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01x23 - You Look Well...

Posted: 05/05/23 12:13
by bunniefuu
You've gotten your final exam results.

You'll make up for the failed subjects
during the Sunday make-up exam.

-That sucks.

Quiet, guys.

Thank us teachers for giving you
another chance on our weekend.

Just do well on the first try, then
you wouldn't have to make it up later.

Tohru, you're fine, right?

Tohru, did you actually…

Did you fail?

How many subjects?

Oh, just one of them?

Don't be so upset, then.

That's right, Tohru.

You're so much better off than me,
since I failed all the subjects.

You should be upset about that.

Isn't this your first time
failing an exam?

Prince didn't tutor you this time?

Yes, he did tutor me.


Do you have to take the make-up exam?

I am so sorry.

What a disappointment.

I failed an exam even though
Yuki took the time to tutor me.

How am I supposed to face him
when I'm so disappointing?

My head is starting to hurt a lot.

Don't be so upset.

She's right. The make-up exam
is easier compared to the real ones.


Don't beat yourself up so much.

Everyone has their bad days.

He's right. The make-up exams
are a piece of cake.

It doesn't sound right
when it comes from you.

What a disappointment.

You've got a make-up exam, right?

What's wrong? I'm going ahead.

I'm actually getting
really upset about this.

I made a promise to Mother
that I'd graduate high school.

But will I be able to keep the promise?

Ah… I'm getting really dizzy.

Why can't I…

Why can't I do this right?

What are you doing?

Come on… It's not that big of a deal.


I know this isn't easy.

But you're going to end up with a fever
if you worry too much about it.

Do you have a fever?!
Just as I was mentioning it?!


Your temperature is ° F.

I would diagnose you with a cold.

That's an obvious statement.

Go to sleep already.

I'll be fine.

I just have to take some medicine.

I said go to sleep!

You worry so much about others,
but not about yourself.

Yes, but…

I still have to go grocery shopping,
and later I have work to do.

Hey, Tohru…

You have to take today off.
Postpone everything.

There's nothing better than
for you to get some rest.


Tohru dear,
be good and listen to what I say.


Good girl.

This is the worst time for me to be sick.

And on top of everything else.

I'm just so disappointed in myself.


She's sick?! Is she okay?
Is she resting enough?

Momiji, you're really loud.

She needs a day off from work,
so she can rest up.

So you won't see her there today.

Oh, I see what you're saying!
Don't worry, I'll take care of everything.

Tohru is sick, so she needs a day off.

I'm going to cover her shift today!

I'll do the best I can to fill in for her!

Who is he? I mean, I don't mind.
He's so cute!

Yeah, who cares? He's so cute.


No way. What is this?

What are you doing, Kyo?

Can't you see it?

Is this… for Tohru?

We can't make a sick person cook.

What?! Do you have a problem?

I'm not saying anything, am I?

What about food for the rest of us?

We're getting a takeout!

Remember, you break, you pay.

Why do I have to take care of her anyway?!

So green and young…


Did you… make this for me?

How nice of you! Thank you!

Uh, it's fine.

Just eat already.

Yes, thank you!

It's so good!

Put the dishes outside when you're done.

Oh, I'm sorry for all the trouble.

If you're going to be sorry,
don't get sick to begin with.



Don't cry!

I'm sorry.


Just say it.

I'm listening.

If you need to vent.

I want to keep the promise
that I made to my mom.

But I can't believe that I failed my exam.

And I feel so sorry for Yuki.

And on top of that, I got sick.


I wish I were…

a stronger person…

someone to rely on.

That's it?


You can take care of the failed exam
by taking the make-up exam.

And who cares about that dumb Yuki?

Make him work until he dies.
Well, I wish he was already!

I hope he's dead!

If you feel so bad about being sick,

then get better and go back to
wandering around the house foolishly.


Because otherwise…

everything feels off.

If cooking for you makes you feel better,
then I don't mind doing it.

Don't worry so much all the time.

Are you…

Are you trying to…

Hurry up and finish your meal!

Or you won't get better!


You're trying to make me feel better,
aren't you?

It's very good!

It's not that good.

Compared to your cooking,
it's not all that good.

I'm so happy.

I can't imagine you being strong.

You make me happy.


Don't mess it up, Harry.

You have to stop if Tohru's in pain.

I'll be okay. It won't hurt at all.

But Shii-chan said it hurts a lot.

He said it hurt really, really badly.

He said he had to be poked
a bunch of times before it was done.

I did that to him on purpose.

Haa-san, that wasn't nice of you
if that was on purpose.

Though I kind of knew it!

It's your fault for complaining so much.

Get out, if you're just going to be loud.
She needs rest.

You're no fun, Haa-san!

You're no fun, Harry!

We're so sad!

Stay warm and sleep it off.

Um, Hatori-san.

How much for the medicine?

Just get better quickly.

There are a lot of people
who can't wait for you to be better.

Call me anytime.

I wonder if Uncle Hatori
is one of those people.

Oh I don't think-- What?!

DId you say, "Uncle"?

Oh wait… Kisa is years old,
and I think Mr. Hatori is .

I guess a -year difference
would explain it.

Yes, come in.

