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01x21 - k*ll Switch

Posted: 05/02/14 20:56
by bunniefuu
STEPHEN: Previously on The Tomorrow People...

We can't let Roger get put in that machine.

Why is that?

Because it's a w*apon, he was supposed to be its engine.


Didn't mean to scare you.

You're back.

If he forces me into that machine, those people inside are all in danger.

The Founder wants to use the Machine to k*ll every man, woman and child on the planet.

Natalie, we need to stay unified.

I'm gonna make my own peace with Ultra before his father, our absentee messiah, blows everything to hell.

Since you're so keen on mankind... perhaps you'd like to join them.

So what exactly does that shot do?

It allows us to keep track of our kind.


That wasn't so bad.

(THINKING) Goodbye, Stephen.

CARA: What is it?

I gotta stop her.

It's time for you to die.


It's for you.

It's for you.

Now, that beats the hell out of training with the Founder.

You okay?


Promise me that we'll look after each other.


I promise.

(SOFTLY) Okay.


That was close.

Just to be clear, you want me to pull the plug on your own lab.

Yes, because right now they are engaged in research on paranormals that will have catastrophic results.

Sorry, but I never saw any appropriations for an Area 51 in the middle of New York City.

Of course you didn't.

That's because I've kept the nature of my work hidden from you...

I've got a defense authorization bill to pass, and you're talking about super-people?

This must be a joke, tell me there's a hidden camera, Doctor.

Listen to me.

Right now, their leader is poised to eradicate the entire human race.

Do you hear me?

Hugh Bathory.

You're saying he's a space alien?

No, he is our evolutionary replacement.

Oh, right.


Thank you.

I have a deranged man in my office.

Wait a minute, no, you have to...

Wait a minute!

You have to listen to me.

What are you talking about?

Calm down, Dr. Price.

(YELLING) No, I'm not gonna calm down, because he's gonna k*ll everybody!

What is wrong with...

Oh, my God, you just signed our death warrant!

REPORTER: About a dozen downtown businesses are closed to the public today, following a large expl*si*n at a genetics research facility near Battery Park, at Manhattan.


What happened?


(STAMMERING) I don't know. Hillary...

She set off the b*mb.

Oh, my God. Is she...


What about the Founder?


We have to go.


(SNIFFLING) No, I... I spent a year trying to find you.

I k*lled myself pulling you out of limbo.

We are finally together again as a family, we are not running.

The Founder knows I'm alive.

He needs me to power up the Machine.

If he succeeds, human beings are doomed.

But if he can't use me, then he'll use my son.

This is what he's trained you for, Stephen.

And where will you go this time?

Whatever we do, we do as a family.

I can't do what we did last time, I won't live like a refugee.

There is no life for this family, until the Founder and the Machine are gone forever.


CARA: Stephen?


He was inside Ultra when the b*mb...

Yeah, I, uh...

I saw him before the expl*si*n.

It looked like they were letting him go.

That doesn't make sense, if he's not at Ultra...


You're alive.

What happened?

Stephen said that they were...

Where've you been?

Trying to find my way back to the Lair.

Finally got in contact with Tim.

Had him send Russell for me.

Why didn't you just teleport?

I can't.

He took my powers.


The Founder set me free to give you a message.


He said you need to negotiate a truce with him.

A real one this time.

It's the only way to keep... your people safe.

Our people.

They'll end up like me unless you convince the Founder that you're not the enemy.

That's what he said.

You gotta make a deal with him.

So you got my message.

You should've frisked me for a b*mb.

That wouldn't have been a wise move, Cara.

Oh, you should see Hillary.

Well, what's left of her.

I've asked you here for one simple reason.

I want Stephen's father.

So, you bring Roger to me, and, uh, we'll let bygones be bygones.

If you put him in the Machine, all of humankind will be gone.

So that's a "no"?

(SCOFFING) That's a "hells no".


You bring Roger to me, or I'll k*ll all of you.

RUSSELL: You're gonna have to try harder than that.

Jedikiah threatened to k*ll us for years.

You remember the injection you and your friends received when you were last here?

It's a tracer, and it lodges in the cerebellum.

It allows our network to monitor them.

It also has a k*ll switch.


Dude's bluffing.

You think so, Russell?

We are done here.


That is your name, isn't it?

Any last words for your friends?

Don't listen to him.

Oh, I know it's a lot of pressure. In that case, uh, I'll just go with something short and sweet.

Like, "goodbye".


Jody You have one hour.

And then I will k*ll another one of your friends.


ROGER: So if I don't turn myself in, he starts k*lling you off one-by-one.

Not all of us got the tracer.

Thank God.

Seriously, Marla? Not helping.

Just try and stay calm, Russell.

Yeah, easy for you to say, you're not a walking time b*mb.

We're all on the same side, okay?

