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06x20 - All That Glitters

Posted: 05/06/23 09:57
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

this is the most recent photo of Grace?

Yeah, that, uh... (CHUCKLES)

It's from her birthday. February.

It's unlike her to not return my calls.

We're not as close as we used to be.

Once she moved down here,
we didn't talk as much,

but-but even at her busiest,
she always gets back to me.

You say it's been a week
since you last heard from her?

Yeah. She mentioned
something about an audition,

and then radio silence.

Hey, babe.

Did we wake you?

Uh, no. Uh, Vivie's fussing.
It's feeding time.

Nichelle, this is Danny Wright.

My old Marine squad leader.

Ah, I'm sorry for dropping in like this.

No. Hondo told me
your daughter is missing?

I can't imagine
how you're feeling right now.

Yeah, it's, uh, it's been tough.

We're just game-planning for tomorrow.

Well, I won't keep you.

I just wanted to say hello
and I wish you luck

- on finding her.
- Thank you.

DANNY: She's a sweetheart.

- You're a lucky man.
- I don't know how lucky I am

with your ugly mug standing
in front of me.

(LAUGHING) My face is ten times better
than that thing

you have to look at
in the mirror every morning.

Light chocolate versus dark chocolate.


DANNY: I mean it, though.

You've got Nichelle and...

your little girl here, safe,

in your beautiful home...

Please, appreciate that.

If I'd known I was gonna
lose my wife Cassie...

- ...and now Grace...
- Hey, hey.

Hold on, don't start talking
about Grace like she's gone.

I've already checked with
the LAPD Missing Persons Unit.

First thing tomorrow,
we're gonna set an alert

on Grace's cell phone and bank accounts.

And that's just the beginning.

We're gonna find her, Danny.

I need you to believe that, too.

And once we get things squared away,

we'll check with Grace's friends

and coworkers, see what they tell us.

Okay. Yeah. Okay.

Oh, uh...

She was also, she was seeing somebody.

Uh, like-like a boyfriend.

- You got a name?
- No, no.

I'm guessing that he wasn't the type

that you, you bring home.

She would get embarrassed
every time I brought him up.

But you think she's been
seeing him a while?

Couple months?

All right, then we go
to Grace's apartment.

See what we can dig up on him.

In the meantime,
we need some sleep, man.

Fresh blankets on the couch.

let me know if you need anything else.

Mm. Mm-hmm.


I really appreciate everything
you're doing for me.

Everything we've been through,

least I can do.

I'll see you at .

♪ ♪


Oh, that's all right, Tammi.

You can't control
the traffic on the .

I'll keep the muffins warm
until you get here.



Take us to your safe. Now.

I-I don't know
what you're talking about.

TY: Fine.

We'll do it the hard way.

- Search every room.
- PATTY: Ah.

TAMMI (OVER PHONE): Hello? Aunt Patty?

- BEN: Found it! In here.

Open it.

Open it now or we go
after your grandkids.

How would you even...

We found your house, didn't we?

And it's either you,
or you and your grandkiddies.

Take your pick.



See? This could've been easy.

- Oh, well.
- BEN: Come on, Ty.

- Do we have to...
- Shut up!

This is how we work.

No witnesses.

And since you just had to tell
her my name...

PATTY: Wait. I-I won't tell anyone.

Ms. Clark?

Orsan Security.

We got an alert from your home
emergency bracelet.

- PATTY: Please!
- (g*nsh*t)

Love you, too, babe.

Yeah, best latte on the Westside.

- Thanks, Street.
- Don't worry.

I got your boring black coffee, too.

Why mess with a classic?

All units, sh*ts fired at

at block at Tabor Avenue.

That's less than three blocks away.

I knew I should've chugged a Red Bull.

LUCA: -David to Command.
I'm with , -David, in the area.

Show us responding.

♪ ♪


one male down near the front entry.



Got a female down.

Ma'am, can you hear me?

LUCA: Rest of the house is clear.

No sign of the sh**t.

She's unconscious, but breathing.

Needs a hospital real bad.

-David, suspects in the wind.

Requesting an R/A for the second victim.

GSW to the chest.
Have them respond Code .

The safe's open.

There's no way to tell
if anything was taken.

So, someone broke in

just to sh**t a grandmother
in cold blood?


TAMMI: Excuse me.

I'm looking for my aunt.
This is her house.

- Please.
- You're related to Patricia Clark?

