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01x06 - Perhaps We Should Invite Ourselves Over

Posted: 05/05/23 11:59
by bunniefuu

-Look, it's here!
-Wow, those look delicious!

Thank you for your purchase!

We're selling so many!

Probably because
rice balls are easy to eat.

Besides, we're Japanese after all!

It must be because your rice balls
are delicious, Honda.

What? That's not…

And those kitty rice balls are so cute!

Is this cannibalism?

But the one that contributed the most
to raise the sales is…

Hey! You can't take pictures
without permission!

Can't you see you're bothering him?

That's right.

Soma couldn't say no
to the pleas of his upperclasswomen,

and agreed to dress as a girl
for the duration of the festival.

And to see Soma dressed like that, 

boys, girls and even teachers
kept coming by.

That's how the rice balls
were selling so much…

Have I done something
to make him angry?

Just ignore him.

He's got a huge complex
about his girly face.

What should I do?

I've been thinking, "How cute he is!" too!

Don't worry.
That's what anybody would think.

Right? He's a girl,
no matter how you look at him.

Du lieber Himmel!

You look like a Madchen!

What's going on?

He's that boy!

Why is he here?

What? You know him?


Don't wander off on your own.

Oh, Harry!

Yuki. You look well. You too, Kyo.

Are they acquaintances of Yuki's?

Guten tag!

I'm Momiji Soma.
I'm half Japanese, half German!

This is Hatori Soma.
A relative of Yuki and mine.

-Is that true?

What an incredible coincidence!

That means they could be
part of the Zodiac!

Leaving that aside, Yuki,
when exactly did you become a girl?

How can you say that
after seeing me naked so many times?

-Yuki, don't tell us that--
-That's not it.

-Now, inhale deeply.
-He's a doctor.

You don't have to examine me here.

I do, because you broke your promise
to come in for your monthly check-up.

Soma, do you have some kind of condition?

Yuki's always had a respiratory problem.

He often had spasms when he was little.

-So, you are Tohru Honda?
-Yes! Nice to meet you.

I see.

You really are a normal girl.


You can't climb up on the stand!

What are you doing, you idiot!

Oh no! I'll be right back!

Why are you here?

If you must complain, do it to Momiji.
He's the one that found the flyer.

Akito saw that
and said he wanted to come.

He had a fever of °C,
so I forbade him to come,

but that meant I had to go in his place.

Relax. I'm not here to do anything
to Tohru Honda.

But let me just tell you one thing.

In that outfit,
your threatening look is ineffective.

Keep your opinions to yourself.

What an idiot!

Isn't there something weird
about Tohru these days?

She's way too friendly
with the Prince and Orange Head.

Yes, it does bother me a bit.

From a wave standpoint, too.

That hurt!

-Stop wandering around and stay here!
-Kyo hit me!


Oh, it's Tohru!

-How are you? I came to see you!
-Hello there.

-So, you are a Soma too!
-Yeah! That was a fateful encounter!

You two have met before?

We met in Dad's building!

Dad's building is also my playground!
He's the CEO!

What?! Really?

Hey, you already know
about the Zodiac, right?


Perfect! I can hug you, no problem then!

Hold it, naughty boy.
Think about where you are.

You want to keep Tohru to yourself
because she's cute?

I bet you're hugging her every day!

As if I'd do that!

Got you!

-What, an expl*si*n?
-What happened?


What? What's with that bunny?

Hey, those are Momiji's clothes!

So weird! Where did he go
and why did he leave his clothes behind?


Then I'm weird too!

I'm a boy, and yet…

Shut up, you're the best!

You look so good in those clothes!

-Have faith in yourself!

Thank you, Soma!

Your self-sacrifice
made for an amazing diversion.

You damn brat!
Do you have any idea what you've done?

I'm scared, Tohru!

So, you're the Rabbit.


It's a good thing
Yuki distracted everyone this time.

I guess in the end, you don't mind
being thought of as a girl--

Would you like to fly even higher?

