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02x10 - Bailey's Big Break

Posted: 05/05/23 10:02
by bunniefuu
Man over radio: at the scene of
the fire, this is grant wainmeyer.

I'm surrounded by giant
sheets of flame now

And don't know how
much longer I can hold out,

But I'll try to bring you
complete coverage from here

- For as long as I can.
- (Crashing)

- Oh, the roof is caving in!
- Of course.

Well, that guy's good.

He's a showboat, andy.

- We wouldn't want a newsman
like that around here.
- Oh? Why not?

There's no maturity in
that voice, no authority.

More audition tapes.

We don't need to
hear any more tapes.

Put 'em on the
desk here, bailey.

There's one there on top
that's really not too bad.

Okay, thanks.

- Thank you, bailey.
- Oh, thank you.

We're really quite busy here.

Oh. Oh, right.

Actually, the
second cut is the best.

- We'll be the judge of that.
- Here you go, les.

- Play the one
that bailey likes.
- Okay, andy,

But this is ridiculous.

In the first place,
I do not need help

In the news department.

And in the second place, we
are never going to find anyone

Who's good enough
to work with me.

Oh, les. Look, you can't go
on doing the news, the sports,

- The weather, the traffic...
- The hog reports.

The hog reports all by
yourself. You need help.

- Nonsense.
- Play the tape.


Bailey's voice: it's 12:00
noon in cincinnati,

And this is the
wkrp news roundup.

Must be at the wrong
speed. It sounds like a woman.

Wait a minute.

Replies to west germany,
as tensions increase...

That's bailey. I haven't
got time for jokes.


Domestically and

Oil remains the
number-one concern.

Oil-schmoil. Give me a break.

Wait a minute. She's
pretty good. I like her.

- Bailey?
- Sure, les. Bailey. Why not?

Now, wait a minute, travis. She's
young and inexperienced, and she's a w...

- A what? A what? A what?
- A w... A w... A w...

"A woman," les?

Les, there are thousands of women
in this country with women on the air.

Ask disc jockeys, yes.

But this is news, travis,
news. Important stuff.

Les, what about, uh... What
about barbara walters?

I "west" my case.

Les nessman, I have been
standing outside that door,

And that is a good audition
tape, and you know it.

This is a private
meeting, quarters.

I don't care, nessman.

Bailey, a voice doing
news on the radio

Must be rich and full,

With mellifluous rounded tones.

It must be... It must
be a... Man's voice.

Andy likes that tape,
and I want the job.

How about it, andy?

Well, I think you
deserve a shot.

How about it, les?

Over my dead body!

All right. If that's
the way you want it.

Wait a minute. What
are you doing, travis?

Stand still, now,
and don't squirm.


♪ Baby, if you've
ever wondered ♪

♪ Wondered whatever
became of me ♪

♪ I'm livin' on the
air in cincinnati ♪

♪ Cincinnati, wkrp ♪

♪ Got kind of tired of
packin' and unpackin' ♪

♪ Town to town, up
and down the dial ♪

♪ Maybe you and me
were never meant to be ♪

♪ Just maybe think
of me once in a while ♪

♪ I'm at wkrp in cincinnati ♪

Well, bailey, you've
shown real determination.

I'm proud to have you a member
of the news staff at wkrp.

Thank you.

Oh, no, thank you.

Payday, everybody. Johnny.

- Herb.
- Look out, girl.

- Les. And congratulations, bailey.
- Thanks.

I'm sure with your
new responsibilities,

That paycheck will just get
bigger and bigger and bigger...


I think I hear the phone
ringing in the lobby.

What are you trying to do to me?


Knock, knock.

- Come in.
- Thank you.

Show bailey the ropes.
Answer any questions she has.

- If that's an order.
- Good man.

- Thank you for
your cooperation.
- Door.

- Herb?
- Yeah?

Want to flip for paychecks?


Are you serious?

- Yeah.
- I didn't really mean it...

- Call it.
- Heads.


Knock, knock.

Les, could I please
come in, please?

You may.

Look, les, I just wanted to...

Andy wants me to
show you the ropes.

I'm only going to do this
once. These are the ropes:

Typewriter, teletype,

Police scanner, police code,

Buckeye news hawk award,

Four more buckeye
news hawk award,

And the coveted
silver sow award.

Now, about the format:
whenever possible,

I always try to lead with the hog
futures, particularly in the morning.


