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06x16 - Dirty Laundry

Posted: 05/05/23 05:41
by bunniefuu

♪ Only heaven knows
what's been on your mind ♪

♪ I'm getting close,
the end of the line ♪

♪ As your story falls apart ♪

♪ I see your black
heart slowly dying ♪


♪ Ooh-ooh-ooooh ♪

♪ Your black heart can't
help but tell me the truth ♪

KEL: Hey, Chief.

Uh, Shelly from The Chronicle,

she's on line two again for comment.

♪ Your black heart is
beating for somebody new ♪

No comment. Understood.

♪ Only a fool would
be falling for ya ♪


♪ Your black heart ♪


♪ Your black heart ♪


Hey, it's barely : and
you're already napping?

You got work and school
and Crisis One, too?

Oh. I know that smile.

Okay. Spill. I wanna
hear all the details.

- MAYA: Unh-unh.
- Give it to me.

- Tell me all the details.

- No. No.
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

... Mayoral Candidate
Michael Dixon. Good Morning.

Good morning, Miss Zane.
Thank you for having me.

- Ugh, no. No.
- Mr. Dixon, you've

- recently called for...
- Where's the remote?

- ...Seattle Fire Chief Natasha Ross...
- I don't... Oh.

... currently alleged to
having had inappropriate

- working relationships, to resign.
- No, no, no, no,

Yes. In her first few
months on the job,

- Chief Ross closed four stations.
- Where is the remote?!

- She had it!
- No! It was on when I got in!

- It's probably right here.
- Oh, you've gotta be...

- It's not under the rug.
- Just stop... Just stop...


Oh, thank God.

It's not right, what
they're doing to Ross.

I mean, they're two consenting adults

who had a history from before
they were even firefighters.

Yeah, it's definitely complicated.

It... It's the rules that
make it stupidly complicated.

Pe... People are gonna
do what they have to do

to be whole human beings.

You know, this sucks.

Yeah, you're right.

Oh, if you're going to talk
to Sullivan, I already tried.

- He's...
- Nope, but I'm definitely awake now,

so I'm gonna go throw some hoses

- and pretend that they're Dixon.
- Nice.

Oh, okay. No, this is more about Ross

than it was about Ripley.

- Okay.
- Okay.

- Okay.
- Okay.

- Everyone's registered to vote, right?
- Are you serious?

- I was your campaign manager.
- I am serious.

And frankly, you should be
asking all of your friends

if they're registered, too.

Oh, okay.

Hi, friend. Are you registered to vote?

- Yes, I am, in fact.
- Oh.

Gibson, what about you?

Hmm. How about the Mariners, huh?

TRAVIS: I knew it. Come on, Gibson!

Oh, my God. You get to have a
say on who makes the decisions.

And you know what?

It is your civic duty to
show up at the polls...

Washington is a mail-in state.

- It was a metaphor.
- Oh.

And you have an obligation
to make your voice heard,

and if you don't... well,
if you don't and Dixon wins,

then you don't get to complain
about all the terrible things

he's gonna do to us
and the City of Seattle.

Your little friend Eli
tell you to say that?

No. Robel said it the
other night at a fundraiser.

But we're not talking about me
right now, we're talking about Gibson.

- So, Gibson?
- Okay.

- Uh, how do I register?
- Alright, give me your phone.

We're gonna do it online right now.

You don't have your... Okay.

- Morning.
- Hey.

Oh, hey. Good morning.
It's Powell, right?

Glad to see I'm still making
impressions wherever I go.


I am subbing for Dr. Fire

until he's a little less humpty-dumpty.

He literally just fell through
a roof trying to save lives.

Maybe not the best joke.

Yeah, sure, no problem.

Now I see why B-shift
calls you guys "The View."

Mornin', Captain Fire.

SULLIVAN: [CHUCKLES] Morning, Powell.

Does everybody get nicknames?

Um... yeah.

There's, uh... Legacy Fire.

[CHUCKLES] Legacy Fire. Crisis Fire.

- Mayor Fire.
- ANDY: [CHUCKLES] Mayor Fire.

What about me?


You are, um...


K, well, this has been fun.

Thanks for the grub.

I've got a turnout locker I gotta find.


Oh, my God.


That was, uh...

I have secondhand embarrassment.


You made me feel better
about my own life. Thank you.

