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06x04 - The Angel's Triangle" / "Natchez Bound

Posted: 05/04/23 06:39
by bunniefuu


The plane. The plane.


Good morning, boss.

Good morning, Tattoo.

MR. ROARKE: Smiles, everyone.



TATTOO: Who is that lady, boss?

name is Ms. Jenny Ryan.

Ms. Ryan works as
a blackjack dealer

at one of Las Vegas's
most popular hotel casinos.

What's her fantasy?

Ms. Ryan's fantasy
is to go back in time

and spend a glorious
exciting weekend

aboard a Mississippi river boat.


What Ms. Ryan doesn't know

is that it will be her
card playing proficiency

that may well decide

the destiny of one of the
world's greatest authors.

they look very happy.

Are they newlyweds?

MR. ROARKE: No, no,
Tattoo. Mr. and Mrs. Harris,

Catherine and Brent,

have been married
for nearly seven years.

Then they must still love
each other very much.

Which perhaps explains why
they share the same fantasy.

What is their fantasy, boss?

Their fantasy is to spend
here on Fantasy Island

the honeymoon they never had.

TATTOO: That's easy.

Is it?

Who is he, boss?

His name is Michael Eden,

an old personal acquaintance.

Does he have a fantasy too?

No, Tattoo, Mr. Eden is here

for an entirely
different reason.

MR. ROARKE: His presence
means that Mr. and Mrs. Harris

will never enjoy
their honeymoon.

For one of them
is destined to die.

My dear guests,

I am Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.

MR. ROARKE: Ms. Ryan,

I suppose you're ready
to begin your fantasy, huh?

-I sure am, Mr. Roarke. -Good.

I can't wait to see what
it's like on a river boat

back in the glorious
days of the old South.

You know, my great, great,

great grandfather,
Hamilton Ryan...

He was a river boat captain.


- His name was Captain Ham.
- Ah...

Mr. Roarke, he
was a living legend

I see.

- Wanna see a picture of him?
- Well, I... I...


There are he is.

Captain Ham.

And there's his boat,
the Delta Queen.

That's very nice.

Ms. Ryan, before you
leave to go on your fantasy,

there's something I'd
like you to take with you.

Tattoo, if you please.

There's $ in
gold coins in there.

There'll come a time
and place in your fantasy

when you will find
those gold coins

to be most useful, Ms. Ryan.

-May I? -Oh, sure.

And now...

I want you to look
carefully at this picture...

And concentrate...

very hard.


This wonderful, Mr. Roarke.

Am I dreaming, or
is it really happening?

I can assure you, Ms.
Ryan, you are not dreaming.

Oh, no.

Enjoy your fantasy.

The Delta Queen...

Captain Ham's boat.

Am I gonna get to meet
Captain Ham, Mr. Roarke?

Mr. Roarke?

MAN: All board for
Natchez, all aboard.

No, thanks.

Roarke, it's good
to see you again.

It's been a long time.
How have you been?

Well, thank you, Michael.

I hope you'll understand

when I say I am not
happy to see you.

I am not very happy
about being here.

I've never known you

to have reservations
about your work before.

What seems to be the problem?

The problem is Catherine
Harris. You see...

We've met before...


- I'm sorry, boss. I'm late.
- That's all right.

Go on, Michael.
It's quite all right.

Speak freely. I keep
no secrets from Tattoo.

For hundreds of years,

I have stood by and
witnessed human emotions,

but I'd never really
experienced one.

Did you say years?

Mr. Eden...

he's not exactly
one of us, Tattoo.

His specialty is helping
people whose time

has come to make their
transition from this Earth.

He is an angel.


You mean he takes people?

MR. ROARKE: Mm-hmm.

I'm sorry, boss.

I just remembered I've got
a lot of work to do. Goodbye.

Tell me, Michael,

when did you meet Mrs. Harris?

On the day that she and
her husband were leaving

for their first honeymoon.

I see.

I can remember...

the moment...

before their car
went out of control.

The wind was blowing
through her hair.

