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06x13 - Midnight Waltz" / "Let Them Eat Cake

Posted: 05/04/23 06:45
by bunniefuu


The plane! The plane!

- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.



Smiles, everyone! Smiles!


TATTOO: Who is that
nice looking man, boss?

ROARKE: Mr. John Cook, a
very successful physical therapist

from St. Paul, Minnesota.

He's got a nice face, but
his eyes look kind of sad.

That's very perceptive, Tattoo.

In fact, Mr. Cook is
fighting courageously

to hold his life
together right now.

You see, his wife of years
died only six months ago.

And he loved her
very much right, boss?

Oh, yes, Tattoo. Mr. Cook
loved his wife very deeply.

Yet out of his genuine
consideration for other people,

he has never openly
shown his grief.

So what's his fantasy?

His fantasy, Tattoo,

is to have one last
dance with his wife.

But, boss, how can he?

You said that she
was... that she was dead.

TATTOO: Who's that
lady, boss? She looks shy.

Ms. Adele Anthony, a
waitress from Des Moines, Iowa.

And you're right, Tattoo,
she's not much of a socializer.

Ever since her parents died
she has spent all her time

working to support her
younger brothers and sisters.

She sounds nice.
What's her fantasy?

Well, having served
others all her life,

Ms. Anthony's fantasy
is to spend a weekend

having others wait on her.

That's all? That's
a simple fantasy.

But I have a feeling

there is something
else she wants from us.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.


JOHN: Oh, I love
my wife, Mr. Roarke.

Always will.

The years we had together
were more than happy,

they were a gift, complete.


Except for what?

Well, there was one
small thing left unfinished.

What's that?

Tomorrow night would've been
our th wedding anniversary.

Funny how little
things get started.

Now, every year she'd give me

a white rose bud for my lapel,

I'd give her an orchid
corsage, and we'd go dancing.

She really fought to stay alive

for this anniversary,
Mr. Roarke.

Our ruby anniversary.

But she didn't make it.

It was her final
wish, and mine too,

to have this one
last dance together.

Boss, we can do it, can't we?

Yes, Tattoo.

I can assure you, your fantasy
will be fulfilled, Mr. Cook.

Tomorrow is the Fantasy
Island annual Valentine ball.

That's right.

Plan to attend, Mr. Cook,

and you will have your
last dance with your wife.

Tomorrow. At precisely midnight.

ADELE: My brothers and sisters

insisted upon giving me
that fantasy, Mr. Roarke.

I guess they think
they owe me something

for taking care of
them all these years.

But they didn't know what
a busy man you are, so...

I'll just come back later.
Like in a year or two.

And disappoint your
brothers and sisters?

Oh, I'm sorry.

It's just that I
feel so... [SIGHS]

So weird about...

About being waited on by
somebody else for a change?

There is something
more to your fantasy,

isn't there? Hmm?

This is going to
sound dumb, but...

I'd... [SCOFFS]

I'd kind of like...

-to be a queen. -A queen?

I mean, if it's not
too much bother.

Oh, it's no bother at all.

Did you have any preference
as to which country?

Well, I've always wondered
what France would be like.

France. Splendid choice.

Tattoo, will you get my
bow and the arrow next to it?

-Sure boss. -Thank you.

Ms. Anthony, will you
come with me, please?

Ah, thank you, Tattoo.

That is a very special bow
and arrow, Ms. Anthony.

Very rare, very unusual.

Oh, I used to take
archery in high school.

Oh? Well, then do you think
you could sh**t the arrow

through that window over there?

Are you joking?

Oh, absolutely not. When
you release the arrow...

your fantasy will begin.

Go ahead, trust us.

mean, trust the boss.



WOMAN: A bullseye!

You are truly in rare form
today, Your Highness.

Soon all of France
will be talking about

your marksmanship.

France? Did you say France?

Mr. Roarke did it.

I'm a real queen!


JOHN: My lord!
That looks like Carol.


Oh! Excuse me for staring.

For just a moment I thought
you were someone else.

Oh, that's all right.

Well, they're
beautiful, aren't they?

My name is John Cook.

- I'm Martha Wilson.
- It's a pleasure, Mrs. Wilson.

[CHUCKLE] I've never seen
so many varieties of flowers

growing in one place.

