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Spellbound (2023)

Posted: 05/04/23 17:38
by bunniefuu
Most people believe in magic.

But I make it.

I create magic.

Magicians have

their own line of expertise.

But for any magician,

the hardest is to create magic

that stays in the hearts of the audience.

Magic that will last.

Do you want some more magic?

Let's do another round.

Give it up for Max!

Thank you so much.

She may be the saddest woman

I've ever seen.

But I know and feel

that there's something special about her.

Something mysterious,


and eccentric.

She might be the one.

The secret to my greatest magic act.

I can finally create magic

that stays in the heart.

Magic that will truly last.

Miss, would you care to join us?

Why are you here?

You died?

You died

because of someone.

And she's here?

Who is she? Where is she?

No, don't!

Let her go!

If you don't let go of her,

I'll destroy this.




So, where's the woman?


How about you, sir? What do you think?

How about you, ma'am?

All right.

Like I said,

this is not for the faint of heart.

Always remember that each of us

have monsters in our closets.

If something haunts you,

don't run away from it.

Face it courageously.

All right, that's it for tonight.

And thank you very much.

Thank you so much, guys.

Have a good night.

Yeah, Annie. I just finished.

I'm about to change.

See you soon, bye!

- You can come up now.

- Thank you.

Dude, you did great earlier.

- What was that you added? "Amicus"

- Yeah, right, boss.

Oh, wow. Where are we heading tonight?

Hey, Yuri!

You should join us for dinner

for a change.

Come on, just one time.

You always run off like a ghost.

I have

I have a family dinner. Yeah, that's it.

Yuri, come on. Come with us.

We've been working together for a year now

and you haven't joined us once.

Okay, let's do this.

I'll treat you guys to a crispy pork leg

if you join us.

- Pork leg

- Come on, Yuri! This never happens!

- You'll refuse my invitation?

- Come on!

Join us.

No, I'd better get going.

I can't eat pork leg anyway.

I have some health issues.

Have fun!

So? Will you still treat us

to that crispy pork leg?

Of course, I'll treat you

to crispy vegetables instead.

Happy birthday, Yuri.

Thank you, Ma.

Do you want me to go back and visit you?

You're kidding, aren't you?

You can't ride a plane.

It isn't safe for you.

I've asked you many times.

You should come live with us

here in Norway.

When was the last time you visited anyway?

It's been six years, dear.

But you almost died

when I was there, remember?

I won't risk it again. I'm staying here.

Besides, I'm perfectly fine here, Ma.

I'm super happy. I promise.

I go out every day.

Annie and I hang out a lot.

My colleagues always invite me for dinner.

In fact, it's getting hard to refuse them.

At least you're happy now.

I'm so sorry

that we don't get to be with you.

I understand, Ma.

There you go again.

Aren't you tired of crying?

She's been spending her birthday alone

for years. It's so hard.

She's an adult now.

She can take care of herself.

So stop with the drama.

Sis, that's it for now.

Mama's upset again.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, Geline. Take care of Mom.

You take care too.

Love you, Yuri. Happy, happy birthday.

I love you, Ma. Thank you.

Hello, I'd like to report an accident.

Hit and run.

Hey, you better pick a good restaurant.

- You promised

- Yeah, I got you.

Crispy pork leg, isn't it?

Just kidding.

You're eating alone again?

By the way,

we're having dinner after the show.

You should join us.

But I'm full.

Actually, I'm done eating. Thank you.

But you don't have plans, right?

- Right.

- Perfect. Join us then.

But I really can't.

I have a lot of things to do at home.

Laundry. We have a lot of dirty clothes.

There's our dog too.

She needs to eat as well.

If I don't feed her, she'll bark non-stop.

- I really need to go.

- A dog?


Since when do you have a dog?

- Ever since...

- Really?

What's your dog's name?

Doggie? Doggie

- Doggie.

- Doggie?

Yuri. You're coming with us later.

And as your boss, I'm asking you

to socialize with your friends.

Yuri, we're all friends here.

Maybe you're just making excuses

because you don't want to be with us.

That's so rude.

Why are you forcing me?

Are you a dictator?

Come on. It's my treat anyway.

Free drinks too.

Drinks, you say?

Wait a minute, listen.

Yesterday, I dreamt of my grandmother.

Yeah, she never pays a visit,

but she did yesterday.

She was staring so hard at me.

So hard.

Then she said,

"You're a bad grandchild.

Amongst everyone,

you're the only one who didn't visit me

when I was still alive!"

- You knew her, right? She was furious.

- Yeah.

Then she hit me so hard!

Really! But the pain somehow felt real.

What she did was painful, right?

Yeah, it felt so real. It hurt.

'Cause it was real.