THEO: Yeah, you know, not that
you have a chance with her,

but try to keep it professional, Gibson.

TRAVIS: Well, you
are one to talk, Captain.

- Pot. Kettle.

Whatever, man, it's... It's not the
same. We were together before we

- even worked in the same house.

I'm not sure The Chronicle
would see it that way, Ruiz.

THEO: Beckett?

- VIC: Crap.

Yeah, but if he's back, the
department signed off on it, right?

And that means we should trust him?

- Maybe he got the help he needed.
- Hm. That quick?

Come on, someone's gotta
have an in with the Chief.

Fire Zaddy, you've gotta know something.

- Excuse me?
- [SIGHS] Touched a nerve.

Okay, so what, you slept
your way to the top.

You're not the first. You
definitely won't be the last.

And work romances are hot,

- especially the secret ones.
- Okay, Powell, this is not the time.

THEO: Line up!



Beckett is back on a
probationary status.

If and when he is deemed
fit to return to full duty,

he will resume as Captain.

But until that day happens,
I will remain acting Captain.

Did I leave anything out?

That covers it all.

So, where do you want me today, Captain?



WOMAN OVER PA: ... pick up line .

BAILEY: You need to eat.



- No.
- Miranda, please, please, just...

You have been up here for two days.

[SIGHS] You have read
this incident report

nonstop, at home, here.

Look, it is t*rture.

You are torturing yourself.

And you are torturing me

by punishing yourself like this.

Look, I refuse to let
you end up in a bed

in this hospital like Bishop did.

Thank you.

I have a few more patients in the ICU,

but I will be back to check up on you.

- Look, Miranda...
- No.

Dr. Lewis, dial .

Dr. Lewis, .


Come on, kid. Wake up.

Don't let Taylor's death be for nothing.


Is he gonna be okay?

Um, his lungs are recovering

from severe smoke inhalation,

but his, uh... his oxygen
levels are improving.

Thank you.

Thank you, Doctor.

N-No, no. I'm... I'm...

I'm not Milo's doctor. I'm a...

I'm a firefighter.

Wait, so you were there? At the fire?

You were there when
this happened to my son?

- Yes, yes, I was there.
- Why was he still inside?

Why... W... Why wouldn't the workers

bring him outside before this happened?

The house was hard to navigate.

Hard to navigate? Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. What did I do?

Ma'am, you... you...
You didn't do anything.

No. No, I told him that
this was the last time.

I told him that he couldn't call me

until he was sober for a year.


Please, you have to help me.

I need to know how this happened.



Um... the fire started in the kitchen.

It was a grease fire,

so it... it spread
very quickly, and, uh...

SULLIVAN: You know,
you don't get to be mad.

- Excuse me?
- I'm a punchline.

You're an ass.

You could've confided in me.

But instead, you... You
gas-lit me for months.

I mean, I knew. I knew what I saw.

And you told me... it was nothing,

that it was all in my head. [SCOFFS]

And now you're telling me
what I'm allowed to feel

while Ross is publicly pummeled?

- I was protecting her.
- Okay.

- Just like I was protecting you.
- And what are you doing now?

- Well, I...
- Hmm?

Sulking in corners while your
overinflated ego is bruised,

which is also what you did with me.

What? [SIGHS]

You're not pissed because people know.

- you're pissed because she prioritized

the integrity of this department
over you and your rank.

- What?
- That's it.

Get over yourself long
enough to help her,

or at least to help the rest of us

not lose everything we've worked for.


DISPATCH: Ladder ,
Engine , Aid Car

requested to Interstate Seneca Street.







Bishop, I'm glad to see you back.


- Okay, what's going on with you?
- What do you mean?

You... You're weirding us out, man.

- No, I-I feel better than ever.
- You do?

Yeah, I just needed a
couple weeks of sleep

and some direction
from the professionals,

but I've... got it all figured out.

THEO: Report is an MVC with
multiple injuries reported.

I want everyone focused.



WOMAN: Oh, my God!

THEO: Cutler, Larsson, go
help corral the walking wounded

and set up a treatment
area south of the crash.

Gibson, Hughes, Sullivan,
Montgomery, Klyne, and Beckett,

secure the vehicles
and access the patients.

Bishop, set up a perimeter
feet south of the engine.

Wiggins, Powell, hose
line and extinguisher.

