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06x18 - The Devil Stick" / "Touch and Go

Posted: 05/05/23 07:58
by bunniefuu


The plane! The plane!


- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.

Smiles, everyone.



ROARKE: Ah, Mr. Carl Peters,

a travel agent
from Philadelphia.

TATTOO: What's his fantasy?

Apparently he is obsessed with
finding a beautiful young woman.

- Aren't we all?
- Perhaps, Tattoo,

but this particular
young woman ran away

before he could discover
his true feelings for her.

Will he find her?
Will he fall in love?

Oh, yes, Tattoo.

So much so, he may even
be willing to die for her.

TATTOO: Boss, here
comes my old friend, Susan.

ROARKE: Yes, Tattoo,
Miss Susan Henderson,

the young woman who saved
you from a runaway taxicab

- in Paris years ago.
- You're right, boss.

If it was not for her,

you wouldn't have the
terrific assistant like me.


So, in gratitude, you have
arranged a fantasy for her,

to make a man she
has loved from afar

fall in love with her.

Well, it's simple,
isn't it, boss?

We shall see,
Tattoo. We shall see.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.


ROARKE: Uh, Mr. Peters,
it's important that I know

just how strong your
feelings for Miss Miller are.

Are you certain
you're in love with her?

Mr. Roarke, since the
day she disappeared,

all I can think about
is finding her again.

Yes, I'm certain.
Can you help me?

Yes, I believe I can.

I've discovered Miss
Miller has returned home

to a small village
here on the island,

a village that has a very...

- A very peculiar history.
- What do you mean, boss?

ROARKE: The original
settlers of the town

came from New
England long, long ago.

They were a very rigid,
puritanical people then.

In , it seems
they held a witch trial,

and the woman they accused...

was burned at the stake.

TATTOO: Oh, that's terrible.

Yes, it is, Tattoo.

Ever since then, there
have been rumors of other...

strange events...
unexplained phenomena.

I don't care about anything
that happened there

almost years ago.

All I really want
is to find Hallie.

Very well, Mr. Peters.

If you'll follow Tattoo.

Please, this way.

Here's your car,
and here's your keys.

Just follow the
road, Mr. Peters.

The town is about
miles north of here.

You won't have any
trouble finding Miss Miller.

Everyone there knows her.

Thank you, Tattoo.

Mr. Roarke.

ROARKE: Tattoo thought
you might enjoy a spot of tea.

SUSAN: How nice.

Now, then, Miss Henderson...

this man you wish to
have fall in love with you,

- who might he be?
- His name is Carter Ransom.

The concert pianist?

TATTOO: Yes. He's
here on the island.

He's staying in
the lilac bungalow.

Yes, I know.

Mr. Ransom is here

preparing for an upcoming
recital in New York.

You see, he's had trouble
concentrating on his work,

and he's come here
to Fantasy Island

for peace and quiet, Tattoo.

Well, maybe he
needs inspiration.

And what could be more
inspirational than love?

I could help, Mr. Roarke.

I first saw him
perform two years ago.

He's everything I ever
dreamed of in a man.

Please? She's got everything
that Mr. Ransom need.

You do realize, Miss Henderson,

that your fantasy
will last only two days.

After that, Mr. Ransom will
no longer be in love with you.

Are you sure you want
to go through with this?

For once... I want to experience

the kind of passion
and love I've read about

even if it only
lasts for a weekend.

Very well, Miss Henderson,
if that's what you really want.


Thank you.

This is a very special
ring, Miss Henderson.

When you wear it...

any man you touch...

with your ring hand...

will fall immediately

and passionately
in love with you.


it will work only once...

so you must be
extremely careful.

Don't worry, boss.
I will help her.

I'll meet you in the
lobby in one hour.

Thank you, Tattoo.

- Thank you, Mr. Roarke.
- Yes, Miss Henderson.

Tattoo, have a seat, won't you?

