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02x11 - All Mine

Posted: 05/06/23 04:05
by bunniefuu
Come now, move out of the way.


Oh, by the way, I heard that
the family head has returned.

Really? So Kyo's back, too?

I don't know about that.

I have something I need to
talk to you about, Kyo.

I realized the real reason

why I talked to you that day.

The initial reason
why I fell in love with you.

We're back! Home sweet home.

Quite so!

You must be tired from
your long journey, comrades!

Step right in! Don't mind me.
Make yourselves at home and relax!

Ayame, it's nice to see you!

Well, Tohru, have your
summer experiences matured you a bit?

How the hell did you get into the house?

It's fine, Kyo.
Aya was house-sitting for us.

Just for today, though!

Shigure, you forgot to lock
the door before you left, huh?

Man, he caught me.

That reminds me! Why didn't you come
to the vacation house, Aya?

Summer is the season for romance
between men and women to flit about.


May I use the phone?

Of course, go ahead.

Thank you very much!

So did you come for no reason or what?

I heard Akito went to the summer house.

I was unable to help you again.

So I swear…

to at least let you heal
your wounded heart in my arms tonight!

No way. It's never going to happen!

Oh, on a trip?

Well, no. I would like to keep it
from the others if possible.

Yes, please send my regards.

Summer started with a feeling
that something was about to happen.

Like something was about to begin.

It came true and things are beginning
to stir before each one of us.

I'm sure I will set
a new goal in my heart, too.

Then I have no choice
but to embrace Tohru as I sleep!


How did you come up with that?

Just try, and I'll beat you to the ground.

Thank you for being willing to listen to
my unreasonable request after your trip.

Don't worry, I merely went
on a short personal trip.

I went to visit some distant friends and
pay respects to my grandfather's grave.

Is the Soma grave far away?

No, it's not.

They didn't allow my grandfather
to be buried in the Soma grave.

He's at a faraway site.

However, I think it's better this way.

In one form or another, my grandfather
was finally able to be "outside."


But, Kyo is living right now.

He's living "outside."

Is it true that
he will be confined nonetheless?

Akito told me.

That Kyo will be confined before long.

And that Yuki and the others
will go back inside the Soma estate.

That all the zodiac members
will live together, unable to be parted.

That Akito is master to them all.

If what Akito told me is the true future,
and it's because of the curse…

…I want to break the curse.


If you know anything about the curse,
will you tell me?

Why must you bow your head to me?

Why must you do so much?

You have already done more than enough.


I'll be frank. I don't know
the details of the curse either.

All I know is that it's a potential future
for Kyo to be confined

and for the zodiac members
to live inside the Soma estate.

Naturally, I don't plan to let
that future play out without resistance.

However, the truly saddening thing
is that the zodiac members

don't have a strong will to oppose Akito.

That one is like a small child.

Only able to scream hysterically.

A fragile, unstable child.

Yet to the zodiac members,
Akito is like a God.

A being to be feared and respected.

The weak and the strong.

To an outsider, what seems like
a mere word of rejection

most likely causes
a rending pain in their hearts.

There is a "world" that exists
between Akito and the zodiac members

that is unfathomable
and impenetrable to others.

A "world" for only them.

Bound by the blood that rushes
through their veins.

Bonds of blood.

Those "bonds" are the curse?

Though I don't have definite proof of it.

"Bonds" are supposed
to be precious things.

For me to want to break them,
it's expected that I may be punished.


…I won't give up.

Is that your nature?

My deepest apologies
that I cannot be of more help.

What? Please, don't!

-Please raise your head!
-I didn't want you

-to know about the confinement.
-Please raise your head!


Is Kyo getting stronger?

He's grown taller, and I think
his hands are getting larger…

Oh, he may grow to be taller
than you someday.

I look forward to that.

If there's anything that you can do,

it would be to smile for them.

When you smile,

the world feels a little gentler.

It's very important
for you to be yourself.

Please, it's not that at all.

Then the time they spend
with you will be their strength.

To create a new bond.


Oh, I missed you so much!

You just saw me the other day.

That's not true!
I haven't seen you at all!

Hey, how come you only come
to the dojo three times a week?

You should come every day.

Treasure it.

For now, treasure the time
you can spend at that house.


So where's my souvenir from your trip?

What? I don't have any.

You're so mean!

Is that how you treat your lover?

-No love!

I get no love from Kyo!

Kagura. We need to talk.

There's something
I need to make clear to you.

-Let's go on a date.

-Let's go on a date, Kyo.

I won't listen to what you have
to say unless we go on a date.

How come?

I won't listen ever!

Please, let me give you

a hard time for just a little longer.

The curse. Bond of blood…

I must think of what I can do.


What a coincidence!
Are you feeling better?

You better stop hovering around the Somas.

Oh, hey! Your shoes!

Take off your shoes!

Isuzu! Hey!

I'm getting a flood of customers today.

I saw her leaving here.
What did she come here for?

To ask the same thing you're here to ask.

I won't let her do anything unnecessary.

You saw Rin?

Yes, well…

Where did you see her?

