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01x21 - Nightfall/First Fit of Jealousy

Posted: 05/07/23 06:43
by bunniefuu
As for Twilight's mission next week...

WISE Safe House G

To ensure we take every
precaution, as proposed,

it'll be a joint mission with you.

I'll be counting on you.


A clerk at Berlint General
Hospital, Fiona Frost.

Berlint General Hospital Clerk
Fiona Frost

She is a WISE spy.

Tell Twilight about this, as well.

You two can decide how
you'll carry out the mission.


Take care not to let this become
a hindrance to Operation Strix.

How is Strix's progress?

Slow and steady.

But it was expected to be a
long-term plan to begin with.

I'm terribly sorry. If only I had been
available when this mission started,

I could have supported
him by playing his wife.

Actually, it's still not too late.

Eden will find it suspicious
if he suddenly remarries.

There are certain advantages to
using her because she's a local.

The Forger family will stay as it is.

You concentrate on your own work.

But if Mrs. Forger just happened
to retire, that position

would have to be filled, would it not?

What? Don't get any ideas.

If you'll excuse me.



Did you hear that?

I guess she'd even try to swipe
Twilight's glory to get ahead.

She wouldn't hesitate to
s*ab any of us in the back.

A wicked, cold-blooded, brazen woman.

This woman who would carry out any
mission without batting an eye

made those around her uneasy.

Codename: Nightfall.

This woman has ambitions.


Well, apparently I've discovered that

I can take these yawn-filled days

And turn them into movies

I've found the secret and trick to it

Under this sky where we don't get along

I closed my heart and locked it

That's how I've managed to live my life

And the melodies now overlap

I wanted a sign, no matter how small

That I could actually find
better than any streetlight

I put a ribbon on each of the
sights that my eyes pick out

And I collect them like souvenirs
as I continue down this path home

The seasons each say hello,
and I shed a few tears as I go

Where should I begin to talk about
this way home that you've given me?

I walk and walk and sometimes
rush on my way to see you

I run and run, wait, no, I should
still walk on my way to see you

I failed at making breakfast again today.

Loid had to make lunch for us yet again...

I hope I can make something
other than stew well soon.

I wonder who that is.



Who might you be?

I beg your pardon.
I'm a colleague of Dr. Forger.

My name is Fiona Frost.

Oh, you work with Loid.

I'm terribly sorry.

My h-husband is out walking
our dog with our daughter.

I see.

I'm very aware that he's not here.

The other day, your daughter
visited our hospital and forgot this,

so I came to deliver it.

Oh, I see.

Thank you very kindly.

S-Since you're here, why don't you
come in and wait until he returns?

Well, if you insist.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Oh, she's so pretty.

Can I help you?

Oh, no!

What a lovely home you have here.

Does she think his mistress has shown up?

Then again, I plan to steal the role of
his wife at the first possible moment,

so she's not entirely wrong.

Oh, my husband picked out
all of the furniture...

Yor Briar...

If you are delaying Operation Strix,
I'll personally get rid of you.

But... this woman doesn't seem to
have any flaws in her appearance.

Th-This is the first guest we've had
here other than Yuri and Franky.

I'm so nervous!

I'm a housewife... I'm a housewife...

But to take care of her myself
would pose too many risks.

I'll have to figure out a way to get
her to leave this house on her own.

Your daughter... Anya, was it?
She seems quite lively.

Huh? Why, yes. Miss Anya
is always full of energy.

It must be quite rough. Don't you
ever get tired of childrearing?

She is but your stepdaughter, after all.

You could free yourself of
that burden at any time.

Rough? What would give you that idea?

I think it's wonderful that
she's so full of energy.

I actually don't know what
I should do when she seems down,

but it's so much fun being with Miss Anya.

Hmph. So she actually sees
herself as that girl's mother.

Oh, but it does seem a little rough for
Loid because of everything he has to do.

Because I'm so lacking...

Yes, exactly.

You need to acknowledge your flaws.

You are not fit for this mission!

Oh, right.

I did hear Dr. Forger complaining
at work that his wife always—

Anya has returned!


Welcome home!

Fiona... What are you doing here?

Hello, Doctor.

He returned sooner than I expected.

