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06x19 - Edward" / "Extraordinary Miss Jones

Posted: 05/05/23 07:59
by bunniefuu



The plane! The plane!


- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.

- ROARKE: Smiles, everyone.



ROARKE: Ah, Miss Melanie Jones

- from Dallas, Texas.
- TATTOO: Oh, no, boss.

Not the Miss Jones
that you told me about.

The one who's...

The one who has only one
week left to live. Yes, Tattoo.

TATTOO: But, boss,
she looks so happy.

ROARKE: She is happy
because I have promised

to grant her her fantasy.

Oh, I see. Her
fantasy is to be cured

of whatever is wrong with her.

No, Tattoo, she has a
terminal blood disorder,

and is quite
reconciled to her fate.

No, her fantasy is to
do something exciting

and important.

To somehow make
a contribution to life...

before she dies.

think I know that man.

ROARKE: Oh, I'm sure
you've seen his photograph

many times, Tattoo.

Mr. Edward Ross
from Detroit, Michigan,

is a very successful
and admired publisher

of Finesse Magazine.

As well as two daily newspapers
in New York and Los Angeles.

He's loaded.

Maybe he's here to
give us our fantasy.

He's here, Tattoo,
because his success

has given him everything
in the world, except...

the most important thing of all.

- What's that?
- Happiness, Tattoo.

But to achieve that...

he must first have forgiveness.

You see, Mr. Ross' fantasy
is to meet, once again,

those people who were
dearest to him in his past.

Those loved ones, he
feels, were cheated and hurt

by his driving ambition
to reach the very top.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.


You're about to meet
Dr. Russ Nicholas

who's on the island
doing some very important

experimental work
in hematology...

Oh, now, wait a
minute, Mr. Roarke.

- Maybe you didn't understand.
- I beg your pardon?

I am not here looking
for some last hope

miracle treatment
invented by some quack.

- Oh, it's not like that at all.
- Uh, Tattoo is absolutely right.

Uh, Dr. Nicholas' work is
under my personal supervision.

And I assure you,
it's the only way...

the only way...

you can achieve your fantasy

to do something
exciting and worthwhile.


when you get right down
to it, what've I got to lose?


ROARKE: Uh, nurse, perhaps...

Oh, Mr. Siegel! I'm so sorry,

your accident
ruined your fantasy.

Ruined? It was going lousy

until I broke my
leg, Mr. Roarke.

But this...

this is my kind of fantasy.




Here's what we're gonna do.

Uh, I'm going to give
you a local anesthetic.

Okay? Then I'm going to
make a small incision right here,

just below your clavicle.

I'm gonna secure the
implant to some tissue,

and then, I'm
gonna stitch you up.

Then I'm going to connect
this tiny wire to this monitor.

Which will show a yellow light
for normal physical exertion,

orange for strenuous, and red
for dangerous physical stress.


This is the implant.

Oh. What does it do?

Well, basically it's a microchip

which will be
programmed by information

supplied by your own blood.

That information
is then transmitted

into a master computer

which diagnoses the
problem and prescribes a cure.

Are there any side effects?

Uh, that's the unknown
part. Injection please, nurse.

You see, the only
effect there's been so far

has been in the motor
activity of the body

in the monkeys that I've tested.


Yeah, monkeys. I told
you I didn't want to do this.

I believe I'm on
the right track,

but this technique will
take years to perfect.

Then, I really am doing
something worthwhile, right?

I really hope so.

I'll tell you the truth.

I would call this whole
thing off right now,

but Mr. Roarke insists that
I do it and has faith in me.

You can still call
it off. There's time.

And ruin my fantasy?

Ready when you
are, Dr. Nicholas.

EDWARD: What you don't
understand, Mr. Roarke,

is all my life
I've been a taker.

I don't know, I
had this... this thing

that I had to be somebody.

A raw gut feeling
gnawing inside of me

that kept saying to me,

"You got to be
king of the hill."

I mean, I never really
set out to hurt anybody,

but I didn't let anybody
stand in my way either.

You're referring specifically
to the woman you loved,

Miss Dena Lee and,
of course, your son,

Edward Ross Jr., hmm?

You know something? I
haven't even seen my own kid

in seven years.


And, uh, you never
married Miss Lee.

May I ask why?

Well, there's a lot of reasons.

