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01x03 - Let's Play Rich Man-Poor Man!

Posted: 05/05/23 11:57
by bunniefuu

The school festival
was just one month away,

and things were getting busy at school.

As you can see,

our class has voted
to open a rice ball stand.

Next, I'd like your opinion
on what kind of fillings we should use.


How about "tricolor" rice balls?

Three kinds of fillings in one rice ball!
It's both fun and convenient!

It's cute, I like it.

How so?

I don't think that's a good idea, Yuki.

What if someone chose
tuna, kelp and pickled plum?

Yuck! That would be the worst!

It's your personalities
that are the worst, idiots!

Never bring a steel pipe to school!

-What about rice ball battles?

One-on-one matches,
the only rule is not to k*ll the opponent.

Weapons are allowed.

No matter how much we bleed,
or even if we lose an arm,

-we'll fight for our rice balls!
-Idea rejected.

Why?! I was doing you a favor
and sharing my opinion!

What if we make some bad-tasting ones?

Those who buy three will get to choose
another one for free,

but there will be some icky ones
among the choices.

Idea accepted!

Why did you accept his idea so easily?

Your idea was too weird, Kyon Kyon.

Don't pout about it, Kyon Kyon.

-Don't call me Kyon Kyon!
-Don't get angry, Kyon Kyon!

Oh, cats!

-What is it?
-When did they get here?

-Where did they come from?
-So cute!


Wait, Kyon Kyon!
What's up with those cats?


Oh no!

Don't worry,
you look way more suspicious than him.

That guy really is a hothead, isn't he?

He's the complete opposite
of the Prince.

So that's where you are.

You like high places, don't you?

Hello, Mr. Cat.

So cute! It seems cats really like you!

I don't know why,
they just follow me around.

It happens to all of us in the Zodiac:
We attract animals of our kind.

That sounds like fun!

It's no fun at all!

So, what is it?

I was just a little worried, that's all.

Aren't you joining us
for our project for the festival?

It won't make a difference.

It's all going to work out
as long as Yuki's there with you.

He's always been smart, perceptive,
and good with people.

Everybody naturally comes to recognize
his talents, and they trust him.

I was the first to
start practicing martial arts,

and yet now he's stronger than me.

As I expected, Rat children are special.

That's true. It's a pity the same
can't be said of Cat children…

It pisses me off.

I'd like to be him for once.

A guy like that.

Let's play "Rich Man, Poor Man"!

You should ask that damned Yuki
about that.

But Soma isn't here.

What a bummer.

I thought it'd be an easy game
against you,

since you look both dumb and clumsy.

How pathetic, running away from a fight
like that. And you call yourself a man?

Fine, count me in!
Don't cry when you lose, punk girl!

The loser will take on cleaning duty
for everybody.

What a pleasant vortex of waves.

I wonder where Soma is…

Forgive me. I don't feel like
being in a relationship right now.

So I can't…

No, I don't want to hear it!


Oh, this is…


You're kind,

but some part of you rejects people.

Everybody says so!

That you're special,

and that an ordinary girl
is not good enough for you!


-You're a cunning jerk!
-Those are the rules of the game!

So, Revolution turns
strong cards into weak ones…

Secret technique.

Reverse Revolution!


She got you, Orange Head!

-That's great, Hanajima!
-That was lame, Kyon Kyon.

Shut up! The battle has just started!

There's some part of you
that rejects people.

Oh, "Rich Man, Poor Man"?

I know the rules, but I've never played.

Uo taught me how to play it just recently.

Let's play together next time!

So, it seems he became
the Poor Man this time.

Please, let me help you.

I refuse. A loss is a loss.

But I'll win next time!
And I'll beat you as well, obviously!

Don't you get tired of saying that?

Besting you is my goal and ambition!

How unfortunate for me
that I have to deal with that.

Stop patronizing me! It pisses me off.

Your simplistic way of thinking
pisses me off.

He once more has that look.

They're fighting again.

