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05x19 - Face of Love" / "Image of Celeste

Posted: 05/04/23 06:34
by bunniefuu


The plane! The plane!



-Bye-bye. -CHILDREN: Bye


- Good morning, Mr. Roarke.
- Good morning, Julie.

Have you seen Tattoo?

Oh, I'm glad you reminded
me. Uh, he said to tell you

that he's having
just a little trouble

with the Cinderella fantasy
that you assigned him to handle.

Indeed, what kind of trouble?

Uh, well, when the carriage
turned back into a pumpkin...


He said the horses ran
away, and he can't find them.

The horses ran away, huh?

When you see Tattoo,
will you please tell him

that one of his
"horses" may be found

on the lawn in
front of my office?


The horses ran away.



Smiles, everyone. Smiles!


If they're on their honeymoon,

the bride doesn't seem
too thrilled about it.

They are not honeymooners,
Julie, far from it.

The young lady,
Miss Laura Jensen,

was recently
paroled from prison.

The gentleman accompanying her

is her parole officer,
Mr. Ron Martin.

JULIE: She was
in prison? What for?

Driving the car during
an armed robbery.

Wow. What's her fantasy?

ROARKE: Not hers, Julie.

Because Miss Jensen
has been categorized

as a habitual criminal,

it's Mr. Martin's fantasy
to erase that stigma,

to convert her
into a respectable,

law-abiding citizen.

Well, what will happen
if he doesn't succeed?

One more offense,

and Miss Jensen will
go back to prison...

probably for life.

Miss Celeste Valon,

assistant curator at the
Metropolitan Art Gallery.

She's here to solve a riddle.

A riddle, riddle, or one
of your house specialties?

A portrait by Paul Gauguin
was recently discovered

in the basement of a
cottage in the South of France.

About a month ago, I
purchased that portrait.

It arrived today.

JULIE: Well, what does all
this have to do with a riddle?

It seems that Miss Valon

came across a
print of the portrait,

and she discovered
that she looks exactly

like the woman who posed for it.

How strange.

What's her fantasy?

fantasy is to find out

the identity of that woman.

What Miss Valon doesn't know

is that, uh... when
she finds the answer,

she will pass through a door

through which there
may be no retreat.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.


Isn't Laura gonna join us?

She, uh, doesn't
feel comfortable

mixing with people she
doesn't know very well.

-Oh. -As I understand it,

Miss Jensen's difficulties
began when she was only ,

after her parents died in

- an apartment building fire...
- Yes.

ROARKE: which left her
face terribly scarred for life.

That fire took away
what she loved most

in the world, her parents.

And then, one foster
home after another,

a desperate child
in search of love.

Mr. Roarke, I don't
believe Laura got one

decent break in her whole life.

And then growing
up with that scar...

you know how
cruel children can be.

Oh, yes, and people who
consider themselves ugly

sometimes choose
to lead ugly lives.

And then, there are always
the predators of our society,

waiting to take advantage
of her misfortune.

You're right. Whenever
Laura would apply for work,

they'd take one look at
her face and then tell her

that the job had
already been filled.

How humiliating.

Don't waste your sympathy on me.

I don't need it or want it.

- So what? Who cares?
- RON: Laura!

Laura, take it easy. We
care, that's why we're here.

Mr. Roarke, there's
something I didn't tell you.

Laura didn't come
here of her own free will.

She came because I forced her to

as her parole officer.

So if you have any spare
miracles hanging around,

please, make us believers.

A wise man once said,

"Miracles sometimes occur...

but one has to work
terribly hard for them."

Just how hard are
you willing to work

for your miracle, Miss Jensen?

She'll cooperate, Mr. Roarke.

Won't you, Laura?


Cooperation's my middle
name. Everybody knows that.

That's why I spent the
last three years in prison.

amazing, Mr. Roarke.

Even though Gauguin
painted it in ,

I almost feel it's
a picture of me.

Now that you have
seen the portrait itself,

are you still determined to
go through with your fantasy?