It's not because I didn't
love her, 'cause I did.

But I married Eddie's
mother instead,

because she was high
society and her father was rich

and he could give me a leg up.

I just hope I haven't
messed up my son's life

like I messed up Dena's.

I've even heard she's a hooker.

Perhaps, just perhaps, mind you,

your feelings of guilt

are entirely in your
own mind, Mr. Ross.

Can I tell you
something, Mr. Roarke?

- Of course.
- I was Dena's whole life.

And I wound up
treating her like dirt.

And now you want
to make it up to her.


Yes, I do.

Very well.

But I warn you to anticipate,
uh, certain changes in Miss Lee.

She may be... quite
different than you expect.

I just want to see her, please.

Of course.

I'll be by your bungalow
in, uh, minutes.

I'll take you to her.

- Thank you, Mr. Roarke.
- You're welcome.

MAN: Oh, excuse me.

I'm, uh, I'm looking
for Dr. Nicholas.

TATTOO: He's very busy.


she's fine.
Everything went great.

Just great.

The boss will be very pleased.

- I'll tell him right away.

Uh, Dr. Nicholas,
I'm, uh, Philip Waverly,

Waverly Pharmaceuticals.

My sources tell me
you're on to something,

uh, pretty big.

Oh, Waverly.

Yeah, you're a...
a big entrepreneur

and a wheeler dealer.

I'm sorry, I'm not interested.

From what I'm told, this
implant experimentation

has tremendous profit potential.

Mr. Waverly, my
work is experimental.

When and if it's
ready to market,

I'll speak with
reputable manufacturers.

Not you.

Looks like he's onto something
pretty big, all right. [INHALES]

Might be worth
the trip after all.


EDWARD: My God, she is a hooker!

Miss Lee.

If you will excuse me.

You look good, Dena.

I get along.


No, I... I never
did, and I still don't.

Guess I forgot.

Here's to your virtue.

I never did get
that straight, Eddie,

whether you were a man
of big virtues and little vices

or the other way around.

-Dena... -DENA: Look.

A very nice man named Mr. Roarke

went through a lot
of trouble to find me...

and talk me into coming here.

And I mean, it took
some real talking.

Now, what have you got in mind?


Dena, anything you want.

I mean it.

Anything in the entire
world that you want.

Beautiful clothes, a
fancy car, a home, travel.

In other words,
a whole new life.

Maybe I like the
life I've got now.

Dena, don't say that, please.

I just don't want you
to ever have to worry

about money again
as long as you live.

And there's no strings attached.

I mean it. You don't ever
have to see me again.

And what do you
get out of it, Eddie?


That's a fair question.


Maybe a little peace of mind.

And maybe just a
good night's sleep

every once in a while.

I'll think about it.


And promise me, Dena,
that you'll think about it

real hard, will you?

I'll meet you any
time, any place.

All right.

My bungalow.

Say, seven o' clock?

That's great.

I'll be there.


DR. NICHOLAS: I want to
get an idea of how the implant

is affecting the motor
activity in your body.


Going to .


NURSE: Going to .


- Nine... ninety... Ninety-five.

One-hundred-and-fifty pounds?



- DR. NICHOLAS: Are you...

Two hundred.

Four hundred. [STUTTERS]

Five-hundred pounds.

Oh, this is impossible.

One... One thousand pounds?

Um, uh, Melanie, stop.
Stop. All right, stop. Stop!

Melanie, stop.
Please! That's it.


Absolutely amazing.





Dena, you look so different!

Come on in.


Thank you.


you look absolutely beautiful.

You know, it amazes me

what they can do
on an island like...

-Dena, no! -[g*nsh*t FIRES]

-No! -[g*nsh*t FIRES]


I wanted to do that for
such a long time, Eddie.


But with real
b*ll*ts, not blanks.


I'm sorry.



I had that coming.

Yes, you did.

I'll say one thing...

you certainly look different
than you did this morning.

This morning, I dressed the way
I thought you'd expect me to be.

I didn't want to
disappoint you, Eddie.


I had people looking for you.

- I heard things.
- You heard I was a tramp.

Walking the
streets for a living.


I heard that.

DENA: You've got it
all backwards, Eddie.

That's what I was
doing when you met me.

When I was ,
my parents split...

but they forgot
to take me along.