I'm her niece, Tammi.

I was on the phone with her
when I heard a huge crash,

- then shouting. What happened?
- Someone broke in.

She was shot and unconscious
when we found her.

She's headed to the hospital right now.

I know this seems sudden,
but is there any reason

- someone might target your aunt?
- Target?


She's the sweetest woman in the world.

She's basically my second mom.

I was on my way here.

I just called to tell her
I was running late.

If I'd gotten here sooner,
maybe I could've helped...

No, you being here wouldn't
have stopped those jerks

- that did this.
- Yeah, blaming yourself is

the last thing your aunt would
want you to do.

If she's gonna pull through this,

she'll need you by her side.
Trust me on this one.

Come on. We'll get Patrol to
escort you to the hospital.

HICKS: Yeah, I got it.

- What a mess.
- So the homeowner,

Patricia Clark, she was in rough shape

when the EMTs arrived.

She's on her way to the hospital.

Just got word, the security guard

who responded to the call,
he didn't make it.

Patrol is canvassing for witnesses.

All right, I just talked to
Detective Burrows at RHD.

This is the third violent home invasion

targeting elderly Angelenos
in the last hours.

Now, it looks like a robbery crew,

but RHD's having trouble
determining what,

if anything, was taken.

- Nobody's reporting anything missing?
- Well, the victims are dead.

There's no one left alive
to do the reporting.

I mean, counting the security guard,

they've m*rder*d three people already.

Four, if Patricia Clark
doesn't make it out of surgery.

Is there any connection between
the victims?

Nothing concrete,
other than the victims' ages.

All were over .

So, we've got a robbery crew
targeting grandparents.

- Yeah.
- That's vile.

Yeah, with no clear connection
between the victims,

there's no reason to believe
these guys are done.

LAPD doesn't have the resources
to protect every single

- elderly Angeleno in the city.
- No.

And that's why I'm putting
SWAT on high alert.

If and when these guys strike again,

I want us ready to pounce.

Sir. Nothing close to an ID

on our suspects yet,

but witnesses saw a black pickup

with a broken taillight
fleeing Patricia Clark's street.

- Already got a BOLO out.
- All right, good.

If it pings, SWAT rolls on it.

Any luck uncovering a connection
between our three victims?

There's got to be something.

Same pool cleaner,
same handyman, gardener...

So far, just that they were all

beloved parents and grandparents.

Patricia Clark,
James Day, Jerry Haverford.

kids and grandkids between them.

Well, families got to be devastated.

I mean, there's got to be a reason

these folks were att*cked
in their homes.

Most likely explanation is
they were easy targets...

less likely to fight back,
easier to beat if they did.

STREET: We checked in
with the victims' families.

None were especially wealthy.

All were comfortable, but not rich.

We can't rule out money
as a motive, though.

Jerry Haverford

was skeptical of the stock market,

and made more than a few

social media posts about banks being

a poor hedge against inflation.

Patricia Clark and James Day
were both described as being

extremely protective of their money.

Well, how protective are we talking?

I mean, I had an uncle

who used to stuff cash in his mattress

because he was paranoid
about his savings.

Early indications say
our victims might've had

- similar attitudes.
- All right.

So it could be these
three were storing up

whatever they had in their homes.

All right, look into their financials,
and see what you find.

I want answers before
more grandparents are k*lled.

This is where Grace was living?

Yeah, I guess so.


This way.


You'd never know a place like this has

a building manager on site.

Grace must've been struggling
more than she let on.

Yeah. Yeah.

C, yeah, this is her.


HONDO: Grace? You here?

Looks like she hasn't
been home in a while.


- HONDO: Danny.
- Yeah.

What do you got?

This the boyfriend?

I don't know.

She never sent me photos of him.

- What are those?
- You don't want to see 'em, man.


Sorry, I was looking for Grace...

HONDO: Hey, uh, so are we.

I'm Sergeant Harrelson, LAPD.

This is Grace's father.

You're a friend of hers, Ms...

Uh, yeah, Taylor. I'm her neighbor.

I just heard her door open.

I wanted to bring these by.
They were delivered the other day.

When was the last time
you saw or spoke to Grace?


Like about a week ago?

Did something happened to her?

We're not sure.

How was she the last time you saw her?

No, I didn't see her, I...

I heard her. Through the wall.

She was arguing
with her boyfriend again.

Again? They fought a lot?

Did those arguments ever get violent?