Now, tell me,

just exactly how do you
wish to arrange payment

for Miss Henderson's fantasy?

Boss, I thought it was a favor.

Tattoo, Tattoo, what
about our overhead?

Have you any idea how
much we spend each year

on flower leis alone?



Well, I suppose we
could arrange a discount

of, say, um, percent.

Twenty percent?

I was thinking more
like percent.

All right, my
friend, just for you.

But just this once, huh?

Thank you, boss. You're
not going to regret it.

I hope so.

Now we have all the
guests to attend to.




Hello, Hallie.

I'm sorry, Carl, but you're
going to have to leave.

-Leave? -Yeah.


I've been looking for you
for the past five months.

- Please, Carl, you've got to.
- Why? Will you just tell me why?

Because I think I love you.


Hallie, I've got to talk to you.


I don't believe I
know this young man.

Carl Peters, my
father George Miller,

Mayor of Glen Hollow.

Well, it's a pleasure
to meet you, Carl.

-A real pleasure. -Thanks.

Welcome. Welcome
to our little town.

You coming to Hallie's
birthday celebration?

It's your birthday?

Hallie turns today.

event around here.

Well, I wouldn't
miss it for the world.

Good. Good. Then you, uh...

You go on into the town hall.

I got to steal
Hallie away for now.

Well, what do you
know? A new face in town.

Carl Peters.

Ethan Miller, Hallie's brother.

You staying long?

-I don't know. -I wouldn't.

Now, you listen to me, Hallie.

Him showing up on your
st birthday was no accident.

It's happening again
just like it always does.

You know what you got to do.

No, Daddy. Oh,
please, I just can't...

Hallie, Hallie, you have to.

You're our only hope.

Not yet. I'll tell you when.


Another balmy day, and they
call this paradise, do they?

Gloria, please, I've got to have
this sonata done by Monday.

understand that, darling.

What I don't understand is
why you couldn't as easily do it

in New York as on
this dreary little island.

CARTER: I can't
work in New York.

All those parties of yours

and those snooty,
bigoted old culture vultures

with more
pretensions than taste.

Those culture vultures could
put you back on top, my love,

and don't you forget it.

Oh, come on.

You've been working
nonstop since we got here.

If we have to be stuck on this
palm-enshrouded piece of mud,

at least we could venture
forth for an hour, hmm?

All right, but just an hour.

Wonderful, darling.

I wonder what kind
of fur one wears

in a tropical rain forest.

TATTOO: I've got a plan.

Mr. Ransom, he stays
in the lilac bungalow.

I'll take you there,

introduce you to him, and bingo.

Not exactly La Caba, but
I suppose it'll have to do.

Oh, no, he's here.
But I'm not ready yet.

I have to get changed
and fix my hair.

Susan, you already
changed. Don't worry.

With this ring, he would fall
for a mummy's bride, promise.

Go for it.


Hey. Hi.

Hello. [HIGH-PITCHED] I'm Brian.

Uh, can I buy you a drink?

Thanks but no thanks.

Oh, come on.
Just one little drink?

I mean, I saw the way you
were looking at me over there.

You want me. I know you do.

Look, junior, please
just leave me alone.


You're the most beautiful
woman I've ever seen in the flesh.

I mean, without the
staples in the stomach.

Oh, no!

Oh, I love you. I want
to have your child.

Can I get you dinner?
Lunch? Drinks?

How about if I buy
you some beer nuts?

Please, you don't
know what you're saying.

Oh, but I do. I...
I... I... I want you.

I want to rub orange
marmalade all over you and...

- and have you for breakfast.
- Tattoo, help!

WOMAN: Brian, what's going on?

Mother, I found her,
the love of my life,

the center of my universe,
the apple of my eye, the...

What did you say
your name was again?

SUSAN: Tattoo, help!

Cool it, boy. Cool it!

- What? Wait! Don't go!
- Don't go with her.