Oh, yes, Mr. Roarke. I'm
more determined than ever.

Very well.

But first, there is
something you should know

about the lady in the portrait.

She was Paul Gauguin's
model and mistress.

Her father disapproved
of Mr. Gauguin,

and she was engaged to
a very jealous young officer

whom she didn't love.

Oh, and one more thing...

not only will you
encounter personal danger,

but there may also come
a time in your fantasy

when you will be faced
with a most difficult decision.


One that very
well could alter...


You make it sound so... ominous.

With good reason, I assure you.

I don't care.

I accept the responsibility.

Very well.


please turn and
face the portrait.

Marvelous, marvelous.
Hold that expression.

Paul Gauguin?

Now, now, no little girl
games, my dear. Not needed.

I've already fallen
helplessly in love with you.

WOMAN: This is the
overseas operator.

Your call to Las Vegas is ready.

Hello? Hello, Marty?

- MARTY: Yeah, yeah, who is it?
- LAURA: This is Laura.

I want you to come and
take me away from here.


You were stupid to go
there in the first place, baby.

Marty, I, I'll
make it up to you.

I'll, I'll... I'll do
anything you say.

I don't know, baby,
why don't you let me

think about it, all right?

LAURA: Uh, look, I
gotta hang up now.

Please... please, Marty. Please.

[SIGHS] I've been
looking for you everywhere.

Mr. Roarke would like
to see you right away.

Is that supposed to
turn me on or something?

THROAT] -Ah, Miss Jensen.

Please have a seat, won't you?

I trust you are enjoying
your stay with us.

No, I'm not.

Why don't I just
be upfront with you,

-okay? -All right.

I don't believe in Santa Claus,

or the Tooth
Fairy... or miracles.

Are you saying
you wish to withdraw

from Mr. Martin's fantasy?

- That's right. I want out.
- Wait a minute!

Mr. Roarke has done
things a lot harder

than make scars go away.

At least see what happens.

What have you got to lose?

The lotion... in this bottle

is derived from
a very rare plant

which grows only
on Fantasy Island.

And that's gonna
take away my scars?

Only the ones on
your face, Miss Jensen.

The ones inside can be
removed only by yourself.

Please, at least try it.

Apply it to the scarred area
of your face, Miss Jensen.


So what's supposed
to happen now?

Look into the
mirror, Miss Jensen.

See for yourself.

I can't believe it!

Go show Mr. Martin what the
true Laura Jensen looks like.

After all... it's his fantasy.


Yes... I will.

Mr. Roarke, you forgot
to tell her that the potion

- only lasts hours.
- Oh, no, I didn't forget, Julie.

Some dreams are best fulfilled

without knowing
the limitations...

especially this one.

CELESTE: These are
the masterpieces that

are hanging in the Louvre
and the Metropolitan.

Ah, Manno, thank
you. Put it down there.

But, uh, you have not
paid me for the last time.

Well, we'll soon correct that.

Now, what would
you say to the, uh...

the painting of your choice?

- No, you can't do that.
- Why not?

Well, be... because one day,

that's going to be your
most important painting.

Well, it already has.

I have food to last me two days.

- But the painting's priceless.
- No.

Only life is priceless...

life and beauty.

May I see the portrait now?

Be patient, my little one.

Now, tell me, why
is it so important

for you to see an
unfinished portrait?

Do you think, uh,
you're not going to like it?

No, I know I'm going to like it.

I'm just curious, that's all.

You seem different... somehow.

I am.

I think that a woman has
to change constantly...

to keep a man from
losing interest, you know.

You think that of me?

After all we've known together?

Well, what have
we known together?

The game continues, does it?

Uh, wait.

This is all just
a little too fast.

I mean, I hardly know you.

You know I could
not go on without you.

- Please don't say that.
- No, no, no, I mean it.

You mean much more
to me than my work.

FATHER: Celeste!

You shame me.

Now, I order you
to come with me.

Perhaps, you should
return with your father.