DANNY: Anything you
can tell us is helpful, please.

Uh, sometimes I, I saw her with bruises

on her arms and on her neck.

She'd brush it off when I would ask.

She never told me
where they came from, but...

You think the bruises
came from the boyfriend.

- Is this him?
- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.
- DANNY: You know his name?

TAYLOR: Uh, Peter... something.

I think Grace might've been tagged

in a couple photos on Insta.

Ah. Her profile is private.

She blocked me a couple of years ago,

said that she didn't
want me spying on her.

Well, let me go grab my phone.

I can probably find them for you.

- We'd appreciate that.
- TAYLOR: Yeah.


I'm gonna be straight with you, Danny.

I don't like the way this is trending.

In my experience,
situations like this...

they don't end well.

DANNY: Things were so much easier

when they were younger.

I don't know.

I knew how to be there for her,

how to keep her safe.

But then, they get older.

It's hard to sleep at night
when you know

your daughter is out
in the big world without you.

Yeah, I'd heard that a few times before.

I never understood it
until I had my own baby.

DANNY: When Cassie died,

Gracie started to pull away.

I thought that moving
somewhere remote like Montana

would reconnect us,
but it just got worse.

I tried to do
all the right things, but, uh...

I still ended up pushing her away.

So, according to Insta,
his name is Peter Foster.

- May I?
- TAYLOR: Yeah.

♪ ♪


- STREET: Hey.
- Yo, Street,

I need you to run
a search on Peter Foster.

Okay, thanks.

News about Patricia Clark?

Yeah, she's still in surgery.
Going on four hours now.

You seemed a little
shell-shocked earlier

when we found her. Are you good?

Patricia reminds me a lot of
my Aunt Noreen.

She was the coolest aunt
you could ask for.

Always slipping me candy
or cash when I was younger.

Came to all my basketball games,

even gave me my first taste of liquor

when I was a teenager...
Johnnie Walker Blue.

That's the good stuff.

TAN: Tasted like licking a fireplace,
at the time.

Well, point is,
she was an awesome woman,

and I can't help but think

how terrified she'd have been
in Patricia's shoes today.

Makes me really want to put
cuffs on whoever's responsible.


Hey, wait. I think I found something.

All the victims had safes
inside their home, right?

Different models and sizes,
but they all had

the same sticker
on the inside of the door.

Looks like a vendor sticker.

LUCA: Sanderson Safes & Locksmithing.

A home security shop in the Valley.

Owner is an Adam Sanderson.

He's got a B&E charge from years ago.

You think he got back into
the burglary business?

Let's bring him in and find out.

♪ ♪


Hey, Danny.

It's Nichelle.

All right. I'll be in the car.

Hey, baby. Everything all right?

Yeah, I just wish there was more
I can do for you and Danny.

(OVER PHONE): How's the search going?

We just found out that Grace's
boyfriend has a misdemeanor

for domestic battery in his past.

You pair that with a neighbor who says

she saw Grace with bruises on her body,

it's not looking very good right now.

(SIGHING): Hmm. How's Danny handling it?

He's holding up.

I just worry for him.

Best case scenario, Grace
and her boyfriend left town

for a couple of days and just
didn't tell anybody, but...

But you're expecting the worst.

Baby, I just want
to find him some answers.

I can't help but put myself
in his shoes.

If it was Vivienne who was missing,

I would never stop looking.

You've got to keep the faith for Danny.

If anybody can find Grace,

it's you, Hondo.


Baby, I got to go. I love you.

- Kiss Vivienne for me, okay?
- NICHELLE: I will.

Love you, too.


Hey, listen.

When we get to Peter Foster's,
I need you to let me

- handle it, all right?
- Wait, what?

No, just... Give me five
minutes alone with him.

Hey. I know you're pissed at him.
So am I.

But we don't have proof
that he hurt Grace yet.

Not enough proof?
Those photos weren't enough?

Or the neighbor's story?

He beat her, man.

What more do you need?

Promise me you'll wait in the car.


Let's find this bastard.

ADAM: I don't know anything
about any home robberies.

Sanderson Safes & Locksmithing
is on the up-and-up.

LUCA: Okay, then why is your company

the only connection
between the victims of

three home invasions?

Two of whom were
ex*cuted in their homes.


LUCA: Yeah.

Whoa, you got the wrong idea about me.

LUCA: Do we?
Your record says that you aren't shy

about breaking and entering.