I did what I could
just to stay alive.


I... I never knew that.

You never asked.

I'm sorry.

Being sorry is so easy

when you've got everything
in the world you want.

When you came into my
life, you changed everything.

For the first time, I
knew what it was like

to love somebody.

God, how I loved you, Eddie!

Then, Dena, let
me help you, please.

I hung on for a long time...

hoping you'd find
time for me again.

Then one day, I picked up
a newspaper, and it said...

you were marrying
your partner's daughter.

That was a business deal.

Oh, I know.

But that was when I first
knew you weren't coming back.

When I started hating you.

And I used that
hate to stay straight.

To make something of my life.

Then, Dena...

you tell me, what can I
say and what can I do?

There is nothing you can say.

And there's not a
damn thing you can do.

I've got a husband, Eddie.

A good solid man who loves me.

And we've got two
wonderful daughters.

They're beautiful children.

When Mr. Roarke talked to me,

I... I knew why I had
to come. For both of us.

You to get rid of your guilt.

And me to get rid of my hate.

I have everything I want now.


Take care of yourself, Dena.


Melanie, I thought you might
like to meet your predecessor.

- This is Sally.

Well, it looks like you and I
are in this together, old girl.


Can you explain to
me what happened

so that I understand it?

My theory is that somehow

the chemical contained
in the implant interacts

with the adrenaline
secreted by your body,

so that in times of stress...

I'm like the, uh,
-pound housewife

who's suddenly
able to lift a fallen tree

off of her only child?

-Exactly. -ROARKE: Except...

except that your
physical capabilities

seem to be
virtually without limit.


[CHUCKLES] Well, if
this is the preliminaries,

- hang on for the main event.

[LAUGHS] Right.

Uh, at any rate, Melanie's
not going anywhere.

-I'm not? -No.

Not until I know what
that weight test meant.

Yes, sir.

Oh, I'd just like to ask
you one more thing.


Are you married?



EDWARD: I've, uh, wasted
enough time already, Mr. Roarke.

See, I haven't seen Eddie
since he was years old.

And if I don't see him
soon, I think the only memory

that he's gonna have of his
old man is... [CHUCKLES]

is the checks that I send
every month. [CHUCKLES]

[CHUCKLES] I think you
may be in for something

of a surprise, Mr. Ross.

Well, I don't doubt it.

But I've got something

very personal I
want to give him.

Very personal.

This is the only thing

that my father left
me before he died.


Little Eddie used to...

he used to be crazy about it.




It's very handsome.

Thank you.

Mr. Roarke...

I'm going tell you something
that I've never told anyone

before in my life.

All right.

I have never in my life

been able to say the
words "I love you."

But surely Miss Lee, your son?

No. Not Dena, not
Eddie. Not my ex-wife.

Not even my mother, Mr. Roarke.

I don't know, for
some reason, the...

the words just got
stuck in my throat

and wouldn't come out.

Perhaps, that's part of
your problem, Mr. Ross.

The word love doesn't
come from the throat...

it comes from the heart.

EDDIE: There you go.
A little more attitude.

How about some more
attitude? You're famous for that.

Yeah. Yeah. Now,
now, a little more leg.

Come on. Come
on, give it up, girl.

A little more leg. There you go.


a couple of more like that.

Yeah, that's really...

I told you, you might be
in for a surprise, Mr. Ross.

EDDIE: Nigel,
that's it. That's it.

How about a little
more shoulder?

There you go. Okay,
Elaine, you're up next.

And, Nigel, that means
we're into a new setup, okay?

- NIGEL: Okay.
- All right, let's move, everybody.

Good luck.




- How you doing?
- Let me look at you. Ah!

Hey, man!

You went and
grew up, didn't you?

- So, you noticed, huh?

EDDIE: Hey, everybody,
take five, okay? Take five.

I can't get over
the way you look.

Hey, what's going on here?

Oh, just a little
competition, Pop.

I'm starting my own magazine.

I call it, Ladies a la
Carte. What do you think?

[CHUCKLES] I think it's great.

But you know it's going
to take a lot of big bucks

to make that work, Eddie.

So far every penny I
can beg, borrow and steal.

[CHUCKLES] Well, you
know what that's all about.

But so what? I mean,

that's how you got
your start, am I right?

