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06x22 - Love Island" / "The Sisters

Posted: 05/05/23 08:04
by bunniefuu

The plane! The plane!


- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.

Smiles, everyone! Smiles!



TATTOO: Who's that pretty
lady, boss? Is she a model.

No, no, Tattoo. Actually,
Ms. Stephanie Wilson

is a graduate student

at a small university
in southern California.

She must be pretty
smart. What's her fantasy?

MR. ROARKE: Her fantasy
is to find her older sister Linda,

whom she hasn't seen
since they were little children.

What makes her think
that she could find her here?

Because, Tattoo, Ms.
Wilson has been endowed

with a very unique
and special power.

It is often referred to as the
Corsican Brothers Syndrome.

You see, on certain
occasions Ms. Wilson can feel

and actually see
everything her sister does,

even though they
may be separated

by thousands of miles.

Then her sister is here?

No, but she's quite near.

Unfortunately, what
Ms. Wilson doesn't know

is that being reunited with her

might very well lead to
tragedy for them both.

that's Mr. Don Mitchell

in the yellow shirt

and his best friend
Mr. Tim Kearns.

TATTOO: Talk about
colorful dressers.

According to the
information they provided us,

Mr. Mitchell is a highly
successful restaurateur

and Mr. Kerns is
a nuclear physicist.

- You're kidding?
- No, I'm not kidding.

They describe themselves
as international playboys

who have become
bored in their conquest

of everyday women and
are seeking new challenges.

TATTOO: What's their fantasy?

Their fantasy is to spend
a weekend at a place

occupied by beautiful,
untamed women.

place called Love Island.

Love Island?

Boss, they're going to
need a loyal, trustworthy guy.

I'm gonna pack a
couple of things...

I'll need a loyal,
trustworthy assistant, Tattoo.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.


Wilson, can you tell me

exactly when you started

having these visions?

When you began to
go through the identical,

emotional and physical
experiences of your sister?

I guess as far back
as I can remember.

Does it still happen?

It didn't up until just
a few months ago.

And it's happened at
least a dozen times since.

In the last vision, I saw
Linda somewhere close by

on an island near
Fantasy Island.

But I'm not sure
exactly where it is.

Mr. Roarke,

do you know where
I can find Linda?

Oh, yes. I can tell you
exactly where she is.

But first, I would like
to ask you a question.

After all these
years of separation,

I sense a great
urgency in your desire

to find your sister, now
at this particular time.

May I ask why?

Because she's in danger.

I must get to her and help her.

What is she in danger from?

In the last vision,
there was a man.

He was hurting her.

And did you suffer the same
abuse and emotional distress

as your sister?


Mr. Roarke, I can see her now.


Mr. Roarke, I saw it
happen! He hit her! She's hurt!

- Mr. Roarke, I have to help her.
- At this moment,

I am more concerned
about you, Ms. Wilson.

Under the circumstances
I think it's unadvisable

for you to continue
with your fantasy.

Well, I don't care
about your advice.

I have to get
Linda out of there.

But it could be dangerous.

Well, what do you
think it's like for Linda?

Very well, Ms. Wilson,

you may continue
with your fantasy.

But what just happened

may foreshadow
even greater v*olence

once you're reunited
with your sister.

I understand.

Your sister is
staying at an estate

on the tiny island of Tahoha,

about miles to the southwest.

Now, I want you to
prepare the launch

and take Ms.
Wilson there, Tattoo.

- But, boss?
- Tattoo, do as I say.

All right, boss. Come on.

TIM: Hey, Don, how about
this smoking jacket, huh?

DON: Too stuffy. You
wanna be comfortable,

ready for action.

How about this one?

[EXHALES] The silk
one you had on the plane

is still the best.
Silk is sensuous.

-Champagne? -TIM: Absolutely.

Okay. Yeah, that's perfect.

To us.

- And to Love Island.
- Love Island.

Mmm. Mmm. And to beautiful,

- untamed women. -DON: Amen.

You know, I've waited all
my life for a weekend like this.

You and me both.

Where do you think
Love Island is exactly?

-Who cares. -[TIM EXHALES]

It's gotta be one of the
lovelier garden spots

in the world. Just
thinking about it

-it's half the fun. -Mm.

You know, we could
end up in a harem.

- Dancing girls.
- Throwing off all those veils.

Maybe Love Island's
the name of one of those

swank private clubs
in Paris or Las Vegas.

Dancing girls.

Oh, no, wait a minute.

I hope they don't
ask us to dance.

Don't sweat it. We're
going there to be pampered.

We're going there to be lovers.

You sure this is going to work?


