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06x07 - Roller Derby Dolls" / "Thanks a Million

Posted: 05/04/23 06:41
by bunniefuu



The plane! The plane!


- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.



ROARKE: Smiles,
everyone, smiles.


bet he's a sport nut.

ROARKE: Quite correct, Tattoo.

His name is Mr. Norman Hackett.

He works for a sporting goods
store in Seattle, Washington.

Mr. Hackett is a big sports fan,

and is about to
fulfill his fantasy

of becoming owner and manager...

of a professional sports club.

That's a pretty tough racquet.

Does he have any experiences?

Oh, he knows all about
sports and statistics

and talks a good game,

but now that
talking is behind him,

and he will find that
he must prove himself

on the field of battle.

TATTOO: Who are they, boss?

That is Miss Suzanne Quinn.
She is from Texarkana, Arkansas.

The gentleman behind her

is Mr. Roy Bradford
from Detroit, Michigan.

And that is Mr. Eldin Gimball
from Fresno, California.

They are all total
strangers, by the way.

You mean, each of
them has a fantasy?

Actually, Tattoo, none
of them has a fantasy.

of them has a fantasy?

The three of them
were selected at random

and are here to
compete in a contest

that will allow one of
them, and only one...

to leave Fantasy Island
with one million dollars.

[MOUTHING] One million...

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.




HACKETT: Hello, Tattoo.

- Mr. Roarke.
- ROARKE: Ah, Mr. Hackett.

Oh, how about that
weather out there?

What a great day
for a ball game.

You know, we owners,
we love sunny weather.

- It brings out the fans.
- Yes, I suppose so.

But then again, there are those
sports played indoors, as well.


Does this mean that I
get a basketball team?

-Well... -Uh, Mr. Roarke,

I'll take anything.
I love all sports.

Sports are my life. Don't
keep me in suspense.

What is it, basketball,
hockey, what?

Boss, tell him.

You know, Mr. Hackett...

it's one thing to watch a
sporting event on television

from your easy chair...

but quite another to
be an owner-manager.

I know that, Mr. Roarke.

The truth is, uh...

I've been watching life

and living it from
my easy chair.

And a counselor
once told me that

the reason I never get
really involved with anything

is because I have
a fear of losing.

Oh, Mr. Hackett, you
can only be a loser

if you think you're a loser.

absolutely right, Mr. Roarke.

I'm going to get right
in the middle of things.

Right where the action is.

The action will be right
here on Fantasy Island,

Mr. Hackett. Tattoo?

Oh, what's this?

You'll start with that.

Will you put it around
your neck, please?


ROARKE: That's it, thank you.

Now, just put it to your lips
and blow as hard as you can.


WOMAN: Whoa!

Where am I?

- What happened?

WOMAN: Move!

WOMAN : All right!



Hey, buddy, what are
you doing there, huh?

Who are you?


- I'm, uh... Norman Hackett.
- Norman Hackett.

Oh, yeah, Mr. Roarke told me.

You're our new
manager, terrific.

Look at this, girls. Sandy,

this is our new
big sh*t manager.

He's going to save us.

No, no, no, no, I'm
not your new manager.

Boy, am I in the wrong place.

Uh, do any of you girls
know how I can find

the Pittsburgh
Steelers training camp?

The Pittsburgh Steelers
already have a manager.

You're just too afraid to
admit that you're our manager.

You're ashamed to manage
a team of losers, aren't you?

You're only losers if you
think you're losers, young lady.

You see, I was brought
here to take over

a professional
sporting team, not, uh...


Not a what, huh? Go
ahead and say it. Huh?

Girls roller derby team, yeah?

- Yeah.
- What's wrong with roller derby?

What are you, some
kind of snob or something?

You know, we were
doing fine without you.

- Who needs you, anyway?
- Good. What's your record?

- We've won three games already.
- Out of how many?


We lost a lot of close ones.

-You won three out of ? -Hmm.


Excuse me, I've, uh...

I got to talk to
somebody very, very fast.

Excuse me.

- WOMAN : Yeah, sure, go on.
- WOMAN : Yeah, right.

BRADFORD: You mean this
guy flew us all the way out here

so one of us could
win a million dollars

and we don't even
get to meet him?

Which leads us to the question
we've all been wanting to ask.