Yeah, but that was another
time and another place.

And it wound up costing me
more than just a lot of big bucks.

Pop, I understand that.

I mean, I got four scrapbooks
full of articles about you.

How you clawed your way
to the top. How you let nothing

and nobody stand
in your way, right?


Yeah, you're right.

But just because
I did it, Eddie,

that don't make it right.

Well, what's right
got to do with it?

I mean, you did
what you had to do.

[CHUCKLES] Oh! Oh, I get
it. That's a good move, Pop.

Try and throw off
the competition, huh?

Come on, it's me
you're talking to,

your own little Ed.

Hey, Eddie, uh, can
we move things along?

Well, got to get back to work.

But, hey, we got a lot of
catching up to do, right?

- Yeah.
- And there's a million angles

you can teach me
that never showed up

in those press clippings
of yours, all right?

EDWARD: Son, just a minute.

I wanted to show you
something. Do you remember this?

This is the only thing
that I never hocked

even when I was short.

When you were a kid
about five or six years,

you were crazy about it.

You always tried to
get it away from me.

It had this
wonderful little song.


I always intended to
give it to you, but I...

uh, somehow I
never got around to it.

I'm sorry, Pop.

Sorry about what?

I don't remember.

Sure. What am... what
am I thinking about?

As I said, you were just a kid.
Why should you remember it?

-Just a little kid. -Hey.

Hey, look, I... I'll catch you
when I'm done here, all right?

-Mm-hmm. -Okay. All right.

-I'll see you later. -All right.

EDDIE: Okay, everybody,
we're back, all right?

Uh, Nigel, you all loaded
up and ready to go?

Okay, now, Elaine,

give us something
really fun, all right?

Have a good time, yeah.

Little girl. Little,
little girl there.

- EDDIE: Yeah, yeah, just like that.

I guess it wasn't that
important after all.

EDDIE: There you
go. There you go.

Yeah! Have a good
time. Good time.

Yeah. Yeah. Just like that.



Melanie, are you feeling tired?

No. More, um...

um, romantic than anything.

Ah, well, listen,
that's probably

just another side effect
of that damn implant.

-Who cares? -[IMPLANT BEEPING]




-Melanie, I... Hey.

Listen. This isn't very
fair to you, Melanie.

Well, am I complaining?

What if things were different
between us? You know? Normal?

I don't think you would
ever give me a second look.

Do you understand
what I'm saying?

Oh, sure. Yeah, I get it.

You just don't
want to be involved

with a lady who, uh...

who, uh, isn't gonna be
hanging around that long.

Oh, no. You're wrong.

Melanie, I think you're
the most attractive woman

- that I've ever met.
- TATTOO: Dr. Nicholas!

- Dr. Nicholas!
- Tattoo, what is it?

- The monkey.
- What about the monkey?

Somebody is trying to steal
the monkey out of the lab.

-What? -Yes.

Come on, let's go! Let's go!

TATTOO: Come on! Come on!

DR. NICHOLAS: Stop! Hey!

We got to get Sally back.
Her life depends on it.

-I'll get her. -What?

No, wait, Melanie, you can't.

Let's get to the Rover,

- right over there.
- Okay. Now, come on.











Miss Jones?

Miss Jones?


I sent the doctor out to get
some coffee and fresh air.

Tell me, how do you feel?


everything seems to be working.

Mr. Roarke,

did I really do everything
I remember doing?

Uh, part of your fantasy
was to do something exciting,

as I recall.

Now, are you sure
you feel all right?

I'm sure I feel all right.


- What are you doing?
- I'm getting up.

No, no, no, get back to bed.


people die in beds.

Well, you just...
just give this...

-Give it a... -[MELANIE GRUNTS]


Very well, uh, Dr. Nicholas,

since you seem to have
everything well in hand,

uh, we have other things
to do, don't we, Tattoo?


-Tattoo. -Yes, boss. Yes.


Melanie, uh, um, sit down.

I was really worried about you.

Well, that's something.

Well, what happened,
anyway? Why did I black out?

I'm not taking any
more chances with you.

I'm taking out that
implant, Melanie.

[SCOFFS] You're
doing no such thing!


You were almost k*lled.

The next time will k*ll you.
Do you understand that?

I'm gonna die anyway, remember?