I'm telling you.

Your grandmother actually hit you.

You may not be aware, but every night,

the dead pay us a visit.

They watch us sleep.

If you take a peek,

you'll see them staring like this.

You're just not aware

because you're all ignorant.

Hey, Yuri. You're being creepy.

Maybe you're forgetting

that we're offstage.

You got too much

into your ghost character.

Hey, you.

Boss Victor.

What are you laughing at?

You just do magic to flirt with girls.

You said that, right? I heard it.

You know what's your problem?


Push me a little.

This. You don't have a heart.

There's nothing in there.

Where did that come from?

I told you not to drink with me.

Why did you keep insisting? Look at me.

It's as if I'm possessed,

blabbering on and on.

I was fine on my own,

then you asked me to join you.

Why did you

Why did you invite me here?

We've been working

together for a long time.

Besides, we're all friends here.

And like what I said to all of you,

you're the inspiration

for our most famous trick.

You don't fool me!

Don't give me that nonsense.

Inspiration, my ass!

It's the truth, Yuri. You're the...

You think you know me?

You know everything about my life?

It's such a hard life to live.

- Yuri

- Why did you invite me here?

I hate you!

- Yuri!

- I hate you. You should've left me alone!

Hey, lend me your jacket.

I don't want to. I'm cold.

- Ask him.

- Give me your jacket.

Looks like you're cold.

She said I don't have a heart.

Do I look like I don't have one?

As if she knew me, right?

She should be grateful I'm still

her friend even though she's so weird.

I swear, she loves being alone.

Then I'm the one

who doesn't have the heart.

My God. The nerve of that girl.

Why do you care so much?

Well Maybe because she's my employee.

And I'm her boss.

That's why.

All right, babe. So I'll call you,

and text me when you land, okay?

Sure when I get there.

- All right.

- Bye.

- Yes?

- Boss

Boss, this is Yuri.

Yuri. You're still alive.

You were so drunk yesterday.

Yeah, boss. I'm sorry.

I probably blabbered so much.

Did you say anything wrong?

I don't think you said anything, actually.

Just that I don't have a heart.

Don't mind that. That's nothing.

Really, boss?

You know, you drink a lot.

A case of beer isn't even enough for you.

Boss, if I said something offensive

or did something bad,

I'm sorry. I really don't remember much.

How about when you tore apart my shirt?

Do you remember that?

I could replace the shirt.

Boss, I'll buy you a new one.

Or you may want to deduct it

from my salary?

Just deduct it from there.

Yeah, I'll definitely do that.

I'll deduct it from your pay.

Besides, I don't have a heart.

Sure, boss. But can you not deduct

everything on my next pay? So that I

Sure, fine.

Three months of pay,

on the 15th and the 30th.

You know, Yuri,

you seem possessed when you're drunk.

Hello? Hello, Yuri?

Hello? Hello, Yuri?


Hello, Max. Drop by Yuri's house, please.

I think something happened to her.

Our call got cut abruptly.

Is it really my responsibility

to follow your employees around?

- I don't think so.

- Who'll go, then? Me?

Yeah, you should, since you're worried.

I'm busy now.

Let's talk later.

See you later, boss. Bye.

Who's there?

Open the door.

Return what you have broken.

Why do you keep bothering me?

Stop harassing me.

- I won't go anywhere unless you...

- I told you to quit it...


What are you doing here?

I heard something earlier

when we were on the phone.

Then you weren't responding.

I thought maybe

something bad happened to you.

I'm okay. It's nothing.

Something just fell, actually.

So I thought there was a ghost. So, yeah.

You really believe in ghosts, don't you?


What are you looking at?

What is this?

To protect you against ghosts?


How about this tent?

Why is it in the middle of the room?

Well, it's my safe space.

Do you know what I call it? "Sanct-Yuri."

You put "sanctuary" and "Yuri" together.


No. Just "Sanct-Yuri." Just that.


- Yeah, do you get it?

- Yeah, I do.

I didn't know you were so witty.

It's not that obvious.


Oh, yeah, right.


So, where's your family?

They're not here.

Actually, I live here alone.

They live in Norway.

Wait a minute

But you keep using

your family dinner as an excuse.

Oh, yeah,

we have a phone call during dinner.


Then prove it. Where's Doggie?

Most likely on the phone as well.


Yuri, if you're just alone here,

why won't you join us?

Or do you just like excluding yourself?

We can be friends.

Don't worry, we're all kind.

And we all have hearts, by the way.

Whose child is this?

- Do you see

- Yeah, there he is.


He's my neighbor's son. Yes.

He often comes here to play hide-and-seek.

- Really? Hello.

- Yeah.

- Stop!