She was laughing.

Roarke, she was just
filled with joy of life.

She was supposed to
have died in that accident.

And yet she's still
very much alive.

Something happened.

I looked at her, and...

A strange warmth just
flooded my whole being.

You fell in love with
a mortal woman?

I don't know.

But how do you
explain what I felt?

When I reached
out to take her...

and touched her...

I knew I couldn't let her die.

You mean...

you gave her a reprieve?


That's what makes this
especially difficult for me.

I see...

Then Mrs. Harris's
reprieve is over.

No, you don't understand.

I'm not here for Catherine.

I've come to take her husband.

At exactly :
Brent Harris will die.

Wait a minute.

Why did you take
that portrait down?

Where are you going with it?

Did you know Captain Ham?

JENNY: Well, yes.
In a way, he was my...

Oh, never mind.

Do you know why they
took down that portrait?

I'm sorry I have to be the one
to break the news to you, ma'am,

but he was shot
and k*lled yesterday.

Why would anybody do that?

Well, ma'am, he was a member
of the underground movement,

helping runaway slaves.

He was caught hiding
two runaways onboard,

shot down trying
to protect them.

Who shot him down?

His name is Christopher
Lantree. He's a gambler.

He's also an experienced,
industrious, and ambitious liar.

Outside of that
he's still no good.

What did Captain
Ham ever do to him?

Nothing. Lantree did it
for the bounty money.

Real nice fella.

Well, he won't be turning
in any more runaway slaves

if I can help it.

CATHERINE: Oh! Beautiful.

MR. ROARKE: I can't help but
feel a great sadness for them.

They seem so happy together.

Roarke, you must
understand. This isn't my doing.

The last thing in
the world I wanna do

is hurt Catherine.

But it's his time.

Besides, I gave them seven
years they never would have had

when I spared Catherine.


BRENT: Mr. Roarke,
what a pleasant surprise.

can't tell you how much

being here on Fantasy Island
means to us, Mr. Roarke.

We're falling in love with
each other all over again.

I am very pleased to hear that.

May I introduce,
Mr. Michael Eden,

- Mr. and Mrs. Harris.
- How do you do?


Haven't we met?

Probably you've run into
him at the stables, Mrs. Harris.

But I must really be
going. Enjoy your ride.


I'd like to show you
two Hollow Ridge.

The view from up
there is spectacular.

love to see it. Come on.

MARK: I suppose it's
about time I introduce myself.

I'm Sam Clemens.

Oh. Samuel Langhorne Clemens?


JENNY: Mark Twain.

I've read all your books.

MARK: I've only written one.

It wasn't exactly a barn burner.

This is my second. I
just got started on it.

I ran out of the ink or
else I'd be further along.

May I see it?


JENNY: Tom Sawyer.

MARK: Yeah, I must admit
I'm having trouble with it.

There's something missing.

I think I need a friend for Tom,

or maybe a river boy
or something like that.

There are times I...

I just feel like
giving up the notion

of ever becoming a writer.

Oh, no, you can't do that.

Why not?

Well, I just have
this feeling that...

this book is gonna
be just wonderful.

MAN: Runaway. Runaway.

MARK: Take the wheel.

Hold it.

What do you think you're doing?

HUCK: You got to help
Jim, please. You just got to.

JENNY: This is something
I figure I owe Captain Ham.

I repeat, sir,

what do you think you're doing?

MAN: He's a runaway, ma'am.

Why, Jim's been in the
family for nearly years.

Well, if he's your sl*ve,

how come he was hiding
down in the cargo hold?

He wasn't hiding.

She sent him down there

to fetch something
from her trunk.

MAN: How do we know that?

Maybe your one of them
abolitionists... Ma'am.

Are you questioning
this lady's honor?

Maybe I'm questioning yours?


JENNY: [GASPS] You hit him.

You hit him when he
wasn't even looking.

Ms. Jenny.

Now, I suggest
you take your friend,

and you seek
mendacity elsewhere, sir.

