07x01 - Forbidden Love" / "The Other Man -- Mr. Roarke

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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07x01 - Forbidden Love" / "The Other Man -- Mr. Roarke

Post by bunniefuu »




- Good morning, Mr. Roarke.
- Good morning, Lawrence.




Smiles, everyone! Smiles!


LAWRENCE: Oh, now,
there's an extraordinary woman.

ROARKE: That's
Mrs. Margaret Smith

of New York City. She
was widowed five years ago.

And now, of course, her fantasy
is to meet the proper gentlemen

- to become her new husband.
- Uh, not exactly, Lawrence, no.

You see, Mrs. Smith
has found that, uh,

since her only
child, a daughter,

is grown and
living her own life,

that being a lonely
widow is exactly that.


Her fantasy is to find romance.

I should think
romance and a husband

to a lady of her
obvious breeding

would go hand in hand, sir.

Possibly, Lawrence...

but not necessarily.

Oh, Miss Deborah Barnes
and Mr. Dennis Payne.

LAWRENCE: I fear, he
may prove to be a pain

in the proverbial part
of the anatomy, sir.

Oh? Why do you say that?

Because I have it
from a very good source

that before he agreed
to come to the island,

he actually
checked us out first.

The Chamber of Commerce,
the Better Business Bureau,

even The Tourist Guide
To Fun and Adventure.

Well, Lawrence, I
wouldn't take it personally.

It's part of Mr. Payne's
nature to be cautious.

It is also the reason
Miss Barnes insisted

on coming here. You see...

after going together and
waiting three, futile years,

Miss Barnes' fantasy is to get
Mr. Payne to finally propose.

Of course, sir.
"Fish or cut bait."

As the saying goes.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.


ROARKE: May I suggest
that you relax, Ms. Smith?

You're here to enjoy
yourself and find romance.


I just can't go
through with this.


Why don't you tell me

what's really troubling
you, Ms. Smith?

Your fantasy isn't
just to find romance...

is it?

-No. -No.

No. As a matter of fact,

I have someone
very specific in mind.

His name is Jeffrey Dorner.


Well, we met about
six months ago.

How, would you
believe? In an elevator


A storm had
blacked out the co-op,

where my daughter lives, and...

and there we were,
this total stranger and I,

- suddenly stuck between floors.
- Just the two of you?

-Yes. -For how long?

About minutes, I
guess, although it...

it seemed like hours. [SIGHS]

I just remember how
frightened I was and...

how wonderful he was. [CHUCKLES]

This voice coming
out of the dark,

saying these
funny little things...

comforting things.

And when the power
finally came back?

Well, we shook hands,

said our good-byes and
went our separate ways.

And I've been kicking
myself ever since

for letting him walk
out of my life like that.

But you knew his name.

Uh, may I ask why you
didn't try to locate him?

Oh, because it would
have been wrong.

It's our ages, Mr. Roarke.

He's younger than I am.

A lot younger.


Oh, but I want to see him again.

And that is what my
fantasy is all about.

But that's perfectly
all right, Ms. Smith.

What you want is
quite understandable.


Now... why don't you
try to enjoy yourself?

And in the meantime...

- I'll see what I can do, huh?
- [CHUCKLES] Thank you.

I just wish I didn't
feel so damn foolish.


I don't know, Mr. Roarke.

Every time I bring up
the subject of marriage,

Dennis changes it.

I mean, I guess he's
just not interested.

Maybe I should
forget all about it.

Well, of course, it's entirely
up to you, Miss Barnes.

Uh, that is, if you wish
to call off your fantasy.

I didn't say that. Did
you hear me say that?

Absolutely not, Miss.

DEBORAH: The thing is, uh...


Do you really think
your plan will work?

I'll let you be the judge
of that, Miss Barnes.


He's the one who's going
to make the passes at me?

Mr. Anderson,
Miss Debbie Barnes.

- Miss Barnes, it's my pleasure.
- Hello.

-Hello. -I submit

that if this gentleman's
attentions don't make

Mr. Payne jealous enough
to propose, nothing will.

