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01x19 - A Revenge Plot Against Desmond/Mama Becomes the Wind

Posted: 05/07/23 06:41
by bunniefuu
Well, apparently I've discovered that

I can take these yawn-filled days

And turn them into movies

I've found the secret and trick to it

Under this sky where we don't get along

I closed my heart and locked it

That's how I've managed to live my life

And the melodies now overlap

I wanted a sign, no matter how small

That I could actually find
better than any streetlight

I put a ribbon on each of the
sights that my eyes pick out

And I collect them like souvenirs
as I continue down this path home

The seasons each say hello,
and I shed a few tears as I go

Where should I begin to talk about
this way home that you've given me?

I walk and walk and sometimes
rush on my way to see you

I run and run, wait, no, I should
still walk on my way to see you


We came to an official agreement.

It'll be ex*cuted next month, on the th.

Sir, I offer my condolences.

"Sir," eh? You won't have to
call me that much longer.

The Desmond Group...

You needn't say anything else.

Can't fight the times.

Our business was basically a
candle flickering in the wind.

What am I going to tell my son?

How am I supposed to tell him

our Glooman Pharmaceuticals company
will cease to be in less than a month?


Everything feels so much more peaceful
now that our tests are over.

I didn't get any Tonitrus Bolts,
so Papa is also at peace.

Oh, is my sweet Loid pretty strict?

Papa is a monster when
it comes to the mission.

He's a perfectionist.

I see. I guess it can be pretty rough when
a parent's expectations are so high.


My sweet Loid sounds like
an amazing monster, too!


Rolling... Sweep!

Well played, Lord Damian!

Our school is cleaner already!

Wow, Damian. I guess you're
amazing at cleaning, too.

You spun around so much.

Kids who get Stella through sheer
talent are something else.

But of course.

Hey, we should have a study session

at Damian's place next break to
get to know each other better.

Ooh, I want to go!

Ugh! They're so dumb,
showering him with praise like that.

I'm impressed with his test results,
but he's still a huge brat.

I would also like to study
at Second Son's home.

Say... Is that really what's
going on with you and him?

With me and him?

I'm sorry for calling him a huge brat.

I hate him.

Lord Damian, please observe my Fire
Strong Axel Final Strong Dust Pan, too.

Hey, would you boys stop playing around?

I will never forgive you, Desmond.

I will never, ever forgive you.

I've brought you a dust pan, Damian.

Oh, thanks.

Who's that?

Huh? George?

George Glooman. He's in our class.

How... How did he get a Stella?

The plan has failed.

I even had my butler hire a spy to change
all of his test results to failing scores.

This is three months' worth of my allowance.
Hire an amazing spy with it.

As you wish.

There's a spy boss in our class?!

So the spy Papa fought the other day...

So, hey. More importantly,
what do you like about Damian?

Anya is curious about that guy. Who is he?

Huh? No way. Are you, like,
okay with any guy, Anya?

Don't bother with that guy.
He's so, well, gloomy.

No, don't give up yet, George.

If you can force him to get expelled...

He's trying to get Second Son expelled?!

Not all hope is lost.


This is a cigarette butt.

Damian... don't tell me you...

What? I've never even smoked before.

Sir, I need you right away!

Hey, stop! I told you it's not mine!

What the heck are you doing?

What's going on here?

I was trying to report the cigarette
I found, and then he punched me.



What?! Explain yourself, Damian!

If this is true, you're in a lot of trouble!

Lord Damian would never
do anything like that!

He's lying!

Y-You two are Damian's followers.
I can't trust your word against his.

Second Son wouldn't do that.

Anya was watching.

He just fell down on his own.

Wh-What in the world...

It's like her eyes see through everything!

Sh-She's the girl who got a Tonitrus Bolt
on the first day of school.

Oh, no. She's bad news.

My thirty years as a teacher
are telling me this.

D-Don't go trying to bother your
teacher with your silly games.

Get back to cleaning. Honestly...


Heh. I can't let you get expelled.

Plan B will be ruined.

Y-You were so cool, Anya!
Even I felt like squeeing!


I'm sure your feelings
got through to Damian.

What?! Wh-Wh-Wh-What the heck
are you talking about?!

