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01x10 - What Storm Is This That Blows So

Posted: 04/23/14 06:52
by bunniefuu
My name is Roman. Ten years ago, our ship crash-landed on Earth. We came here seeking refuge, but the humans thought that it was an invasion. That night, I met a human girl who tried to protect me a girl I never thought I'd see again. The surviving members of my race, the Atrians, were rounded up and isolated inside a militarized sector.

Now it's 2024.

Seven of us have been chosen to attend high school as a part of a government integration program. But the humans and Atrians continue to distrust each other, while I fight to protect my people and the human girl who saved my life at any cost.

Previously on Star-Crossed

My fellow Atrians. I have learned that Roman has taken up with a human girl.

What else could he be lying about?

Roman saved me with cyper.

If anyone finds out, I'm back to a life of tubes and needles, being studied like a lab rat along with the Atrians.

Help me understand how cyper works.

It stayed in your blood, Julia.

That makes you the only source of activated cyper.

I have to go.

I know you k*lled Zoe.

We should k*ll her.

What do you want? I'll let you know.

What do you want? Sweet dreams.

It's done.

Castor took away the one w*apon I had against him: the trust of our people.

Now a m*rder*r is in charge of the Sector.

The Hwatab will support you.

A lot of Atrians will.

Yeah, maybe.

But some also think I betrayed them by keeping my relationship with Emery a secret.

Hey, your friends are still gonna have your back.

Not all of them.

Why wasn't Teri on the bus? She must've left the Sector early.

I'll see if she's inside.

Hey! I heard what you said.

What are you planning? Shouldn't you be following around your human girl like a lost puppy? Are the Trags targeting Emery? And why would we do that? I know you're up to something.

You stay away from her.


But if Castor is trying to stop integration from happening I'm not gonna let that happen.

I mean, after everything we've been through black cyper, Trags, Red Hawk thugs I think we can handle my uncle.

Hey, guys.

You can come out now.

Everybody knows.

Apparently, an SEU guard took a video of the hologram and leaked it online.

Hey, Roman, what are you having for lunch? I hear Grayson's sloppy seconds are on the menu.


Humans, Atrians I guess you get down with just about anyone or anything, won't you? And yet you can't seem to get with a girl of any species, can you? Don't listen to those Neanderthals.

I think what you're doing is really brave.

I'm usually the tastemaker, but I'm glad you're paving the way this time.

Thanks, Taylor.

I'll see you guys later.

I said I'd let you know when I wanted something from you.

I'm not your bitch.

Well, I know you k*lled Zoe.

I saw your hands around her throat.

You don't have any proof.


Let's go talk to the cops, huh? We'll bring Roman.

He saw the whole thing and didn't do a damn thing to stop it.

Roman's innocent in all this.

Maybe, maybe not.

But you sure as hell aren't.

What do you want? I know there are Atrian radicals in the Sector.

The ones who blew up that guard's booth - a couple months ago.


What do you know about them? Look, you can talk to me or you can talk to the cops.

I don't care.

It's your call.

Silver lining time.

At least we can sit together during lunch.

Yeah, with our very own paparazzi.

Hey! Shoo, bottom feeders! I mean, they're different species.

Their babies will probably have flippers.


Oh, come on.

It was a joke.

Miss Yeung? I need to talk with you, please, in private.

I still can't believe Castor did this to you, Roman.

Yeah, well, there's a reason Dad didn't trust him.

May I cut in? Teri, what the hell? Accidents happen.

You okay? Yeah.

Julia, you remember Mr.

Burke? What's he doing here? It's okay, relax.

Nothing's gonna happen to you.

Or your family, as long as you cooperate.

I already told you where to get cyper.

I know.

Thank you for that.

We even managed to grow some of our own.

But unfortunately, the cyper didn't work as we intended.


Burke? We administered the cyper to rats suffering from leukemia.

Just like you were.

But unlike you, they were not cured.

In fact Cyper k*lled them.