- What's your name?

You wanna play?

- No! Hey, stop it!

- Go, hide!

Sorry, you don't have to. Because

His mom might be looking for him.

Go home, Good Boy.

You want to go home, right?

Yeah, he'll go.

Where did he go?

He's hiding already.

Good Boy, where are you?

- Hush, he's there.

- He went home already.

- Come on.

- No, don't!

Is the AC on? It feels cold.

I didn't turn it on.

Hey, you should go home.

I have stuff to do.

How about Good Boy?

- I have to find him.

- I'll take him home.

Okay, fine. I'll go now.

- Bye.

- Really, though. You should get going.

I'll find him. Go home now.

Let me find him.

He's weirdly fast.

Yeah, actually.

You should go. I have a lot to do.

I still need to do laundry.

- You sure?

- Yeah, see you at the rehearsal.

- Make sure to be there.

- Thanks. I'll be there.

- I'll go after Good Boy. What?

- No, don't!

Go the other way!


An actual person visited you at home?

Yeah, my boss did.

He said he was worried about me.

To be fair,

he made the effort to visit you.

Is he handsome?

He's fine.

Is he yummy?

Scoop him up!

No! He has a girlfriend.

Then it's a challenge for you.

That's a big no. Come on.

Besides, I don't think he likes me.

Just like the others. He left too.

A ghost immediately visited us.

It's because of those ghosts

that I'll never meet my "forever."

That's so corny.

You should try it with your boss then.


Hello, Yuri. Are you there?

Yuri, he's here.


So, Good Boy's dead?


I'm sorry you got involved too.

Well, it's your own fault for visiting me.

You didn't have to.

So the ghosts always visit you?

Yeah, ever since I was a kid.

- What?

- Yeah, you heard that right.

I don't understand why you played

hide-and-seek with a dead boy.

You said he was your neighbor.

- And a good boy.

- So?

He's clinging to my home already.

I'm really sorry.

I didn't know that he'd follow you here.

Here's the plan.

I'll help you.

Let's find Good Boy.

He just wants to be found, that's all.

Boss, you're too heavy.

Stop holding onto me.

Give me some space, boss.

I'm not clingy.

- So you're not clingy?

- I told you I'm not.

Stay here.

Yuri, what's happening?

Strawberry jam?

Strawberry jam.

I love this so much.

- Yeah, I made it.

- Really?

- You want some?

- Sure. Why do you have so much jam?

- Here. Have a taste.

- Is it good?

It's good.

It is!

Okay, here's the deal.

The faster you find Good Boy,

the more strawberry jam I'll give you.

- For real?

- So? Deal?

It's a deal then. That's a promise.

Okay, I'll put this back.

Faster. We still haven't found him.

Hey Yuri, come on! Let's find the kid.

I can feel him.

Where is Good Boy? Not there?


Help my child, my son.

My son.

Help my child, please.

Help my son.

My son

Good Boy, you can go home now.

Ever since you were a child, Yuri?

Yeah. Who would've thought

that would happen?

Did you know

I experienced death when I was a kid?

Deanne, wake up, please! Deanne!

Deanne, wake up!

Please, Deanne. Please.

I don't know why he chose me.

They said he saw a light.

I don't know what. Some sort of shine.

He should've helped us both,

but Clara died.

She was my best friend.

If he'd revived her first instead of me

she would be alive now.

But she wasn't really gone.

She was always there.

She was always with me.

Then everyone started getting distant.

I can't blame them.

I'd do the same if I were in their place.

You also can't take it anymore.

Clara haunts all those close to me.

She won't leave them alone.

Maybe that's what she wants.

For me to live alone,

to have no one, like a ghost.

So we're both lonely.

After that, other ghosts

started visiting me too.

Different kinds of ghosts.

Some pay a visit just to scare me.

Some just to startle me.

Some of them ask for help.

So, yeah, they haven't left ever since.

They're always with me.

The only problem with that is

the people I love

can't be around me.

Hey! Clara!

Hey, Yuri.

Do you think I'm miserable because of you?

Of course not!

You think you've won?

You're wrong!

I'm always happy.

I have so much fun playing videogames.

I even have an Instagram account!

I'm almost at 100 followers.

I'm happy in spite of you. I'm happy!

Hey! You're mean, Clara!

Why are you mistreating Yuri?

She didn't do anything wrong.

What are you doing?

She's going to haunt you.

I'm telling her not to mistreat you.

Why? Can she haunt me too?

Yeah, I'm serious.

Sorry. I didn't mean it.

Will she really haunt me?

Yeah. So don't stand so close to me.

That's why you don't have friends.

Hey, what do you mean? I do have friends.

- Really? Who are they?

- Yeah.

