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06x05 - Everybody Goes to Gilley's" / "Face of Fire

Posted: 05/04/23 06:40
by bunniefuu


The plane! The plane!

- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.

Smiles, everyone! Smiles!



that lady looks happy.

Like she has no
worries in the world.

but she does, Tattoo.

Ms. Jean Harrigan is a
nurse from Henning, Nevada.

She was recently divorced.

And her husband left
her without any support.

So she alone has
the responsibility

of caring for her mother
and two small children.

Huh! So she come here
to find a rich husband.

Oh, no, no, Tattoo. Ms.
Harrigan is not the type of woman

who would marry a
man just for money. No.

No. Her fantasy is to
have one million dollars

to spend any way she wishes.

And I promised to deliver it.

So when this weekend is over,

Ms. Harrigan will
either be very rich...

or very dead.

TATTOO: Boss, who's that cowboy?

Tattoo, is Mr. Mickey Gilley,

a very good country
western singer

who has been entertaining
in the h*nky-tonks

of the southern United
States for years.

Boss, I'm a big fan
of country music.

I never heard of him.

That is precisely his
problem, my friend.

Oh, don't tell me,

his fantasy's to play the
guitar like Roy Rogers?

Oh, no, no, no.

No. His fantasy is to be,
if only for one weekend,

that big star headliner he's
always dreamed of being.

Um, maybe what he
needs is a good manager.


Something exactly like that.

My dear guests,

I am Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.


JEAN: Oh, Mr. Roarke,
I can't tell you

what this is going
to mean to me.

I've always tried to be
positive about life, but...

when my husband left me,
my mom, my kids, with nothing...

Well, it's been harder
and harder to keep smiling.

Yes. Yes.

Um, do you recognize
the man in this picture?

He looks familiar.

No, I can't place him.

His name is Mr. Phillip Camden.

The billionaire?

Yes. He's going to be
Ms. Harrigan's benefactor.

You mean, he's going
to give me the money?



Well, Mr. Camden has always
been a great philanthropist.

But in your case,

there's a more personal reason.

You'll find out
when you meet him.

But, boss, no one has
seen him for two years.

That is correct, Tattoo. Since
Mr. Camden moved here,

on the other side of the island,

he's become a total recluse.
He refuses to see anyone.

Except his lawyer
and personal secretary.


Well, if he wants to meet
me, I'm willing to meet him.

Ms. Harrigan, I must warn you,

nothing in life
comes to us free.

I have a feeling that
Mr. Phillip Camden

may be hiding
something from the world.

I'm not interested in
his secrets, Mr. Roarke,

only in his million dollars.

Yes. Tattoo?

You will find one of our
drivers waiting outside

- to take you there.
- [MOUTHS] Thank you.

Thank you. [CHUCKLES]



♪ Someday Her
riding will be over ♪

♪ They'll hang Her
old saddle on the wall ♪

♪ And the sign below
Will tell her story ♪

♪ Of the biggest Texas
Heartache of them all ♪

♪ She's Texas
heartache Number one ♪

♪ Lord And climbing ♪

♪ Breaking hearts
With eyes of blue ♪

♪ She's Texas
heartache Number one ♪

♪ Lord And climbing ♪

♪ Hey, cowboy She's
a-walking all over you ♪

♪ I said, "Now, hey, cowboy ♪

♪ She's a-walking All over you ♪


Mickey, that was nice.

Oh, thank you,
Tattoo. Thank you.

- [EXHALES] They love it.
- Thank you.

TATTOO: Argh! I'm not in shape.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

- Thank you very much.

You'll be happy to know
that Mickey will be happy

under my exclusive management

at the same club, very soon.

- So I hope you'll be all...
- Ahem!

Boss, I can explain.

Yes. And when we are
alone together in my office,

I assure you, I
intend to give you

every opportunity to do so.

Exclusive management.

Is there anything
wrong, Mr. Roarke?

Oh, no, nothing
at all, Mr. Gilley.

Perhaps you should tend
to your many other duties,

Tattoo, huh?

-Yes, boss. -Yes.

Tattoo, what about my fantasy?

Your fantasy will begin

at the proper
moment, Mr. Gilley.

But there are certain,
uh, arrangements

that must be carried out first.

