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02x01 - For Love or Money: Part 1

Posted: 05/05/23 09:49
by bunniefuu
♪ I need a trip to
some faraway place ♪

♪ To make my juices flow ♪

♪ All I need is your
sweet company ♪

♪ And a dark,
little place to go ♪

♪ I'll bring a blanket
and a six-pack of love ♪

♪ You bring a friend
and the radio ♪

- Uh, johnny?
- Yeah?

Uh, how long have you
been standing there?

Just a couple of seconds.

Well, I wish you wouldn't sneak
up on my blind side like that.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Johnny, I was gonna ask you...

Yeah, let me ask you something.

- What do you think
of ted nugent?
- Nugent...

I think his music is
loud and repetitive,

And I think his stage manner is
pretentious, rude, and obnoxious.

Fair enough.

Oh, johnny!

I didn't mean for
you to do that,

You silly person!

Um, johnny...

I was wondering if, um... What?

Well, I have tickets to a bogart
movie tonight over at the university,

And I was wondering if
maybe you'd like to go.

Sure. Who else is going?

Uh... Well, uh,
just us, I guess.

Well, sounds great.

I'll pick you up
here about 8:00?

- Oh, all right.
- Okay.

Unless something
comes up, of course.

Are you kidding?

Oh, johnny, I know
how busy you are.

Bailey, I'm not busy.

Oh, come on. A guy like
you? Are you kidding?

- Listen, I'll see you here
about 8:00 tonight?
- That'd be great.

- Great. I'm looking
forward to it.
- Okay. Oh, boy.

- Yeah. Mm?
- Oh, that's crazy.

Hey, you drank it all.

That's okay. Good with me. Bye.

Okay. How you doin', les?

I get mine on the outside.

Get your what?


Les, it's not a date.
It's just me and bailey.

- Phone.
- Thanks.

Yeah, you got me. Talk to me.

Yeah, this is me.

Buffy? Laurel canyon buffy?

No kiddin' around buffy?

Where are you?

No kiddin'?

Yeah. Well, I'm terrific, yeah.

I'd love to. Tonight?

Okay. You name it.

Yeah. Uh, fine.

I'll pick you up at your hotel.

Okay. Listen, I'm really
looking forward to this.

All right, bye.

Well, I'll be damned.

In philadelphia,
thousands frightened.

This and more coming up on wkrp.

♪ Baby, if you've
ever wondered ♪

♪ Wondered whatever
became of me ♪

♪ I'm livin' on the
air in cincinnati ♪

♪ Cincinnati, wkrp ♪

♪ Got kind of tired of
packin' and unpackin' ♪

♪ Town to town, up
and down the dial ♪

♪ Maybe you and me
were never meant to be ♪

♪ Just maybe think
of me once in a while ♪

♪ I'm at wkrp in cincinnati ♪

So I don't hear
from her for years,

And then, wham, out of
the blue, I get this call.

- She was kind of special, huh?
- Oh, yeah. She was.

We were together in l.a.,
See, and those were fine days.

It was right after
my first divorce, see,

And, well, buffy
was... A little weird.

We just kind of went with that.

Listen, I just wish
you the best tonight.

Oh, I am due, travis.

We're all in a slump.

I think I'll just take her
over to my place, see...


Hi, herb.

- You guys talking
about a broad, right?
- "A broad"?

Chick, skirt, bimbo.

- Oh.
- Yeah, right. Look,

John, do not take
her to your place.

Why not?

"Why not"?

Number one, the joint's
a dump. No offense.

Certainly not.

And number two,
take it from old herbie

That if there is no
show, there's no go.


Now, herb here is
an expert on women.

He's even written some
letters to penthouse.

Couple. Just a few.

But they didn't publish them.

I don't think they
sounded realistic enough.

Bunch of teenage girls on
roller-skates att*cked me one day

And had their way with me.


- Hey, herb?
- Hmm?

Why don't you give us your
professional advice on women?

- You really want to know?
- Sure. Why not?


First, you get yourself a plan.

Now, what's the one thing
all plans just scream out for?

- Hi, guys.
- Hi.

An objective.

That's the one thing
all plans have to have:

An objective.

And when it comes to dating,
we all know what that is.

- Friendship?
- A pleasant evening?

Okay, if you guys are
gonna kid around with me...

Herb, wait, no. Come on.
We're sorry. Go ahead.


You take a woman
to a nice place.


Now, that says "I like you,
you're important to me,

"And by bringing you here,
you know I like nice things

"And that I have
very high standards,

And one of them is you."

You joke, you kid around,

And you hope that that
rare connection will happen

When the both of
you instinctively know

That the same river

That flows past her
door flows past yours.

It's not a... It's not a
sexual thing, actually,

But it is romantic,

With all the excitement
and sheer human fun

That goes along with it.

The important thing is

Not just letting a woman
know that you want her,

But letting her know
that she can have you

In a very nonthreatening,

Totally natural, loving way.

- Uh, what else?
- Yeah, what then?

Come on, now. You guys know.