My phone pals.

That's so old-fashioned.

Hey, it's not. Besides, it's safer.

Why are we shouting?

Because it was a date!

It wasn't. We just helped

the spirit of a dead boy.

But you know what?

He's really different.

Compared to the others who left

once they found out about my situation.

But he didn't.

But it doesn't mean anything.

He just pities me.

You don't listen to me, do you?

But I have a friend

who could help you for sure.

She writes pocket romance books

and stuff like that.

Wait, I'll call her.

Sirit, call Vanessa.

Calling Vanessa.

Hello, Yuri! Vanessa's on the call.

Hello, darling.

What can I do for you?

So here's the thing. Yuri's problem is

Go ahead, Yuri. Tell her.

Hi, Vanessa. It's not actually a problem.

It's just that there's this guy

who is actually my boss.

Say no more. I know about these things.

You're really not fond of that guy

because he's boastful, arrogant.

But somehow, you changed your mind.

So even if he's not around,

you get giddy when you think of him.

But there's a hindrance.

A hindrance?

There's always a hindrance.

It wouldn't be a rom-com without one.

Until you overcome that hindrance,

you won't find your happy ending.


Women like us should be hard to resist.

I feel like that's what Yuri lacks.

Because she doesn't go on dates.

Well, why don't you try?

It's not that hard. Come on.

Wait. When was the last time

you made love?

- What?

- Shit.

Don't tell me

- Shit, don't tell me

- My God.

But how would I?

Oh, yeah, right.

You have a strict BFF who guards you.

The last time I made love

Last time I made out was with

Was with Elmer. He stole a kiss.

What the f*ck? Elmer?

But who's Elmer?

What? I already told you about him.

He was a top student in high school.

First-year high school? Really?

So? He was at the top of the class.

I don't care if he was

at the top of the class.

My point is you're dry.

That's not healthy.

You should be going on dates.

Go, girl! Give it a try.

I can refer and I can hook you up

with someone.

I heard you're a comedian.

Tell me a joke.

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

I st

- I've heard that joke.

- I st

I stink?

Be safe.

And get away from this lady.

Don't you ever talk to her again.


You're welcome.

Where did you meet that guy anyway?

- Date.

- A date? Or a wake?


Even your best friend ghost

would be afraid of him.

Where's his burial place anyway?

My friend set me up with him.

Your friends have weird taste in guys.

Don't tell me

you prefer guys like that too.

I don't care if he looks like an ass,

as long as he's brave.

So he can protect you?

It's very difficult to find

the perfect man for you.

You carry a lot of baggage.

And it's not even normal baggage,

but spirits.

Even the best man out there

would run away from you.

That's why I was trying.

I don't really want to date.

But my friends thought

that maybe I could find a match.

Someone who'll stay.

Let me think.

I have a friend from college.

I feel like you'll click.

Do you want me to set you up with him?

Would you like that?

- Sure, let's try.

- Fine, all right.

But this is the last time.

Remember what I told you.

Brave, but better if he looks good too.

Has he told you about the epic rumble

we had back in our frat days?

Not yet.

Please don't get me wrong.

I'm not for v*olence.

It's just, we were defending

the sorority girls that time.

There were about 11 guys.

So we couldn't back out.

We both had to fight those guys,

right, bro?

Oh, wow.

Bro, there were just three.

- Three?

- What do you mean, eleven?

We fought the two guys individually.

Then we both had to fight

the another one together.

I guess you're right.

There were just three.

I'm sorry, just three. Crazy.

No, that's fine. It's okay.

Actually, you're so funny.

Though three is far from 11,

it melts my heart

to see you laugh like that.

God! Perfect!

You're so beautiful when you smile.

Thank you.

But on a serious note,

he told me you're a medium.

That you see spirits. They follow you.

They even haunt you

and everyone that is close to you.

That's sad.

That such an angel has to live in fear.

But don't worry.

I will always be here for you.

Excuse me, is this your plate number?

That's mine. What happened?

Sir, your car alarm keeps going off.

- Alarm? That's weird timing.

- Yeah.

Excuse me. I'll just fix this. Very quick.

- I'll be back.

- Sure.

So? What do you think?

Damn, I don't want to jinx this,

but I think he's the one.

That's fast.

Wait, how do I look?

Do I look fine?

Is it too much? Like I'm desperate?

No, you're not. You're fine actually.

He's the one who's over the top.

Not really.

Kind of an assh*le.

And it's amazing how he welcomes

and accepts my situation.

Victor, I'm really grateful.

Thank you so much.

This can't be. Victor!

- Tony!

- Stay right there!

I said don't come near me!

You're not worth it!

Don't drag me into that mess.

Don't you ever come near me.

