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06x02 - Dancing Lady" / "The Final Round

Posted: 05/04/23 06:37
by bunniefuu



The plane. The plane.


- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.



Smiles, everyone.



TATTOO: Boss, who
is that gorgeous lady?

Ms. Kristy Lee is
at least nine wows

on a scale of ten.

I give her a ten, boss.
What's her fantasy?

ROARKE: Ms. Lee wants
to escape for one weekend

from her daily routine

as a receptionist
in Toledo, Ohio.

Her fantasy is to
become the dancing star

of a lavish musical production.

You mean like Ginger Rogers?

Precisely like Ginger
Rogers. How did you know?

Unfortunately, in
becoming that star,

Ms. Lee may have to choose

between the fulfillment
of her fantasy...

and the man who can
be the love of her life.

Boss, who is that
tough looking guy?

ROARKE: That's Mr. Max Grant.

And he is tough. Well,
he's in tough business.

Professional boxing.

- He's a boxer? He's like Rocky?
- No, Tattoo, he's a manager.

But he feels he'll soon
be too old for that, too.

TATTOO: What's his fantasy?

ROARKE: In all the years
he's worked with boxers,

Mr. Grant has never
had a champion.

His fantasy is for that
dream to come true.

To manage a champion...

no matter what
the cost, he says.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.



KRISTY: It's them, Fred
Astaire and Ginger Rogers.

Please say this has something
to do with my fantasy, Mr. Roarke.

Oh, it does indeed.

Isn't that Ray Tucker?


KRISTY: I used to see
every show he was in.

- ROARKE: Really?
- You want to meet them?

I'd love to meet him.

Okay. Cut it.

Well. Hi, Mr. Roarke, Tattoo.

- How do we look?
- Delightful, Mr. Tucker.

I'm sure your production is
going to be very successful.

This is one of our
guests, Ms. Kristy Lee.

-Mr. Tucker. -Hello.


Ms. Lee wants to be a dancer.

Well, you've got the
looks and then some.

- How about experience?
- Well, I...

Oh, if you're
interested, Mr. Tucker,

I'm sure I can convince
Ms. Lee to demonstrate

her dancing ability for
you in a little while, yes?

Oh, sure, okay.

I've to go for the best,
Mr. Roarke, you know that.

Oh, of course, of
course, Mr. Tucker.

Just a demonstration.

All decisions
concerning your show

are totally in your hands,
just as I promised you.

Thank you.

Make it in about
an hour, Ms. Lee?


Mr. Roarke,

I can't compete in
that girl's league.

Look at her.

ROARKE: Have faith, Ms. Lee.

You will be the
costar of Dancing Lady

and you will dance

as beautifully as
Ginger Rogers herself.


Look, I don't want to watch
Eddie Frost spar with nobody.

I mean, so he's the
world champ. Okay?

But I want my fantasy.
I want my own champ.

Oh, I can understand

how important it
is to you, Mr. Grant.

No, you can't.

Not unless you're like me...

with nothing to
show for your life

except years of dreaming
and hoping and trying.

And always coming
up a little bit short.

ROARKE: Beautiful
to watch, isn't he?

No wonder he's champion.

Well, hello! Aren't
you the pretty one?

What's your name, honey?

WOMAN: We're trying
to watch the fight. Okay?

MAN: Hey, all I want
to know is your name.

And I just want
to watch the fight.

Hey, what's the matter?

Can't you watch and
talk at the same time?

-Oh, come on. -Let go of me.

Wait, I don't think
the lady is interested.

So, what's it to you?

Come on, baby.

Just let her go, okay?

- MAN: What do you keep...
- He's right.

- Bugging her about?
- Why don't you just sit

right down here
and watch the fight.


MAN: All right!

- MAN: Oh!
- MAX: Look at that guy.

Look! Look at the speed.
Look at the jab. Jab.


Hey, hey, hey.

- MAN: Kid, you got the moves.