- No, what?
- You get her drunk, stupid.

- What's happenin'?
- Venus, my man.

Yeah. No. The answer is no.

Oh, now, it's not what
you think it is, I swear.

- It's money, isn't it?
- Money?

- Yeah, it's always money, man.
- Oh, man, you really think
you've got me pinned.

- How much?
- $20.

- No.
- Give me 20 bucks,
or I'll blow up the building.

Why do I care what you
do with this building, man?

- Travis.
- Uh, no.

Listen, johnny, we're going to
lunch. You go ahead and blow it up.

Herb, you stay here.

- Herbert...
- Hmm?

Give me $20 so I can take
this girl to a nice place.

You'd have to k*ll me first.

John, john... Lester!

"Attola." "Ayatollia."

"Aytollia." It's not fair.

Uh, les, can I ask
you something?

- Here, say this.
- "Ayatollah khomeini."

- Uh, how about a loan?
- Where do they get
these ridiculous names?

- Of money?
- Yeah.

See, i-i kind of got
a big night planned.

Yes, I know you do, and
I'm vaguely repulsed.

Fine. How about the loan.

Fever, do you realize this
seemingly innocent transaction

Can change our relationship forever
from that of co-worker and equal

To that of borrower and lender?

I.e., Vis-a-vis, I've got you

Right where I want you.

Anything you say, les.



Five whole dollars?

- I don't want to
leave you flat, les.
- It's all right, fever.

How can I ever
hope to repay you?

Sign my i.o.u. Book.

Does this get me on a
mailing list or something?

Jennifer, it was so easy.

I was so, I don't know, cool.

- Oh, god.
- What did you do?

I... Asked a man for a date.

- I mean, me. Can you believe it?
- Somebody around here?

- Maybe.
- That's wonderful.

- Do you think so, jennifer?
- Certainly.

There is absolutely
no reason why a woman

Shouldn't ask a man
out if she likes him.


Have you seen my naked
nabe run-a-bobber?

I don't know.

It's just a little thing.
Purple and green.

About that big.
Drives the trout crazy.

No, I don't think so.

Oh, woe is me.

What made you do it?

Oh, I don't know. I've wanted
to for such a long time,

And this morning, when I was...

Well, jennifer,

Have you ever looked at yourself

And suddenly realized that
you could be a better person?

I mean, more in control?


Well, I did.

I mean, it would've been silly
for me to wait for him to ask me.

He's, uh, shy.


Oh, I can't say.

Bailey, are you in love?

Uh-uh. Not me. Uh-uh.

Oh, hi, johnny.




Uh, jennifer, what would you do

If some guy asked
you for a small loan?

Well, first I'd
laugh in his face

With a sort of slight sneer.

Then... Then I'd just fix him

With a stony stare.

Then I'd give him a little
smile that lets him know

That life is over
as he knows it.

How about my
seductive silver troller?

I don't think so.

Oh, what am I gonna do?

Uh, you could give me $50.

Don't hang around
out here, okay?

Doesn't look good.

Jennifer, see, i...

There's somebody I want to take
out tonight and really impress.

For $50? It can't be done.

It's really important.

Uh, this person
you want to impress,

- Is it someone I know?
- No.

- Someone who works here?
- No.

You old dog.

I'm going to washington
tonight for dinner.

- The city?
- Uh-huh.

- D.c.?
- The admiral
misses his pals,

And he wants to
try out his new jet.

Anyway, if you want to take this
lady to my apartment, I don't mind.

Your place? Gee,
I couldn't do that.

Don't be silly. I'm glad to.

There's champagne
on ice, and I'll get raoul

To whip something up
and leave it in the oven.


That's right.

Is he a friend of yours?


He cooks for you.

Here's an extra set of keys.

Oh, jennifer,

This is the nicest thing that
anybody's ever done for me.

I'd better get to work.

Listen, uh, jennifer,

Is there anything
I could ever do

To repay you for this?


Venus: the sun is
down, my children.

- (Sultry jazz plays)
- this is venus on the rise

High in the sky over
cincinnati on wkrp.

(Doorknob rattling)

(Keys jingling)

(Doorknob rattling)


Johnny: it's pretty hard to tell
one key from another, you know.


(Doorknob rattling)

Come in.

I'm just disappointed in us all

That we even need
locks in the first place.

So, what do you think?

I think it's really,
really dark.

Yeah. Uh, where did
I leave that switch?


Oh, johnny.

- What a nice, nice place.
- It is nice, isn't it?

Oh, johnny, it's so good to
be back in your arms again.

Same here.

I was just remembering

When back then, oh,
so many years ago,

Thinking about you and me

And how I used to
think we should,

In one sudden burst of passion,

Commit su1c1de together.

That was... Long ago,
oh, so many years.

Oh, johnny, johnny, johnny.

- Yeah.
- Not so many years ago.

Don't you remember
how we used to

Walk along the
beach so late at night

And realize that the
ultimate intertwining

Of one's soul with another

Could only take place in death?

Uh, how about a snack?