Did your seducer tell
you that he abandoned

his wife and children in
Paris before coming here?

I know that. Look, please,
you don't understand.

FATHER: You're quite
right, I don't understand.

What about Andre? You
know he's returning today.

What have you
planned to tell him?

Andre? I don't know.

Well, I'll tell you what
you're going to do.

You're gonna keep
your mouth shut!

This marriage to Andre's
been arranged for a long time.

Now, it's a point of honor!
He must never know about this!

If you ever so much as look at

my daughter again,
I'll have you exiled!

you don't understand.

His work is so important.
Now, he must stay in Tahiti,

and he must continue to paint.


You call this childish
dabbling important?


This is important?


It's all stupid nonsense!

It's a poor man's folly.

Come on.

Oh, Ron, pinch me so that
I know I'm not dreaming.

It's not a dream,
Laura, It's very real.

It's been a long time since
I've said these two words,

but, um...

thank you...

for bringing me here...

for making this happen.

Hey, come on, we're
just getting started.


- Here we are.
- I don't understand.

Mr. Roarke's suggestion.
He said you had

a great deal of catching
up to do with mirrors.


Wow, wow, wow.



For the first time
in years, I can...

I can look in the mirror.

Ron, I'm so happy.

Well, you can thank
Mr. Roarke for that.

Yes, but, uh, you
made it happen.

Why? Why did you do it?

Oh, I guess because in my job,

only once in a while someone
very special comes along,

someone who
makes me feel like...

with a little bit of
extra effort on my part,

you'll never have to go
back behind those walls.

I'd almost forgotten
who I really was.

No, Laura, I didn't
mean it that way.

You are a beautiful
person, Laura...

and this is only to
show you the truth.

That scar isn't you.

This is you.


couple in the place.

Figures, since
we're the only couple.


My father used
to say that a mirror

shows you your best
friend or your worst enemy.

And which one do you see?

My best friend.

You know, I think I'm
starting to like the new me.

I'm also starting
to like other things.

Just be happy.

You know, I think
we missed lunch.

Come on. I want you to
put on your prettiest dress.

And then, lovely lady,

I am gonna take
you out to dinner.

Come on.



FATHER: There is
no question in my mind

that Andre is destined
for a prestigious future.


It's been almost a year.

I hope that that
was not a measure

of your joy in seeing
your future husband again.

A year is a long time, Andre.

So it would seem.

I'd like to speak
to you, privately.

Will it be this way
after we're married?

[SIGHS] I don't love
you, Andre. I'm sorry.

I never asked for your love.

Love is what
marriage is all about.

All of the arrangements
have been made.

It will be a good marriage.
Our families will be united.

I can't do it, Andre.

You accepted my proposal
before my departure.

Nothing has changed.

Except... perhaps, another man.

No. No man would
be that foolish.

Now, we will go over
and talk to our guests

so they can see our
mutual joy and happiness.

comes Gauguin's mistress.

What are you doing here?

Well, I, uh, I
could only imagine

that a man with your taste

would have, uh,
selected a Beaujolais

with more spirit for
this festive occasion.

I want you to leave
here immediately.

You were not invited.

I'm not a man known to honor

the ritualistic
facade of formality.

Chivalry dictated
that I have a...

a firsthand look at my rival.

What are you, mad?

What are you trying
to do, ruin her life?

Now, listen to me.

Celeste is more
important than life to me.


I've already threatened
you with exile.

But if Andre ever finds out
about your affair with Celeste,

make no mistake,
Sir... he'll k*ll you.

- CELESTE: Come in.

Oh, just put it over there.

Well, Miss Valon,

is your fantasy
progressing satisfactorily?

-Mr. Roarke? -Yes.

Uh, tell me, have you
discovered the identity

of the woman in the portrait?


Well, I don't know
how it's possible...

-but I think I am. -Really?

Since you've traced
your family tree back

to the province in France
where the portrait was discovered,

isn't it just possible that
you might closely resemble

a member of your family
who lived generations ago?