- What do we have to do to win?
- Ah...

the person who performs
the most noble, unselfish act

during his or her stay
on Fantasy Island...

-will win. -You mean...

whoever does the
best good deed...

wins a million bucks?

Correct, your benefactor will
be watching you very closely

for the next two days, and
he will make his decision

according to what he observes.

Why? What's in in it for him?

Yes, boss, what's in it for him?

I'm afraid I can't
discuss his motivations.

And since any personal
contact with him

could very well give one
of you a decided advantage,

he insists you make no
attempt to learn his identity.

But I assure you,
his offer is legitimate

and every bit as
simple as it sounds.

I don't know, it sounds
very strange to me.

If you want to get
out, I know someone

who would like
to take your place.

Tattoo, please, don't.

It may be strange,

but it sure as heck
beats serving pitchers

at the Texarkana Brew
And Chew all weekend.

Good. Will you
excuse me, please?


for the rest of the weekend

you may travel anywhere
on the island you wish,

though your benefactor
prefers that you remain together.

And he's taking care
of any and all your bills.

Is that right?

Well, then, I vote that
we kick this thing off

at the nearest chow house.

I am starved.

And may the best
man... I'm terribly sorry,

may the best person, win.
Will you excuse us? Tattoo?

-[GIRLS GIGGLING] -Mr. Roarke?

you, girls, thank you.

Something the
matter, Mr. Hackett?

- Boy, did you make a mistake.
- Mistake?

It's about that team you
gave me for my fantasy.

- The Brownsville Blasters?
- Yeah.

Well, that is the name
of your team, Mr. Hackett.

Yeah, well, they
are blasters, all right.

Yes, and they've had
a pretty rough time of it.

Nobody seems to care for them.

Not their past owners,
certainly not the fans.

They don't even seem
to care for themselves.

All in all, they're not a
very disciplined team.

The dirty dozen is more
disciplined than they were.

The Blasters are
yours, Mr. Hackett.

But, of course, you
do have a choice.

You can either accept them,

or stop your fantasy and
return home on the next plane.

Well, I'm going to
have to think about that.

Oh, no, no, no, no, I'm
afraid there is no time for that.

Tomorrow night,
they play the champion

Los Angeles Thunderbirds
in a televised exhibition game.

Now, if they don't win,
the league has voted

to take away the franchise.

That, of course, means
the end of the team.

Well, what can I do about that?
Their record is three and .

I can't turn that
around overnight.

Mr. Hackett...

you came here to own and manage

a professional sports club,
and that is a professional club.

Now, I would suggest
that you display

a little professionalism

Hey, Mr. owner-manager,

there's some guy at the
arena who wants to talk to you

about your ideas on promotion.

Billboards, banners,
stuff like that.

Yeah, yeah. Uh...

- tell him, uh...
- Tell him nothing, huh?

Zip ideas, just
like all the others.

I bet you end up bailing
out just like they did.

I can see it coming.

Not a very nice thing
to say about somebody

you hardly even know.

Yeah? The last guy
owned us for a week.

I'll give you less than that.

Apparently, she thinks
you're the loser, Mr. Hackett.

Oh, yeah? Well, I'm going
to show you, Mr. Roarke.

- I'm going to take the Blasters.
- Good for you, Mr. Hackett.

It seems to me that we
can all win that money.

What do you mean?

I mean...

We could all
agree that no matter

who wins the million dollars,
we could split it three ways.

Somehow, I don't think
whoever's running this show

would take kindly to that idea.

MAN: All right, you little jerk,

I'm tired of you slopping
those drinks all over me.


Hey, why don't you pick
on someone your own size?

- Eldin!
- You stay out of this, pal.

- What if I don't want to?
- Eldin!

All right... Let's
play it your way.



MAN : Hey!

Okay, that's enough.


Well, if that wasn't the
most lame brain thing

I've ever seen
anyone do in my life.

I would call it...

-noble. -Noble?

Noble and...


Is that why you did it?

Haven't you noticed
what's parked over there?

I'll bet that there rich mobile
belongs to the benefactor.

I did say he'd be
watching you closely.

I guess that makes the score...

one to zero...

To zero.

HACKETT: That's what I
ordered and that's what I want!

Showgirl gown, yeah!