Maybe cyper didn't cure me after all.

We think that there was another ingredient as well, like a catalyzing agent.

Which means that the answer is in your blood.


I'm not helping you.

Julia? You really don't want Mr.

Burke paying a visit to your parents.

Hold out your arm, please.

I called you both here to tell you that I support you.

But you need to be vigilant.

If anyone threatens you in any way, you come to me first.

The Red Hawks, obviously Screw the Red Hawks.

Just 'cause you let them rule your life doesn't mean I'm gonna let them rule mine.

Roman, she just wants us to be careful.


She wants us to be in hiding.

That's how you like it, right? Secret and under control? One of these days, I hope you'll learn to trust me, Roman.

Yes, Saul? Are you sure? Yes, I understand.

Effective immediately.

There's a hurricane coming our way.

A hurricane? Marshall High is now on lockdown.

An unseasonable hurricane has hit Louisiana, mystifying meteorologists as it slams the southeastern part of the state.

I've been put in charge of wrangling all the students in the cafeteria.

It's too late for me to leave.

Can I test Julia's blood sample here? Yeah.

In the lab.

Third floor.

Keep me up to date.

Got to go play teacher.

Are you worried about your parents? No.

They grew up here, so they're pretty used to this stuff.

You know, I'm more concerned that this hurricane came out of nowhere.

I mean, usually we have days to prepare, and we've never had one this time of the year.

I, uh, thought I might go check out some better satellite images.

You want some help? Yeah, sure.

Hey, everybody, listening up, please.

You need to stay away from the windows and the glass doors.

And you're permitted on the first floor only.

We can't let Grayson go to the police.

Even if we don't get locked up, the Trags could get wind of it, find out that we ruined their black cyper plan.

Grayson's not gonna go to the police right away.

He wants the information on what the Trags are planning for himself.

Probably wants to get us all sent to the Crate.

You know, you were right.

We should've just let Zoe k*ll him.

All right, we'll just, uh we'll-we'll find a way to deal with him.

Just keep buying time.

Have you seen Teri? No.

Why? She's up to something.

I think she's after Emery.


I know things are weird between us right now, and that's gonna make it harder for you to hear what I have to say.

It's about Roman.

You can't trust him.

Grayson - There are things you don't know about him; he has secrets.

Not from me he doesn't.

Look, you can't It's not safe to be around him.

Let her go.

Touch her again, I'll k*ll you! - Stop, stop, stop! The guards see you throw the first punch, they'll be all over you.

Still think he's not dangerous? What was that about? He grabbed your arm.

Have you seen Teri? Roman, what is going on? You have to tell me.

No, no, no.

I need to find Teri.


All these dark empty classrooms.

Whatever will we do with ourselves? Now's not a good time.

If we get caught - Oh, please.

Is it really all that taboo now that Roman and Emery are out? Yeah.

I mean, look at the welcome party they're getting.

Need I remind you, we were the ones on the cutting edge.

I say we start acting like it.

Find me later, okay? Yeah.

What did you do to Roman? Can you be more specific? He's got a hair-trigger temper all of a sudden.

Acting on impulse.

I can recognize a vatal trip when I see one.

And why would I drug Roman? To get back at him for taking up with Emery.

Admit it, you're jealous.

Jealous? Of that unmarked insect? Please.

Roman thought you were up to something for the Trags today.

And you're not a Trag anymore.

I got your text message.

What's up? Atrian leukocytes.

That's the catalyst.

For conclusive results, I would need Atrian blood.

A lot of it.

I'd practically need to drain one dry.

Okay, well, we've got seven Atrians stuck under this roof to choose from.

Pick one.

Does Taylor know she's sleeping with the guy who k*lled her best friend? She's a friend of mine.

I think she should know the truth.

Don't you? You don't want to do that.

Then give me something.

You know those Atrian radicals you were worried about? They're called the Trags.

Roman and I we're trying to stop them.

So I'm supposed to believe you're the good guys? And Zoe was, what? Collateral damage? You can believe what you want.

