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02x19 - There's Just No Way!

Posted: 05/06/23 04:11
by bunniefuu


Are you awake? How are you feeling?

Please, don't get up.

Why is she…

-I will go notify Hatori.
-No. I don't want to get close to her.

Tohru found you in the living room
on the floor throwing up.

Then, you transformed into a horse.
Boy, were we at a loss.

-We couldn't take you to

-the hospital in that state.
-Are you okay?

Anyway, we waited for you
to regain consciousness.

Do you remember now?

I remember.

I had an unpleasant dream.
How humiliating.

Isuzu, you're going to the hospital.

No! I'm not going.


I hate the hospital!

-No! Let go!

Leave me alone!


Please don't, Isuzu! That's dangerous!

Rin, why don't you learn
how to take care of yourself?

Especially if you want people
to leave you alone.

What am I doing?

It will never end like this.

I'll be back tomorrow.

I wonder why Isuzu came to visit?

She looked so tormented.

Well, the truth is Rin and I are dating.

-What? Is that true?
-I lied. Sorry.

Consider the situation and who you're
talking to before spouting nonsense.

Anyhow, I'll head out now.

Oh, okay. Take care.

I'll walk him out.

Oh, okay.

I called you here,
but is Akito okay with it?

It is excusable.

Things are tough for the lapdog, huh?

-Isuzu came here to see you…

…didn't she?

Yes, she did.

She's desperately trying to find a way
to break our zodiac curse.

By herself.

She comes every so often, because
she suspects I know how to break it.

An absurd idea.

An absurd idea, indeed.

But is that really true?


…do you hear it?

Hear what?

The sound of breaking.

Rin, you're not eating?

I'll never forgive you
if you contact Haru.

Haru told me you'd manage on your own.

But let me tell you something.

Haru still loves you, Rin.

He loves you very much.

I think it's because of her that Yuki
and Kyo's auras have mellowed out.

Is she an extraordinary girl?

No, she's pretty normal.

You'd understand if you met her.
She's kind.

You're kind too, Haru.

You're kind. Too kind.

I feel sorry for kind people.

That's why
I didn't want to see her, either.

But when I visited Gure's
for the first time after our breakup,

I saw her there.

A strong impulse overcame me.

I'm coming in.

How are you feeling?

Well, I'll be sleeping in
the living room downstairs,

so please don't hesitate to call me
if you need anything.

I'll also leave some water here for you.


Stop trying to break the curse.

You went to Kazuma
to ask about it, didn't you?

What are you trying to do?

Do you look down on us?

Do you feel pity for our hideousness?

None of it…

None of it is your business!

Kind people like you should
just live in their kind world!

Are you blaming me?

I'm not, but this is the only way
I can get it across.

I don't want kind people
to be taken advantage of.

The sight of their hurt expression…

Could it be that you're trying
to break the curse, as well?

I told you to stay out of it!

Do you know how to break it?

Shut up!
I said it's none of your business!


Don't meddle! Don't interrupt me!


No! I will meddle!

What the hell?


I have things I cannot give up,
just as you do!

-Shut up!
-I have things I cannot give up, too!

That's why--

Shut up! There's no way!

There's just no way!

Nobody knows the way.

I can't free him this way.


I don't know what to do…


I hate this. This is why
I didn't want to get near her.

She's that type of person.

The type of person who makes me feel this.

Like that time before…

I wanted to burst into tears.

I wanted to run to her,
let myself lie in her lap,

and surrender my heart to her.

I wanted to whine and
complain about my weakness

like a kid going back to her mom to cry.

And then I might be forgiven…

I might be accepted.

I couldn't do that.

I'd feel bad for her.

People like me lean on,
yearn for, and take advantage…

of kind people.

That's why I won't let you get involved.

I'm fine by myself.
I'll keep running on my own.

I don't care if others don't understand.

I'm doing it right if others hate me.

I'm fine on my own.

Even though I was resolute about that…

Even though I decided I'd never cry…


I'm going to lean on you.

I'm so powerless…

I'm so weak…


I don't know what to do anymore!

I don't know!

I can't do anything on my own.

On my own…

It's scary to be by yourself.

It's scary to be on your own.

You can't get up
on your own strength alone.

She should just let herself be cared for.

The important part is what you do after.

Will you keep letting yourself
be cared for?


We had something in common.

I realized there was one thing
that Rin and I had in common.

The thing we yearned for.

Man, was I caught off guard.

She swung the IV at me
when I tried to go visit.


Get out!

They kicked me out, claiming I was
a detriment to the patient's health.

Are you hurt?

Nope. I'm just glad she was so lively.

Is that how you interpreted it?

Well, I'll keep visiting the hospital
in hope that she'll stay put for a while.

So you don't have to worry anymore.

Yun-Yun! Our meeting's starting,
so come to me quick!

Oh, my bad, I meant to come
to the student council room.

I made a mistake! Sorry, Yun-Yun.

I'll be waiting, so come quick!



I can't believe she said
that over the PA system.

She's acting like your mistress
who's goading the rest on.

So that kind of girl's your type, Yun-Yun?

Don't call me "Yun-Yun"!

Oh, I found you!
Yun-Yun, hurry and come to me!

Oh, my bad! I made a mistake!

He really gets on my nerves!


Don't broadcast a message like that
if you could find me so quickly!

It took pretty long! I looked for a while.

-You don't have a cell phone, Yun-Yun.
-Hey! Wait!