- VIC: Hi. Hi.
- MARGOT: Someone help us!

Let's go, let's go, people!
We got lives to save!

- Hi. Hi, hi.
- Can you help me?

- Yeah.
- Please help me!

Okay, we're doing the best we can, okay?

What's your name? My name's Vic.

- M-M-Margot Ford.
- Okay.

I-I live at Maple Crest Dr.,

and my blood type is B negative.

That's important, right?

I-I learned in bio
last year that it's rare

and I should always disclose...

You know, that's great.
Thank you, Margot.

Okay, take some deep
breaths for me, alright?

It's hard to breathe.

And my... And my legs hurt really bad.

[CRYING] I-I can't move.

- Am I gonna die or be paralyzed?
- No, no, no.

You know what? It's really good
you can feel your legs, alright?

- Can you tell me your friend's name?

[GASPING] Paige... Paige Donahue.

And I-I don't know her blood type.

- That's okay. Hey, Paige.

Paige, sweetie, can you tell
me what's going on with you?


Paige, sweetie, can you
tell me how you're doing?

What's wrong with her?

Paige? Paige!

Alright, she's in shock.


Hughes. Walkie down.


Captain, we have three
passengers in the coupe.

Two immediate in the front seat.

One deceased in the rear.

THEO: Copy.

How's... How's
everybody doing in there?

Uh, I'm alright, but you
gotta help Edna, please.

She's been out since we
crashed. Edna, please wake up.

Okay, sir, I-I hear you, and we will,

but right now, can you
tell me if you're feeling

any pain or... Or numbness, tingling?

H-How's your breathing?

You're not listening to
me. You gotta get her out!

- JACK: Okay. Alright.
- John? John?

Oh, baby. Oh, you scared
the hell out of me.


Ma'am, are you in any pain?

I don't know. My neck...

It might feel a little tight.

- John.
- It's okay.

Okay. My name is Travis.
That's Jack over there.

We're gonna get you guys out
of here as soon as we can,

but I need your help, okay?

I need you to stay really still for me.

The steering wheel's
crushing the driver's chest.

Crap. We need the rotary saw,

the spreader, and
some chain and blocking

- over here with an extra set of hands.
- THEO: Copy, Montgomery.

Let's get you out of there.

Just hang in there, guys.

- Kel, I said not to bother me.



Herrera. Not a good time.

How can I help?
I-I-I want to help.

I'm taking the afternoon to
tie up a few things, so please.

What... What are you... What are you...

- What are you doing?
- I'm doing what needs to be done.

I... N-No. No.

I appreciate whatever this is,

but Mayor Rothman has
called for my resignation.

- This whole thing, it's a PR nightmare.
- Rothman is on his way out.

- Doesn't matter.
- H-He hasn't fired you.

He's asking you to do his
dirty work for him. That matters.

I know how this system works.

I'm out. It's as simple as that.

I might as well leave on my own terms

and keep a shred of my dignity

in hopes that this will
mean less blowback on...

- everyone else.

WIGGINS: Captain, we're
about to begin extrication.

I'm going to need another
Aid Car on standby.


You backing down doesn't benefit FD.

You're the first female fire chief.

- You have a legacy...
- Legacy.

You sound like a child.

If I cling to a title
until it's pried from me,

that "legacy" that you're
talking about will be of a...

An emotional woman who had to be removed

kicking and screaming. I want
to make sure that the next woman

- isn't punished for my mistakes.
- That's such a cop-out.

- Don't expect you to understand.
- Oh, I-I understand, alright.

But I don't believe for a
second this is what you want.

I want to be Captain of .

And eventually, Battalion
Chief, and even you...

I want to be Seattle's Fire Chief

and that's because of you.

You forced me to... think bigger,

to dream bigger.

- Now your turn.
- Herrera.

- No, j-just say what you want.
- I don't know!

Just go back to .

In this moment, I am still
your Chief and that's an order.



I refuse to take orders from
someone giving up before the fight.

MOIRA: The house is sectioned
into dozens of rooms.

How did I let this happen?

BEN: This isn't your fault.

Mm. He's been in and out of rehab

since he was .

And I would always tour each facility

and meet the therapists.

One after the other, after the other...

I spent my life savings
on the best facilities,

and every time, he relapsed.

I was broke... in
every sense of the word.

I was just so tired...

that when I found the only place

I could afford, I just...