It's the truth.

Then give me a name.

Someone who knows the Trags' plan.

I don't have a name for you.

There are six other Atrians in this school, Drake.

I suggest you start asking around, get me a name by the end of the day.

Oh, and unless you want me to tell the cops and Taylor everything I know about Zoe, you need to end it with her.

'Cause I won't have her become collateral damage, too.


Why are you looking for Teri? She is up to something.

I know it.

It's just that every time I look for her, I keep feeling like something's going to happen to you, and and just I'm so turned around.


Come with me.

Come on.

What? Roman.

Roman look at me.

Tell me what's going on.

Slow down.

I just want you so bad.

Okay, you need to cool off.

I need some air.


Emery! Have you talked to Julia today? Um, not since this morning.

Why? I said something stupid, and now she's avoiding me.

Could you check on her, maybe? I don't know what Eric said, but I think this hurricane is officially making every boy in this school go insane.

You okay?

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

Okay, you most definitely are not.

What is that? Is that a needle mark? Jules, what is going on?

I can't tell you.

Yes, you can.

No, you have to keep this between us.

It's Miss Benton.

She's only working here so she can get closer to the Atrians so she can figure out the secret of cyper.

Does she know you were cured by cyper?

But she doesn't know that Roman has to mix it with his blood.

At least not yet.

Her associate just took a sample of mine.
I'm sorry. I should have told you weeks ago. I was just so scared. They threatened to poison my dad.

Em, I don't know what to do.

It's okay. You're not in this alone anymore. We'll fix it.


Oh, good, you're here.

I've been thinking.

Marshall's Winter Blast is coming up.

What better way to announce our coming out as a couple than a choreographed dance number? I'm not sure I'm cut out for this.

Oh, no, sure you are.

Come on, Twinkle Toes.

Mm, mm, show me what you got.

Mm, mm - Stop, stop.

Listen to me.

I don't want this.

What are you talking about? After seeing everything that Roman and Emery have to deal with uh I can't.

I'm sorry.

It's over.

Drake, wait.

I know that it's not supposed to be easy, but some things are worth fighting for, aren't they? Yeah, they are.

I just don't think you and me are worth fighting for.

Drake The storm is moving south through Edendale, but check out these images.

Look where it formed.

Right above the Atrian ship? Your ship couldn't have created this, right? I mean, that's crazy.

The ship has artificial gravity generators.

If they got activated somehow and directed outward, it could create an area of low pressure.

Do you think it's some sort of malfunction? It has to be.

I mean, who would intentionally start a hurricane? Roman! I need your help.

It's Julia.

No, I've got to I'm trying to follow Teri.

I-I cannot be in two places at once.

Roman, it's important.

Miss Benton took Julia's blood.

She's trying to figure out how cyper works.

What? If she if she has Julia's blood, then she has everything.

Well, then we need to figure out a way to stop her before she can test the sample.

This is all your fault.

What? Helping you always comes at a cost.

I saved Julia's life for you, and now she's endangered the secret of cyper.

I-I gave up being a leader to my people to protect you.

Now Castor's in charge, and now my people have turned against me.

Any time that I have to pick between you and what's best for the Atrians, I always choose you, and that's always the wrong choice.

I never asked you to do any of that.

No, you're right.

That's the problem.

Y-You're my weakness.


Don't help me.

But do yourself a favor and go find someplace quiet to pull your head together before you hurt someone else.

It's okay, everybody.

The school's got a backup generator.

It'll kick in in a second.

Did you talk to Roman? He can't help us.

He has to.

Roman's going through something.

I-I can't explain it.

Trust me, we're better off on our own.

What are we gonna do? Maybe there's a way to contaminate the blood sample you gave Burke.

Do you know where he went? I saw him head upstairs.

Bio lab? Le's go.

The further we are from her, the better.


I don't want this.

I don't want this.

I think I saw a flashlight in here.

Uh I'll go wait outside.

I didn't want this.