Also says you broke into a safe
at Racine Bank in .

Robbed it.

Okay, I broke into the safe,

but I didn't steal anything.

The company that manufactured the safe

said it couldn't be cracked.

So, you broke into
a federal bank to prove a point?

Pretty much.

I had a knack for those kind of things.

My brother taught me how
to pick locks when I was five,

and I had some rebellious teenage years

where I took the word "don't"
as a personal challenge.

I have a lot of stuff I regret,

but I never hurt anyone.

That's your story... but right now,

you're the only one connecting
all three of our victims.

Jerry Haverford, James Day...

ADAM: And Patricia Clark.

I know all of them.
They-they bought safes from me.

Patricia made me the most
amazing blueberry muffins

when I did the install.

Real sweetheart.

Wait a second.

All these clients were referrals.

Referrals from who?

ADAM: A guy named...

Chauncey Telluride.

He's a precious metals
dealer over in Van Nuys.

He's referred over a dozen clients to me

in the past year or so.

Okay, we need to talk
to this Telluride guy.

And we need a copy of
that referral list.

If the first three victims
were all on it...

Anyone else on the list
could be a target.

DEACON: These are the people referred to

Sanderson Safes by Chauncey Telluride.

total. Drops to

if you exclude Patricia,
James Day, and Jerry Haverford,

who were already targeted.

How many of the remaining are over ?

One in Encino, two in Bel Air,

one in Kagel Canyon.

All right, let's get Patrol
to post units on their homes.

In the meantime, I want to
talk to this Chauncey Telluride.


TAN: Ping on the BOLO.

Red light camera spotted
the suspects' pickup truck

near the and Osborne Street.

- That's only a mile from Kagel Canyon.
- They're going after

another one of Telluride's clients.

Get moving.

♪ ♪


LUCA: Deacon, sh*ts fired.

STEVENS: We got an armed suspect.

He's making a run for it
out the two side.

DEACON: Street, Powell,
Stevens, hunt that rabbit.

Tan, Luca, you're with me
on the one side.

LAPD. Drop your w*apon.
I'm not the bad guy.

Put it down, now. Now!

- Are you the homeowner?
- TODD: Yeah.

Three guys broke in and robbed me.

I got the drop on one of them,
and shot him in the leg.

- LUCA: Clear!
- What about the other two?

- They took off.
- Check the perimeter.

Two suspects unaccounted for.

No other exits.

He's got to be in there.

This is the LAPD.

Come out with your hands up!




STREET: On your stomach!

- Hands behind your back.

What the hell was that?

Those little rubber pellets hurt, huh?

- Try complying next time.
- POWELL: -David.

One suspect in custody.

sign of the other two suspects

or the vehicle.
They must've fled before we got here.

Two armed suspects in the wind.

They got away with everything I had.

STREET: Maybe not.

Found this on the suspect we nabbed.

Gold coins?

Well, they sure as hell ain't chocolate.

Well, at least we know
which precious metal

Chauncey Telluride is dealing.

The suspect we captured is
Benjamin Hayes.

Record for aggravated as*ault, fraud,

possession... You name it, he's done it.

- Let me guess... not talking?
- STREET: Bingo.

We're looking through his known
associates to see if we can ID

the two missing suspects,
but we haven't gotten a hit yet.

We found that when we arrested Hayes.

The other suspects got away
with three more pouches

just like it, each packed
with -gram gold coins.

Judging by the weight...
if my math is right...

there's almost grand
in this pouch alone.

All told, they stole
over $ , in gold

from the victim, Todd Haley.

Got something.

Haley purchased his gold from
Southland Gold Depository,

the precious metals company
owned by Chauncey Telluride.

Turns out all four
robbery victims purchased

sizable quantities of gold from
Telluride within the last year.

Think we found that connection
we're looking for.

Telluride's being brought to
interrogation as we speak.

It's time to find out
why his customers have

bull's-eyes on their backs.

CHAUNCEY: I'm a gold
broker... I am not a k*ller.

LUCA: Okay, then, how do you
explain why four of your clients

were shot and robbed
in the last hours?

I don't know.

I run a legit precious metal business.

Well, your "legit business"
markets almost exclusively

to senior citizens...

the same people who have
been hit in these robberies.

So seems like you've got
a vested interest

- in targeting the elderly.
- CHAUNCEY: Only because

they're more likely to buy gold,

not because I want to k*ll them!

