet him as Loid Forger.

For now, I'll make preparations
for the next event.

I almost certainly won't be able
to meet him outside the tower,

but I should explore any
possibility, however small.

That's it for today.

School is out for the afternoon so
we can prep for tonight's gathering.

Head home if you have no further business.

A social gathering. What must it be like?

I bet it's full of famous people!

I heard the astronaut Ya Chaika
is going to give a talk!

So is Amy, the actress!

Whoa, for real?

Hey, Damian, is your
father going to be there?

Oh, right, your brother's
an Imperial Scholar.

I love having half the day off.

Are you listening?

This is Damian Desmond,
a first-year at Cecil Dorm.

Could you please connect
me to Demetrius Desmond?


H-Hi, Bro.

What do you want?

Oh, sorry.

It's about tomorrow.

You'll be at the gathering, right?


When you see Father,
could you tell him something?

Could he come see me afterwards,
even just for a little bit?

I'll be waiting for him in the
garden behind the Second Library.

I'll tell him,

but don't get your hopes up.

He's a busy man.


Was that all?




Hey, why don't you introduce
us to your father?

My papa will be coming to pick me up today,
so we can go together, right?

Hey, no fair.

Me too, Damian, me—

Shut up.

Lord Damian!

The second son is meeting
the head bad guy today.

Hey, do you want to go shopping again today?

Operation Stylish was no good.

Now that it's come to this...

If you meet Father,
you'll get a lot of profits!

I'll trail the second son and face
off against the bad guy myself.

You've been following me
around since last week!

It's creepy as hell!

Stay away from me!

Lord Damian, are you sure
she doesn't have a...

A-A what?

A plan to curry favor with your father?

That's right!

That's what all the others are after!

You're dumb and ugly!

And you've got short legs!

How horrible!

Don't come near me again,

you super creepy stalker gorilla!

I think I should hit him again.


You'll get expelled.


She's still not getting on with Damian.

I'm close to giving up on plan B.


Or is she trying to make
up with him in her own way?

Good girl.

For now, I'd better follow Damian,
in case I can meet his father outside.

Wait for me!

I want to beat up the bad guy too!

Hey! Let's go home already!

Are you heading to the meeting place already?

Isn't your father only coming
after the mixer is over?

That's hours away.

So they're meeting up, as I suspected.

I've nailed it.

Want to go look around the area
while we've got the chance?

It's all so imposing.

Th-They're the Imperial Scholars.

I feel like I'm going to wet myself.

Isn't it amazing?

Your father's the most important
out of all these people.

That goes for you too, as his son.

Lord Damian?

Maybe I shouldn't see him after all.

What?! This is terrible!

That's right.

Father is a great man.

He's always busy.

He doesn't have time to
waste on the likes of me.

I'll go tell my brother
to cancel the meeting.

No, you won't!

Why are you still here, you stalker?!

You're just scared.

I can tell.


What's going on?

Don't tell me she read my mind!

I-I know the truth.

You, um, only scored
on the last the language test.

What?! How?!

Wait, what's that got to do with anything?

I peeked over your shoulder.

She is turning into an actual stalker.

You're scared your father will
know you did badly on the test.

I got , so I know how you feel.

Don't lump me together with you!

I don't know if Father loves me,
so I'm a little scared.

He already gets angry at me all the time.


But I believe in him.

I love him, and that's why...

That's why I've decided to show him my
failed tests with my head held high!

What were we talking about again?

Not sure.

Damn it!

Where are you going, Lord Damian?

Now I feel like an idiot.

I'm going to the back
garden to wait for Father.

Lord Damian!

I was never scared or anything!

I'm not sure what just happened,
but good job, Anya!

Your provocation had the perfect result!

You're waiting too, Anya?!


The car's waiting for us, so let's go!

Don't tell me she's decided she's marrying him,
so she wants to introduce herself to his parents!

You're serious.

You're serious about this, Anya!

I understand now.

I'll wait with you!

I will see the strength of your resolve!

I take it all back. She wasn't serious.

Martha, take Anya to the car.
We're going home.

Yes, My Lady.

Anya really does whatever
she feels like, doesn't she?

Oh, good evening, sir!

Good evening to you, too.