Fantasy Island is a
botanical paradise.

I take it you're not a gardener.

Oh, no.

I was just cutting these
for a flower arranging class

I'm attending.

- It's something to do.
- Of course.

I hope I don't sound
forward, but, huh,

if you're not doing
anything for lunch...

I didn't mean to be pushy.

I'm just not used
to dining alone yet.

My wife died six months ago.

Oh, I'm terribly sorry.

No reason to be.

We had many
wonderful years together.

So did my husband and I.

Mrs. Wilson, I hope I
haven't offended you.

I was just trying to be helpful.

Mrs. Wilson? I...


I don't believe
it, Your Majesty.


Oh, really, it's
not that big a deal.

Oh, even the king will laugh
at your jesting today, my lady.

ADELE: The king? My husband?

Uh... what do I call him?

Why, by his name, of
course, Your Majesty. Louis.

Louis and, um,

what does he call me?

Why, by your name,
of course, my lady.

- MAN: God save the king.
- GROUP: God save the king!

ADELE: If that's my
husband, God save me!


Idiot! How dare
you trip your king!

You could lose
your head for that.

Help her up.

Louis: Come, my dear.

Hello, my dear.

I hope you don't mind.

I invited the Baroness
LaRue to join us.

Your Highness.
I'm sorry we're late.

But Louis is... so entertaining.


Yes, yes. Well,

I am rather tired this morning.
Let's have some refreshments.

You weren't tired
minutes ago, my lord.

I was something of
an animal, wasn't I?


But sneaking in and
out of royal chambers

is beginning to bore me.

Louis, darling,
wouldn't it be easier

if the queen simply
met with a little accident?




Sound the alarm! [RUMBLING]

I want whoever is
responsible for this

to be found and beheaded!

Wait a minute.

- What's going on?
- Another warning

from the peasants that
a revolution is at hand.

A revolution?

We must leave, Your Highness.


MAN: Wait for me!

'd like to apologize

for running off earlier today.

Oh, I should never
have come here.

- It was a terrible mistake.
- Why?

Well, my friends arranged
it for me to cheer me up.

But they're couples, married.

They don't understand
what it's like to...

To lose someone you've
lived with all your life.

I'm sure they were
just trying to help.

How can they help?

They don't know what
it's like to wake up alone,

face another empty
day, all by yourself.

Believe me, Martha,
I know what it's like.

But look around, everything
is so lush and alive.

You can find a lot of solace
in beauty and in friendship.

You're very kind.

Sorry I turned
you down for lunch.

But I'm free for dinner.

If I should go home now,
my friends would be crushed.

I've just got to stick it
out for the weekend.

[SIGHS] I don't
think I can do it alone.

We'll just stick it out
together, all right?


MAN : We're starving to death!

WOMAN : Listen
to us, we want food!

children are hungry!


MAN : I'm tired
of going hungry!

- WOMAN : We want food!
- MAN : Give us food!

- MAN : We have to eat!
- WOMAN : Listen to us!

MAN : Give us something to eat!

WOMAN : We're not
going to take it anymore!

MAN : Food! Food! Give us food!


MAN : Why should the
king eat while we starve?

How can I eat in such a din?

It's dinner time.

Why don't those
people go home and eat?

Perhaps, Your Majesty,
because they have nothing to eat.



Pass the pheasant please.

Louis, please, those
poor people are starving

and we have so much.

Isn't there something we can do?

Louis: Of course.

We shall do as we have
always done, my dear.

Ignore them.




Ladies, gentlemen,

I'm more used to taking
orders than giving them, but...

there's a first time
for everything. So...

I hereby decree...

that we pass food out to
the people on the streets.

And if there's not
enough hot food,

well, then I say we also
let them eat the cakes

we were going to
have for dessert.


A toast!

To the queen for her
most charitable thought.

To the queen.

ALL: Hear hear.

Quickly, do as I say.

Tell your guards to
announce to the rabble outside

exactly what the
queen said. But...

only the last thing she said.

And do not let one crumb of food

pass through their mouths.


And do it quickly!

Just what the devil
are you up to now?

My spies tell me that
a revolution is sure

to break out any day
now. And when it does...

you, among others, will
be sure to lose your head.

Unless we set someone
else up to take the blame

- for the ills of society.
- Precisely.