And no matter what happens,

just stay right behind
me and stick up for me,

- and I'll do the same for you.
- Right, Casanova.


Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

When did you take up smoking?

[SINGING] ♪ Ma chérie ♪

I saw this in a film once.

-It's a great entree. -Yeah.


What? To start a fire?
Come on, put it out.

-Put it out -All right.

- Hey, don't be so nervous.
- Who's nervous?


Well, gentlemen, are you
ready to begin your fantasy?

Are we ever.

Splendid. If you'll follow
me, we'll be on our way.


You'd think the transportation
would come with the fantasy.

Everything that's necessary
has been provided, Mr. Mitchell.

[PANTING] How about
a heart transplant?

[CHUCKLES] Perhaps I
should've slowed down.

After all, hiking is not what

men of the world like
yourselves are known for,

is it?

Well, once we get to
Love Island, Mr. Roarke,

I'm sure we'll be just fine.

After our little rest, I'm sure

- we'll be tigers on the prowl.
- Yeah.

Oh, I'm sure of that.

What are the facilities like
on the island, Mr. Roarke?

Well, I think they could
be described as, uh...


-Yes. -Charming. Rustic.

Ah, here we are, gentlemen.

This tunnel leads
directly to Love Island.

Boy, oh, boy, beautiful,
untamed women.

After you, highly
successful restaurateur.

Oh, no, no, no, after
you, international playboy.


DON: Sure is dark
in here, Mr. Roarke.


Wait a minute.

DON: Where are we?

- What kind of place is this?
- TIM: I don't know.


You sure we didn't take a
wrong turn back in there?

We could always hope.

TIM: Whoa! Whoa!
Whoa! What's that?

-DON: And that? -TIM: Whoa!


Let's get out of here.

DON: Hey.

Mr. Roarke! Hey, Mr. Roarke!



-Mr. Roarke? -Mr. Roarke?


TATTOO: Ms. Wilson's
sister is here to see her.


- Yes?
- MAN: Yes, there's a woman here

that says she is
Ms. Wilson's sister.

Ask Mr. Winston if
I should admit her.


I don't believe it.

You never told me
you had a sister.

[SCOFFS] Because I haven't
seen her since we were kids.

Oh, Richard,

please let me see her.

LINDA: Please.

All right.

Oh, thank you.
Thank you, Richard.



Stephanie, it's really you.


I never thought I'd
ever see you again.


RICHARD: Be careful, Zurack.

I'm giving attack
command to Turloc.

must hide the flag

before he att*cks for it.



Très bien, Turloc.

Perhaps next time
we go for a k*ll, huh?

- TIM: Mr. Roarke?

Come on, Mr. Roarke,
give us a break.

Ah, It's no use.
He's deserted us.

Oh, I had a feeling he
knew we were lying to him.

I mean, you a restaurateur
and me a physicist?

Come on, we're not
international playboys.

I knew we should
have been honest.

You really think he
would have let me,

the fry cook at
Louie's Bar and Grill,

loose on an abundance of
beautiful, untamed women?

What about me? I'm a junior
high school science teacher.

Who wants to date somebody
who's been dissecting frogs all day?

Okay. Okay. The point is Roarke

found out somehow and
now he's punishing us.

- Where the hell are we?
- Texas maybe.

It sure can't be Love Island.

- It isn't Texas, either.

GIRL: Oh! Oh!


Unless those are the
Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders.

Yeah. Roarke wasn't wise to
us. This is it. This is the place.

I feel like a kid on
Christmas morning.

Except in this case,

the presents are already
unwrapped. Come on.


This can't be happening.

LINDA: There's so
much to catch up on.

How did you end up here?

Well, I got a job
singing in a nightclub.

And one night, Richard
came in with a group of people

and, uh, he invited
me to join the party.

Well, we started
seeing each other

and fell in love.

[SIGHS] It was just
wonderful those first few years.

Then he changed.

And he started
seeing other women.

It hurt. It hurt a lot.

So I, uh, packed my things
and I told him I was leaving.

Only he wouldn't let me.

Linda, you're wrong.

There's a whole new
life for you out there.

And I'm going
to help you find it.

I'm not just going to sit around

and see you get
beaten half to death.


What are you talking about?

Sit down.

Do you remember
when I was a little girl?


How I would sometimes see
and feel the same things as you?


Well, it's been happening
again these past few months.

In these visions

I've come to know this
man you call Richard.

I felt it when he hit you.

Oh, that's impossible.

Look, I know that
he forced himself

upon you against
your will. I understand.


I just don't believe you. I
don't believe any of this.