That's why we used the PA system. Get it?

I would've gone once it was time
without your reminder!

Gosh, how annoying!
It's not like I was the one in the PA!

But it made me cr*ck up!

Why are you getting mad at me?

Please take care of Yuki.

What's this, all of a sudden?

Yes sir, count on me
to make your daughter happy.

Hey, what the heck are you saying?
Do you want to get hit?

Go on, Yuki. You have a meeting, right?

-You should get going.
-What? Oh, but…

Let's both put up a good fight.


I need to switch gears.

Oh, I wanted to ask, Yuki.

I heard a rumor that we'll have
a campfire and even fireworks

at this year's culture festival.
Is it true?

No, it's not true.

Oh, I thought so.

Those ideas did come up as suggestions,
but they're not feasible. Sorry.

Oh, no, it's okay.

Are they really not feasible?

-Aya lit up the whole school, you know?
-Now, my school! Be grandly illuminated!

Using my brother
as an example doesn't help.

The electricity bill…

You've got to shell it out to be romantic.

Oh, yes? Like I care.

So your culture festival's coming up?

No, there's still a while, but I was
planning ahead because of exams.

You can do it, student council president!

That smile gets under my skin.

Oh, by the way, would you all
like some after-dinner Jell-O?

-I'll have some!
-You made it?

Yes. I have orange, apple, and grapefruit.

You don't make this often.

Did you happen
to visit Rin at the hospital?

Oh, yes.

That's very perceptive of you.

I just sort of knew.

It seems like you guess right on
everything about me these days.

Aren't you just too obvious?

I don't think that's true…

Not sounding very confident there.

-Was Rin…

Was Rin well when you went to visit her?

Specifically, did she swing an IV at you?


No, she didn't do such a thing.

No patient would do that. That's dumb.

She did!

However, she did seem well!

Right, but I must apologize about
the whole situation with Rin.

We dragged you into our family matters.
Sorry for the trouble.

What? Why did you start eating already?

It's no trouble at all!

Not at all! Never, by no means!


Allow me to feed you this Jell-O
as a token of my appreciation.

-You creep!

-Here! Open wide, Tohru!
-Cut it out!

So agonized…

She so agonizingly clutched
my hand, it was painful.

All I could do was hold her.

Even so…

You're not eating?

It's all foods I hate.

What foods don't you hate?


She must…

She must have taken it all
upon herself for so long,

endured it on her own,

tormented by the pain in her heart.

That's how she looked.


I'm coming in.


You're here again?

How very adorable! I've never
seen you with your hair tied up!

Oh, why would you?

I only tied it up today because it got
in the way during my checkup.

But it's a shame. You look so nice.

Oh, that reminds me! I brought Jell-O.

You actually brought some? What an idiot.

I know it was bold of me,
but I took it upon myself to make some.

I'll eat it later.

I don't like eating in front of others.

Okay! Do you mind
if I use the refrigerator?

Let me guess why you came to see me.

Excuse me?

It's about the zodiac curse, isn't it?

-I'm sorry!

I completely forgot about it!

I'm the worst. The very worst!

What's with you?

Akito told me.

That Akito's existence
is equivalent to that of God,

and that all the zodiac members
will live together with Akito.

Live in the same place, at the same pace.


Is that what
the zodiac members call the curse?

Is that "bond" the curse?

It's not like we have memory of it,

but God and the zodiac members
made a promise.

Probably long ago. Hundreds of years ago.

A promise to be together for eternity.

No matter how many times reborn,

to be together,
never to be separated, to meet.

To be together forever and ever.

We're bound by that promise to this day.

Though we don't remember the promise,
the blood of the zodiac spirit does.

It may appear to be
a beautiful "bond" to an outsider,

but it's nothing but a chain
if we feel burdened by it.

That's why it's a "curse."

Is there really no way to break the curse?

I don't even know if Akito knows how.

And there's no reason to tell me
even if Akito did know.

I thought someone
close to Akito might know.

But Gure says he doesn't know, either.

How about Kureno?

Yes, Kureno might know--

He's no good. He's no use,
since he only follows Akito's orders.

I don't consider him one of us.

Oh, dear.
Please don't say that he's no good.

I'm just saying what's true.



I'm going to go see Kureno!

Don't get all worked up by yourself.

Okay. I'm sorry.

Will it break it like that?


Why do you want to break the curse?

What is it that you can't give up?

What is it that's most precious to you?


You don't have to tell me…

Just don't go running off
to see Kureno by yourself.

Well, if you're going to tell me
not to overdo things on my own,

I say we should team up
and become a duo! How about it?

I don't need
an unreliable partner like you.

What? Well, I'll do my best.
I'll do my best, so--

What is it that's most precious to you?

Why wouldn't my words come out?

Before, I would have answered right away.

What? This isn't Shigure's house.


Yes, this is our apartment.

Where the two of us always lived.
It's so nostalgic.

I'm going now, Tohru.


Don't go!

You'll get into an accident!

Don't go!

Come back!

Don't go--


You hide what lies beyond
the door from all others,

where you feel like you're silently
edging towards a breaking point.

If that happens, you can't recover.

I hope someone like him
will come to her, too.

Just like Haru was there for me,
someone who will gently open the door.

You can't help but yearn
for someone like that.

It's tasty.

Because someone who knows
how scary it is to be alone…

can't help but love others.

Together, always…

"Are You Okay?"