Okay, you and your gold are
the only thing connecting

multiple homicides
and these armed robberies.

So either you're lying to us,

or someone else has access
to your company data.


- Come again?
- CHAUNCEY: My cousin, Jarvis.

He got out of prison a few months ago,

he was having a pretty rough go at it,

so I gave him a part-time job.

Basic office scut work.

He hated it, he stopped showing
up after a couple of weeks.

But get to the point, Chauncey.

I didn't realize till later that
he stole one of my laptops.

Does that laptop have
customer data on it?

CHAUNCEY: Yes, names,

addresses... It had investment totals.

Look, I figured he was just
gonna pawn it for quick cash,

and so I didn't report it.

I never thought that he
would go after my customers.

If these guys are picking their targets

from the customer data on the laptop,

any one of Chauncey's clients
could be next.

Okay, we're gonna need
a copy of your company data,

- like, now.
- TAN: Along with everything else

you can tell us
about your cousin Jarvis.



Peter Foster?


And you are?

Sergeant Harrelson, LAPD.
I'm a friend of Grace Wright.

Heard you two were seeing each other.

We broke up. Sorry.


When was the last time you saw her?

- Don't remember.
- Really?

Word on the street is you were
the last person to see her

- before she disappeared.
- PETER: Doubt it.

Look, I've got things to do,

so how about you move your foot?

Tell you what, Peter.

I'm gonna need you to
very slowly lift up your shirt.

Why? What for?

To show me that mm you got
shoved in your waistband.


So what?

- Ain't no law against it.
- If you got a permit for it,

which would be really hard to get

with a record like yours.

Turn around,

and walk back towards me.



You know, taking a day off
usually implies

- not coming in to work.
- HONDO: Hmm.

When was the last time
either one of us had

a real day off, or a vacation?

- Thailand?

Any luck finding your friend's daughter?

Just picked up her boyfriend.

About to interrogate him now.

Kid's got a history of domestic abuse.

Not that you need my help
leaning into him,

but as a dad with two girls,
I'd be happy to.

Hmm. I got it, thanks.

Besides, I hear you got your hands full

chasing down suspects
who are k*lling old folks?

Yeah, it's a vile crew.

They're executing the elderly
and stealing their gold.

So much for looking
forward to retirement.

You making headway?

Maybe, but not soon enough.

You need any help from me
at all, you let me know.

- Likewise.
- All right.

PETER: I don't know
what happened to Grace.

One minute I was watching Planet Earth,

next minute you're dragging me
down here in handcuffs.

Don't forget the bit where you grabbed

an unregistered firearm
before you answered the door.

When was the last time
you saw or spoke to Grace?

Not sure.

Well, an eyewitness says she heard you

in a heated argument with Grace
in her apartment last week.

Couples fight sometimes.

Oh, so you're a couple now?

I thought you'd broken up.

It was an on-again, off-again thing.

We weren't really that serious.

Well, that same eyewitness
said they saw Grace

with bruises on her body
after you visited,

- multiple times.
- Not my fault she liked it rough.

You pair those bruises with your
history of as*ault and battery,

a clear story starts to emerge...

You want to know what I think happened?

I think Grace said
something you didn't like,

something that enraged
you, so you hit her.

But this time, it was
more than once or twice.

This time it went way
beyond the bruises.

So what'd you do with her, Peter?

Where is Grace now?

I'm allowed a lawyer.


Wait, wait. What happened?

You j... you just stopped talking.

He lawyered up, Danny.
I had no choice, I'm sorry.

And I'm sorry you had
to hear all of that.

Yeah, well, let-let me go
in there and speak to him.

All right? Just-just man to man. Please.

Even if I thought that was a good idea,

you know I can't do that.

All right.


I'm gonna need some air.




TAN: Chauncey Telluride's
sticky-fingered cousin

is Jarvis Beckham.

Has a rap sheet for
aggravated as*ault and robbery.

Got released from Chino
three months ago.

POWELL: Prison records show that

he shared a cell there
with Benjamin Hayes,

the suspect we arrested earlier,

as well as this guy...

Ty Olson, who shares their passion

for armed robbery and as*ault.

Olson's definitely the ringleader.

As a teen, he nearly beat
his own grandfather

- to death with a hammer.
- I'll have -Squad clear their LKAs.

Where are we on the potential targets?

Based on Telluride's client data,

there are six more investors in L.A.

who fit the profile.