Because, bailey,

That's what people
are interested in.

Yeah, but what if a really
big story is breaking?

Well, that's when you have
to use your news judgment.

There will always be exceptions.

For instance, when president

Richard milhous nixon resigned,

I led the news with that story.

Looking back, I think

I made the right decision.

Look, les, could
you just tell me...

I have to do the noon news
report now. Excuse me, bailey.

You can change the
ribbon on the typewriter

Or look at the teletype
machine, whatever you please.

Okay, les. Could
you just tell me,

When do I get to go on the air?

When you're ready.


I'll know. Trust me.

- Well, when?
- I don't know.

- Come on, double or nothing.
- Do I look like a fool?

Hey, bailey. Congratulations.

Thanks, venus.

And thank you too, herb.

Don't thank me. I'm against it.

I know.

Is that because I'm a woman?

Look, herb, did you know
that it's against the law

To discriminate
on the basis of sex?

I do everything on the basis...

Of sex.

Whoo! Mr. Macho!

You know, venus, I'm, uh...

I'm not real sure I know exactly

What "macho" is, but...

Whatever it is, I'm it.

And so, with denim, I feel
comfortable and relaxed.

I feel as though I
can work better.

Do other program
directors dress like that?

Oh, some of them.

Oh, they look confining.

Mr. Carlson, promises
were made to me.

When you said that I got that
job, that meant the whole job.

Hello, andy.

Chain of command,
bailey. Chain of command.

One does not go above one's head

In order to speak
to a bigger one.

- Hello, mr. Carlson.
- Howdy.

For three days... Three days...

I have changed ribbons,
sharpened pencils,

Filed stories, rewritten copy,

And any other silly
thing he had me do!

- There is nothing
silly in the news.
- (Seethes)

And every time I ask him,
"when do I get to go on the air?"

He says, "wait and see"

Or "I'll know when she's ready."

I think that's enough. I
just want to know when.

Les, is that right?

Well, travis,

In the news game,

We all have to pay our dues.

I'm bringing her along, slowly.

We'll all just have to wait and
see. I'll know when she's ready.

I think she's ready now.
That was part of the deal,

Part of the job,
right, mr. Carlson?

Hmm? Oh, well, there's
certainly an idea there.

No, there isn't!

Mean little devil, isn't he?

As a matter of fact, les, I think bailey
should do the 6:00 wrap-up tonight.

- What?
- Oh, les, just one night.

Just one night to
see what she can do.

- Thank you.
- Absolutely not!

- Now, les...
- Travis, as news director
of wkrp,

I will not allow
us to compromise

Our high standards of
journalistic excellence.

And I'm telling you that
bailey is going on tonight.

- No, she isn't.
- Yes, she is.

- She isn't.
- She is.

- Isn't!
- Is!


Mr. Carlson, I need to know
where you stand on this issue.


The buck's got to
stop somewhere.

If a man can't stand the heat,
he shouldn't go in the kitchen.

When the going gets tough,

The tough get going.

Bailey quarters...

- Right.
- Know the situation?


On the air or off?

- On.
- Uh-huh.

We never had this conversation.

I don't remember it.

I've given this a
lot of thought.

I really struggled
with this one.

Hey, who's kidding whom?

I've lost weight over it.

But the bottom line
is, bailey goes on.

(Door shuts)

Thank you, mr. Carlson.
Thank you, andy.


It's tough at the top, travis.

(R & b music plays)

All right, stargazers, we're
coming up on the 6:00 hour,

And it'll be time for the news.

After that, you've got
old venus sitting here

Playing magic
music all night long.

So stick with us, my children,
and don't watch television tonight.

All that on is a movie
called portrait of teenaged

Runaway sex-crazed
hustling housewife.

Strangely enough, it's
not very interesting.

Hey, you ready, ace?

Yes, I think so. I'm
just a little edgy.

Don't worry about it. You're gonna
knock 'em dead, kid. Right, travis?

- That's right.
- Okay. Here we go.

- Wait a minute.
- What?

- I'm gonna faint.
- What?

No. No, I'm fine.

(Music fades)

- All right, here it is.
- (Dramatic news theme plays)

Man: london, madrid,

Bangkok, moscow, cincinnati.

From the four
corners of the world,

From the news capitals
at home and abroad,

The day's headlines
brought into focus,

The issues and events
that shape our time.