You damn rat…

I almost forgot the most important thing.

-Yuki, Kyo, line up over there.
-What is it?

Just do as I say.

What's this about?

Just answer my question.

-What's made of milk?

Akito told me to take a picture. See you.

Bis bald!

Hatori! Wait!

So terrible.

I wonder what Akito will say
when he sees me dressed like this.

You'll catch a cold!

I'd rather catch a cold
than stay dressed like this.

But you made everyone so happy!

As a man, I'm not happy
being called "cute."

I'm sorry. I thought you were cute too.

I didn't want you to see me,

in such a pathetic state.


It made me happy
when my mother called me cute.

Because in effect
she was saying "I love you!"

It was a form of love.


She'll never say it to me again, but…

So, I think everyone just meant
that they like you!

And, well…

Wait, I'm not helping you at all, am I?


It's strange.

When you say it, somehow I feel better.

I guess I'll bear with it a little longer,
for my upperclasswomen.

But before that…

Could you take this off me?
It got stuck in my hair.

Oh. Yes, of course.

This dress looks difficult
both to put on and to take off.

It would look good on you.

No way. But I love this,
it's like a princess' dress.

You'd look cute.

You'd look cute.

You'd look way cuter than me.

I'm sure of it.


Shall we return to the classroom?

What can I say?!

I'm so shocked, moved and confused
that my heart is pounding like crazy!

That's right.

Sure, Soma is cute, and beautiful too,

-Let's go!
-but first and foremost…

he's cool.

By the way, Honda.

About Hatori.

If you meet him again,
avoid being alone with him.

What? Why?

Remember that time when they all found out
about my true form?

That time, the one that deleted
everyone's memories…

that was Hatori.

Hey, Tohru.

Oh, Hana!

I'll head back to the classroom then.

Is something wrong?

Tell us.

Are you hiding something from us
about the Prince?

Perhaps the fact
that you're dating Yuki Soma?

No way! It's just that we live together,
that's all!

Care to explain, please?


I apologize for not telling you before.

But I'm fine. They're all
very good people, so don't worry.

This is really what they call
"out of the blue."

I noticed you've been talking often
with the Prince and Orange Head lately.

Now I know why.

Maybe we should make a visit.

I'd like to check firsthand
if it's a suitable environment for you.

That's a great idea, Hanajima!
We should go right away!

Wait. If we go unannounced,
they may not have snacks for us.

That's true, but I'm worried.

You're right.

Luckily, tomorrow is a substitute holiday
for the Festival.

They say "strike while the iron is hot,"
so we'll be over there tonight.

Don't worry!

We'll go home and get ready first,

and we won't cause any trouble!

-Good evening.

Hello! Welcome!

I'm sorry this is so sudden.

It's all fine.

Hey. Is this really okay?

I've heard the wave girls
should not be underestimated.

Que sera, sera! I'm sure it'll work out.

-You worry too much--
-There's a dog here.

What?! Oh, it's true!

Hey! You can't come in!



Hey, your name was Shigure, right?

What's your job?

Me? I'm a writer.

-I'm a novelist.
-You are a novelist?!

-Why are you shocked?
-So you didn't know.

What was it? "High literature"?


Something like this.

Oh, I'm sorry, that was the wrong one!

This is the real one!

I wrote this just as a hobby.

It doesn't change the fact
that you wrote that too!

But it's still amazing!

I would've never thought that someone
as amazing as a novelist was near me!

I know, right?

Honda, he'll get a big head
if you praise him too much.

Well, Shigure's always got a big head.

Oh, right!

I just thought of something fun!
I'll be right back!

Well then.

There's some business I need to attend to,
so I'll be out for a while.

Enjoy the evening, youngsters.


It really seems as though
she's fitting in well here.

That makes me happy,

and I know she only kept it from us
so we wouldn't worry.


We swore that we would help her
through her hardships.

This may sound overly dramatic,

but Tohru was the first friend
we ever had.

It could be said that
we've been saved by her in many ways.