JENNY: Sure glad
you're all right, Mark.

Thanks for standing up for me.

My pleasure, Jenny.

what a lovely island.

Brent, you should see this.

BRENT: In a minute, darling.
My horse picked a pebble.

our second honeymoon.

Brent and I never
had a first honeymoon.

We were involved
in a terrible accident.

Did you ever make
it to Pine Lake?

BRENT: I guess we figured
it was bad luck to try it again.

Anyway, Fantasy Island
is much more romantic.

Shall we go, darling?

You look so familiar.

This is where it's gonna happen.

Brent Harris will
be out riding again,

but alone.

I see the horse galloping
straight under that limb.


Later that night he'll
die in a hospital room,

and Catherine will be there too.

And I will have destroyed

the only thing I
have ever loved.

JIM: See no sense to it anymore.

Maybe you ought to just go ahead

and turn me over for
that bounty money.

Oh, Jim, we would
never do a thing like that.

Besides, pretty soon all
slaves are gonna be free men

right after the Civil w*r.

Civil w*r?

Well, what I mean to say is

it will probably take
something like a civil w*r

to set Jim and
all his people free.

Something the federal government

should have done
a long time ago.

Probably shown
by facts and figures

there's no distinctly
American criminal class

except Congress.

How did you get on board?

Huck here snuck
me aboard on his raft.

Your name Huck...

Does that stand for Huckleberry?

Yes, ma'am, Huckleberry Finn.

Good name for one of
your characters, Mark.

Got me a thousand
names but no character.

How long have you been
down in that cargo hold?

Two, maybe three days.

We best get
something for you to eat.

I wanna thank
you too, Ms. Jenny,

for all you've done for Jim.

And I wanna give
you a little present.

His name is Fremont.
Raised from Tampa.

He likes to eat bugs,
'skeeters and such.

Here you go.

Oh, but, Huck...

Huck, I don't
have any 'skeeters!

Mr. Eden,

may I talk to you for a minute?

How did you know
about Pine Lake?

Brent and I never told anyone

where we were going
on our honeymoon.

It was... It was our secret.

I know a great many
things about you, Catherine.

Then we have met before?


Meeting you then...

and seeing you now...



Brent, wait a minute.

Brent, please.

Mr. Roarke...


what are you doing here?

Sorry if we startled you.

Well, you did kind of
take me by surprise.

Mr. Roarke,

when I started my fantasy,

you already knew that
Captain Ham had been shot

for helping runaway
slaves, didn't you?

Yes, I did.

Then I guess my
getting to meet him

was never meant to be.

Right now you've
got a bigger problem.

Tattoo is alluding
to the punishment

exacted upon women
who help runaway slaves.

Their clothes are
stripped from their backs

and they're publicly

Oh, no, I didn't
know about that.

But I would've done it anyway.

Captain Ham gave his life.

Are you also not aware that,

since Mr. Mark
Twain stood up for you

when in front of witnesses

confirmed the falsehood

that you owned
that runaway sl*ve,

that he might very
well be considered...

your accomplice.

They could hang him for that.

Oh, I didn't mean
things to turn out like this.

Then you must be
very careful, Ms. Ryan,

for the future of one of
the world's greatest authors

may rest in your hands.

MICHAEL: Roarke, I
am feeling things that I...

I never understood before.

And this thing, this...

This love...

It's just...

It's so intense. It's
so incredibly sweet.

I must warn you, my friend.

Emotion, is like a sword.

It has two edges.

The other side of pleasure...

is pain.

Are you prepared to
experience that too?

Yes, if I must, of course.

Will Catherine feel pain
when I take her husband?


Then I must be
there for her, Roarke.

She'll need me.

And I've never
felt needed before.

Is that wrong for
me to want that?

Only you can answer
that question, Michael,

when the time comes.

supposed to be our honeymoon,

and I find you in the
arms of another man!

told you. I'm sorry!

I don't even know why I did it.

I just didn't seem to
be able to help myself.

All right. Tell me. Where
do you know him from?

