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02x22 - That Isn't What I Want!

Posted: 05/06/23 04:13
by bunniefuu
I wasn't really aware of it.

At the beginning, she was just
a weird classmate who lived in a tent.

I invited her to stay at the house,
because she was in need.

But I also did it because
I had a stupid desire

to rebel against
the Somas and zodiac spirits.

But then, she said it
so purely and sincerely…

If my memories get erased,
please make friends with me again, okay?

A mother. So she's like a mother?

Why would… What?

I don't get it. You want my mom?

I had always yearned for it.

I had never known a parent's love.

That's why it made me happy.

When she stayed and listened
to me complaining without disgust.

She accepted me.

She didn't reject the fact that
there are people as weak as me.

It made me happy.

It made me feel at peace.

Kindness that continues to shower me.

To sleep knowing that
I'm loved unconditionally.

Like a child, abandoning myself
and entrusting my whole body and mind.

A place to be cared for.

Rin, that's how you felt too, right?

You yearned for a mom,
to have a mother's love

from Honda… without realizing.

Even though she's a girl our age.


How did I realize?
I think it was that night.

The night Kyo transformed.

She looked like a woman
when she chased after him.

I don't know why,
but she really seemed like one to me.

But rather than being someone
I was romantically attracted to,

she felt more like a mother to me.

What I longed for.

There was no motive behind it.

I just desperately wanted
a comfortable place to be cared for…


I panicked.

I was baffled
when I realized what I was thinking.

I was terribly embarrassed.

I didn't want to acknowledge it,
so I pretended I had never realized it.

I shut it away… immediately.

I tried to convince myself it wasn't true

and tried to interact with her
like a man does a woman.

But it felt wrong.

Gather up!


But hey, is it really a bad thing?

People look for a partner
similar to their mom all the time.

Aren't you just twisting the logic
that way,

because you've given up on her?

To the other guy, Kyo.

Because you don't think
you can b*at him or something?

That's not it.

Yes, it's true that part of me
aspired to be like him.

But he properly sees her as a woman.

He loves her. You can see it in his eyes.

She does too. The way she looks at him…

But that's not the reason why.

Not being able to b*at him,
whether it's good or bad,

or whether it's right or wrong,
I don't care about all that!

There are people who make it
work out with those feelings.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Those things don't matter.

But I…

I don't want that!

That isn't what I want!

I'd feel… so lonely.

This time, I want to discover it…
on my own.

I want to walk forth again,

encouraged by the kindness and warmth
you gave me.

I don't want to be defeated
by the darkness.

I want to believe and move forward.

This time, I won't let it go to waste.

I'm not giving up.
I don't know when to give up.

I'm actually really greedy.

I want to discover
my own special purpose in life.

I've never seen anyone
so desperate to live on.

Don't cry, Yun-Yun!

That… hurt!

You're going to give me a nosebleed!

What the heck? I'm trying to cheer you up!

Give me your phone! I'll snap a pic
of your nose gushing blood!

Too bad! It's in my bag!

What's the point of having a cellphone
if you don't carry it around--

Kakeru, you're so violent.
What are you doing to Yun-Yun's face?

Tough luck.

Thanks, Kimi. Did you come to check on me?

Yes! You never came back.

Hey, is anyone worried about me
lying on the ground here?

Are you feeling better?

-Feeling better?

Yes, you said you were feeling
nauseous from the paint fumes.

I think it cleared up.

Maybe it's because I shared something
I'd never told anyone before.

Well, good for you.

Maybe it's because I shared with someone
who lives in an entirely different world.

-Maybe because he's actually very kind.
-Nothing at all.

Hey, Nabe. Pass the ball back.


Oh, come on.
Are you two keeping secrets from me?

What did you talk about?

Talk about?

Painful stuff?

What? No way, indecent talk?

Why is that the first thing you think of?

Because we love that stuff.

But how come
you didn't tell her about all that?

I didn't want to worry her.

Right now…

-Oh, Inoue!
-I don't want to burden her one bit.

We'll be living together
for a little longer.

She prioritizes others over herself,

-so she might get too worried about it.
-Can I help you with anything?

-You're such a serious dude.