Information beacon of
the ohio valley, presents...

Les nessman and the news.

(Teletype recording plays)

Good evening. Les
nessman is not here.

I'm bailey quarters, and
here's what's happening.

New scandal in
our nation's capital,

While right here at home,
cincinnati city council

Copes with union demands.

Details right after this.

- Woman: more coffee, harold?
- Man: why, thanks.

Woman #2: that's funny.

He never wants
another cup of my coffee.

Man: that's 'cause your
coffee stinks, helen.

- How am I doing.
- You're doing great.

- Are you sure?
- Oh, yeah.

- No problem.
- Just relax,
and don't be nervous.

- Right.
- And no fainting.

The commercial's
over! The commercial!

- No, it's not. Jeez.
- Oh, whew! Sorry.

Sorry. I guess I'm having
sympathy pains or something.

Helen: you like louise's
coffee better than mine

Because you like louise!

Harold: that's nuts.
Louise, more coffee.

Man (chuckling):
golden bean coffee.

It's saved more
than one marriage.

And now, the news.

Inflation once again
cuts into cincinnati's...

- No hog reports.
- Oh, les,

All the farmers are probably
tucked away in their little beds by now.

She forgot the hog reports.

But listened to how
polished she sounds.

- She's gonna be a great
help to you, les. Good night.
- Meanwhile, in washington,

A highly placed presidential
advisor denied that

He once shot heroin with
a group of hells angels.

And in philadelphia,

The archbishop
was arrested again.

No hogs.

Well, we'll see about that.

Yes, we certainly will.

She was concise,
she was articulate,

Totally prepared, professional.

She was very smooth.

I like that.

I like to see that in others.

Now, wait a minute, big guy.

I think you're jumping
to conclusions.

I'm what?

Travis is jumping
to conclusions.

You're doing good. The best
I've ever seen, as a matter of fact.

Herb, why are you even in here?

Because, andrew, this man

We call les is my friend,

My best friend, and I
will not see him abused

In any shape, form, or fashion.

Thank you, herb.

Will you shut up? I told
you I'd do the talking.

Absolutely right. I'm sorry.

You see? That's talking again.

- Sorry.
- (Exclaims)

I'm tired of meetings, travis.
We've had too many lately.

Perhaps if I could just
have a day or two alone.

Uh-uh. We've got to get
this thing straightened out.

Why? Why can't events
run their natural course?

Times overwhelm man.

Events erasing, just
beyond man's grasp.

The center cannot
hold. Am I making sense?

- None.
- Then let herb talk.

Thank you, sir. Now,

The long and the short of it is

That my buddy lester nessman

Is getting a raw deal.

- I hate that expression.
- Will you shut up?

- Herb...
- What?

The long and short of it is, bailey
has shown her skill and ability,

And I personally think she deserves
three or four newscasts every day.

- What?
- Both: what?

I'm sorry. That's what I think.

Excuse me, andrew. Did
you say she deserves

Three or four newscasts
of her own each day?

Well, all right, two.

Well, is that in addition
to my 10 daily reports?

Well, no, i... Excuse me, herb.

I was thinking with
all you have to do,

You could just give
up a couple of slots.

- Oh, come on, les... Excuse me, herb.
- Surely.

I'm not asking for any of the
ones that you think are gems.

But they're all gems.

You see? This man
is bleeding inside.

I am sorry I'm late.

I was right in the middle
of a phone interview.

- With whom?
- Ted kennedy.

Sit down, bailey. Sit
anyplace. It's all right.

Hi, les.

(Exaggerated) hi!

Bailey, I was just
telling mr. Carlson here

What a fine job
you did last night.

- Oh, thank you, andy.
- So we have decided...

Get out of the way, herb.

We have decided to give you

Two newscasts of
your own each day.

- Oh, god! Really?
- I beg your pardon.

Oh, excuse me, mr. Carlson. I
meant, "oh, good golly. Really?"

- Thank you.
- Bailey,

- We think you deserve it.
- (Scoffs) brother.

Many of us think
you deserve it. Les,

How about giving her
maybe the 8:00 a.m. News?

That's my first edition, andy.

I like to think of it as my personal
address to the working people.

Well, okay. Then how about maybe

The 9:00 or the 10:00?

Well, some working
people sleep late.

I'd hate to exclude them.