So this time…

we feel frustrated
that we weren't of help to her.

It's as if Tohru does all the work,
and she can't rely on us.

It's as if we're useless as her friends.

She's not the kind of girl
who'd mind much.

She's not the type that asks for the moon.

Sorry to keep you waiting!

Let's play it now! "Rich Man Poor Man"!

Oh, that's a good idea, Tohru.

Nice. I'll trick Orange Head again!

Sure thing. You should dye that hair black
when I win.

Then you should…

Soma. Would you cut the deck?


How are you feeling?

Since Tohru came,
Yuki and Kyo both seem happier.

I hope it all continues like this.

I guess your real wish was
for all this to fail.

But you're out of luck.

Because Tohru is a far better person
than you are.

As always…

I'm just asking for the moon.

My throat aches from shouting too much.

I was the one that ended up losing today.

This is a very nice bed.

Shigure bought it for me!

What is he, a grandfather
with his first niece?

Oh, Tohru, you still have this hat?

Yes! It's an important keepsake!

Is that something special?

Oh, right. I never told you, Hana.

When I was in elementary school,
I often got bullied by the boys.

One day, they were chasing me around,

and I was so scared that I got
myself lost, running from them.

I hid because I was afraid they'd find me,
and then I started crying.

That's when I saw a boy with this hat on.

He stared at me for a while,
and then he suddenly ran off.

Without even thinking about it,
I just started chasing him.

Wait! Please don't leave me here!

I want to go home--

That mysterious boy…

I almost lost sight of him many times,
and yet he'd be there waiting for me.

And then I realized
I was in front of my home.

What a wonderful memory.

Many years later,
the two met again and fell in love.

That would be even more wonderful.

We never met!

Hey, it's a small world, you still might.

You're right.

If I get to meet him again,
I'd at least like to thank him.

He may have completely forgotten
about that though.

But thinking about it now…

Maybe that boy was my first love.

You've had it rough
since you were little, huh?

That's not true at all!

I just recently realized how lucky I am.

I get to live with the Somas,
and I've been loved by my mother.

And I have two wonderful friends,
called Hana and Uo.

You can't imagine how much it helps me,

the fact that you're always by my side.

It would be a sin
if I weren't properly grateful for that.

I love you both.

She's not the kind of girl
that minds about that stuff.

She's not the type that asks for the moon.

All right, let's go to sleep then.

-They really do get her.

You're right.

That's who Tohru is.

She cherishes what she has right now,
instead of always wanting more.

Ours is an invincible friendship.


Hey. I've been telling you
not to drink straight from the carton.

-Soma, good morning.
-Shut up, you unpleasant rat--

That was the last carton.

-Go out and buy ours, too.
-Damn you!

Let's settle this today, once and for all--

Cat and mouse.

Truly alike.

Uo, Hana, good morning!

What do you mean?

The fact that they're always fighting…

That's right.
I forgot they were still here.

Still, this seems like a fun house.

If this turned out to be a bad environment
for Tohru to be in,

I was already thinking
of doing various things to you.

What do you mean by "various"?

Both of you…

-You had some good waves going.

Oh, you're unaware of it?
That's just as well.

Well, we're counting on you.

Please look after her.

Oh, Hana…

-Thank you so much!
-That's as if…

she was marrying one of us.

Let's eat now.

Don't worry, we'll come over again soon.

Right. I'd like to investigate more about
those strange waves of the Somas.

-Hey! Are you kidding?

I'll be extra careful about that thing,
and they're…

They're both really good people!

Well, do as you like.

They're your friends, after all.


You're Tohru Honda, right?

-Yes. May I ask who I'm talking to--
-It's Soma Hatori.

We met yesterday at the Festival.

Let me get to the point.

On your next day off school,
come to the Soma estate.


I need to talk to you about something.

Something important.

Keep this confidential.

Hatori was the one that
deleted everyone's memory.

What should I do?

But Mom told me
to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

If you don't come…

you know what will happen, right?

I understand.



you'll also get to meet Akito.