I'm going to give
the Belles a new look

and a new pride in themselves.

Yeah, and I changed
the name of the team.

It's now the Brownsville Belles.

And I need , "I
Love the Belles" buttons.

"I Love The Belles" button.

You got it.

Wow, you're sure really busy.

Determination. Determination
is the key to good leadership.


Knowing how to
promote a good team.

A little showmanship
doesn't hurt, either.

They still don't look too happy.

You're right.

I'm going to have to talk to
them. Whip them into shape.

Show them who's boss.

Get tough with them.

Sometimes it's
better to be gentle.

Do you think Vince Lombardi
was gentle with his players?

You let me handle it
my way, all right, Tattoo?

Thank you anyway.


Girls... ladies,

what kind of blocking
do you call that?

I mean, you weren't supposed
to let that jammer through.

Now, we're going to do it
right even if it takes all night.

That means everybody.

-Have you got it? -[GROANING]

Got it.


That's showing them.

Are you all right?

BRADFORD: Hey, Eldin,
remember what you said about

-splitting the money? -Hey!

Oh, yeah, I
remember what I said...

but I take back that offer.

- WOMAN: No, no, no, no!
- MAN: Give me that purse!

WOMAN: No, stop it,
stop! Somebody stop him!

Oh, no!

stop! Come back here!




Mr. Bradford, are you all right?

-Sure, sure. -Are you sure?

- Oh, thank you.
- It's no big deal.

Back home, chasing muggers
gets to be second nature.

Thank you so much.

-Hey, are you okay? -Sure.

You know, you've done the island

a great service, Mr. Bradford.

Hey, I did me a good
deed! How do you like that?

The real question is...

is how does he like that?

QUINN: Sure would
like to know who he is.

Does he live here on
the island, Mr. Roarke?

The benefactor has
a home here, yes.

In fact, I'm going there
for dinner this evening.

So, if you'll excuse us...


- MAN: Good evening, Mr. Roarke.
- Good evening.

MAN: How do you like the way
things are progressing so far?

In all the years I've known you,

I had no idea you were
such a fine actor, Mr. Gimball.

Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

-I'm full of surprises. -Indeed.

Oh, and I must also
compliment you, Phillip,

on the lovely performance
you gave this afternoon.

Thank you, sir.

Shall we eat?

GIMBALL: The limousine was
a nice touch, don't you think?

- Very.
- And the staging of the fight

between me and my
dear friend Phillip, here?


They really have no idea
that they're just pawns in a...

bet between me and you.

The way you are
manipulating them

is precisely what bothers me.

I'm afraid someone's
going to get hurt.

Well, that's the
difference between us.

See, you refuse to admit

that when there's
money on the line,

that people revert
to the greedy...

selfish animals they truly are.

I refuse to believe that, yes.

Well, we're going to
find that out, aren't we?

Once and for all.

If Suzie and Roy
continue to, um...

Behave admirably, as you say,

then I'll have been
wrong, and I'll lose our bet.

But if... No...

when they show
humanity's true dismal colors

and do something
underhanded tomorrow,

then I'll have been right.

And you know what
that means, don't you?

I must announce publicly

that people are basically
corruptible after all.


Either way, I'll have
to give one of those two

a million dollars.

But seeing you eat
crow will be worth it.


HACKETT: Good workout,
girls, hit the showers.

ROARKE: Mr. Hackett?

Oh, Mr. Roarke.

-Tattoo. -Hi, boss.

-We just left the girls. -Oh?

Oh, they're really set
for the big game tonight.

Uh, everything is in order.

Not quite everything,
Mr. Hackett.

There is a problem.

This check you gave me
for your fantasy bounced.

-Bounced? -ROARKE: Bounced.

- That's impossible.
- Are you sure, boss?

Mr. Hackett, do you
know a Mr. Charles Delco?

Of course, Charlie Delco.

Charlie Delco is not
only my best friend,

but he also happens
to be my accountant.

He takes care of all my
money, not that I have a lot,

but what little I have,
uh, he looks after.

It seems your accountant
has closed your account.

And when last seen
was taking a plane

with a Miss Laverne Blodgett.

You mean...

they skipped off
with everything?

I'm sorry, Mr. Hackett,

but your fantasy is
no longer a fantasy.

