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06x17 - King of Burlesque" / "Death Games

Posted: 05/04/23 06:47
by bunniefuu



The plane! The plane!


- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.



ROARKE: Smiles,
everyone. Smiles.


ROARKE: Ah, Mr. Tom
Vail, a Wall Street economist

from Montclair, New Jersey.

Sounds very glamorous.

Maybe he's looking
for a partner?

No. No, Tattoo, Mr. Vail
is here because he wants

to experience the world
of old-time burlesque.

Burlesque? You
mean like in stripper?

Oh, boss, like I say,
maybe he's looking

for a partner.

Burlesque was much more
than a strip tease, Tattoo.

It was a spirited variety
show with song and dance

and marvelous comedy.

In fact, Mr. Vail's fantasy is
to become a comic headliner.

Those other aspects of burlesque

- don't interest him at all.
- Anything you say, boss.

Boss, she's a foxy lady.

Foxy? Now, really, Tattoo.

But you may be right in more
ways than you can imagine.

What do you mean?
What's her fantasy?

That's Mrs. Vanessa Walgren,
an amateur sportswoman

who wants very much
to become a professional.

She says her fantasy is to win

the first annual Fantasy
Island pentathlon

being held here
privately this weekend.

That should be easy

since you are judging
the competition.

Yes, but while I'm
judging the competition,

I'm afraid Mrs. Walgren
will be judging me.

In fact, before this
weekend is over...

she will appoint herself
my judge, my jury...

my executioner.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island


ROARKE: Well, I think our
tailor has done an excellent job,

don't you, Tattoo?

TATTOO: I really like it.

It's my kind of outfit. It
really makes a statement.

Don't you think it's a little...
[CLEARS THROAT] ...loud?

I mean, my fantasy is
to make people laugh,

not go blind.

Mr. Vail, you are not going to
be performing on Wall Street.

You are going to be
performing in a burlesque revival.

You must start thinking
of Broadway .

Boss, I think I know
what the real problem is.

Yes, so do I. Stage fright.

You know, I've been a
fan of burlesque for years.

I've seen all the film clips.
I've studied all the routines.

I've imagined what it would
be like to be a comic back

then for half my life.

Now, here am I with
butterflies in my stomach

- the size of M-X missiles.
- Tattoo.

Uh, you know, Mr. Vail, all
you lack is self-confidence.

And self-confidence
is all... in the head.

In this case, it's
all on the head.

This straw hat has been
worn by some of the greatest

burlesque comedians of all time.

When you put it on,
you'll be able to perform

with the same
aplomb they enjoyed.

Oh? Well, if that's
true, I guess I'm ready.

Uh... not. Not yet. Not yet.

Tattoo and I will drive
you to the revival house.

Oh, you'll be taking
the place of someone

who came down with
the flu at the last moment.

So, if you'll come
with us, Mr. Vail.




Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!

Never mind that.

Where's the five
bucks you owe me?

Don't worry about
it. Don't worry.

I got it right here.
Happen to have it here.

- I got it right here.


- MAN: Go get him, baby!
- What was that all about?

I was just putting the
money in my bank.

[DRUM b*ating]


You ever need a
bookkeeper, give me a call.

I think I'll go
make it a profit.


Mr. Roarke, where's the
replacement you promised me?

Don't worry,
Mr. Howard, he's here.

May I present Mr. Tom Vail.

Well, there's nothing
like cutting it close.

Marty Howard. Come
on, let's go, we're on.

TOM: Well, wait a minute!

- What? What? Right now?
- Yeah. The suitcase bit.

Come on. We're on!



I'll tell you one thing, pal,
I'm smarter than you are.

Smarter than you are.

In fact, I'm so
smart, I can tell you

what you're gonna
do before you do it.

Want me to prove it?
Want me to prove it? I will.

See the suitcase?


MARTY: See this suitcase?

- You see this suitcase?
- The hat. The hat.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I see
it. Yeah. What about it?

Good. Good. Good.
Well, I bet you,

I bet you can't pick it
up without saying "ouch."

Buddy, you got a bet. Ten bucks.

Ten bucks. You got a bet.

You got a bet. Go to it!



Oh, please, Michael, give
me the strength to do this.

Come in.

Oh, Mr. Roarke,
Tattoo, sit down.

Thank you.