He just saw a ghost and he ran off.

But thanks for setting up the date.

You know what?

You've lasted the longest

out of all my friends.

Where's your girlfriend?

She's in Paris.

Busy with her fashion event.

Your girlfriend is in Paris?

Yeah, far away.

Your girlfriend doesn't miss you?

Your girlfriend is a jerk.

Your best friend too.

And you're also a jerk.

Hey, I'm not!

They're the jerks.

- Cheers to the jerks!

- Cheers.

Hey, stop that! You're drunk already.

So that's why you like drinking,

to forget things.

Here's a thought, Yuri.

Isn't there any solution to your problem?

Didn't you try to see a herb doctor?

Or a witch doctor or a witch hunter?

Dumbass. Come here.

You think I didn't think of that?

I went to all of them.

And they all said

that this is how it's gonna be.

That I'll be alone.

I just asked for a very simple thing

from God.

A soulmate.

He gave me souls instead!

So that's that.

I'll have to live alone.

But what if you fall in love?

Or someone falls for you?

You're so stupid!

But you're getting giddy.

Come here.

Did you know

what that guy told me earlier?

- What?

- I'm a hot chick.

- Well, you are.

- Damn!

Where did that come from?

You don't think so?

Really, I'm a hot chick?

You're a hot chick.

I really want to have a boyfriend

so I can kiss someone.

Like them.


You're making out too much!

- Hey! Shut up!

- This is a bar!

- Yuri.

- You're disgusting.

- Sorry.

- Disgusting!

- She's drunk.

- Hideous, ugly!

- Hey, shut up. Stop that.

- You're so ugly!

- Why are you kissing here?

- You're embarrassing yourself.

I'm sorry. Go on, do your thing.

Just make out.

Go ahead.

They're really doing it again.

- Don't mind them. It's their first date.

- It's too much.

I want to leave.

People are rude everywhere.

This place is nasty.

I know a place. I'll go there.

You can come if you want. I'll get going.

- Where?

- I don't like it here!

- Rude, yuck! Ever!

- Where are we going?

I have to leave.

It'll be nicer there.

Okay, let's go.

Where are you going?

- The exit's that way.

- It's really nice here.

This is my favorite place.


Sir! I'll have a bucket of beer, please.

Do you see the ambiance is different here?

Yeah, it really did change.


Boss. How many people

have you had sex with?

Tell me the truth.

Why are you asking me that?

Well, I'm just asking.

We're friends anyway.


Cheers, my ass.

I think I know.

I think you've had two hundred


- I think so.

- Really.




Do you know how that feels?

I just want to find the one!

I just want a soulmate.

But I got souls instead.


Why did you bring me here?

I didn't want to go home.

I get scared here.

They startle me.

Can't I have peace for one night?

Yuri. Move a bit.

Move there.

Close your eyes.

Just close your eyes. She'll leave.

This is to calm you down.

And this is to make you happy.

Thank you.

Amicus curriculum vitae!

Feeling better?

How about now?


What else can I do?

I know what to do.

But this is the last option.

The most effective.

Most comforting magic trick of all time!

Okay. Close your eyes.


You'll be happy now.

You'll feel better!

You didn't tell me

that you were so good at magic.

Yeah, I got better.

I have a good teacher.

Maybe you have a trick

to have a deep, good night's sleep.

Deep, good night's sleep

Do you remember Sanct-Yuri?

Don't worry.

I don't suspect

that you guys are together.

I know all about you, Yuri.

I know your situation.

It must be hard for you.

I'm all right. I'm fine.

I'm not worried

that Victor will leave me for you.

'Cause even if he falls in love with you,

he can't handle your problem.

He'll give up.

I mean, I'm not saying this

because I'm threatened by you.

But Victor, he's just a normal guy.

You need a different

kind of love for a guy to be with you.

Unconditional love.

And Victor?

I don't think he's capable of that.

Yuri. I think you should go home.

I'm just worried about you, Yuri.

If I were you,

I wouldn't know what to do.

I mean, you don't have

actual friends to be with,

let alone a boyfriend.

Your family has left you.

And you live alone in a haunted house.

If I were in your shoes,

I would've gone crazy.


- I would've k*lled myself.

- Stop it, Trisha!

Why would I k*ll myself?

I enjoy my life.

And it's fun to live.

I'm really sorry.

I'll head out.

That girl crossed the line.

Who does she think she is? Don't mind her.


She assumed that

she knows me well

and she knows what I'm going through.

It's Victor's fault anyway.

Why did he have to tell her?

You sure you're okay?


Don't mind me.

This is nothing, really. I'm happy.

Yuri, we're your friends.

We won't judge you.

Just be real with what you're feeling.

