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01x17 - This is for Uo-chan!

Posted: 05/05/23 12:09
by bunniefuu

Don't think you're all that!

Stop walking around with that smug face!

Get everybody else out here.

Time for her public execution!

Make her sit there and wait.


Hey, stop!

Ganging up on a middle-schooler like me.

Really mature of them.

Stop your complaining…

I bumped into you again. I'm so, so--

Uotani! Where are you?!

Over there!


Hey, get back here!

Stop, dammit!


She's making me hurry…

Why did you--


Are you all right?

Yes. Please come inside.

Let's take care of your wounds.

-Don't call me that!


-I got it.

I'm sorry.

And I'm back here again.

Her dad?

I didn't know he was dead.



Like mother, like daughter.

The tofu she dropped…

It must've been for dinner.

Unfortunately, we had a lot of
cloudy skies throughout last week.

It wasn't a good week
to hang out the laundry.

Bye! See you tomorrow.

See you!

We've got a lot of sun this week.

Yes, today was like springtime.

Looks like tomorrow will be just as warm.

I even got a little sweaty today.

Uo-- I mean, Ms. Uotani!

Please stay for dinner today.

Ms. Uotani?

It's uncomfortable here.

Of course it is.

I've never been in an environment
like this before.

I don't have this.

So I feel awkward, like I don't fit in.


Even if I knew…

I would probably still curse my parents.

Tell them to die, and stuff.

Even if my deadbeat dad
waited for me home with dinner.

I probably wouldn't come home.
Or I would tell him the dinner was yuck.

I'm the kind of person
who would do stuff like that, regardless.

So why does it even matter
if I had a family like this or not?

It wouldn't matter.

It shouldn't matter.

But why?

I envy her her family,
and I wish I had one like hers, too.

I'm such an idiot!


No, I mean…




The sun sets in our city.

The smell of dusk.

The lights come on in homes.

The home that you return to
after saying goodbye to friends.

The family waits for you at home.

The caring people that welcome you home.

Am I… just lonely?

All I did was…

just relax.


I've just been lonely…

for too damn long.

Spending time with people.

A quality time with people.

That's all I want.

And that's it.

I'm embarrassed to talk about it.


Love you, Tohru.

Love you.

So what happened with Mrs. Honda?

Ah, you're right.
It was all about me and Tohru, huh.

I don't think I should talk about this.


You want to make some time for us?

Just you, alone, of course.

Should we get going now?

I think we've had enough to eat.

She hardly acknowledges us!

See? We should've talked to them sooner!

You took too long to take the pictures.

-I needed a good shot!
-Thank you for the food!

Hold it, Uotani!

I mean… not you two…

Nope, I'm going to keep that to myself.

The story of how I turned out…

after I met her.

Hey, wait up!

I said wait, Arisa Uotani!

Stop ignoring us!

Are you sure you don't know them?

They're even calling out your name.

I never even met any punks
way behind with the times.

Who's talking!

Don't you dare talk down to us!

Sure, we might just be
some of the punks out there.

We made a name for ourselves by
punishing prim people like you!

We'll eventually be
the keepers of this area,

and create the worst rebel group
you've ever seen!

Good luck.

You sound so fake!

What rebel group is she talking about?

Just say it, and I'll go handle them.

Please don't.

Speaking of…

I used to be like them before.

I wanted attention.

But I also wanted to be left alone.

No matter how old you get,
you'll always be selfish.

Same for everyone.

Me too.

Even adults?

Then why do adults act so high and mighty?

Wow, I apologize for that!

I started visiting their house a lot
after that day.

She always welcomed me no matter what.


She listened to my immature self.

She took me seriously.


All right. Al the beans are ready!

Thank you very much!

Why do you speak so formally?

It's from Katsuya--

Oh, Katsuya is her father's name.

She got her speech from Katsuya.

Thank you very much.

She's so cute, right?!

You love her too much.
I agree that she's cute, but…

I had settled in pretty comfortably.

It was all thanks to Kyoko and Tohru.

So that's how I started
spending more time with the two of them,

and Tohru and I became friends.

I started going to school, too.

Because I got to see Tohru at school.

Battle of… Sekigahara.

The third shogun?

Iemitsu Tokugawa!

What happened in ?

First clue is "a foreigner."

Second clue, "a ship."

Oh! Mr. Perry came to Japan!

You got it!

Just drop the "Mr.", though

You're right.

Learning is fun
when I understand the material.

It didn't take much for Tohru and I
to become friends.

Tohru had always been there for me
from the beginning.

-She was there when I turned my head.
-I made too much curry.

-Standing there for me.
-You should come over.

-Really? I'll be there.

What are you doing?

What do you mean?
I was just talking to her.

Are you okay, Honda?

What do you mean?