- Stay right here.
- BRIAN: Come back!

-Brian. -Wait a minute.

- TATTOO: Take it easy now.
- Brian?

-TATTOO: Stay here. -Brian!

What has she done to you?

GROUP: ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday, dear Hallie ♪

HALLIE: Isn't there
any other way?

Look around. Look
at their faces, Hallie.

They're your friends, the
people you grew up with.

Are you going to let them die?

And what about your own
brother and your little sister?



- Happy birthday.
- Will you help me cut the cake?

Well, sure.

-Right here. -Right there?

It's sort of like cutting
a wedding cake.

We make a real nice
couple, you know.

Here you go, Carl. Try some.

Well, that's real strong stuff.

- What's in that?
- Just pure apple cider.

We imported it special.

Well, as you can see, my
daughter's st birthday

is a big occasion
for the entire town.

We're just one big
happy family here.

-Here, move it. -[♪♪♪♪♪]

Go on, Hallie. Go on, dance.
This is your day. Go on. Go on.



-Hallie, help me. -Jamie!

CARL: What
happened? Who is that?

It's my little sister.

Well, somebody
call an ambulance.

What's the matter with
you people? She's sick!




- You drugged him?
- It's easier that way.

HALLIE: Can't we just
have two hours alone?

Please, Daddy?

Till sundown.

Oh, Carl.

Carl, I'm so, so sorry.

Sorry you have to die.

ROARKE: This is a
most unfortunate situation,

Miss Henderson.

As I told you before, the
ring can only be used once.

I know but...

In any case, I'm
afraid your fantasy

has come to an unscheduled end.

But, boss, it was an accident.
It can happen to anyone.

Nevertheless, Tattoo,
my hands are tied.

What can I do?

TATTOO: Getting a second chance,

isn't that what Fantasy
Island is all about?

Besides, I've got a plan.

Yes, Tattoo?

Why don't we have a
reception for Mr. Ransom

so that Susan can
get close to him?

It's a very interesting
idea, Tattoo.

And you're right, everyone
deserves a second chance.

Well, now, Miss Henderson,

if you'll hold out
your hand please.

Thank you.

Oh, thank you, Mr. Roarke.
Thank you very much.

You realize, Tattoo,

that the success of
Miss Henderson's fantasy

is now your responsibility.

It's a piece of cake, boss.


Oh, and, Tattoo...

Kindly remove that young
man from the premises,

would you, please?

CARL: I've never been
happier my whole life.

I could be here
with you forever.

So could I.

You know, it's amazing
how different the world looks

when you're in love.

Look at the sunshine
outside there.

It looks like shimmering gold.

Let's not talk.

Just hold me.

But I want to talk.

I want to talk
about our wedding.

Do you want a large
one or a small one?

Where do you want to live?

I can close my
office in Philadelphia

and open a small
one here on the island.

I know you want to
be near your family.

And what about
our own little family?

I never thought much
about having kids, but...

Carl, please...



Darling, don't you
want to marry me?


Oh, Carl, I love you.

But I can't marry you...

and I can't leave here.



There has to be a reason.


Ethan, what are you doing here?

I'm saving him from the
crazies that's what I'm doing.

- You can't interfere.
- Take a look out the window.


- CARL: What do they want?
- ETHAN: You.

What are you talking about?
Hallie, what's he talking about?

What's going on around here?

She won't tell
you. She's part of it.

Come on, we can
get out the back way.

No. If you go, the
whole town will die.

So will your little sister.

Jamie needs to
get to a hospital.

With him gone, maybe everybody
will wise up and get her to one.

But the legend.

She'll die for nothing,
and so will he.

Oh, Carl, come on. Let's go.

-What about you? -Just go.

Well, I'm coming back for you.

Where is he, Hallie?


GEORGE: All right, he's
not here. Come on, let's go.

Isn't it lovely? Aren't
you glad we came?