None of which involved
my, shall we say,

overly enthusiastic assistant.


A little country hustle
on his own, right?

right, Mr. Gilley.

But there is another person

who is vital to your
fantasy coming true.

Not a romance, Mr. Roarke.

That's not what I'm looking for.

Hardly that, Mr. Gilley.

No. The person I'm
referring to is a Mr. Sherwood

who runs his own
country western club

on the north
shore of the island.

Smelling that sweet h*nky-tonk
wine of success all these years

and never tasting any,

you don't know what
this means to me.

Oh, yes, I do. I do, Mr. Gilley.

And now,

to make your dream of
being a big star come true,

you must follow that pathway.

It will lead you to
Mr. Sherwood's club.

Now, you'll find him a
most accommodating man.

Now, he's expecting
you, by the way.

But I must remind you,

your fantasy can
be completed only...

Only... in his club.

Big star in a big club.

That's what I'm
looking for. Thanks a lot.

Sherwood, here I come.


You look lovelier than ever.

That's all, Nigel.

We've met before, Mr. Camden?

Oh, you don't remember?
Well, why should you?

Please call me
Phillip, will you?

Come on, let's go
talk in the study.


-Please, sit down. -Thank you.

Six years ago,

I was at Lake Mead
for a little fishing

and I had crucial
business negotiations

going on in Las Vegas.

Well, suddenly, I received word

that they were
ready to make a deal.

But on the way back,
my car broke down

and a thunderstorm hit.

And I wound up hitchhiking
in the pouring rain.

And then,

a very nice young lady came by.

That was you?


I can't believe it. I thought
you were flat broke.

I was. I'd left my
wallet in my car.

But then when I told you
I had to get to Las Vegas,

you drove me to
the nearest town,

you bought me
lunch and a bus ticket,

no questions asked.

And now, I'm going
to repay that kindness.

By giving me a million dollars?


This can't be the place.


Pardon me, sir, I'm
looking for the owner.

- Guy name Sherwood.
- Who's asking, sir?

- Me, Mickey Gilley.
- I'm Sherwood.

And you are as welcome
as a spring thaw in Texas,

Mr. Gilley.

You own this joint?

Oh, yes, sir.
Every nickel of it.

It may not look like
much, but, Mr. Gilley,

- now that you're here, look out.
- I thought you had a big club.

Not this dump.

Wait a minute.

You're calling my club a
dump? What's wrong with it?

Well, nothing a
bulldozer wouldn't fix.

Look, you're here
to sing, not criticize.

If there's something
really wrong here, I'll fix it.

Dammit! There's not that
much time in the world.

And I've only got one weekend.

It needs paint,

a new roof, air conditioning,

things for folks to do

so they'll stay around
to hear me sing.

Even if they come in this place,

they'll take one
look at it and run.

Mr. Roarke said we
got to work together.

And I'm going to do it or
bust. I suppose you just get

your music act
together, Mr. Gilley,

and I'll take care
of fixing my place

to suit your fancy taste.

Hey, don't worry
about old Sherwood,

he gets a little excited
every now and again.

Just we've all been anxious
waiting for you to show up.

- Why? Who are you?
- Well, my name is Johnny Lee.

I do a little singing
around here.

The reason we've
all been waiting is

you're supposed to get this
place, maybe us, up on its feet.

I've got this good
idea for a big finale.

When you get through
singing your last song,

right after that, the band'll
go right into a bluegrass thing.

And I'll jump up on
the stage with you

and we'll do some
clogging and close it out.

My star billing turns
out to be in a cow shed,

and all you want to
do is get in on the act?

Hey, man, go away.

Leave me alone.

PIANO] -ANNIE: Mr. Gilley? Mr. Gilley?

Excuse me. Mr. Gilley! [SCOFFS]

The only other deaf musician I
ever heard of was Beethoven.

I've been yelling at
you for five minutes.

Well, what for?

I've been waiting two
days for you to get here.

I've got a song that's
going to make you a big star.

Oh, no!

Don't tell me,
you wrote it, right?

I tell you sure as my
name is Annie Claudy.

And I'll bet a steer
to a hamburger

you know a little fella
named Tattoo, right again?

- Well, sure I do, but what...
- Annie,

I came here to be something
I've never been before.