I forgot I'm keeping it a secret
that I went to go see Master!

In town! In the middle of town!
Like right in the middle!

-Oh, no! I didn't go!

What are you talking about?

Did you need something?

I'm going out for a little on Sunday,
so I won't need food.

Oh, okay.

A date?

No! It's not that!

Oh, it must be Kagura.

-It's hard to be so popular.

-It kind of hurts.
-I said it's not that!

Jeez, you have time to go on a date
but no time to pick up Honda?

I'm disgusted.

That has nothing to do with this!

-That's your job anyway!
-That surprised me.

Hey, why's your face saying,
"Gosh, what an idiot"?

If you've got a problem with me,
say it out loud!

What? How did it turn out like this?

You don't realize
what you give to all of them.

What you shower them with so generously.


Here! Over here!

You're so loud.

Good job, Kyo. You came on time!

But I came minutes ago. Did I do good?

Oh, yes, I guess…

You're not very excited!
We're on a date! Brighten up!

You're too excited.

So have you already
decided where we're going?

Yes, pretty much.

I thought we'd start with a movie,
but you're not really interested, huh?

Not really.

You still don't really
watch TV or anything?

Nobody will get mad at you
for watching anymore.

That's not it.

Oh, not long ago, he would have said…

It's none of your business!

…and yelled at me.

But yes…

Kyo wasn't always…

All right, let's go!

Go where?

Hey, where are we going?

He wasn't always so irritable.

Kyo? You're Kyo, the Cat, right?

I'm Kagura.

Why did you run away?

I'll get scolded.
Mom said not to talk to anyone.

You won't get scolded. I'm like you.

I'm a zodiac member! I'm the Boar.

Hey, what were you drawing?

Fried eggs.

Do you like fried eggs?

Do you always play by yourself?

Don't you have friends?

What else do you like, Kyo?

What's your favorite TV show?

I don't watch TV.
Mom says there's a lot of bad stuff on it,

so she'll scold me if I watch.

Hey, want me to play with you?

Do you mean it?

Yes, I mean it!

I'll be with you from now on.
I'll always be by your side.

Kyo, I'm such a horrible person, huh?


Did you figure out where we're headed?

Yes, a place filled
with memories of our childhood.

We're here!

Are they Soma kids?

We often snuck out of the house
to play here, too.

You might not want to come near here.

It is close to the Soma estate,

and it's where I saw your true form.

Oh, come on! Let me try on
your rosary, just once!

Even though you refused…

…I took them from you.

Your mom stopped letting you
go out as much

after that, huh?

Kyo, I…

I was sad that

I was born with a zodiac spirit.

When I was a kid, whenever my parents
fought because of me,

or later, when I saw my mom
crying alone, it made me sad.

I hated myself so much.

I was insecure.

That's why when I first met you,
I was happy.

It put me at ease.

Because compared to the Cat,
I wasn't unfortunate at all.


Because compared to this kid
drawing eggs on the ground,

I wasn't pitiful at all.

Compared to this kid,
I wasn't suffering or shunned.

I came to realize that.

I always looked down on you.

Terrible, huh?

I'm unclean.

When I ran away that day, terrified
out of my wits, I felt so unclean.

I couldn't stand
how unclean I felt, I hated it.

I wished I could do it over.

I wanted it to have never happened.

I dreamed of a pure version of myself

that accepted your monstrous form.

I didn't realize that
that very thought was unclean.

If I could fall in love with you,
grow closer to you,

if you fell in love with me,

I thought it might negate

that unclean me who ran away.

I was rationalizing my love.

I realized everything

when I saw her running after you.

I never thought about your pain.

Yes, in the end, I was always
only thinking about myself.

I always chased after you for my own sake.

I'm sorry.

Sorry, Kyo. Sorry!


You don't have to say
things that hurt you.

Kagura, I won't fall in love with you.

I never will.
I just wanted to tell you that.

I'm not upset about you looking down
on me or whatever.

You have nothing to apologize for.


But I wanted to confess that to you.

That's a load off my shoulders.
I'm kind of hungry now.

I'm going home.


No matter the reason behind it,

I was happy you played with me.


Hey, wait for me!


Sister, wait for me!

It's true. My love started
by rationalizing my feelings.

He called my name.

He was clumsy.

Before I realized it…

Wait for me!

Kagura, wait for me!






I love you!


I love you so much!

Believe me.

Believe me.

Believe me!




Your face! What happened?

It's nothing. I'm going to sleep now.

It can't be nothing.
Your eyes are so puffy!

Poor girl.

Don't pity me.

I was selfish, and it's just time

for me to reflect on it now.

Thanks for worrying about me, Mom.

Sorry. I don't want your pity
or your sympathy.

I don't want to share
these feelings with anyone else.

These feelings of pain
and happiness are all mine.

Kyo from back then was all mine.

Not the likes of me.

Not the apologizing me.

The Kyo that said "thanks" to me.

The Kyo that held me
and stayed with me until my tears dried.

Let that be all mine…

…at least until the morning dawns.

"You Cried For Me."