[CHUCKLES] Hey, not bad, kid.

Not bad at all.

Did you see those moves?
Did you see those moves?

A fighter like that,
he could make

chop suey out of

He's a southpaw,
too. You see that?

- It's a matter of style.
- Indeed.

Well, then perhaps
this young man

- is the answer to two problems.
- What do you mean?

Well, I've received
word that Little McClosky,

the man who Frost is
booked to fight tomorrow

is in the hospital
with pneumonia.

Yes, I've been wondering
whom I could get to replace him.

Mr. Roarke...

you give me that kid,

and I'll have him ready
for Frost by fight time.

Oh, that would be most helpful.

All right, Mr. Grant,
I'll see what I can do.


MAN: It's like you took
a b*ating there, pal.

ROARKE: And so you see, Ms. Lee,

uh, to assist Mr. Tucker
in his comeback attempt,

I have also arranged
for Mr. Gaylord Nelson

to come to Fantasy Island

and watch the special
performance of Dancing Lady.

The Gaylord Nelson,
the legend of Broadway?

-The very same. -[DRAWER SHUTS]

And now also equally
famous as an angel

who will financially back
any show, providing...

TATTOO: I know
it's here somewhere.

Providing that show and its star

meets his most
exacting requirements.

You mean, I'm going
to dance in front of him?

-Gaylord Nelson? -[CLATTERING]

Oh, yes.


Excuse me. Tattoo, may I
ask what you're looking for?

The pink box.

I remember putting it in a
place where I would not lose it.

I can't find it.

Oh, there it is.

Bravo, Tattoo, bravo.

Now, would you please
get it for me, hmm?

Before I grant your
fantasy, Ms. Lee...

are you sure it's
what you want most?

Uh, you must realize
that once you commence,

you cannot go back.

Believe me, Mr. Roarke,

it's what I want
more than anything.

Very well then, Ms. Lee.

Thank you, Tattoo.

This box, Ms. Lee...

- contains a limited amount

of a very special powder.

The powder distilled

from the floors of the
stages of the world

where the greatest dancers
of all time have performed.

Here on Fantasy
Island only, Ms. Lee...

this powder...

has the unique power
of transferring the grace

and skill of those artists...

to the feet of whomever it is...

dusted on.

It will make your
fantasy come true

- in every way.

Take it, Ms. Lee...

and be at the
theater in one hour.

That's one happy lady, boss.

Yes, Tattoo...

for the moment, my friend...

for the moment.

MAX: How's it going,
kid? I'm Max Grant.

Tommy Rudolf. Mr. Roarke
said you wanted to talk to me.

Yeah, you better believe it.

Now, look I know
you've fought before.

Now, what kind
of record you got?

Fourteen and one. Twelve KOs.

you were a winner.

Come over here. Sit down. Now...

MAX: Okay. Now, listen.

Now, look, McClosky had
to pull out of that exhibition

for tomorrow, right?

I talked Mr. Roarke into
letting you take his place.

You hear what I'm saying,
kid? You get to fight the champ.

Me fight Eddie Frost?

Now, it ain't exactly a
title sh*t. Not technically.

But b*at him and
it might as well be.

After watching you go
today, I know how to do it.

You can b*at him, kid.

If you can do that...

bring on Frost.

Mr. Roarke, I've got to
talk to you about my fighter.



- Hi, Max. [LAUGHS]


-Oh, look at you. -[LAUGHING]

MAX: Hey, this lady
just happens to be

one of the best fight
managers in the business.

You old knockout, you.

MAX: How long has it
been now, five years?


One day, we were checking
out wedding chapels,

and the next day, you were gone

without even a "So long."

Yeah, but you gotta
remember, Gert,

I mean, I had a
championship fight that night.

And my boy lost.

Maybe we both
lost something, Max.

Anyway, I've been
talking to Mr. Roarke here

about letting my new
fighter fill in for McClosky.