Let the queen's
magnanimous gesture

be announced
throughout the land.

From now on she shall
be known for her words...

"Let them eat cake."

Let them eat cake?

Where have I heard that before?

I get it.

When starving peasants
hear what the queen has said,


they'll hate her.


The people of France

are starving to death and
you tell them to eat cake?

Do none of my subjects
respect my privacy?

- Take him to the dungeon!

We will have our revenge
on you, Marie Antoinette.

Marie Antoinette?
The French Revolution?

She was...




Just listen to me. You
actually made me laugh.

Oh, it was a wise old
doctor who said that

"laughter is the best medicine."

I'd forgotten how
wonderful it is

just to sit and
talk with someone.

We all should get out
more and be with people.

My friends back home
are well-intentioned,

but it only makes
me feel lonelier.

They treat me like a...

- tragic heroine in some opera.
- Hmm.

- I never was a fan of the opera.

How about a night cap?

Why not?


I'm sorry, I have
to get out of here.



Martha, couldn't
we talk about it?

It was that song.

Frank had the orchestra play
it for me on my honeymoon.

John, I think we
should call it a night.

Well, I'm not going
to let you be alone.

Not just yet.

I'll be all right.

Thanks for understanding.

Wait. Are you sure
you're going to be okay?

Don't, John.
Don't, don't, don't.

[STUTTERING] Just please leave.

All right. But I'll see
you in the morning.

No. No, we're
behaving like children.

I should... I should
never have let do you that.

Oh, Martha, we were both
caught up in the moment.

Just two lonely people
who needed each other.

But don't you understand?
When I kissed you just now,

I was kissing Frank.

Were you?

I don't want to live
without my husband,

don't you understand?

I don't want to see you again.

I understand your
name is Francois?

Your Majesty.

Why have you come
here? To gloat? Go ahead.

Because the people of
France will have the last laugh

when you and everyone
else in the monarchy are dead.

- We have endured...
- Francois, Francois,

I'm on your side.
And to prove it...

There, you're a free man.

- What sort of trick is this?
- None.

And what's more,
I've talked the king

into drawing up a long
list of social reforms.

But I don't understand.



let's just say if I
don't do something,

I'm liable to end up missing
a vital part of my body.

And it's a long story, but...

I'm rather a fan of
democracy myself.

If only I could believe you.

Just wait five minutes
and get out of here.

I'll send the guards away.

Take the corridor to the left.

The door leading
to the street is open.

And be careful.


ROARKE: Mr. Cook,
you're up very early.


As a matter of fact,
Mr. Roarke, I didn't sleep at all.

- Is something wrong?
- No, nothing. I'm fine.

Beautiful morning,
don't you think?

Have you ever stopped to think

that one of the reasons
you are so successful

in helping your patients to heal

is because you
listen so carefully

to their inner feelings?

I suppose that may
be true. But, uh...

And how are you
going to heal yourself,

if you never share your sorrow

with someone who
is willing to listen?

People want to be cheered
up, Mr. Roarke, not burdened.

Is that true? Or is it that you
know only how to give help,

and have yet to learn
how to receive it?

It's time for you to
start thinking of yourself.


Believe me, Louis,
you're doing the right thing.

That mob outside means
business, with a capital "B".


Ah... They're not jesting.

I'm sure they're not.

Now, since you pressed
so hard for these reforms,

the honor of signing
them shall be yours.


Lovely. [CHUCKLES] Lovely.

And here.

One more.

- Perfect.
- [SIGHS] Oh, what a relief.

Believe me, Louis,
you won't regret this.

-Oh, I'm sure I won't. -[SIGHS]

Now it's getting late, my dear.

You must get some
sleep. Don't wait up for me.

Well, did she sign it?


How distasteful.

She signed the letter
without suspecting a thing.


This will prove to
the rabble outside

that Marie alone is responsible
for their well-deserved misery.

- I'm sure you'll find a way...

for it to accidentally
fall into their hands?

Oh, indeed, my Liege.

And, uh, once we appease
them by giving them Marie's head,

[INHALES] I will be queen.


irresistible when
you are devious.

Uh, good morning.

- You're not leaving?
- Yes, uh, John, I am.

- I was up all night thinking...
- I, uh...

I'm sorry I said what I did.

I was just so afraid, and I...