I'm not sad.

I'm not.

But why are you in pain?

I'm not hurt. I'm happy.

I am so happy.

Yuri, we know you're tired.

What you're going through is exhausting.

You're always alone, scared.

No, I'm not. I'm happy.

I'm really happy.

Why are you crying if you're happy?

Don't cry.

Don't cry anymore. Smile for us, please.

You know what? She's right.

Trisha's right.

Who would even

Who would even dare to stay with me?

Or want to experience

what I'm going through?

I wake up every day

with no one to talk to, no one to be with.

Accepting the truth means

I also have to accept

that this is how my life will be,

that I have to live my life alone.

I also want to laugh.

I also want to have fun.

To be genuinely happy.

Do you miss her?

Or do you just pity her?

I get it.

This is much more serious.

This time, be a man.

You can't use me as an excuse anymore.

I know, and you yourself know

that you're scared.

You're really scared.

If I were you,

I would forget all about ghosts

that vanish into thin air.

We have her.

We have a new ghost.

Focus on her.

You just have to accept it.

You can get through this.

You're old enough.

- Surprise!

- Surprise!

Hey, it's us! We're not ghosts!

Hey! What are you doing here?

Have you forgotten what happened

the last time you were here?

Yeah, even if she threw me

off the other side,

and even if I almost broke all my bones,

we're still friends, right?

That's so sweet!

But wait a minute.

Looks like you gained a little weight.

You think so? It's been eight months.


You didn't tell me.

Baby! Hi! This is Aunt Yuri!

I'll be a great auntie to you.

Hello, Auntie! I'm just baby fats.

assh*le, stop fooling with me.

Your voice seems familiar.


- Yuri.

- Vanessa.

Hello, girl.

Oh, my God, you're gorgeous.

When I heard your voice over the phone,

I knew that you were pretty.

But you're beautiful!

Stop it.

- I didn't prepare for this, actually.

- Really?

Wow, even your dress fits you perfectly.

I'm so lucky to have

such real friends in this world.

Of course.

Of course, friend. We're here for you.

Getting your heart broken is hard.

And so is starving.

So we brought food!

- Perfect! Game!

- Let's have a barbecue later.

And beer too!

Perfect, you know me!

- This Well, I don't know what this is.

- I don't know either.

Come on in!

- Oh, wait! Wait!

- Why?

Since we've prepared for this,

we have rules.

For what?

You should be at least a meter away.

- Yeah, a meter.

- Or two.

Now slowly

Stop fooling around. Give that to me.

Hey, it's all right! Go ahead.

Okay, faster. Follow me.

Let's go.

Annie, I'm scared.

Stop it, will you?

You look scarier, okay? Come on.

- I didn't prepare for this.

- Wait a sec.

Annie, I don't want to come in.

I'm scared too. Come in already!

- Go ahead.

- No.

You first.

- Annie.

- Wait a sec.

- Go ahead. Yuri?

- Annie

- Annie! I'll just follow you.

- You first. Yuri!

What the

What are you doing in there?

Bro, could you not? Leave me alone.

I'm taking a break.

You miss her, don't you?

So what now, Yuri?

Do you miss Victor?

Hey, calm down.

- What?

- We haven't even warmed up yet.

So, Yuri Do you miss Victor?


Of course not!

I don't.

She's a different kind of girl, isn't she?

You're telling me!

Yuri's different.

Even if I had a heart attack,

my heart would still melt for her.

Yuck, that's creepy.

Bro, I'm not joking.

You know me well.

Out of all the women I've met,

my heart melts for her.

There's no man who stayed as long as him.

That's a first.

And that's not a joke.

There you have it.

But why did you distance yourself?

What's stopping you from liking him?

I'm scared.

I'm scared to fall in love,

and for him to love me.

You know what will happen.

He'll be hurt and harmed.

I'm scared to love Yuri 'cause maybe

I can't protect her.

I'm a coward, bro.

I look strong, but I'm a coward.

Yuri needs someone

- Someone brave.

- Someone normal.

He deserves to love and to be happy.

Yuri deserves to be loved.

Yuri deserves to be happy.

Here's the thing.

You both deserve each other.

I've known you for so long

but it's the first time

I've seen you like this.

Yuri, you've been sad

for a long time already.

It's time for you to be happy.

For the both of you to be happy.

- Don't be

- scared.

I'm scared!


- Annie, they're here.

- Who?

Bro, aren't you cold?

What? It's so hot.

Is it okay to ask you to warm me up?

I mean

I'll just teach you.

You just need to do this.

- Like this? Okay.

- Yeah, faster.

Yeah, faster and then

Is it okay?

- Here. Put it here.

- Should I do it faster?

- How about this?

