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02x01 - Hello Again

Posted: 05/06/23 03:58
by bunniefuu
I love Yuki.

I love his hair that gleams silver

when the sunlight passes through it,
his fair skin…

I love his eyelashes that cast shadows
on his cheeks when he closes them,

his dignified, penetrating voice…

Everything about Yuki is everything to me.


She came out of nowhere,
started interfering,

and messed everything up!

I won't let other women come and do
as they please with Yuki any longer.

Absolutely not.

Long time no see. I'm Tohru Honda!

It's almost been a year since
Shigure Soma's household took me in.

I was living in a tent after losing
my Mom when the Somas took me in.

But the Somas had a secret.

They transform into zodiac animals
when hugged by the opposite sex.

I eventually started living with them.

I met more members of the Soma family,

and they all were kind people
with very unique personalities.

However, I sense that all of them are
carrying a sadness deep in their hearts.

Especially Kyo, who's possessed
by the zodiac Cat that was shunned

by the other zodiac animals.
He's special, even among the Somas.

I'm not sure if someone like me can help,

but I hope to help them all,
even if just a little.

What is the true nature
of the curse on everybody?

I envy you all.
It's almost summer break, huh?

Once you're an adult,
having summer break is just a pipe dream.

Quit whining.
You're on a break all year long.

Nope, that's not true.

That's completely different from
the summer break that's socially accepted.

You don't make sense.

You'll understand it all too well
once you start working.

However, I think we'll have
a lot of homework over the break.

I'll have to work hard!

Tohru, you seem so worried, so let me
lovingly give you a piece of advice.

Just copy our perfect
and brilliant Yuki's homework!

I could never do such a thing!

Who are you calling
"perfect and brilliant"? He's just lame--


It's better than being an idiot.


Don't worry. Kyo won't die from that.

Just die.

-You bastard!
-See? He's not dead.

If you're going to att*ck,
come at me head-on! Cheater!

You'd sense me if you weren't an idiot.

Stop calling me an idiot!

Please, you two, fighting is dangerous!

So are you!

By the way, heading out already, Yuki?

Yes. I have some student council business.

See you.

Have a good day.

I suppose this summer,
I have the joy of watching

-how things between you all play out.
-Here, Kyo. It's ready.

What does that mean?

Oh, heart-pounding!
I hope you get really close!

What the heck are you talking about?

You dimwit! I know rocks
that are less dense than you!

A man like you has no right
to live the summer dream!

I have no idea what the hell that means!

Tohru, he's no good.
Kyo's completely no good.

He has none of
the potential I had at his age!

All I know is that you're
totally messing with me.

He's just lame.

I already know that.

Makoto! I'll finally drag
the information out of you today!

Give me the names of the new board members

Yuki will be leading
next year as president.

You don't know when to quit, Motoko.

Why would I tell you when you

so obviously wish
to know for personal reasons?

Are there any females
among the new members?

We are only concerned
about this one issue!

What if…

What if that female
turns out to be an evil temptress

who will work her wiles
on our innocent Yuki?

With all due respect, if they're
capable of supporting Yuki,

I feel gender is irrelevant.

Indeed! Because if it were possible,
I, Makoto Takei,

would get held back a year to support
my lovely Yuki myself!

As I would have Yuki skip a grade

so we could enjoy college life together!

These two will probably
bicker until graduation.

President Takei didn't end up
telling us anything.

Should we just sneak into
the student council room then?

We must give it careful consideration.
Though, I am curious.

The stubborn president
wouldn't say a thing.

Is that proof there is a female
among the new members?



You're here again?
Stop waltzing into other schools!

Are you lot going to school?

-Yes we are.
-Minami, who are they?

-Idiot! You better hang with us today.
-They're like Uotani's underlings.

-No way, idiots.
-No idea who those punks are.

What is the matter with that grade?

It's like the witch, the Demon Queen,
and the delinquent rule the roost!

Yuki couldn't have a wholesome
school life even if he wanted--

It's so lively out here.