Why did I let Roarke talk
me into this reception?

I've got to get back to work.

Mr. Ransom, this is
Miss Susan Henderson.

She's one of your biggest fans.

I'm delighted to meet
you, Mr. Ransom.

Ooh, things are
beginning to pick up.

Look at the bubbly, everyone.

Uh, would you like to sit down?

Thank you, Carter.

Well, cheers.

[GASPS] There he is.



Brian, what are you doing here?

Feasting my eyes, Mother.

-Isn't she beautiful? -[GASPS]

Oh, it's her again.

Will you look at her torturing
that poor love-smitten boy.

Henry, can't you do something

about... [STUTTERING]
that seductress?

Right now I'm more concerned
about our dinner reservations.

- Henry!
- Okay. Come on, Son. Let's go.

Brian. Bri... Brian?


-Oh, my napkin. -Allow me.

HENRY: Oh, you
dropped this, Miss.

Good heavens, you...

You are beautiful.

Your hand so soft, so delicate.

I could hold it all night.

-Henry! -Dad!

-No, she's mine! -Brian.

Oh, look, this is a mistake.

HENRY: Yeah, my whole
life has been a mistake.

But now I'm going to correct it.

-No, please. -HENRY: No, wait.

Hey, wait. Please don't go.

-WOMAN: Brian. -Oh!

Brian. Brian.


What are we doing here?

Look, why don't you just
tell me what's going on?


They call it the red death.

You saw it. At the dance.


In this day and age?

Take a look at those
headstones. A good look.

That's mine.


You tell me what's
going on here.

The same thing that's
been going on for centuries,

ever since they burned
that witch at the stake.

Legend has it she
put a spell on my family

so when the oldest daughter
turns , a plague breaks out.

A guy shows up...

they fall in love,

the town puts an
arrow through his heart,

and the plague goes away.

That's crazy.

The whole damn town
believes it, including Hallie.

Come on.

Let me go.

I'm sorry, Carl.

All right, take him.

No. No!


♪ Hey, my love For no one else ♪

♪ Can end this yearning ♪

♪ This need that you
And you alone create ♪

♪ Just fill my dreams ♪

♪ The way you filled my arms ♪

♪ The dreams that you inspire ♪

♪ With every sweet desire ♪


Oh, Mr. Roarke, thank heavens.

There's been another accident.

Oh, and here I thought
that was Placido Domingo

outside your door.

Hey, Tattoo, didn't you
tell me you had a plan?

Oh, I did, boss.

The only thing, it didn't work.

HENRY: ♪ My love ♪

♪ And with your
kisses set Me burning ♪

♪ One kiss is all I
need To seal... ♪

Well, for your information

I am not energizing
Miss Henderson's ring,

not again.

Even on Fantasy Island
certain rules must apply.

But, boss, rules are
made to be broken.

Not this often.

Please excuse us.


Boss, why don't you sit down.


Boss, I've got this great plan,
and this time it's gonna work.

Tattoo, must I remind you

that arranging that
reception for Mr. Ransom

at the last moment
was no small task?

These plans of yours are
proving to be quite taxing

- to say nothing of expensive.
- Well, this one is cheap.

It's not gonna
cost you anything.

Well, almost anything.

What really concerns me, Tattoo,

is that you've
apparently not yet learned

that second
chances are very rare

and very valuable indeed.

One must seize
whatever opportunities

life chooses to deal out and
act quickly and decisively.

- Don't you understand?
- Oh, yes, boss, I learned that.

Strike the iron while
hot. Who hesitate is lost.

Opportunity only
knocks but once.

The squeaky wheel
gets the grease.

Boss... please, give
me another chance.

Did I ever ask you
for anything before?

As a matter of fact, yes.

Well, I'm gonna ask you again.

Well, when you put it that way,

how can I possibly
refuse, Tattoo?

Miss Henderson, will
you come here, please?

Thank you.