It's now become very real,

as real as all those bills
you managed to pile up.

Oh, I hope you haven't written
personal checks for them?

Well, of course I did!

I thought it was
part of the fantasy!

Oh, I am so sorry.

You understand my
position, of course.

I mean, since the fee for
your fantasy was never paid,

I cannot be responsible,

as I normally would, for
actions taken in the course of it.

Roarke, I spent thousands.

And people go to jail for
writing real rubber checks.

Yes, yes, that is
true. I suppose,

prison is a possibility
to be considered.

Oh, yes.

HACKETT: And those
girls are counting on me.

I'm not going to
let those girls down.

But I don't want
to go to jail, either.

What am I going to do?

Something occurs to me.

There is a gentleman here,

a Mr. TJ Cunningham...

who was interested in buying
the team a couple of weeks ago.


Perhaps he still is.

I hope he doesn't
know the Belles' record.

As I recall, Mr. Cunningham
insisted upon

only one condition...

a winning team.

So, if the Belles do win,

that could be a way for
you to fulfill your fantasy,

without cost and...

it will mean
staying out of jail.

You're right, Roarke.

All right, he wants a
winning team, huh?

All right, you just make
sure that TJ Cunningham

is at that game tonight,

because I am going
to turn the Belles

into the most exciting team
that that man has ever seen.

That's Tina, she's, uh...

Yes, Sir, real pretty kids.

- You always been a waitress?
- Mmm-hmm...

was saving to go to
cooking school for a while...

then my daddy got real sick
and had to quit his job, so...

all the extra money
goes to my folks.

Sure wouldn't mind being
in that winner's circle tonight.

[EXHALES] I wouldn't either.

Hey, look there!

Something's burning!

WOMAN: Oh, that's
terrible, I can't believe it.

- Is anybody in there?
- WOMAN : I don't know.

Oh, no, Murphy!

- Oh, no, stay here, son.
- You don't understand!

Murphy's still inside.

- Somebody's in there? Holy moly!
- No, Suzie, come back here!


WOMAN: Is she getting
out? Somebody go in there...


Mike, where are your parents?

They went sightseeing,

but Murphy's in
there, Mr. Roarke.

-So is Suzie. -Suzie?


All I could find was
this cute little old thing.


Murphy's the dog?

Miss Quinn, that was a
very foolish thing to do.

I know.


my brain doesn't work
as fast as the rest of me.

But I'll bet as far as our
benefactor's concerned,

you just did something
that was noble and unselfish.

You think so, Mr. Roarke?

I would say so, yes.


I guess that...

makes us all even.

wouldn't say that.

What do you mean?

Well, getting b*at up by
a bully is one thing, but...

it doesn't compare to
catching a criminal or...

Risking your life.

I mean, if I were
the benefactor,

I'd have to choose between...

the two of you.

Wouldn't you, Mr. Roarke?

Look, girls, we've only been
together just a short time,

and, uh, so we really
haven't had a chance

to talk to each other.

But I do have one
philosophy in life,

and that is, uh...

nobody ever remembered
anyone who came in...

- second.
- We do, we almost always do.

I mean, lately losing seems
to be what we do best.

You're going to have to
stop using the word loser.

That is something in the past.

You have to think
about the future.

Remember the word of
the immortal Satchel Paige...

-"Don't look back... -[MOUTHING]

something might
be gaining on you."

What does that have
to do with anything?

I am so glad that you asked
that question, young lady...

because I'm going to tell
you what's gaining on you.

What's gaining on
you is defeatism.

How can you win if you
come out here thinking

that you are going to
fall flat on your faces?


Well, let me tell
you, I am going to do

everything that I can...

to make the Belles winners.

And I am sure that I am
going to get your full support.

WOMAN: Let's get to
work here. Let's try it again.

It's not that we don't
want to believe in you...

it's just that we've been
b*rned too many times.

Sandy, I think I should at
least be given a chance.

You're something else.

Maybe you are different.

Maybe you can make
winners out of us.

I can.

I mean, we were
a really good team.

A really good team.

Until our morale
started falling apart.

And that's what
we're going to work on.

All right?


-Okay. -Okay. [CHUCKLES]

How'd I do, Tattoo?

Pretty good, but what
happens if they find out

that you may think
of selling the team?