Uotani, I tried drawing in my eyebrows.

I want to dye my hair!

What was that?

I don't know…

Why are we meeting
in the counselor's office

instead of the student council room?

I'm sorry. I'll clean it up.

Are you feeling unwell--

I'm fine. Hold on.

Manabe, get up.


Someone's here.

Wake me up if an alien comes.

Yuki Soma is here.

Why didn't you wake me up earlier?
Now he knows I was slacking off!

But I wasn't slacking. I'm innocent.

Just deep in thought for a bit.


Gosh, look at this mess!
Machi, was it you again?

You better scoot things around
to make it look clean.

I'm Kakeru! "Man" plus "Abe"
spells Manabe for Kakeru Manabe!

People call me all sorts of things
like "Manabe" or "Manabe-kun" or

"Nabe" or "Kakeru"
or "hey, you over there."

Anyway, just call me whatever.

I prefer you call me "Sho."
Nobody ever calls me that.

-Oh, there's no need, it's fine.

I know who you are
without an introduction.

You're Yuki Soma. I'm a second year
in class A. No need to be polite.

And that's Machi Kuragi, first year.

Oh, I forgot to say! I want black.


You mean you like black coffee, or…?

It's the one thing I'll never give up!
You're okay with that, right?

I'm getting sleepy now that
I've said what I needed to say.

Well? Are you ever going
to tell me who you are?

What? I said I'm Manabe--

That's not what I meant!

Manabe, you never told him
we're board members.

Oh, right!

I'm the vice president.
And she's officially the treasurer!

Which means we'll be working under you,
the new student council president!

I'm looking forward to it!

Is this going to be okay?

Don't worry. We'll follow
all your orders. Don't hold back now.

Now, then…

I'm going back to sleep,
so I'll leave it to you.

-Good night.

But there's something familiar
about how this Manabe guy acts.

I'm almost physically repulsed by
how little his words match his actions,

and by his total disregard
for the people around him.

They're the same breed!

Oh, a pleasure seeing you, Yuki!
I apologize for my delayed arrival!

Manabe and Kuragi are both here!

It seems you've already
looked through the line-up.

What are your thoughts, Yuki?

Wow! So impressed you're speechless?

It was worth all the effort, then!

Now to appoint two more who are
capable of firmly supporting you.

You can rest easy!

Yes, well… I look forward to that.

I, Makoto Takei, will put forth
desperate efforts in your name!

Oh, crap! I'm going to be late!

I've got to go to work, so I'm off!


When you assume
your duties as vice president,

you must reduce your work hours!

Sure thing!

Your vice president is leaving.

Walk me out, will you?

Manabe! Cease this rough
treatment of Yuki!

Got it! See you, Machi.

I'm loaded with work shifts. It's rough.

I'm surprised you took on
being vice president.

The "School Defense Force"
has such a ring to it, I couldn't resist.


You know how the student council's
also called the School Defense Force?

I'm into super sentai stuff.

If we're going to be a defense force,

we've got to pick
who's which color, right?

So I'm definitely calling black!
So cool, like an outlaw.

Is that why he joined?

You're the president and our leader,
so you should be red,

but red doesn't really fit you, somehow.

If anything, you're more of a pink…


Your face is so girly.

He's making fun of me!

I hate this guy!

Well, I'm sorry if my face is girly!

Oh, I didn't expect that.

Heck, you're more interesting
than I thought!

Sorry if I made you mad.

I'm pretty dumb, so I do that a lot.

Hope that doesn't get in
the way of us getting along.

Thanks for walking me out.

Let's take more time to chat next time.

Oh, Yuki! How did it go?

Where's Kuragi?

Kuragi went home already.

Those two may have strange personalities,
but they have…

-I never found out…
-…excellent skills.

-…what they were doing.
-Especially Manabe.

It's a fine line
between genius and insanity.

Yuki. Come next spring,
I'll be graduating.

I'll have fewer chances to catch a glimpse
of you in the halls or talk to you.

I still remember
the day I first talked to you.