But this is the
last time, Tattoo.

Should anything
go wrong this time,

Miss Henderson and
you shall have to live

with the consequences,
do you understand?

May I have your hand,
please? Thank you.

There. You have another chance.

And one more day
to fulfill your fantasy.


And now I leave you to
your midnight serenade.



HALLIE: Carl, please talk to me.

I don't want any
of this to happen.

But I don't know
how to stop it either.

Good Lord, Hallie,
this is the th century.

This whole thing is
some morbid fairy tale.

HALLIE: No, it's not.

Don't you see? It
all makes sense.

It's my birthday, you
miraculously show up...

the plague breaks out.

Exactly like it has
for over years.

They're gonna k*ll me,
Hallie. Is that what you want?

Maybe we can put a
stop to this nightmare

once and for all.

There's a way out.

Through the basement.

I hope I'm doing
the right thing.



compliment of Mr. Roarke.

Oh, vintage February no doubt.

I was talking to Jackie O.
She said it's her favorite.

Jackie? Here?

- She's down by the pool.
- Jackie O is here?

Oh, well, I've simply
got to meet her.


Mr. Ransom?

-Hello. -It's Susan Henderson.

I... I wanted to apologize

for what happened
at your reception.

Oh, yeah.

You're the one with
the, uh, admirers.

- Right.
- I don't mean to be abrupt, but...

I've really got to
get back to work.

Oh, are you all right?

I can see why all those men
were chasing you last night.

You're incredibly...


-Mr. Ransom? -Carter.

Carter, I...

I think I've been
in love with you

ever since I heard you play
Tchaikovsky's piano concerto

with the Boston Symphony.

You like that?

Would you like me to
play that for you now?

Would you?


I have never been so
embarrassed in all my life.

You misunderstood me.

I was talking about
Jackie O'Brian,

the famous dry goods
tycoon, not Jackie Onassis.

Miss Henderson.

nice to see you again.

I just dropped by to apologize
for what happened last night.

I better be going.

Uh, as I said, Miss Henderson,
no need for apologies.

No need at all. No need at all.

We'll meet later, my
darling. Give me half an hour.

- Carl, look out!

SHERIFF: All right,
hold it right there.

Now you two get out of that
car nice and easy, you hear?

Turn him over.

Look at that.

He's still alive.

Yeah, but by the time
we get back, he'll be dead.

- So will everybody else.
- No, not if we hurry.

Come on, let's
get him in the car.

Sheriff, there we go.

Here we go.

Put your head down.

-Okay, okay, let's go. -[THUDS]

Oh, Carl, I'm so sorry.

I wanted to think that I
could run away again.

But now I know I can't.

I'm gonna save them.

And I'm gonna
save you too, honey.


GLORIA: Carter, love...

I can forgive a
minor infatuation.

I mean, it does happen.

But you can't let that
interfere with your career,

your reputation.

That's all you really
care about, isn't it?

Well, the hell
with my reputation.

Success, money, fame,
the hell with all of it.

Have you gone insane?

No, just the opposite,
I've finally gone sane.

I see things much
more clearly now.

-Especially you. -Oh...

Well, I see I was a fool

to have stayed
with you this long.

Everybody knows
you're on the way out.

I should have run
off with Eugene Fodor

when I had the chance.

I'll send for my bags later.

I'm catching the next
flight to New York.

Why, if it isn't Carter's
greatest fan, hmm.

Well, you can have him, dear.

Go ahead and have
your blissful little affair.

Keep him from
finishing his sonata

and watch his career
go right down the toilet.

You both deserve it, I think.




There's just the two
of us now, Susan.

So why don't we make
ourselves more comfortable.

-Carter? -Yes?

Don't you have
some work to finish?

All I want to think
about right now is you.

- But your career.
- I don't care about my career.

I'd trade it all for
just one day with you.

Look, I'm sorry, but I have
to go see my friend, Tattoo.