When do we start?

Uh, you said you were to meet
Mr. Payne in the terrace lounge?

Yes, the lounge. I'm
supposed to be there now.

Then why don't you go ahead
and leave the rest to me?

Uh, Mr. Anderson
will join you shortly.

I'm in your hands.

Trust me, Miss Barnes.


-Miss Barnes? -Hmm?

- The cup, please.

Poor Dennis.

Any questions, Mr. Anderson?

Made the situation
very clear, Mr. Roarke.

Just, uh, pour it on, right?

Only to the point
of total immersion.

- You... you got it.


Mr. Anderson, are you all right?

Uh! My back. I
think it just went out.

- Call an ambulance.
- No, no, that's okay.

Three, four hours,
I'll be good as new.

Three, four... hours?


We'll just have to
find someone else

to help fulfill Miss
Barnes' fantasy.

But, sir, I'm afraid...

we haven't got enough
time to find someone else

with his qualifications.

Unless, of course.

I, Lawrence?

With all due respect, sir.
I was thinking of myself.

However, if you'd rather...

I didn't say I'd
rather, Lawrence.

But I suppose we've
no other choice.

[SIGHS] I'm just going
to have to take his place.

Yes, sir.

As you told me when
I entered your employ,

"It's a dirty job, but
someone has to do it."


No bathing suit, Ms. Smith?

I should think you
would enjoy a swim

on such a marvelous day.

Well, I think I'd
look a little weird

getting on the plane
in a bathing suit.

I... I've decided to
call the whole thing off.

I'm sorry.

And I'm sorry to hear that.

May I ask why?

Well, I've done
a lot of thinking

since we had our talk, and...

Well, let me put it this way...

I feel so ridiculous.

I suppose I understand
your reasons,

even if I don't agree
with them at all.

But if that is your decision...

very well.

However, you might,
uh, reconsider...

since your fantasy is, um...

sitting right over there.


It... it is you,
isn't it, Jeffrey?



This is fantastic.
Well, please, sit down.


You know, when the
lights finally came back on

in that elevator, I
remember thinking then

how pretty you were, but...

but you're even more
beautiful than I remember.


What happened to you, Maggie?

- What do you mean?
- I mean, where did you go

when you left the elevator?

About three seconds
after the doors closed,

the thought hit me, "Get
her phone number, you idiot."

And I went back up to
the floor you got off on,

and went looking for you.

-You're kidding! -No.

There I was, knocking
on every door,

trying to describe you to
maids who didn't speak English,

making a complete
fool of myself.


And all the time I
was down in the lobby

waiting for you to come out.


I was parked in the
garage. I left that way.

The garage.

- I should have thought of it.


Margaret Smith, we've
got some lost time

to make up for, don't we?


Yes, we do.


That's percent tax,

plus percent service...

multiplied by number
of days stayed...

the total is...


-Huh? -Do you know what this is?

Oh, your calculator.

The only time
you're not poking at it

is when you're in the shower.

[CHUCKLES] The only time?

All right, the only other time.

But even then it's never
more than a nightstand away.

Come on, honey, I'm a CPA.
My calculator is like my ID.

Anyway, I'm talking about

these little green
numbers, here.

Do you realize what
this place is costing us?

Your Summer's
Delight, Miss Barnes.

Summer's Delight?
Excuse me, pal.

I believe we ordered
two club sodas with lime.

Your club soda with lime, sir.

Compliments of Mr. Roarke.

Forgive me for intruding,
but I saw you sitting here,

and I couldn't
resist. Uh, may I?

-Of course. -Thank you.

Is someone else
joining us? I mean you?

A friend of mine who
helps me out now and then

was supposed to
be here, but I'm afraid

he met with a little
accident and hurt his back.

Oh, no.

I mean, how awful for him.

I've already made
arrangements for someone else

to take my friend's place.

In the meantime...

I couldn't resist the
opportunity to be with you.

[CLEARS THROAT] Excuse me.

Uh, would you two
like to be alone?

Oh, I'm terribly
sorry, Mr. Payne!

