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01x05 - The Never Dry

Posted: 05/05/23 08:59
by bunniefuu
[HANNAH] Bailey?


Do you know her?

[BAILEY] Do you?


We never talk about her.

[OWEN] It's hard to talk about.

When I lost your mother... [STAMMERS]

... everything...

My whole life changed.

But I think about her all the time.

She's who I see whenever I look at you.




[BAILEY] Look.

"Debate Team President
Katherine Smith and teammates

celebrate state championship
at her family's bar,

The Never Dry."


You think that bar still

The photo's years old.

It's still here. It's
right off th Street.

Let's go.

Come on. We need to go there now.

[SOFTLY] Bailey.

I know you're upset. I know you are.

I'm upset too but we
need to talk this through.

There's nothing to talk through.

We're names from getting an
answer to who your father used to be.

If we just stay here and
go through the roster...

No, I'm sick of sitting here.

- Bailey...

We can google the names at the hotel.

Yeah. Most of them are on Google
but the yearbooks are here.

Let me put it this way,
I'm going to The Never Dry.

I need to know who she is.

Please, I'm asking you to come with me.

Okay. Let's go.

[GRADY] Find out if she rented
a car, checked into a hotel,

where she used a credit card
and I want a trace on her phone.

I'll put in for a warrant.

Exigent circumstance. They
teach you anything in law school?

Taught me I can't get a
trace without a warrant.

Want me to send the file
on Owen to the courthouse?

Yeah, I think we want that
in as many hands as possible.

- Right.
- Tell the judge Hannah Hall and her ward

are in imminent danger.

We gotta get to them
by the end of the day.

Tell her we gotta find them
before anyone else does.

- [MARIS] What happened to knocking?
- Bailey Michaels is in Austin.

Since when?

She and Hannah Hall took a flight
from San Francisco yesterday.


If anything happens to them...
If this story surfaces again...

I got it.

Where do you wanna start?

- I wanna trace her phone, and I think...
- With a warrant.

And I think someone should make it clear

to the FBI team investigating The Shop

that putting any photos of Owen
in the papers or on the news

would be a colossally stupid idea.


I've got a contact pretty high up
in the criminal division at the DOJ.

- See if she can run some interference.
- Thank you.

- Hey.

- Do they know?
- [GRADY] Excuse me?

- [DOJ OFFICER] Hey, Maris.
- Hold on just one second.

Why are they here? Do they know?

No. I don't think...

They can't.

Then what the f*ck are
they doing in Austin?

[BAILEY SIGHS] There are hundreds
of Katherine Smiths on Instagram.

- Literally hundreds...
- [HANNAH] Yeah.

... but none of them
look like her. [SIGHS]

Anything on the bar?

Some Yelp reviews, blog posts
on Eater, an old profile.

I mean, it hasn't been
updated in a while.

Does anyone even use that anymore?

[SCOFFS] Watch it.

[STAMMERS] Seriously, I was asking.

Well, I'm telling you some of us do.

Including Charlie Smith.

- He's not Dad.
- [HANNAH] No, he's not.

Lists Austin at his hometown.

He studied architecture at the
University of Texas at Austin.

Is there anything on his
wife, um, Andrea something?

Reyes. Andrea Reyes.

But it... it says he's single.

R-E-Y-E-S, right?

I think so.

Bailey, do you know her?

[BAILEY] Maybe. I...

I'm... I'm not sure.

[HANNAH] Thanks.

Does it look familiar?

I don't know. Maybe a little.

Maybe I'll remember more inside.

- Wait.
- What?

- I don't want you in there.
- Why not?

We don't know whose bar this is.
We don't know who these people are.

We don't know whether they're dangerous.

All we know is that it's
looking like you have roots here.

Roots your father didn't
want you to know about.

Something or someone he was
trying to protect you from.

Go get some coffee. Just
work on Cook's roster

and stay where the barista can see you.

You saw the picture.
She looks just like me.

Why won't you just say it?
Say who you think is inside.

Probably for the same reason
you're not ready to say it either.





[HANNAH] You're a little vague
when you talk to her about Olivia.

A little vague when I bring her up too.


- [BARTENDER] Hey there.

- We're not open just yet.
- Oh. [SIGHS]

We usually don't start
serving till : .

Sorry about that.

The door was unlocked and I just...

I didn't mean to let myself in.

I guess it's five o'clock somewhere.


Why don't you take a
look at the cocktail menu?

I got a couple more
things to take care of.


I'm Charlie, by the way.

Maxine. Max.