Oh, I was just about
to explain to Ms. Lawton

that you have already found
a replacement, Tommy Rudolf.

-Tommy Rudolf? -Yes.

Mr. Roarke, you
can't let that boy fight.

Why not?

His last fight was stopped

because he took some
hard sh*ts to the head

that left him out
of it for hours.

So what? It doesn't
mean he can't fight here.

Gertie, look...

I got to have this chance.

It's my last one.
You understand?


Only I wish I didn't, Max.

You know, you're as selfish
as you were six years ago,

only this time, you might
get somebody k*lled.


You promised me Tommy Rudolf.

Now, we've got a
deal, Mr. Roarke.

Yes, a deal is a
deal, Mr. Grant.

In this case, I
am forced to rely

on your judgment and character.

I sincerely hope I have
not made a terrible mistake.


I promised I'd take a
look at Kristy, Mr. Roarke.

And I will. Believe
me it's a pleasure.

She's a beautiful lady. But
the show is tomorrow night.

There's no way she
could learn the routines.

All I ask, Mr. Tucker, is that
you put off your final decision

until after you see
Ms. Lee dance.

Ah, here's Ms. Lee now.

Charming, Ms. Lee,
absolutely charming.

KRISTY: Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

Uh, we'll improvise
first, standard stuff,

just to see how you move, okay?


let's hear that Second Act tape.

Will I be able to
do it, Mr. Roarke?

Well, you carry the
answer to that, Ms. Lee...

in this pink box.



[CHUCKLES] My feet.

- They feel so tingly and alive.
- Are you ready?

I hope so.

Okay. Hit it.


Well, what can I
say? You're terrific.

- [CHUCKLES] So are you.
- Okay. We're terrific.

Look, Kristy, nobody
dances like that by chance.

Who taught you? How come
I haven't seen you around?

- I mean, where...
- Uh, Ms. Lee's talent

has been, um, developed

by some of the finest
dancers in the world,

I assure you, Mr. Tucker.

Well, there's a still a problem
of learning the routines.

Oh, when I first
saw you rehearsing,

you were doing the number
from The Gay Divorcee.

Growing up, I
memorized every dance

Ginger Rogers ever did.

Any more doubts or
questions, Mr. Tucker?

-No. -Well, then, Ms. Lee.

I will arrange for
someone to show you

some of the beauty of the island

while Mr. Tucker
ponders his selection

of his dancing partner.
Oh, uh, at what time

is the final
rehearsal, may I ask?

- Uh, nine o'clock, tonight.
- Thank you.

-See you, then. -Right.

MAX: Go, go, go, go, go.

All right, jab, jab, jab.
Now try the left. Try the left.

Good, huh? Feels good? Okay.

Give it another sh*t.
Good one. That's the way.

Come on. [LAUGHING]

He hits like a
champ. Fine. Terrific!!


Oh, come on.

Oh, come on. Back off. Back off.

Just a lucky punch.
Come on, kid.

You okay? Sure. Huh?

Come on, get up.

It'll pass. It'll pass.
Come on, kid. Up. Up.

Come on. He just
rang your bell, that's all.

You're fine. All right. Come on.

Come on. Come
on. It'll pass, kid.

You're fine. You're
gonna be okay.

You're okay, kid.

RAY: But that's exactly
the problem, Mr. Roarke.

Your Kristy Lee is too good.

I'm not sure I quite
understand, Mr. Tucker.

I thought it was
your burning desire

to impress Mr. Gaylord
Nelson with the flair

and charm of your new show.

Yeah, but my flair, my
charm. This is sink or swim.

That girl would steal the
show right out of my shoes.


I see.

Oh, I know I sound like
a ratfink or something.

But this is
desperation time for me

the last train to Paris,

point of no return,
ground zero, live or die.

And I thought I was helping you.

Have you told
Ms. Lee about this?

Oh, no way.

I don't even think I can.

There's something so special
about her, so sweet, so...

So lovable?