- There, do it for about five seconds.


There. Do you feel better?

What's happening?

- What's wrong?

- What

It doesn't work with you.

There's some magic when Yuri does it.

Of course, she's a lady.


I'm annoyed. Jeez.

Thanks anyway.


Go ahead! Call her.

It's Victor. Victor's calling.

- Answer the call.

- Answer it.

- No way!

- Answer the phone!



Sorry, but I miss you.

I miss you so much.

What did he say?


Yuri, are you free tonight?

- Go.

- I don't want to.

I have my friends over, so

Maybe we could have a date later.

If you're available.

Bro, she has her friends at home.

She has guests.

As if.

She just doesn't like you.

She doesn't like you.

I'm telling you, for real.

Hello, Yuri?


Hello, Victor.

I'm available for our date later.

I miss you too.

What did she say? What happened?


- "See you."

- Nice!

She's in love, bro, for sure.

She's in love with you.

Hang up.

Why did you say that?

That's fine.

You need to do your makeup.

- Oh, no.

- We have to do your makeup!

Date! Where's the date gonna be?

Well, you hung up.

- Sorry.

- You were the one talking to him.

Why did you say that?

You have to do your makeup.

- I don't want to!

- Come on!

There they are! Come on!

Are you okay?

If we're to be in a relationship,

you're going to need insurance.

- I have insurance.

- Really?

Then get more.

You may need car insurance,

travel insurance,

health insurance, life insurance.

I think you should take

everything that's offered to you.

- I know someone...

- It's all right.

- Are you sure?

- I can handle it.

Just in case we last for a while,

or even if we don't, if we break up,

promise you won't get back at me.

And that you won't tell me

I ruined your life.

And please,

don't file a lawsuit against me.


How about you?

Do you have anything to say?

If a ghost scares you,

run as fast as you can

towards me.

'Cause I'll never leave you.

I promise.


Are we together?

Let's try?

Your ghost friend still won't allow it.

I think so too.


I know a safer place.

- Really?

- Yeah.


What are you laughing at?

Do I have bad breath?

Why are you laughing?

So it's this good.


Still at 289?


Remember what we talked about before?

Yeah, still at 289.

Nothing new?


How about you?

Still at zero?

Maybe you want to make it


- Okay.

- Okay?

Yeah. Okay.


- Hey, wait a minute.

- What's wrong?

Slowly, slowly.


You didn't tell me you had abs!

- How many?

- Eight?

You're kidding.

There, eight.


I might call you later.

What's up?

Nothing. I just might call you.

I'm not sure.

I'll be okay.

You sure? Okay.

I'll go ahead.

And be careful of ghosts, okay?

- Yeah.

- Promise?

Promise. You too.

- All right, bye.

- Bye.

Here's your jacket.

- Bye. Take care.

- Bye.

- Hello?

- Hey, Yuri, what's up?

Sorry, I don't mean to bother you.

No, it's all right. It's you anyway.

I was just thinking, you know.

Remember that night

when you put your hands on my chest?

I'm not sure, but it felt like magic.


Yeah, warm magic.

The same thing happened

when we were at the plaza.

Do you remember?

When I scared your BFF ghost away?

When you saved me?

Yeah, that's it.

I was just thinking, Yuri,

that maybe we could do something

to get rid of that ghost.

And all the ghosts

that haunt you, haunt us.

Like a magic tickle?

How do I put this?

I think we could replace

the coldness with our warmth.

So you want us

to let our warmth replace the cold?

Yeah, you got it.

Let our warmth replace the cold.

With warmth, with love,

with affection, with good vibes, right?

You're really cute, aren't you?

Hey, I'm serious. Let our warmth...

Victor? Hello?


The truck just malfunctioned, dude.

It's normal. You see, in cars,

there's a sudden unintended acceleration.

It just happened to be a truck.

Then, with the signs,

maybe they're rusty,

you know, signs of aging.

Really? Four signs falling

at the same time?

Promise. Let's not overthink things.

I'm okay.

Look at me. Do I look not okay?

Come on, I'm ready.

Is everyone ready?

Yeah, me too. How about you?

Are you ready for more?

Why are you here?

You died

because of someone?

And the k*ller is here

Who is she? Where is she?



What's wrong?





That's really pretty.

Let me borrow it, please.

You're persistent, aren't you?

I told you this is special.

My grandma's ashes are in here.

My siblings and I have her ashes.

This is my guardian angel.

I feel safe when I wear it.

Maybe that's why you're brave.

You're the coolest girlfriend I have.

I'm really lucky to have you.

Maybe if you lent me that,

I'd be braver too.

Stop trying to trick me.

Okay, fine.

Be sure to give it back, though.