And you know what Anya did today?

It was a good call to prepare a replica.

"Twilight's handmade replica"
"Material costs: dalc"

The gathering ended without incident.

I've noted guard positions,
and the flow of people and goods.

This was worth doing.

And now... comes Desmond.

Where is he heading?

It's time.

Do you suppose it's finally over?

Oh, excuse me, boys.

You haven't seen a sheep key-chain
around here, have you?

Apparently, my daughter loves it to bits,

but now she's gone and
dropped it somewhere here,

and won't stop crying until I find it.

Maybe you mean this thing?

I found it over there.

Yeah, that's the one.

- Thanks so much.

- That's that girl's, right?
- Thanks so much.

- That's that girl's, right?
- What a relief.

Hey, old man, do you happen to be Mr. Forger?

Old man...

That's me.

Oh, you must be Anya's classmates.

Hmm? Sorry if I've got it wrong,

but are you Damian Desmond?

Y-Yeah, I am.

I am so very sorry!

My daughter behaved appallingly towards
you the day of the entrance ceremony.

Uh, yeah.

I went to your home afterwards
to apologize personally,

but couldn't speak to you or your parents.

It's been on my mind ever since.

Actually, I'm staying at the dormitory.

My daughter's mistakes are my responsibility.

I really am sorry.

N-No, it's fine.

I'd love to be able to apologize
to your parents as well.

Lord Damian, your father's coming!

I know this isn't fair to you, Damian.

For the sake of the mission, I'm going to have
to cut into your time with your father a little.


Who is that man, Young Master?

Oh, he's a classmate's parent.

Oh, excuse me.

Might you be Chairman Desmond?

Hey, get back.

Could you leave?

It's fine.

What is it?

I wanted to apologize for my daughter's
dishonorable behavior towards your son.

Oh, how rude of me.

My name... Loid Forger.

"First Contact"

Council Secretary Byron,

Lieutenant Colonel McNeil
of the People's Army,

Prosecutor Farnham, and even
Ya Chaika from the Space Agency.

On top of that, leader of the National Unity Party,
the primary opposition, Donovan Desmond.

This social gathering is nothing but
a buffet of mouthwatering intel!

Could we not send an army of other
agents to support Agent Twilight?

Want to try it yourself?

Within five minutes of
setting foot in the place,

you'd be caught in a net of
dozens of Public Safety agents,

and within , they'd start torturing
you in an interrogation room.

If we send in incompetents,
we'll only be feeding them.

Never forget: we're in the
heart of enemy territory.

That college is currently the
front line of the Cold w*r.

I work at Berlint General Hospital.

My name is Loid Forger.

Please allow me to apologize for my
daughter's act of v*olence towards your son.

I am aware how this must have troubled
not only Damian but his family.

Chairman Desmond of the National Unity Party.

I've studied his words
in newspapers and on TV,

his written works, and countless other
sources for his personality profile.

However, since he withdrew from public life,
there has been virtually no way to learn about him.

How can I earn his trust?

How do I get him interested in Loid?

What does he sympathize with
and what is he angered by?

I have no choice but to feel him
out during this conversation!

Eventually, I'll uncover all of his innermost thoughts,
and all of his plans for a new w*r!

Once again, my humblest apologies.

Please allow me to visit you at your home
in order to apologize in a proper fashion.

Oh, it's you.

My staff mentioned that affair to me,

but I didn't have time to
take care of it myself.

Sorry about that.

Father was paying attention to me?

Then allow me to bring you an apology gift—

No, don't worry.

It's only a children's squabble.


Father, she punched a member
of the Desmond family!

Can you really let it go like that?

I agree with your son.

No matter the circumstances,

it was my daughter that struck the blow.

I must make up for it.

It's fine.

I appreciate your concern.

He's a curt one.

I'm moved by your magnanimity.

Pursuing this further will backfire.

If he develops even a hint of suspicion,
the operation is a bust.

I have to be cautious.


So you really don't care about me.

I was humiliated!

She even got dirt on my face.

So why...

Why won't you get more angry for my sake?

Never mind.

I apologize.

No, your anger is entirely
appropriate, Damian.

I'll discipline her thoroughly to
make sure this never happens again.