Well, I suppose that's the
only explanation there could be.


Now, I know what you meant

when you said I
could alter destiny.

Paul has to finish the portrait,

or it will never exist.

-That's it, isn't it? -Indeed.

And if that happens,
neither will any

of his other paintings
that followed.

But what about Andre?

He's, he's like ice.

If he finds out the truth,
Mr. Roarke, he'll k*ll Paul.

What should I do?

That is the decision

I said might confront
you, remember?

A decision you must make out of

your own heart and
mind, Miss Valon.


Oh, dear.

It was all so
wonderful at first.

And now...

Mr. Roarke?

But of course, she is beautiful.

ANDRE: One moment, Lieutenant.

When my fiance and
I passed you today,

your face was an
insult to her and to me.

Do you wish to explain now,

or shall we settle this
matter as gentlemen...

with p*stol?

I'm, I'm sorry, sir, I was
drinking too much. I...

Your choice, Lieutenant.

Sir, it's just that there've
been rumors, gossip,

unfounded, of course,

about Miss Chevelle
and the painter Gauguin.

I apologize.


do you remember
Marty, Marty Downs?

Oh, yeah... little creep
who ran out on you

when his last little
robbery fell through.

Laura, forget him,
he's past history.

I just wanted
you to know that...

We were so much
alike, Marty and I...

in so many ways,

just a couple of losers
hanging onto each other

so we wouldn't go under.

And he didn't mind my scar.

And he used your gratitude
to his own ends, didn't he?

Laura, I'm sorry. It's just...

look, I can understand
how you must've felt,

but I didn't mind
your scar either.

Never have.

I never really saw it.

Look, it's not
easy to explain, I...

What is it, Laura?
Is something wrong?

Hold me.

RON: Laura...

Laura, we... We
shouldn't be doing this.

I've got no right.

Why not?

Because our
relationship, it's...

it's professional. That's
what this is all about.

Oh, wow. When I
jump to conclusions,

I really break records, don't I?

RON: You don't understand.

Laura, I've got to do
what I think is best for you.

Sure, thanks a lot.

MARTY: Hello, Laura.

Patio door was open,
so I just let myself in.

You look good, baby, real good.


What is this,
some kind of trick?

No, it, it's not a trick.

I can't explain it to you
to make you understand...

unless you believe in miracles.


Sure, I believe in miracles.
The Bible's full of them.

So what is it now,
you got religion,

and I'm supposed to turn around

and just walk right
out of your life?

Is that what you're
trying to say to me?

All I'm saying is
just leave me alone!


I'll leave you alone,
Laura with the ugly face

was good enough for
Marty, huh? But now Laura

with the beautiful face
is climbing up the ladder.

Well, forget it, sweetheart.
You can just forget it.

Marty, you're hurting me.

I gotta have time to think.

Just take it easy. I'm
gonna leave you alone.

But first, I'm gonna let
you cool off... tonight.

But I'm gonna be
back in the morning,

and you and I are
gonna leave here...

together. You got it?

Sweet dreams, angel.

I would think a man so
concerned with social opinion

would knock before
entering a woman's boudoir.

My deepest apologies.

A year of battle has dulled

my appreciation
of your delicacy.

It occurs to me that it must
have been boring for you

during my rather
prolonged absence.

I found things to do.

Ah. I was sure you would.

Teaching the simple village
children how to read, perhaps.


Huh. To write... to draw.

I'm surprised such
matters interest you, Andre.

Oh, I am more than
just interested, my dear.

After all, this island
is so rich in color...

tradition, texture.

Surely you would want to teach
the children fundamental art.

I can't even draw
a straight line.


But what of painting?

A skill where one
is not required

to draw a straight line.

In Paris it is called

I didn't realize you were
interested in painting.

Oh, that isn't
it, I never was...

until recently.

I will speak to your father now.

You can't.

He went to the other side
of the island on business.

He won't be back
until the morning.

I will be waiting for
him when he returns.