Well, what if I can prove it?

A few hours ago, you
were knocked down by him.

Look at your right
arm, under your sleeve,

you'll find a bruise there.

Oh, Stephanie. [SNIFFLING]

It's true. I'm so sorry.

Linda, it's not your fault.

I came here to help you.

I'm going to take you away.

You don't understand. I am
being watched every minute.

Linda, you have to listen to me.

I want you to leave
here as soon as possible.

Do you understand?

RICHARD: Why, Linda, darling,

she has only just arrived.

So, you are Stephanie.

You are quite an
attractive young lady.

I think a celebration
is in order.

A very good friend
of mine, Emil Remick,

has just arrived by
yacht from abroad.

We'll have him over
for cocktails this evening

along with some other friends.

Oh, but, Richard, you
know I don't like Mr. Remick.

I mean, I don't like the
way he stares at me.

Nonsense. [LAUGHS]

He just appreciates an
attractive woman as I do.

Ah, Stephanie, I'm
sure Linda can find you

something appropriate to
wear to the party tonight, hmm?

Oh, that man Remick!

Oh, he's been
awful to me for years.

Something so ugly
and horrible about him,

makes my flesh crawl.


This can't be happening.
We must be dreaming.

- Would you look at that one.
- Which one?

DON: The one with the
great set of shoulders.

I like the one
with the big smile.

- Smile?
- You gotta look at their faces.


Looks like they spotted us.

I don't know about them,
but I'm pretty sure he has.


-Come on. -Come on where?

Follow them.




DON: Help!

TIM: What are you doing?
Come on out of there.

Hi. My name's Tim. What's yours?

-Iya. -Iya. Nice.

-Iya. -Is that Russian?

Hey, let's get out of here.



TIM: Iya?

I wonder if that's
her name, nationality,

or sexual preference.


Don, does that dinosaur
tell you anything?

- Yeah. Keep out of its way.
- No, I don't mean that.

Either we're in some kind
of a time warp, or else...

Or else what?

We've been sent back
to prehistoric times.

Mr. Roarke wouldn't
do that to us.

CALLING] -I think he already has.

Well, on the other hand...


DON: We withdraw our
objection, Mr. Roarke,

wherever you are.


Linda, come here a minute.

Good job. A fine job here.

Yes, you're all
right, all of you.

man. He's been on TV.

His pictures have been
in all the newspapers.

He's that missing oil minister.

RICHARD: Très bien. Très
bien. All right, let us go inside.

kidnapped just a few weeks ago.

Linda, what's he doing here?

Linda, how did he get here?

On Richard's yacht.

I heard him speak on the
telephone the other day

to Mr. Remick.

He said they're
holding him hostage

in exchange for some high
ranking political prisoners.

They're going to fly him
to the Orient tomorrow

on Richard's private jet.


him, isn't it? That's Remick.

How did you know that?

STEPHANIE: I just saw what
you were remembering again.

And I saw him coming for you.


I wake up at nights
in a cold sweat

just thinking about
his hands touching me.

Linda, listen to me.
I have to get in touch

with the man responsible
for my being here, Mr. Roarke.

He'll come with the police,

they'll arrest Remick,
Richard and the others,

and you'll be free
of them forever.

Oh, no. No,
Richard will find out.

I know he would.


I'm afraid.

Linda, don't you see?

You won't have to
be afraid anymore

if I can just get to Mr. Roarke.

Take him to the guest cottage.

I want him watched
around the clock.

Come with me.

I have a very special
evening planned for you.

That other girl? Who is she?

She is Linda's little sister.

Do you think they
recognized him?

Well, even if they did,
that will not be a problem

because tomorrow

they both will be leaving
with us for the Orient.

You do recall the
promise you made me?

If I deliver the oil minister,

you are going to give
me something in return.

I'm referring to
Linda, of course.

Oh, yes, I recall.

Have you told her yet?

No. But you know I
am a man of my word.



What are we doing over here

when they're practically
begging us to come over there?

Come on, we
haven't got a chance.

I mean, they're
beautiful, and we're...


But they look interested.

Why are we always
like this around girls?

They're the same
as we are, only softer.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

Have you seen any
other guys around here?

-Uh-uh. -[GIRL WHOOPS]

Maybe there aren't any.

Yeah. Maybe we do have a chance.

Why not? We're
reasonably good looking,

intelligent, witty, charming.

And terrified of
beautiful women.

Why'd you have to bring that up?

Because it's the
truth. Come on, face it.

We know about as much
about beautiful women

as turtles know
about track shoes.

Hey, I think your
friend with the big smile

-kind of likes you. -Iya?

