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01x13 - Project Apple

Posted: 05/07/23 06:34
by bunniefuu
In an era in which the nations of
the world were waging a fierce w*r

of information just out of sight,

two countries were at odds with each other:

Ostania, in the east,

and Westalis, in the west.

In order to keep an eye on the actions of
a leading figure in Ostania's government,

Westalis set Operation Strix in motion.

The skilled agent, Twilight, who has
been tasked with this operation,

had succeeded in completing phase one:
creating a pretend family,

and enrolling his daughter in
the prestigious Eden College.

The father, a spy...

The mother, an assassin...

The daughter, a telepath...

The mission that involves these three

hiding their true identities
from each other continues.

And now, after successfully gaining
one of the eight Stella required

to become an Imperial Scholar,

the mission has moved into phase two:

making the necessary progress
to attend the social gathering

that their target, Donovan Desmond,
will be attending.

Well, apparently I've discovered that

I can take these yawn-filled days

And turn them into movies

I've found the secret and trick to it

Under this sky where we don't get along

I closed my heart and locked it

That's how I've managed to live my life

And the melodies now overlap

I wanted a sign, no matter how small

That I could actually find
better than any streetlight

I put a ribbon on each of the
sights that my eyes pick out

And I collect them like souvenirs
as I continue down this path home

The seasons each say hello,
and I shed a few tears as I go

Where should I begin to talk about
this way home that you've given me?

I walk and walk and sometimes
rush on my way to see you

I run and run, wait, no, I should
still walk on my way to see you

All right. We're all set.

Let's begin.

And now for our next story.

Yesterday afternoon, Foreign Minister
Brantz and his entourage from Westalis

arrived at Berlint Airport.

At the ministerial conference tonight,

they will begin coordinating for the
summit between East and West...

Are you all right?!


Slow down and eat.

Fanks for the food!

Papa, Mama, hurry it up already!

What are we going to do with her?

Well, it's no surprise she's excited.


Since today's the day...

Woof, woof, woof-woof...

Woof, woof, woof-woof...

You're so excited, Miss Anya.

Does Mister Dog eat peanuts?

You probably shouldn't give one too many.


Let's make sure to give the
doggies what they like.

Our outing today is actually
for Operation Strix.

Our destination: a pet shop.

We're here.

This is because Anya said she wanted a
dog as her reward for earning a Stella.

Until she gets eight Stella and
I get into that social gathering,

I need to keep her motivation high,
no matter what.

Reward, reward! Woof, woof, woof-woof!


Well, what do you think, sir?

We've made sure to properly
train all of our dogs.

This is a pet shop that works with
our agency, and sells w*r dogs.

I figured if we're going to get a dog,

we'd be best off with a guard
dog for safety reasons, but...

Don't they look very smart and cute,


That's a no!

She clearly doesn't want any of them!

Me strong.

Don't you have any that are a bit
smaller and at least a little cute?

Gots big muscles.

Hmm... I guess I could ask a breeder I know.

Anya doesn't like any of them.

Oh, yes, they do look a bit mean.

Apparently, a shelter is having
an adoption event right now.

Then we'll just head over there.

A new order?

Sorry, I suddenly have a stomachache.

You two go ahead to
the shelter by the station.

I'm going to find a bathroom.

Huh? Are you all right?
We can wait right here.

Papa takes a really long time when he goes to
the shitter to shit, so we should probably go.

I-Is that so?

All right...

You need to watch your mouth, young lady.

An excellent assist,
but at the same time... yeah.

Wait... You didn't say anything about
taking me all the way to headquarters.

If I take too long, my family
will get suspicious.

If you've got a problem,
take it up with Handler.

This is an emergency summons.

A plot to assassinate Foreign Minister Brantz?

They're probably targeting tonight's summit.

The ones believed to be behind this
are a group of isolationists

who attend Berlint University.

Apparently, the Secret Police
also had their eyes on them.

We just happened to apprehend one of
them who was hanging around the embassy.

We're currently interrogating him.

But he won't tell us where his
friends are or anything else.

And that's why I was called in?

Being both a papa and an agent...
Must be tough balancing the two.

Being a father is part of the mission.

But I guess the times are changing...

To think that a child like
him could be a t*rror1st.

Keep coming back all you want.
I'm never gonna talk.

I won't sell out my comrades.