Will you please get out of here?
Uh, I'd like to get dressed now.




EDDIE: Come on, Lolita,

we got a lot of work
to do today here, baby.

We don't have time to wait
for you whole lot, all right?

Come on.

All right. Everybody ready?

-Nigel, you set? -NIGEL: Yup.

EDDIE: Okay, lots of energy,
everybody. Lots of energy.


EDDIE: Terrific! And
one more just like that.

All right. All right.
That's good. That's great!

Terrific. Okay. Okay.
[CHUCKLES] All right.

Yeah, I think Kathleen
is centerfold, and, uh,

we'll, uh, we'll do the
studio setup later, all right?

[SIGHS] We've already
backlogged centerfolds, Eddie.

Did I ask for your opinion?

May I make a suggestion?

Hey, Pop. Listen,
I'll be right with you.

We're not quite finished
here yet, all right?

Well, you've got two ways to go.

Now, you can
either do it your way,

or you can take the
advice of someone

who's made millions
doing this kind of thing.

Thank you.

For instance, uh...

She's got a beautiful body,
and you got it all covered up.

You're making this
young lady look like

- a s pinup.
- EDDIE: What do you mean?

What I mean is quite simple.

She's got a beautiful
body. You should show it.

Put her in a... in a
bikini like she has on,

and, uh, something that's cut.

Ultra new, very
high in the waist.

And wet it down.

Yeah, that would
be wild. Wet and wild.

[CHUCKLES] Hey, that is wild.

Aren't you Eddie Ross,
Finesse Magazine?

EDWARD: I stand
accused. What's your name?

- Kathleen.
- Make a wish, Kathleen.

I wish I'd get a featured
spread in Finesse Magazine.

You have got it.

That's my personal card.

Now, you've got
to do two things.

First of all, rest
over the weekend

so you'll be looking
good on Monday,

'cause I want to see you
Monday in the main office

in Detroit of Finesse Magazine.

And we'll start the
spread then, okay?

Now, I want you to bring all
these pretty ladies with you,

'cause I'm sure I can find
something for them to do

there in the magazine, okay?

- MODEL : All right.

KATHLEEN: Oh, thank you.


All right, come on.
Let me help you down.

You take care of yourself
and rest up so you look pretty.

Yeah, okay.

EDDIE: Nigel,
that's all for today.



-Excuse me. -Yes?

- Can I talk to you for a second?
- You can talk to me anytime.

Listen, what the hell was that?

Oh, I just wanted to show you

what the world
really works like.

I know what it works like.

You don't know nothin'.

All right, okay, so
you stole my models.

Big deal.

Let me tell you
something, Junior.

I'll steal the shirt
off your back

- if you don't give up this mess.
- Hey, it's a little late

for fatherly advice,
don't you think?

It's never too late
to try to wise up

a dummy like you.

Hey, Pop.

Don't push it too far.

Oh, now, ain't that too bad?

I'm really surprised.

How do you think I got to
be where I am, big man?

Don't you want to be
like your old man? Huh?

Well, you got to know the
rules. Don't you know that?

And the first rule is
there ain't no rules!

Don't push me.

Let me tell you something.

I'll push you out
of this business.




Yeah, that's a hell of
a punch you got there.

Yeah, well, your jaw
ain't so soft, either.

Are you all right?


Yeah, I'm all right.

Hey, listen, I, uh, I didn't
mean to hit you now.

I'm sorry. You just...

You kept coming at
me and coming and...

I understand, Eddie.

You know, it's funny, I
didn't mean to run out

on the woman I love.

I didn't mean to make
your mother's life miserable.

I didn't mean to neglect you.

I didn't mean
to sell out my life

for a fat bank
account and an ulcer.

And a lot of lousy
memories, but I did.

And I'm sorry.

I just don't want you to
grow up to be like me.

I was just trying to...

I was trying to help
you along, that's all.

Yeah, but... [CHUCKLES]
but you got it all, man.


It's all the things that I
don't have that count.

All the things that
money can't buy.

Things like loyalty,
respect. A real family, love.

Yeah, well...

we never had too much of
that in our family, did we?


No, that's another inheritance
that your old man left you.

Look, I... I just hope you listen
to some of the things I said

and at least you'll
think about it.

That's all I ask.
Just think about it.