Yes, I will. I'll just try it on.

Deanne, wake up, please! Deanne!


My God, what happened? Victor!

- Victor! Call an ambulance!

- Help! Help us!

- Victor!

- Yuri!

Call an ambulance, fast!

- Victor!

- Victor!

- Victor!

- Victor!

Paging Dr. Samonte, Dr. Samonte.

Please proceed to the emergency room.

When will the show resume?

Sir, was the flying cape real?

- Or is it just a part of the show?

- Yeah, sir.

What can you say about that?

When will the show resume?

Sir, when?

We released official statements

on his social media accounts.

I posted the flying cape

was a part of the show.

We just had a technical problem.

So far, there's no violent feedback.

A miracle, right?

He has no fractures.

No brain damage either. But there he is.

Still in a coma.

I don't want to meddle, Yuri.

I see him happy.

I've been friends with him forever.

And I know

that he's truly in love with you.

He would do anything for you.

Even if it means ending up like this.

Ma, are you sure it's all right

for me to stay there?

Yuri, you can stay here

as long as you want.

But, Ma, they still follow me around.

Well, if Death comes, so be it.

Just kidding.

Ma, I don't like those kinds of jokes.

I can't bear to lose you too.

I'm sorry, but I really need to leave.

Besides, I need a hug right now.

Of course. I know you're broken

into pieces. That's hard.

It's time for me to comfort you.

Get on a flight immediately.

Sure, Ma. I just have to pack my things.

Sure, I love you. Bye.

Bye, Ma. Love you.

You're ready to go home.

Doc, thank you.

Miss, would you measure my blood pressure?

- Blood pressure. Thank you.

- Thanks, Doc.

Max, where is Yuri?

I don't know.

She left. I don't know where.

Max, where is Yuri?

Why isn't she answering my calls?

I don't know.

If you don't tell me, you're fired.

Fired? Really, are you sure?

After all we've been through,

you're firing me? Hey!

That's too much.

Fine, here's the deal.

I'll double your salary.

You just have to tell me where she is.

Hey, do you think I'd buy that?

Well, I won't.

I won't tell you

She's at the airport!

Yuri's at the airport.

Don't use the elevator. Use the stairs.

You won't miss her.

Come on, fast!

Why are you here?

My mom asked me to be with them.

When are you coming back?

I don't know. Maybe

Maybe never.

Come on, Yuri. What about us?

Victor, there's no us.

We shouldn't insist on it.

To all passengers boarding

flight PR104 bound for Norway,

please proceed to Gate 2.

To all passengers boarding

flight PR104 bound for Norway

Yuri, please.

Don't leave, please. Let's fix this.

Let's just be grateful

that we both survived.

That everything is fine, especially you.

At the very least, I have to


And be loved?


Yuri, please don't leave me.

Let's try to fix this. We can fix this.

Let's stop this.


Yuri, please. Don't leave me.

Please, Victor.

Ever since I met you,

I've been on the verge of dying.

But I was always so happy,

whenever I was with you.

I get scared as well

because I know a ghost might show up.

Or a spirit will get on my back,

or I'll see a soul in the dark.

I don't know, Yuri.

I don't know what to expect

whenever I'm with you.

I don't even know

if I'll get a good night's sleep.

But whenever I think

that things will get tough for me

how tough could it get for you?

How about you?

What if

you get so scared,

and you scream,

but there's no one to hear you.

'Cause I'm not beside you.

When I think of you living alone,

even though we could be together,

I can't take it.

That's what breaks my heart.

It hurts seeing you

go through this life alone.

Yuri, please.

Please don't leave me.

I love you so much.

Let me love you.

Let me be with you, Yuri.

Because I love you so much.

Goodbye, Victor.

Excuse me, sir.

Would you like something to drink?

- No, thanks.

- Okay, thank you.

Good evening, ma'am.

Would you like something to drink?

Coffee? Tea?

PR104 flight to Norway

has rerouted back to Manila

due to severe weather conditions.

PR104 flight to Norway

has rerouted back to Manila

due to severe weather conditions.

Don't you ever leave again.

How about them? They won't leave either.

I may be scared of them

but losing you is my greatest fear.

Don't give me that nonsense.


I told you that I'll put up with this.

I don't want you to be alone anymore.

I'll always be with you.

And we'll face them together.

So, game? Let's try?

Fine, let's try.

What was it again?

Let our warmth replace the cold.

- You still remember?

- I do. You taught me that.

Let our warmth

- Replace the cold.

- Replace the cold.

Then let's do it.

- Let's try.

- Let's try it then.

And this, ladies and gentlemen,

is our greatest magic act.

Finally, we have created magic that stays.

Magic that hopefully will truly last.