This is what the Founder wants.

For you to turn on each other so that you'll turn on me.

Give me a second.

So while the Jamesons are enjoying their little family reunion, the rest of us just get to stand around here with our fingers crossed, hoping we're not the next to drop?

We're building a strategy.

The Founder has laid out a plan.

The Founder can't be trusted.

And Roger can?

The rest of them are gonna freak out when I tell them what happened to Jody.


There is no reason to stir the dirt.

You have 52 minutes until the next one bites the dust.

What if it's you, Russell?

We have to find a way to deactivate the tracer.

What, me?

You have two PhD's, can you create an antidote or something?

Two unfinished dissertations, and six digits worth of student loans.

I mean, I don't even know how the nano-agent inserts itself in the body.

Well, can't you experiment on Russell?

Get a sample, or something?

You said it binds to the person's cerebellum, as in "brain," as in, "I'm not a flippin' brain surgeon."

Have you seen her eat with a fork and knife?

No way I'm letting Irene cut open my nugget.

What if the person was already dead?

You mean Jody.

You're gonna cut open Jody's head?

His or yours.

We will get you your sample.


Russell, not you.

CARA: John.

Uh, but John's...

Human, not useless.

JOHN: Teleport me, I'll ride shotgun.

Speaking of...

Russell, you're in charge while we're gone.

You have 45 minutes to figure this out.

Jody's death is on the Founder.

The next one's on us.

It took Jonas Salk seven years to create the polio vaccine.

I'm not even technically a molecular geneticist.

What about Jedikiah?

TIM: Actually, Dr. Price was just admitted to the Tribeca Psychiatric Center for a 72-hour evaluation.

Something to do with a hallucinatory episode at a government office building.

What was he doing there?

Might have been trying to go behind the Founder's back.

So, what, we draw straws to see who rescues Jedikiah?

No, I think I know who we can send.

Doctor, while you are sitting there, taking notes, the fate of humankind hangs in the balance.

Well, okay, I know it sounds nuts, but the future always seems impossible until it happens.

(HYSTERICAL) Do you think the Founding Fathers envisioned a moon landing, for crying out loud?

I'm joking.

I'm kidding, it's a joke.

I'm friends with the senator, I thought he could take a joke, for crying out loud.

(AGITATED) What are you writing?


I brought a sedative, Doctor.


The patient should be out for a couple of hours.

I'll keep an eye on him.

What, what... what are you doing?

You should wear more white, it really brings out your eyes.

Left in an alley by Ultra.

Jody deserved better.


Take it easy.

Just back up.

I got this. Go.


That's it. Keep going.

I want you to teleport him back to the Lair.

John said he's...

I'm not arguing with you, Stephen.

JOHN: All right.

I'm not gonna hurt you, it's all good.

Just put the g*n down.

That's it.

GUARD: Drop your w*apon.

Freeze! I said freeze!


I just warned them that paranormals were a threat.

I mean, this is what evolution is.

The more advanced species supplanting the obsolete one.

Pretty crude reduction of Darwinism.

Crude or not, survival of the fittest holds true.

The Neanderthals died off with the arrival of h*m* sapiens, and now h*m* sapiens...

Neanderthals were not eliminated by humans.

They made us possible.

FYI, 70% of our dermal layer is Neanderthalic code.

Yeah, well, you know what?

I'd rather be alive than the blueprint for somebody else's skin.

Thank you very much.

That's what evolution is.

But, this is about her.

IRENE: Morgan.

You're human, she's paranormal, and you're playing both sides of it, like Romeo and Juliet.

That's so romantic!

She's pregnant.

And you don't know if the kid's gonna be like you, or...

The laboratory is no place for this kind of emotion.

I think it's a good thing to have a heart.

Even for a scientist.

Great, can you take your heart and get me some coded slides?

I'll take you down.


I'm not coming with you.

You didn't listen to me when I told you to leave.

You used your powers in front of humans.

I didn't have a choice.

Six inches to the left, and that guard's b*llet would have k*lled you.

I put you in that position because I was vulnerable.

I know you'd never cut me loose.

So I'm doing it for you.

You got 26 minutes.

Till the Founder hits the k*ll switch again.

Tell me you found a way to get this thing out of my brain.

Irene and Jedikiah are working on it.

You think he gives a rat's ass about us?

Jedikiah knows what's at stake.

Yeah, the lives of a species he's spent his whole life trying to k*ll.

Honestly, I'm really starting to wonder who has my back down here.

Irene, check this out.

You ever seen that before?

Adsorption / Replication.

The tracer cells are going through the Lytic Cycle.

In a dead body.

What does that mean?

The tracer's acting like a virus.

A kind of mechanical cancer.

Only it's bonding to certain cells.

How are the tracer's connected to the Founder's network?

It's a low-frequency cellular signal.