- Yeah. The Russian. See?
- Mm-hmm.



You made contact.

Now, get over there
and follow through.

And have her introduce
me to her friends.

But she can't speak English.
How am I going to communicate?

Body language.

Just think of her as
one big dictionary.

Go on.

- Oh, okay. I'm gonna do it.
- Go on.

I'm gonna go over
there and I'm gonna do it.

DON: Attaboy, Tim.
I'll be right behind you.

Now, just keep...
keep saying to yourself,

"I am not terrified
of beautiful women."


I am not terrified
of beautiful women.

- I am not terrified...

Now, what is it?
They're terrified of me.

-Not necessarily. -Huh?


DON: Ooh! He's a big one.



Mr. Roarke? What
are you doing here?

How did you get in?
The door was locked?

May I say you look
most elegant, Ms. Wilson.

[SCOFFS] Well, I didn't
dress up like this by choice.

Linda and I were
invited to a cocktail party

and I don't want
her going alone.

How is your sister
getting along?

You mean other than
being a virtual prisoner here?

Of being beaten,
abused and... humiliated?

And exactly what
do you propose to do

about these
conditions, Ms. Wilson?

Try and find some way
to get her out of here.

Mr. Roarke, can't you help me?

Oh, yes, I can help
you, Ms. Wilson,

by terminating your fantasy.

But I'm afraid there's
nothing I can do for your sister.

Why not?

Because I have no jurisdiction
or authority on this island.

Mr. Roarke, do you have
any idea what's going on here?

If you are referring to the
abducted oil minister, yes.

The authorities
have been notified.

They arrive from the
mainland tomorrow morning

- and he'll be freed.
- Mr. Roarke,

I am not leaving
here without Linda.

If you are that
determined, Ms. Wilson,

I suggest you prepare yourself

for a night far more
devastating and frightening

then you've envisioned so far.

If you can survive that...


there is a way out
of here for you both,


But I caution you,

look to the sky, Ms. Wilson.

What do you mean,

"look to the sky"?

Well, what is that sup...

Mr. Roarke?





Now, that's what
I call rejection.

Yeah, well, I'd rather
be here than over there.

For the first time in my life,

I'm not terrified of
beautiful women.





DON: What's going on here?

Apparently, they're
the ones in charge

and these are the rejects.

You mean it's in
to be ugly here.

Looks that way.


He must be Ugh
and she must be Mo.



ALL: Ooh!


Something tells
me that's a no, no.



Wait a minute. Wait a
minute. You can't do that to her.

Yeah, I think he can, Tim. I
mean, who's going to stop him?

Well, do something,
quick. Relight the fire.

Uh, uh... Hold on, big fella.

Here, I'll fix it.



TIM: Oh, they think the
cigarette lighter is magic.





I think she kind of likes me.

Nah. You're not
ugly enough for her.


On the other hand, the
light's pretty dim in here.








Please. Please.

One moment.

May I have everyone's
attention, please.


has graciously offered
to sing and dance for us.



♪ For once in my life I have
someone who needs me ♪

♪ Someone I've needed so long ♪

♪ For once
unafraid I can go... ♪

I shall expect you to
honor your promise

later this evening after we
have concluded our business.

[LAUGHS] My dear Emil,
here's the key to her room.

I'm sure you will be able
to find your way, hmm?






-Hey! -[MO YELLS]


Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

What do you mean
"uh-huh, uh-huh"?

You know what he's saying?

He kind of reminds
me of Mr. Klondyke.

- Who's Mr. Klondyke?
- Phys Ed teacher at my school.

Got a lot of gorilla in him.

What's he saying?

He said the fight's
tomorrow morning.

What fight?

The one between
you and him over her.

Oh, no.



Oh, that fight.


Oh, no! No! Please
leave me alone!


No, don't! Don't! [SCREAMS]



Come on, let's get out of here.

Oh, no, no, no!
No, I can't leave.

Because of Richard
and what he'll do to you?

Now, come on, this
is your one chance

to be free of him
once and for all.

Oh, no! You don't know Richard.

-He will... -Come on!

I'm so sorry. Are you all right?

I want them dead! Both of them!

You understand me?

It will be dawn in a few hours.

There is no way they
can get off the island.

I will find them.

Saddle my horse.



Couldn't sleep either, huh?

Could you sleep if you
had to fight that Godzilla

-tomorrow? -I guess not.

Have you noticed the way
Iya's been looking at me?

I think she likes me.

For the first time in my life
I feel like Robert Redford.

well, I guess the secret

to being handsome
is being loved.