[SCOFFS] Exactly.

One more look into
those eyes of hers

and I'd probably
give her my socks

to go with those shoes
she'd steal from me.


Well, I wish I could
help you, Mr. Tucker.

But the final decision
is yours to make.

Whatever you
decide, I know it will be

the best you can do
under the circumstances.

And I will certainly understand.

Oh, thank you, and
if the show is a hit,

I'll find a way to make
it up to her, I promise.



Yes, Tattoo.

Oh, Mr. Gaylord Nelson
has arrived, has he?

Au revoir.

Au revoir.

Ah, Mr. Nelson.
Comment allez-vous.

Oh, Tattoo! Comment allez-vous.


[GASPS] Tattoo, I do believe
that you've grown a little

since the last time I saw you.

- You really think so?
- At least an inch.

Eh, maybe two.

Don't tell the boss, please.

Heaven forbid. Why not?

He likes me this way.
I want to keep my job.

Oh, don't worry, mon amie.

If that Roarke fires
you, then I'll hire you on

as a scout in charge
of finding chorus girls

for all my new shows, hmm?


- TATTOO: Here comes the boss.

Remember, the word is...


Mum is the word. [LAUGHS]


- Ah, Gaylord.
- Oh, Roarke, you incredible man.

- Every year, you get younger.
- Oh!

Tell an old friend,
what's your secret?

Well, I thought you
knew my secret.

No. What is it?

Well, it's simply having
charming friends like yourself

who flatter me into
believing what they say.

Hey, Gaylord, you...
You've never looked better.

And that is no
flattery, my friend.

And you...

the exquisite intricate pattern
of infinite grace. [CHUCKLES]

-If you please. -By all means.

The exquisite intricate
pattern of infinite grace.

Eh! Well, I used to
be able to do that.



- Champagne for our host.
- Thank you, Gaylord.

- Thank you.
- Yes, I... I never drink it.

-Hmm. -Oh.

But I still love your island.

But what is this, uh, nonsense

about discovering a new
Fred Astaire that I must see?

Did I say that?

Oh, no, I merely
suggested in my telegram

that a few days in the embracing
atmosphere of Fantasy Island

and perhaps the relaxation

of seeing a very
special show might...

-I'll do it. -Oh, thank you.

As the second greatest
dancer to the great Fred Astaire,

-I'll have a look. -Thank you.

But I warn you, I am
impossible to please.

And I promise you, I will
despise your young man.

Second Fred Astaire...

to you...

a milquetoast.


Hey, kid, where you been?

Taking a nap, like you told
me. Slept like a log all afternoon.

-Feeling okay? -Oh, sure.

Look, don't worry about
that lucky sh*t I took.

You know, I zigged when
I should have zagged.

That's all.

Here, kid, sit down.

I wouldn't have
gotten you into this

if I didn't think
you could do it.

I know that.

Look, I can probably
hurt Frost if I land.

But do you really think
I can stay with him?

I mean, he's a champ.

I know you can.
Look, he's getting lazy.

Don't you see the more he
wins, the sloppier he gets?

They can't b*at him
'cause he's fast, right?

But you're faster. You
hear what I'm saying, kid?

The second he
drops his right hand,

- I nail him with the left.
- That's it.

He'll never know what hit him.

I'm gonna pepper him
just like you showed me.

Jab, jab, cross to the left.

And he is gonna go
down, and come Monday,

you're gonna make
the biggest headlines

since Sugar Ray Leonard
made Duran quit in that last fight.


Now, if you'll excuse me,
I am going to the kitchen,

and I'm gonna get the
next champion of the world

the thickest, juiciest
steak they got...



Yeah, that's going good.
Everybody take five.

I'm ready to dance.

- There's no need, Kristy.
- But I want to. I...

You've made your selection.

Well, I have to go with Helen.

You understand.
Experience, know how.

You know how it is.


Thanks for the lesson, anyway.

All right, people,
let's get back to it.