You have to believe me.

You don't need her; you have me.

You are the last thing that I need.

You don't mean that.

You and I were never good together.

With you, it's all about power and mind games.

You're twisted, and you bring out the worst in people.

With Emery, I'm who I want to be, and this is not it.


I can't talk; I need to find Emery.


I'm sorry.

I don't know what's going on with me.

You having a hard time concentrating? Getting impulsive, violent, saying and doing things you normally would hold back? Teri drugged you with vatal.

You need to lie low until it wears off.

No, I I can't.

That's what Teri wants, for me to lose focus so I can't protect Emery.

In this condition, you're not protecting anyone.

Look, stay here until I get back, and I'll keep a lookout for Teri and Emery.

Sit tight.

Okay, no sign of Burke.

Where would the blood sample be? Oh, there it is.

What's Teri doing here? Hello, there.


Brock's in the cafeteria recruiting guys for a new and improved Red Hawks.

He says it's your idea.

I was gonna talk to you about this.

You're serious? I got the inside track with the Atrians, okay? Found out about this t*rror1st group they're called the Trags.

And you know this how? I just do.

Just trust me, okay? And that's why I'm starting this new group.

Forget the old Red Hawks, with their hate and their v*olence.

Now we can focus on what's really important: what these Trags are up to.

The last time I ran with the Red Hawks, I almost wound up in jail.

You were the one that convinced me to get out.

That's before I knew the truth.

Some of these Atrians can't be trusted.

For all we know, they've already started their plan against the humans.

Grayson, your parents were the leaders of the old Red Hawks, and now your mom's behind bars.

I don't want to see you go down the same road as her.

The threat is real, okay? And if you don't see that, fine.

But don't try and stop me.

She'll die if he doesn't stop.

We have to do something.

If he sees us, we're dead.


Wait, let me find a better signal.


Teri, wake up.

Can you hear me? It's Emery.

We need to hurry.

Help get her up.

Come on.

You aren't leaving, are you? Let us go.

Run! Go! Go, go! Come on, Teri.

Come on.

Get away from her! Help! Somebody help! Please! Somebody help! That's enough! Roman! That's enough! Roman! That's enough.

Look at me.

We'll tell Gloria what we found.

She'll call the National Guard, and they'll go to the ship and shut down the gravitational field.

Lukas, wait.

Maybe we shouldn't.

What if it's not an accident? What if someone wanted to cause the storm? I mean, only an Atrian knows how to do that.

And all the Atrians are in the Sector, except for the Seven.


Are-are you telling me that one of the Seven is a t*rror1st? I don't know.

But if it is an Atrian and the truth comes out, then no more Integration Program.

No more freedom.

They could send us all to the Crate.

Look, I don't want that to happen, but this storm is tearing up my town.

We can't sit back and do nothing.


The storm it looks like it's winding down.

Just wait ten minutes.

If it doesn't clear, you can call Gloria.


Ten minutes.

Mom? Call me when you get this, it's really important.

I just went looking for Mr.

Burke, and I found the lab destroyed.

You know anything about that? I'm not helping you anymore.

I saw what Burke did to Teri.

It's over.

It's over when I say it's over.

And if I were you, Julia, I'd keep quiet about what Miss Benton! Step away from Julia.

Is there a problem, Ms.

Garcia? You were just threatening a student, so yes, I'd say there is.

I have you and your associate Mr.

Burke on the hook for extortion, kidnapping, attempted m*rder.

And by being complicit in assaulting an Atrian student, you just became a national security risk.

Emergency procedures have been lifted.

Please exit in an orderly fashion.

School will resume tomorrow as scheduled.

Thank you.

If it wasn't for you, that creepy guy would have drained every drop of blood from my body.

I almost beat a man to death because you drugged me with vatal.

Looks like it's already wearing off.

You'll be back to being dependable inhibited Roman before you know it.

I used to think we were still friends.

I was wrong.

What, you're not gonna say good-bye? I already dumped Taylor.