Pleased to meet you, Max.

You okay over there?

Sorry. Nervous tic. [CHUCKLES]

What you nervous about?

New city, you know? [INHALES SHARPLY]

And I... I have an interview
tomorrow at the university.

I'm staying around the corner.

How is the walk to
campus from here? Doable?

[BLOWS] I mean, it's a good minutes.

And in this heat... [CHUCKLES]

... it's probably not the
best look for your interview.

Right. Good point.

What's the job?

It's a teaching position at
the school of architecture.

- Really?
- [HANNAH] Hmm.

Hmm. I took some classes
over there once upon a time.

Yeah, I started my master's.

Well, a couple
curveballs, and here I am.

- Yeah, I know a little about curveballs.

So, you're an architect?

[HANNAH] Mm-hmm.

I'm in the running
for a visiting position

but they asked me to have dinner
with some of the faculty tonight,

so I'm hopeful and a little nervous.

Well, you've come to the right
place. First drink's on the house.


- Hook 'em horns, baby! Whoo!


- Hey.
- This photo you sent is insane.

[BAILEY] Yeah. It's a lot.

You found it in the library?

In an old yearbook. [SIGHS]

You okay?

[STAMMERS] Yeah. I d... I don't know.

What do you think?

I mean, clearly there's a resemblance.

Okay. And?

And maybe she's, like,
your aunt or a cousin

or something. I just...

I don't think your dad would lie
to you about who your mom was.

I really don't, Bailey.

Yeah. Well, three days ago,

I didn't think he'd lie
to me about anything but...

Come on, Bails.

He'd never keep your mom from you.

So why can't I breathe
when I look at her?



[CHARLIE] The house specialty.

My grandfather used to make the
bitters himself, now I do it.

Most of the time anyway.

- Wow.

So, this is your family's bar?

Yeah. My grandfather
was the original owner.

[CHUCKLES] He wanted a place to hang out

and play cards with his buddies.

Oh, wow. That's cool.

What about your father?

What about him?

I was just wondering if
he works here too or...

My father's a lawyer.

Yeah, this was never
his thing. [CHUCKLES]

[SIGHS] To be honest... [SIGHS]
... it was never mine either,

but at a certain point I needed the gig.

- Curveballs.
- Yeah. Two of 'em.



Anyway, that was the end of
my master's. [INHALES DEEPLY]

Maybe that's why you look familiar.

I think I might have
been here, at this bar.


I thought you said
you were new to Austin.

I am. That's the thing.

I've only been here one other time.

A few years ago I came
to town with a girlfriend

for the hot sauce competition.

She was taking pictures for
the paper that she worked for.

- We hit a bunch of bars. [CHUCKLES]

But... [CHUCKLES] ... I
think we might have been here.

It just feels really familiar.

Yeah, it's possible.

The festival's held, uh,
down at Fiesta Gardens.

That's not too far from here.

We keep some of the winners in stock.


Yeah. This one... [BLOWS]
... makes a mean Bloody Mary.

Oh. I'll bet.

If I'm remembering right,

the bartender working that
night was a total sweetheart.

She gave us all sorts of
tips for places to eat.

She had long blond hair.

She looked a lot like you actually.

That's some memory you have.

Well, I might be getting some help.

Maybe it was her.

Not possible.

[HANNAH] Are you guys related?

You ask a lot of questions.

I know. [CHUCKLES] Sorry.

It is a bad habit.

Asking too many questions?

Thinking people wanna answer.

No, it's fine. [CHUCKLES]

She was my sister and it's just...

she's no longer with us.

Car accident a while back.

I'm so sorry.



[KVUE REPORTER] Yes. We have an update

on the fraud investigation at The Shop.

According to my sources,

several more of The Shop's
officers and senior staff

are expected to be
indicted this afternoon.

- [SIGHS] Shit. Okay, everybody.

Where are we on Hannah
Hall's cell phone?

The warrant application's in.

- [GRADY] Did you follow up with the judge?
- She's been on the bench all day.

[MARIS] Hey.

- You see this?
- Yeah.

You get anywhere with
your friend at the DOJ?

Said her hands are tied.

- Where are we with the phone warrant?
- Nowhere.

Let me call the data brokers.

Let me track Hannah's phone.

Maris, you don't have to know
about it. This is me going rogue.

Officially, it's a no.

Thanks, unofficially.


- New plan?
- Yeah. Call the data brokers.

- CSLI for the last hours.
- On it.

This just came for you.

Thank you.

The f*ck?


Hey. Excuse me. Do you have a...

