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01x08 - See You When You Get Back

Posted: 05/05/23 12:01
by bunniefuu
It's so cold!

It's been such an eventful year!


It seems like I was living in a tent
only a few days ago.

Are you going to your grandpa's
for New Year?

I wanted to, but apparently
he's going to Hawaii with the family.


Yes, they saved up some money
from their renovation budget.

Aloha 'Oe!

Tsk. If they're middle class,

they should just watch the New Year's
concert like the rest of us.

So, you'll be staying at Shigure's house?

Yeah. But I haven't had the courage
to tell him yet…

What? So you still don't know
what you're doing on New Year's Eve?

Yeah, well…

Want to come over to my place?

It's not spacious,
but there's some space for you to sleep.

You're also welcome in my home,
of course.

No, I can't!

I can't stay at your houses
for so many days during winter break.

If you don't want to be
in someone else's house,

the three of us could rent a tent
for the New Year.

Not a bad idea to go on a camping trip
right from the beginning of the year.

Don't worry about me!

Please, spend time with your families.

Oh, it's gotten so late!

Let's hurry home!

They're quite agitated.

The waves, I mean.

Why should we even replace these?

Who cares about a hole or two?

Shut up and do it.

It's your fault they got like this.

You damn rat.

Is New Year's cleaning
really that much fun?

Yes! It's like a dream to be able
to clean the house together with you!

Here I go!

It seems Tohru Honda's perception
is somewhat different than normal people.

She easily accepted the fact
that we transform into animals.

I think she's clearly had a much
harder life than her peers, 

and yet she's always smiling
as if everything's fine.

It's been four months
since she started living here,

but there's still some part of her
that I don't really get.

Here we go.

Books are unexpectedly heavy, right?

It'd be a waste to throw them away,

but they'll yell at me if I send them
to the main house.

-Excuse me, Shigure?


I'm really troubled
to ask so much of you…

but I got contacted by my grandfather,

and he told me they would be
spending New Years in Hawaii.

Will it be okay
if I spend New Year's here?

Oh, of course you can, but…

I won't go home!

Do you think a guy
who left for four months

would be happy to go home
just for New Year's?

If I show up for the banquet,

there would be no point
for me to have left there.

Just show yourself
so that they don't get upset--

We'll never go home!

Oh boy…

What happened?

Seems you've been arguing
for a while now.

Listen, Tohru!

They're both refusing to go back
to the Somas' house for New Year's!

Stop with that disgusting girly voice,
you're an adult!

You're not going home?

But Momiji said the New Year's
was a big event for the Somas…

Yeah, I said that!

That's right! It really is a huge event!

The whole clan comes together
to celebrate!

And the part that's considered
the most important,

is the exclusive banquet of the Zodiac.


Yuki's dance from three years ago
was so beautiful.

Wow! I would've loved to see that.

You didn't need to tell her.

Yes, sir.

But it's really wonderful!

A banquet is really like something
straight out of the folk tale!

It's got nothing to do with me, though.

The Cat is not allowed
to participate in the banquet.

What? Why not?

There's an old tradition that says
the Cat isn't allowed to participate.

I guess it's the same as the folk tale.

No way…

You don't have to look so sad about that.

That's not the reason
I don't want to go back home anyway.

It's because he'll get half-k*lled
by an overexcited Kagura if he goes back!

Don't say that!

Putting that aside…

If we went home,
we'd have to stay there until the third.

That means you'd be alone here
for the whole time.

Thank you for worrying about me.

But it's New Year's we're talking about,
so you should go and enjoy yourselves.

You'll also get to
meet your parents, right?

I'm sure they'll be waiting for you
to come home!

Don't worry!

You can trust me with the house!
I'll be sure to…

I'll be sure to…

I forgot that the tap's still running
in the bathtub!

Remember that I'm trusting you
with the house, Tohru!


It leaves me no choice.

I'll go.

After hearing that…

You'll also get to
meet your parents, right?

She'll never get to meet them again.

No matter how much she wants to…

I don't want to,
but I'll put up with Akito.

I don't want to, but I can handle Kagura.

Behold, this is the true power
of Tohru's words.

I'm sure she'll be all right.

She's saying that herself.

Yeah. New Year's is just another one
of those annual festivities, anyway.

Be careful with the crowds, okay?

Don't worry!

It's New Year's Eve,
there aren't many people around.

Make sure you lock the doors.

Sure thing!
I'll see you when you get back.

-We're going then!
-Have a safe trip!

I'm sure she'll be fine.


It's not good for your health.

It's been a long time…

Since I last saw Yuki.

She left her room's window
open last time.

Don't tell me you broke in?

Like I'd do that!
I just saw it from outside.

Honda tends to be careless…

She fell down the stairs again yesterday.

She's even run into walls.

She's definitely the type of girl
that chokes on rice cakes.

Don't say that.
It's nothing to laugh about.

You guys…

Would you stop talking like housewives
worrying about their children?

I understand you're worried about Tohru,

but you decided to go back home.

I'm not worried!

This is ridiculous. Let's just go.

Come to think of it…

I read in the papers there have been
some burglaries in the area.

I hear the culprit is still at large!

This is no good.

She's such an airhead,
she might invite the burglar in!

She'll probably let him sit on a pillow
and serve some tea, 

and ask him to tell her his life story.


Hey, both of you.
If you stay there worrying like that…

You'll get hit.

What? Oh, it's you, Saki!

Why can't she make a normal entrance?

Where did she buy that? Is that a mantle?

What a coincidence!

We're actually on our way to our families.

Is that so?

So she'll really be alone this year.

She's always been spending New Year's
with her mother…

And yet this year, she'll be all alone.