I sure never came
here to be the answer

to everybody's prayer.

I'm sorry.

Go peddle your song
to somebody else.

And tell Tattoo I said layoff.

ANNIE: This song is good.

I don't have to peddle it

to you or anybody
else, Mickey Gilley.

Who needs you, anyway?


Seeing you again is
like a breath of fresh air.


You know, it'd mean
a great deal to me

if you stayed the weekend.

Not that you have to.

-I'd love to. -Oh, wonderful.

Nigel will show
you to your room,

get you some clothing
and whatever else

you'll need for your stay.

And I'll, uh, I'll see you
again at lunch, all right?

-All right. -[BOTH CHUCKLE]


She's a nurse from
Henning, Nevada.

- Then Phillip suspects?
- I don't think so.

He's playing Santa Claus
again to the tune of a cool million.

Not with our money, he isn't.

It isn't ours yet.

He'll be dead in
a matter of days.

I've waited two long
years to get that money

and make him
pay for what he did.

Then, what do you suggest
we do about his house guest,

poison her, too?

Always a...

last resort, darling.


MR. ROARKE: I said I'd
help you with your fantasy,

Mr. Sherwood, and I did.

I sent Mr. Mickey Gilley
to entertain in your club.

I guess what I want is...

Well, my own special
kind of Fantasy Island.

You know, everybody
wants to play cowboy

some time in their life.
But damn few ever get it.

I wanna give them that
chance, do you understand?

Oh, yes, I do. But in
my long experience,

you're the first to ever
ask for a h*nky-tonk

to help people do it.

Most folks don't understand
that h*nky-tonks are places

where people can forget
their troubles for a while,

play at being something fun.

What I want to do is,

is be able to sell them
instant happiness.

I mean, that's what
they come in to buy.

What I'm looking for is...

Well, the secret of how to
make a place like that a success.

Mr. Mickey Gilley...

is part of that
secret, Mr. Sherwood.

If you say so, sir.

But your Mickey
Gilley came to my club

with his nose in the air
demanding this and that.

I plain can't get all those
changes done by tomorrow night.

I mean, things he wants
would take me months to fix up.

Mr. Roarke, I need help.

I see clearly your
problem, Mr. Sherwood.

Fortunately, this
is Fantasy Island.

But I must emphasize,
you and Mr. Gilley

need each other to make
both your fantasies work.

Meet me at your club in an hour,

and, uh, I'll see what I
can do for you. All right?

All right.

-Very well, sir. -Thank you.


- Hello -MARTIN: Hello.
- LYDIA: Hello.

For you and your beautiful
house guest, Phillip.

Thank you. Oh, Jean,

this is Martin
Brody, my attorney.

-Hello. -How do you do?

And Lydia Bryant,
my personal secretary.

-Hello. -Hi.

Phillip, I'm afraid we won't
be able to join you for lunch.

There's an incoming
overseas call

on the Concourse Steel merger.

And I'll be on the other
line, as usual, taking notes.

- We'll see you later.
- All right.

-Nice to meet you. -Thank you.

Please, sit down.

Now, tell me, Jean,

what do you plan to do
with your newfound wealth?

Well, there's this ranch

I've been driving
past for years.

And last month, it
came up for sale.

And it's got a nice big house.

And my mom and the kids
could have separate rooms.

And we could raise vegetables
and maybe some chickens.

It would be like heaven.

A ranch? That's all?

No diamond earrings?
No sable coats?

[CHUCKLES] I'd look pretty silly

mucking out a stable in a
getup like that. [CHUCKLES]

-Argh! -Something wrong?


No, nothing. It's...

It's just another headache.

I, uh...

I think I better go upstairs
and lie down a little bit.


Excuse me.

Let me help.

Oh! Please enjoy yourself.

Go for a swim, perhaps.

And I'll see you
tonight at dinner.

I'll be fine.




Hi, Mickey,

I thought you were going
to be at Sherwood's club?

What are you doing
here? Is anything wrong?

Yeah, everything's wrong.

My fantasy is as big a
joke as Sherwood's place is.

But you're a great
singer and piano player.

Well, if I am, nobody's ever
gonna find out around here.

Hmm. Maybe it's time
we talk business together.