What else do you want? You owe me a name.

You want a name? Me.

I was a Trag.

I'm not anymore, but I can get you the information you want.

You just got to give me more time.

You're saying you used to be Trag? So how do I know you're not anymore? 'Cause if I was you wouldn't be alive.

The storm appears to be dissipating as quickly as it appeared.

Thank you.

For not telling anyone about the ship.

The storm let up.

But if what you said was true, that one of the Seven is in fact a t*rror1st, then the danger's not really over, is it? Taylor.

Is everything okay? Can I ask you something? Do you think that I'm the kind of girl that's worth fighting for? I think you're the kind of girl people go to w*r for.


Julia! I was I was looking for you inside.

I thought maybe you were avoiding me.

I wasn't avoiding you.

I had something I needed to take care of.

Uh, it was dumb, what I said about Roman and Emery.

Some habits are hard to break, you know? I-I was talking to a friend of mine today, and the way he was going on about the Atrians, his paranoia he-he was obsessed.

It made me realize I used to be that guy.

And I really don't want to be.

I'm sorry.

I-I'm not trying to be jerk or anything.

You are You're the kindest person I've ever met.

And I don't want to bog you down with my crap.

I think What? Nothing, nothing.

It's just, for a ni girl, you sure don't kiss like one.


You were right; I wasn't myself today.

Teri drugged me with an Atrian herb called vatal.

It's takes away all your self-control.

Basically, your ability to think clearly.

So everything you did and said was because of the drug? I would never say or do any of those thoughtless or hurtful things if I was in my right mind.

I know it sounds crazy, but I need you to believe me.

I need you to forgive me.

After the day we've had, nothing sounds crazy.

Vatal it takes away your self-control, but it doesn't change how you really feel, does it? If this is about Teri, you have to know I pushed her away.

There is nothing between us.

It isn't just about Teri.

I've been thinking about what you said, and even if you didn't mean to be hurtful, it's all true.

No, it's not.

I make it harder for you to protect your people.

They're never going to fully trust you as long as you're with me.

Emery Drugged or not you were right.

I'm your weakness.

And I don't want to be.

What are you saying? That maybe we shouldn't be together.

Hey don't say that.

We have been through so much.

We can get through this.

Maybe someday things will be different and the world will change.

But right now, this is how it has to be.


I'm not letting go.

I have to make the choice for both of us.

Roman? Lukas and I were looking into how the hurricane started, and I think it has something to do with our ship.

What? Well, the storm originated right above it, and the ship's artificial gravity fields could've stirred up the atmosphere and caused the storm.

It's the only explanation.

Do you think the Trags could've had something to do with it? Actually, I wouldn't put it past them.

But why would they go to all this trouble or cause all this damage? Hey, thanks for telling me.

I'll-I'll see you back at the pod.

We're all here today because we know something most people don't: that there are Atrian t*rrorists.

They're known as "Trags," and they're planning a strike against humans.

We're gonna stop those Tatties, even if we have to burn their Sector to the ground.


That's how the old Red Hawks.

We're leaving that behind us.

We need to be smart and relentless in our pursuit.

We have an informant that knows how the Trags operate.

We can find out what they're gonna do, and we can stop them.

And we won't rest until every Atrian that wants to hurt us is rooted out and brought to justice.

We're the New Red Hawks.

I was right about Teri.

She and the Trags were up to something, but it has nothing to do with Emery.

Those are the guys I saw her with this morning.

The vatal kept me from seeing the truth.

The Trags were using the hurricane as a cover.

They created a storm so that the hidden Trags could smuggle things into the Sector? The question is: what for? When my mom returned to the Sector, Vega wanted her to build something called the Suvek for the Trags, but she refused.

Suvek that means blast or flash.

You think it's some kind of b*mb? If it is, it's a big one.

The way my mom talked, she said that this Suvek is gonna kick off the Trags' w*r against the humans.

The Trags might have started building it, but it's up to us to make sure they don't finish.