I just shipped him away.

I shipped all of my problems away.

What kind of mother
does that to her son?

It sounds like you were
doing the best you could.

When he left...

... I cried.

Because the house was so peaceful.

I cried because I was relieved

that I could sleep
through the night again.

I was just so tired.

You did what you could.

I abandoned my child.



- That's the guy?

Yeah, that's him.

- SUV is secure.
- VIC: You have a compound fracture.

I'm gonna secure it, and this is not
going to be comfortable,

but I can give you something
to help that, okay?

- Where... Where's my phone?

[WHIMPERING] Where's my phone?

[CRYING] I'm gonna be okay, right?

- We're working on it.



- Paige? Paige!
- What... What happened?

Where are we?

Oh, my God.

No, no, no, no.

- What the hell is going on?

No, this... this just can't be real.

- We're gonna get you outta here.

Paige, where's my phone?

- I don't...
- It's my mom.

- Okay.
- [CRYING] I-I lied to her. I lied.

Paige told me to tell her
we were going to her house...

W-We had to!

You're not in trouble.
We're here to help, okay?

We all lie to our parents, okay?

- Paige, how old are you?
- Her mom

would've made her buy
some frilly princess dress,

but... but Margot
wanted to get something,

like, way sexier to go to prom

- 'cause Fynn finally asked her and...
- Oh, my God, Fynn!

Margot! Margot! Margot! Hey.

Hey, tell me about
your prom dress. Fynn!

- Okay, tell me about your prom dress.
- Did I k*ll him?


- Why isn't he answering me?!
- [SOBBING] Fynn!

Oh, my God. Is he dead?


I need to get out of the car!

I can't be in here anymore! I can't!

- Hold on, hold on, hold on.
- Oh, my God!

This is his sweatshirt,
and now it's ruined!

Margot, listen to me, this
is the worst day of your life,

I understand, but please...

We don't know the full
extent of your injuries,

and the only way we can assess you

is if you try to stay still
and calm yourself down.

You're doing great.

- VIC: Hold on.

Hold on, girls. Hey, Paige. Paige,
I need you to focus on me. Okay?


Hey, focus on me. Focus on me, Paige.

BECKETT: Okay, girls, cover your eyes.


Mommy! [SOBBING]

Mommy, I-I lied and I am so sorry!

[CRYING] Just please come get me, Mommy.

I want to come home.
I want to come home.

We just wanted to listen to
our favorite song one more time.

I-I only looked down
for a second, I swear!

- Herrera, I'm tired.

So take a nap or get a massage.

You... You had to have things
you wanted to accomplish,

so why are you walking away
before you're forced to?

Because I want both the job and the man!

I have been laser-focused on my career

for as long as I can remember.

A perfect machine...

sacrificing myself along the way.

Saying yes to everyone except... for me.

Then I get here,

I let my guard down just an inch.

And then it gets used in every newspaper

and every blog to undo everything

that I have ever worked for.

You know, it... it...
It wasn't too long ago

that we were in your car
and you were telling me

to wait and see if a jury of my peers

would judge whether I had
been acting in self-defense

or if I had been asking for
what happened to me at Joe's.

And instead, I-I faced what
people were saying about me

and I challenged them to... to see me.

So, what exactly are
you asking me to do, huh?

- Just... arbitrarily say no?
- Maybe not arbitrarily, but... yes.

You have to change the narrative.

You need to be talking to the press.

That's naive.

You know, my... [SCOFFS] my dad,

he... he was a guy who
worked within the system,

starting with the team at .

But the biggest change he made

was when he stopped
playing by the rules.

When he challenged the system
and... and... and made noise

because he... he had
nothing left to lose.

Make them see you, Chief.

Be unashamed of who you love

and for loving the job
you're damn good at.


- Just say no?
- Just say no.



- Herrera.

You're gonna make a
damn good chief one day.

That's not because of me.

Now excuse me, I got a job to do.

EDNA: Help!

- Edna, are you okay?

It's John.

He... He was talking and
then he started coughing.

- There's so much blood.
- John, can you breathe okay?


Hey, Cutler, I need oxygen ASAP.

I was a nurse before I retired.

Is he bleeding into his chest?

He might be.

Johnathon Clifton Tucker,
you do not get to die.

Do you hear me? We did
not find each other again

to lose the rest of forever.
Do you understand

- me, you stubborn ass?