Oh, come on, Tattoo, we've
already been through that.

Mr. Roarke cut off your water

so he could play his
tricks on me himself.

Oh, Mr. Roarke
would never do that.

Well, then you better
keep your eyes on your help

because somebody is
sure diddling me good.

Excuse me.

My, my. It's the man

with important things
to do in his life, isn't it?

Maybe it's just a guy that
does things the wrong way.

Well, this can't
be this big star

of Sherwood's
club talking, can it?

His club is a joke.
And you know it.

Well, you can change that

if you're as good as
Mr. Roarke says you are.

Or maybe you just
don't care about people.

- And you do, of course?
- Yes, I do.

And so does Sherwood.
We care about people

who are alone in this
world, and lonesome.

Or people who have
known a lot of hurt

and are looking for someone
to share that hurt with.

That's what Sherwood
wants his club to be all about.

Well, it doesn't matter
what I care about

because I'm taking
the next plane home.

I just came over to apologize

and to say goodbye.

By the way, you
talk nice lyrics.

Get somebody to put what
you said to music. Okay?

I did. My husband.

What did you say wrong to Annie?

How do I know?
Nothing's going my way

since I stepped on this island.

The boss is going to
be very disappointed.

He was hoping
that you'd like her.

I even struck out there, too.
She's got a husband, you know.

He's dead.

He got k*lled in a car accident
a couple of months ago.

It's very sad. Very sad.

JEAN: Oh, Mr. Roarke.
Am I glad to see you.

Well, I knew you would not call

unless your reason
was imperative.

It is. And thank you
for coming so quickly.

MARTIN: No one comes here
unless invited by Mr. Camden.

Well, I'm sure he'll
make an exception

for Mr. Roarke and Tattoo.

There's someone or something
locked in a room upstairs.

Something horrible.

Something horrible?

That's absurd. I
think it would be best

for all concerned if you
and your friends simply left.

How horrible?

I just want to know
what's in that room.

Surely Ms. Harrigan's
request isn't that unreasonable.

After all, instead
of calling me,

she could've called the police.

All right.

Wait here. I'll get the key.

How horrible?

LYDIA: As you can see,

the room is and
always has been empty.

It's certainly empty now.

Are you sure this is
the room, Ms. Harrigan?

Yes, I am.

Why do they keep the door
chained on an empty room?

Because Mr. Camden
keeps valuables up here.

As for the chain on the door,
it was here when he moved in.

We found no
reason to replace it.

God only knows what
you'll be hallucinating next.

Now, I really do think
you should leave.


Ms. Harrigan,

there may be certain
and very powerful reasons

why it's best for
you to leave. Now.

No. Not until I find
out what's going on.

Is even a million dollars
worth any risk, Ms. Harrigan?

It's not just the
money, Mr. Roarke.

It's this feeling that
something is terribly wrong.

- Something that needs fixing?
- Yes.

I understand. But be careful.

Be very, very
careful, Ms. Harrigan.

Boss, wait for me.



SHERWOOD: sh**t, Mr. Roarke,
the place has to be bigger.

Plain and simple.

I mean, so there's something
for everybody, not just cowboys.

We need shoe clerks,

lawyers, businessmen,

-Everybody. -All right.

All right, Mr. Sherwood.


close your eyes
and visualize the club

as you would have it.

- [SCOFFS] Mr. Roarke?
- Mr. Sherwood,

please, close your eyes.


That's right. That's right.

I believe you now have
what you need, Mr. Sherwood.

Open your eyes, please.



Now, this is more like it.

While you're on a roll,
give me a couple of those

mechanical bucking
bulls I've seen once...

I think we may
have something here.

Indeed we do, Mr. Sherwood.

We have Gilley's.

Well, now, all I need
is my star performer.

Boss? Boss? Boss?

Yes? Yes? Yes?
What is it, Tattoo?

It's Mickey Gilley.

He told me to tell you that
to heck with his fantasy,

he wants to take the next
plane and go back to Texas.

Well, he can't do that.

My fantasy won't work
without him, you said so.



I really am sorry
about the trouble

I caused this afternoon,

but there was
something in that room.

I know there was.

LYDIA: We thought it'd be
nice to toast Jean's good fortune

- and your generosity, Phillip.
- Ah, what a good idea.