Arisa and I both offered her
to spend New Year's together,

but she told us with a smile,
"Please spend time with your families."

But what about Tohru?

Even New Year's concert on TV…

She must have so many memories
of watching it with her mother.

How will she feel watching it this year?

How did she feel then,
when she said goodbye?

Is Tohru really fine with that?

Will she really be all right?

How is she now, all alone in that house?

What are you doing?

What's with you? Go on,
your beloved Akito awaits you!

You should talk,
you've got your precious Kagura!

Are you kidding? I'll give her to you!

-I'll give you Akito if you want!
-Like I'd want him!

Hey, you two! Where are you going?

We're going home!

You have the banquet, right?
Go visit Akito!

Shut up. I don't give a damn
about the banquet.


Could it be that you are here
to spur them on?

Even if that were the case,
it doesn't matter.

I just wanted to do something
to help Tohru out. That's all.

I wish you good waves
for the next year as well.

I really can't underestimate her.

It's been four months
since we started living together,

and there's still parts of her
that I don't understand.

I miss things, and I don't realize it.

It's because she's always smiling
so brightly,

so happily, even at the smallest things.

That's right, she's always smiling.

She always tells you the things
you want to hear the most.

Your kindness is like a candle.

It lights up.

Even if my memories get erased,
please be my friend again, okay?

I've always liked the Cat of the Zodiac!

What I mean is…
I want to be friends with you!

I can see it as well, clearly.

The beautiful pickled plum
that's on your back.

Why didn't I realize it?

Why couldn't I see it?

I wanted to stay.

That house with Soma, Kyo and Shigure…

I wanted to stay there.

There's no way she's fine
with being all alone.

Nobody would be fine with that.

I want to go home.

I want to go back where you all are.

I want to go back there!

I want to go home!

I want to go home!

I want to go home!

I want to see her.

Right now!

You startled me! Is something wrong?

No, it's just that…

What can I say? This is no good, I know.

I guess New Year's makes people
somewhat emotional…

When you hear enka songs,
you kind of feel moved as a Japanese…

Are you okay, both of you?

Thank God.

If we hadn't caught on…

We would've left her crying all alone.

Are you okay?

We're fine.

We should watch the first sunrise, right?

I wanna eat New Year's soba first.


We're home.

Welcome back.

-I'm back!
-You're late.

You're the last one.

Oh, it's Big Ha and Little Ha!
Thank you for welcoming me.

Stop with the confusing nicknames.

Come on, don't be so rigid all the time!

Little Ha, long time no see!

-Where are Yuki and Kyo?

Well, I guess there's no way around it…

-They skipped.

I can already see them.

Kagura burning up with rage,
and Akito's frigid, quiet anger.

So, what should we do?

I'll deal with Akito myself.


I was thinking of challenging him
for my last fight of the year.

Please don't break my house
like the others.

I understand
why they'd want to skip, though.

It's tough for me as well, at times.

It makes me want to run away too.

Oh well.

I don't think they were running away
from something this time.

What do you mean?


You're finally here!
The banquet's about to start!

Hey, Momiji!
I'm looking forward to your dance!


But before that,
we should deal with Akito.

I wonder what face he'll make
when he hears the two will be skipping.

"Will be skipping"?

What? Is someone skipping the banquet?

Good evening.

Let me first say…
you're reaping what you sowed, Akito.

Is something wrong?

Eat more slowly.

It's not as if I'm eating
particularly fast…

It's best to eat rice cakes slowly.

Be sure to chew well, too.

What? You too, Soma?

Are there many people
who choke on their rice cakes?

Who would that be at this hour?

Unbelievable, what a guy.

Could it be the Somas?

Don't tell me Kagura got angry and…

Or maybe Akito lost it, and…

Hello? May I know who's calling?

Hey, Tohru!

Uo?! Why are you calling this late?

Don't tell me you choked on a rice cake!

Hey, I'm not you, dummy.

Besides, how could I call you
if I were choking?

Oh, you're right.

But what's the matter, really?

Nothing in particular.

I was just thinking
that maybe you were feeling lonely.

And you called me just for that?

Well, yeah.

Hanajima said
your waves were agitated, so…

Hey old man! You promised me
you'd drink only one beer tonight!

Oh, you got me!

"You got me"? Don't get cute with me!

Can you believe this guy?

I'm a really lucky girl.

Hey, don't cry now, dummy.

I'm going to hang up then.
Have a good New Year's.

Yes! You too, Uo.

That was Uo.

Seems she was just worried
about how I was doing.

Oh, really?

Good for you.


Actually, we met Hanajima
on our way to the Soma house.

-Oh, you met Hana?

She was really worried about you, too.

Oh, really?

I'll call Hana first thing
when the new year comes.

I'll be waiting.


Are you sure the situation is all right
with the Somas?

I'm glad you're here of course, but…

-Isn't this causing them trouble?
-It's fine.

I think we'll visit them
over the next few days.


-Thank you for the meal.
-Oh, it's nothing!

I guess the banquet is in full swing
right now.

Kagura must be really angry.

I wonder if Akito is angry.



-It's so cold!

Be careful.

Thank you, Soma.

Soma, Kyo! The sun is going to rise soon!


But somehow I feel at peace.

I don't feel guilty at all.

I thought about lots of different things,
but the truth is…

Have you two decided
what you're going to wish for?

I'm all set!

The truth is…

Maybe the truth is that I wanted to…

…spend New Year's with her.

Kyo, Soma!

Happy New Year!

I'm looking forward
to another year with you!

Me too.


This year I'm going to beat the damn rat!

Right. Good luck with that.

Happy New Year!