I wouldn't blame them
if they wanted to k*ll me.

What else can I do?

I don't want to spend the
next ten years in a cr*cker box.


WOMAN: Hey, hey, that's it!

- BRADFORD: Hi, Tattoo.
- TATTOO: Hi, Mr. Bradford.

-Mind if I sit down? -Please do.

Oh, hot fudge sundae, huh?

You better dig in, I
know how fast they melt.

Oh, hey, don't mind me.

This contest got me
so wired, I can't eat.

The real k*ller is not
knowing who the benefactor is.

I don't suppose you
know, do you, Tattoo?

QUINN: Well, well, well.

Lookie who's here.

I thought you was going back
to your bungalow for a nap?

No, I just came by to
say hi to Tattoo, that's all.

Trying to wrangle the name
of the benefactor out of him

- is what you was doing.
- Well, what if I was?

You wouldn't even be here
if you weren't trying to do

exactly the same thing!

I'm here because I figured you
was doing something sneaky,

and I was right!

BRADFORD: You don't call
following me around sneaky?

QUINN: Not as sneaky as
getting the name of the benefactor

so as you can go
buttering him up.

Maybe I just wanted to ask him

what pile of corn pone
he pulled your name from!

QUINN: If I didn't think we
was being watched right now,

I'd knock you clean
on your rear end!

People, people, can you
settle this somewhere else?

I better not catch you
pulling anything like this again.

Yeah, well, just don't
go playing bloodhound,

and you won't.


SANDY: Leave it up
to Norman to come up

with this crazy idea of us
wearing showgirl gowns.

Boy, he's something special.


It's me, girls.

Ah, you look great.

WOMAN: Thanks.

All right, girls, listen up.

I, uh, I don't have to tell
you what this night means.

It is...

us against them.

WOMEN: Yeah... Yeah.

HACKETT: It's good against evil.

It's right and
might, which is us,

against wrong and
strong, which is them.

And it's win, it's
win, it's win, it's win!

WOMEN: It's win!

Like the famous coach once said,

"We are going to rock
this arena until it shakes!"

- Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

All right, so when
we go out there

and we start
skating in that rink,

WOMAN: Yeah.

I want you girls to
hold your heads up high

and let that big
crowd out there know...

- what we are made of.
- WOMAN: We know it!

Go! Go! Get them all!

Get them all and come
back with a victory!

You know, Norman,

in a lot of ways you're the
strongest man I've ever met.

Well, actually, I, uh...

- did pump a little iron once.

I don't mean strong that way.

I mean you're the
first manager who...

Who hasn't given up on us.

Who hasn't thought of
us as a bunch of losers.

So tonight, Norman,
we're going out there

and we're going to win
for you. For sticking by us.

And because we love you.

Especially me.

Well, I got a lot of help.

I mean, I couldn't have
done it without the help of...

You say you love me?

I think so.

I know so.

Sandy, there's something
I've got to tell you, uh...

-I've got a problem. -A problem?

I'm sure it's nothing
you can't handle.

What's wrong?

Sandy, I've got to...

All right... this is the
wrong time to tell you this,

because there is an important
game to be played out there.

And me, as your coach
and your manager,

I am ordering you to go
out there and win that game.

Oh, Norman, I love it best
when you talk to me that way!


now, ladies and gentlemen,

the all-new, the brand-new
Brownsville Belles.





-Come on, all in! -[APPLAUSE]



HACKETT: Okay, people.
Did you learn anything?

Start memorizing your
speech, Mr. Roarke.

Is something wrong?

Suzie just arranged
for her main competitor

to receive a
telegram this evening.

Care to read it?


you dangle money in front
of somebody, anybody,

and whatever mask of
decency they've been wearing,

it sloughs off like snake skin.

For a man who believes
he just won a bet,

you don't sound very
pleased, Mr. Gimball.

Maybe I'm not.

Maybe I was hoping
deep down inside

that human beings are really

the noble creatures
you said they were.

But they're not...

are they, Mr. Roarke?

Ladies and gentlemen...

We are watching a
terrific game tonight.


HACKETT: Okay, come
on, Valerie, get 'em, baby!


Get rid of it, get
rid of it! [YELLS]

Come on, Sandy, go, go, go, go!




You get 'em! k*ll
them, k*ll them!