Being the Cat and the Rat
doesn't sufficiently explain

the extent of their mutual hatred.

Come to think of it…

I'll beat you, and become
a true member of the Somas!

Maybe he meant that if he'll beat Soma,
he'll get to join the Zodiac?

That means…

the Cat will join the Zodiac,
and they'll be ! How wonderful!

But fighting is not good…

-Hey, Kyo…
-Prepare yourself, you cold, cruel rat!

I get annoyed just looking at you.



Why can't I win?

-Kyo, you didn't bite your tongue, right?
-I'm not that stupid!

Just go, leave me alone.

No, I mean…

It's embarrassing,
always losing like this.

Never mind, just go.
You have work today, right?

His moves were rougher than usual.

He must be in a bad mood.

Thank you for today, good night!

Soma, he…

He seems to be very considerate
of other people,

but maybe doing that causes him
to keep all his feelings inside.

That's why…


It's dangerous to think while you walk.

Good evening!

Who might this be?

In a building this late at night…


-Tohru Honda?
-It's me, yes…

A foreigner?!

I don't speak English--

Uh, I…

I'll get going!


Honda? Why are you panting like that?

-Oh, there was a strange fo--


Hey, good evening.

You came all this way just to pick me up?

Yeah. It's dangerous for girls
to be out this late.

Thank you so much!
You and Kyo are both so kind!

Shall we go then?


If you…

If you've got some kind of
unpleasant burden on your mind,

please, tell me!

You know, they say bad dreams bring
good luck if you tell them to somebody.

If you're comfortable with me,
you should tell--

Enough with the flirting,
go home, youngsters!

I meant, tell me about them.

But it looks as though
I might be part of your problems…

Back when I was home,
it felt like I was in a cage,

being constantly watched
by Akito and the family.

I've been longing to live a normal life,
surrounded by normal people.

That's why I applied to a mixed school
and left my home.

But in the end,
I'm still inside that cage.

I'm still living in the house
of one of the Somas,

and I'm not that good at dealing
with normal people either.

I feel as if I'm drawing a line
so that others can't get in.

But Kyo is different.

He might be shy at first,

but he's always been the type who attracts
people to him once he gets used to them.

Sure, he's not part of the Zodiac,

but he can be his natural self
with normal people.

I think I'd prefer that.

I wanted to be like him.

That's why it annoys me.

To see him wanting to join the Somas…

I wonder what's wrong with me,
wishing to get out of all of that.


You have the power
to attract others as well.

Lots of girls say they fancy you,
and that you're kind.

I'm kind because I want to be liked.

It's like giving out sweets
so that the other kids play with you.

I'm being kind out of my own interest.

I might be a hypocrite.

As I thought…

Kyo is envious of Soma, 

and Soma is envious of Kyo.

And that's how they
keep resenting each other.

But the way I see it, 

they each have
their own wonderful traits…



Not good.

Because of this sudden typhoon,

Shigure, is the forecast on?

I'm watching it right now.
They say it's a sudden typhoon.

A typhoon?

Hey, you're soaking wet!



-It's dangerous out here!
-I'm fine!

During the last typhoon,
I held up my tent all night--

-Are you okay?

-Soma, is something wrong?

Where are we going?

It's a field!

More like a backyard garden.

-You've done this yourself?

This is my secret base.

That's wonderful!

You want to protect your base
from the typhoon, right?

I may not be of much help,
but let me join you!

You're so kind, Honda.

That's the first time
someone said that to me!

But this may be my hypocrisy
so that people think I'm a good person!

No, yours is definitely innate.

But my mother used to tell me
to always choose belief over doubt.

That people aren't born with kindness.

What we have when we're born

are desires, such as for food
or for material things.

Survival instincts, basically.

But kindness must be grown inside of you,
just like our bodies grow.

That's why everybody has
their own different kind of kindness.

Desire is easy to understand,
since everyone's born with it.

But each person's kindness
is like something handmade, 

so it's easy to misunderstand it,
or think it's just for show.