ROARKE: There may also
come a time in your fantasy

when you will be faced
with a most difficult decision.

One that could very
well alter... destiny.

You accepted my proposal
before my departure.

Nothing has changed.

Except, perhaps another man.

I've already fallen
helplessly in love with you.

CELESTE: How can I
tell you I must leave you?

FATHER: Up with the
roosters, eh, Andre?

There's something important
I must speak with you about.

- Very well.
- ANDRE: As a man of honor,

you will tell me what
you know of Celeste

and the painter Gauguin.

I suppose you had to
find out sooner or later.

Then it's true?


Andre, listen, please.

First, I... I want you to know

that I've already
given Gauguin warning.

If he even speaks to Celeste,

I will see that he's
on the first ship

leaving this island.

You sound like a
doting father, sir.

I regret... I cannot
share your forgiveness.

all, it is your fantasy

which has provided Miss Jensen

with the equivalent
of a miracle.

Her outlook on life has
completely changed.

She has been freed

from the influence
of Marty Downs.

Made to feel human...



Yes, she is all that.

But don't you see I can't
take advantage of her

just because she feels
some sort of gratitude.

Oh, Mr. Martin, Mr. Martin,

how little you truly
understand, don't you see?

Miss Jensen has placed
years of rejection behind her.

Opened herself to a new life.

To love. To the one person

she has any reason to love.

RON: Love, Mr. Roarke?

And isn't it about time

to admit to yourself
that you have been

and are in love
with Laura Jensen?

What are you saying?
That I've done this...

had this fantasy just to...

Even parole officers
are human, Mr. Martin.

You do know how to open
windows inside a man, don't you?

If I have...

look through them, Mr. Martin.

See the truth.

You're right, of
course, I, uh...

I never really saw that scar.

I always saw her
the way she is now.

An inner beauty showing through.

That is love... isn't it?


Go tell her how
you feel, Mr. Martin.

Go tell her... now.

-Hiya, baby. -[SIGHS]

I knew you'd come
around and see it my way.

It's just like old times, huh?

Me and you against the world.

I guess that's
the best I'll get.

Hey, who the hell
do you think you are?

You think this pretty face
made you a saint all of a sudden,

now, do ya?

No, no.

You know, Marty,

I guess you and I
deserve each other.

Yeah, right, put it to music.

You listen to me. I
arranged for a boat

to pick us up to take
us to another island.

Then we're gonna
catch a plane, that is,

if your watchdog
doesn't find our trail first.

We got an hour to k*ll.

You think you could
keep me occupied

for one hour, huh, baby?



See who it is. Go on!

And don't get cute, angel.

- RON: Laura? Laura?

Laura, I have
got to talk to you.

What's he doing here?

Hey, man, she begged
me to come and get her.

She just begged me.

He's right, I did.

- Why?
- LAURA: What's the difference?

It's just the way things
worked out, that's all.

I'm sorry.

Laura, listen to me.

Now you can't
do this to yourself.

If you leave here with
him, there's nothing more

I can do for you...

You animal!

Paul, the portrait...

you must finish it at once.

It's finished.

It's finished? Oh, thank God.

- PAUL: Don't you want to see it?
- Yes, of course

I want to see it.

Oh, Paul, it's breathtaking.

Sign it, please.

What's the matter?
Are you all right?

Andre came to see me last night.

This morning I saw
him talking to my father.

He knows about us, Paul.

Well, then we must
leave here together.

Go back to France.

No, that's impossible.

Your art, your paintings,
you have to stay.

I know what has to be done.

I'm the one who has to do it.

Trust me.

Don't read this letter
until after I'm gone.

Just remember, I
love you so much.


ROARKE: It's over, Miss Valon.

Your fantasy has ended.

Oh, please, Mr. Roarke.

I can't let it end like this.

I don't even know
what happened to him.

You do know he
loved you very much.

And I loved him.

But to leave him
like this, so abruptly.

It seems so cold.

Well, couldn't I just
touch him one more time?