-Cheers. -LYDIA: Cheers.

He barely touched it.

Don't worry, darling,

I doubled the dose this time.

Tomorrow morning,

you'll fly away
to your new life,

and I'll never see
you again. I'll miss you.

Why does it have to be that way?

You can go anywhere. You
can be with anyone you want.

Oh, I wish that was true.

Why isn't it true? Why
do you have to stay here?

PHILLIP: I can't
say, Jean, I'm sorry.

Phillip, tell me.
I want to help.

Please let me be your friend.

I'd like you to be so
much more than that.


-What's wrong? -These headaches!

JEAN: You all right now?

I've been very ill.

Very ill, Jean.

That's why I wanted
to see you again,

to touch...

the most decent thing in
my life that I've ever known.


-I'll take him to his room. -No.

- He needs to be in a hospital.
- Mr. Camden

- doesn't like hospitals.
- But I'm a nurse.

We've been taking care
of Phillip for a long time.

We know what he needs.


This kind of sudden attack,

it's not logical. Something
must be causing it.


They're poisoning him.


- Mr. Roarke, I'm leaving

first thing in the morning
because nothing's worked out.

But giving you the
benefit of the doubt,

you may've thought
Sherwood's club

was what I had in
mind, well, it's not.

But, Mr. Gilley,

there have been changes
made since you saw it.

What kind of changes
could Sherwood

possibly have made
in one afternoon?

It would take the Lord
himself a whole year.

[LAUGHS] I'm afraid
you vastly underestimate

Mr. Sherwood's
potential, Mr. Gilley.

I saw his potential
sitting near empty

out there in that jungle
and not even termites

will go inside.

Very well,

if you don't even wish
to go look at the changes

in the club,

then I'm prepared to
cancel your fantasy.

And give you your
money back, of course.

Mr. Roarke, I want
this fantasy so bad,

I can taste it. And
you know that.

Well, that being so, Mr. Gilley,

do you wish to take
one more look or not?

Tonight? Right now?

Well, I guess maybe one
more look wouldn't hurt.

I promise you it
won't hurt a bit.


See what I can do
for you Mr. Gilley?

How the hell did you do it?

It wasn't easy.

This might interest you.

Got them all over the
island for tomorrow.

Of course, if you leave,

some folks are going
to be disappointed.

Well, listen, as
long as you're here,

you might as well look around.

Sherwood, I'd
love to look around,

but I can tell you in
four words how I feel.



- Damn, that's smarts.
- Real nice, cowboy.


Hell, a guy could live in
here if he didn't have to sleep.

I think maybe that's the
secret I've been looking for.

I think maybe that's it.

Well, I'll admit it,

you've built the
dangest h*nky-tonk

that ever escaped men in Texas.

I've been thinking
a lot about Texas.

Maybe we'll talk
about that later.

I think I've done
my part, Mr. Gilley.

Now, the saddle's on your back.

Find some musicians

and put a show
together for tomorrow?

And you think I can't?

You just start selling tickets.

-Hi. -[MOANS]

I've been trying to
get to you all night,

but they had you locked in.

Listen to me.

Lydia and Martin have
been poisoning you.

Oh, no. [CHUCKLES]

That's impossible.
Lydia wouldn't do that.

Not after what I've
done for her sister.

Oh? Is that who you've
been keeping locked up

in the other bedroom?

Please, Phillip, I
just want to help.

Her name is Madeline.

She's my wife.

Your wife?

hopelessly insane.

I keep her here

so Lydia can take
care of her, be with her.

Well, if she's ill, she
should be in the hospital.

We've tried everything.

The best psychiatrists,
the best neurosurgeons,

they all say the same
thing. Madeline is incurable.

Lydia blames me
for the accident.

What accident?


was always high-strung
and easily disturbed.

It was a condition that
grew worse and worse

until two years ago,
she flew into a rage

over nothing.

I tried to control her, but
she ran away from me,

and she fell down
the main stairs.


the injury that she suffered

locked her into a
nightmare of continual fury.

Lydia says I could
have stopped her.

No. It wasn't your
fault. It was an accident.

You see, Madeline always
loved it here on the island.