I felt so awkward.

I did too.

I haven't dated
since I was in my 's.

I'm pretty rusty.

When you've lived with
one person all your life,

as you know, it's hard
to let go of old habits.

Well, I'm afraid
it's impossible.

It wouldn’t hurt to try it.

Are you playing cupid, Tattoo?

[CHUCKLES] Why not?

Perhaps I will stay.

[GASPS] You won't regret it.

[WHISTLES] Bring them back!

I'm feeling awkward again.

How do we begin?

Just by being friends.

And taking the day as it comes.

Mr. Roarke mentioned
something about, uh...

a dance tonight.

A Fantasy Island
Valentine's Ball.

Would it be too forward of
me to ask you to be my escort?

ROARKE: You will have
your dance with your wife

at precisely midnight.

Oh, I'm sorry. I...
That was insensitive.

No, no. It was flattering.

- I'd be honored, Martha.




Marie Antoinette,

I warned you that someday
France would discover

your gross abuse of power.

I have no recourse
but to arrest you

for crimes committed
against the people

and their beloved king.

Seize her!

She will be guillotined
tomorrow at dawn.


No, it's not true.
The king is lying.

You're making a
terrible mistake.

How was I?



[SOBBING] Oh, Carol...

you are going to
be here tonight.

What shall I do about Martha?

Mrs. Wilson's bungalow please.


-Hello? -JOHN: Martha,

it's John. I, uh...

John, how sweet of you to call.

Now, don't worry if
you're late. [CHUCKLES]

I bought a new gown for tonight.

I haven't been shopping since...

Well, for a long time.

I hope you like it.

Ah... I'm sure I will.

Actually, I... I
just called to, uh...

Uh, to... to see what
kind of flowers you like.

[CHUCKLES] Gardenias.

They've always been
my favorite flower.

All right.

I'll see you at : .



Mourning is so boring.

I hate black.

Just make it a simple arm band.

-[DOOR OPENING] -Francois?

Hello, my queen.

should I say goodbye?

Because very shortly

France is going to
have a new queen.


Oh, I see.

You and Louis cooked up
this little conspiracy together.

Louis? Ha! Don't be ridiculous.

I thought up the
whole scheme myself.

Let's not waste time.
I've come for your crown.

Give it to me.

And the necklace.

You can have it.

Actually, I've always thought
it was rather tacky myself.

Your jewelry is the only thing

I've ever really
liked about you.


Quickly. Everything
is set for your escape.


You plan to escape?


We've taken care of the guards.

She dropped in to relieve
me of my crown. What now?

There's no time to waste.
We'll have to take her with us.

-Madame. -Don't touch me.

-Your Majesty? -Louis: Yes?

The queen has escaped
from the dungeon.


Well do something!

Sound the alarm! Fool! Idiot!

The king's men
are right behind us.

Of course they are. You'll
never get away with this.

You're nothing
but common riffraff.

Lady, put a sock on it. Now!


You'll pay for this.

Is this my regular horse?

Halt! Slower!

The guards are
gaining on us. Go faster!


Halt for your king, I say.


No, wait, they're
turning around.

I don't see the king anymore.

Stupid oaf!

If we don't hurry, my
liege, we'll lose them.

hurry, we'll lose me.


There she is.

Seize her!


Seize the queen.

Oh, shut up, you
lace-brained buffoon.

It's me.

The real queen is probably
halfway to Spain by now.

But the people are
demanding for her head.

And if I don't deliver
it, they'll want my head.

You understand, darling?

Well, do as I say! Seize
her! Arrest the queen!

- Are you out of your mind?
- Well, after all,

I am the king.

Look, she wears the royal crown
and the necklace, does she not?

Well, do as I say! Arrest her.

I have a better
idea, Your Majesty.


We'll arrest you both.


And then let the
people of France

decide what do with you.

Let the people of France decide?

That's pos-positively barbaric.

Darling, sweetheart, help
me talk them out of this.

- Louis, put a sock on it.

S... Sock?

I don't understand.

If you're not the
queen, who are you?

Oh, Francois, never mind that.

Let's... Let's just spend

the few minutes
we have left on...

important things.

The driver will take
you someplace safe.

But since the
revolution's begun,

I have to go back. [SIGHS]

I have this terrible feeling

we'll never see
each other again.