He won't remember
how you left, Miss Valon.


would it be enough
to see what happened?

What you meant to him?

Oh, yes, please.

Very well. But
please remember this.

Neither Paul nor anyone
else will be able to see us

or know we are there,
do you understand?

All right. Will you
come this way, please?



Where is she?

The evidence is
in your own paint.

You are a dead man.


You won't stop me now,
sir. Look for yourself.

I wanted to find them together.
I wanted her to see him die.

That painting proves only
that he painted her likeness.

Use your senses, man.

Are you a liar as
well as an adulterer?

Was Celeste here or not?

-She was here. -FATHER: Andre!

Put down that g*n!

Along with my honor?

is a hollow mockery,

when law and
authority are flaunted.

Now I tell you,
put down that g*n!


CELESTE: Dearest Paul,

by the time you read this...

I'll be on my way to France.

I must find a life of my
own apart from all of you.

I know you'll continue
with your painting.

And one day, the world
will recognize your genius.

History will never record
that I was ever on this island,

and Andre will
not be dishonored.

Tell my father that I love him.

Dear, gentle Paul...

I shall always
cherish the memory

of the fragment of borrowed
time we spent together.


It seems I've lost a daughter.

And I, my happiness.

Take the painting, sir.

I'm sure she would want you to.

I will carry her image
with me always...


RON: Marty, I'll
make a deal with you.

You walk away right
now, I give you my word

I'll never use any
of this against you.

Just leave, alone.

[CHUCKLES] Forget it.

Laura, he can't
make you go with him.

I have to.

She's right, you know.
I'm a known criminal.

She's already busted her
parole just being here with me.

RON: Now don't listen to him.

Laura, it's your
choice, not his.

You shut up!

You've got everything
going for you!

- Laura, you can make it now!
- He's conning you, baby.

RON: Now, you know I'm not...

Laura, I've never lied to
you about anything, have I?

- Can't you see he's conning you?
- Have I?


Then listen real good.

Laura, I was wrong.

I had to get my
head straightened out

about a few things, too.

That's why I came here now.

To tell you the bottom line.

Laura, I love you.
I always have.

That makes all the difference.

MARTY: That's it! We're
going, and you're going with me.

- Come on!
- LAURA: [SCREAMS] Get off!


You are not taking
Miss Jensen anywhere.

Not anymore.

Considering the
number of warrants

demanding your
arrest, I predict for you

an exceedingly busy
but very confined future,

Mr. Downs.

Take him.

Mr. Roarke, the
scar, it's come back.

Has it, Julie?

In any case, what
does it matter?

Mr. Martin doesn't see it.

And he never will.


Miss Valon.

I know this may sound
like a foolish question, but,

-I have to ask it. -Of course.

Was I really the
woman in that portrait?

What do you think?

I don't know.

Thank you.

A very special present,
Miss Valon, for you.

What is it?

The portrait of a
very beautiful woman.

-The painting? -ROARKE: Yes.

Oh, Mr. Roarke...

I don't know what to say.

You don't have to say anything.

After all, I am only giving you

something that
is rightfully yours.

Oh, thank you, Mr. Roarke.
Thank you so much.

Thank you for such
a beautiful memory.

-Miss Valon. -Thank you.

- Julie, thank you. Bye.
- Bye-bye.

Mr. Roarke, we both want
to thank you very much.

LAURA: For a lot of things.

Learning to love and to trust...

and learning to like myself.

Ah, yes. The ability to
assess one's own value,

not to oversell, no.

But also not to undersell
one's own potential

for good, for beauty...

and for love.

I'll remember that always.

Thank you, Miss Jensen.

- Goodbye, Mr. Roarke.
- Goodbye, Mr. Martin.

-Julie. -Bye-bye.


-JULIE: Mr. Roarke. -Yes?

The way she was wearing
her hair, I couldn't tell.

Does she still have the scar?

All you ever need to
know, my dear Julie,

is that all beauty exists where?

- In the eye of the beholder.
- Precisely.