Though, to be honest,
my daughter is so reckless.

I'm not sure what to do myself.

The old man's got it rough, too.

Of course, I'm the one responsible for her,

but I've learned the hard way that
you can never fully control a child.

I can't let myself feel like I can
dominate her just because she's mine.

She shouldn't deal with all my
expectations and disappointments.

Child-raising really is
a complicated business.

You are quite right.

We may be bound by blood,
but we are not the same.

One person cannot truly understand another.

Human beings will never come
to a mutual understanding.

So that's why you want to make
other countries submit through force.

Is this what you really are, Desmond?

That's exactly right.

I am a psychiatrist,

but sometimes I wonder whether I can truly
understand even a tenth of a patient's mind.

It's true.

"Talking creates understanding"
is a naive ideal.

Perhaps it's arrogant for people
to claim they can understand.


What matters is that we make the
effort to draw closer anyway.

"Exchange ticket"

What my daughter thinks she's
doing is a complete mystery to me.
"Exchange ticket"

I think I'll go exchange hostages
at the sweet shop today.
"Exchange ticket"

Is that right? Have fun.
"Exchange ticket"

Even without understanding,
I try to accept her as she is,

and create opportunities for
us to talk to each other.

Though it's a bit hit-and-miss.

I will never stop gathering information
and seeking understanding.

That's what being an intelligence agent is.

After all, didn't you make time for your
son amid all your pressing business?

Perhaps you are right as well.

I can see why you respect
your father so much.

Anya told me.

The other day, you were supposed
to research different jobs.

Anya was moved nearly
to tears by your report.

She wouldn't stop talking
about it when she got home.

"A lie"
She wouldn't?

Did you see it?

I did not.

Oh, what a shame.

I only heard about from my daughter,

but it was brimming with reverence
and understanding of your work.
"He saw it when he was spying on the school"

I was moved.
"He saw it when he was spying on the school"

You have a wise and loving son.
"He saw it when he was spying on the school"

Is that so?

I'm sorry to admit it,

but I was critical of the
National Unity Party's policies.

However, after hearing about
Damian's report, I grew curious.

I see now how seriously you
take our national interest.

I was thinking of becoming a party supporter.

I know that sounds very basic,

but that's just how compelling
your son's report was.

That's enough.

Quit it, old man.


You're quite an interesting man.

You said your name was Forger?

Well, that was a pleasant diversion.

Time to withdraw?

For now, it's enough for
him to remember my name,

plus, I memorized his bodyguards'
faces and features.

Thank you for giving me
some of your valuable time.

Oh, by the way...

Don't tell Anya what I said about her.

She can be really contrarian.

That doesn't mean she doesn't
like you, in my opinion.

I'd be happy if you treated her as a friend.

I-I don't mind.

Shut up! Shut up!

I'm not going to waste time
on a commoner like her!

You've got me there.

I'll persevere so my family
can join the elite.

Well, then, goodbye.

Now, what did you want with me?

I... um...


What matters is that we make the
effort to draw closer anyway.

If there's nothing, then I'm going home.

I don't know if Father loves me,
so I'm a little scared,

but I show him even my failed
tests with my head held high!

It's time we got moving, sir.


I got a Stella Star on the midterms!

I-It's only one so far,
but I came close in other subjects.

B-But I only got on the
language test the other day.


Oh, the griffin I made won a prize!

And... um... um...

I see.

Well done.

Father, why did you take
time to see me today?

It was just a whim.

Pay it no mind.

Continue to work hard not to bring
shame to the Desmond name, Damian.

Yes, sir!

It wasn't an important conversation,

but I have a better sense of the
distance between the Desmonds.

Improving their relationship
will be beneficial for plan B.

Still, Donovan Desmond
is a hard man to grasp.

The best approach may be to
remove obstacles one by one.

I should take the intel I obtained
today back to HQ and analyze it there.

Stella! Stella! Stella!

Stella! Stella! Stella!

I'm home!

Welcome back, Mr. Loid!

For some reason, she was asleep when they
brought her back, and she hasn't woken up once.

This is for you!


I'm going to fight the head bad guy, too!

She doesn't seem particularly troubled.

Besides... I still have
no idea what she's saying.