Wait, so it's okay to burden me?

What? Was it a burden to you?

What a burden! It's so burdening!

It'll haunt me in my dreams!
I'll lose my appetite!

Drama queen.

The day when I can tell her
will come… I'm sure.

What should I do?

I read through the script, but I have
an overwhelming number of lines…

I'm not sure that I can remember
all of my lines properly…

A play? What's it about?

Come on, show me.

Oh, Cinderella?

No way! Kyo's the Prince?

Oh, yes!

Now I've got to watch this.

I'll have to record it!



What the heck are you doing?
He doesn't need to know about this crap!

Stifling your laugh doesn't help!


Oh, no!

I can't memorize my lines
if you confiscate it!

Don't look at this in the house.

Right, and you'd better not
breathe a word to Master about this.

-Look me in the eyes and say it!


Too slow.

I won't lose!

Let me tell you, I'm playing
the bullying Evil Stepsister--

You're the one being bullied here.



I hate to disturb you,
but can I at least get past the entryway?

How long have you been there?

I wonder?

Welcome home, Yuki.


Oh, is that the script?
They handed them out?

Yes. I have yours too--

Tohru! The pot's boiling.

Sorry, I'll be right there!


That hat. Honda has it now.

I don't need to return it, do I?

You two, dinner's ready.

Okay. I'm hungry.

I think I'll eat first.

I'll… eat later.


I guess it was something
he didn't want the be brought up.


But I don't know what'll happen
if he doesn't get his act together soon.

You're precious. I look up to you.

I cherish you because you provided me
what I desperately longed for.

More than anyone else,
I want you to be happy.

It's okay for you to find
your special purpose in life too.

A place that you can be
true to yourself and act freely.

Where you can sulk occasionally
or get upset.

You'll find it someday.

When you do, I should be able to tell you.

Along with an abundance of gratitude.

Purely and sincerely.

I have heard!

So your class is doing a play
for the culture festival, Yuki?

Well, now.
I'm already aware of what you need!

Leave the costumes to yours truly!

I shall pull out all the stops
to make sure

my beloved brother shines most brightly
on the grand stage!

Now, how many costume changes
will you have?

It's not a wedding, you know.

Why, Cinderella!
The castle ball will take place tomorrow!

Get my dress done quickly!
You're such a sloth.

You say something to her too!


If you don't finish quickly,
there will be… no…

No… no dinner for you!

Don't cry!

I'm so happy that you would cry for me.

Why are you two embracing?

Don't you get it?
You're supposed to be evil!

-You're the Evil Stepsister!
-Someone shut her up.

-So intense.

Then be cruel down to your very bones!

Torment her until
there's no hope of recovery!

Wow, Kinoshita.

You're so passionate.


-Don't look, Yuki!
-Wait, Minami!

It's only a slight wound, Kinoshita!

-Don't look!
-What's wrong? Are you not well?

I should say that I'm unwell.

Oh, my… I can't shake the feeling
that we've miscast the play.

I'm sorry. I've only caused you trouble.

That's not true. You're doing your best.

But I'll keep trying.
I'll try harder next time.

Allow me to try again.

I'll go without dinner if I have to!

No point in the stepsister
skipping dinner.

I can't keep going like this.

I have to try harder to make this
into a wonderful play.

Yes. Also as an expression of gratitude

to Ayame and Mine for making the costumes.

Greetings, my lost lambs!

I have arrived!

We're here!

Time is money!

Get lined up before me at once
and reveal everything to me!

Mainly your measurements!

You really came, Brother.


Oh, Honey! But of course.

I am a man who never leaves
his promises unkept!

Outsiders aren't allowed
on school grounds.

Worry not.

I can easily slip through and infiltrate
any barrier that stands between our love.

You'll get arrested.

We got proper permission here.

How did you get that?


We received permission from the principal
on behalf of the heavens and the earth!

Shall we begin, Mine?

Yes, sir, Manager!

Hey! It's been a while, isn't it, Tohru?

Long time no see!

Hey, do you know her, Honda?


Try on clothes.
Do you like trying on clothes?

Oh, Mine! Get a hold of yourself!

What's up, I'm Uotani.
You know her, Tohru?