Uh, did you just get here?

No. As a matter of fact, no.

What is... What is
going on here anyway?

ROARKE: Nothing to
interest you, I'm afraid.


Enjoy your Summer's Delight.

I created it myself...



I have to admit I took the
name Summer's Delight

from a French poem.

Perhaps you are
familiar with it?

"Even in the winter's
darkest night...


will always be...

my summer's delight"

Until later...


Until later.

Ten-to-one your Summer's
Delight will show up on our tab.

Dennis, do me a favor.

Shut up.



-Whoa! -Nothing to it, Maggie.

All you have to know
is how to say "whoa"

- and "giddy-up."
- Oh, yeah? How about "Help!"


This feels good, being together.

Feels perfect.

You don't... you don't
think it's inappropriate

for me to be attracted...

to a... a woman...

- Older than you are?
- [SIGHS] Yes.

Well, it does make me
wonder what you see in me.

I've thought about
that a lot, Maggie.

I don't have to prove
anything to you.

I don't have to play a role.

Do you understand
what I'm talking about?

-Yes, I do... -[LAUGHS]

and that's okay
with me. [LAUGHS]

Wonderful! Well, let's ride,
pretty lady. Come on. Let's go.

♪ Everything my whole... ♪

Do you know that
day in the elevator?

I remember something else,
something that didn't happen.

What is that?

Well, just before the
power came back on,

I remember moving
closer to you, like this.

I could feel your breath...

and smell your perfume.

I... I remember
thinking that I didn't care

if the power ever came back on.

Suddenly, all I wanted to do

was take hold of
you and kiss you.

Why didn't you?

I was afraid.

Do you still feel that?

Maggie, I don't
know what to feel.

Yes, you do.

♪ And everything I feel ♪

♪ You are so beautiful ♪


-Hi. -Hi.


Thank you.

ROARKE: Ms. Smith?

[GASPS] Mr. Roarke, I have got

-the most wonderful... -Oh, no,

you don't have to
tell me. I can see

you have been enjoying
your stay with us.

- You're absolutely radiant.
- Oh, thank you.

I'm so glad I didn't leave.

As my daughter,
Virginia, would put it,

"I am totally pigging
out on happiness."

I'm delighted.

Oh, Mr. Roarke, I...

How am I ever going
to explain Jeffrey to her?

Are you afraid your
daughter might disapprove?

Oh, she's not the type of girl
to be surprised by anything...

-except maybe this. -Oh.

Oh, well, I'll think
up something

before I go back home.

I'm afraid you
better think of it now.

Your daughter arrived
on the afternoon plane.


Oh, Mr. Roarke, I don't
think I can handle this.

Of course you can.

surprised to see me?

Boy, I'll say you're
surprised. Look at you.

[LAUGHS] Well, of course
I'm surprised, darling.

But happy, too.

Uh. Mr. Roarke, this is
my daughter, Virginia.

I already had the
pleasure at the plane dock.

Well, I'm sure you
both have a great deal

of catching up to do. So,
uh, if you'll excuse me.


So, what in the world
are you doing here?

I thought you were
up in Aspen skiing.

Maggie, you won't believe
this, but I was at the airport

all ready to board
the plane when...

No, I'm going to
save it as a surprise.

[CHUCKLES] Well, darling,

I have a little
surprise for you, too.

Hey, I don't doubt
it with all these

gentlemen I've seen around here,

like Mr. Roarke, for instance.

Bet you've been
making out like crazy.

Well, actually...

- I have met someone.
- All right! Anybody special?

Oh, Ginny, very special.

Oh, that's great.

Maggie, I'm so happy for you.

- You mean it?
- Of course I mean it.

[CHUCKLES] It's just that.

Well, we both loved
Dad so much, I...

I thought maybe
you might resent it

if I ever fell in love
with someone else.

Hey, come on.

The only thing that
matters is your being happy.

So, when do I get to meet him?

You know, I kind of
like the idea of having

some father figure around

that I can hit on for extra
money now and then.

Oh. Uh, tonight.