- TRAVIS: Okay, ma'am...
- Wait! It's yes, baby.

[CHUCKLES] I know you've
been carrying around

that silly ring...

... waiting for the right moment.

- And it's yes.
- Really?

So you cannot die.
You cannot leave me yet.

Baby, I love you.


That was not goodbye.

Edna, we need to keep moving.

EDNA: John. John.

Okay. Okay. Cross your arms for me.




Bishop, thank you.

Didn't turn out how we wanted, but...

thank you.

I just... want you to
know that, um, I'm sorry.

So noted.



Hey, do you have kids?

Uh, I do. I do.

Uh, two boys and a little girl.

And you're here for my boy.

Thank you.

Milo wasn't the only one in that fire,

but I couldn't save both him and Taylor,

his, uh... his... his friend.

Um, yeah, so I'm here because I...

I need Milo to survive.

When I learned I was
pregnant with Milo, I was, um...

I was so afraid.

He was my first baby and... I was afraid

of anything that might harm him.

So I grew him, I nourished him,

I birthed him for
excruciating, drug-free hours.

And then I watched
him... destroy himself...

... which destroyed me.

I watched this child ruin his body

that I grew from scratch,

over and over and over again.


It was like...


It was like living
in a house... on fire.

I couldn't breathe, and
I couldn't save him...

no matter how hard I tried.

And then I-I finally just
reached a point where...

I needed to breathe.

But you... you were in a house on fire.

And you didn't just save yourself.

You saved my child.

Thank you.

Thank you.


VIC: You okay? You'll
be okay. You'll be okay.

Margot, close your eyes
and keep them closed.

- [SOBBING] Okay.
- We got you.


Just keep your eyes closed.

Paige, you're next, okay?

- I-I can't.
- You can.

[SOBBING] I-I drove.

I should've... I wish it had been me.

- This does not define you, Paige.
- Please, no.

It's a defining moment,
but it is not who you are.

- Okay? Gloves.
- No, no.

I know how you feel, Paige.

My friend died in an accident at work
and it was probably my fault.

He had a daughter, and it's my fault

that he will entirely miss her life.

It's the first thing I
think about when I wake up

and it's the last thing I
think about before I go to bed.

And you know what? It's just...

Look, you are... You are only .

Alright, life isn't
fair, and I'm... I'm...

I'm sorry you have to
learn that like this,

but we are gonna get
you out of this car,

and you're going to be
reunited with your family,

and you're going to live.

You're going to...
learn from this mistake.

And you're going to make
amends with yourself...

and live.



- I'm sorry about your friend.
- I'm sorry about yours.


- Let's get you out of here.
- Okay.


Okay, John, how we doing, huh?

Is Edna okay?

- She had a... A bad gash on her head.
- Hey, she's safe. She's alive.

- Oh, thank God.
- Okay.

You know, I've loved that
girl since I was years old.

I never thought I'd see her again

after she moved away in high school.

Man, I never forgot her.

- You gotta keep this on, man.
- And I was so lonely.

When I got divorced,
my grandson showed me

how to search for people on the,

you know, friendship website.

Hers was the only name I wanted to find.

[LAUGHING] I must have
gone through, like, two...

Two dozen Edna Gherkes
before I found her.

Thank God I did.

She makes my heart race...

just like it did when we were kids.


The steering wheel
lift is ready, Gibson.

Copy. We're gonna lift the steering
wheel off your chest now, okay?

It's likely you're
gonna get lightheaded,

but we're here doing
everything we can, alright?

- Okay.
- Okay.

Wait. If I don't make it, the, uh, ring

is in the left front
pocket of my bag, alright?

Yeah, no, you're gonna give her
that ring yourself. You hear me?

I hope so.

But if not...

... at least I had her
again for while, you know?



You cannot keep us
out here all day, lady!

Sir, please return to your vehicle.

- We're doing everything we can.
- Well, it's not good enough.

- Where is your supervisor?
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Ladies, ladies, please
return to your vehicles.

Yeah, back of the line!

No, my daughter is back
there. She called me...

Yeah, I think my son
Fynn is, too. They're...

He... He has a crush on her Margot.

- You have to let us through.
- Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Chief, I have two mothers here

that believe that their
children are near you.

NATASHA: Let them through.


- You have got to be kidding me.