All right, we're
down by eight points,

but we're going to come out
smoking in the second half.

That's telling them, Norman.

The Belles are going
to pull this one out.

You just wait and see.

Aren't you the guy who
tried to buy the team

a couple of months ago?

I'll bet you're surprised
to see me back.

Disgusted is more like it.

It might interest you to
know that after tonight's game,

I'm going to be your new owner.

That is, if you win.

It might interest you to know

that we already
have a new owner.

His name is Norman Hackett.

with Mr. Hackett this afternoon.

We came to an understanding
about a selling price.

Know why I changed my
mind about buying the team?

Because there's something
different about you.

Now, you have class.

Yeah, class, Mister.





Listen, I don't know
about you, but...

no matter how things turn out,

I'll just be glad when
this whole thing's over.

I'm not real proud of
the way I acted today.

I know the feeling.

Good evening,

this telegram just arrived
for you, Mr. Bradford.

Well, what does it say?

I'm not laid off
anymore. My wife says

they want me back
at work tomorrow.

Oh, I have to leave right away.

If you hurry, you can still
catch the nine o'clock flight.

What about the contest?

If I leave right now,
am I still in the running?

Technically, I'm afraid
the contest isn't over

until the winner is announced.

Well, if I don't show
up to claim my job,

they'll give it to
somebody else.

Oh... the hell with it.

Listen, one of you guys
can win the million dollars.

There's no way I'm
going to gamble away

a sure thing like this.

Goodbye, Mr. Roarke,

and tell the benefactor,
thanks anyway.

It's you and me,

-Will you excuse me? -Yes.


Well, it looks like
Suzie wins the contest,

but I win the bet,
right, Mr. Roarke?

Right, Sir.

Why don't you make the
announcement of the winner,

and... I'll go get
a cashier's check

and I'll meet you back
at your office, outside?

And then after, I'll present...

Suzie with the prize money...

and then you can make
your little speech about

human nature. [LAUGHING]

Mr. Roarke.


Ladies and gentlemen,
may I have your attention?

Here is the announcement
we've all been waiting for.

It has been decided
that the person

who has performed the
most noble, unselfish act,

the winner of one
million dollars...

No! No, Mr. Roarke, please!

Please, Mr. Roarke!

Mr. Roarke, I can't
go through with it.

I'm sorry, I don't understand.

Just stop Roy from
getting on that plane.

- But his job.
- There ain't no job.

- Please, you got to stop him.
- Very well, Ms. Quinn...

if you're sure that's
what you want.

I sure hope it is, Mr. Roarke.

SANDY: Maybe he's got a
good reason for selling us.

I think we should give
Norman a chance to explain.

I think you fell for the
guy, that's what I think.


HACKETT: It's me,
oh, you girls were great,

you were terrific, the
first half was terrific!


What? Something wrong?

There's a guy out there who says

he's going to buy
the team if we win.

Is that right?

Now, now, now, now, now, no...

Well... yes, yes, uh...

Well, you can forget it,

because we're not going
out for the second half.

- WOMEN: That's right, that's right.

All right, all
right, you got me.

That's a... That's a good
joke. It's very, very funny.

No joke, Norman.

What's the matter, can't you
girls wait until after the game,

and then you can
listen to my reason?

The game is over now.

You lied to me.

You lied to all of us!

Wait, wait, wait a
minute, wait a minute.

Please, just give me one minute.

Yes, yes, I admit
I lied. I had to.

You see, the...

This all started off as a...

As a fantasy to me...

and then I ran into, uh,

some financial

but I just want
to tell you kids,

that you kids are good.

I mean, you kids
are real, real good.

This afternoon at practice,

tonight in the first
half of that game,

you girls skated like pros,
you skated like winners.

I mean, you looked
good, you felt good,

and above all, you
knew that you were good.

There's a big crowd out
there who loves you kids,

believes in you, and
they want to see you.

So if you're gonna
quit, you quit on me,

but don't you dare
quit on yourselves.

ROARKE: Miss Quinn, may
I introduce the gentleman

who sponsored this
contest, Mr. Eldin Gimball.

Mr. Gimball...

there's something
I got to confess.



-Eldin, what are... -[CHUCKLES]

I know, it's a little
confusing, but nonetheless...

here is your check...

for one million dollars.