That's quite all right.
You're no longer necessary.

We've captured your leader, after all.


I-It was him!

He planned all this!

We were tricked into helping him!

You gotta believe me!
I didn't do anything wrong!

Uh, Keith? What are you...

I'll tell you anything you want!
Just let me go!

Shut up and keep walking.

He just...

Is he really gonna put this all on me?

Some comrade.

Well, it doesn't really matter to
us which one of you is the leader.

We only care about which one
gives us the intel we need.

Now, what do we do with you?

Wait, it's not me! He's the leader!

I'm not lying! He's the one...
who proposed the plan...

I'd love to hear more.

Keith planned out all of it.

Thank goodness we had some footage
of Keith's past activities.

I just went along with it.

I'll tell you what I know about
the other members, too.

First, there's Kurt, who's in
the same program as Keith.

It's impossible for me to perfectly
play the role based on such a short video.

There's also a handful of guys
from the psych program.

If we were dealing with a pro,
he would've been on to us.

I don't usually talk to them,
so I don't know their names.

There's also Kevin and Kim
from the engineering program.

Those are all the guys I know.

Our hideouts are a warehouse
near the university

and the second floor of a bar on th Street.

Exactly how were you going to
carry out the assassination?


I don't know exactly how many...

But the plan was to strap bombs
onto a dozen or so dogs

and have them ambush him
while he was on the move.

b*mb dogs?

Not good. It's not gonna be
easy stopping trained dogs.

But that's impossible.

Giving a w*r dog proper special training

costs just about as much as
a small m*ssile per dog.

I can't imagine ordinary students
being able to afford that.

Either they have someone from
the far right backing them,

or there's a sympathizer from a third power.

As you heard, we've got quite
the problem on our hands.

In order to stop this t*rror1st attack,
we'll have to make the first move.

Could we not have the summit canceled?

Doubtful. The Eastern government
has a reputation to uphold.

Though I'm sure the opposition
would be thrilled.

Casually leak this information
to the ruling party.

I'm sure they'll also want to
avoid any pointless trouble.

Yes, ma'am.

Sorry, but we'll need your
help for a bit longer.


Relations between the East
and West are on thin ice.

Regardless of whether the
assassination is a success or not,

if this becomes public,
the ice may finally break.

We're going to stop them, whatever it takes.

I'm gonna go buy some coffee.

Wait here.

You better behave, pups.

Well, these dogs are definitely smart,

even if they're up there in years already.



You'll trip if you run like that!

Hey, damn it!

Hey, where'd this dog come from?!

No! He's gonna eat me!

Whoa, that sign fell.

That startled me.

That sure was a close one, kid.

Did you just save me?



Er, sorry about my dog, ma'am.

Don't go running off
like that, you dumb mutt!

What's wrong?

This stupid dog just bolted on me.

Are these dogs really gonna work?

Not like we can change our plan now.

We got the area all checked out
and ready, so let's head back.

We'll be in a world of hurt if we piss off Keith.

So this is an adoption event.
It's bigger than I had imagined.

I wonder why Loid didn't bring us here first.

Tiny doggies!



Oh! You mustn't, Miss Anya! You'll get lost!

Listen carefully.

Promise me you won't leave
this area with the doggies.


Oh... That dachshund is adorable!
Its legs are so short!

It's cute even with stubby legs?

Does that mean Anya's cute, too?

A Chihuahua!

A Pomeranyan!

Huff, huff, huff...

Are you looking for a dog to adopt?

Is there a breed that's easy to keep?

Huff, huff, huff...

What a big Mister Dog.

Anya's family?

What's wrong now? Come on, start walking!

Was that... Mister Dog's thoughts?

Toy poodles rarely shed, so cleaning
up after them is a breeze.

Mama! There is a doggy that
knows about our family!

What are you talking about, dear?

If you're looking for smaller breeds,
Shih Tzus are very friendly.

Just for a little bit...

A shop?

Where did Mister Dog go?

Mister Dog...

Who are you?

You better not have done
anything to draw attention.

D-Don't worry.

There were people with dogs everywhere
because of the adoption event.

It's finally time.

If this plan with the
b*mb dogs is a success,

the façade between the East and
the West will finally come down.

In order to restore Ostania
to its former glory...

We'll just have Foreign Minister Brantz
become the catalyst for w*r.

We're going to bring down those
arrogant pigs of the West.