And I've been hoping against
hope that by keeping her here,

making sure she
was well cared for,

that eventually
she'd be all right.

[WHISPERING] Oh, sh**t.
You did everything you could.

Listen, they're
watching your door.

As soon as it's dark,
we've got to get out of here.


just in case...

I want you to know now...

I love you.

- Well, he's dying, all right.

What are we going
to do about the girl?

It's time for Phillip's
little secret to come out.

-Don't you think? -Lydia, no.


let me just drive
her back to the hotel

- and give her the money...
- She can't leave.

She knows, darling.

She can't ever leave.

MICKEY: ♪ Someday
Her riding will be over ♪

♪ They'll hang Her
old saddle on the wall ♪

♪ And the sign below
Will tell her story ♪

♪ Of the biggest Texas
Heartache of them all ♪

Take five, fellas. I'll
be right back with you.

Mickey, this lovely
lady has got a song,

and she says it's real good.
And I want you to hear it.

Are you telling
me to look at it?

Oh, just suggesting, first.

Well, as long as you're
suggesting. Okay.

Annie, I sort of was
hoping you'd come back.

Even if I were plugging my song?

I admire persistence right up
next to a good-looking woman.

Annie, come on up.

Come on.


Now, I want your honest opinion.


It's real nice.

Of course, all
that really matters

is what those folks
out there think.

Like me, they want
to hear something

to make them forget all
about having to go home alone,

or that love affair gone wrong.

Do you think my song
can do that, Mr. Gilley?

Annie, I'll give
it my best shot.

Just you be here
tonight, promise?


LYDIA: I'm sorry, Maddie,

I'll never do this
again to you, I swear it.

WHIMPERING] -But that girl

that Phillip brought
here, she's to blame.

She made me do this.

But now,

now's your chance
to get even, Madeline.

Now's your chance
to make her pay

for coming here,

for making me lock you away,

for making Phillip forget
how he destroyed your life.

This is your chance
for revenge, Madeline.


LYDIA: You k*ll
her! You k*ll her!

k*ll her!


are you taking him?

JEAN: I'm taking
him to a hospital.

MARTIN: You're not
taking him anywhere.

JEAN: I know what
you've been doing.

You've been poisoning him.

Come on, Phillip.







- LYDIA: Madeline!
- MARTIN: Lydia, no.

Please, no! No! Please!

We gotta get out of here
before the whole place blows up!

-[LYDIA SCREAMS] -Come on!


MICKEY: ♪ She's Texas
Heartache number one ♪

♪ Lord And climbing ♪

♪ Breaking hearts
With eyes of blue ♪

♪ She's Texas... ♪

Well, Sherwood,

you have a sell out
for Mr. Gilley's big night.

Big night for
everybody, Mr. Roarke.

Well, I'm delighted
you're pleased.

More than pleased.
Thoughtful too.

-Very thoughtful. -Oh?

- Oh, yes, sir.

I don't see any real reason why,

when I get back home
to Houston, Texas,

with a few months of hard
work, why I can't build me

a Gilley's just like this.
Maybe even bigger.

That seems feasible.

Of course, you and Mr. Gilley

would have to continue
working together as a team.

Well, now, that may
take some doing.

But with careful management,

Mickey Gilley's music
and a little something

for everybody, who knows.

Splendid idea,
Mr. Sherwood. Splendid.

I'm so glad you thought of it.

♪ She's Texas
Heartache number one ♪

♪ Lord And climbing ♪

♪ Hey, cowboys She's
a-walking all over you ♪

♪ I said, now, hey, cowboys
She's a-walking all over you ♪


Ladies and gentlemen, this next
song is a mighty special number.

I would like to dedicate
it to the little lady

who helped write it.
Are you here, Annie?

There she is, ladies
and gentlemen,

MS. Annie Claudy.
Let's hear it for her now.