We'll all have dinner
together. You, me, and, uh...

my father figure.


Mr. Payne is right
over there, sir.

How in the world did
you find him so quickly?

I was once in the employ of
a renowned divorce attorney,

if that answers
your question, sir.

Indeed it does.
Thank you, Lawrence.

[SIGHS] Well, Miss Barnes.

Let's get it on.

-Now. -[LAUGHS]

It must be so romantic,
living on an island like this.

Yes, but it can also be
very lonely... Deborah.

I can't imagine a man
like you being lonely.

No way.

Once in a blue moon...

someone like you comes along

to remind me just how
lonely a man can be...

even in paradise.

Oh, but...

with all your
beautiful lady guests...


Have you ever
stood in a crowd...

surrounded by
hundreds of people...

and felt lonely?

You felt that way, too?

-You? -Many, many times.

Maybe what you need is
somebody to take care of you.

To see that you're
never lonely again.

You know what I mean?

I know exactly what you mean.

- DENNIS: Debbie!
- Oh, my God! Dennis!

Oh, Mr. Payne, how nice.

Um, I was just, um,
showing Miss Barnes

around the island.

Sure you were.

- The "deluxe tour," right?
- Exactly.

Well, I really must get back.

Um, thank you for a
most beautiful afternoon...


Au revoir...

for now.

Oh, he's got some good thing
going here, you know that?

But his line... his
line is pure garbage.

I mean, who does
he think he's fooling

with that "lonely man in
paradise" junk, anyway?

-Huh, Deb? Debbie? -Paradise.





You look fantastic.

Now, where is he?

Ginny... uh, there's something
I must tell you about him.

Oh, maybe you should just
meet him... [CHUCKLES]

and then you'll understand.

Oh, the way you're
building him up,

I can hardly wait.

Do you remember I
said I had a surprise, too?

Well, there he is. Jeffrey!



VIRGINIA: Now, don't
tell me, I'm the last person

you expected to see
at Fantasy Island, right?

Right, the very last.

What's the matter?

When I found out you
were going to be here,

I gave up a whole week's
skiing to be with you.

Oh, no, don't tell me you
brought someone else.

No, it's nothing like that.

Then relax, darling.

-[SIGHS] -Maggie, come here.

This is Jeff Dorner.

He's the reason I
never made it to Aspen.

Jeff's an old flame.

When we ran into
each other in the airport,

things began to get
real smoky again.

Jeffrey, this is my mother.

Your mother?

You'd never guess
it, but Jeffrey's actually

a very talented

Now, where's this
Mr. Wonderful of yours

you were telling me about?

Maggie, how could I have known?

Hey, folks, what's
going on here?

Wait a minute.

This man you told me about...

is Jeff?

Oh, please let me explain.

Yeah, yeah, sure.
You do that, but...

some other time...



Mr. Roarke.

Kiss me.

- I beg your pardon?
- Dennis hasn't let me

out of his sight all
afternoon. It's working.

He's watching us right now.

No, no. Don't
look! Just kiss me.

One kiss, Mr. Roarke,
and you're looking

at an engaged woman.


[SIGHS] Yes.


That should hook him.

[PANTS] Hook...


Rehearsing again, sir?

The kiss

was for Mr. Payne's
benefit, Lawrence.

Miss Barnes said
he was watching us...

probably from behind
those bushes over there.

No, no, don't... don't look!

If that is true, sir,

Mr. Payne is a most
remarkable young man.

Why do you say that?

Because I just left
him in the lounge.

He was starting his
third sugarless cola.

Is it possible, sir,
that Ms. Barnes

was simply looking for
an excuse to kiss you?


I think we have a problem.

"We," sir?




I've been looking
everywhere for you.

I'm not in shape for
cross-country running.

You're apparently
in pretty good shape

-for other sports. -Oh, Ginny.

Now, how was I
supposed to have known

about you and Jeff?

Let's just forget it, okay?

Now, you listen to me.

I want to tell you something
about how it feels to be alone.

That's not what
this is all about.

Jeffrey and I were lovers,
don't you understand?