But, Tohru, you…

When I thought about the many shapes
kindness could take, I felt excited!

Soma, your kindness is like a candle.

It lights up, like a flame.

And when that happens, it makes me
so happy that I can't help but smile.

You have that kind of kindness.

Was a candle too weird a comparison?

Oh, that's not it.

I just feel kind of embarrassed now.

A man like me, complaining like that…

I'm happy.

Because I feel that the more
you keep telling me about yourself,

the better friends we become.

That was inconsiderate of me to say…

No, not at all.

I'm sorry. I'll continue my mission
to protect the base!

But Tohru, you…

You should believe them.

To doubt is an easy thing
that anybody can do.

You must become someone
who can believe in people.

I'm sure that will give somebody strength.

We protected it to the end!

We're all beaten up, though.

Can we harvest something right now?

-Well, I think the chives are ready…

I love chives!


I'll also play "Rich Man, Poor Man"
next time.

Of course! But you looked as though
you weren't interested in it.


It's just you seemed so lively
that I felt somehow intimidated.

But I'll do my best.

Even if it's little by little,
I want to learn how to be with people.

Don't worry!
Hana and Uo are very good people!

I'm proud of having them as friends!

Besides, you seem good with cards,

so they'll be happy
to have a worthy adversary!


I won't lose, okay?

It feels as if it's the first time
I've seen his true smile!

We'll catch a cold
if we don't take a bath!

If the day comes when he smiles like that
at school,

he'll probably be even more popular!

What's this?

Are you opening a rice ball shop
or something?

Oh, good morning!

I'm experimenting with rice balls
for the school festival.

You're always up early, Kyo.

Not really, it's nothing special.

Were you in the field with Yuki all night?

It's so hot!

Yeah, we protected all the veggies
from the typhoon.

How is it?
I'm particulary proud of that one--

-What the hell is this?
-It's a chive rice ball.

-Is it bad?
-I hate chives!

Aren't salmon or fish roe rice balls
good enough?

Fine, I'll make my own.

That's amazing!

You're so good at making rice balls!

How wonderful, and unexpected too!

I used to make my own meals
while I was training.

It doesn't mean they taste good, though.

Is that so?

Someone who's training hard
to make rice balls

might be very jealous
of how good you are at making them.

Who would train hard for such a thing?

Where do you get those ideas?

That doesn't change the fact
that's an amazing skill.

Why doesn't he realize that?

Maybe it's stuck to your back!


Let's say the beauty of each person
is like a pickled plum.

Maybe that pickled plum
is stuck to each one's back!

On the back of every person
around the world,

there's a plum of different shapes,
colors and tastes.

But maybe, since it's stuck on their back,
nobody can actually see theirs.

They may think they haven't got it,
that they're just made of white rice.

Even though that's not true, because
they have their plum on their back.

Maybe they get envious of one another,

because the plums on the backs
of others are much easier to see.

I can see it as well, clearly.

That beautiful plum
you have on your back.

Soma is wonderful, and so are you, Kyo.

Again, where do you get those ideas?

Besides, why a pickled plum?
Can't you think of something better?

I'm sorry!
Maybe I should've said "salmon"!

Oh, the kettle's boiling!


You've got it as well, on your back.

The plum.

I can see it.

-Can you, really?
-Only a little one, though.

A tiny one, okay?

But little ones are delicious!

-Oh, Soma! Good morning.

You didn't sleep at all?

I had so many wonderful things
to think about, it kept me up all night!

-What about this?
-They're chive rice balls!

But Kyo apparently doesn't like chives.

They are simply inedible!

Eat it!

Is there really nothing that can be done
about the animosity between them?

If they just could see
each other's good points…

Maybe they would start to get along.

Seems I misunderstood you
this entire time. Forgive me.

Me too. I'm sorry, man.

From now on, let's enjoy and strengthen
our friendship!

I guess that'd be scary, too…


Excuse me…


Is it…

Is it true that Kyo is here?