Mr. Roarke, I was
told to come back.

- What's going on?
- Roy, meet the benefactor.

If you've got to give that money
to somebody, give it to Roy.

You got no job back home.

I sent that telegram to
get you out of the contest.

So, why are you
refusing this check?

Because I'm ashamed
of myself, that's why.

You put her up
to it, didn't you?

It's a trick to make
me think I lost our bet.

Bet? What bet?

That people are all alike.

That when it comes to money,

they'll stop at
nothing to get it.

So you mean Suzie and
I were just guinea pigs

and this whole thing is
nothing but an experiment?

Here's a clue to what you can
do with your experiment, pal,

- and your million bucks.

You know what your trouble
is, you slimy, little toad?

You don't think
all people are alike,

you just think
they're all like you.

Ow! Oh, oh...


ROARKE: Are you
all right, Mr. Gimball?

Never better,
Mr. Roarke. [CHUCKLES]

Come on, the both of you,
come out with me, please.

Mr. Roarke. [LAUGHING]

Ladies and gentlemen...

Mr. Roarke was supposed to
be making this speech, not I.

He was supposed to
stand here and confirm

that human beings
are, by nature...


and deceitful.

Well, these two people
here have proved me wrong.

And in return for making me see

that there is hope...

for the human race after all...

I'm giving each one
of these people...

- a million dollars...

and my deepest thanks.



- God bless.
- Thank you, thank you.

You're welcome.


Hearing you say "I'm sorry"
is what I was waiting for.

I was, uh...

hoping to say that
on the dance floor.


ROARKE: Isn't it time for the
second half to begin, Mr. Hackett?

There's not going to
be any second half.

Oh? Why not?

We want the Belles!

I gave it my best sh*t,
Mr. Roarke, I tried...


but those girls
are not coming out

of that dressing room.

It's all my fault, it's...

I just didn't have
the faith in them.

I was the one that... sold out.





Ladies and gentlemen,

the Belles are
really skating tonight!

Look at them go!




Dig, dig, dig, dig!


The Belles score again!

They're only three
points behind.

Go! Go! Go!

The Belles just scored again!

Now they're only
two points behind!


All right, get rid
of it, get rid of it!

That a girl!

TATTOO: The Belles
just scored again!

Boss, only one point behind.

Look at her! She's going
for the winning point!

-Go! Go! -Yeah, come on!

clock is running out.

- Only seconds remain in the game!
- Come on!

The Belles get closer...


Come on, girls!

Five seconds!

TATTOO: Four seconds!

-Three! -Yes, baby!

TATTOO: Sandy's
breaking through!



All right, all right!


Bravo, bravo!

HACKETT: Back to the
start, going to practice,

worked tonight. That's
why we won, okay, kids?

Go take a bubble bath.
Congratulations again, kids.

Mr. Hackett, congratulations.

Thank you, thank
you, Mr. Roarke.

- The Belles were great.
- Well, it looks like I'm going to buy

a winner after all, Mr. Roarke,
but that's the name of the game.

I have a feeling that the team

won't be for sale after
tonight, Mr. Cunningham.

It seems that the
accountant who absconded

with Mr. Hackett's
money has been located.

You mean they found
Charlie and Laverne?

ROARKE: That's right.

Which means you are no
longer insolvent, Mr. Hackett.

You can pay all your bills.


And I believe that's the name
of the game, Mr. Cunningham.


Oh, thank you.

Well, in spite of everything,
did you both enjoy yourselves?

- I can't complain. [LAUGHS]
- QUINN: Me neither.

Mr. Roarke, I want to
thank you for everything.

- Yes, Mr. Bradford, my pleasure.
- Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

- You're welcome, Miss Quinn.
- Goodbye, Tattoo.

You coming, Eldin?

-In a moment. -Okay.

-Thank you. -Yes, Mr. Gimball.

You're leaving, too?

I thought I'd see what Arkansas
was like this time of the year.

She's really
something, isn't she?

You might say she
is one in a million.

Well, Mr. Hackett,

are you satisfied with the
outcome of your fantasy?


This has far exceeded
my wildest dreams.

- Then, I'm delighted.
- HACKETT: Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

-Tattoo. -Good luck.

Thanks for everything.