-What? -Excuse me.

But Susan, wait.


Carl, Carl, wake
up. We got to hurry.

They have to make the
sacrifice before the sun sets.

- Where's Hallie?
- She's gone back to town.

She wants them to
sacrifice her in your place.

Come on, we got to stop her.

You drive.

ROARKE: You want
to call off your fantasy,

Miss Henderson?

Better that than
ruin Carter's career.

I care for him too
much to let that happen.

Besides, I'm coming to realize
that if I'm going to be loved

it should be for what I am,
not because of some trick.

If I do this, you know there
can be no turning back.

I know.

I'm sorry, Tattoo. It was
so sweet of you to try.

But I guess I'm not meant
to have any grand romance.

Very well, Miss Henderson.

As of now, none of the
men affected by this ring

is in love with you
any longer, including...

Carter Ransom.


HALLIE: Listen to me!

Listen to me, all of you!

This is our last chance.

If this works,
you're all healed.

But if it doesn't...

we're all gonna die anyway.

So let's just get this
thing over with, please.



No! No, don't.

Don't sh**t.


I'm the one that has
to die, Hallie, not you.


I have never made any
kind of sacrifice for anything.

Well, I may be as
crazy as all of you...

but if I have to die...

so that your Hallie can live...

then you better go
ahead and sh**t me.

Sun is going down.
We're wasting time.

No, Carl.

-Yes. -Carl, no.

ROARKE: Mr. Mayor.


They are both willing to die.

The obvious
strength of their love,

their willingness to sacrifice
everything for each other...

surely such a
demonstration of good...

deems any further
evil unnecessary.

We can't take the
chance. I say they both die.




- HALLIE: Who's that man?
- CARL: Only God knows.


That was lovely.


I'm glad you
finally finished it.


your friend, Tattoo...

he explained everything to me...

your fantasy, the ring.

SUSAN: I'm so ashamed.

Of what? I should thank you.

Of course I was able
to go back to work

after the effects
of the ring wore off,

but that was mainly
because I remembered

how I felt about you.

There's part of
you in that music.

Thank you for saying that.

- I better leave.
- No, Susan, listen to me.

My whole career
I've been surrounded

by people like Gloria.

All they were ever interested
in was what I could do for them.

But you...

you did something for me. In
fact, you gave up something

and asked for nothing in return.

For me, that's a first.


I may not be head over
heels in love with you anymore.

Maybe someday.

Who knows?

Are you saying there's a chance

you could fall in
love with me for real?

I'm saying...

I like you.

And I definitely want to
get to know you better.

In fact, what are you
doing this Friday night?

I don't know. I...

How about coming to
New York to hear me play...

Our sonata?

You've got a date. [CHUCKLES]

Well, Tattoo, it appears
your plan worked after all.

You know, this
is the second time

Miss Henderson
has saved your life.



Mr. Roarke, Tattoo,

it's great to be
alive and together.

I still can't believe
this has all happened.

It's been a miracle.

Yes, Miss Miller,
a miracle of love.

You see, the strength of
your love for each other,

and the dual sacrifice
you were willing to make,

broke the power
of the spell forever.

Thanks, Mr. Roarke,
for everything.

Yes, Mr. Peters.

-Goodbye. -Thank you.

-Goodbye, Miss Miller. -Bye-bye.

I thought you may want a
souvenir from your visit here.

SUSAN: Oh, Tattoo,
thank you, but no.

It took me long enough,
but I finally realized

there are no shortcuts,

no magical solutions
when it comes to love.

You have to work
at a relationship

just like anything else.

Goodbye, mon ami.

- And thank you.
- No goodbye, but au revoir.

- Thank you, Mr. Roarke.
- You're welcome, Miss Henderson.

-Bye-bye. -Mr. Ransom, goodbye.


Boss, I'll see you later. Bye.



Boss, help me!

Boss, help.

Boss, help! Boss!