No one asked you to help!
I coulda handled it myself!

Yeah! Why did you get in the way?


More importantly, who the
hell do you think you are?

What are you trying to pull?!

What do you have against me?

Damn it! It's no use! My life is over!


Your family's company went bankrupt?

That's right! Today, in fact.

Huh? That's really unfortunate and all,
but I have nothing to do with that.

Your company is the one that crushed mine.


I-I guess I did hear something
about the Desmond Group

and Glooman Pharmaceuticals on the news.

If you had failed your
tests and gotten expelled,

I thought the ensuing chaos in your family
might've kept our company from going bankrupt.


Father's company would never
do something so evil!

Don't try to drag me into these
adult matters in the first place!

Yeah! That's going too far!

You're right.

But as things stand, I'll be forced to leave
the school because of some dumb adults.

What? You're quitting?

If I can't stop the company from
going bankrupt, my family will lose it.

Which means I'll obviously have
to say goodbye to this school, too.

I envy you, Damian. You've been blessed
with a good family, and you're popular.

Of course you'd get Stellas.

You've nothing in common with filth like me.

L-Lord Damian got his Stella
because he's talented!

His family's got nothing to do with it!

Yeah! It's your own fault
that you're not popular!

It's because you're a gloomy jerk!



The groupies are shitheads, too.

Shut up! Shut your mouths!
You could never understand how I feel!

I wanted to experience my youth
to the fullest in this school, too!

But even that turned into a fleeting dream!

If I'm bowing out after this, why am I even
bothering with cleaning this courtyard?!

Isn't there something wrong with filth
like me picking up this filth?!

I see how it is!

No one said anything like that.

Calm down.

Damn it all! I'm going to curse this world!

C-Come on, cheer up. I'll buy
you some juice or something.

Er, I guess you probably
wouldn't want that.


Boy, I sure would love a drink right now.


The juice...

Today's gonna be my last
day at school, after all.

If I don't take you up on that
offer now, I'll never...

I-I'll go buy something.

Huh? Uh, sure.

Thanks. I feel a tiny bit better.


Come to think of it,

I never ordered the most expensive
caviar bowl you could get for lunch.

Who knows how I'm going
to end up from the regret

of not being able to eat it
before I'm as good as expelled?

Oh, yeah. I've always wanted to know what
it feels like to have a Stella on my chest.

Will someone lend me theirs?

You little—

I was working really hard
to earn a Stella myself.

But I couldn't concentrate on my studies
after hearing about the bankruptcy.

I know it's unfounded, but my grudge
against the Desmonds is taking control.

Ah! Someone take a photo!

Give it right back.

Okay, next...

Hey, don't get ahead of yourself!

Around this time next month, my family
probably won't have a dalc to its name.

Then I'm probably going to get
kidnapped and trafficked to Westalis.

I'm sure I'll have to live like a sl*ve there.

Oh, poor me...

So let me just enjoy these
last few moments of bliss.

Am I so worthless that
I don't even deserve that?!

Don't worry. The West is a safe place.

Papa and that important
lady are both really nice.

She doesn't know a thing about Westalis.
Is she trying to console me?

Everyone's being so nice.

No one's ever been this kind to me.

Huh? There's...

saltwater pouring out of my eyes.


Can I ask for just one more thing?

I was really looking forward to the
choral contest at the end of the year.

I want to connect with all
of you through song.

Can I? That's probably
asking for too much...

Huh? We're also...

Becky... for real?


Thank you, everyone.

Thank you for such wonderful memories.


Here, you can have these.

My own personal school supplies.

They're super expensive.

Even if you quit school,
don't you forget about us.



You can have my favorite book.

Here's my watch.

Take good care of it.

Anya will give you this leaf she
found on the side of the road.

Take care at your new school.

The kids from Class
will always be together.

Thank you. I'll do my best!

I'll turn this pain in
my heart into strength,

and continue to walk through
this life full of hardships

without ever giving up!

Goodbye, everyone.

Goodbye, my beloved Eden!

So, yeah, that happened.

What a lovely story!

I-I see.

But Glooman Pharmaceuticals just
got bought out. It's not going bankrupt.


Our company was facing a financial crisis,
and the Desmond Group saved us from it.