- What have you got?
- I don't know.

Raoul was supposed to
leave something in the oven.

I'll check.

- Who's raoul?
- I'll be damned if I know.

But he leaves
things in your oven?

No. I mean, I know
raoul, of course.

He's a hairdresser or something.

Oh, johnny,

Johnny, johnny, johnny,
johnny, johnny, johnny, johnny,

- Johnny, johnny, johnny.
- Yeah?

The vibes here are so clear.

Thank you. They are
clear, aren't they?

There was a time, you
know, when your aura

Was, like, brown, remember?

Yeah. Well, I had just
gotten my divorce.

Yeah. But now I can sense...

I mean, I can really
sense, you know...

That you have become
more prosperous

And, I think,
slightly effeminate.

Crab puff?

I've grown too, johnny.

I want to tell you all about it.

I want to hear all about it.

Well, remember how
we used to always get

So caught up in materialism?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Well, I'm past all that now.
- Good.

I've learned to deal
with materialism, see,

By really getting
into it, you know?

I mean, like, I'm really, like,

Into it now without
even thinking about it.

So finally, I'm really,
like, free of it, you know?

- Is that champagne?
- No, no, no.

It's just whiskey and wine and some
very expensive cut-glass crystal

And some champagne.

Oh! 1972.

That is the year
that I was into,

Um, rainbow body sculpture.

What a... What a coincidence.

I've really missed you, johnny.

I seem to have grown weaker

As I became more effeminate.

- Never mind that.
- Okay.

Was I a very... Giving person?

- Mm-hmm.
- I mean, in our two

Wonderful years together?

Yeah, sure. Uh, of course.

It was a very
giving relationship.

I gave up my career for you.

I know you did. Thanks.

What career?

"What career"?

Oh, johnny,

Don't you remember
where we first met,

In that little club
in santa monica?

I was the singer.

(Loudly) ♪ feelings ♪

♪ All my life is ♪

♪ Feelings ♪

It's amazing how you can
forget something like that.

I could've... I could've
made the big time, you know?

I could've made a
record and everything.

But i... See, I gave it all up

To devote myself to you.


I gave you my love, my body.

I gave you my cosmic center.

I gave you my car.

The car's gone now.

Buffy, what are you getting at?

- I have needs.
- Great.

- And I have certain rights.
- Sure.

And I want you to know that there's
nothing personal in any lawsuit.

(Mouths word)


Johnny, it's only fair.

I gave to you when
I could afford it,

And now you can give to me.

- I've got a lawyer
and everything.
- (Mouths word)

Yes. Oh, in fact,

I'm supposed to meet him
in 20 minutes at my hotel.

- We'd better go.
- Sue me?

Johnny, now don't
get emotional. I hate it.

- So sue me.
- I will.

Listen, johnny, you
read the papers.

You know this is how it goes.

- This happens
all the time now.
- Now? Sue me?

- Johnny, it is just business.
- Just sue me?

Johnny, please.
Business is done this way.

Jo... Johnny?

Now, I've looked

On where I'm
coming from on this,

- And it's all right.
- Yeah.

At first I didn't like myself
for what I'm doing to you,

But now I see that it is okay

Because, see, like, i...

I got that it's okay.

- You know what I mean.
- Buffy,

- Guess what?
- Johnny...

This isn't even my apartment.

(Forced laughter)

Oh, johnny,

I only want half of
everything you've got.

I don't want it all.

I don't want this
piano, for example.

(Plays notes)

I remember another piano.

- Do you?
- (Plays chord)

And two crazy,
love-struck songbirds

Who made beautiful
music together?

Hmm? In that little beach house?

- In l.a.?
- Yeah.

- I remember.
- Yeah.

Do you remember all
those sunsets? Hmm?

Remember those moonlight strolls
together in the pounding surf?

Johnny, forget it.

The deal is down.
Take me to the hotel.

- No.
- All right, fine. I'll take a taxi.

Fine. I hope the taxi explodes

And scatters debris
for miles and miles.

Carnage! That's
what I want to see!

Oh, johnny,

I never thought
you'd take it this well.

Oh, thank you.

- Ciao, johnny.
- Ciao, baby.

(Playing notes)

(Playing "chopsticks")

(R & b plays)

Hi, venus.

Hey, bailey, what's happening?

Uh, do you know what time it is?

- Oh, 8:30.
- Oh, right.

I forgot. 8:30. Right.

See ya.

♪ For a while ♪

♪ To love each other was all ♪

♪ We would never
leave love was strong ♪

♪ For so long ♪

♪ Never knew that
what was wrong ♪

♪ Oh, baby, wasn't right ♪

♪ We tried to find what we had ♪

♪ Till sadness was
all that we had ♪

♪ Affair would
lead our love into ♪

(Continues, indistinct)

He says somebody's trying to
sue him. I think he's gone nuts.

What's he doing at jennifer's?

I put poison in the brandy.

You had an orgy last night.

I wasn't invited.

(Rock music plays)

(Man singing, indistinct)