ROARKE: I understand
perfectly how you feel, Ms. Lee.

But how can you call your
fantasy a miserable failure?

You told me I would
dance like Ginger Rogers.

And you have, haven't you?

Just once,

-in an empty theatre. -Oh, well,

I'm sorry, you didn't specify
how many times you'd dance.

However, as long as
any of the special powder

remains in that box, Ms.
Lee, your fantasy is not over.

But why did Ray
do it, Mr. Roarke?

I was better than she was.

I was Ginger Rogers.

Perhaps that was the trouble.

What do you mean?

You were too good.

You see, Mr. Ray Tucker
has none of the special powers

of Fantasy Island to help him.

Oh, he is an excellent dancer
who sadly ran out of luck.

If my friend Gaylord
Nelson likes the show,

or more precisely, if
he likes Ray Tucker...

then a new future
would open up for him.

But I could help make
the show a success for him.

More likely for yourself.

- With your...

special ability...

Mr. Tucker felt my friend
would have eyes only for you.

And he just might be right.

I have the feeling you're
the one who's right,

Mr. Roarke, in
that you usually are.

But Kristy Lee
is not through yet.



Beauty always inspires me.

Who was that lovely vision?

Oh, just one of our
guests, Ms. Lee.

Ms. Kristy Lee, I believe.

Charming. Delightful.

Quite an ordinary girl, really.

Ordinary? Ordinary?

My dear old friend,
your eyes, if nothing else,

are failing you.

Oh, she's quite pretty,
yes. But so young, Gaylord.

Surely a man of your maturity

is more interested in
the intellectual pursuits.


That's the word.

Ta-ta, my stuffy old cupid.


dollars on the champ.

You won't be sorry.
Thank you very much, sir.


Fifteen dollars on the champ.
Thank you, Mr. Stockwell.

Everything is set.

Hey, hey, hey. Hey, are we gonna
give them a show out there, kid,

or are we gonna give
them a show, huh?

Max. Max.

All right, keep working
out. I'll be right back.

Don't come in there, upsetting
the kid before the fight.

I'm not gonna let
you do this to that kid,

even if it doesn't
bother you conscience.

I'm not doing
anything to that kid.


you know you're
kind of special to me.

Well, you always
have been. Okay.

So, whatever it is that's been

keeping us apart all
these years, I don't know.

Maybe, it's the way
you judge yourself or...

maybe it's never managing
a champion, whatever.

That I can accept.

But I ain't gonna let you
destroy yourself and that kid.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Tommy is not in Frost's
class, Max. He never will be.

Now, that kid's gonna
get hit and hit hard.

You just think about it.

Think about him
strapped to a bed

the rest of his life,
knowing it was your fault.

You really think you
can live with that, huh?

Look, I'm telling you that
kid is not gonna get hit.

Now, if Mr. Roarke
can trust my judgment,

and that kid can
trust my judgment,

why the hell can't you?





You're wonderful.

I salute you.

You're Gaylord
Nelson, aren't you?

Ha! What does it matter?

I saw you dance.
Ask for anything.

Poof. It's yours.

All right. I will.

You're here for the
showcase performance, right?

As a favor to my
good friend, Roarke.

But please, don't spoil
this magic moment.

Oh, all I ask is that
you watch Ray Tucker,

really watch him the way
that you watched me just now.

Ray Tucker? That has been?


just for me?

all right, you vixen.


I promise...

just for you.

Hi, boss.

I bet you're wondering
why I'm dressed like this.

I know exactly why
you're dressed like that.

How many bets have you taken?

- Oh, just a couple.
- Oh, that's good.

Then it won't take you
very long to call them off

before the fight begins.

But, boss, my
fantasy is to become

the biggest bookie in the world.

What a spoilsport.

Ladies and gentlemen...

Fantasy Island presents
a boxing exhibition

between two very fine athletes.