I don't remember, maybe college.

Or maybe when I was away
on one of my business trips.

How can you even
say anything like that?

I don't know. Something
about that guy scares me

and then to find you with him.

Wait a minute.

Where are you going? Let's talk.

We just did.


It's happened.

JENNY: I just can't
help to thinking

about that Christopher Lantree
and what he did to Captain Ham.

If I could only think of
some way to get rid of him,

keep him out of the
way till Jim is gone.

Maybe if I talk to him,
appeal to his humanity.

Mr. Lantree is as
unfamiliar with humanity

as a good
Christian is with hell.


I've got another idea.

But, Huck, I'm
gonna need your help.

If I can do anything,
let me know.

Oh, no, I don't want
you to get involved.

I mean, Huck and
I... We can handle it.

Just say what you want me to do.

Help me to what Robert
Redford and Paul Newman did.

We're gonna sting them.


-Ms. Ryan. -Yes.

My name is Christopher Lantree.

The steward said that
you wanted to see me.

Why yes, Mr. Lantree.

Won't you come in?

Won't you have a
seat, Mr. Lantree.

Mr. Lantree, as I understand it,

you play a private high-stakes
poker game on this boat.

I do.

Well, I'd like you to arrange
a seat for me in this game.

We have a rule
forbidding ladies to play.

Well, Mr. Lantree,

I always thought rules
were meant to be broken.

I have...

had my eye on you
ever since you boarded.

I find you a...

most attractive

and desirable woman.

I might even be able to arrange

an exception,

allowing you to
play in that game.


I do think that we should
wait until after the game.

I mean, it would
be a lot more...

more gratifying
for both of us then.

Oh, now that's a promise.

I suppose I can wait.

The game...

is going to be in my state room.

And I'm going there now.

I will see you there...

at o'clock.

Oh, by the way...

the buy in...

now, that is $ .

That will be fine, just fine.

Doctor, will he be all right?

Your husband suffered

a very bad subdural
hematoma, Mrs. Harris.

Now, we were able to release

the inter-cranial
pressure in surgery.

What are you trying to tell me?

There may be irreversible
neurological damage.


All we can do now
is wait and see.



wake up.

Come back to me,



Oh, Michael...

Brent doesn't have much time.

He will die at
exactly : tonight.


you understand. You
believe this isn't my doing.

I wouldn't do this
to gain his wife.

- Yes, I believe that.
- CATHERINE: Mr. Roarke,

thank you for coming.


I should be very
angry with you. But...

Somehow, I can't.


I understand how you feel.

It's gonna be all right.


I'll be here as long
as you need me.



Come in.

It's from Ms. Ryan, sir.

Said it was for later
tonight, after the game.

Oh, you can put it
down over there, boy.

Now, just what is
keeping you, boy?

- Thank you, sir.

CATHERINE: This never
would have happened

if Brent hadn't
seen us together.

But you're wrong.

If you went back and changed
everything else that happened,

he still would've
fallen from the horse.

We had just had
a terrible argument.

But don't blame yourself.

He can't die,

not without knowing
how much I need him.

I have just got to find a way

to make him understand that...

we mean nothing to each other.

I've got to get back to Brent.

If he dies...

I'll never forgive myself.


MARK: I hope you
know what you're doing,

I mean, by sitting in
that poker game tonight.

Although I must admit,

nothing would please
me more than watching

Lantree swift decline
from affluence to poverty.

You don't have to worry about
me when it comes to playing cards.

I just hope that Mr. Lantree
gets what's coming to him

before all this has to end.

Why does it have to end?

Well, with us being
in Natchez, I mean,

you'll be going your way
and I'll be going mine.

I'm beginning to care
very much for you, Jenny.

I guess I feel the
same way, Mark.

Oh, I wish I could explain,

but... I just can't.

Please try and understand.

May I?

Thank you.

You know, Ms. Ryan,

you are playing a
most dangerous game.

I guess I should know better

than to try to fool
you, Mr. Roarke.

It's just that...