-He could be your own son. -Oh.

Is that what makes it wrong,
darling, our age difference?

My God! Doesn't it
make it wrong to you?

What's happened to you?

I fell in love.

I can't believe this.

How did you meet him?

In the elevator of the co-op.

Didn't you ever ask
him what he was doing

in that elevator?


He was on his way to
my apartment to see me!

I've got just one thing to say.

I want him, and
I'm going to get him.


All right, Roarke,
where's Debbie?

Oh, Good morning,
Mr. Payne. Oh, Deborah?

Why, in her bungalow, I presume.

- Uh, won't you join me?
- If she were in her bungalow

I wouldn't be here. What's more,

she wasn't in her
bungalow all night.

- That's curious.
- That's infidelity.

She spent the night
with you, didn't she?

May I suggest tea, sir?

It's very calming
for the nerves.

- All I want is an answer.
- To what question?

Debbie came here
to fulfill a fantasy.

Just what in the hell kind
of fantasy is she having?

You didn't ask her?

I don't believe in
fantasy fulfillment.

What do you believe
in, Mr. Payne?

We're not talking about me.

I want to know what
her fantasy was.

To get you to propose.


-Marriage? -That's right.


After three years of
being a steady date,

always there when
you wanted her,

and never quite sure
when that would be,

she wants something a little
more substantial, Mr. Payne.


I love Debbie, and I
want to marry her, but...

But what, Mr. Payne?
What is it that's stopping you?

My first marriage, that's what.

Six years of disaster.

So, you might say I'm
a little g*n-shy, okay?

g*n-shy? Oh! Because Miss Barnes

is very much like
your first wife?

No, no, she's
nothing like her at all.

All right, you want to
know what I believe in?

Not hurting people,
that's what I believe in.

Especially people I love.

I just don't want to run
the risk of hurting Debbie

the way my ex-wife
and I hurt each other.

- Does that make any sense?
- Yes, it does.

But you may be hurting
Miss Barnes even more

by what you're doing to her now.

You're right.

You're right. It's wrong of me

to keep her
hanging on like this.

Hell, no wonder she
turned to you for sympathy.

Well, I'm going to find
her, and I'm going to do

what I should have done
all along. Propose to her.



Don't look so shocked, Jeff.
I've been in your bed before.

Do us all a favor, Ginny.

Please get dressed
and get out of here.

You afraid my
mother will walk in?

Your mother would
knock on the door first.

Oh, you mean she's a lady.

Yes, she is.

Well, don't forget.

She's had a lot more
practice at it than I have.

That's cruel, Ginny,
and it's not fair to Maggie.

Damn it, Jeffrey, what about us?

What about us?

We never meant anything
more to each other

than a good time,
and you know it.

So why don't you back off?

Because there's at
least a chance for us.

She's old enough
to be your mother.

[SCOFFS] And you are just mad

because I find her more
attractive than I do you.


Miss Barnes, I've
been looking for you.

Oh, I... I just
wanted to be alone.

- Oh?
- I... wanted to subtract my...

liabilities from my assets,
as Dennis would put it. I...

I spent the night on the beach.

It was fantastic.

Oh? And your
liabilities and assets?

Well, let's just say I'm...

I'm not so sure I want to
marry Dennis anymore.


but that's your fantasy.


It was my fantasy.

I know...

we were just pretending.

Trying to make Dennis jealous.
But somewhere along the way...

pretending became real for me.

Miss Barnes...

in spite of all the
romantic novels,

people really don't fall in
and out of love so easily.

If we had met under
any other circumstances,

at best you would have
thought of me as a good friend...

nothing more.


I suggest you listen
to what he has to say.


There's something
important I want to ask you.


will you marry me?


What do you mean "no"?

I'm not sure I want
to marry you anymore.

It's that Roarke, isn't it?

I should have torn that guy
apart when I had the chance.

You never tore
anything apart in your life.

Yeah, maybe not. But
if you think I'm afraid

of that guy, guess again.

Oh, Dennis, would you stick
to your calculator, all right?

I just don't want
you to get hurt.