Hey, look, I hate
to break this up,

but I'm really scared.

I'm really scared for you, too.

They're all asleep.

Why don't we try and
sneak out of here?

Good plan. But we
gotta take Iya with us.

-I don't... -Listen,

she saved our lives.
We can't leave her here

to be treated like
garbage. Besides that,

she likes me. And
I like her. A lot.

With all the women here,

why you gonna start
worrying about just one?

I don't know.

Maybe that's the way
it's supposed to be.

One girl who cares for you.
That's good enough for me.

Okay. Okay. Let's go.

[WHISPERING] Come on, Iya.


Ah, good evening, gentlemen.

Mr. Roarke, thank God!
You gotta get us out of here.

Yeah. That place's a
nightmare. By the way, this is Iya.

And this is Love Island.

Rustic setting,

beautiful, untamed women.

It is what you wanted, isn't it?

It's what we wanted, but
not quite what we expected.

Nor are you two what
I expected, gentlemen.

We're really sorry
we lied to you like that.

Are you?

We shouldn't have
tried to trick you.

Ah, come on, pull
the plug, Mr. Roarke,

- just end the fantasy.
- Oh, no, no, no, I'm sorry.

You must see your fantasy
through until it's conclusion.

By tomorrow
morning I'll be dead.

I've got to fight a duel to
the death with an ape man.


Well, I'm sorry,
there's nothing I can do.

-However... -BOTH: Yes?

I suggest you take a good
look around you tomorrow.

You are not as alone
here as you might think.


We know it.

Hey? Wait a minute. Mr. Roarke?

Quiet, you'll wake Ugh.

-What? -[UGH YELLS]

Too late. Hi, Ugh,
how you doing?



Maybe we should follow the sun.

At least, we won't
be going in circles.

Find them, Turloc.





Oh, it's Richard's hawk.


LINDA: Your sash.

The hawk att*cks it.
We've got to get rid of it.



Mr. Roarke said
to look to the sky.

- Don't move.
- Linda, what are you doing?

Shh. Just stay there.

Both of you,

the hunt is over!

Very, well,

I will come in after you.

LINDA: Winston.

That is very wise of you, Linda.


Now, where's your sister?

I asked you a question.

And what are you going to
do, Richard, if I don't tell you?

LINDA: k*ll me?

Go ahead.

Why don't you put
me out of my misery?

You already destroyed
everything else in me.







Take him.

I'm glad you made it and
you two are back together.

And I would like
to congratulate you

for your courage and devotion,

not to mention your

I can foresee only great
happiness for you in the future.




Hey, look. Some
of them are betting.

I guess it means a few of them

think that I have a
chance of staying alive.

Not really. It means
they're not sure

whether Ugh's going to k*ll
you with one punch or two.


Now he says he wants
you to choose your w*apon.



- TIM: [GRUNTS] Okay, you got it?
- Yeah, I got it.

DON: Argh!


Come on, get up.

Ah, what's the use? I
might as well stay down here

because this is going
to be where I end up.

-TIM: Maybe not. -[DON GRUNTS]

Remember what Roarke
said about not being alone?

Maybe they can help
us, huh? Why not?

Give me your suspenders.

- What are you going to do?
- You'll see.

When? In two minutes
I'll be crunched.

Just keep stalling.

Do you want to tell me how?













[CHUCKLES] I see you
started a major uprising.

I figured evolution
could use all the help

it could get in this place.

Speaking of uprising,
let's get out of here.

Oh, no wait. I got
to check on Iya,

-make sure she's okay -Okay?

In about two minutes she's gonna
have the whole island liberated.

We've got more important
things to worry about,

like staying alive.

-Come on, let's go. -Okay.



Goodbye, Iya!



TIM: Hi, Mr. Roarke.

How did you like your
stay on Love Island?

Very educational.

We didn't realize before,
but everything's relative.

What might be
beautiful to one person,

might be downright
ugly to another.

Well, if you discovered
that, then your fantasy

was even more successful
than I anticipated.

Goodbye and good
luck to you both.

- Thank you, Mr. Roarke.
- Thank you.

-Goodbye. -Bye-bye.

Even their clothes
are better, boss.

Uh, a little better.

Well, I guess this is
goodbye, Mr. Roarke.

I want to thank you, Mr. Roarke.

I guess for the
first time in my life

I really know what
it means to be free.

Freedom is most precious

to all of the creatures
of this world, Ms. Wilson.

The hawk, for instance,

is one of the most
noble of creatures.

Oh, you must have no
ill feelings toward him.

He was trained
by an evil master.

And now, at last, like you,

he's free.