Oh, thanks.


Sorry. One sec.

Hey. My phone's literally
about to die. [SIGHS]

I think I found an address.

- Whose address?
- Andrea Reyes.

[SIGHS] Seriously?

Are you sure it's the same Andrea?

Uh, no, but I found the same
address for Charles Smith

on a campaign contribution
disclosure form, so...

Okay. [SIGHS] Well, um,
can you send it to me?

- Just did.

[SIGHS] It's actually pretty close.

Bailey, you can't go by yourself.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but

you should probably wait for Hannah.

Yeah. [STAMMERS] Yeah, maybe.

Is she still in the bar?

[BAILEY] She is.

[SMACKS LIPS] Thanks for the drink.

Are you sure I can't...

Oh, on the house means on the house.


- Your boys sure are adorable.

[SIGHS] Yeah, they're a bit
older than they were there,

so a bit less adorable.

- You got kids?
- Not yet. I'm still looking for the guy.


Anyway, I should get going.


But maybe I'll head back
if I get done early enough.


Yeah, come back. We'll celebrate.

Ugh, from your lips.

I do have one more bizarre
question before I go.

Of course you do.

I figure you know a lot of locals.

Far too many. [CHUCKLES] Why?

I'm trying to find a guy.

My girlfriend and I met
him when we were here.

He lived in Austin, probably still does.

I mean, he might've been a regular.

And my girlfriend had
a huge crush on him.


Anyway, she's going
through a crappy divorce

and I know this is ridiculous,

but since I'm in town, I thought
maybe I'd try to find him for her.

They had a connection.

How long ago was this?

A while ago.

Connections are hard to find.

Fair enough.

Uh, you got a name? Not that
I'm great with names but...

How about with faces? I
think I took a photo that day.

Yeah, I'm pretty good with faces.

Where did you get this?

You think this is funny?

This is my family you're f*cking with.

- [SHOUTING] Who are you? Who sent you?

- No one. [GASPS]
- Tell me who sent you!

Hey! Get off of her!


Holy shit.

- Kristin?
- No. No, I'm not.

Go. Go, now!

- [BAILEY] What happened? Who was that?
- [HANNAH] Just keep going.


- [PEDESTRIAN ] Hey! Oh.
- Excuse me.

[PEDESTRIAN ] Watch it!


Just go. Just go!

- [CYCLIST] Watch it!


[HANNAH] Bailey, faster.

I'm going as fast as I
can. It's a shit show.

Is he even following us anymore?

[HANNAH] Bailey.

- [HANNAH] Come on. We gotta go.

[KATE] Kristie.


[KATE] Don't be scared.

[OWEN] You're not
afraid of bats, are you?

[KATE] Don't worry. They're
just... passing through.



[KATE] Kristie. Kristie.

[HANNAH] Bailey?


You okay?

[BAILEY] I remember her.

She was... She was here with-with
Dad and-and Andrea and Charlie.


He called me Kristie.

My dad called me Kristie.

I mean...

she's my mother. Isn't she?

I think, maybe.

Do you think that...

[SNIFFS] I mean, if...

If my dad lied about-about who she was,

then do you think that maybe...
maybe she might still be...

She died in a car accident.

Charlie told me. That part's true.

Your dad didn't lie about

I am so sorry.

Why? Why would he...

I don't know. I really don't.

Bailey, listen to me.

I'm upset too but we... we need to
go. We need to go someplace safe.

[BREATHING HEAVILY] Can we do that?

And then we will talk this all
through, I promise. I promise you that.

- Can we go?
- Yeah, okay. [SIGHS]

Come on.


You know that doesn't actually
make it come any faster.

- Maybe we should take the stairs.
- We're on the sixth floor.

- [SIGHS] Oh, come on.


[PANTS] We're taking the stairs.

[MARIS] But until then, we've got
to go back, because if anything...

Guys, hold on a sec.

- What?
- Owen sent me his phone.

Notes app, emails.

All of it annotated.

Uh, yeah, we're gonna have to push.

Look, I just started digging
in but it's exculpatory.

He wasn't part of the
primary coding team

but he was trying to fix the problem.

He was pushing Avett not to go
public, to declare there was an issue.

Jackie, get me the US Attorney's
office in San Francisco.

Who's running point
on the investigation?

Uh, Jamie Caldera is
the AUSA on the case.

And I've been talking
to Naomi Wu at the FBI.

[MARIS] Get her on the phone for me.

We got Hannah Hall's CSLI records,

looks like she just
walked into The Town Hotel.