Me? Hurt?

Oh, real good. Now you...

Look, you save your
sympathy for him.

He's gonna need it.


The last time I saw you, you
were so happy, so radiant.

- What's happened?
- I had a rather ugly run-in

with reality is what's happened.


-I need your help. -Of course.

Well, I have to make a decision.

It's going to affect the
lives of three people.

Your daughter,
Mr. Dorner, and yourself.


However, I don't think
I have the courage

to make the choice I
really want to make.

The choice that would fly
in the face of convention,

shatter the icons
of public opinion,

and flout the unwritten
code of society?

Oh, I think I can handle
all of that, Mr. Roarke.

What I can't handle is
my daughter's scorn...

her pain.

Then you've already made
your decision, Ms. Smith.


Yes. I suppose,
I have, haven't I?

Your decision
is still negotiable.

Not this one, I'm afraid.

Thanks for the shoulder.

Hey, I was beginning
to get worried.

It's been a half hour
since I called you.

But I must say the
wait was worth it.

- You look absolutely beautiful.
- Mm-hmm.

Some old tricks out
of a lot of little jars.

Oh, not true.
Don't even say that.

Oh, Jeff.

It's been wonderful.

It's been the most
magical moments of my life.

But it's over.

For you and me it's over.

What... what are
you talking about?

We... we've barely started.

It won't work, not for us.

Now, you and Ginny, well...
You could make it work.

I mean, you're more
right for each other.

You like the same things...

and you're both young.

Maggie, Ginny and I never
had anything like what we have.

I love you.

I never said those words
to Ginny, and I never will.

I love you.

I love you, too.

And I'll never forget you.

But it has to be
this way, that's all.



I want to talk to you.

Certainly, Mr. Payne.
About what?

About Deborah.


I've had it with you
playing around with her.

-Bravo! -What do you mean?

It should be obvious, Mr. Payne.

Mr. Roarke approves of
your flying to the defense

- of Miss Barnes' honor.
- Well said, Lawrence.


Look, I just asked Deborah
to marry me just now,

and because of you, she said
no. I'm not going to take that.


As Mr. Roarke has
already expressed it.

I admire your
determination and respect

the depth of your
emotions for Miss Barnes.



[SIGHS] ...what do
you have in mind?

Let... let's just say if
this were the old West,

I'd be asking you to
step out into the street.



I am at your
service, Mr. Payne...

for whatever you have in mind.

[SIGHS] What's the use?

I get the definite feeling
that no matter what I did,

you'd manage to make
me look like a complete fool.

Deborah is yours, Mr. Roarke.

Nobody can compete with you.

Really, sir.

If you had let him
hit you just once.

Lightly of course.

It's all right, Lawrence.

What I have in mind

will ultimately prove
painless for all concerned.

I promise you.

responsible for this whole mess

involving my mother, Mr. Roarke.

I always accept
responsibility for my actions.

- Then why did you let her do it?
- I provide fantasies.

Fantasies, the stuff
dreams are made of,

and this was your
mother's dream.

- Oh, to have a cheap affair?
- Is that how you describe

your own relationship
with Mr. Dorner?

- That's different.
- How different?

How different?

Your problem, Miss Smith,

may be that you
are hypocritical.

-[SCOFFS] -You see,
you like the freedom

of being a modern
woman in control of her life,

but when your mother
wants the same privilege,

you rebel at the thought.

Then you condone
what she's done?

Oh, I make no judgments.

But what has she
actually done...

except rediscover
the joy of love...

and loving?

You make me feel like
I'm some sort of a monster.

I'm sorry. I don't mean to.

But I remind you we all
must accept the responsibility

for our actions and our freedoms

And you forced your
mother to choose between

the two people she
loves most in the world.

What do you mean "choose"?

She said good-bye to Mr. Dorner

and is taking the next
plane back to the mainland.

You've turned me all around.

I don't know what
to think, what to do.

Don't think at all, Miss Smith.

That's right.

Don't think at all. But do.

Do precisely...

what your heart tells you to do.