Bring them down!

B-Bad guys?!

This is the bad guys' house!

Hey, what the hell are you guys doing?

This little brat heard everything!

Wait, are you serious? Who is that?

Uh... Wh-What do we do?

Whoa, there!

What are we gonna do? Well...

We'll just have to take care of her.

Yo, Keith, come on. She's just a little kid.

If she tattles to her parents,
our plan will be ruined.

Kurt, keep her mouth shut.

Mister Dog!

Damn it... He's not listening again!

Maybe this one was a dud.

You picked the wrong guy to borf at.

I'll shut you up for good.


This little...

Don't. Don't damage the goods.

But we need to shut him up.

That's no problem.

No one's gonna pay it any mind
if they hear a dog barking today.

Miss Anya? Where did you go?!

Um, pardon me.

Did you happen to see a little
girl who looks like this?


I can't say I have.

She's not here. She's nowhere in the venue...

Could it be... that she was eaten by a dog?!


No, no, calm down, Yor.
That is probably unlikely.

But then, could she have been...


There have been a string of
kidnappings in Central Ariane

involving young women who were abducted
and forced into marriage.

Oh, how frightening.

I'll make you my bride.


Wh-Wh-Wh-What should I do?!

Miss Anya will be forced to marry someone!

Of course this had to happen
when Loid isn't here.

Oh, what do I do? Whatever shall I do?

Please hurry back from the bathroom, Loid!

All of the locations he offered
up turned out to be duds.

How is it on your end?


There were two white vans
rented here under the name

of one of the t*rrorists, Kevin Knowles.

The plate numbers are...

Excellent work. I'll have someone
look into this immediately.

Oh, as for where they were getting the dogs,

one lead was particularly suspicious.

I'm sure even you've heard of it before...

Project Apple.

It was research done under the
former government of Ostania,

to try to create animals with terrifyingly
high IQ for military purposes.

I'm aware of it.

I heard they repeated some
pretty reckless experiments,

but the government fell apart
during their research,

and the project came to a standstill.

They say it ended with mediocre results
that were far from their intended goal.

Correct. And then came rumors
that the dogs and other animals

that were no longer needed ended up on
the black market instead of being put down.

And you think the t*rrorists
got a hold of them?

It's possible.

They may be the survivors
of a failed experiment,

but they are probably still highly
intelligent pigs of the West.

but they are probably still highly
intelligent pigs of the West.

Be on your guard.

The unexpected may very likely happen.

Get away from the dog, you stupid brat.

Then I promise you'll at
least die painlessly.


Hey. If you don't hurry up...

Man, that scared me.

Who the hell's calling us right now?


What? Seriously?

Hey, Keith, we've got trouble!

Apparently some suspicious guys
showed up at two of our hideouts!

D-Don't tell me it's the Secret Police...

How?! Did someone leak info?

Tch. I haven't seen Chris all morning,
so I kind of suspected, but...

It was a good idea to move locations.

Nobody panic!

We're switching over to Plan B and...

Hey! Where'd the brat go?

Huh? Wh-What the?!

Mister Dog is Anya's friend?

Wait, did you know the phone was
going to ring before it did?


can see the future?

Is it a telepath like me?

Mister Dog! Go into that building!
Mama will save us!

No! Not that way!

Go back!

Miss Anya?!

What are you dumbasses doing?!

We were distracted by the phone...

Whatever. Who cares about her?

We need to get the plan rolling.

You idiots! She's seen our faces!

Hey, Kurt, come with me!

We're taking one of the dogs, too.

You're gonna go after her?

Tear that map off the wall.
We're abandoning this hideout, too.

You guys get to the designated
location and spread out.

Got it.

Dog! Stop! Let me down!

Someone save me!

I'm being chased by bad guys!

What is that? How cute.

I wonder if she's playing tag.

Mister Dog runs so fast!

He's so fast, and...

So exciting!

Okay, Mister Dog!

Let's make a break for it and go
right to the police ociffers!

Anya and Mister Dog...

are gonna solve this on our
own and save the day!

And then... I'll be Starlight Anya again!

Thanks for saving us the trouble.

We're right back where we started!

Right face!

You're not getting away.

Do it. Make it quick.


No hard feelings, kid.

You won't get away with this,

Mr. Perverted Kidnapper!

It is far too early for
Miss Anya to get married!