Yeah, well, it looks like I
got a lot of thinkin' to do.

And when I'm ready...

maybe I'll come and
we can talk about it.

All right?

- That's good enough for me.
- Okay.

Hey, Pop?

You, uh... You got
the watch with you?


I think I'd like it.


EDWARD: Come here.


Now, you make sure you
call me real soon, you hear?

-I will. -All right.

-All right. -When you're ready.


DR. NICHOLAS: Mr. Waverly.

I know it was you that
tried to steal the monkey.

What monkey?

Oh, doesn't matter.

Uh... [SIGHS]

I've been thinking a lot
about your proposition.


Like you said, I
don't have to like you.

[SIGHS] A wonderful
lady's gonna die

if I don't come
up with a miracle.


I want experts in my field
working hours a day

with unlimited funds.

What do I get for
giving you this miracle?

Everything. Patent
rights, the works.

You got a deal.

My yacht's standing off
the shore at North Point.

I'll drive you up there.

We'll draw up the agreement.


You know, I, uh,
I'd given up, Doctor.

I was about to leave.

Never underestimate the
power of a woman, huh?


Oh, Miss Jones, I was trying
to reach you on the phone.

Oh, I was just thinking
and walking a bit.

- Is... is something wrong?
- Plenty.

There's been an accident

on a remote road
in the mountains.

The car is overturned.
Two men are trapped inside.

And unless we get them
out very soon, they will die.

Only you can do it.

Well, yes, but if I
do that, I'm dead.

I mean, Russ told me,
that's it. Boom. Curtain.

I would not ask you
if one of those men

-weren't Dr. Nicholas. -[GASPS]


The gasoline hits that
hot engine, Mr. Roarke,

they're finished.

Oh, no!


[GROANS] Melanie.

- MELANIE: Are you all right?
- Ye... yeah, I'm okay.

Melanie, get out
of here. Please.

Don't try and help me
or do anything foolish.

Just go... go away.

Are you kiddin'?

Sweetheart, please. No!






Oh, please.

[MOUTHING] Please.





Melanie! [GRUNTS]


[MOUTHING] Thank you.

called me sweetheart.



Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

I'm surprised, Mr. Ross.

-Why? -You are leaving?

[CHUCKLES] I did all the things
that I came to Fantasy Island to do.

- That's right, boss.
- Is it indeed?

I believe there is a
third and hidden part

of your fantasy, Mr. Ross.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

TATTOO: Me either.

Mr. Ross knows precisely
what I'm talking about, Tattoo.

I want you to go
somewhere with me now.

Mr. Roarke...

you know and I know
that that's impossible.

I'm afraid I must insist.


- Tattoo, you handle things here, hmm?

Okay, boss.


This can't be.

Can't it, Mr. Ross?

Why don't we go
inside and find out?


Please, Mr. Ross.

Mr. Roarke, Mama's been
dead for years now.

When we enter this
place, Mr. Ross...

we step back into her time.

You are merely home on a visit.

Isn't that what
you really wanted?

More than Miss Lee,
more even than your son...

To talk to your
mother one last time?

It's good having
you home, Eddie.

I know how busy you are.

Can you stay long?

Not too long, Mother.

You look tired, Eddie.

Maybe you need
a little vacation.

I got a little money put away.

No, no, no. Mama,
Mama, sit down, please.

You know, ever since
I can remember...

you always had a little money
put away in case I needed it.

Everybody need a
little help sometimes.

- I'll get the money.
- No, no, no, Mama.

Listen to me. Just listen.

I've got to tell you
how sorry I am.

For what, Eddie?

For not giving you all
the things I could have.

I got all I need, son.

Oh, but, Mama...

you worked all your life in
somebody else's kitchen.

You cleaned their houses. And...

and you did it all for me.

Just so I could...

be somebody.

And you are, Eddie.

You are.

And I'm proud of you.

[SOBS] I love you, Mama.

-Oh... -I love you.

-Eddie. Eddie. -I love you.



You never told me that before.

I know, I...

And I'm sorry about that, too.

Hearing you say that, Eddie,

saying that you love me...

it's the only thing I never
had that I really wanted.


I got it all, darling.

Now I got it all.

-[CHUCKLES] -Your favorite, son.

- I know.
- I baked them just for you.

Thank you.

I love you, Mama.