Well, Mrs. Walgren, I
hope you're prepared

for the competition
this weekend.

It's going to be difficult.

I am. But I heard there's
going to be no audience,

no spectators. Why?

Well, it's a private competition
between the best men

and women in the world.

They are interested
in sport, not applause.

Ah. And the five events?

Fencing, martial arts,
equestrian dressage, sky diving

and the friend or
foe competition.

Well, Mrs. Walgren,
are the conditions

of the pentathlon
satisfactory to you?

Yes, very. In fact,
they're perfect.

Good. Then why don't we talk
about the real reason you came

to Fantasy Island.

All right, let's.

That's my husband, Michael.

He came here a month ago
to have a fantasy and d*ed.

Michael Walgren,
uh, the tennis pro?

Yes, Tattoo. Mr. Walgren's
fantasy was to repeat

the famous Kon-Tiki voyage.

I warned him of the
dangers of sailing

the high seas on a raft.

You warned him? What
did you do to protect him?

The storm that moved
in and destroyed

his raft was unpredictable.

We sent out a rescue
party immediately, of course,

but it was too late.
I am deeply sorry,

- Mrs. Walgren...
- I don't want apologies.

I want answers.

I wish I could give you some,
but I'm afraid it's impossible.

- It was a terrible tragedy.
- Tragedy?

I think there's a
cover up going on.

The police won't
investigate, I tried that.

I assure you, you are wrong.

That's all I can say.


VANESSA: Well...

then what I came here

to do won't be so
difficult, after all.

My husband's dead.
As far as I'm concerned,

you m*rder*d him
and you're going to pay.


I've put a bounty on your
head of a million dollars.

Boss, let me call
the police right away.

No. Don't. Don't, Tattoo.

Mrs. Walgren, I know
you feel tremendous grief

and anger.

You obviously loved
your husband very much...

but if you could just wait
until this weekend is over...

The bounty is on.

Very well.

I accept the challenge.

On the condition
that if I'm still alive

when the weekend is over...

you promise to give up
any further ideas of revenge

and go home.


Thank you.

Will you excuse me.





It wowed them
like always, Junior,

and knocked them
right out of their seats.

Yes, but... what is it, Doralee?

-The body. -Whose body?

This body.

The greatest body that
ever sashayed down

the ramp.

You got two more shows
this weekend, Doralee,

now you better save your energy.

If you think there's
something deficient

with my energy, mister...

then there's something
deficient with your eyes.

Does that thing
come with batteries?

Hey, you know you had
me worried there for a while.

You know that, don't you?

But once you loosen
up, you're okay, kid.

I thought you were
wonderful. I'm Abby Poutreau.

Uh, Tom. Tom Vail.

Uh, Abby, come on,
I'll buy you a drink.

Uh, no, I can't. I'm
sorry, I've got plans.

Oh? Okay.

See you later.

You got plans, huh?

I was hoping maybe
you'd buy me a drink.

How long will it
take you to change?

- [CHUCKLES] Ten minutes.
- I'll be waiting.


TATTOO: Boss, why don't
you let me call the police?

Because I can't, Tattoo.

Then why don't
you leave the island?

Because Mrs. Walgren's
coming here has placed her

in a very vulnerable position.
I can't leave her unprotected.

You're the one who
needs the protection.

Well, it's time for the
friend or foe competition.

I should be getting
out onto the field.

Boss, let me judge the
games. I know what I'm doing.

If you go out there,
you'll be like a sitting duck.

Don't worry, Tattoo,
I'll be very careful.


Tattoo, please,
trust me on this.

We've been friends a
long time, haven't we?

Yes, that's why I
don't understand

why you're acting this way.

It looks like you have
something to hide

about Mr. Walgren's death.

I do.

I do.


TOM: Although, I'm kind of glad

that you don't
undress for a living.

A man who doesn't
like strip tease?

Well, now, maybe
I'm a little weird,

but I don't know, watching
it makes me feel cheap.

And I can't help but feel

that it makes the
stripper feel cheap, too.

Um, not that I'm
against nudity, mind you.

I mean, give me
the right setting

and the right girl...

Hello, how are you?
How's it folks? What's new?

I'm great. That's good.
Uh-huh. Knock wood.

- Well, well, what do you say?
- How you been? Nice day.