Yes, this is Mine.

I'm Hanajima.

Wow! Nice to meet you.

Do you like trying on clothes?


I'll be making all of your costumes.

-Oh, really?
-Oh, my.

I hope you'll make my dress pure black.

-Pure bl…
-Not pure white?

I guess it's fine.
Wait, not for Cinderella.

Pure black?

That has a nice ring to it.

-She's unperturbed.
-Rather, she likes it.

-Now, my lost lambs!
-I can't let their kindness go to waste.

I have to try harder.

Then… I won't go without dinner
and will do my best!

Just relax for now.

All right.

If this is the case,
I'll rewrite the script!

If the casting doesn't fit with our story,

then I'll just make the story fit
with our cast!

What? That's crazy!

It's cool to change the story?

It's fine! I mean, look at
the class doing Mito Komon.

Their version has Komon, Suke,
and Kaku all as women,

and has them wreaking havoc
on the bad guys!

A Japanese Charlie's Angels!

Full Throttle.

Does that mean it won't just be
Ogin in the bath scenes?

I'm pretty sure their teacher
won't allow those scenes.

Oh, man.
That play sounds like so much more fun.

Don't be envious of
the other class's play!

All right, let's rewrite this thing!

I'm fired up!

Excuse me…

If you're rewriting it,

would you also consider adjusting
the Prince's character a bit?

Let's see…

Well, to make the Prince role
easier for Kyo.

He may be more likely
to join our rehearsals.

Oh, I see.

Kyon-Kyon ran off
somewhere again, didn't he?

And I wanted to see him act too.

-To laugh my head off.
-To laugh my head off.

That might be one of the reasons
why he ran off.

Well, I'll go find--

I'm going back to the student council,
so I'll look for him on my way.


I don't want it anymore if he touched it.

I don't care about it anymore
if he touched it.

I don't… want it.

Why are you sulking like a little kid?

Get back to rehearsal.
They're waiting for you.

I'm not sulking.

I'm not going to do the play
or whatever the hell it is.

Seeing you there will just piss me off.

Then complain to me directly.

Do you like making them,
including Honda, worry about you

-because of that attitude of yours?
-Don't say a damn word about her!

Making a fool out of me.

Even though you know nothing.

You have a dad and mom.

You're praised by others
and are needed by them.

Someone who can surpass me easily
while I desperately struggle

can never understand
what it feels like to be me!

You're a prince who's always had
everything you ever needed.

You'll never understand
what it feels like to be the idiot

that never gets anything and wants
an idiotically impossible thing--

Don't you want it that way?

You wouldn't want…

not having anyone to hate, right?

Go to hell.

Oh, Soma.

Soma, what are you doing here
of all places?

Whoa! What's this? What happened?

It's nothing. Don't worry.

Hello, Yamagishi and Machi.



Prepping for the culture festival?

The class you're both in
is doing a bazaar, right?

Yes, that's right!

And your class is doing Cinderella, right?

I'm looking forward to it.


But I'm not very happy
that you're not the Prince.

Because you're the most prince-like person
I can think of, Soma.

Right? Don't you think so too, Kuragi?

No, I don't.

The president is nothing like a prince.

Wait, Kuragi!

Jeez, she's always like that.

It's like she's always
looking down on people.

She sticks out in class.

Maybe she thinks she'll get attention
if she says weird things.

That doesn't seem very nice, right?

Oh, Kyo! I'm glad you're here.

Yuki never came back
after he went looking for you.

What are you doing here by yourself?

Where are the rest?

They've gone home.

We finished rehearsing for the day.

You were waiting for me?

Look! I wanted you to see this!

It's the edited script!

It's amazing. She really rewrote it!

So I wanted you to read through it.

I'm sure you'll find it easier
to act out your role this time!

She also rewrote my character
to make it easier for me.

Oh, but for me,
it was because of my terrible acting.

What were you thinking about
while you waited all alone?

Why are you sulking?

Do you like making Honda worry?

Oh, right!

The biggest change was…

Kyo. Your hand's injured--


Fine. I guess I'll do it.

You better not laugh at me.

All right, let's go home.

Come on.


"It's Cinderella-ish!"