It was sweet of you
to drop by, Ginny,

but I think I've just
about got it whipped.

I didn't come here
to help you pack.

I came here to ask you to stay.

Oh, thank you, darling, but.

Well, I've... I've
made so many plans.

- So many things to do.
- Mother, stop it.

I've been wrong.

Please forgive me.

Oh, honey.

There's nothing to forgive.

And you were right.

Mother, would you
stop contradicting me!

I'm sorry, but you are right.

And I want you and Jeff
to have every happiness

you both deserve.

That's what really counts.

What counts is that I grow up
and act like a mature woman,

and you won't let me.


You can't give Jeff to me
like he's some sports car.

He has a mind of his own.

What's more, he doesn't love me,

and I don't love him.


Jeff and I have
said all we're ever

going to say to each other...

except maybe when I hit him
up for extra allowance money.


I love you, Ginny.

And I love you, Maggie.

Oh. One more thing.

Don't forget to tell Jeff

that I taught you
everything you know.



- Debbie.
- Dennis, where have you been?

Packing. I just stopped
in to say good-bye.

You're leaving?

Look, whatever you
got going with Roarke.

I just don't want to
stand in your way.

I love you too much
to mess up your life

any more than I have.

-But, Dennis, I... -Hey.

At least I proposed.

You got your fantasy.

Good-bye, Debbie.

gloating, Mr. Payne?

DEBBIE: Mr. Roarke!
What happened?

- He didn't tell you?
- Tell me what?

What happened this
afternoon at the gym.

No. Dennis, why didn't
you... What are you hiding?

I, uh, I'm not sure.

What happened was
Mr. Payne came to the gym

when I was totally
exhausted from my workout

and insisted that
we fight over you.

- Dennis? He did that?
- Oh, he did more than that.

He was a man
enslaved by his passions.

As you can see, it was
a very one-sided affair...

while it lasted.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because with all his
rather brutal force,

he's apparently a modest
man. I give him that.

And now that you
know the truth...

I wish you both...

a good evening.

-[SIGHS] -Oh.

-Dennis. -Oh, "Dennis" nothing.

I respect the guy for
what he did just now.

I mean, I really had
him pegged wrong,

but I never touched him, Debbie.

-You didn't? -Nah.

No. No, he made
up the whole story,

because he thought...

Well, we both thought
that punching him out

would make you love me.

Oh, Dennis, no.

All I was looking for
was some kind of proof

that you loved me.

-Proof? -Yeah.

After three years of limbo

and after being romanced
by somebody new,

even if it was just
pretend, I guess I, uh...

I guess I just wasn't sure
about anything anymore.

Now I am.

-Yes. -Yes. Yes, what?

- Yes, I'll marry you.
- After what I just told you?

Because of what
you just told me.

If you didn't love me...

you never would
have told me the truth.

Oh, Deb.



Well, Miss Barnes, Mr. Payne,

now that you're engaged,

have you set the
date for the wedding?

Well, I figure once I
get the new promotion,

start to feel comfortable
within the job, and maybe...

June th, two
months from today.


- Thanks, Mr. Roarke.
- You're very welcome.

-Bye. -Good-bye.

Good-bye, Mr. Payne.

You're a marvel,
sir. I admit it.

Sometimes, Lawrence,
the thought of pain

can also be a
mother of invention.

Mr. Roarke, I'd have to
write a book to tell you

how much we all appreciate
everything you've done.

And Ginny and I owe
you a very special thanks.

Your happiness is my
reward. Good luck to all of you.

As a matter of fact,
we're quite sorry

to see you leave,
aren't we, sir?

Oh, indeed.

-Thank you, sir. -Good-bye.

-Thank you. -Ms. Smith.

You know something, Mr. Roarke?

Maggie's right about
age being no big deal.

-Indeed. -In fact,

I'm giving very serious thought

to finding an older
man for myself.

Well, if I run across
a likely candidate,

I'll put you in touch.

[CHUCKLES] Thank you.

-Good-bye. -Bye, Lawrence.


Do you suppose that young
lady was making a pass at me?

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