- I thought you had plans?
- They changed.

Marty, let's go
to another table.

No. I like this one.

Janet, this is Tom. Tom, Janet.

- TOM: Hi.
- She's a chorus girl too.

Abby, you know, you
stand out in that chorus line

like a rose in winter.

Abby, I'm gonna put
you in Doralee's place.

You mean you want me
to do the strip routine?

Yeah. Yeah. It will mean
higher pay, bigger billing.

Think of it, Abby,
your name in lights.

She's not interested.

What are you all of a sudden?
Her answering service?

Tom's right. I... I wouldn't
mind moving up, Marty,

but I'd just rather do
it with my clothes on.


We'll talk later, Abby.

When somebody wires
this guy's jaws shut.

In Marty's somewhat
twisted mind,

you're trespassing.

Boss, they are moving
to the third position.

Are you all right?

I'm fine, Tattoo. Don't worry.
The competition's almost over.

Don't worry, he say...


Tattoo, three more
points for Mrs. Walgren.

Tattoo, I'm afraid I
lost track of Mr. Powers.



Talk to me, boss. I'm worried.


Get off my island, Mr. Powers.


Boss? Boss, answer to me.

Give this up, Mrs. Walgren.



Next time you won't be so lucky.





Why, you ought to be
ashamed of yourself.

Why, one of these
days your wife is gonna

find out about you.

What do you mean?
What do you mean?

I just left the office.

I work late every night
supporting that woman.

Well, if you just
came from the office,

- where's your shirt.

- [GASPS] I've been robbed.


Hey, that was fun. And
easier than I thought

it would be too.

-ABBY: Hi. -Hi.

-You were great. -Oh, yeah?

Hey, Abby and Vail
got plans for later?

- Why don't you ask them?
- I'm asking you, Janet.

-[SIGHS] -Want to keep your job?

They're meeting
in Tom's bungalow

after the show.



Stick around after the show.

I need you to help
with a little practical joke

- I want to play.
- Sure thing, lover.



Oh, oh, flowers, flowers.

Coming, Abby. Coming.




Thank you. Got your message.

- Wh... what message?
- [GASPS] Champagne, how chic.

How wonderfully
illicit. [SQUEALS]

Doralee, uh, somehow

somebody's got their
wires crossed. Come on...

Oh, I can fix that.

- I mean, I can straighten...
- No! No! No!

Listen, Doralee! No! Come
on! Will you? For heaven’s sake!

No! No! Come on!
No! Don't! No! No!

No! No! No! No! Come
on! Come on! No! No!

No! No! [LAUGHS] No!

Would you stop! [LAUGHS] No! No!


TOM: Oh, you're a tiger!

Oh, thanks.

You were great.



I was?


- Touch. And match.

Congratulations, Mrs. Walgren.

You win again.

Mrs. Walgren...

excellent match.

Mr. Roarke, I should like a
word with you outside. It's...

really most urgent.

Will you excuse me?


Join me, please, Mr. Roarke.

To your health.

Exactly why did you really
want to see me, Mr. Ducette?

I thought that...

it would have been
obvious by now.


The only thing
that is obvious...

is that Mrs. Walgren
is no match for you.

You are the world's
fencing champion

and yet you
deliberately let her win.


Two hundred years ago it
would have meant something

to have been the greatest
fencer in the world.

Today it's meaningless.

Soon I will be too
old for competition.

I have, uh, hundreds of
medals, but no money.

Forgive me, but I want...

I need that million
dollar bounty.

And I'm willing to k*ll you...

to get it.

I am in no mood to
play games, Mr. Ducette.


don't run out on me
now. It will take all the...


out of this.


En garde.


To the death.



k*ll him, Henri.

k*ll him, now.




Boss, I'll make sure he
leaves the island right away.

Take him away.

Boss, are you okay?

Please... stop this
while you still can.

Before it turns on you.

Hurts you.

I've already been hurt.

- I don't have any feelings left.
- Oh, I believe you have.

Very deep feelings.

Stop acting like a saint.

You're not a saint,
you're just a man.

You bleed, Mr. Roarke.

And if you can bleed...
you can also die.


- MARTY: Rough night?
- ABBY: How'd you guess?

Oh, stop thinking about it.

What you need to do is
get your mind on the future.