All are over age
and bought significant

quantities of gold from
Telluride's company.

We've got Patrol headed
to all six homes as we speak.

Good. I had Telluride advise his clients

to move their gold
into safety deposit boxes

as a precaution.

When Beckham and Olson resurface,

they're in for a rude awakening.

Did you get anywhere with Peter Foster?

No, but all signs point to him being

the last person to see Grace alive.

He knows more than he's letting on,
I'm sure of it.

Well, be that as it may, he lawyered up,

and all we've got is
a misdemeanor violation

for the w*apon.

City Attorney won't bite.

They will once I can prove
Foster's guilty of more.

That's a big if right now.

And let's say you did get the proof.

You don't want your arrest tainted.

I got to cut him loose.

I'm starting to feel
like we're scratching

the bottom of the well on this one.

Well, I'd say keep hope alive,

but it rarely survives when
you're this far down the well.

Neither does anything or anyone else.





♪ ♪

Hey, kid,

you seen my buddy Danny anywhere?

but I got some news you'll want to hear.

The tracking alert you put on
Grace's bank cards paid off.

One of them was used this morning.

- Where?
- A Walmart.

I'm waiting on the credit card company

to get back to me with
store location and details.

You let me know the minute
you hear something.


DEACON: I confirmed that
Patrol has all six potential victims

in protective custody.

Still no sign of Olson or Beckham.

All right. -Squad came up
empty when they searched

Olson and Beckham's homes.

- You think they cut and run?
- No leads.

What if they're after a bigger score?

I've been going through the data
on Chauncey Telluride's laptop.

It wasn't just client
information that was stolen.

There's supplier data, too.

- Suppliers? As in...
- TAN: Gold wholesalers.

Telluride's just a broker, a middleman.

He finds investors,

but somebody's got to supply
him with the actual gold.

And a wholesaler's gonna have

a much larger gold inventory
than any of the investors.

Likely millions of dollars' worth.

And this crew knows who
supplied Telluride's gold?

Looks like it came from a local
wholesaler named Mike McGill.

He's an L.A. native with
a house in Pacific Palisades.

That guy's worth over million, wow.

If I were Olson and Beckham,
and I knew SWAT was on my tail,

I'd go for one last, big score.

Short of robbing a mint,
McGill's the next best thing.

Get to McGill's home ASAP.

♪ ♪


Cara, did you move the shipping boxes?


Hey, Cara? Babe?


Mr. McGill.

Who the hell are you?

All you need to know is
that we will be taking

all the gold you own.



That's the suspects' truck.

They're already here.

-David. I need Patrol
to set up a perimeter.

SWAT's preparing to make entry.

No sign of the suspects.

Must already be inside.

No sign of forced entry.

I could hop over it, open the gate,

- but if they're watching...
- TAN: We'd be sitting ducks.

Stevens, grab the ladder.

We'll move north along the wall,
we'll go up and over

and approach the house
from the northeast side.

This property's huge and our
suspects are trigger-happy.

Let's not give them
a chance to take another life.

Let's move.

♪ ♪

DEACON: Powell, you're up.

I'll take this.
You finish the last case.



There's still more bars to grab.

Second floor.


POWELL: Contact.
Got a suspect on the stairs.

We're in pursuit to the second floor.



-David. One suspect down.





All right?

(PANTING): Yeah. Can you get up?


He took my husband to the garage.

-David, be advised.

The suspect is headed
to the garage with a hostage.

Open it!


Come on!

That's where we keep our g*n safes.

g*n safes, plural?


(g*n CLICKS)


Entering the garage now.


Do not enter the garage.

Suspect has access to multiple
firearms in the garage.

Do not enter.

(OVER COMMS): I repeat, do not enter.

Just let me take my gold and go!

That ain't your gold!

Possession's eleven-tenths of
the law where I come from.

Don't think math works like that.

TY: This works how I say it works.

You come any closer
and I k*ll everybody.

-David. Olson's in
the center of the garage.

McGill's on the ground. Not moving.

You should have a clear shot

if we open the middle garage door.

DEACON: Sounds like our best option.

Stevens, Powell,
let's get eyes on that garage.

LUCA: Come on, Ty,
don't make this harder

than it needs to be. I already told you.

Let me go,

and everybody gets to live.

LUCA: How about you surrender

and everyone lives anyway?

-David, moving into position.

Wait for my signal to open that door.