Is this a good time?

Oh, yes, of course.

What did Hatori say?

He said it's a minor cold,
so I should get better soon.

That's good to hear.

Here… This is for you.

I put together practice questions
for your make-up exam.

This should help you prepare well.

Let's work on it together
once you're better.

Thank you so much!

Getting better…

What are you doing, Kyo?

Not just for myself but for others too.

Go away, brat!


-What do you want to eat?
-I feel so fortunate.

She might cook for you
for taking care of her today.

What keeps me going every day
is how nice everyone is around me.

I'm glad the make-up exam
went well for Honda.

Thank you for helping me through it!

Hana passed as well.

Yeah, so I heard.

Make-up exams are much easier.

Could you be doing this on purpose?

It really pours.

The weather report said
it's going to clear up in the afternoon.

That would be great, if that's true.

Actually, I can't wait
for the clear summer to arrive!

Summer, huh?

-Do you like summer?

I can get more work hours
during summer vacation.

Not surprised to hear that.

Do you like the summer?


It's not my favorite.

Oh, really?

You must like it, Kyo?



Kyo? Are you well?

-Did you catch a bug from me?!

It's nothing to worry about.

The rainy weather tends to make him tired.

Haru told me before.

You need to get it together.

Compared to the way you are
in the morning…

I'm… so much better…


He looks really sick…

Kyo, don't push yourself
if you're not feeling well.

I know!

Come under my umbrella
if you are too tired to hold yours.

Oh, come on.

-Don't you "yes?" me!

I'm not going to let a girl
hold my umbrella for me!

Oh, I'm so sorry!

Well then,
you might not like this idea, but…

If you were in your cat form,
I could carry you home--

That's an even worse idea!

Honda, let's go.


I swear, you fret too much
about everything!

Just leave me alone!

Yes, I'm so sorry!

I mean, don't apologize…

So… Is this one of your disorders?

Huh? No, it's not. It's just the way I am.

-Just the way you are?

And of course the rain stops
the moment I get home.

But I'm glad it stopped.

The rain could've kept you quiet, though.

Did you say something, you dumb rat--

Hey, Kyo!

Welcome home.

My lovely Kyo--


I heard a thud…

Closing the door isn't going to help.

Kyo?! What's the matter?
The door is closed!

Yeah, you're right.
I don't think it's ever going to open.

Open it.


What do you want?!

Just say what you're here for.

Huh? I'm not here for anything.

Don't come here then!

Why not? Am I not allowed
to come here just to see you?

Well, I don't want to see you!


You're so… mean!

But I…


I love you so much!

Can't you see that the way you are
is pushing me away even more?!

Damn it, Shigure!

Kagura, you can borrow him.
Why don't you two go out for the day?

Good idea, Shii-chan!

Are you renting me out?!

He's trying to kick her out of here.

I'm not going!
I don't need to go anywhere!

Oh, really?

Tohru, why don't you ask them
to go buy stuff for dinner?

-Shopping? We'll go!
-No, we won't!

Oh, um…

Here. Thank you so much.

-I said, I'm not--

All right!

It's a date!

Good. They're gone.

I knew it.

Let her be with him for a bit,
and she'll calm down.

Kagura should hold back a little.

I think she is trying.

To me, it looks as if she's holding back
her wish to come see him every day.

To me…

It seems as if she's actually
trying to keep a distance.

What could be the reason?


I'll be deducting the repair fees
from his account.

And from Kagura's, too.

Kyo has his own account?

Oh yeah.

So does Yuki.

They receive a monthly payment
from the head family.

I had no idea…

There're still so many things
I don't know about this family.

Why don't you and Yuki
take this opportunity to go out, too?

What? Oh no, it's okay.

Let's go on a date.

If you're okay with our usual secret spot.

But… when I do learn
everything about them…

Of course!

I hope…

I hope to be the person to accept it all.


Let's see… milk and eggs…

Fish, your favorite, is also on the list.

Hey, Kyo…

Tohru doesn't know yet, does she?

Are you just going
to keep hiding forever?

Shut the hell up!

That's none of your business!


You're an assh*le
for yelling at a girl in public!


Please, Kyo, don't embarrass me like that!

Let's go that way.


Why are you so obsessed with me?

It's not normal.

People usually avoid me
or keep their distance.


You just… don't know.

You don't know what happened when I…

Don't know what?

It would make you cry.

So I can't tell you.

-Anyway, let's go check out.

Hey, what do you mean?!


It looks like it's going to rain again.

I don't think she's going to tell me.

Let's hold hands and walk home!

Absolutely not.

Why not?
We used to hold hands all the time.

When we were three or four years old!

Kyo… You're so cold to me!

Okay, fine!

I'll hold your hand. Happy now?


-But only half of the way.

People usually avoid me,
or keep their distance.

Don't you see it yet?

That's just…

how you are with everyone.

It's starting to rain again.

I hope Kyo and Kagura are okay.

Kagura will carry Kyo home if he falls.

I'm so--
Is something wrong?

He's back?

-Do you know--
-That's enough!

We held hands all the way here.
Aren't you happy?

You know I don't like being touchy-feely!

I know, but you're boring!


You look well.