Now, look, the offer I
made you yesterday

still stands, Abby.
Just say the word, kid.

Say the word, you move
right into Doralee's spot.


Abby, I've been
looking all over for you.

What happened to you last night?

I don't like leftovers.
Especially Doralee's.

- Look, uh, let me explain...
- ABBY: What's to explain?

I understand perfectly.

You're just like
every other headliner.

Everything and everyone
is just one big dirty to you.

No, I take that
back. You're worse.

Because I believed.

You made me believe
that you were different.

- I am different.
- Not according to my dictionary.

TOM: No, wait, Abby, wait.

- Come on, let me explain...
- Hey, hey, hey, hey!

The lady obviously does
not wanna talk to you.

- TOM: Ah, get out of my way.

- TOM: Come on.
- Mr. Vail? Mr. Vail, please.

Please. Like it or not,

Mr. Howard is your
employer for the weekend.

If you punch him out,
there goes your fantasy.

Come on, Marty, I think
maybe I would like to talk

about my future after all.


[SIGHS] You're
right, Mr. Roarke.

I am not gonna let her
jeopardize my fantasy.

She and I are history
starting right now.

It's your decision, Mr. Vail.
Will you excuse us? Tattoo.


You were thinking about
your husband? Weren't you?

VANESSA: I wanted
to come here with him.

But I don't blame
myself, Mr. Roarke.

I'm not gonna let you
off the hook that easily.

Will revenge bring
him back to you?

There wasn't even
a body I could bury.

I have to do something.

In that case, may I ask

how many more of
these, um, attempts

I'm going to have to face?

Just one.

gonna make it easy on you.

I'm gonna offer you one
more personal challenge.

You'll be able to judge
the sky diving event

much better from up there.

Jump with us this afternoon.

With me.

-[♪♪♪♪♪] -[BIRDS CHIRPING]

Mrs. Walgren,
you're one hour early.

Yes, I know. I wanna check
my chute before the jump.


- Are you all right?
- It's awfully hot in here.

TATTOO: Mm-hmm.


Mrs. Walgren? Mrs. Walgren?

Ah, woman. I'll get
you some water.



VANESSA: Now, let's see
him try and open his chute.


- Mrs. Walgren?
- Oh. What happened?

I guess you fainted.
Here's your water.

Oh, thank you.

I should have eaten breakfast.

Well, if you don't feel good,

maybe you should
call off the jump.

No, I'll feel fine.

Thanks to you.


TOM: Marty, hold on,
pal, I wanna talk to you.

Sorry, pal. Either you
tell her to forget the strip...

or I don't do the show.

I could still replace you, pal.

Not with me climbing all
over you, you couldn't, pal.

Which is exactly what I intend
to do unless you tell Abby

she's back in the line.

Is that so?




Hey, Marty, come
here a minute, luscious.

Listen to me!

What's this about me
being out of the show?

Hey, hey, hey!
Don't bend the suit.

You got nothing to worry about.

If Abby doesn't cut
it, you go back in.

- Consider it a night off.
- And what if Abby does cut it?

Consider yourself gone.

Been a long time
coming, Doralee.

Try looking in the
mirror sometimes.

Hey, Marty, I got
three kids to support.

Get married.





Boss... don't make the jump.
I've got a bad feeling about it.

I have to see this
through to the end, Tattoo.

For Mrs. Walgren's
sake as well as mine.

-Thank you. -[BIRDS CHIRPING]

ROARKE: Well, Mrs.
Walgren, we're at , feet.

- Are you ready for your jump?
- VANESSA: I'm ready, Mr. Roarke.


Mrs. Walgren...

are you certain you want
to go through with this?

See you on the
ground, Mr. Roarke.



- Here she comes.



Oh, boss, no.




- Good jump, boss.
- Thank you, Tattoo.

-Let me take this. -Thank you.

It looks like Mrs. Walgren won.


Well, Mrs. Walgren, I believe
congratulations are in order.

You seem to be
indestructible, Mr. Roarke.

Congratulations to you too.

I think this calls for our
own private toast, don't you?

Then, uh... it's over?

Not quite.

You see these two glasses?

One of them has been poisoned.

To show you I'm
still a good sport,

I'll let you choose.

Which is yours?



The game is over.

All right...

if you won't play, I will.


-[GLASS SHATTERS] -Let go of me!