When I started my fantasy,

I thought everything
would be fun and wonderful.

And it has been in a way, but...

Well, I guess I got in
over my head, didn't I?

MR. ROARKE: Yes, you did.

Well, you know, maybe it'll
be the only chance in my life,

that I will be able
to do something

about men like
Christopher Lantree,

who go around preying
on innocent people.

Although I admire
your courage, Ms. Ryan,

I cannot agree with the
wisdom in what you're doing.

I warn you, be
very, very careful.


Oh, Mr...

Mr. Roarke?


I have to talk to you.

What is it, Michael?

I was just with Catherine.

She blames herself
for what happened.

She's feeling guilt, regret...

as well as pain.

I know I felt it in her.

And then it grew in me.

When Brent dies,

she'll suffer terribly.

Roarke, I need your help.

Tell me what to do.

Since you've opened the
door to your heart, Michael,

just listen to
what it tells you.

MAN: That will be
five to you, Ms. Ryan.

It looks like it's gonna
be a long evening.

JENNY: Full house.

I'm out.

Your deal, Ms. Ryan.

JENNY: Thank you.


MAN: Phew!

JENNY: Your cut, Colonel.

The game will be
draw, gentlemen.



That... Oh.

It is nothing more

than just a harmless
little old garter snake.

Someone's idea
of a practical joke.


But you have nothing
to be alarmed about.

JENNY: Why, did you say
practical joke, Mr. Lantree?

I did.

JENNY: Then may I ask what
you put in your inside pocket

during the confusion?

I have nothing in
my inside pocket.

Well, then unless any of
you gentlemen are holding it,

it seem the ace of
spades is missing.

Four aces is almost
an unbeatable hand.

Wouldn't you say
that, Mr. Lantree?

Perhaps you can show us all

what's in your inside
pocket, Mr. Lantree.

I tell you... I've got
nothing in my inside...

I... I...

I swear to you... I
don't know how...

Wait a minute.

She's playing
some kind of trick.

I consider this to be a
personal insult, Mr. Lantree.

I will meet you tomorrow at dawn

at the front lawn of
the Natchez pony run.

Pistols will suit
me just fine, sir.


I do believe Mr. Lantree

earned this money
turning in runaway slaves.

I trust you, gentlemen,

know of some worthwhile
charity that it can be donated to.

Good evening.

Don't you think for one minute

that you're gonna
get away with this.

If I am going under,
you're going with me.

And I know just how to do it.

Why, Mr. Lantree,

what a naughty thing to say.

I do believe I'm blushing.

MAN: Mr. Lantree.

MICHAEL: He's gonna die
in less than three minutes.

My heart hasn't
told me anything yet.

Keep listening, my friend.

It will when the time comes.



listen to me.

Remember when I
was in the hospital,

barely conscious.

I could still hear your voice,

telling me to... to live,

to fight for us.


I want you to try for me,

please, Brent.


NURSE: Doctor!


Brent, can you hear me?


NURSE: Doctor, I
can't get any pulse.

CATHERINE: You are the
only man I've ever loved.

You must believe me.

- Get the crash cart in here.
- Oh, my God, no.


- DOCTOR: Get a blood gas, stat.
- NURSE: Yes, Doctor.

Mrs. Harris,
please wait outside.

We're going to do
everything we can.

DOCTOR: Did he
get the lidocaine?

NURSE: Yes, doctor.

NURSE: Lift his head.

DOCTOR: Open an intubation
tray. I'll try to tube him.

Let's give him an apo-bicarb.

NURSE: Here you are, Doctor.

Not yet.

He's not responding.

- DOCTOR: Let's defibrillate him.
- NURSE: Yes, sir.

Everybody clear.

Defibrillate him.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Harris.

We did all we could.

Oh, no.


to you, Mr. Roarke,

we're falling in
love with each other

all over again.

His love and...

and strength

helped me pull through.

MR. ROARKE: Has your
heart told you anything yet?

MICHAEL: No. But hers has.