STEVENS: Set. Set.



On my count. Three, two, one...

- initiate.


Luca, Tan, go!


-David to Command. Last suspect down.

- We're Code .

DISPATCH: -Squad, show

units , responding, Code .

All right, we got you.



Danny, no! No!

Hondo, what are you...

Hondo, look, get off of me.

- Think about what you're doing.
- He deserves this.

He broke in and assaulted me.
I want his ass arrested.

Wait, what are you...
Take these cuffs off me.

I hope you rot in jail.

- Danny, no!

- No! Sit down!
- Okay, okay, okay.

HONDO: Shut up, both of you.

Listen to me, kid.

The way I see it, you got two options:

option one...

go ahead, press charges,

but then we'll get Grace on the record

with exactly how she got
every bruise on her body

- that you gave her.
- Thought she was missing.

She isn't anymore.

I promise you there ain't no judge

who's gonna go easy on a repeat
domestic v*olence offender like you.

So that brings us to option two.

You consider yourself lucky

that I just ran up in here.

And this ends right here, right now.

And we all move on with our lives.

Hey, man, how do you
expect me to explain this?

You fell down some stairs,
you ran into a door.

You make up an excuse,
just like you did with Grace.

(PANTING): It's your call, kid.

Which way you want to go?

Just get out of my apartment.

HONDO: Danny, get up.

If I ever

hear about you laying another
finger on an innocent woman,

I promise you,
on everything I'm made of,

you'll learn what "rough" really means.

♪ ♪

Glad I caught you guys.

I was just on my way back
to the hospital with some things

for my aunt.

- She's gonna pull through?
- Looks like it.

- Thanks to you.
- LUCA: And the doctors, too, I bet.

The doctors said the blood loss
would've k*lled her

if you hadn't arrived when you did.

So... thank you.

Your aunt's gonna be
getting a full refund

on her investment from
Chauncey Telluride...

- ...the gold broker she invested with.

All $ K, not a penny less.

I know she'll appreciate that.

Personally, I am just happy

I get to spend more time with her.

You can't put a price on that.

No, you really can't. Thank you.

Thank you.


It's been a long day.

How about we go raise
a glass of Johnnie Walker Blue

to your Aunt Noreen? My treat.

Why'd you lie to me, Danny?

Grace used her debit card at

a Walmart in Billings this morning.

She is perfectly fine in Montana.

She is not fine, Hondo!

She's not fine.

That bastard assaulted her.

He beat the hell out of my baby girl.

She showed up on my doorstep

two days ago, all bruised up.

I could still see
the handprints on her neck.

Nuh-uh. I needed to know who did that,

- and he needed to pay.
- HONDO: Danny!

If you had just told me this,

we could've arrested
Foster the right way.

I didn't know who he was until today.

Gracie wouldn't tell me anything.

She wouldn't talk to me.

My baby was ashamed,

and too scared to even talk to me.

The one time she needed me the most...

and I wasn't there.

I was a hundred miles away,

clueless to how bad
she was getting hurt.

I failed her.

I ain't gonna lie.

A part of me definitely
wanted to let you

beat the crap out of
Peter Foster tonight.

I mean, if he had hurt my little girl,

I'd've wanted to do
exactly what you did,

bust down his door,
and whup his ass. But!

Our daughters need us, Danny.

If I had let you go through with it,

you'd be spending the next five
years of your life behind bars.

Maybe more!

How are you supposed to
help Grace from there?

Huh? Danny, your daughter
needs you in her life,

not locked up in a jail cell.

I was just trying to be there for her...

...and I messed up.

What am I supposed to do
if that happens again?


Yeah, you apologize and you try again.

And then you keep on trying and trying

and trying and you try

- until you fix it, man.

Or you collapse from the sheer effort.

That's what being a father is.

Listen, if we hurry...

we can get you home

on the last flight out of LAX tonight.

Get you back to your daughter.

All right, thank you.



♪ ♪


- Hey, babe.
- Mm.

- I didn't mean to wake you up.
- Mm.

I was trying to wait up for you,

but I must've conked out.


- You had a rough day?

You good?

Baby, I will be... once we get Vivie

some self-defense classes.


Krav Maga, jiujitsu, aikido... (SCOFFS)

- ...maybe all of the above.
- Mm.

I'm with you.

But I think she's gonna need
to learn how to walk first.





- You sleep.

I got this.


There's my baby girl.