I believe you may
be right, Francois.

I'll never forget you.

It's impossible
to forget anything

or anyone truly...

[BREATHES DEEPLY] extraordinary.

Well done, Ms. Anthony.

Not only were you
treated like a queen...

you behaved like one.


Ah, good evening. Yes,
uh, table eight, please.

Your friends are
waiting for you.

- Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Cook.
- Good evening.

- Good evening.
- You look beautiful.

Well, thank you, Tattoo.

Ah, Tattoo, will
you show Mr. Cook

to table four, please.

That is if I may ask Mrs.
Wilson to dance with me.

- Oh? All right.
- I'll wait for you at the table.

Please follow me.

- Have a good time, Mr. Cook.
- Thank you.

I am glad you
decided to stay with us

until the weekend
is over, Mrs. Wilson.

So am I, Mr. Roarke.

I feel hopeful
for the first time

in a long while.

I never thought I'd
ever meet anyone who...

Who could make you feel
happy and complete again?



It's been a wonderful evening.

[SIGHING] I wish this
weekend would never end.

-[APPLAUSE] -You know,

I need someone like
you in my life, John.

I mean, uh... [CHUCKLES]

someone with whom I can
look forward to tomorrow.

I'll show you to your bungalow.

All right.

Oh, I forgot my purse.

- I'll get it.
- No, no, no, I'll get it.

You just wait.
I'll be right back.

Boss, I'm going to say
good night to Mrs. Wilson.

By all means.

I wanted to say good
night, Mrs. Wilson.

Thank you, Tattoo.








Carol... my darling.

Happy anniversary, John.


This is our dance.

I love you, Carol,
and I always will.

I know.

It was the strength of your
love that brought me here.

But why are you
looking so unhappy?

Because of Martha?


Oh, yes.

She's a lovely person.

You know, you always
had such exuberance for life.

That's what made me so happy

all those years
we spent together.

I think it would be a shame
to lose that gift, hmm?

What are you saying?

Oh, John, if it had been you,

wouldn't you want me to
go on living, being happy?

- Oh, yes, of course. I...
- You see, darling,

I want the same thing for you.

Until yesterday, Martha
had lost all hope, joy...

But you're giving
that back to her,

giving her a
reason to live again.

She needs you.

You need her.

Go to her.

You and I can
wait until... later.

But I love you. I
love you, Carol.

Always. Always.

I love you too, forever.

Be happy.

Goodbye, my darling.

Your fantasy is over, Mr. Cook.


-Are you ready? -Yes.

yes, I'm ready, Martha.

Boss, Mrs. Wilson is very happy.

- I'm very glad.
- But you know, it's a shame

that Mr. Cook
didn't get his fantasy

to dance with his wife.


Mr. Roarke, Tattoo.

I want to thank
you for everything.

When I came here
it was under protest.

I didn't even have a fantasy,

but I had one fulfilled anyway.

We both did.

I think we might even be married

when we get back
to the mainland.

We'll let you know if we do.

I'm so glad everything
went so well.

[LAUGHS] Thank you both again.

-Thank you. Goodbye.
Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

- Goodbye Mrs. Wilson.
- Goodbye, Tattoo.


Well, things looked
kind of shaky there

for while, Mr. Roarke, but...

I think you have a
satisfied customer, after all.

How did it go?

Would you believe it? I
met a man in my fantasy

who said I was extraordinary.

Me. A waitress from Des Moines.

That doesn't surprise
me at all, Ms. Anthony.

I've been selling myself
short my entire life, Mr. Roarke.

I want to thank you
for making me see that.

From now on the
people I meet... [SIGHS]

they're in for a real treat.

-Goodbye. -Goodbye, Ms. Anthony.

- Bye, Tattoo. Oh, thank you.
- Goodbye.


Unhook it.

Well, Mr. Willaker, did
you enjoy your fantasy?

Oh, you mean, did
I enjoy being king,

wearing those funny clothes,

and being walked all
over by a baroness,

and almost having
my head chopped off?

Oh, yeah, I loved it.

You being Louis the
th was my idea.

Yeah, I kind of thought so.

Listen, Mr. Roarke, next
time, please, don't pay me off

with a fantasy for my services.
How about cold hard cash?

By all means, Mr. Willaker.