I want her to be happy, Roarke.

I love her.


I don't quite know how I'm
gonna explain it this time.

Love needs no
explanation, Michael.

It's impossible.

Maybe he heard you after all.

Oh, Brent.


thank God.

Oh, darling,

I love you.

Oh, Brent...


you are going back in there

and you are gonna
tell them how you did it.

Well, how I did
what, Mr. Lantree?

Well, how you slipped
that little old ace

into my pocket.

Now, you see, Sam Tuttle
now. He's a crack shot

as the men he's faced
in duels could attest to,

if they were alive to do it.

Well, at least you won't be

turning in anymore
runaway slaves.

Well, now that is where
you are wrong, Ms. Ryan.

I am gonna turn in
just one more runaway.

That sl*ve that you
claim that you own...

I was planning on turning
him in for the bounty money.

So you see I shall not
let you get away with this.

Now, what is it gonna be?

Are you gonna go in there
and tell them the truth...


or am I gonna turn
in that runaway?

You see, this world is
of survival, Ms. Ryan.

When a man sees an opportunity,

hmm, he just has to
reach out and grab for it.

Well, did you say reach out
and grab for it, Mr. Lantree?


Well, the same thing
goes for a woman.


Don't forget your appointment
at dawn, Mr. Lantree.

LANTREE: I'm not
done with you yet.

You'll pay for this.

MARK: Jenny, Jenny, over here.

Everything is ready.

Jim, Get down. Get down.

Over the side, quick.

JENNY: Thank God he's safe.

Well, I guess I'll be going too.

Bye, Huckleberry.

You know, I just
have the feeling

that one day I'm gonna
be reading about you

In one of Mr. Twain's new books.

Well, that's a fat
chance, Ms. Jenny.

But I sure thank you. Bye.

Bye, Huck.

Now, Jenny, what about us?

I don't know what to say, Mark,

what to tell you.

I only wish that...

Oh, Mark...

You know, thinking back

over everything's
that's happened,

some of the ways you say things,

express yourself...

it's almost as if you come
from another time and place.

Well, Mark, with all the
excitement I'm pretty tired.

I'll walk you to
your state room.

Oh, no, I'll be
right. It will be fine.


are you sure there isn't
something else wrong?

Oh, Mark...

You know,

someday I just know that
you're gonna be a famous writer

and be known all
over the whole world.

Well, if you believe that,

I don't know why I shouldn't.

Good night, Mark.

Goodbye, Jenny.

It's that time, isn't
it, Mr. Roarke?

I'm afraid so, Ms. Ryan,
your fantasy is over.

Please try to understand
when I say it's better this way.

Do you think he'll remember me?

Be assured he will
never forget you.

Later in his letters

Mark Twain will write of
his days piloting a river boat

and of meeting a certain lovely
and courageous young lady

who inspired him
to continue writing

one of his most famous books.

Tom Sawyer.

Look, Mr. Roarke.

Where are they going?

Into the pages of immortality.

HUCK: Tom, come on.

CATHERINE: Thank you.

You are looking
very well, Mr. Harris.

Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

I'm feeling a lot better.

And it looks like
our honeymoon jinx

is definitely broken.

And we're going to
spend a lifetime together

proving it.

Goodbye, Mr. Roarke.
Goodbye, Tattoo.

-Goodbye. Goodbye,
Mr. and Mrs. Harris.

Well, Mr. Roarke, Tattoo,

I guess this is goodbye.

It was a pleasure
having you, Ms. Ryan.

I trust you were satisfied

with the outcome
of your fantasy.

I wouldn't trade
the memory of it

for anything in the world.


Boss, did you hear that?

What, Tattoo?

It sounded like... "ribbit"

Fremont, how did you...


Well, I guess I know
what to feed him.

It seems that Fremont
is partial to 'skeeters.

- Thank you, Mr. Roarke.
- Goodbye, Ms. Ryan.

-Bye. -Goodbye.

Do that again, Tattoo.


You do a very
good frog, you know.

Thank you, boss.