Management will change,

but they welcomed me and the
whole research team with open arms.

I couldn't be more grateful for
such a positive turn of events.

Because I'll be losing my title as CEO and the
Glooman Pharmaceuticals name will be lost,

I was trying to figure out
the best way to tell you...


What about living in Westalis
as a sl*ve? What about school?

Hm? What are you talking about?

You'll continue going tomorrow as usual.

Have you finished your homework?

You better give everything back to us.

You better pay us back for that juice.

Anya, you need to get up,
or you'll be late for school.

Breakfast is ready, so go wash
your face and get changed.


Oh, no! I overslept!

Anya's starting her morning in huge trouble!

Hey, stop talking with your mouth full.

If you continue to be late and forget things,
you'll continue getting punished.

If you end up with eight
Tonitrus Bolts, you'll be expelled.

Be careful.

Th-They're so strict.

Thank goodness she made it on time.

Well, I'm going to head to the hospital.

What about you, Yor?

I'm only working half a day today, so I don't
have to be at city hall until the afternoon.

Then you'll be able to relax
a bit. I'll be going, then.

Have a good day. Do your best at work.

I see you got to sleep in a little today, too.


Please excuse me, Miss Anya.

Oh, no! Did she forget something?!

Anya Forger! You will be expelled
for forgetting something!



Oh, no! Miss Anya, you mustn't!
Loid will be so sad!


I can't waste any time.

I must deliver this to Miss Anya!


Um... The bus stop is...

It's not a school bus, so I'll
have to transfer somewhere.


But is the bus or the trolley faster?

Oh, goodness!

Time just keeps passing!

What will I do if I don't make
it in time for her gym class?


Excuse me, I do beg your pardon...

Wait for me, Miss Anya!

I-I'm here...

But I wonder where Miss Anya is.

I seem to recall her saying that each
lesson is in a different classroom.

If you continue to be late and forget things,
you'll continue getting punished.

If you end up with eight
Tonitrus Bolts, you'll be expelled.

That's right! I have to keep the fact
that she forgot something a secret!

That means I won't be able to ask anyone.

I'll have to find her on my own!

It turned out so good!

Let's go.

Maybe I'll show my mom when I get home.

Hey, did you hear about the
ghost that appears in Tower B?

The Mysterious Spider Woman. Hiss!

You dummy. Of course
nothing like that exists...

m l

* She's looking for Anya

The Spider Woman!

I shouldn't be drawing attention to myself.

Hmm... One wrong move
and I might be kicked out.

I know! Maybe I could wear a disguise.

Then I can look for Miss Anya without worry.


Biology for Good Boys and Girls


Foreign Languages


Language for Good Boys and Girls

Please tell me how to do this!

Um... Uh?


Tell us!

L-Let's not... There must be another way.

Oh? These animals are the
ones from the entrance exam.

Oh, no! I'll be caught!

Yor? What's she doing there?

Did she figure out I was actually using work

as a cover so I could infiltrate the school
and decide to follow me here?

No, that couldn't possibly...

Hm? She seems to be holding something.

Miss Anya, where are you?

Miss Anya...

Miss Anya!



Miss Anya!

Oh, thank goodness I found you!

Here, you forgot this.

Are you all right?

Did I reach you before your gym class?

Is something the matter, Miss Anya?

We don't have gym class today.


So I don't need my gym clothes.


Oh, no...


It's a good thing she didn't
actually forget anything.


L-Loid? Didn't you go to the hospital?

I did. And after that, I went on a house
call for a patient recovering at home.

What are you doing here, Yor?

Huh? Well, actually...

I see. So you came to bring something
you thought Anya had forgotten.

Thank you very much.

I was wondering what was going on,

but I guess I didn't need to
actually run into her to check.

Oh, no... I just had the wrong
idea and wasn't of any use anyway.

If I had only checked her schedule...

I'm a failure as a mother.

That's not true!

If Yor continues to be depressed,
it'll affect the mission!

I know.

I was thinking of having lunch somewhere
before heading back to the hospital.

Would you care to join me, Yor?

I'd love to!

There's actually a place nearby
that has a wonderful lunch menu.

Oh, how exciting!