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01x02 - They're All Animals!

Posted: 05/05/23 11:56
by bunniefuu
Hello! Special delivery!


They're all animals!

Oh yes, animals. Could you sign this?

No, that's not what I--


What a smart dog!

Thank you, see you next time!

Now that you've transformed as well,
we can't even make up an excuse!

You're the one that slipped up first…


They can even speak…

At this point, I think it's better to just
tell her instead of making up stories.

I have the Dog spirit,

Yuki has the Rat,

and Kyo Soma over there
is possessed by the Cat spirit.

And in the Soma family, there are others
that are possessed by the zodiac spirits.

It's been this way for centuries.

It's not as if we have
special powers or anything.

We can communicate
with the animals of the same kind,

and for some reason
we transform when we're sick,

or when we get hugged by the opposite sex.

We naturally turn back human
after a while.

But completely naked.

I apologize for that unpleasant view.

So, have you calmed down?

I think I'm starting to understand
the situation now…

That must be the reason Soma
pushed away the girl who tried to hug him.

Anyway, you really are silly, Kyo!

A martial arts nut like you,
letting a girl sneak up on you like that!

You really have eyes for no one but Yuki!

Don't say it like that!

Besides, why is she here?

A girl?

Shut up.

It's none of your business
whether there's a girl in this house.

You're an outsider.

Shut up!

-Tohru, you're bleeding!
-What? Blood?

We must stop the bleeding
and disinfect the wound!


I knew you were an idiot,
but I didn't know you were this idiotic.

I'm going to respond
to this idiocy of yours,

by fighting you seriously, just today.


Try not to bore me.

Bring it on, you wimp!


Don't worry.
Those two really hate each other.

They do nothing but fight.

But shouldn't we stop them?

It's fine. It'll be over in a second.

Yuki's going to win again.

Told you, right?

"Try not to bore me."

-Hey, don't break the house, too!
-He went flying…

-Honda, what about your wound?
-Oh, I'm perfectly fine!

But him…

Oh, he's okay, I guess.

I would've never guessed someone
they call "prince" would be so strong.

He's so different at school…

I'm late for school!

I'm sorry to be leaving you now,
but I must get to school!

It's the promise you made
to your late mother, after all.

Still, I need to report to Akito,

the head of the family,
about what happened.

The head of the family?

Someone important then.

I understand.

-I'll go change then.

Now I get why you told her
about us so easily.

You're going to erase her memory,

just like you've done before.

I do not intend to do that.

Back then I had no choice,
too many people had found out.

I'm going to school, too.

At least fix the roof, you stupid cat!

Kyo, please watch the house for me.

Please, don't go missing again, okay?

Also, be sure to apologize to Tohru.


It's very unusual that you come in late.
You overslept?

What? Oh, yes.

What, you overslept?

You should've stayed home.

The prince was late today, too.

That's why they're suspicious.

I definitely can't tell them
I slept over at his place.

Are they stupid or what?

Haven't they got anything else
to think about?



You haven't told your friends…

about us.

No, I haven't.

Did you worry about that?

I will never tell anyone about that!

My mom often told me that it's bad manners
to speak about others' secrets!

-No, it's not that…
-I'll swear!

I'll seal it in blood,
or even with a cigarette burn!

No, that's not…

my mother used to do that a lot too…

That's not what I mean!

I'm sorry to say this, since you're doing
your best to keep our secret.

We might have to erase your memories.

Well, it's not like we do that literally.
It's a sort of hypnotism.

Long ago, somebody else had found out
about us, just like you did today.

A girl was playing around
and ended up hugging me.

In the end, we had to erase the memories
of everyone present there.


Am I really so weird
that you have to do all this to hide it?

Yes, you are.

Of course it's weird,
you're a human turning into a mouse.

Any normal person who found out
would be shocked.

They wouldn't come near you,
would avoid you.


Forgive me.

I can't go against Akito's decisions.

No matter what the decision,
I can't do anything about it.

So, forgive me.

But, wait--

I'm sorry!

I didn't do it on purpose!

It's fine, as long as nobody saw us.

Well, thank you for worrying about me.

That makes me very happy.

I will be fine.

I guess it can't be helped,

since I found out
such an important secret.


Please, do whatever makes you
and your family feel the safest.

It would be sad to forget everything,

but I'll bear it!

Even when my memories are gone,
please be my friend again, okay?

The time it takes
to transform back varies.

Good, I'm done.

Oh, your necktie is crooked.

I'm not very good
with this kind of things.

It's my time to shine then.

Any normal person who found out
would react with dismay.

They won't come near you.

Honda, don't you find it weird?

No, I'm fine!

That's not what I…

-Shall we go home?
-Yes, let's go!

-It's nothing, neckties are my specialty!

Call a professional to fix it properly.

Right now it's enough
if it keeps the rain out, right?



When I get angry, I…

I don't see anything around me.

So, about this morning…

I'm so--

Yuki, Tohru, we're back!

Also Kyo, that clumsy idiot
who loses fights!

It's nothing, dammit!

What? Hey, wait up!

I've got good news.

Tohru can live with us,
as long as the secret is kept.

So, there's no punishment?

No, but you must keep the secret
at all costs, okay?

I will!

I'm so happy! I get to keep my memories!

I find this a little too convenient…

Don't tell me you and Akito
are plotting something involving Honda?

Hey, why would we do that?

I'll trust her.

This Tohru…

This might be a good chance,

for Yuki, Tohru, and even me.


I know it's weird to say this now,
but thank you for letting me stay here.

You're welcome.

Yeah, you're welcome.

Thank you too, Kyo.

Why are you thanking me, it's none of my--

What did you just do?

You're an outsider, just get out of here.

At any rate, it looks as if
I'll be living here in the Soma house.