Okay, if it's acting like a cell phone, can't we just knock down the cell tower?

Interesting, but until we know how the tracer's operating inside the host, we don't know if anything we do to stop it will, in fact, stop it.

Tim, can you pinpoint the source of the signal?

TIM: Assuming it uses a spread-spectrum signal, I should be able to decrypt the transmission security key.

Great, tell me when it's done.
MARLA: Okay, so if I'm gonna be a part of this fight, I feel like I should know what I'm doing, right?


You know how to use one of these?

A stick?

For what?


To protect yourself.

We can't k*ll our enemies, but we can do things they can't even imagine.

As long as we use that to our advantage.

We can protect ourselves.

And everyone we love.

Pretty slick.



Not so bad yourself.

(LAUGHING) Thank you.

So this is what you were doing all those years you were gone.

You were building this place, teaching those kids how to fight.

Seems pretty trivial now.

It's incredible.

I'm just sorry you had to do it alone.

Now show me again.


You okay?

I didn't know who else to call.

Who did this to you?

A security guard.

Slightly harder to avoid when you can't teleport.

They took your powers?

Well, that's not the worst of it.

Come on, I gotta tell you somethin'.


You're lurking.

Why don't you go train with your dad, or something, thank you.

TIM: I believe I've found a diversion for you, Stephen.

The relay array for the Founder's network is located within the Long Lake Dam, in the Adirondack mountains.

Let's go.

I should mention that the facility is on lease from the DOD.

How do you think Ultra pays for all their fancy toys?

This is way too risky, Stephen, we're talking about the US government.

Let's just see what Igor and Dr. Frankenstein can come up with.

Wait, which one am I?


LUCA: She just... she fell down and started bleeding.

What happened to her?

60 minutes. That's how long you have before someone else dies.

These are the exact coordinates Tim gave us.

Our friends are walking IED's.

We probably should have Google Mapped it.

It's not your fault, you know.

They're counting on us.

I meant Hillary.

What she did, you shouldn't blame yourself.

I don't.

It's no use lying to me, Stephen.

Okay, Cara, out of my head.

I'm just trying to...

No, no, you hack into people's brains.

You learn their vulnerabilities, but you don't let anyone know how you're really feeling.

That is because I am scared.

You want to know how I'm feeling?

My friends are dying and I am second-guessing every decision I have ever made.

Only I can't admit that because I am supposed to be the strong one.

And now John's gone, and I am doing everything I can not to fall apart.

That is how I am feeling.

John was just trying to get out of your way.

Out of my way?


I'm scared too, Cara.

You already knew that.

So that's it? You just... you just called me to tell me the world is going to end?

I thought you wanted a heads up.

A chance to say goodbye if it came to it.

Okay, well what are you doing to stop it?

Coming to terms.

What else can I do?

I've lost my powers and now...

You know, John. Your powers are not what make you useful.

Or important, or funny, or kind, or strong, or special.

You jerk.

Is this your version of tough love?

Yes. Yes, I pulled a b*llet out of you with a sewing kit and a mini bottle of vodka.

A human did that.

This human, me, and... if you don't think I'm worth saving then...



(EXHALING) You okay?

Yeah... you?


You did that on purpose.

No! Are you crazy?

Wow, you, um... you saved my life again, but you won't go to bat for all of humanity.

You're the bravest person I've ever met, John.

And the stubbornnest.

Why are you hiding all that courage?

Shut the front door.


I've always suspected that multiple genes working in tandem create the Tomorrow Person adaptation.

No, it's impossible to identify those contributing markers.

Trust me, I've been trying to do it for years.

Tim can you extrapolate a map of those base pairs?

TIM: Quite easily.


Tracers going to 12 strands on three different alleles.

It's a magnet.

That's what makes me special.

Nothing more than a few hundred carefully placed proteins.

I have been looking for this for 20 years and this tracer just delivers it to us, it's...

This is the invisible ink decoded, this is...

You have any idea what this means?

(EXCLAIMING) Yes, the applications are endless.

I mean we can identify breakouts in utero.

Amplify existing powers, counter bio-weapons.

If more of these genes are out of sequence, we can transplant them directly into human DNA.

And h*m* sapien becomes h*m* superior.

IRENE: Theoretically.

But it still doesn't answer the question,

"How do we disable the tracer?"

And if we don't figure that out soon, then more of my friends are gonna die.

That's kind of a buzzkill. Huh?

ROGER: If you surround him in a circle like this, take a step back.

Everybody TKs him at once.

You might be able to hold him still.

So you can tickle the Founder?

He's stronger and faster than any of you are on your own, but as a group...

Is this supposed to be a pep talk?

A prep talk.

We have to be ready.

You remind me so much of my dad.

Thank you.

That's not a compliment.