Noon? How about noon?

That's the first chance for an insightful
interpretation of the morning's events.


respite for mothers

Picking up their
toddlers at school.

Well, les, you're gonna
have to give up something.

- Excuse me. I have to leave now.
- Oh, les...

Please, try and
be big about this.

I'm sorry, andy, but...

This is as big as it gets.

Anybody here flown
on the concorde?

It's not asking a lot, jennifer.

Just let me hold
$30, $40 till payday.

Forget it.

Look, jennifer, I'm
starving to death.

We have talked
about this before.

I do not lend men money.
It makes them weak.

Listen, I'm already weak.

What happened to your paycheck?

Uh, I could never explain.

Hi, jennifer. Did you hear
me on the air this morning?

Yes, and you just keep
getting better and better.

- Really?
- Really. How's les?

Oh, jennifer, he's been just
terrible. But I am not backing down.

If he wants to fight
me, I am gonna fight back.

Oh, don't be too hard on him.

Les is just a sweet person.

Yeah, you're right.
I will try to be

As patient and as
nice as possible.


Hey, buster! What the
heck is going on here?

My sports update is missing.

You don't tear around
with my desk. It's right here.

I thought maybe you wanted
me to proofread it for you.

No one has to proofread my copy.

Now, come on, you
two. Let's all be friends.

- She's changed this, jennifer.
- Oh, just a little.

No, you changed the
meaning completely.

It just does not
make any sense, les.

It is a swimming meet, not a
swim meeting. Right, jennifer?

Uh, I think it probably
could go both ways.

And reporting that the
swimmers swam in water

Is a bit unnecessary.

Oh, I don't know.

And is "the breast stroke,"
les, not "breast stroking."

That does sound wrong.

It is wrong.


Thank you, bailey.

You're right, and I'm wrong.

It's not very good reporting.

Oh, les, it's just two
different interpretations.

I wish it were, bailey.
Excuse me, please.

Thank you, bailey.

I guess you saved me from making
a fool out of myself on the air.

Oh, les...

It's just him.
He'll get over it.

Jennifer, as long as
you have known les,

Have you ever known
him to get over anything?


(Unemotionally) so this is les
nessman saying, "good day,

And may the good news be yours."

I'll be back at noon
with... I'm sorry.

I'll be back at 2:00.

I don't know when I'll be back.

Real cheery, les.

I've got trouble
in my life, john.

Yeah, yeah, sure. You got
enough money to feed yourself?


Well, I don't. Could you
loan me some money?


Could you loan me some food?

- Hello, les.
- Bailey.

I've been waiting
to talk to you.

I've got an idea.

Um... Has it occurred
to you that wkrp

Needs only one news voice?

I mean, you know,
so that the listeners

Could better identify it?

Oh, sure, sure. You'd
like that, wouldn't you?

No, not me, les.


What do you mean?

Well, I've been thinking about what I
want to accomplish in this business,

And I don't think news
is where I want to be.


Hiya, news people.

Bailey, what are you saying?

- I'm saying that I quit, les.
- What? What?

That's right, andy.

Oh, bailey.

I went to the wall
for you on this one.

Now, mind your
own business, andy.

- She knows what she wants.
- Do you know?


If what I wanted to do
was be a news reporter,

I'd give it my best shot.

But that's not
what I want to do.

What do you want to do? Do
you want to sit here at this desk

And schedule commercials
the rest of your life?


I thought I'd be in
upper management.

What do you mean?
You want carlson's job?


I thought I could have yours.


- You'd be very good
at it, bailey.
- Now, look here, les...

- You heard the lady.
- Yeah, I heard the lady.

And I've also watched you
do everything you could do

To break her spirit,
and I don't like it.

And I don't like you
giving up, bailey.

Now, if you'll
both excuse me, i...

I-i got to go bowling.

It's just one of those things
I can't get out of, you know?

I can't get anything
done around here!


Are you sure you're not
just doing this for me?


You're sure?

I'm sure.



- One other thing, quarters.
- Oh, come on, les.

I want you here at
8:30 in the morning.

You're going to continue
to do two newscasts a day

Until I decide...
You can do more.

You got that, quarters?

I got that, nessman.

Okay, then.

Better hit the road, then, kid.

News... People

Don't like sloppy,
emotional scenes.

(Rock music plays)

(Man singing, indistinct)