I'm impressed you managed to tidy up
this rotten kitchen.

I did my best!

I didn't even know we had a rice cooker.

I dug that up!

How is it? Is the flavor okay?

It's delicious. It's been a while
since I've eaten like this.

I'm so glad!

Anyway, Shigure and that stupid cat
are late. Where are they?

You also went out earlier, right?

Yeah, to the secret base
we have in the backyard.

A secret base? That sounds exciting!

I don't think it's quite
what you're picturing right now.

You can come with me next time
if you want.

I can, really?

I'm so happy! A secret base!
When I was little--

-Shut up!
-You should listen to me for once!

I'm through with this!

Is it so fun to manipulate people
like that?

Hold on! I admit it's kind of fun,
but I'm doing this for your own good!

-Welcome back! Would you like to eat?

Don't take it out on Tohru.
And take off your shoes.

Shigure, you really are unconvincing, huh?

Oh, lunch is ready.

What happened to Kyo?

Oh, about that…

I tricked him into taking
the school transfer exam.

School transfer?

Basically, from tomorrow on,

Kyo will stay here
and go to school with you.

-Let's eat!
-Don't eat. Don't come near us. Get out.

Well, I knew you'd be angry.

Kyo didn't go to the school
he was supposed to

and went missing for over four months.

He said he was training in the mountains.


Kyo wants to b*at Yuki in a fight.

They've been rivals since they were kids.

What an idiot.

-Thanks for the food.

The reason Kyo wants to b*at Yuki…

Is it out of resentment for being tricked
like in that old story?

But I don't feel right
about asking him that question.

Besides, I already get the feeling
that Kyo hates me.

That makes me a little sad.

He's the Cat of the Zodiac,
and I finally got to meet him…

-Where? Where is he?
-Over there, the one with the orange hair!

-Do you think it's his natural color?
-He's so cute!

-Hey, are you Soma's cousin?
-Do you get along with him?

He's scared.

I hear your cousin has transferred here?

-Come on, introduce us!
-I'm sorry.

Yes, we're cousins,
but we're not close at all.

I haven't spoken to him once.

That smile…

I like that color.

His hair color
looks a little like Kyoko's.

Oh, you're right!

I feel them. He emits
the same kind of waves as Yuki Soma.

What is this presence?

These are not the waves of a human being…

As I thought, I can't underestimate
Hana's "wave radar."


Where are you going?

That hurts! Let me go!

-What's wrong with you?
-Calm down!

Leave me alone!

No way…

-It hurts!

He sure seems like an interesting guy.


Would you mind using your head
a bit more when you act?

Are you serious?

Why are you going to a school
with so many girls?

It's still better than going
to the boys' school chosen by Akito.

I want to get out of the Somas' cage,
even for a little while.

And to think that you want
to be in that cage on your own…

You'd never understand!

I'm going to win! I'll b*at you
and become a true member of the Somas!

I won't let them exclude me--

No, you can't!

I'm sorry, but fighting…

It's no good! You can't fight at school!

Shut up!

I just want to b*at Yuki, that's all!
Don't get in the way.


Get out of my sight!

That was rage at max level.

He hates me. He definitely hates me.

You really are an idiot.

You're not going to punch me?

I think not punching you will hurt more.

You skipped school on your first day?

I want to leave this house.

It's been only three days.
Think of this as part of your training.

I always end up saying mean things to her.

"To her"? You mean Tohru?

I can't do it.

I'm not good at dealing with people.

You just lack experience, that's all.

You can split a table in two
with your fist.

But you can also stop that fist
before it strikes.

Dealing with people is the same thing.

If you don't cross roads with others,
hurt them and get hurt by them,

and learn about them and about yourself,

you'll never be able to
truly care for someone else.

You should continue your training
so that when you meet someone

who says she loves you,
you'll be able to love her back.

There will never be someone like that.

What if there will be?

I can't even picture that.

I'll ask if she's insane or something.

Oh, really.

I'm back.

Hey, welcome back. Where's Tohru?

She's at work.

I was thinking of picking her up,
since she finishes late.

You should definitely do that.

There's been lots
of sexual as*ault cases lately.

Get out of my sight!

"I want to stop being the Dog
and become the Cat."

I truly meant what I said back then.

And yet he hates me…

Always be yourself.

Yes, Mom! I won't run away!

Could this be that "sexual as*ault"
I've heard so much about?

Take this!

Oh, I was just practicing my swings!

-What a coincidence, Mr. Kyo!
-Enough with the "mister."

Just call me "Kyo."



I just tried calling you "Kyo."

-Don't say my name without a reason!

It's fine, you can say my name
when you want.

You can hang around all you want
in front of me,

and if I piss you off,
you can just punch me.

Could it be that he's trying to apologize?

Maybe that's why he came here…


It's not what you think!

I said "No!" and hit you with the bag
because I thought you were a pervert!

A pervert?

In fact, I love it!

I love the Cat of the Zodiac!

It's true!

I wanted to be born
in the Year of the Cat!

Basically, I…

I want to get along with you!

What if there will be?

Someone who says she loves you.

There's nothing good
about the Year of the Cat.

I think I'm starting to understand Kyo.

He's a bit clumsier than others,
but I'm sure he has a kind heart.

An honest person
who knows what "I'm sorry" means.

Kyo, you pervert!

Why are you saying that?

You know what?
Kyo said he'd go pick you up by himself!

Don't worry,
that's never gonna happen again!

Of course!

But the fact that Kyo is eating
the meal I cooked makes me even happier.

How is it? Do you like it?

-What is it?

-You were looking at me.
-Just looking.

Why were you looking at me then?!

-Does it taste bad?
-It does!

I'll try harder then.

No, it's not that…

As you can see, we made peace at last.

I have a feeling
we'll have more fun in the days ahead…