You know what? I am
filing a formal complaint...

Okay, behind me are people who are hurt.

Those parents' lives will
be permanently changed

from this moment forward.
But you think this is an inconvenience?

You are an inconvenience,
keeping me from doing my job

because you'd rather be somewhere else.

Everyone behind me
would rather be somewhere

less scary, less painful,
and less life-altering.

Get back to your car right now!


- NATASHA: I am so sorry.

No! My baby!



♪ We hauled our waste
where none could see ♪

♪ Fumbled love but
kept its calling ♪

♪ And at the lake we found belief ♪

♪ But drowned warnings ♪

♪ They laid out carnage
at the wedding feast ♪

♪ Held us tight until the morning ♪

♪ Dried our bones
then danced with ease ♪

♪ Till nights clawed in ♪

♪ Head-up ♪

♪ Into night ♪

♪ We summoned the
light to cut us down ♪

♪ Head-up ♪

♪ With you ♪

♪ To silence it, darling ♪


♪ Climb against the
lines of colors ♪

♪ Find the wind and seek
the sun against the squall ♪

♪ I won't be near
while waters flood up ♪

♪ 'Round us ♪

♪ Head-up ♪

Alright, we got a pulse. Let's go.

♪ We summoned the
light to cut us down ♪

♪ Head-up ♪

♪ With you ♪

♪ To silence it, darling ♪


♪ To silence it, darling ♪

Okay, right here.

Good. Good.

♪ Ah, silence it, darling ♪

♪ I left the lie on ♪

♪ Our fear divides ♪

♪ You held me right up high ♪

♪ Ah, keep us climbing ♪

♪ And running wild ♪

♪ We soar as the morning light ♪

♪ Head-up ♪

♪ Into night ♪

♪ We summoned the
light to cut us down ♪

♪ Head-up ♪


♪ To silence it, darling ♪

♪ Head-up ♪

♪ With you ♪

♪ To silence it, darling ♪

♪ Aaaah, oh ♪

♪ To silence it, darling ♪

♪ Aaaah, oh ♪

♪ Ah, silence it, darling ♪

You... lied.

- Milo. Milo, I'm sorry.
- MOIRA: Milo.

- Milo, he saved your life.
- I'm sorry, Milo.

- [CRYING] I hate you.
- Milo.

- Get out!
- Milo!




Uh, ma'am, Milo's doctor
will be in momentarily,

but for right now, he is
alert and breathing on his own,

- which is positive news.
- Okay, thank you.


[SIGHS] We do not do this here.

Come with me.

Come on. Go, go, go.

You okay?

That girl's life will never be the same.

But she lived. That's a win, right?

NATASHA: Good work, team.
Let's get this scene cleared up.

I guess Ross still
thinks she's in charge.

She was probably busy climbing
someone to save her career.

You guys don't know what
the hell you're talking about.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Says the guy who screwed

the Chief to jump ranks.

- Hey, shut up, man!
- Sullivan, stop!

You think you could do a
better job than her, huh?

A woman who's a decorated w*r hero,

who constantly risked her own life

to save thousands of others, huh?

Who received multiple commendations

for her valor and bravery

within FD in multiple cities.

She's more qualified to be where she is

than you are to hold a hose,

let alone a life in your hands.

And you're walking around
here making petty jokes.

I'm good! Throwing jabs all day.

And you know what's worse?

She would still risk her own
life to save your sorry asses.

You guys came to FD to look
like you're worth something,

whereas Chief Ross is an actual hero.

Get the hell out of my way.


Alright, everyone, get back to work!


Thank you. Bye.


Uh, John lived.

Gave Edna her ring,

and she said, "Yes," all over again.

- You called the hospital?
- I know, man.

I just... I just needed to
know that he... he made it.

I don't know who I am anymore, man.

I mean, I used to be
ambitious and cocky,

and now, it's... it's, like,
I don't want to be captain.

I-I don't know how to flirt. [CHUCKLES]

And apparently, I really
care about old people.

Well, for what it's worth...

I think I like you better now.

You've been through a
lot the last couple years.

That changes people.

For you... you got pretty weird.

But you also got more honest,

even admitted to having
feelings like a real person.


Jack, who we are changes all the time...

if we're lucky enough to stay alive.
I mean, look at John and Edna.

They lived long enough
to have whole lives,

then find each other again
and have whole new lives.