Presenting on corner to my
left from Kansas City, Missouri,

Mr. Tommy Rudolf.


And in the corner to my right...

the light heavyweight champion
of the world, Mr. Eddie Frost.


This will be a
five-round exhibition.

And now, gentlemen,
if you approach

the center of the
ring, the referee

will review the rules with you.

Thank you.

All right, fellas,
you know the rules.

In the event of a knockdown,
go to a neutral corner.

- I want you to shake hands.
- Thank you.

REFEREE: Go to your corner.

When you hear the
bell, come out fighting.

GERTIE: The boy is
gonna get k*lled, Mr. Roarke.


Look, kid, I've been
thinking it over. Listen.

No, no, you listen, Max.

No matter what
happens out there,

I want to thank you, not
just for giving me this chance,

but for believing in me.



MAX: All right. Come
on, kid. Jab, jab.

Go, kid. Go on, kid. That a boy.

All right. Good, good.
Come on. That's it, that's it!

Hey, man, this is an
exhibition, not the Civil w*r.


All right, now, work your jabs.

Use your combinations.





Let's go. Go get him.


All right, keep those arms up!




You all right?


Come on, Tommy. You can do it.

Come on, let's do it.

That's right, kid.
You're doing all right.

All right, all right, Look
at me. Look, look at me.

How many fingers have I got up?


There ain't gonna
be another round, kid.

Tommy, I'm stopping this fight.

Don't do that to me,
Max. I'm winning.


MAN: Fight! Yeah!
Go get him, Tommy!


MAN: All right, throw that
left. Come on, throw that left!

Oh, no, Tommy!
Get away from him!




Max, why'd you do
it? I could have won.

Look, kid, as far as I'm
concerned, you did win.

We both did. Come on.



Kristy, I don't care about
anything except us. Understand?

I didn't pick you
because you're too good.

I was jealous.

But I can't do that to you.

Forgive me, please.

You're going to dance with me.

Oh, I can't.

Of course, you can.
Come on, darling.

I want to wish you the
best of luck, Mr. Tucker.

Oh, well, wish us
both luck, Mr. Roarke.

Kristy is dancing with me.

You get ready,
and I'll go tell Helen.


Mr. Roarke, I used the last
of the powder on his feet.

I can't go on.

Of course, you'll
go on, Ms. Lee.

You'll go on and you'll dance

as Kristy Lee never
danced before.

You'll dance on
the feet of love.

And who knows?

Perhaps, on the feet of
Ginger Rogers herself.

Dance, Ms. Lee...

dance as you always wanted to.




Thanks, sweetie.


- Well...
- Nice going, Mr. Roarke.

You know, instead of
winding up with one champion,

- I got me two.
- I don't understand.

Oh, what the big lug means is,

as soon as we hit stateside,
we're getting hitched.

But he mentioned two champions.

Max is gonna turn me into
a championship manager.

I am delighted. The
best of luck to all of you.

Thanks, Mr. Roarke.

-Bye. -Well, so long.

Thank you. [LAUGHING] Hi.


Oh, Roarke, you rascal.

You knew I'd love
the show, didn't you?

I simply believed
in the exquisite taste

of one of my dearest
friends, that's all.

Hogwash, pure hogwash.

But I love it. [LAUGHING]

I'm not letting
them out of my sight

until I sign them
on the dotted line.

Ta-ta, friend.

-Au revoir, Tattoo. -Au revoir.

Well, what can I
say, Mr. Roarke?

For giving me a new
chance, for Kristy, thank you.

My pleasure, Mr. Tucker.

Go ahead, sweetheart.
I'll be right there.

All right.

Mr. Roarke, how was I able

to dance like I did
without the powder?

The power of love is more
potent than any fantasy, Ms. Lee.

And its staying
power is truly fantastic.

Believe in that.

I will. Thank you.

-Bye, Tattoo. -Good-bye.

Are you getting taller, Tattoo?

-Me, boss? -Yes.

Oh, no.