Sorry, but doesn't it strike anybody else as strange that we're taking orders from a guy who was a popsicle for six years?

No offense, Roger, but you didn't really live up to the hype.

Ahem, would you give us a sec?

This guy was supposed to take us to Wonderland or the Refuge, or whatever.

Shows up and two days later, we're all dropping like flies.

We got 28 minutes till the Founder picks another lucky winner...

I know. Okay?

But we need to stick together.

Behind him?

Because he's the Chosen One?

I didn't choose him.

Did you?


Cara put you in charge.

You're our leader now.

People will listen to you.

So step up.



That's it.

Okay. How do you want to do this?

Let's just stay under the radar, see if we can't...

Can I help you?

Uh, hey... we were just, uh...

Camping... you know, got lost, heh...

This government facility is restricted access.

I'm pretty sure you two don't have it.

Or tents for that matter.

This goes two ways.

Keep your hands up, cooperate with me.


Or they find your bodies in the icy river.

No third option?



You okay?

How did you do that?

TK blast?

Pretty sure you taught me.

How many are down there still?

I'm just getting one.

Okay, stay here.

No, I can come with you.

Cara, keep pressure on your arm. Stay here.


What are you doing? You can't k*ll.

He doesn't know that.



What do you want?

Telecom array. Turn it off.

(STUTTERING) Look, I have my orders.

CARA: He has a wife,

Eve and a daughter named Jordan.

Think of your wife, Eve?

Your little girl, Jordan?

1100 Briar Patch.

Sitting at home, 1100 Briar Patch Road, Plattsburgh?

How do you know this stuff?

I know you want to see them again.

Which is why you're going to shut it down.


Alright, alright.


It's done. The whole system's dark.


It has to stay that way.


So... you sure you want to do this?

Well, I have to.

Can't save the world from up here.

I gotta go there.

And you're not going back for any other reason?

'Cause back there when...

When I kissed you.

It's my lucky jacket.

I'll be back for it.

Hold on.


Astrid, when I kiss you next time.

It's not going to be because the world's ending.

No use trying to take the Founder head on.

We need to be strategic.

We strike here and here.


We should be inside Ultra before they sound the alarms.

Our priorities. The human guards, and the agents.

Then it's just us against the Founder.

Roger that, Roger.

That still doesn't get these bombs out of our heads.

If we don't take him down, he'll k*ll every human being on the planet.


The Founder already said he's gonna k*ll everyone who got a tracer until he gets his hands on you.

While we're fighting amongst ourselves, the Founder is sitting in his office with his finger on that button.

The more we talk, the closer we get to someone else dropping.

If I only have a few minutes left to live, I...

I'm trying to do the right thing.


We can't let the Founder turn us into K*llers.

We're K*llers either way, Roger (BEEPING)


Don't do this.

I'm sorry, Roger.


LUCA: Dad, no!

What was that?

What are you doing?

Testing a theory.

Stephen is going to stop it.



Russell, let him go.

I don't want to hurt him.

Natalie, stop!

You let go of your husband, and I'll let go of your son.

It's okay.

I'll be alright.

Roger, no.


I'll never stop loving you.

We brought your guy.

Yeah, so maybe it's time for you to stop k*lling us.

Hello Roger.

Seems like your sewer rats weren't as loyal as you'd hoped.


Hey! What about the tracers? We want them out of our heads.


A deal's a deal.

Oh, would you look at that?

Somebody's pipped me to the post.

Taken out my network.


Guess one of your friends, perhaps.

Well, either way, we still get our happy ending.

All of our species get to survive and thrive.

Well, almost all.

Anyone home?

Hey, how'd you get down here?

Four miles of steam tunnels.

Where is everyone?

I don't know, we just got back.


I never heard back from Russell, so I forced my way into his head.


Russell, Natalie, and a few of the others, they...

They took your father into Ultra.

I guess they couldn't wait for us.

Roger's in the Machine.

Which means me and the rest of mankind aren't long for this world.

Every w*r has its casualties.

It's not too late, we can still stop it.

Take me topside.


Astrid's all alone up there.

It's no way to die.

Oh, Stephen!


There's nothing you could have done.

Mom, The Founder, he's got Dad.

He's going to put him in the Machine, he's gonna use him...

I know, your father said that the further we are from the epicenter, the safer Luca will be.

So we've gotta go now.

You need to leave. I'm not coming with you.

What? Of course you're coming. We're a family.

I have to stay here and stop this.

How are you going to stop it?

I don't know, but I have to try.


Hey. Hey you gotta get up, buddy.

I need you to do something for me, okay?

I need you to take care of Mom.

No matter what.

Alright, can you do that?

I love you.

I love you too.

How did you get to be so brave?

I learned it from you.

I'll see you soon.



STEPHEN: Hey. Irene.

Where's Jedikiah? What happened?

You don't know?