She came to deliver something
you forgot, Miss Anya.

Anya's magnifying glass!

I see. Well, thank you.

She came all the way to my home?
Is there an emergency?

Your walk didn't take long.

The sky was looking suspiciously dark,
so we came back early.

You could've just given this to me at work.

What's the meaning of this,
Agent Nightfall?

* They are communicating by separating their mouth movements and sounds

It's quite all right. I was running errands,
and it was on the way.

I just wanted to confirm
Operation Strix's progress.

Th-This lady is a spy?

Confirm what?

Oh, the supermarket on nd Street?

What is she up to?

Agents should avoid unnecessary
contact with each other.

The onions were on sale there.

Agent Twilight,
is walking the
dog crucial to
the operation?

Oh, really? Perhaps I'll go buy some, as well.

Shouldn't you make this
woman run errands like that?
Is she uncooperative?

Pumpkins and pasta were also on sale.

The registers were a crowded mess.

I recommend the shrimp there.

...What are you getting at...?

I never mentioned this to you,
Doctor, but I'm allergic to shrimp.

To think the great
Twilight is stuck
playing house...
It's a disservice
to the world.

I propose that we reevaluate
this operation.

This doesn't
concern you.

This lady doesn't get along with Papa?

Is she a bad guy spy?

Her face is scary, too.

Agent Twilight...

I love you.

I love you.

I wuv you!

I wuuuv



Mm, this is delicious, Nightfall!

I'm happy to hear that.

You can cook and do laundry!
You're just the best!

Oh, you flatter me.

Ah, Twilight. Here are my
earnings for the month.

Please use them however you'd like.

Nightfall, you're just—

Oh, and I've also researched what kind
of weapons, as well as the name, age,

and even how many gray hairs your
enemy has in your next mission.

Amazing! Absolutely amazing, Nightfall!

You're just so perfect.

Who needs that dumb woman any longer?


In order to attain true world peace,
I will marry you, Nightfall.

Oh, Twilight! I'm all yours,
and not just for the mission!

Codename: Nightfall.

Her ambition was to become Twilight's bride.

I'm far more qualified to be his wife!

I'd give him all the support he needed
both on his missions and at home!

Oh, and our honeymoon would
be on some tropical island...

What in the world is she thinking?

Oh, I'll pour us all some coffee.

Would you like some hot cocoa, Miss Anya?

Miss Anya?

I did hear Dr. Forger complaining
at work that his wife always—

She's always so clumsy and absolutely useless.

Perhaps I'll sell her off to the authorities.

Fiona, would you like to be my wife instead?

What, really? Sure, I'll come over sometime.

But... I guess I can't blame him
for feeling that way about me.

I can't even make breakfast properly.

Here you go.

Hot cocoa!

Here's some milk.

Thanks, Yor.

Hmph. Twilight prefers his coffee black.

I've never ever seen him add any milk.

I can't believe you thought you were fit
to be his wife without knowing that.

Switch with me.


Impossible! Have Twilight's tastes
changed since he gained a family?

There's a side of Twilight I don't know about?!

A side he only shows this woman?

Oh, I see. This is just a part
of his "Loid Forger" character.

He's perfectly playing the role of
someone who likes milk in his coffee.

It's to go along with this family's setting!

Well done, Twilight! I love you!

The milk helps lessen the
damage to my stomach.

Actually, maybe I'll ask her to make
me something without caffeine.

This lady is wild.

What are you doing?

Are you all right, Miss Anya?

You didn't get burnt, did you?

I made a little mess.

Hmph. What a careless child.

If she had been properly trained,
she could've caught the cup before it fell.

He must be so busy that
he hasn't had the chance.

Hey, Bond! Don't you dare lick
that up. It's poison to you.


In which case, it's the wife's duty to
make their daughter more powerful.

She can't even scold the child.
Therefore, she's unfit for the role.

Switch with me.

If I were her mother,

I would manage her schedule by the minute,

and I would whip that girl into shape,
both physically and mentally.

In just a month, I could turn her
into a Stella-winning machine.

Every fiber of Anya's being
does not want this mama!

Twilight, again, I propose
that I switch places with
your current wife

Hot cocoa is very nutritious.
What an excellent choice.