You're quite beautiful.

Thank you.

Alas, our destiny is like the rose
growing along a black gate,

a sweet pain piercing my heart--

Quiet down! You're bothering
the neighbors, you silly girl!

Oh, stop nagging! You should've waited
another year to have me, old hag!

You've got some nerve,
you ungrateful little brat!

I won't tell, and that's final!

That's final!

I can't stand it any longer!

We have no choice but to sneak
into the student council room!

And that's why you called me?

Yes. I trust you'll do it,
third-year Prince Yuki member, Rika Aida?

You can count on me.
I'll do anything for Yuki's sake.

Don't worry. There's no door
I can't open at this school.

How dependable you are!

I didn't know this hidden talent
of Rika's.

I hope she doesn't go down the wrong path.


Go ahead, I'm leaving it to you.

Roger that.


What's the matter?

It's not locked.


Yuki! What a coincidence!
What are you up to?

I thought it'd be good for me to go over
the student council's yearly calendar.

It's Yuki in the flesh!

Long time no see, Aida and Minagawa.

Did you need something
from the student council?

What? I needed to talk
to President Takei about something.

I see. I don't know if
he'll be stopping by today.

That's okay!
Is it all right if we wait here?

Of course.

The goddess of fate gave me this chance.

I need to try to make conversation
and make a good impression!

Yuki! What did you have for breakfast?

For breakfast?

I blew it!

Well, I mean…

Let's see, I had rice,
vegetable miso soup,

fish, simmered vegetables… and natto.

-The prince had natto?
-The prince had natto?

Don't know how I feel about that…

I've heard natto is a beauty and
health food that's good for canker sores.

I like the crushed bean type!

Yes, me too.

Yuki smiled at me!


As always, Yuki's smile electrifies me
with a million volts!

Yes, I see.
Yuki also likes the crushed type!

do you talk formally out of habit?

Yes, that's right. Why do you ask?

No reason.

Oh no, did I offend you in any way?

It's not that. It's just kind of… cute.

What? No way.
Motoko, he just called you cute!

No… When did you start being able
to give such easy smiles?

When did this change happen?

I've been watching you carefully
since we met.

Yuki, will you continue to change?

Without me knowing?

Not with my help but someone else's?

Then you know what, Yuki?

Stop it.

Minagawa, are you okay--

Stop it. Don't touch!

Don't get near Yuki.

Stop interfering!

Oh, my. I don't know what came over me.

Please excuse me.

What? Wait, Motoko!

I'm a horrible person. I said such
horrendous things in front of Yuki.

But I know already…

Those are my true feelings.

I hate all women who dare get near Yuki.

Including Tohru Honda and any women
who might join the student council.

I hate them all. They're all my enemies.

But the one I hate most of all is me,

the hideous one who thinks those thoughts…

…the one who looks
back at me in the mirror.


Yuki! Did you need something?

Did I say something hurtful earlier?

No, that's not it at all!
Please don't worry about it.

However, I'm honored that someone
normally so unruffled is worried about me.

I'm not unruffled at all.
I can barely keep my cool.

I don't think I can keep my cool, either.

I hate to say it, but I probably
have her to thank…

…for getting to see Yuki smile like this.

Yuki, you've changed.

However, I won't give up yet!

It's still too early to see
how this love will pan out.

Manabe and Kuragi?

Yes, all I know is that
they're on the strange side.

And I mean zodiac-level strange.

I see…

So I have to keep people
like that in line, huh?

It sounds like it will be a handful.

Yes, but I know maybe he
just meant I'm worth teasing, but…

But still…

You're more interesting than I thought!

That surprised me.

It was the first time
anyone's ever said that to me,

so it made me kind of happy, I guess?

I think you'll enjoy it.

There will be many times
when things are tough…

…but many fun times will be
waiting for you, too.

That's what it seems like to me.

Yes, you're right.

I'll do my best.

Getting hurt or healed…

by little insignificant remarks
along the way.

"Eat Somen with Your Friends."