I'll text you Naomi Wu's contact info.

Grab Poser, meet us in the garage.

Larry! Larry, grab your
gear. You're with me.

I gotta go.



Let's pack up.



[BAILEY] Where are we going?


[BAILEY] I can't just leave.


But you said we'd talk it through.

I said we'd talk it through
once we got somewhere safe.

You've got to be kidding me.

I mean, he lied to me. He
lied to me about everything.

About... About who I am,
who my family is, all of it.

And then he f*cking disappeared

and I... I wanna know
the truth! Don't you?

Yes. I'm telling you, we'll
find it. Just not here.

This is where the answers are. Maybe...

[BREATHES HEAVILY]... we should...

We should go back to The
Never Dry and talk to Charlie.

Forget it. No!

I may not know why your father did
what he did, but I know who he is.

And anyone who would have
that kind of reaction to him

is not someone we can trust.


We're so close.

I promise we will figure
it out, but not here.

Not where you might be in danger.




[OWEN] How does it feel?

Pretty great. [CHUCKLES]

- If you don't like the ring, just...

I love the ring.

I love you.

- But?

How did Bailey take it?


- She was so hap... No. [CHUCKLES]

About how you'd expect.

That bad?

She'll be fine.

You don't know that. I mean...

growing up without a mom.

It's hard to let in someone new.

Especially when...

you're a little vague when
you talk to her about Olivia.

You really wanna get
into all this tonight?

And a little vague
when I bring her up too.


There are some things I'm just...

afraid to tell her about her mom.

Like what?


Like, you could never tell
either of them what to do.

- Oh. [CHUCKLES] Oh, this is gonna go well.
- [OWEN] Probably not.

- Mmm. Comforting.

We can wait till she graduates high
school, if that's what you want.

- What do you want?


And if I were even slightly
worried about it the rest of it,

I wouldn't be okay standing here.

[INHALES SHARPLY] And for the record...

I'm pretty f*cking okay
to be standing here.





Hey, Jules.

- [JULES] Owen's real name is Ethan Young.
- What?

[JULES] You were right. We found
a safe in your grandfather's vase.

The key opened the safe and inside

was a handwritten will
for an Owen Michaels,

née Ethan Young.

Slow down. You have his will?

You need to get out of Austin, Hannah.

You need to get out of there now.

Why? What is going on?

[JULES] Have you heard
of a Nicholas Bell?

[GROANS] The name
sounds familiar, but...

He's Kate Smith's father,
Owen's father-in-law.

He's a mob lawyer, Hannah,
for the Campano family.

They're the largest crime
syndicate in North America.

We're talking racketeering,
extortion, m*rder.

Not to mention a serious
foothold in Oxy trafficking.

[HANNAH] What does it
have to do with Owen?

[JAKE] Owen turned state's
evidence against the Campanos

after Kate was k*lled.

He took down Nicholas Bell and other
key members of the organization.

[HANNAH] Oh, my God.

Yeah. You need to get
the f*ck out of there!

Han, listen to me. I
spoke to the Hertz office.

It's in your hotel, all right?

There's a car waiting for you. All
you need to do is pack up and go.

[JAKE] And make sure not to
leave anything that they can

- trace back to you or Bailey.
- Right.

[JULES] I'm gonna fly to
Albuquerque in the morning.

I'll meet you there,
we'll drive back together.


[JAKE] And get rid of your phones,
you can get new ones on the road.

Yeah, yeah.

[JAKE] Now, Hannah!


[PANTS] Bailey?

Bailey, we gotta get outta here. [PANTS]

We gotta go. [PANTS] Bailey. [PANTS]

f*ck! [PANTING]


Have you seen a teenage girl?
Sixteen, blond, pink streaks.

got here. Uh, I don't...






[SIGHS] With the Marshals service.

I'm looking for a room
number for a Hannah Hall.

- [CLERK] I'm sorry, I'm just not...
- [SIGHS] Ma'am, it's kinda urgent.

She's about ' '', she's got brown hair,

white Caucasian, mid-to-late s.

Might've paid in cash.

[NIGHT CONCIERGE] Could be Miss Parnes.

Hang back.


[HANNAH] Bailey?


What did you do, Hannah?




[NICHOLAS] Hey, kiddo.

Hey. I swear to God, I just saw Kristin.

Kristin? What?

[GRADY] I want men at the
hotel and at The Never Dry.

Put out a BOLO to all local agents.


Bailey Michaels, ,

about ' '', blond hair, pink streaks.

She was last seen wearing
a T-shirt, jean shorts.