Ah, Anya suddenly wants Mama to coddle her.

Huh?! Wh-What brought this on?!

Anya loves the mama who cleans up her
hot cocoa mess the most in the world.

Oh, Miss Anya!

What kind of reason is that?

Hmph. I could coddle her, too.

I know, Anya.

Next time, I'll bring you
some delicious imported cocoa.



But why...

Perhaps she's nervous because
you've only just met.

Anya, go on and play with Bond.


Anya has a papa and mama
who get along so good,

and Bond, too.

Anya is so happy she's the
Forger family's daughter.

Oh, I'm so happy. For real.

Loid! I promise I'll do my best!

I'll do everything I can for you two!

I'll wipe up hot cocoa
as much as I need to!

So, um...

Huh? Uh, sure...

You should be teaching the girl
not to spill her cocoa at all.

Switch with me.

You're already working hard enough, Yor.

That's why Anya is so fond of you.

I couldn't ask you to do anything more.


I'll do my best!

Er, you already are...

His fake smile.

Listen well, Nightfall.

A spy must never let
their true feelings show.

Yes, Twilight.

k*ll any emotions. Don't let down your guard.

Yes, Twilight. I will never let this
poker face crack even the slightest.

Uh, you don't need to go that far.

Lionel from the national defense forces.

Lawrence, who works in the black market.

Robert, the secretary of
a government official.

I know this because I've seen the various
versions of Twilight over the years.

What a perfectly ex*cuted fake smile.

And the subtle truth that
bleeds through it...

Oh, I just realized I forgot to
buy those potatoes I meant to get.

I should probably take my leave.

Huh? Maybe you should wait
until the rain dies down.

Please excuse me.

She left.

She didn't have an umbrella.

I'll see her to the station.

Oh, yes, good idea.

Do be careful!

Hey, Fiona!

Take this umbrella.

Twilight, I forgot to tell you something.

The Handler would like us to take
care of this next mission together.

Hey, you need to tell me important
things like that first...


I'm glad it's raining right now.


I will conceal these feelings until the end.

I'll brief you on the
details at the hospital.

Because we are spies.

Because that's what my
beloved Twilight taught me.

Until this cold w*r is over...



I don't care if we're a fake couple.

I just want to stay by his side.

You've lost your edge due to
playing house for so long.

I will show him just how capable
I am on this next mission.

I ask that you do not hold me back.

The only one suited to be your wife...

is me!


The army cartography
corps Bear Squad is here!

Anya, you need to brush
your teeth and go to bed.


Captain! It may be dangerous
to survey the enemy base.

This polar bear looks like you, Bond.


Oh, no! Peggie's been shot!

Just leave me behind and go...

Promise me... that you'll create the
peaceful world we always dreamed of...


Hey, I told you to go to bed.

What in the world is going on
in this grim cartoon?


Anya wants to sleep with
Mister Penguin tonight.

Do as you please.



What's wrong?!

My penguin's dead!

Agent Penguin! Who did this to you?!

These look like... scratches and bite marks.

Penguin bad. Stole Anya.

So it was you, Bond!


Hey, stop!

I hate you, Bond!

Don't worry, Miss Anya.

I'll sew him up and make him all better.

My penguin will be alive again?

Oh, no! Why did his head break off?!

Oh, God! He's even deader!

I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!

Calm down. I'll buy you a new one.

No! This Mister Penguin is
really important to Anya!

Because you got him for me, Papa!

All right. I'll fix him up, so you go
eat and maybe do some homework.

He's all better, Anya.

He looks kind of Frankensteiny.

That couldn't be helped.

S-Scars are medals of valor for soldiers.

Agent Penguin suffered
honorable injuries in battle.


Correct. His scars are
nothing to be ashamed of.


Evil Bond! What do you want?!




Are you saying sorry to Anya?

I think he wants you to forgive him.

Well? Remember what Bondman said?

"Yesterday's enemy is today's ally."

The line from episode eighteen!

I-I was deeply hurt... But I
will call a truce in this w*r

on behalf of the peanuts.


Anya is sorry she said she hates you.

Now the peace treaty is signed!


I wish things could be this easy
for the East and the West, too.