♪ You give your hand to me... ♪


♪ And then you say hello ♪

♪ And I can hardly speak ♪

♪ My heart is beating so ♪

♪ But anyone can tell ♪

♪ You think you know me well ♪

♪ But you don't know me ♪


♪ For I never knew ♪

♪ The art of making love ♪

♪ Although my heart
Ached with love for you ♪

♪ Afraid and shy I
let my chance go by ♪

♪ A chance that you
Might love me too ♪

♪ You give your heart to me ♪

♪ And then you say goodbye ♪

♪ I watch you walk away ♪

♪ Beside that lucky guy ♪

♪ You'll never, never know ♪

♪ The one that loved you so ♪

♪ No, you don't know me ♪

♪ You'll never, never know ♪

♪ The one that loved you so ♪

♪ No, you don't know me ♪




Hey, Johnny Lee, come
on up here and let's get it on.


♪ Diggy Diggy La
And Diggy Diggy Lo ♪

♪ A one, two, three
And here we go ♪



♪ Diggy Diggy La
And Diggy Diggy Lo ♪

♪ Fell in love At
the Fais Do Do ♪

♪ The pop was cold
And the coffee chaud ♪

♪ For Diggy Diggy La
And Diggy Diggy Lo ♪

♪ Diggy Diggy La
And Diggy Diggy Lo ♪

♪ Everyone knew
He was her beau ♪

♪ No one else Could ever show ♪

♪ So much love
For Diggy Diggy Lo ♪

Ho! Ho!


♪ That's the place
They make romance ♪

♪ Where they do
The Cajun dance ♪

♪ Steal a kiss With
every chance ♪

♪ Show your love
With every glance ♪

♪ Diggy Diggy La
And Diggy Diggy Lo ♪

♪ Everyone knew
He was her beau ♪

♪ No one else Could ever show ♪

♪ So much love
For Diggy Diggy Lo ♪

♪ Finally went To see her pa ♪

♪ Now he's got A pappa-in-law ♪

♪ Move out Where
the bayou flows ♪

♪ And now he's got A
little Diggy Diggy Lo ♪

♪ Diggy Diggy La
And Diggy Diggy Lo ♪

♪ Everyone knew
He was her beau ♪

♪ No one else Could ever show ♪

♪ So much love
For Diggy Diggy Lo ♪



Thank you.


How come you're still smiling
after all you went through?

Well, you'd be smiling
too if you were a millionaire.

Though it's not going
to be easy to forget

what happened to Madeline.

Oh, she's finally found
peace, Ms. Harrigan.

Try to think of it that way.

What about her
sister and Mr. Brody?

They are both under
indictment for attempted m*rder.

And Mr. Camden
is recovering quickly

at a fine hospital
on the mainland.

I know, I talked to
him this morning.

He's going to fly out to
Nevada when he's well enough

and help me with
the negotiations

on the ranch I'm buying.

You know, Ms. Harrigan,
you came to Fantasy Island

to receive a gift.

But you've given the
richest man in the world

something no amount
of money could ever buy.

- What's that, boss?
- Life, Tattoo, and freedom

from the nightmare that
had become his prison.

Enjoy your new
wealth, Ms. Harrigan,

you've earned it.

Well, Mr. Gilley, Mr. Sherwood,

I understand you're going back
to Houston, Texas together?

That's right, Mr. Roarke,

we've got a few
differences to settle,

but we're going
to work them out.

Everything's gonna be just fine.

The important thing is
Gilley's is moving to Texas.


Did you hear about
that song promoter

who was here last night?

He wants to publish
Annie Claudy's song.

Yes, we're mighty
glad about that, too.

Mr. Roarke, thank you so much.

You're very welcome,
Mr. Sherwood.

-Tattoo. -Bye.

And I want to
especially thank you

for introducing me to
Sherwood. You saw what he did

to that club in just one day.

-I know. -But, boss?

-Shh. -All the others,

recording people,
managers, promoters,

they all blew smoke at me.

But this guy Sherwood,
he works miracles.

Just don't tell him I said so.

All right, Mr. Gilley.

-But, boss? -He's right, Tattoo.

In his own way, Mr. Sherwood
does work miracles.

And I predict that
soon, very soon,

everybody will be
going to Gilley's.


♪ Finally went To see her pa ♪

♪ Now he's got A pappa-in-law ♪

♪ Move out Where
the bayou flows ♪

Now he's got A little
Diggy Diggy Lo ♪

♪ Diggy Diggy La
And Diggy Diggy Lo ♪

♪ Everyone knew
He was her beau ♪

♪ No one else could ever show ♪

♪ So much love
For Diggy Diggy Lo ♪