Mrs. Walgren, listen
to me. Listen to me!

Your husband is alive.

Don't do this to me.

He's alive.

What do you mean?

Michael Walgren only
poses as a tennis pro.

His real work is
for the government

as an undercover agent.

He used to work for them.
He gave it up years ago.



He tried...

but they came back to him.

They needed him for
one more assignment.

He was the only one
who had the connections

to carry it through. Only
it blew up in his face.

He knew he'd have
to go into hiding,

perhaps for the
rest of his life.

Well, he didn't
want that for you.

I don't understand then,
why didn't Michael tell me?

If you had known, it would
have put you in danger.

Your position could have gotten
to you, used you to get to him.

He thought it would
be better if everyone...

yes, even you...

thought he was dead.

Why didn't you
tell me this before?

I promised Michael
never to reveal the fact

that his fantasy
here was a sham.

- Mr. Roarke, please don't...
- Also...

I needed time...

to arrange for that.


Go to him.

VANESSA: Michael?
Oh, my... Michael!

Boss, what's going on?
He looks like her husband.

It's a long story, Tattoo.

Fortunately, it has
a very happy ending.



She's doing it!



What are you doing out
there? Come on, get to it.

-Where's Tom? -Who gives a damn?

Quit stalling and start peeling.


Mr. Vail, what's happened?

What's happened? [SCOFFS]

It's an absolute
disaster, that's what.

My fantasy was to
star in a burlesque show

and I end up locked
in a storage room.

But the show isn't
over yet, Mr. Vail.

You can still go out there
and knock them dead.

What's the use?

Last thing I feel
like doing right now

is to make people laugh.
I blew it, Mr. Roarke.

I fell in love.

Well, then, why are you
moping around down here?

Because she's up
there spiting me.

Which is nothing compared
to what she's doing to herself.

- Why don't you stop her?
- Because it's too late.

When it comes to matters
of the heart, Mr. Vail...

it's never too late.


- Mr. Vail? Wait! Mr. Vail?
- Tattoo, Tattoo.


- Where's Tom?
- Forget Tom. He's through.

- [SIGHS] Through?
- Yeah. And so will you be

if you don't get that thing off.


Come on!

-You're fired. -With pleasure.

Come on, Jake, we got a problem.

-What's the matter? -Oh, okay.

A little ad-libbing and
then we'll do the act.

Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.


Beautiful girls. But
you know something,

they dress in the
room next to mine

and this total joint must
be made out of iron.

- You ought to see my Kn*fe.

- You did it. You really did it.
- So what if I did?

[SIGHS] Yeah, but you did
it for all the wrong reasons.

It just so happens...
I love you.

I saw how much you
loved me last night.

What you saw last night,
sweetheart, was a setup.

- A Marty Howard special.

Excuse me.

What you can do in
drugstore for a hundred dollars.



- MAN: That's funny. [LAUGHS]

Don't get excited, folks.
They always do this.

It's better than jogging.

- [DRUM b*ating]


Boy, they really came
up with a great finish

for this act.

- You didn't do it!



- Don't even think about it.


Mr. Roarke, I can't find
the words to thank you.

I hope you forgive me.

You can thank me by
staying safe and well.

Excuse me, but
where's Mr. Walgren?

I don't know, Tattoo...

but I'll be with him again
by tomorrow morning.

Soon as I get to the mainland,

there'll be someone
waiting to take me there.

Well, when all of this is over
with I hope you and Mr. Walgren

will come back and spend
a real vacation with us.

We will, Mr. Roarke.
That's a promise.

-Goodbye, Mr. Roarke. -Goodbye.

-Tattoo. Bye-bye. -Bye-bye.


Well, Mr. Vail, are you ready
to go back to Wall Street?

No, I still have one
performance to give.

Not as a headliner, surely?

No. As a fiancé.

We're gonna stop off in Toledo
so I can meet her parents.


Mr. Roarke, I want to thank you.

It was my pleasure,
Miss Poutreau.

Does that mean you're not
gonna be stripping anymore?

Not really. It just
means that I've got

- a smaller audience.


Thank you. Thanks.

- Thank you, Mr. Roarke.
- You're very welcome, Mr. Vail.

-Tattoo. -Bye-bye.

- And thanks again.
- Yes, sir. Bye.