Seemed like it was difficult for others
to accept that we were friends.

I didn't blame them for it.

I haven't seen Uotani lately.

Have you, Akimoto?


I heard she's been going to school
like a good kid.

Who does she think she is?
Get her over here.

We need to tell her what's up.


Hey, Honda.


Are you and Uotani
best friends or something?

B-Best friends?! That's amazing!
Wh-What an honor!

But I might be the only one
who thinks we're best friends! 

I'm sorry.

How could they be best friends?

Those two have nothing in common.

The teachers are looking out, too.

You never know. Honda could be up
to no good behind the curtains.

Yeah, she hangs out with Uotani after all.

How am I supposed to come out now?

Me aside…

I don't want people talking about Tohru.

It's pretty clear.

I shouldn't be around Tohru.

I should leave her.

Huh? Honda, there's one too many.


This is for Uo.


You want to leave our group?

What are you, a dumbass?

You think we'd just say "okay"
and let you go?

You know what leaving means, right?


All right, then.

Bring everyone here!

Shit… I'm scared.

I want to run away.

I want to run, but…


Take this!

Whoa, hey, we're just getting started!


I wanted to change.

I actually wanted to change.

I had enough of myself.

I wanted to change.

Because… Because I…

Stand up.

-Get up all rea--
-That's enough.

Who are you?

Kyo… ko…

You awake?

-Don't move.

You hurt your foot.

One of your seniors came to my house.

The girl with freckles on her chin.

She said you needed help,
but she couldn't help you by herself.


I actually really care about her.

I want her to straighten up,
if that's what she wants.

She said that's what's best for you.


You got some nerves deciding to leave.
I'm proud of you.

I'm not…

Sorry for causing you trouble, too.

Don't worry about it.

I just ran through those kids
and took off.

I wasn't cool at all.

You got lucky, though.

A nice friend, too.

I've seen people almost die
by declaring to leave.

You're really lucky.

I'm so stupid.

I had to get hurt to realize that.

I'm so stupid.

There are things you won't realize
until you go through stuff like this.

There are feelings that you won't know
until you hit rock bottom.

Even if you deny the beauty in life,

once you get to see the dark side,

you'll miss the beauty and want it back.

Pain needs care.

Darkness needs the sun to stand out.

We can't leave any of them out.

Everything has a meaning.

Making mistakes, stumbling on,
will all be worth it in the end.

Just keep telling yourself that,

and I know it'll help you grow.

And that's my philosophy on life.



I want to be Tohru's best friend!

Someone she can be proud of.

I want to be a friend
that she can be proud of!

I wanted to make a change for myself…

To make that happen.


It's a bit embarrassing
to think back on it now.

I was wailing on Kyoko's back.

But… it wasn't a waste at all.

They still came after me
for a while after that,

but I got through it.

The feeling of having someone
is really amazing.

I never saw Senior Akimoto after that.

I heard she had moved far away.

We entered eighth grade,
and met Hanajima.

We were having more fun than ever.


Kyoko was always happy and laughed.


I can't believe she died.

No more lights in that apartment.

I can't believe it.

I loved her so much.

She was someone who'd go
and help a child she owed nothing to.

She was caring and genuine.

She had a warm heart.

I loved her.

Uo… Uo!

Yeah, what's up?

I sense something crazy
is about to happen…

Wh-What should we…

Hanajima, remember they're just kids.

Please, this doesn't even count
as playtime.

Enough of the mockery!

We won't just shut up
and take that from you!

-You haven't shut up, though.
-Shut it!

Take this!

Why can't I reach you?!

There's a clear disadvantage in the reach.
She should try lower.

Can we go already?


You should appreciate this moment, girl.

If you just want recognition,
there are many ways to do that.

This isn't one of them, though.

You should stop before it's too late.

If you want someone to scold you,

I can be that person for you anytime.

All right, let's go home.


All is well!

You all right, Ishi?

Let's go and make her regret this!

-Big Sis!
-Big Sis?

That was fun today.

-See you tomorrow.

Thank you so much!

Uo and Hana!

See you tomorrow at school!

I'll never get to see Kyoko anymore,
but she left me a lot.

All those words,

and Tohru.

All of that…

They'll help me grow.

Hey, old man!

Your doc told you to cut back on alcohol!

Oh man, you caught me!

Shut up, don't play innocent.

Low on sodium, too!


Fine, whatever.

Sorry for the wait.


What are you wearing?


I got it custom made!.


You've always been
into the presentation,

but we're not with her.

Yeah, I mean, I know, but…

"If you just want recognition,
there are other ways to do that."

"This isn't one of them, though."

"You should stop before it's too late."

"If you want someone to scold you,
I can be that person for you anytime.

Shut up!

You just copied exactly what Uotani said!

I heart!

Hey, guys!

What… what the…