Yeah, no, that makes sense.

- Thanks, Montgomery.
- Yeah.

Uh, we don't... We
don't need to... Okay.

Alright, let's not make
a habit of this, alright?

This is Vic's gig.

You're gonna spoil
your appetite, Herrera.

Well, you're cooking...

- so I don't know if I have one.
- VIC: Wow.

So you're good at Crisis One-ing
and now you're cooking?

What is this? I feel like
I'm in the Twilight Zone.

I didn't have a meal
with the Scooby g*ng

the whole time I was Captain.

I figured I was... past due.

Who are you?



Are we celebrating something?

Uh... I am sorry.

To all of you.

Well, not you, Powell.

Uh, I was...

I was not myself for
a very long time, and...

And what you did...
I-I-I think you all saved...

a lot of lives with that mutiny,

- and I'm grateful.

I know who I am now,
and I-I know what I want.

And, you know, I will not...


I will not be seeking my Captaincy back.

- What?
- Yeah, that's the truth.

I just want to... clean my slate,

and I hope that is something
that you all... can accept.

Well... I don't know about all that yet,

but... you had me at steak, Beckett.


[CHUCKLES] God, I hope
Dr. Fire is out for days.

- Thanks, Becks.
- See, everyone gets a nickname.

- Well, come on.
- Okay, fine.

Gibby. There you go.

Never mind. Never mind.
I-I don't need one.

TRAVIS: No, no, no.
Gibby, I think, is perfect.

VIC: Uh, Giblet.

- ALL: Giblet!

Could you...

It's never cool when
you give yourself...

- Gibby, pass me a bun.
- Yeah, it never catches on.

Why are you running?
Where are you going?


This is Ben Warren.

Chief Ross, uh, hello.

Are you sure?


O-Okay. Uh... okay, yes.

Um... bye.

What is it?

They're awarding me a
medal of commendation

for my... "bravery"

- at the sober living house fire.
- Oh.

Hey, look, Milo may never
be able to understand

the decisions you had to make,

Benjamin Warren, but he is alive.

And from what I saw,
he's surrounded by love.

- You saved his family.
- No, I saved that woman's family.

I didn't save Milo's.

Hey, you.

♪ In the end ♪

Hi, honey. Hi.

♪ All my breath will be replaced ♪

♪ In the end ♪


♪ I will be forever changed ♪

- You knock now, huh?
- Gotta keep you on your toes.

But, okay, it was pretty cool to be here

when you heard that
you're likely going to be

Captain-Captain Fire,
and not just the temp.

I never thought I'd see that again.



♪ Blow my mind ♪

♪ Give me something I can taste ♪

♪ You're the last empire ♪

♪ Ooh, when the sun goes down ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

- ♪ Lift me up into your light ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

I heard you had a moment
on scene yesterday.

Well, it was probably less
exciting than what they told you.


♪ Lift me up into your ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ Lift me up into your light ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh ♪


♪ When we touch, I come to life ♪

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh ♪
- _

♪ Lift me up into your light ♪

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh ♪
- _

- ♪ When we touch, I come to life ♪
- _

♪ Lift me up, lift me up, lift me up ♪

♪ lift me up, lift me up, lift me up ♪

♪ Lift me up, lift me up ♪

♪ Lift me up into your light ♪



- Yep. Come in.

Uh, we have Shelly
from The Chronicle here.

Yes, of course. Shelly,
thank you for coming.

Thank you.

So nice to meet you.

- Please, have a seat.
- Of course.


Since when do you have this much
paperwork to do after shift?

Because Beckett left his program early,

and now I have to report his
condition after every shift.

He didn't finish the program?

- The office suits you, Ruiz.
- What do you need that for?

Well, when my, uh, old
Captain, Fowler, was retiring,

he told me I would be replacing
him, and he gifted this to me.

I'd like you to have it.


I'll see ya, Captain.


It's inscribed to him.

I mean, first the steak dinner

and now he's giving away personal items.

This is... This does not... feel right.

Mm. Maybe you're just
reading too much into it.

Is this because you hate him?

- 'Cause this is... not normal.
- No, Vic.

It's because not
everything is a-a psych test.


Look, um, I'll try to
meet up with you later,

but I-I have to finish
this paperwork and...

- Yeah.
- ... and right now, I'm just...



